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Educational institutions after 9th grade. What should ninth graders take into account before entering college? Educational institutions located at institutes

Technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade will not be a problem. Educational institutions are represented by various areas. Consider some of the most popular institutions, as well as reviews about them.


To begin with, we will study the list of colleges, technical schools after grade 9, and analyze the features of some of them in more detail.

  • Medical College (St. Marshal Timoshenko, building 19).
  • College them. Gnesins (Povarskaya st., building 1, 38).
  • Technical School of Tourism and Service No. 29 (Donetskaya St., 28).
  • Pedagogical educational institution No. 7 (Armyansky lane, building 2, building 4).
  • Construction College No. 1 (Rabochaya St., building 1/2, 12).
  • College of the service sector (Bolshaya Kalitnikovskaya st., 34/3).
  • Technical School of Technology, Economics and Law (named after Krasin) - st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 13.
  • Construction College No. 30 (street Academician Petrovsky / 10).
  • Industrial College (Kholodilny lane, building 7).
  • College of Architecture and Urban Planning (Prospect Anadyrsky, 79).
  • Technological College (Tikhomirova, 10/1).
  • Capital College of Management and New Technologies (Generala Belov Street, 6).

This is not all technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade. Let's take a look at the most popular of them.

Medical College (Office of the President of the Russian Federation)

For more than half a century, the institution has been preparing experienced specialists of the middle category. In addition, retraining of personnel is carried out, as well as an increase in the level of their qualifications. The institution makes a significant contribution to the development of medical and diagnostic activities of medical institutions. The project was created in 1960 as a medical school at the Country Clinic No. 4, in 2001 it was transformed into a college. During its activity, more than 10 thousand nurses and about 1000 specialists in laboratory diagnostics have graduated.

According to user reviews, the institution is a success with applicants, it has a well-developed training base and a high level of teaching. Many parents plan to arrange their children here. It should be noted that there is a budget form of education.

Gnessin College

We will continue to consider metropolitan technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade with this institution. The institution is located in the center of Moscow, has group offices and auditoriums for personal training. There are dance, computer rooms, a library, sets of various musical instruments, a reading room, Internet access, concert halls, a laboratory and a number of other specialized facilities, including a gym, a hostel, a first-aid post and a canteen.

Judging by the feedback from users, the institution does not require additional advertising, is famous for its decent level of teaching and ample opportunities for organizing extracurricular activities.

Technical school №29

This educational institution, which occupies a worthy place in the ranking of colleges and technical schools after the 9th grade, is in a leading position, trains specialists in the field of tourism, beauty, trade, fashion industry. This approach allows you to get a profession that will always be in demand. The college uses best programs and materials recommended by domestic and foreign brands. The quality of education is confirmed by the certificate of the Russian Chamber of Commerce.

As graduates note, students of the institution regularly win prizes at city and international olympiads. Many teachers periodically take refresher courses and are awarded state and regional awards.


Colleges and technical schools of Moscow after the 9th grade are adequately represented by the pedagogical educational institution No. 7. This is one of the oldest institutions, founded in 1964. The status of a college was assigned to the school in 1998. Graduates receive an advanced secondary vocational education. During its existence, the college has trained more than 16 thousand specialists. In addition, the institution uses rich experience in the innovation field, which allows creating an atmosphere of creativity and scientific research, as well as improving the quality of retraining professionals.

Judging by the reviews, the institution is a success, it gives a high level of knowledge. Also, users attribute the responsibility of teachers and the wide possibilities of organization to the advantages. extracurricular life students.

Construction College No. 1

The institution runs a variety of programs including integrated, multi-stage, succession, and compulsory options. Their content is focused on expanding the capabilities of students, as well as on obtaining a specialty that best matches the existing qualifications. Any student can choose a personal educational direction.

Metropolitan College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Worthy represents technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade in Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning. This institution was founded in 1951, confidently trains personnel for the construction industry. The institution provides training in 11 categories of vocational education, including architecture, construction and operation of structures, applied computer science, landscape construction, accounting, and economics.

There is a worthy scientific and material base, modern geodetic equipment, a laboratory, a mock-up workshop, a computer room, and a television studio. In addition, the college has a lot of different sections and circles, additional education programs, foreign language courses, dance studios, technical extracurricular programs.

