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Russian grammar 1980 pdf. Russian grammar

Old USSR textbooks

Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Editorial team: Academician V.V. Vinogradov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences E.S. Istrina, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences S.G. Barkhudarov



The second book of the second volume was not found online.

Volume 1. Phonetics and morphology


The Russian Language Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences has made some corrections to this publication.


The purpose of this publication is to give the broadest possible grammatical characteristics of modern Russian literary language as a national language.

General grammatical provisions, grammatical laws and individual grammatical rules are derived from language practice itself, but at the same time they guide and organize language practice, the speech activity of speakers of a given language.

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A conscious attitude to the grammatical structure of the language, to its basic laws and individual private rules contributes to a more correct use of the native speech acquired from childhood, a more accurate expression of thoughts and a better understanding of everything heard and read. At the same time, a conscious attitude to the grammatical structure of speech contributes to the improvement of the national language and the raising of its culture. Therefore, descriptive normative grammar, based on the scientific development of issues of linguistic structure, is of great practical importance for a wide circle of speakers and writers.

The grammatical structure of a language is created over centuries; it continuously, although very slowly, changes; in this continuous slow process, new phenomena arise next to the persisting old phenomena, as a result of which variations in pronunciation, stress, word forms, and variations in the field of syntactic structure are observed in the language. Variants appear in the literary language also as a result of constant communication and interaction of the literary language with folk dialects, the features of which, to one degree or another, have always penetrated and continue to penetrate into the literary language..........

Volume 2 (1). Syntax


“Grammar of the Russian Language” in two volumes (three books) was prepared for publication by the Sector of Modern Russian Language of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences and was published in 1952 - 1954.

Due to numerous demands from readers, the Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences is releasing an additional edition of “Grammar”.

The Russian Language Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences has made some corrections to this publication.


The second volume of the academic “Russian Grammar”, containing syntax, sets itself the task detailed description the main types of phrases and sentences (simple and complex) in the modern Russian language.

To accomplish this task, it was necessary to attract as much syntactic material as possible from the language of classical Russian and modern Soviet literature. The abundance of examples and illustrations is justified by the authors’ desire not only to describe, but also to clearly show typical cases of the use of various syntactic constructions. This could not but affect the volume of the second volume of “Russian Grammar”.

Work on the classification and description of syntactic phenomena of the modern Russian language, related to the structure of simple and complex sentences, began at the Institute of the Russian Language in 1946. The result of this work was a series of written chapters from sections containing a description of the structure of a simple sentence and different types complex sentence (total volume of more than 30 printed sheets). With the establishment of the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the direction and organization of work on the second volume of “Grammar of the Russian Language” changed radically. The section of syntax, which was missing in the previous plan, containing a description of the types and forms of phrases, took its rightful place. In connection with the expansion and deepening of the syntactic doctrine of word combinations, the research plan had to undergo significant changes, as well as the presentation of those issues of Russian syntax that relate to the doctrine of simple sentence, its members, its varieties, about complex sentence and its types. The previously prepared syntax chapters were completely revised, and a number of chapters were written anew.

The team of authors who took an active part in the preparation of the academic “Syntax” has expanded significantly. The theoretical introduction to “Syntax” was written by academician. V. V. Vinogradov. The authors of the chapters devoted to the description of the categories and forms of phrases are: V. A. Beloshapkova (“Phrase combinations of nouns with nouns”, “Phrase combinations of nouns with adverbs”, “Phrase combinations of nouns with an infinitive”), E. A. Zemskaya ( “Verbal phrases with infinitive”), N. N. Prokopovich

(“Phrases of nouns with adjectives, pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers and participles”, “Phrases with an adjective as the main word”, “Phrases with a pronoun as the main word”, “Phrases with a numeral as the main word”) and V. M. Filippova (“Verb phrases with nouns”, “Verb phrases with adverbs”, “Phrases with an adverb as the main word”), The following authors participated in the writing of chapters related to the presentation of the doctrine of a simple sentence: E M. Galkina-Fedoruk (“Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement. ..............

Download the USSR textbook - Russian Grammar. Volumes 1 and 2 - 1960

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Cm. Excerpt from the textbook...

Excerpt from the textbook: Teaching Russian in 4th grade, 1981


The study of vocabulary in the school course of the Russian language is important for the knowledge of the lexical system, the relationship between grammar and vocabulary, creates conditions for the development of students’ speech - mastery lexical norms and enrichment of vocabulary.

