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Grade 3 number of nouns. Singular and plural nouns

The form of a number denoting one object in a series of homogeneous objects is the form the only one numbers: house, table, textbook, student. The form of a number denoting an indefinite set of homogeneous objects is the form plural numbers: houses, tables, textbooks, students.

A number of nouns do not have correlative singular and plural forms.

To nouns, having only singular forms, relate:

1) abstract nouns: joy, courage, bravery;

2) a number of real nouns: gold, tin, silver, raspberries, milk;

3) collective nouns: foliage, students;

4) proper names: Omsk, Irtysh, Siberia.

To nouns, having only plural forms, relate:

1) nouns denoting a period of time: day, weekdays, holidays;

2) a number of real nouns: cream, cabbage soup, sweets;

3) individual proper names: Alps, Kuriles, Pyrenees;

4) names of some games: chess, checkers, blind man's buff;

5) concrete nouns denoting objects consisting of several parts or paired objects: scissors, gates, clocks, rakes, railings, trousers;

6) complex actions, processes: chores, racing;

7) indivisibility, indivisibility: shoots, subsoil, memoirs, finances, money.

2.2. Tasks

Task 5. 1) Name nouns that do not have corresponding plural forms.

Air, power, atmosphere, porcelain, everyday life, relatives, West, oil, youth, metal, fog, spouse, alcohol.

2) Name nouns that do not have corresponding singular forms.

Money, people, yeast, skates, perfume, windows, name days, days, makings, glasses, lungs, abacus, bills, ink, nonsense.

Task 6. Distribute these nouns, which have only a plural form, according to the following meanings: 1) period of time; 2) substance, material, product; 3) proper name; 4) game names; 5) pairing, or the composite nature of the object; 6) complex actions, processes; 7) indivisibility.

Vacations, memoirs, Alps, skids, everyday life, perfume, wallpaper, gills, Cheboksary, chores, gates, cabbage soup, chess, mouth, blind man's buff, negotiations, jungle, cereal, scissors, Libra.

Task 7. Name cases where the singular is used instead of the plural (and vice versa).

1) Everyone stood up, frowning importantly, bowed low, low and, straightening their mustache and beard, sat down on oak benches (A.S. Pushkin).

2) We are all looking at Napoleons (A.S. Pushkin).

3) The appearance of the great genius was met with extreme respect: even the most strict old men expressed approval and curiosity, and the ladies even showed some delight. The applause, however, was short and somehow unfriendly, confused (F. M. Dostoevsky).

4) Many new things are useless, they only irritate residents (Yu. Tynyanov).

Task 8. Determine in which sentences the highlighted nouns have a strictly singular meaning, and in which they are used in a collective meaning.

On a hillock grows a spreading Linden.

Late Linden blooms, but gives fragrant color.

Fine bear tease from the window. (Last)

Bear stepped on my ear. (Last)

White bear lives in the North.

The hunters saw in the clearing bear.

That's why pike to the sea to crucian carp didn't doze. (Last)

crucian carp- a freshwater fish from the carp family with reddish fins.

The guys caught a small one crucian carp.

Task 9. Determine how the lexical meaning of singular and plural nouns changes.

Steel - steel; sweetness - sweets; beauty - beauty; labor - labors; reading - reading; atmosphere – 5 atmospheres.

Task 10. Indicate errors made in the use of singular and plural forms of nouns. Correct the text.

1) Tatyana has a subtle understanding of Russian nature.

2) Workers' dissatisfaction with life was expressed in strikes.

3) The image of a miser who has lost everything human cannot but arouse our indignation.

4) In Plyushkin’s inkwell there was not ink, but some kind of moldy liquid.

Task 11. Write the words into three groups: a) nouns that have only a singular form; b) nouns that have only a plural form; c) nouns that have both singular and plural forms.

Checkers, day, gold, power, millet, youth, sour cream, cream, spouse, relatives, west, trousers, fog, beer, hide and seek, gates, time, snow, Pyrenees, fluff, jeans, metal, railings, chores, foliage, courage, butter, strawberries.

Task 12 (control). Divide these nouns, which have only a plural form, into groups: 1) period of time; 2) substance, material, product; 3) proper name; 4) game names; 5) pairing, or the composite nature of the object; 6) complex actions, processes; 7) indivisibility.

Sweets, swings, elections, finances, racing, sawdust, ink, Athens, everyday life, perfume, money, gates, Cordillera, day, vice, Libra, mouth, yeast, looks, catching up, bowels.

Task 13 (control). Write the words into three groups: a) nouns that have only a singular form; b) nouns that have only a plural form; c) nouns that have both singular and plural forms. Insert the missing letters.

