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Unified State Exam tests non-union complex sentence online. Test "union-free complex sentence"

Option 1.

1. Indicate in what meaning the word THIN is used in sentence 7:

(6) And suddenly, at one dugout, at the exit, I come across an old bucket that had been lying around for eighteen years, and had already served its purpose before those eighteen years.

(7) It was already thin then, during the first war winter.

1) having a thin, lean body
2) pathetic
3) bad, bad
4) full of holes, dilapidated

2. Indicate the erroneous judgment.

1) In the word UNLESSLY, the consonant sound [t] is unpronounceable.
2) In the word YOU WILL FIND b ( soft sign) serves to indicate the softness of the consonant [ш].

3) In the word BLINDAGE all consonant sounds are voiced.
4) In the word FRIENDS, the number of letters is equal to the number of sounds.

3. Identify a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

1) it was heating up
2) front-line soldier
3) smart
4) burnt

4. In which word the spelling of the consonant at the end of the prefix depends onvoicedness/voicelessnesssubsequent consonant?

1) collapsed
2) taken away
3) burnt
4) picked up

5. Which word is spelled? suffix

1) silver

2) tin

3) taken out

4) solemn

6. Replace the phrase"friendship without self-interest", built on the basis management coordination.

7. Among the proposals No. 15 – 17 find non-union difficult sentence . Write his number.

(15) This fatal dependence was especially pronounced in 2001, when social explosions involving thousands and thousands of people literally alternated with catastrophic explosions in natural conditions Earth. (16) Wars in the Balkans, Chechen events, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Afghan strife, African clashes - on the one hand; At the same time, continuous earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and eruptions occur on the other. (17) The great scientist V. Vernadsky proposed his sensational hypothesis of the noosphere, created by intellect, labor, and the energy of an endless succession of human generations.

8 . Among the proposals No. 6 – 10 find non-union complexoffer. Write his number.

(6) Study ancient history leads to the conclusion that all people on Earth are equal. (7) There are no higher and lower races, no “cultured” and “barbarian” languages, no “entirely independent” and “completely borrowed” cultures. (8) For primitive man, “people,” as we know, were only members of his tribe. (9) All the others were enemies or evil demons. (10) For the Greeks, all non-Greeks were barbarians.

9. parts of complex sentences.

It seems (1) not made of wood, (2) and a bone hammer knocks on a tight string. I walked for a long time through the spruce forest, (3) until I saw the only musician in the silent forest. The woodpecker worked tirelessly. The pattern of his “chisel” was visible on the diseased pine tree. Through binoculars it was visible (4) How long tongue The woodpecker was getting at the larvae that had settled in the wood.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma betweenparts of a complex sentence.

But there are other tests, (1) and by them they determine a real person. This is only in a bad film: if the hero does not amaze with beauty,(2) courage and white teeth,(3) means (4) it is negative.

11. Give the correct explanation for the use of the colon in this sentence.
Olga Ivanovna and her friends were not entirely ordinary people: each of them was remarkable in some way, already had a name and was considered a celebrity
1) The second part of a non-union complex sentence is opposed to what is said in the first part.
2) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members offers.
3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence reveals the content of what is said in the first part.
4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence is indicated not as a consequence of what is said in the first part.

12 . How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

A wonderful person and scientist N.N. Miklouho-Maclay occupies a special place among the great travelers of the 19th century: he explored the life and customs of peoples about which Europeans knew nothing.

The hares' fur has turned white - winter is coming.

1) The first part of a complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

2) The second part of a complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

3) The first part of a complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

4) The second part of a complex sentence contains the reason for what is said in the first part.

14. How to explain the placement of a dash in this sentence?

There will be sunshine - let's go for a walk.

2) The second part of a complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

3) The first part of a complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

1) On a warm evening, the distant hum fell silent and the dim field fell asleep.

2) Daytime stars are never visible; they are eclipsed by the sun.

3) There is no fear of water in the sea.

4) Above the mounds, born of warmth, the haze of the prison trembles and flows, the green sting of a grass leaf, pushing away last year’s stalk, strives towards the sun.

Test testing in 9th grade on the topic “Unionless complex sentence.”

Option 2.

1 . Indicate the meaning in which it is used the word “wildly” (sentence 12).

(12) I so wanted to howl, call the owner or Tolik, howl wildly, throughout the whole city!

1) scared
2) strongly
3) ridiculous
4) strange

2. Indicate the correct judgment.

1) In the word ENTRANCE, all consonant sounds are hard.
2) The word LISTENING has fewer sounds than letters.
3) In the word BINS the second sound – [d].
4) In the word NIGHT b (soft sign) denotes the softness of the consonant [h’].

3. Indicate the word with alternating vowel in the root.

1) lean
2) offend
3) aspirations
4) discovered

4. In which word the spelling of a prefix is ​​determined by its meaning– “not fully completed action”?

1) listening
2) overcome
3) snuggled
4) lie down

5. Which word is spelled? suffix is the exception to the rule?

1) valuable

2) assembled

4) wounded

6. Replace the phrase"children's friendship" , built on the basis management , a synonymous phrase with connection agreement.

7. Among the proposals No. 4 – 6 find the non-union difficult sentence. Write his number.

(4) But there are other tests, and by them a real person is determined. (5) This is only in a bad film: if the hero does not amaze with his beauty, courage and white teeth, then he is negative. (6) And the “oblique fathom”, open look and wide smile of an actor in a movie carry an exclusively positive charge.

8 . Among the proposals No. 8 – 17 find non-union complexoffer. Enter his number. (8) A girl walked past. (9) I saw a mountain ash and gasped.

(10) - Let me take one twig. (11) One twig is so little, nothing will happen to the tree.

(12) And she was right in her own way.

(13) A guy with a mustache was driving a car.