At school, vocabulary (vocabulary) of the Russian language is studied in the following areas: lexical meaning words; use and origin of words. Everything related to the lexical meaning of a word is studied in grade IV, and with its use and origin - in grade V.

In grade IV, the following lexical concepts are studied: “lexical meaning of a word”, “polysemantic and unambiguous words”, “direct and figurative meaning of a word”, “homonyms”, “synonyms”, “antonyms”. In addition, in fourth grade, students are introduced to some concepts of lexicography: “ Dictionary", "dictionary entry" (without defining these concepts).

In the process of studying vocabulary, schoolchildren learn: 1) determine the lexical meaning of commonly used words; 2) distinguish between lexical and morphological meanings in a word; 3) find the studied lexical phenomena in the text; 4) select synonyms and antonyms for words; 5) use an explanatory dictionary.

A word is considered from the point of view of its function (role) in the language (it is a means of naming something) and from the point of view of its lexical meaning (it serves to designate a specific object, feature, action, for example: table, red, write, five, he).

In the school vocabulary course, almost all lexico-grammatical groups of independent words are used as didactic material, since they are carriers of lexical meaning directly related to the real world. Two lexical and grammatical groupings of independent words - numerals and pronouns - are not used for analysis in the school vocabulary course due to the specificity of their lexical meaning - the names of the elements number series(for numerals) and an indication of the subject, attribute, quantity (for pronouns).

Words are considered from the point of view of the depth of their semantics (unambiguous and polysemantic), as well as from the point of view of associations that arise between them, as a result of which words are combined into synonymous and antonymic series. An important role in the school vocabulary course is played by work on the emotionally charged meanings of words, with the help of which the speaker’s and writer’s attitude towards someone or something is expressed.

In the process of becoming familiar with lexical phenomena studied in fourth grade, it is necessary to take into account the following methodological principles: correlation of a word with the object, feature or action it denotes, correlation of lexical meaning with grammatical (word-formative and morphological). To implement the first principle, the textbook provides drawings illustrating such concepts as “polysemantic and unambiguous words”, “synonyms”, “antonyms”.

To teach children to distinguish lexical phenomena that are similar in some way, it is necessary to rely on the relationship between the lexical meaning and the morphological features of words. For example, revealing the essence of homonymy of words (as opposed to polysemy), it is advisable to draw children’s attention to the identical spelling of homonyms (key1 and key2) and to their belonging to the same part of speech (both nouns) with a completely different lexical the meaning of these words.

To study lexicological concepts, teacher explanations and observations of lexical phenomena are used. The explanation is used in relation to those lexicological concepts, when studying which one cannot rely on the relationship between the word and the object denoted by this word, for example, when studying such concepts as “word”, “vocabulary composition”, “lexical meaning” ", "figurative meaning of the word." Observations are applied to those lexical phenomena, in the study of which one can rely on the relationship between the word and the object it denotes, for example: “polysemantic and single-valued words”, “homonyms”, “synonyms”, “antonyms”. The explanation is presented in the textbook in the form of a presentation of ready-made theoretical information. Observational material allows students to extract all the necessary information about the phenomenon being studied.

Definitions of linguistic phenomena, the essence of which is revealed by the teacher, are included in the author's text. Definitions of those linguistic phenomena, the essence of which is explained on the basis of observations, are given separately, after the material for observation. In a strong class, the definition can be derived based on an analysis of the observation material, followed by checking its correctness using the textbook, and in a weak class, the definition can be read from the textbook, followed by an analysis of the elements of its content and structure.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge about lexical phenomena, the following types of exercises are used: 1) search in the text for the studied lexical phenomena; 2) grouping of studied lexical phenomena; 3) selection of words related to certain phenomena studied; 4) compiling tables of studied lexical phenomena; 5) identifying the functions of the studied lexical phenomena in the text; 6) use of studied lexical phenomena in one’s own speech.

In the work on vocabulary in the fourth grade, two stages are distinguished: the study of lexicological concepts in special lessons and work on vocabulary when studying non-lexicological topics.

When studying vocabulary, it is necessary to repeat what has been learned in phonetics and spelling, syntax and punctuation, using both textbook exercises and educational dictations.