Colleges and technical schools (St. Petersburg) after grade 9

St. Petersburg has an equally rich list of educational institutions in this category. Below is a list of the most popular ones:

  1. College of Economics (Baskov lane, 8).
  2. Educational institution of the Metropolitan (st. Kupchinskaya, 28-A).
  3. Petrodvorets College (settlement of Strelna, Teatralnaya alley, 19-A).
  4. College of Electronics and Instrument Engineering (pr. people's militia, 223-A).
  5. Optical-mechanical lyceum (pr. Polyustrovskiy, 61).
  6. Road educational institution (alley Pridorozhnaya, 7-A).
  7. Naval College of the Navy (Red Fleet St., 18/48).
  8. Pedagogical College (Kostromskoy pr-t, 46-A).
  9. Radiopolytechnicum (pr. Engels, 23).

As you can see, there are more than enough educational institutions of the middle category in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Many of them have both paid training and a budget option. The choice is up to you and the applicants.

Not all students can continue their 11-year education within the walls of a school, and such situations are very disturbing for both the students themselves and their parents. The most correct and common decision is considered to leave after the 9th grade for training in a narrower profile. In addition, when entering a school, college or technical school, you can always count on continuing education in a higher educational institution.

In contact with

Many parents do not really welcome this development of their child. There are a huge number of different rumors that studying after the ninth grade outside the native walls of the school can have a bad effect on the future, getting a place in a university will be an impossible task, and you should not count on a decent job at all. Fortunately, this is all a myth and modern world such a teaching technique, on the contrary, is welcome. And this has several reasons:

  1. For ninth grade graduates in higher education institutions, it is planned to allocate more budgetary places. This helps a child a lot, especially from a low-income family.
  2. Graduates of the ninth grade do not have such a hassle to get a place in the dormitory of a higher educational institution, which graduates of high school have.
  3. Such a decision will most likely lead to an accelerated acquisition process, which will allow the graduate to go to work faster and gain the necessary skills. In addition, in such situations, cases of receiving education in absentia are most common.
  4. After graduating from a technical school or college, graduates have opportunity get an accelerated education at a university in 2 or 3 years instead of the full 5 years.
  5. This makes the child independent and responsible.

Of course there are a number shortcomings that appear after such a selection. First, the graduate often has to leave the parental home. This does not always happen if the child enters an institution located in his hometown, but most often young guys tend to new places, which becomes an unequivocal reason for parents to worry.

Secondly, the chosen profession in the ninth grade does not always turn out to be a child's dream, and he is quickly disappointed. I do not want to go further to study in the desired profession, which can cause stress and depression in the graduate. Thirdly, if the decision to change an educational institution after the ninth grade appeared due to low academic performance, then it is more likely that one can hardly count on prestigious education further.

Specialties after grade 9

Each person has a certain set of qualities and character traits that can manifest themselves in the chosen specialty and make him a professional. It is very important to remember that mediocre people do not exist. There are only those who have chosen the wrong specialty. Thus, people with a humanitarian mindset will find it difficult to comprehend all the intricacies of the exact sciences like mathematics or physics, while "techies" will prefer solving complex problems than studying languages ​​or history.

First of all, you need to figure out which groups of professions exist:

Each of these groups has a huge number of specialties that ninth grade graduates can engage in. Therefore, the first thing in choosing a specialty that is interesting for a child is to understand the profiling qualities in him and his interest in one of these groups. For example, if a graduate has good language skills and a good memory, then he may like one of the linguistic professions.

Professions after grade 9 for boys and girls

Young people usually prefer more classical and working professions with their hands, so there are a large number of programs for guys in colleges and technical schools where they teach such specialties:

It is worth mentioning that these professions are quite in demand in the modern world and success awaits a true lover of his craft.

Girls prefer more creative specialties, where they can show creativity and a new approach to things. In addition, they do not require such physical effort as was necessary in male professions. Girls can go to college or technical school for such specialties, How:

Such professions will always be in demand, which guarantees good chances for subsequent employment and high level wages. The only thing to pay attention to is creative potential The child has. If such things are difficult, then it is unlikely to be good. idea.

Who can apply after the ninth grade in college

If the question has already arisen about enrolling somewhere after the ninth grade, then most often it is recommended to choose a college. The college is considered more prestigious, offers much more programs and various specialties - there are more opportunities that will not go to the detriment of the child. This type of educational institution can give more opportunities for development to a ninth grade graduate, so most often the choice of parents stops at it.