(14) - Wow... (15) Just a picture... (16) Gorgeous! (17) He stopped the car, got out from behind the wheel....

9. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas betweenparts of a complex offers.

What should be the amount of knowledge (1) that a person needs(2) to consider yourself educated? Everyone decides for themselves. But I think, (3) Psychologist Landreth said this very precisely: “Education is what(4) what remains, (5) when everything learned is forgotten.”

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma between the partscomplex offers.

On the mountain ash there was a single bright brush burning,(1) which no one, (2) apparently, (3) couldn't get it. The lover was tall (4) he stood on tiptoes and managed to reach it.

Still the last brush (5) and she won’t help the tree anymore... But Lyusenka will be happy.

11 . How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?
In the newly organized tourist camp, work was in full swing: people were carrying firewood, setting up tents, unpacking cargo.
1) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of the first part.
2) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.
3) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.
4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

12. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

Commander Suvorov did not object to the uniform of 1786: simple, comfortable, functional, it perfectly corresponded to the spirit of his military training system.

1) The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of commission of what is said in the second part.

2) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the result, the consequence of what is said in the first part.

13. How to explain the placement of a dash in this sentence?

Not a small fishing sail - I dream of ships.

1) The first part of a complex sentence indicates the time of what is said in the second part.

2) The second part of a complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

3) The first part of a complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

4) The first part of a complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

14. How to explain the placement of a dash in this sentence?

When the sun rises, we’ll hit the road straight away.

1) The first part of a complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.

2) The second part of a complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

3) The first part of a complex sentence indicates the time of what is said in the second part

4) The first part of a complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part.

15 . Indicate which sign needs to be placed between the parts of a complex sentence.

1) The road has become more cheerful; spring is singing from all the ravines.

2) Learn good things and bad things will not come to your mind.

3) Ears of corn quietly hit your face, cornflowers cling to your feet, daisies greet you.

4) The spring air is clean and transparent, the birds babble talkatively, the young grass glistens with the cheerful sparkle of emerald.

Test for grade 9 on the topic "Unionless complex sentences."

You are given 45 minutes to complete the Russian language work. The work consists of 19 test tasks with a choice of answers. Tasks 1-15,17,18 with one correct answer.). For each of them 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct. Tasks 16,18 with multiple choice answers.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

The correct answer to a task is scored with one or more points. The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score as many points as possible. Scale of correspondence between test scores and school grades.

Less than 12 b. – “2”

1. Findnon-union complex sentence.

1) Love the book: it will reveal a lot of interesting things to you 2) I repeated the invitation, but he didn’t answer anything 3) We lost friends on difficult roads, we kept love under fire 4) The forest, mountains merged, everything was shrouded in thick fog

2. Find a non-union complex sentence with the meaning of a sequence of actions.
1) The evil one cries from envy - the good one cries from joy

2) The cuckoo crowed - this barley
3) A mind is good, but two are better
4) Cheerful music started playing, the dance floor was filled with people
3. Indicate a non-union complex sentence with the meaning of comparison.
1) A lot of snow - a lot of bread
2) Red days - sow wheat
3) Labor feeds a person - laziness spoils him
4) A scientist without work is a tree without fruit
4. Determine the semantic relationships between the parts of the non-union sentence.

Peace builds, war destroys.
1) The first sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second.
2) The second sentence contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in the first.
3) The content of one sentence is contrasted with the content of another.
4) The content of the first is compared with the content of the second.
5. Indicate the BSP, between the parts of which you need to put a semicolon (punctuation marks are not placed).
1) In the distance everything was in a light light fog and the pavement at the end of the street shone like gold in the sun and loving couples were walking along it
2) The day was still burning on the tops of the mountains, but in the gorge the night looked dark from everywhere
3) He met her gaze calmly, but then his eyelids trembled
4) The captain sometimes woke up and threw stones he had brought during the day through the window at the jackals, and strange thoughts came to his mind

6. Indicate the BSP, between the parts of which you need to put a colon (no punctuation marks are placed).
1) Alyoshka got up, it wasn’t dawn yet

2) The light rain is falling in the morning and it’s impossible to go out
3) He said a kind word and my spiritual wings grew

7. Indicate the BSP, between the parts of which you need to put a colon.
1) The light rain is falling in the morning and it’s impossible to go out
2) He said a kind word and my spiritual wings grew
3) Alyoshka got up, it wasn’t dawn yet
4) It’s not for nothing that winter is angry; its time has passed
8. Indicate the BSP, between the parts of which you need to put a dash.
1) Prince Lykov did not contradict; it would have been in vain
2) When you touch beauty with a careless hand, it will disappear
3) Grandfather turned out to be right; a thunderstorm came in the evening
4) The birds were not heard; they do not sing during hot hours
9. Indicate the BSP, between the parts of which you need to put a dash.
1) The art of transformation is necessary; without mastering it, the actor can remain just himself in the performance
2) He feels someone’s hands touch his shoulder
3) Scientists without labor a tree without fruit
4) Yellow leaves fall in autumn, red leaves fly through the forests

10. Indicate the BSP with the meaning of the reason (no punctuation marks).
1) It is not easy to grow a fruit tree; it requires a lot of work and care
2) The nightingale sings the word
3) The sun came out and immediately became warmer
4) It’s cold outside and you need to dress warmly
11. Specify the BSP with the condition value.
1) The sun set, everything around came to life
2) If you’ve done the job, go for a walk
3) The forest is silent, it’s snowing in the fields
4) The rain stopped immediately, the cloud moved on

12. Indicate the BSP, between the parts of which you need to put a colon.
1) There is a desire to learn, there will be a desire and time to create
2) The air is brightening, the road is becoming clearer, the sky is becoming clearer
3) Don’t promise a pie in the sky, give a bird in your hands
4) Natasha didn’t recognize the stars, the constellations got tangled up in tree branches and lost their familiar outlines

13. State the incorrect statement.

1) The following signs can be placed between sentences included in the BSP: comma, semicolon, dash, colon

2) If the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first, then a colon is placed between the parts of the BSP

3) A comma is placed between parts of the BSP if they list some facts

4) If the second sentence complements the meaning of the first and is extended by one of its members, then a dash is placed between the parts of the BSP

14. What punctuation mark is needed to separate parts of the BSP?

Here I broke through from behind the clouds

Blue lightning jet

The flame is white and volatile

He bordered its edges.(F. Tyutchev).

