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Which Belarusian universities teach IT specialists: a complete list of educational institutions, terms of study and cost. Which Belarusian universities teach IT specialists: a complete list of educational institutions, terms of study and cost Bguir correspondence course

In anticipation of the introductory campaign, the site was compiled full list higher educational institutions, where you can study IT specialties. As it turned out, the matter is not limited to BSUIR and BSU. And to become an IT specialist, it is not at all necessary to study in Minsk. Read more in our material.


BSUIR(Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics)

A university where most specialties are related to IT. Some of the highest scores are achieved by applicants to the specialty “Informatics and Programming Technologies” of the prestigious KISS faculty. According to the results of 2016, applicants were admitted with 373 points or more. With a small margin of 10 points comes the specialty “ Software information technologies».

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  1. Faculty

computer design

Training period

Cost, BYN

1 course - 2,050

2nd year - 2,050

3rd year - 1 920

4th year - 1,820

5th course - 1,750

Design and production of software-controlled electronic devices

Modeling and computer design of radio-electronic equipment

Software-controlled electron-optical systems

Medical electronics

Engineering and psychological support of information technologies

Information Systems and technology


  1. Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics

Training period

Cost, BYN

Micro- and nanoelectronic technologies and systems

1 course - 2,050

2nd year - 2,050

3rd year - 1 920

4th year - 1,820

5th course - 1,750

Quantum information systems

Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in electronics

Radio engineering (programmable radio electronics)

Radioelectronic systems


Electronic information protection

Electronic and information-control systems of physical installations

Professional education(Informatics)

The most popular is “Economics of Electronic Business”, where economists and programmers come from. Yes, even economists from BSUIR study programming. And, perhaps, for a future IEF programmer, a chance to gain a broader vision of the world.

The next faculty trains specialists that are not even available at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - there training takes place only within the framework of the work of one department, unlike BSUIR.

At the university (except for the usual daytime and distance learning) there is also an evening one.

BSU(Belarusian State University)

Commonly called the most prestigious university in Belarus, BSU trains programmers and specialists in related fields at 4 faculties, including the humanities. The duration of study in most cases is 4 years.



Training period

Cost for 1st course, BYN


Radiophysics and computer technology

Physical electronics

Computer security

Applied Informatics

Aerospace radio-electronic and information systems and technologies

Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Computer science

Applied Informatics

Economic cybernetics

Actuarial mathematics

Computer security

Mathematics and Information Technology

(including web programming, mobile device software)

Mechanics and mathematics

Computer mathematics and system analysis

Applied informatics (direction - web programming and computer design)

Sociocultural communications

Modern foreign languages(computational linguistics, computer-assisted language teaching)

Applied linguistics is also studied at the pedagogical faculties of MSLU (Minsk State Linguistic University), but only as one of the disciplines in other specialties .

BSTU(Belarusian State Technological University)

Here they train not only chemists and foresters, but also pay attention to technology. The most popular specialty is “Information Technology Software” (passing score - 289 for the budget department in 2016).

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BNTU(Belarusian National Technical University)

Only one faculty is suitable here and, by the way, it is the only one in Belarus that trains specialists in the field of robotics.

The most popular specialty is “Information Technology Software” (322 points to get into budget education in 2016). But the competition at the faculty is small and comparable to the competition for the mechanical engineering faculty - 1.33 people per place.

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Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus

Here you can gain management knowledge for working with information systems, but only by enrolling in a retraining program for those with a first higher education. It’s hard to call it programming; rather, they teach here those who can work with programmers in the role of manager.

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BSEU(Belarusian State Economic University)

Still called “narkhoz,” the university also touches a little on the IT sphere: there are a couple of economic specialties here, where students also learn programming, but in smaller quantities than at the IEF BSUIR.

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MITSO(Educational Institution of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus)

In 2017, a new specialty will appear here, where you can get the specialty “software engineer-economist”.

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Belarusian-Russian University

There is both training for economists versed in technology and ordinary IT specialists.

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Other cities in Belarus

BrGU named after A.S. Pushkin(Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin)

One of the tangible advantages is that training here is cheaper than in Minsk in similar specialties (especially when compared with applied mathematics at BSU).

You can find out more about payment.

BarSU (Baranovichi State University)

VSU named after P.M.Masherov(Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov)

VSTU(Vitebsk State Technological University)

In 2017, two new specialties will appear, including the ability to study 3D printing.

PGU(Polotsk State University)

GSU named after F. Skaryna(Gomel State University named after F. Skaryna)



Training period

Cost (1 course), BYN


Mathematics and programming technologies

Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics

Economic cybernetics

Information technology software

Computer Science and Programming Technologies

Physical electronics

Physics and Information Technology

Automated information processing systems

Electronic systems security

Programmable mobile systems

Computer physics

Specialties of FNiDO

Recruitment plan for 2019




1st group of specialties:


2nd group of specialties:


Standard training period for remote form- 5 years. Training is provided on payment terms.