Who can apply after the ninth grade to a technical school

Technical College is closer to schooling. It is also possible to study in it for two to three years, and then pass state exams for admission to higher education. The college also provides an extensive selection of interesting professions for every taste.

There is a huge amount of different advice about choosing a specialty, which you can go after the ninth grade. This may depend on financial component, from the proximity of a college or technical school from home, demand and expected results for the future.

The main thing to remember is that regardless of where the child wants to go and what kind of desires for the future, you need to support and help him as much as possible. For those who have not yet decided on their future specialty, it is recommended not to panic and try to soberly consider their capabilities, skills and preferences. You can once again look through all the lists of professions and decide on the choice that will be most suitable for the personal qualities of the applicant.

In the modern world, education is very important, technical schools and colleges provide us with such an opportunity after the 9th grade.

A huge selection of educational institutions allows you to get a quality education, as well as a specialty in which you can work in the future.

The choice of colleges, both on a budgetary basis and on a paid basis, is a large number. Therefore, each graduate of the 9th grade can choose exactly what he likes best. Let's consider the educational institutions of Moscow separately.

Where to enter

College of the Ministry of Emergency Situations -

There are only 7 colleges in this direction in Russia, this is due to the specifics of education. The most popular institution is "TPSK them. Hero of the Russian Federation V. M. Maksimchuk”, located at the address: per. Light, 2A.

College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs -

There is a representative office in almost every city in the country. On the territory of the capital there is an opportunity to enter three educational institutions.

The most popular GBPOU "Police College", located on the street. Fabricius, 26.


The popularity of legal education in our country is growing every year. Educational institutions provide an opportunity to enter after the 9th grade.

  • Social and Legal Faculty of the VSU of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) - Bolshoy Karetny lane, 10a. Website -;
  • Humanitarian College of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Miusskaya Square, 6, bldg. 3, website -

Medical -

At the address: Moscow, Shmitovsky pr., 26, Medical College No. 5 is located.


Moscow College railway transport"has two educational buildings at the following addresses:

  • Moscow, 129626, Kuchin per., 14;
  • st. Lublinskaya, d.88.

Veterinary —

"Intercollege" is waiting for its applicants at the address: Volgogradsky prospekt, 138, bldg. 3.

Architectural —

GBOU SPO College No. 7 of Architecture and Construction Structural unit No. 2, Moscow, st. Vuchetich, 3/1.

Theatrical -

FGBPOU "Music School of Variety and Jazz Art" - st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 27/6с1. There are many on the site useful information for applicants and students.


Two metropolitan colleges are waiting for applicants:

  • Moscow Secondary Special School of the Olympic Reserve No. 2, Malaya Filevskaya st., 34, bldg. 2A, website - ru;
  • GBPOU Sports and Pedagogical College of the Moscow Sports Committee, Kirovogradskaya st., 21, bldg. 1, p. 2, website - sports college.rf.

College of Foreign Languages ​​–

All polyglots and language lovers are waiting for "College foreign languages» — Moscow, m. Pervomayskaya, st. Upper Pervomaiskaya, 53.

Psychology -

In the specialty "Psychology" they are trained at the "College for the Training of Social Workers of the Department of Labor and social protection population of the city of Moscow, address: st. B. Novodmitrovskaya, house 63.

Journalism -

The profession of journalism is associated with higher education. But in Moscow there is an educational institution where they prepare for paid basis specialists in the direction of "Journalism". This is a private institution vocational education"Economic Business College", located at the address - st. Aviamotornaya, p. 39.

Military -

Moscow Suvorov military school» — Yeniseiskaya, 41. About the organization educational process, passing exams and requirements for applicants on the site there is comprehensive information.

Programming -

The capital's "College of Informatics and Programming" is waiting for girls and boys who want to connect their profession with calculations, programs and computers. Address: Krondstadt Boulevard, 37B. Read about the requirements and procedure for accepting documents on the college website.

Design -

The Moscow College of Design is waiting for talented, creative and ambitious young people at 121 Izmailovsky Avenue.

Pedagogical -

Those wishing to get the profession of a teacher are invited by the Moscow State Pedagogical University, which has a college in Medvedkovo, st. Grekova, d. 3, bldg. 1.