B) Comma.

B) Semicolon.

15. Specify the BSP, between the parts of which a comma must be placed.

A) Everyone came out with nothing to burn wood with.

B) I'm sad, I don't have a friend with me.

IN) The train left, its lights disappeared.

G) In February there will be a lot of frost on the trees and there will be a lot of honey.

D) The wind blew from the mountains and it will rain.

16. Find the BSP, between the parts of which you need to put a dash.

A) A strange incident happened on the road and it was completely out of cost.

IN) The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.

G) The morning was wonderful, the washed forest was smiling, the birds were singing.

D) If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

E) The rich man cannot sleep; the rich man is afraid of the thief.

17. Indicate the sentence that corresponds to the scheme:: [explanation] (no punctuation marks).

A) They won’t wait in the house for the fisherman to return from fishing and promise to return in two days.

B) The morning was wonderful, the washed forest was smiling and the birds were singing.

IN) Semyon Ivanovich looked around; there was nowhere to hide.

G) It rained and we couldn't drive along the swampy forest roads.

18. Explain the use of a colon in the structure of the BSP.

One evening after this meeting, the captain was in a joyful mood: the mysterious word was suddenly deciphered.(K. Paustovsky).

A) The second part explains the first.

B) The second part complements the content of the first.

C) The second part indicates the reason for what is said in the first.

19. Indicate which sentences do not have punctuation errors.

A) And my request is this: take care of our language.

B) It always seemed to me that I was always young.

IN) Suddenly he looked back - behind his eyelids.

G) An excellent position is to be a human being on earth.

D) In the iron whirlwind of wind and wheels, smoke swirled and fell downhill.

UMK S.I. Lvovoy

This test was used when working with MKM Razumovskaya

Russian language test, grade 9 (open, with choice of correct answer)

Target: check the assimilation of material on placing punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence using examples taken from works of art, instill a love of reading fiction.

The test was compiled in 2000 personally.

Cards are distributed to all students. Then the one who completes his card hands it over to the teacher or gives it to another. Thus, all cards will be completed by students within 30 minutes.

While working, children can stand up and walk around the classroom. A kind of physical workout.

BSP K-13.


Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

They were chasing me, I was not disturbed in spirit.

And the days pass, the fields turn yellow, and the decaying leaves fall from the trees.

A little snow had fallen the day before and it was freezing; the snow made it light all around.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-15.


Rudin spoke intelligently, passionately, and made many comments.

The air is brightening, the road is becoming clearer, the sky is becoming clearer.

As soon as it dawned, the stars went out one after another, and the pale moon moved towards the light clouds.

If you listen to the forest, the silence will seem deceptive.

There was nowhere else to retreat; enemy machine guns were everywhere.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-16.


And the soldiers saw how far in the steppe the horsemen were galloping, kicking up dust, and then the remnants of the whites were fleeing.

If you look at the sky with your eyes, the bright light will hurt.

Everything around was blooming, buzzing and singing, the waters of the ponds shone in the distance, and a festive, bright feeling filled my soul.

Summer stores, winter eats

It was impossible to look at the white tops of the clouds, they were glowing from the sun.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-14.


It’s December, and half of the surrounding area, covered in an endless shroud of snow, is quietly numb.

If you say a word, ten will be added.

Above, the crane calls, birds fly south.

The sun is burning strongly and there will be a thunderstorm in the evening.

The magpie raised its head through the thin vapor of frost and the Bear shone.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-17.


We can firmly say that in the entire village no one had such friendship.

The clearing smells of honey and wormwood, the water in the stream smells like pine needles.

Spring takes its toll in the river; in some places the depths are clear, grass is visible at the bottom.

I'm sad, I don't have a friend with me.

If you listen to the forest, the silence seems deceptive.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-7.


But then trouble happened to Gavrilov; he lost his glasses.

There are no small feelings in the world; only souls are small.

All around me, God's garden of plants was blooming; the rainbow outfit bore traces of heavenly tears.

The daylight hours are short; it dawns late and gets dark early.

The most difficult thing in life is to cleanse yourself of various scales, to educate yourself as a person, a hard worker.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;



The rank followed him; he suddenly left the service.

You'll believe it by eye and you'll measure it crookedly.

Love the book, it will help you sort out the motley confusion of thoughts.

It was a wonderful nugget, beautiful, bright, original.

I loved looking into her eyes for a long time without looking away, without blinking she squinted and turned her head.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-18.


But then trouble happened to Nasedkin; he lost his glasses.

The cuckoo crowed this barley, the shadow entered the circle near the leafy birch tree to prepare the oats.

At the autumn dawn, the road totters through the fog, tin puddles shimmer near the country fences.

Like an autumn leaf the sail of a ship withers, there is no wind.

Spring takes its toll in the river; in some places the depths are clear; grass is visible at the bottom.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-10.


It’s December, and half of the surrounding area, covered in a boundless expanse of snow, is quietly numb.

Finished the job and go for a walk.

The weather was terrible, the stormy wind was roaring since the night and the rain was pouring down like buckets.

I looked up and saw birds flying high in the sky above the village.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-11.


The cheese fell out with him and that was the trick.

Suddenly I feel someone grab me by the shoulder and push me.

The headman asked him for a document; there was no document.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-12.


The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.