At this stage of work on vocabulary, students master the definitions of lexicological concepts, learn systemic connections between words and master lexicological skills.

IN primary school in practical terms (without terms and definition of the concept), words close and opposite in meaning were studied. In fact, all vocabulary material is new to students. This must be kept in mind when explaining the essence of lexicological concepts.

The first vocabulary lesson has great importance in developing students’ interest in a new branch of the science of language and in the vocabulary of the Russian language (it is carried out on the basis of § 42),

The objectives are to familiarize students with: 1) one of the basic units of language - the word; 2) with the section of the science of language - vocabulary; 3) with the vocabulary richness of the Russian language; 4) with an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language; develop in children: 1) interest

to the word and to vocabulary as a special branch of the science of language; 2) the desire to enrich your vocabulary and use words correctly in your own speech.

To explain and consolidate new material, the teacher’s explanation and conversation are used, interspersed with each other. It is advisable to report new information in the following sequence: 1) words - construction material language; 2) what is the lexical meaning of the word; 3) explanatory dictionary; 4) lexical and morphological meaning in the word; 5) word and word combination.

I. Repetition of what has been learned: “What units of language have we studied?” (Sound in phonetics; phrase, sentence, text -

in syntax.) In a weak class: “What did we study in phonetics? In syntax?

1G. Explanation of something new. 1. Conversation:

While studying sounds, phrases, sentences, text, we dealt with words. Today we will get acquainted with a new section of the science of language, in which words, their meaning, and the use of words are specifically studied. Words are, as it were, the building material of language. Without them there is no language. Without knowing words, you cannot know the language and use it as a means of communication. All the words of a language form its vocabulary, or vocabulary (the teacher writes the word vocabulary on the board). There are many words in the Russian language. How much? Let's read the text of exercise 282, and we will get the answer to this question (written assignments are also completed).

Then a conversation is held based on the text of this exercise:

How many words in big dictionary Russian language? Are all the words of the Russian language recorded in it?

This part of the lesson ends with the following message from the teacher:

The exact number of words in the language is unknown, since they constantly appear, and some of them disappear from the language. There are a lot of special words, proper names, of which there are hundreds of thousands. Each person speaks only part of the entire vocabulary of the language. Some have a large vocabulary. For example, the dictionary of A. S. Pushkin’s works is about 22 thousand words. Others have a small vocabulary. The more words a person speaks, the richer and more precise his speech is. You need to constantly expand your vocabulary, and for this you should read more, take an interest in the meaning and use of unfamiliar words.

Words serve in the language to name individual objects, their characteristics, and actions. For example, we use the word dove to mean “a bird with grayish-blue or white plumage and a large goiter”1. What a word means is its lexical meaning. We use words to construct sentences according to the rules of grammar. This is how the word participates in the expression of thought.

To check whether basic information about a word has been learned, it is advisable to ask the following questions: what are words used in a language? (To designate objects, their signs, actions.) How do words differ from each other? (By its sound and lexical meaning.)

2.Teacher’s message about the explanatory dictionary:

Words are collected in special books called dictionaries. They explain the meaning and use of words, so

Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. 9th ed. M., 1972.

  • Grammar games and riddles (Kondrashov) 1961 download Soviet textbook
  • RUSSIAN SPELLING (Grotto) 1894 download pre-Soviet textbook

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search words

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values is a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

[download: djvu 15.2Mb, 784 pp., OCR]

Publisher's abstract

“Russian Grammar” contains a description of the grammatical and sound structure of the modern Russian literary language. The book is based on materials extracted from a variety of genres written sources, as well as on materials of colloquial literary speech. Scientific description linguistic phenomena are accompanied by normative and stylistic characteristics.

“Russian Grammar” consists of two volumes:

Vol. I- “Phonetics. Phonology. Emphasis. Intonation. Introduction to morphemics. Word formation. Morphology";
Vol. II - “Syntax”. T. I opens with a “Preface” and “Introduction” common to the entire “Grammar”.

In Volume I, all the necessary accentual and morphonological characteristics of words and forms are included in the sections “Word Formation” and “Morphology”. The main sections within the volumes are accompanied by lists of specialized literature. Each volume is provided with a subject index.