Graduates of the 9th grade can learn the profession of a customs officer in the following institutions:

  • Capital Business College, Tverskaya st., 27, building 1, ru;
  • "Russian Customs Academy" in Lyubertsy -


Girls and boys who love to cook, who want to master the technology of cooking various dishes, baking, the basics of running a restaurant business, can be in culinary schools:

  • Food College No. 33 Moscow, st. 6th Radialnaya, 10 -;
  • Moscow College "Tsaritsyno" (management, hotel business and information technology), Shipilovsky proezd, house 37, building 1 -;
  • Moscow educational complex WEST Moscow, st. Bobruiskaya, 23, website

Metropolitan -

"College of railway and urban transport" is located at: Kalanchevskaya 26, building 3.

Economic —

"College of Economic and International Relations", st. Mosfilmovskaya, 35.


You can learn the art of photography in colleges in Moscow:

  • "College of Photography" from the "International College of Arts and Communications" - ru, st. Upper Pervomaiskaya, 53;
  • "Moscow Publishing and Printing College named after I. Fedorov", Yaroslavskoe shosse 5, building 2, site

There is an opportunity to get a secondary special education in the technical schools that work under the MADI, under Baumanka. A huge number of institutions for graduates of the 9th grade are located in the Eastern Administrative Okrug.

Questions and answers

No, distance learning after 9 classes is not provided.

For many students, the end of the 9th grade is the most significant moment in their lives. The student must decide what to do. He can continue to general program Or move to some other school. There are very few options for such a choice, so everyone can make a decision based on their own preferences.

You can study until the 11th grade, in order to then enter the university, or right now, after 9 years at school, master your favorite specialty. Today there are many professions, which are obtained in the presence of incomplete secondary education. They are quite varied. Therefore, professions after grade 9 give almost complete freedom of choice to applicants. You can always go to study exactly where you want.

Should I drop out of school?

Before considering suitable occupations and contemplating where to enter, it is necessary that the student clearly determines for himself whether it is worth leaving the school walls. I would like to note right away that the desire of a child to go to any school or college should not frighten and panic parents.

What are the benefits of continuing to study outside of school after grade 9?

  • Applicants are given more free places in various technical schools and colleges.
  • It is much easier for applicants to get housing in a hostel.
  • Children with incomplete secondary education who entered educational institutions will graduate a few years earlier.
  • Most students after receiving a profession will be able to count on the provision of a job.

Another advantage will be that after mastering a specialty in a technical school, a teenager can go to work or continue his studies and get higher education.

Along with significant advantages, there are some disadvantages for the child and parents:

  • Children often have to go to study in another city, which is the reason for many parental worries and anxieties. The child himself also experiences stress from a change of residence, a change in his usual lifestyle and social circle.
  • Often a child worries about whether he was able to choose the right one to go to study. If not, then time will be wasted. For this reason, it is worth approaching such a decision with great responsibility.
  • A child whose certificate does not pass the competition is forced to receive education on a paid basis. In the event that parents do not have the opportunity to finance their studies, the applicant considers other faculties where they can enter with lower scores. This is not the best option, since training is unlikely to be to your liking. In addition, a child will not make a good specialist in a profession that he does not like.

Choice of professional activity

Who should go to study? Who doesn't need it? What occupation to choose? What professions are the most highly paid? Where exactly to go? These questions are relevant for every applicant. It is good if the child already has stable ideas about what kind of work he wants to get. What to do if he does not suggest where to go to study?

When studying professions after the 9th grade, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the preferences of the graduate, and only after that - the specifics of a particular specialty. For this reason, the applicant himself, and not his relatives, should find the answer to the question of where to go. If a student cannot choose a profession on his own, parents should help him.

After receiving an incomplete secondary education, it is too late to think where you can go to study. It is better to try to identify the child's abilities in advance.

After that, parents, together with the student, should study the main nuances of several specialties that are of interest to the student, and also suit him in terms of personal qualities and mindset. Information related to the salary received by people with the same profession will not be superfluous.

Parents should not impose on their child a particular job that they like. The student must make a choice of the most suitable specialties for him. If he could not choose anything, then it is worth talking with him about the advisability of continuing his studies at school.

Where to study?