The frost is not terrible, the air is dry and there is no wind.

To be afraid of misfortune, happiness will not be seen.

When the weather gets cold, the trees shed their leaves.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-5.


Finished the job and go for a walk.

Soon the whole garden, warmed by the sun and caressed, came to life and drops of dew like diamonds sparkled on the leaves and the old garden, the long-neglected garden that morning seemed elegant to the young.

The weather was terrible, the stormy wind was roaring since the night and the rain was pouring down like buckets.

A little snow had fallen the day before, and the snow was freezing and it was light all around.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;



The magpie raised its head through the thin vapor of frost and the golden bear glittered.

Saying the word adds ten.

It was already evening and the sun had disappeared behind a small pine grove lying half a mile from the garden.

It is not at all difficult to be kind; it is difficult to be fair.

The writer said that the Russian language is “great and powerful”

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-8.


Let those we don’t know remember; fear and meanness did not suit us.

If you want to be happy, don’t spare any effort.

If he wants, he will take off in a rocket and change the beds of old rivers.

I looked out of the wagon, everything was darkness and whirlwind.

Winter has come and the animals have settled into holes.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-6.


I loved looking into her eyes for a long time without looking away, without blinking, she squinted and turned her head.

Leontiev heard the whistling of wings and raised his head from the forest swamps, wild ducks were flying in large flocks.

The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.

After five o'clock the weather began to deteriorate and fog pulled in from the sea.

The only important thing is to love the people of their homeland and serve them with heart and soul.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-2.


The cheese fell out with him, that was the trick

I raised my head in front of the fire; a miller’s wife was sitting on an overturned boat and talking.

Judas cannot sleep; whole masses of trifles surrounded the head of the bed.

The weather had calmed down, the clouds were clearing away, and a plain lay before him.

The Falcon flies high and huddles close to the ground.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

BSP K-1.


Far beyond the Don, heavy clouds piled up, cutting the sky at an angle; lightning and thunder rumbled barely audibly.

It’s December, and half of the neighborhood, covered in an endless shroud of snow, is quietly numb.

Love the book, it will help you sort out the motley confusion of thoughts...

Woke up five stations ran back.

The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.

A) comma;

B) semicolon;

B) colon;

ANSWER CARD 9th grade. BSP.

K-1: 1a; 2b; 3c; 4g; 5g. K-10: 1b; 2c; 3g; 4c; 5a

K-11: 1g; 2c; 3c; 4g; 5g,v

K-2:1g; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5g. K-12: 1g; 2c; 3c; 4g; 5a

K-31v; 2g; 3g; 4c; 5a K-13: 1d; 2g; 3a; 4c; 5a

K-4: 1c; 2g; 3b; 4b; 5a K-14: 1b; 2g; 3a; 4g; 5v

K-5: 1g; 2b; 3c; 4g; 5a. K-15: 1b; 2a; 3b; 4g; 5v

K-6: 1b; 2c; 3g; 4g; 5v K-16: 1v; 2d;3b; 4g; 5g(a)

K-7: 1c; 2g; 3b; 4a; 5g K-17: 1c; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5g

K-8: 1c; 2g; 3g; 4c; 5a K-18: 1c; 2g; 3a;4b; 5 B

TEST No. 9


Exercise 1.

1. Arguing aimlessly with time will get you nowhere.

2. If you say, you won’t turn it back, if you write, you won’t erase it, if you chop it off, you won’t attach it.

4. Now it’s a thing of the past, there’s no reason to lie.

5. Your life is boring, do something.

Task 2.

1. Summer stores, winter eats.

2. You can’t die with a craft; you can’t live without a craft.

3. Do not be timid in front of the enemy; man’s worst enemy is himself.

4. It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn.

5. Remember friendship and forget evil.

Task 3. Which sentence contains a colon?

1. There was darkness in the air, the sky turned from blue to whitish, the distant mountains were not visible at all.

2. The layer of clouds was very thin and the sun was shining through it.

3. During the day the weather changed several times: the sun was shining, then it was raining.

4. At the beginning of April, the ice on the river turned blue, cracks appeared, and it became dangerous to walk on it.

5. He swung his hand and hit the trunk with all his might; the board cracked.

Task 4. Which sentence does not have a dash?

1. You won’t cry if you’re proud.

2. He is always cheerful; the night is like day for him.

3. The days were clear and cold, we slept in a tent without undressing

4. His running is light, and you can’t catch him flying.

5. Outside, the wind keeps swinging, moaning, and rattling.

Task 5.

1. Everything is decided in your will and I surrender to my fate.

2. I know in your heart there is both pride and direct honor.

3. The object of fascination is not important, what is important is the thirst to be fascinated.

4. I looked up; birds were flying high in the sky.

5. On the other side, the whole sky was filled with crimson paint and the moon was rising.

Task 6. Which sentence contains a dash?

1. He looked at his watch; he had to wait another 10 minutes.

2. I looked at the window; there was no moon or stars.

3. He understood that friendship fades away from a long separation.

4. Dudarev remembered only one cartridge in the gun.

5. Listen to the birds sing, take a closer look at the sleepy drops of dew on the grass and flowers.

Exercise 7. Which sentence contains a dash?

1. I wanted only one thing, dreamed of only one thing: home, home.

2. The heavy leaf does not move: it feels heavy in the dust, like a fur coat.

3. The sun looked into the well of the lakes in the morning, no month.

4. A sharp wind washed my face with cold water and the dream immediately passed.

5. We walk carefully, slippery, just in case you fall off.

Task 8. Which sentence contains a dash?

1. Look at the snowflakes through a magnifying glass, what a symmetrical pattern, what a delicate design of the finest lines!

2. Suddenly, from the pre-dawn darkness, an indistinct sound reaches us: either an eagle owl screamed, or an animal roared.