Editorial team:
Doctor of Philology N. Yu. SHVEDOVA
(Chief Editor),
Doctor of Philology N. D. ARUTYUNOVA,
Doctor of Philology A. V. BONDARKO,
Doctor of Philology Val. You. IVANOV,
Doctor of Philology V. V. LOPATIN,
Doctor of Philology I. S. UL U KHANOV,
Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences F. P. FILIN
Reviewers for Volume I:
Doctor of Philological Sciences Yu. S. MASLOV,
Doctor of Philology D. N. SHMELEV

Approved for publication
Russian Language Institute
Academy of Sciences of the USSR

Russian Grammar (book, 1980) This term has other meanings, see Grammar of the Russian language. “Russian Grammar” (“Grammar 80”, “AG 80”) two-volume academic descriptive and normative grammar of the Russian language, ... ... Wikipedia

Russian Grammar (1980)- This term has other meanings, see Russian grammar. “Russian Grammar” (“Grammar 80”, “AG 80”) is a two-volume academic descriptive and normative grammar of the Russian language, published by the Nauka publishing house in 1980... ... Wikipedia

Grammar (language description)- This term has other meanings, see Grammar (meanings). Church grammar Slavic language Meletius Smotrytsky ... Wikipedia

Grammar (as a description of a language)- Grammar as a description of language is a scientific work that describes grammatical structure language. It is the fruit of the work of scientists involved in grammar as a science. Depending on the audience they are addressed to, they stand out... ... Wikipedia

Russian literature- I. INTRODUCTION II. RUSSIAN ORAL POETRY A. Periodization of the history of oral poetry B. Development of ancient oral poetry 1. The most ancient origins of oral poetry. Oral poetry creativity ancient Rus' from the 10th to the middle of the 16th century. 2.Oral poetry from the middle of the 16th century to the end... ... Literary encyclopedia

List of Russian-speaking Japanese scholars- compiled on the basis of the reference book by S. D. Miliband “Orientalists of Russia” (in 2 vols. M.: Vost. lit., 2008) The list, as a rule, does not include translators of Japanese literature (except for cases when the translation is accompanied by a commentary and has ... ... Wikipedia

Russian studies- as a philological term, it has a dual content. In a broad sense, Russian studies is a field of philology that deals with the Russian language, literature, and verbal folklore; in the narrow sense of the word, Russian studies is the science of the Russian language in its history and... ...

Russian grammars (books)- Russian grammars or grammars of the Russian language are scientific works that describe the grammatical structure of the Russian language. Contents 1 The first grammars of the Slavic language 2 ... Wikipedia

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE - academic subject at school Ros. Federation. Involves mastering phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology and syntax, as well as the history of language. In addition to the composition and structure linguistic units their compatibility is considered and... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

Face- Person is a grammatical inflectional category of a verb (in some languages ​​also a name in the predicate position), denoting the relation of the subject of an action (process, quality) (sometimes also an object) to to the speaking person. The category of face is also inherent... ... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

[download: djvu 15.2Mb, 784 pp., OCR]

Publisher's abstract

“Russian Grammar” contains a description of the grammatical and sound structure of the modern Russian literary language. The book is based on materials extracted from written sources of various genres, as well as materials from colloquial literary speech. The scientific description of linguistic phenomena is accompanied by normative and stylistic characteristics.

“Russian Grammar” consists of two volumes:

Vol. I- “Phonetics. Phonology. Emphasis. Intonation. Introduction to morphemics. Word formation. Morphology";
Vol. II - “Syntax”. T. I opens with a “Preface” and “Introduction” common to the entire “Grammar”.

In Volume I, all the necessary accentual and morphonological characteristics of words and forms are included in the sections “Word Formation” and “Morphology”. The main sections within the volumes are accompanied by lists of specialized literature. Each volume is provided with a subject index.

Editorial team:
Doctor of Philology N. Yu. SHVEDOVA
(Chief Editor),
Doctor of Philology N. D. ARUTYUNOVA,
Doctor of Philology A. V. BONDARKO,
Doctor of Philology Val. You. IVANOV,
Doctor of Philology V. V. LOPATIN,
Doctor of Philology I. S. UL U KHANOV,
Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences F. P. FILIN
Reviewers for Volume I:
Doctor of Philological Sciences Yu. S. MASLOV,
Doctor of Philology D. N. SHMELEV

Approved for publication
Russian Language Institute
Academy of Sciences of the USSR