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List of red talents in Prime World for all classes. Free online game Prime World Talents legendary epic prime world

Welcome to the official prime world website, where you can always find out the latest news about innovations, read a detailed description of the game's features, discuss the game on the forum and view a gallery of screenshots and videos.

The Prime World game itself is a social strategy game that successfully combines the ability to manage a castle and tactical battles. Participants choose the warring faction on whose side they would like to fight, manage their own castle, gather heroes and take part in ruthless battles. Also an addictive game prime world is based on a completely new social interaction between players for such projects.

The pv game has both male and female characters who interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

Description of the game Prime World

The online game will appeal not only to fans of strategy, but also to players who prefer other genres, and regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself in the world of Prime World. IN pw everyone is given the freedom to do what they are passionate about. You can build, mine resources, collect skills and talents, and create new heroes thanks to all this. While some players will take part in battles with enemies, you can support them with bonuses obtained by winning mini-games directly on the tactical map.

The essence Online Games consists of confronting two factions: the Dokt Empire and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to gain power over the prime during endless battles. In turn, prime is a magical alien substance that can change the world around us, with the help of which you can control it. In other words, the faction that has prime rules the world.

While playing online PV, participants will be able to collect a whole collection of heroes with all sorts of talents, control their favorite character in a skirmish mode similar to DotA, they can also become the owner of their own castle, carry out assignments and fight with other commanders.

Prime World - online game, which allows everyone to be themselves, men can become real victorious warriors, and girls can transform into beautiful healers who inspire their knights to great deeds.

Welcome to the official prime world website, where you can always find out the latest news about innovations, read a detailed description of the game's features, discuss the game on the forum and view a gallery of screenshots and videos.

The Prime World game itself is a social strategy game that successfully combines the ability to manage a castle and tactical battles. Participants choose the warring faction on whose side they would like to fight, manage their own castle, gather heroes and take part in ruthless battles. Also an addictive game prime world is based on a completely new social interaction between players for such projects.

The pv game has both male and female characters who interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

Description of the game Prime World

The online game will appeal not only to fans of strategy, but also to players who prefer other genres, and regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself in the world of Prime World. IN pw everyone is given the freedom to do what they are passionate about. You can build, mine resources, collect skills and talents, and create new heroes thanks to all this. While some players will take part in battles with enemies, you can support them with bonuses obtained by winning mini-games directly on the tactical map.

The essence Online Games consists of confronting two factions: the Dokt Empire and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to gain power over the prime during endless battles. In turn, prime is a magical alien substance that can change the world around us, with the help of which you can control it. In other words, the faction that has prime rules the world.

While playing online PV, participants will be able to collect a whole collection of heroes with all sorts of talents, control their favorite character in a skirmish mode similar to DotA, they can also become the owner of their own castle, carry out assignments and fight with other commanders.

Prime World - online game, which allows everyone to be themselves, men can become real victorious warriors, and girls can transform into beautiful healers who inspire their knights to great deeds.

Legendary skills come in sets of several builds. Let's briefly describe some sets of red talents in Prime World.

With the help of the “Path of the Dragon” build, the hero turns into a baby dragon for a short time, invulnerable to enemy attacks. Another interesting build is Curse of Terror - it makes the Dread Fervor talent activated, so .

Rounding out this list in Prime World is “Unwavering Celebration.” When using this set, negative effects are removed from an ally, and positive effects are removed from an enemy. In addition, the first one restores health, and the second one takes magic damage.

By collecting such a set, you will give additional power to both the hero and your team. It is useful for clan heads to make a new list of players who have become owners of legendary sets in order to wisely use their newly acquired strengths in battle.

How to mine

Making a list of sets is not enough for them to appear at your disposal. Legendary talents do not drop as a reward for victory; they cannot be forged at the Forge for blue crystals. There is only one thing left to do - earn legendary crystals and go to the Forge with them. For training one legendary skill, 3 orange talents are reforged for 10 red crystals.

Another way to get new sets is to stop by the fair, where legendary skills are sometimes offered. The board is the same - red crystals.

Welcome to the official prime world website, where you can always find out the latest news about innovations, read a detailed description of the game's features, discuss the game on the forum and view a gallery of screenshots and videos.

The Prime World game itself is a social strategy game that successfully combines the ability to manage a castle and tactical battles. Participants choose the warring faction on whose side they would like to fight, manage their own castle, gather heroes and take part in ruthless battles. Also an addictive game prime world is based on a completely new social interaction between players for such projects.

The pv game has both male and female characters who interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

Description of the game Prime World

The online game will appeal not only to fans of strategy, but also to players who prefer other genres, and regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself in the world of Prime World. IN pw everyone is given the freedom to do what they are passionate about. You can build, mine resources, collect skills and talents, and create new heroes thanks to all this. While some players will take part in battles with enemies, you can support them with bonuses obtained by winning mini-games directly on the tactical map.

The essence Online Games consists of confronting two factions: the Dokt Empire and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to gain power over the prime during endless battles. In turn, prime is a magical alien substance that can change the world around us, with the help of which you can control it. In other words, the faction that has prime rules the world.

While playing online PV, participants will be able to collect a whole collection of heroes with all sorts of talents, control their favorite character in a skirmish mode similar to DotA, they can also become the owner of their own castle, carry out assignments and fight with other commanders.