3. The floods in the minds of the people of that time merged into one as a punishment sent down to them from above for disobedience to the gods.

4. The lakes of the Meshchera region have one very strange property: the smaller the lake, the deeper it is.

5. Autumn is long and warm, the grass does not dry, but withers.

Task 9. Which sentence contains a dash?

1. Always forgive your enemies; nothing else angers them more (O. Wilde).

2. Sayings are like burning glasses; they collect the rays of intelligence and knowledge scattered in the works of writers, and with force and liveliness they concentrate these rays in the minds of readers (D. Swift).

3. Don’t be afraid of perfection, you will never achieve it (S. Dali).

4. Eagles do not flap their wings; eagles look for rising currents (F. Toporishchev).

5. The artist must be present in his work as God in the Universe, to be omnipresent and invisible (G. Flaubert).

Task 10.

1. A lonely person in the forest, like a fallen spoon in the middle of a huge lake, you won’t find it for months.

2. Everyone knew that when we reached the place there would be rest.

3. The strong will defeat one; the knowledgeable will defeat a thousand.

4. Don’t rush to answer, hurry to listen.

5. Stubbornness is born of the limitations of our mind; we are reluctant to believe what goes beyond our horizons.

Task 11. Which sentences must contain both colons and dashes?

1. A person is like a brick; when he burns, he becomes hard (B. Shaw).

2. The truth is that nettle burns those who lightly touch it, but it does not cause the slightest harm to those who boldly approach it (M. Safir).

3. A landscape artist can work calmly; nature never insists on similarity (de La Serna).

4. Popularity is like the moon; if it does not wax, it wanes (Jadwiga Rutkowska).

5. An aphorism never coincides with the truth; it is either half a truth or one and a half (Karl Kraus).




Test 1

Final test work on the topic "Unionless complex sentences"

Option I

A. In non-union complex sentences, simple sentences are connected in oral speech intonation.

B. Semantic relations in non-union complex sentences depend on the content of their constituents simple sentences.

B. Punctuation marks in non-union complex sentences do not depend on the nature of the semantic relationships between its parts.

It's time for mushroom hunting. It's hard to stay at home. The forest calls and beckons.

A. We were gripped by a feeling of fear... (reason).

B. I wrote a letter to a friend a long time ago... (contrast).

B. There was a clap of thunder... (quick change of events).

A. Love the book, because it will open you up to many interesting things.

B. I repeated the invitation, but he did not answer.

5. Continue the sentence Dasha thoughtfully turned over the pages of the book ... to get sentences of the following types:

6. What is the role of the dash in a sentence High above us the wind rustled - a harbinger of a snowstorm?

G. separates the sentence

7. Indicate why there is a dash in a non-union complex sentence. Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs.

8. Explain why there is a colon in a non-union complex sentence. After going through the familiar villages on my fingers, I discovered: they all stood on the river.

Karamzin testified that our language is expressive not only for the high eloquence of poetry but also for the sounds of the heart.

1) Despite the warm and even hot days in August, signs of the onset of autumn are usually noticeable.

2) The wavy clouds cleared and it became hot.

3) Before the war, on our collective farm there was a custom of bringing breakfast to the mowers in the meadows.

4) The Russian language reveals its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know their people and feel the hidden charm of our land.

5) The thrush is an early migratory bird appearing at the end of March - the first half of April.

Fill the table.

Types of offers Offer number


Complex subordinates

Complex non-union

Final work on the topic “Union-free complex sentences”

Option II

1. Which statement is false?

A. Semantic relations in non-union complex sentences depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them.

B. In non-union sentences, the semantic relationships between sentences are expressed less clearly than in allied ones.

B. A dash is placed between the parts of a non-union sentence if the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first.

2. From these simple sentences, make three complex ones using various means communications.

At night the first frost with a breeze hit. After the warm summer and rainy autumn, he seemed, out of habit, cocky and strong. Everything around turned white.

3. Complete by forming non-union complex sentences.

A. We had a good rest... (conclusion or result).

B. I looked at the sky... (consequence).

B. You can’t drive here... (reason).

4. Rebuild complex allied sentences into non-union sentences. Write them down using punctuation marks.

A. It was decided to leave early, and we got up just before dawn.

B. I went to the window and saw that at night the snow had covered the whole garden.

5. Continue the sentence The young man spoke little ... to make sentences of the following types:

A. simple with homogeneous members (without conjunctions)

B. non-union complex, between parts of which you need to put a comma

V. non-union complex, between parts of which you need to put a semicolon

6. What is the role of the dash in the sentence The guys - there were four of them - stayed away?

A. separates subject and predicate

B. denotes the omission of a sentence member

V. separates parts of a complex non-union sentence

G. highlights the introductory sentence

7. Indicate why there is a dash in a non-union complex sentence. I tried to run, but my legs did not move from fear.

B. Sentences depict a rapid change of events.

B. The second sentence contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in the first sentence.

8. Explain why there is a colon in a non-union complex sentence. People are divided into two kinds: some think first, and then speak and do, and others speak and do first, and then think.

A. The second sentence gives the reason for what is said in the first.

B. The second sentence explains the first, that is, reveals its content.

B. The second sentence is distributed by one of the members of the first sentence.

9. Write down the sentence using punctuation marks.

When we pronounce a word, we connect with it the concept of some object, so for example, pronouncing the word fire, we imagine this element with all its signs of light, burning and burning, even if we were speaking and would not see fire.

10. Read the sentences (no punctuation marks).

1) Nanny can’t sleep here, it’s so stuffy.

2) The fields and meadows, turned by dew and fog into endless lakes, little by little disappeared into the darkness of the night; the stars reflected their sharp brilliance in the river.

3) The convoy stood by the river all day and set off when the sun was setting.

4) Each flower looked like a real poppy that I knew and they smelled like spring.

5) The wind blew from the sea and the city was filled with the smell of algae.