At BSUIR, modern information and communication technologies are used in distance education, which makes it possible to use the knowledge and skills of teachers with high efficiency, increase the efficiency of learning and improve the quality of student training.

The distance learning process is provided by 28 university departments and more than 200 teachers who are fluent in modern information technologies.

To familiarize students and teachers with the latest information, an RSS newsletter and a Twitter channel have been implemented on the faculty website.

In order to increase the efficiency of distance learning, the system is currently used distance learning SharePointLMS (Guest Login), created by the Belarusian company Belitsoft on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server platform. This system is used in many universities around the world. SharePointLMS - comprehensive solution, allowing for effective interaction between students and teachers. It allows you to easily find the required information and people, and if the user is online, immediately contact him either with a simple text message or by organizing an audio or video communication session.

You can apply to FINO for your first higher education only through the admissions committee.

Advantages of distance learning:

Study in any convenient place (at home, at work, on a business trip, on vacation - wherever you can connect to the Internet);
- study at any convenient time (before and after work, during lunch break; even at night, if you are a night owl);
- training 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;
- training for all categories of the population (including young and mothers of many children; people with limited mobility; military personnel; specialists who are often forced to travel on business);
- the possibility of remote certification of students.
In addition, you do not waste time traveling to your place of study (2 hours a day).

Distance learning at BSUIR is:

The ability to select an individual set of disciplines to be studied, the schedule and duration of their study, depending on the desired pace of learning;
- the opportunity to take exams and tests both during the winter and summer sessions, and during the intersessional period at a time convenient for the student and teacher;
- the ability to take exams and tests using remote educational technologies subject to identification and (or) authentication of the student’s identity and the availability of visualization;
- highly qualified teachers of BSUIR, who may not have equals in your region;
- more than 400 electronic educational and methodological complexes of disciplines for distance learning;
- usage modern system electronic distance learning;
- the opportunity to receive individual consultations from teachers, both within the university and at a distance using modern information and communication technologies;
- the ability to watch video lectures on disciplines and receive video consultations on the material being studied;
- payment only for disciplines that have not yet been studied, which allows you to optimize your expenses for educational services, especially when receiving a second higher education;
- lower cost than full-time education.

Distance learning - educational environment XXI century, its main principle: KNOWLEDGE IS DELIVERED TO PEOPLE. BSUIR is ready to deliver them to you!

Information on tuition fees for freshmen for 2013/14 has been published on the BSUIR website. academic year. Information on the cost of education at BSUIR for the 2013/14 academic year for 2-5 year students will be clarified after agreement with the Ministry of Education.

Tuition fees in for first year students for the 2013/14 academic year is:

1. by day form of training for all specialties:
Faculty of Computer Design (FKP) - 14,605,000 rubles;
Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics (FRE) - 14,605,000 rubles;
Faculty of Telecommunications (FTC) - 14,605,000 rubles;
Faculty of Information Technologies and Management (FITU) - 16,170,000 rubles;
Faculty of Engineering and Economics (IEF) - 16,170,000 rubles;
Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks (FKSiS) - 16,905,000 rubles.

2. by evening form of training:
for all specialties - 10,440,000 rubles.

3. by correspondence form of training:
for all specialties - 5,400,000 rubles.

4. by remote form of training:
for all specialties for studying one discipline - 492,000 rubles.

5. by evening integrated form of education (IIT BSUIR):
for the specialties “Engineering and psychological support of information technologies” (IPOIT), “Information technologies and management in technical systems” (ITiUTS) - 6,600,000 rubles;
for the specialties “Software of Information Technologies” (POIT), “ Computing machines, systems and networks" (VMSiS) - 6,840,000 rubles.

6. by correspondence integrated form of education (IIT BSUIR):
for the specialties “Modeling and computer-aided design of radio-electronic equipment” (MiKPRES), “Economics and organization of production” (E&OP), “Infocommunication technologies (digital television and radio broadcasting)” ICT (CDT), IPOIT - 5,160,000 rubles;
for the specialties “Electronic Security Systems” (ESS), “ Technical support security" (TOB), "Industrial electronics" (PM), "Information systems and technologies (in economics)" (ISiT (E)), ITiUTS - 5,250,000 rubles
for the specialty POIT - 5,300,000 rubles

Amount of down payment (until 08/31/2013):

By day form of education for all specialties of faculties - 25% of the tuition fee for the year:
FKP, FRE, FTC - 3,651,250 rubles;
FITU, IEF - 4,042,500 rubles.
FKSiS - 4,226,250 rubles.

By evening form of education - 25% of the tuition fee for the year:
for all specialties - 2,610,000 rubles.

By correspondence form of education - 50% of the tuition fee for the year:
for all specialties - 2,700,000 rubles.

By remote form of education (according to the number of disciplines in the first semester of the academic year):
specialties “Automated Information Processing Systems” (ASIP), “Informatics and Programming Technologies” (I&TP), POIT, IPOIT, “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) (5 disciplines) - 2,460,000 rubles;
specialty "Electronic Marketing", ISiT (E) (6 disciplines) - 2,952,000 rubles.