What institutions can be considered? A ninth grader who decides to get a profession has several options where to go to study. He is also obliged to decide this on his own, comparing the pros and cons of his choice. Consider institutions where children can study after grade 9.

technical schools

Currently, technical schools are popular among applicants. Here you can get a secondary specialized education, which is equivalent to 1 - 2 courses of a university. As a rule, most students study specialties at a technical school, after which they can immediately go to work.

In this institution, you will have to study for only 2 years, you just need to figure out for whom.

Technical schools function on a state basis, so it is quite possible to count on budgetary education and on the provision of housing. Many graduates also receive a referral for an internship.


Compared to technical schools, colleges are considered more prestigious educational institutions. The list of specialties here is quite wide, so it will be easier to choose who is interesting to study. Applicants will be able to immediately start obtaining a profession instead of spending another 2 years at school.

After graduating from college, it is much easier to pass university exams, which attracts many applicants. A large number of universities accept students after colleges, sometimes it is even possible to get into the 3rd year right away. With this option, you can study in absentia and work at the same time.

The main disadvantage of colleges is that most of them work only on a commercial basis.

Actual professions

What professions are suitable for girls? The list of professions after grade 9 for graduates includes the most popular specialties, you can apply for:

  • beautician;
  • painter;
  • make-up artist
  • confectioner;
  • stylist;
  • seller;
  • cooks;
  • a seamstress;
  • hairdresser;
  • laboratory assistant.

Many of the listed professions are considered general, that is, they are also suitable for guys. For example, they include a cook, a stylist or a laboratory assistant.

Who should the guys go for? There are also purely “male” specialties that many dream of mastering. So, you can go to:

  • welder;
  • driver;
  • car mechanic;
  • installer;
  • milling machine;
  • machine operator;
  • electrician.

These and many other professions require professional manual labor. Good specialists are highly valued in the labor market. The conditions of the present are such that a person who has technical skills will never be left without a job, wherever life throws him.

If you don’t like the listed specialties, and the question of who to go to study is still open, you can turn to more modern professions.

For example, upon admission, stop at the humanities. You can choose the profession of a web designer or programmer. For people who have already clearly defined their interests, there are courses that allow you to become anything - from a brand manager and masseur to an accountant and photographer.

Today, professions after the 9th grade are very diverse, so the desire of schoolchildren to enter a technical school or college does not mean at all that they study poorly. On the contrary, it is a way to achieve success. But we must not forget: wherever you go, the choice will be decisive, perhaps for life.

We have considered all the main types of professions for which secondary education is sufficient in our country. And they identified 13 of the most promising areas, allowing you to figure out where to go after the 9th grade for a boy. Make an informed choice and become a true expert in your field!

Where can a boy go after grade 9: types of educational institutions

At the end of the nine classes of the school, the guys have the following options for obtaining education outside of it:

  • Colleges (former technical schools and vocational schools). They involve almost four years of training in the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to work in the chosen specialty. After successful completion of college education, graduates receive diplomas of secondary vocational education and can either continue to study at a university or get a job. If the college is at the university, then college graduates without the Unified State Examination (through an internal exam) are admitted to the first year. You can study in college for free, with a scholarship.
  • Lyceums at universities. Students of such lyceums get the opportunity to prepare for studies at a certain faculty of the university, since their program is not based on a general educational principle, but with an emphasis on certain subjects. At the end of the lyceum, a diploma of secondary specialized education is issued. If you are not ready to make a decisive choice about your future work and decide who to enter after grade 9, you can prefer to study at a lyceum.
  • Courses (provided by universities, private companies, educational centers). They can last from several weeks to several months, and are aimed at obtaining knowledge and skills to perform a particular type of activity. For example, it can be courses for programmers, auditors, drivers, cooks, and so on. After graduation, students receive state certificates.

In this article, we will tell you who to go to study after grade 9 for a guy, with a greater focus on colleges. Although courses are enough to get started in some specialties. And if you are serious about getting a higher education, and not looking for a job in the coming years, it makes sense to go to a lyceum at a university that offers a two-year study in the specialty you need.

Who should a guy go to study after grade 9?