Fill the table.

Types of offersOffer number


Complex subordinates

Complex non-union




1. Find a sentence in which the subject is expressed by a phrase.

A. The small living room was uncomfortable.

B. Our tomorrow will be wonderful.

V. Alik and I got to work.

G. The daring troika is flying straight to the station.

2. Indicate a sentence with a simple verbal predicate.

A. He is going to study at a new sports school.

B. I’ll tell you a fairy tale.

Q. I will be a teacher at your school.

G. I will build a new house.

A. He was tall.

B. I'm ready to argue with you.

Q. I was glad to help you.

D. You must work.

A dash between the subject and the predicate with a zero connective:

a) is put, if the predicate is preceded by the words this, it means, here;

b) is not put if the predicate is preceded by the words as if, as if, as;

c) is placed if the predicate is preceded by the particle not;

d) can be put if the subject is a personal pronoun.


A. Life is beautiful and amazing.

B. Living life is not a field to cross.

B. Life is like a dream.

E. The powerful are always to blame for the powerless.

director ss s ss

congress.. with with ss ss

commission with ss with ss

restoration s s s s

drink..a ss ss s

a) joyfully (sing);

b) joyfully (sing);

c) joyfully (sing);

d) joyfully (sing).

8. Find the correct answer.

A. He, thinking about his own things, asked us to come in.

B. He, thinking about his own business, asked us to come in.

V. He, thinking about his own things, asked us to come in.

G. He, thinking about his own things, asked us to come in.



1. Find a sentence in which the subject is expressed by an adverb.

A. Five is not divisible by two.

B. “Hurrah” sounded in the distance.

Q. Our tomorrow will be wonderful.

D. The best student was awarded a diploma.

D. Something strange happened yesterday.

2. Indicate a sentence with a compound verb predicate.

A. The house will be built by masons.

B. Lilacs begin to bloom at the beginning of the season.

B. He seemed to be a comprehensively educated person.

G. We learned a lot of interesting things on the trip.

D. We invited him to play with us.

3. Find a sentence with a compound nominal predicate.

A. The guys will swim in the river.

B. He will not be friends with me.

B. The shoes will fit her.

D. I had to admit my mistakes.

4. State the incorrect statement.

Dash between subject and predicate:

a) placed only when the ligament is omitted;

b) put if the subject and predicate are expressed by the same part of speech;

c) is not placed when there is a particle not before the nominal part of the predicate;

d) is not used if the predicate is preceded by a comparative conjunction.

5. Find sentences in which you need to put a dash between the subject and


A. Knowledge is power.

B. Smart laughter is an excellent source of energy.

B. These plains are like an endless sea.

D. Poverty is not a vice.

D. I am a stranger to everyone.

E. Baikal is the deepest lake on the planet.

6. Choose the correct answer. Indicate column a), 6), c) or d), in which

consecutive letters correspond to missing letters in words:

restoration e e and e

d..vis and and e e

r..resolution e and e

r..petition and e and e

landscape and landscape

7. Indicate the correct parsing of the word according to its composition

a) (the premises) are not suitable (for habitation);

b) (the premises) are unsuitable (for habitation);

c) (the premises) are unsuitable (for habitation);

d) (the premises) are unsuitable (for habitation).

8. Find the correct answer.

A. Having escorted the tourists to the path they needed, the forester returned to the house.

B. Having escorted the tourists to the path they needed, the forester returned to the house.

B. Having escorted the tourists to the path they needed, the forester returned to the house.

D. Having escorted the tourists to the path they needed, the forester returned to the house.




a) vocabulary - lexicon language;

b) each word has its own lexical and grammatical meaning;

c) words can have more than one lexical meaning;

e) Old Church Slavonicisms - a group of native Russian words;

f) jargon refers to vocabulary of limited use.

2. Find words whose endings have the same grammatical meaning:

a) on the right;

b) fate;

c) played;

d) from a brother;

e) gate;

e) beauty.

3. Indicate phrases in which the highlighted words are used in a figurative meaning:

a) gold medallion; d) comet tail;

b) empty head; e) fast running;

c) the talk of the stream; e) blooming garden.

4. Find phrases in which the highlighted words are homonyms:

a) metallurgical plant - watch factory;

c) bidding is going on - the clock is ticking;

d) happy marriage - factory defect;

e) the root of the word is the root of the plant;

e) soft sign - mild climate.

5. Indicate which of the homonymous forms is used in the tongue twister

We ate and ate molts from the spruce, we barely finished them off:

a) homoforms; b) homophones; c) homographs.

6. Choose the correct answer. Indicate the column: a), 6), c), d) or e), in which the sequential letters correspond to the missing letters in the words:

ask us e and e and and

do the task e and i e

start a song e and e and e

wash milk e and and e and

7. Indicate which means of expression language is used in the following passage:

a) epithet; b) personification; c) metaphor.

Nature destined us here

Cut a window to Europe ().

8. Match the highlighted words from the left column with the corresponding antonyms from

right column:

1) poor a) small;

vegetation - b) modest;

c) lush;

2) rich experience - a) insignificant;

b) poor;

b) annoying;

c) resigned;

4) complete answer - a) empty;

b) partial;

c) fat.

9. Indicate a sentence in which the synonym for the word disappear is


A. Many people went missing during the war.

B. Many words have lost their original meaning.

B. With the appearance of the first rays of the sun, the fog cleared.

G. Where did this book go?

10. Find sentences in which to create artistic images

antithesis is used.

A. Your sweet image, unforgettable, is before me everywhere, always... (F. Tyutchev).

B. Where there was a table of food, there is a coffin (G. Derzhavin).

V. I swear by the first day of creation, I swear by its last day... (M. Lermontov).

G. Arriving home, Laevsky and Nadezhda Fedorovna entered their dark, stuffy,

boring rooms (A. Chekhov).