Prime World - online game, which allows everyone to be themselves, men can become real victorious warriors, and girls can transform into beautiful healers who inspire their knights to great deeds.

Lords and Ladies!

11.9.2 update is live on our servers, and the Heroes are ready to greet their Lords and Ladies!

A new set of talents is coming to Praya - Legendary Portents!

It consists of 4 subsets, full of talents which can be useful to any Hero in the game.

New set’s mechanic is built around changing the ground Heroes are fighting on. Part of the subsets can change the ground (from hostile to native), and another part of them can provide Heroes different bonuses for standing on native or neutral ground.

Please remember that as soon as the new set is introduced to you in the game, fourth set of talents, “Legendary Epic”, will become unavailable for purchase at the Fair.

However, the possibility of creating talents from that set in the Forge/Garden of Talents and in the Talent Collection will remain.

The first set we will be talking about is a perfect fit for Support Heroes and those who prefer to fight in the first rows.

Two talents from this set in a build will boost up wielder’s Cunning or Agility, whichever the greater. The set active bonus will allow the Hero to cast a fireball which will deal damage to all enemy Heroes standing next to the point of its landing and turn hostile ground into native ground.

Subset’s talents are focusing on dealing as much damage as possible:

Astrologer's disgrace

  • Required row: V;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 1160;
  • Increases Strength or Intelligence, whichever the greater, by 15;
  • 2 seconds after using, the talent summons a meteorite which deals damage to enemy Heroes (equal to 15% of their maximum Health) and turns hostile ground into a neutral one;
  • Cooldown: 180 seconds

Astrologer's mastery

  • Required row: III;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 675;

Astrologer's insolence

  • Required row: IV;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 825;
  • Increases Agility by 13;

Astrologer's guile

  • Required row: IV;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 825;;
  • Increases Cunning by 13;

The second subset we are going to write about has proven itself particularly useful for Defender class Heroes.

  • If you have 2 talents from the subset in a Hero’s build, his/her Stamina or Will will get boosted up additionally.
  • 3 talents from the subset in a build will make a Hero able to use an active ability which will create a special “glade” on the ground. Nor ally Heroes, nor enemy Heroes will be able to escape from it for a while. Hostile ground the “glade” was cast on will turn into a native one, and the damage, received by ally Heroes standing on it, gets decreased by 10%.
  • Required row: V;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 1160;
  • Increases Agility or Cunning, whichever the greater, by 15;
  • Increases Health by 100 points;
  • Makes the ground around the Hero turn native and creates an area which is impassable for all Heroes. Ally Heroes receive 10% less damage in this area.
  • Cooldown: 180 seconds;

Captivated power

  • Required row: III;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 675;
  • Increases Strength or Intelligence, whichever the greater, by 10;

Captivated stamina

  • Required row: IV;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 825;
  • Increases Stamina by 13;
  • Required row: IV;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 825;
  • Increases Will by 13;

This subset can be of a great help to Heroes whose top priority is to restore other Heroes’ Health.

  • If you have 2 talents from the subset in a Hero’s build, his/her Strength or Intelligence will get boosted up.
  • 3 talents from the subset in a build will make a Hero able to create an area which will heal 15% of ally Heroes’ Health (Heroes must be standing on that particular area) 3 seconds after the ability was used.
  • Required row: V;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 1160;
  • Increases Stamina or Will by 15, whichever the greater;
  • Increases Health by 100 points;
  • Creates an area which will heal 15% of ally Heroes’ Health (Heroes must be standing on that particular area) 3 seconds after the ability was used.
  • Cooldown: 180 seconds
  • Required row: III;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 675;
  • Increases Strength or Intelligence, whichever the greater, by 10.
  • Required row: IV;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 825;
  • Increases Strength by 13.

Wisdom of Nature

  • Required row: IV;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 825;
  • Increases Intelligence by 13;

Talents of this subset are designed to work together with other subsets of the Legendary Portents set. Upon activation of any of them, the subset’s wielder will receive a shield. The shield will absorb the damage dealt to the Hero for 10 seconds (no more than 15% of Hero’s maximum amount of Health).
  • For 1 talent inserted in his/her build, the wielder will be getting a shield only when he/she uses one of the subsets abilities.
  • For 2 talents inserted in a Hero’s build, the shield will additionally be casted upon the subset’s wielder when any ally Hero uses one of the subsets abilities.
  • For 3 talents inserted a Hero’s build, the shield will appear when any of the enemy Heroes will be using talents of this set.
  • Required row: VI;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 1600;
  • Increases Strength or Intelligence by 22;

Amulet of the Wilds

  • Required row: VI;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 1600;
  • Increases Agility or Cunning by 22, whichever the greater;
  • Increases Health by 150 points.

Amulet of Nature

  • Required row: VI;
  • Prime-cost of learning: 1600;
  • Increases Stamina or Will by 22, whichever the greater;
  • Increases Health by 150 points.

Please take notice!

Please take notice! Each team can not use more than one subset effect per fight. After any of these is used, the rest will become unavailable to use for 15 seconds.

11.9.2 update has brought a new action to Praya, where you will have to participate in the 2018 FIFA World Cup along with your Heroes! You can learn more about this event in

Greet new skins in your Castles, Lords and Ladies!

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