Theoretically, all the specialties offered by the secondary schools of your city are available to you, especially if you have a good certificate score (competitive selection for secondary special educational institutions is based on it). However, in practice, the most popular and promising options for where to go to study after the ninth grade for a young man are the following areas:

      1. Working professions. Locksmith, welder, electrician, miller, turner - these are specialties for which a secondary vocational education is sufficient. Representatives of such professions are always in demand, and can count on good pay for their work. It often happens that as you gain experience and improve your skills, a turner, mechanic or electrician earns an order of magnitude more than his peers with higher education. However, no one prevents such specialists from entering a university, and a working specialty can remain a good fallback option in case of a difficult situation on the labor market. Therefore, this is a good option for where it is better for a boy to do after grade 9, despite public opinion.
      2. Driving specializations. A driver, a crane operator, a tractor driver, even a truck driver (although you will need to “gain” driving experience to be allowed to drive trucks) are traditionally male professions that guys do well and are usually interested in. Again, you can always get a secondary or higher education in another profile, but driving skills will help you find a job in any economic situation (not to mention their household benefits).
      3. Professions from the IT field. In college, you can learn programming, web design, the work of a tester, and with good chances of successful employment. For IT companies, education (including higher education) is not as important as real knowledge and skills, as well as the potential for their expansion and development. Some successful workers in the field information technology even do without studying at the university.
      4. Specialties related to energy, mechanical engineering, instrument making, radio engineering, automation. This is a large group of areas: from the installation of industrial equipment to nuclear physics- which can become the main one both for getting a job and for subsequent engineering education.
      5. Construction professions. Here we can single out those specializations that, one way or another, are connected with construction and architecture, and those that relate to geological surveying, geodesy and land management. They, again, are always in demand (especially in construction companies and developer companies), and after receiving a secondary specialized education in them, you can competently start studying at a university.
      6. Medical specialties. From this category, the most popular options for where to go to study after grade 9 for a boy are the following professions: paramedic, pharmacist, nurse and massage therapist. You can get a job in these specializations after graduating from college. In addition, three years of study in it will give you a good knowledge base that will facilitate the process of obtaining an education in a medical school.
      7. Chemical and biological specializations. Colleges train food technologists and pharmacists.
      8. Legal specialties. Having chosen a certain legal area (for example, criminal, administrative, civil law) and having studied in law college, you can get a job as a paralegal or legal assistant, as well as a specialist legal department private or public company. As well as continue to receive education in a higher educational institution.
      9. Agricultural professions. This option of who to study after the 9th grade for a boy involves the development of the following specialties: agronomist, farmer, vegetable grower, fish farmer. They are in demand at agricultural enterprises (especially in regions where crop production and animal husbandry provide a significant share of GDP).
      10. Economic specializations. They are considered more suitable for girls, but if you feel the potential to become a successful accountant, manager or auditor, bank employee, then no one will stop you from going to study at an economic college.
      11. Creative professions. You can become a graphic designer, animator, painter, musician, photographer, jeweler, choreographer, etc., if you have an inclination for the corresponding kind of creativity and have some ability for it.
      12. Culinary Specialties. If you like cooking, then a good answer to the question of who you can study after grade 9 is for you to study as a cook, pastry chef, baker. Specialists of this kind are always needed in institutions Catering, food workshops of food manufacturing factories, culinary departments of stores.
      13. Military professions and the profession of a pilot. These are professions, the vast majority of which are men. They require a certain responsibility, endurance and good physical shape. Demanded by both military and civilian organizations (for example, aviation companies).
      14. Professions firefighter and rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is also a man's job, because it requires physical strength.
      15. Sports professions. There are sports colleges. They train physical education teachers and coaches. To enter here, they pass an exam in general physical training.
      16. Service professions. Colleges prepare managers in the hotel business, restaurants, tourism, guides to railways, flight attendants in aviation, as well as hairdressers, makeup artists. IN last years there are more and more young men among hairdressers.
      17. When choosing whom it is better to go to study after grade 9 from this rather extensive list, think about what you would like to do, and in what you can really achieve a high level of professionalism. Try to “pull up” academic performance and pass the exam well in order to be more likely to pass the competitive selection. Let's say it again: competitive selection for colleges is based on the GPA.

        If in doubt about the right choice of a specialty or college, apply to several colleges, and then choose to enter the one that you like best (or which you are going through). You can find out last year's passing score on the official websites of most colleges. If you already don’t know at all who you should be, career guidance will help you.