D. Oh, how painfully happy I am with you... (A. Pushkin).

11. Match the words from the left column with words that correspond in use

from the right column:

1) put on - a) a coat;

b) child;

c) on the head;

2) voluminous - a) book;

c) information;

3) diplomatic - a) note;

b) woman;

c) service;

4) defective - a) people;

b) money;

12. Indicate a line in which all words are borrowed:

a) sergeant major, comfort, doctor, land;

b) cheesecake, reaper, midshipman, tie;

c) medallion, easel, libretto, guitar;

d) pudding, kvass, dandelion, hockey.

13. Find a line in which all the words are Old Church Slavonicisms:

a) city, clothing, shore, united;

b) hail, clothes, shore, one;

c) city, clothes, shore, one;

d) hail, clothing, coast, unit.

14. Indicate sentences in which the highlighted words are historicisms.

A. Major Kovalev came to St. Petersburg out of necessity... (N. Gogol).

B. There was a guard standing right there, assigned to the field ().

B. Be afraid, O army of foreigners! (A. Pushkin).

G. The eye sees, but the tooth is numb (I. Krylov).

D. True, he hit an ace with a pistol in five fathoms (A. Pushkin).

15. Determine which words from the left column correspond to concepts from


1) astronaut; a) an obsolete word;

2) ultrasound; b) a common word;

4) steam locomotive;

5) educational program;

6) investment.

16. Indicate the sentence in which dialecticisms occur.

A. The day appointed for the judgment duel has arrived ().

B. Cows mooed around the bases without having eaten enough of the young green stuff (M. Sholokhov).

V. Transferred to Moscow through my assistance (A. Griboyedov).

G. Alas! Wherever I look, there are whips everywhere, glands everywhere... (A. Pushkin).

17. Find words related to linguistic terms:

b) dialectisms;

c) jargon;

d) professionalism.

Listen here, this is a dead end, we need to get lost.

Let's just avoid the quirks, okay?



2. Find words whose endings have the same grammatical meaning:

1. State the incorrect statement:

A) central unit lexicology - word;

b) lexical and grammatical meanings the words are not related to each other;

c) there may be lexical and contextual synonyms;

d) there are differences between complete and partial homonyms;

e) archaisms and neologisms constitute the passive vocabulary of the language;

2. Many borrowed words have Russian synonyms.

a) peasants;

d) insect;

e) the day before;

3. Indicate phrases in which the highlighted words are used figuratively


a) black thoughts;

b) a gray-haired old man;

e) the days drag on;

e) red sunset.

4. Find phrases in which the highlighted words are homonyms:

a) the years have passed - the warriors have passed;

b) the area of ​​the triangle is the city square;

c) boiling water - cool character;

d) assembly of the structure - assembly on the skirt;

e) drill wood - drill song;

f) cold milk - cold look.

5. Indicate which of the homonymous forms is used in the sentence

We can grow up to a hundred years without getting old (V. Mayakovsky):

a) homoforms;

b) homophones;

c) homographs.

6. Choose the correct answer. Indicate the column: a), b), c), d) or e), in which

consecutive letters correspond to missing letters in words:

Frequency of oscillations iaiae

I option.

a) I haven’t seen you for a whole week; I haven’t heard from you for a long time.

b) The oaks and pointed firs were green; the centuries-old lindens, hanging their curly crowns, covered the sky.

c) The clouds hugged each other and fell asleep without sadness.

d) For the last two days there has been a strong gale wind.

e) The storm stopped and the squad moved on.

2.What syntactic relations are expressed in non-union complex sentences? (no punctuation marks)

1) The horses set off, the bell rang, the wagon flew off.

2) Birds rustled under the windows and in the garden, the fog left the garden, everything around was lit up with spring light, like a smile.

a) the meaning of the explanations; b) the meaning of the sequence.

a) There is no wind, there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise, an autumn smell is diffused in the soft air, similar to the smell of wine, a thin fog stands in the distance over the yellow meadows.

b) All around, work was going on in the usual calm order, deep below, machines honked, fittings rattled, and the drum roll of pneumatic crowbars was heard.

c) She casually laid her hand on my shoulder, tilted her head slightly to the side, and we set off.

d) Traces of fatigue were visible on his wrinkled face; a secret concern burned in his eyes.

e) As soon as the sun begins to warm up like summer and the earth dries out after the spring flood, we cannot sit still and we set off to travel.

1) You enter the forestry enterprise and immediately feel that you are in a special world with your own special interests.

2) The cloud will pass the lake and the fields will sparkle as if covered in gold.

: [reason]

a) I was not mistaken, the old man did not refuse the offered glass.

b) All the way to the farm they were silent and the shaking of the ride prevented them from speaking.

c) Not a cloud in the sky is a good sign.

d) The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers, gorse turns bright yellow, bells turn modestly blue, whole thickets turn white, fragrant chamomile, wild carnation burns with crimson spots.

e) He raised his eyes above the garden, the sky was shining solemnly and joyfully.

Love a book: it will help you understand life.

- [ conclusion ]

a) Calm down, the wound is not dangerous. b) The sun is shining all around and you can hunt.

c) The wind blew, everything trembled, came to life and laughed. d) The nightingale says the word and sings.

d) The lights all around became bright.

: [explanation]

a) When spring comes, the rooks will arrive. b) She stood there for a long time, her legs and eyes tired.

c) In autumn, the air in the forest is good, the air is especially fresh, there is a varied smell of rotten leaves and thawed earth everywhere.

d) The lilac eyes flashed and the cat jumped out. e) Stand for each other and you will win the battle.

- [ comparison ]

a) The bell of a passing troika rang and the lark of the Russian winter sang.

b) Called yourself a load and climb into the back.

c) Lights were lit on the ships; they moved and sparkled with red, white, and green dots.

d) Weather permitting, the next morning a boat will come for us.

e) I was gloomy; other children were cheerful and talkative.

a) The forest drops its crimson headdress, the frost turns the withered field...

b) The only thing I don’t understand is how she could bite you?

c) The fox won’t spare a pinch of hair, so long as he has his tail.

d) Trouble has come, open the gate.

e) The tired September sun has just risen, its white rays either extinguish in the clouds or fall like a silver fan into the ravine towards me.

11. Indicate a non-union complex sentence, one of the simple sentences of which is complicated by a separate definition.

There was no wind over the river, even the leaves did not move and did not show their silver underside, as happens with the slightest breeze.

a) A complex sentence with a non-union and allied subordinating connection;

b) consists of three simple sentences;

c) the 1st sentence is two-part, the grammatical basis is that there was no wind;

d) the last sentence is one-part, impersonal, grammatical basis - it happens.

Testing on the topic “Union-free complex sentences”

Option II.

1. Find non-union complex sentences. (no punctuation marks):

a) The curve is a winding path to the intended peak.

b) He came home to have dinner and spend the night.

c) The sea in the distance was covered with crimson; a pink-smoky cloud of soft outlines rose towards the sun.

d) At my feet stretched a narrow valley, directly opposite a thick aspen tree rising like a steep wall.

e) Through the wide open windows of the bedroom I looked out on a clear summer day; in the garden outside the windows, sparrows and magpies were screaming without stopping for a single second.

2. What syntactic relations are expressed in non-union complex sentences? (no punctuation marks)

1) It’s time for fun, an hour.

2) Dusk had long fallen and she was still sitting in the living room.

a) the meaning of opposition; b) the value of the condition.

3. Indicate non-union complex sentences, between parts of which you can put a semicolon.

a) The majority agreed on one thing: the old laws are not suitable.

b) The poplar and birch have turned yellow on it with gusts of grief and keeping it under siege, the winds of September blow every now and then.

c) The cloud will pass the lake and the fields will sparkle as if covered in gold.

d) On the street strong wind we decided to stay at home.

e) It seemed like I had never been in such places in my life, no lights flickered anywhere, no sound was heard.

4. What punctuation marks should be used in non-union complex sentences?

1) The trees seemed to be crying; large drops kept falling from their branches onto the ground.

2) In the forest, here and there, a cuckoo crowed dully, setting off the depth and sonority of it, after the rain, warm smoky clouds with golden-scarlet edges floated and melted high in the sky.

a) semicolon; b) comma; c) colon; d) dash.

5. Provide a sentence that matches the diagram. (no punctuation marks):

- (opposition)

a) A week passed and he did not return to his home for a month.

b) The wind of cherry blossoms looks into my windows and the wind sometimes strews my desk with their white petals.

c) The rooms were cold; the stoves were not lit and the second frames were not installed.

d) The weather was completely unfavorable; it rained at times and a terrible wind was constantly blowing.

d) Strong thunder struck and all the windows shook.

6. Explain the use of a colon in the structure of a non-conjunctive complex sentence.

I went to the window and saw: real spring has come.

a) the second part complements the content of the first; b) the second part explains the first;

c) the second part indicates the reason for what is said in the first.

7. Provide a sentence that matches the diagram. (no punctuation marks):

- [ conclusion ]

a) The seagull has arrived and soon the ice will melt.

b) He expected questions; she was silent and looked out the window.

c) The ducks rose noisily and shots rang out in unison after them.

d) The cheese fell out with him, that was the trick.

e) The old man opened his iron chest; yesterday’s bread, onions and a lump of sugar lay there.

8. Provide a sentence that matches the diagram. (no punctuation marks):

: [explanation]

a) He stopped on the threshold and wanted to shake my hand.

b) The weather was terrible, the wind was howling, wet snow was falling in flakes.

c) Semyon Semyonovich looked around; there was nowhere to hide.

d) The birds were not heard; they do not sing during the hot hours.

e) I came across some kind of unmarked overgrown path and set off along it, carefully looking ahead.

9. Provide a sentence that matches the diagram. (no punctuation marks):

- [fast change of events]

a) Everyone had a rest during the night and we could move on.

b) The light was on at the cordon and they were waiting for us.

c) The river has overflowed and there is a threat of flooding. d) I understand it’s impossible to get to the ship in time.

e) Suddenly men with axes appeared, the forest rang, groaned, and crackled.

10. Provide a sentence that matches the diagram. (no punctuation marks):

: [reason]

a) The rank followed him; he suddenly left the service.

b) No one dared to go out to sea; the wind reached force eight.

c) I’ll put a candle in the stove for a candle... d) The moon rose in the forest and it became light.

e) Only from below it was clearly visible that a column of cars was already descending from the pass.

11. Indicate a non-union complex sentence, one of the simple sentences of which is complicated by an isolated circumstance.

a) When a bluish ray of sun suddenly splashes furiously on the forest in the eyelashes of snow, breaking through the bulk of gray clouds, everything will sparkle, sparkle and come to life in the splashes of light.

b) And the forest around, bathed in warmth, sparkles, sings with birds.

c) Lunch was over: the big ones went into the office to drink coffee, we ran into the garden to shuffle along the paths covered with fallen yellow leaves and talk.

d) Then Kuzma Kuzmich, taking a fresh candle out of his pocket, lit it: Dasha sat down next to him.

12. Indicate the error in the analysis of the proposal:

The pale gray sky became lighter, colder, and bluer; the stars blinked with faint light and then disappeared; the ground became damp, the leaves began to sweat, and in some places living sounds and voices began to be heard.

a) A complex sentence with a non-union connection; b) consists of 4 simple sentences;

c) the 1st sentence is two-part, complicated by homogeneous predicates;

d) according to the purpose of the statement, this sentence is narrative, according to emotional

coloring - non-exclamatory.