Kindness, professor...cheers, ink..., trembling...and, calculation...ska, students; chess...,, m...moires, ser...bro, youth..., pl...pliers, engineer...ner, f...nansy, kr...stanin, citizen, pr...appreciation, sh...rokh.

Self-test questions

1) Name groups of nouns that do not have correlative singular forms.

2) Name groups of nouns that do not have correlative plural forms.

3) Give examples of using the singular to mean the plural, and vice versa.

1. Nouns belong to one of three childbirth: male, female, average.

The gender of a noun can be determined by agreeing with it the possessive pronoun my:

my son, my governor, my curtain, my little house - masculine;
my wife, my wall, my night - feminine,
my window, my sky, my animal - neuter gender.

In addition, for most nouns denoting people, gender can be determined by gender - my apprentice, my grandfather(masculine); my mother, my sister(feminine gender).

2. Genus unchangeable nouns is defined as follows.

    The gender of uninflected nouns that name people is determined by gender.

    Brave hidalgo, refined lady.

    Nouns denoting professions and occupations are masculine.

    Military attaché, night porter.

    Unchangeable nouns that name animals are masculine, although when referring to a female they can be used as feminine nouns.

    Australian kangaroo, funny chimpanzee, little hummingbird.
    The chimpanzee was feeding her babies.

    Exceptions: tsetse, iwasi- feminine gender.

    Unchangeable inanimate nouns are neuter.

    Night taxi, delicious stew, new blinds.

    Exceptions: coffee, penalty, sirocco(masculine) avenue, salami(feminine gender).

3. A special group consists of nouns general kind, which can refer to both male and female people.

What a slob you are! What a slob you are!

    Nouns of the general gender characterize a person, usually give an evaluative characteristic of a person, have the endings -а, -я and belong to the 1st declension.

    A slob, a ringleader, a singer, a hard worker, a dirty guy, a dude, a drunkard, a sissy, a sleepyhead, a crybaby.


Some 2nd declension nouns with a zero ending, naming persons by profession ( doctor, professor, associate professor, driver etc.), although they can be used in relation to female persons, are still masculine nouns!

4. The gender of nouns is determined by the singular form. If a noun does not have a singular form, it cannot be classified into any of the three genders.

Manger, pasta, trousers, pitchforks.

B) Number of a noun

1. Most nouns have two numbers - the only thing And plural. In the singular form, a noun denotes one object; in the plural form, it denotes several objects.

Pencil - pencils; doctor - doctors.

2. Only one form(singular or plural) have real, collective, abstract and some concrete nouns.

Only the form singular have:

    most material nouns;

    Oil, cement, sugar, pearls, sour cream, milk.

    most abstract nouns;

    Joy, goodness, grief, fun, redness, running, gray hair.

    most collective nouns;

    Teaching, students, foliage, animals, crows, children.

    most proper names.

    Voronezh, Caucasus, Caspian Sea, Ural.


In some cases, nouns that have only a singular form can form plural forms. But such education is necessarily associated with a change in the meaning of the word:

1) at real

a) types, varieties of substance:

wine - dessert wines, oil - technical oils;

b) the value of the large space covered by this substance:

water - ocean waters, sand - Karakum sands;

2) at distracted of nouns the plural form has the meaning:

a) various manifestations of qualities, properties, states:

opportunity - new opportunities, joy - our joys;

b) duration, frequency and degree of manifestation of a sign, condition, action:

frost - prolonged frosts, pain - severe pain, scream - screams.

Only the form plural have:

    some real nouns;

    Ink, sawdust, cleaning.

    some abstract nouns;

    Name days, elections, attacks, intrigues, beatings.

  • some collective nouns;

    Money, finance, wilds.

  • some proper names;

    Karakum, Carpathians, novel “Demons”.

    words denoting paired objects, that is, objects consisting of two parts;

    Glasses, trousers, sleigh, gates, scissors, pliers.

    some names of periods of time.

    Twilight, day, weekdays, holidays.


For nouns that only have a plural form, not only the gender, but also the declension is not determined!

C) Case and declension of nouns

1. There are six in Russian cases:

    All cases except the nominative are called indirect.


1) To correctly determine the case of a noun, you need to find the word on which the noun depends and ask a question about the noun from this word, and it is better to use both questions at the same time.

Wed: He trusted his friend: he believed[to whom? what?] friend - D. p.

The form I. p. usually has a subject, and such a noun does not depend on other members of the sentence, but is connected with the predicate.

Wed: I have[Who? what?] friend - I. p.

2) It is especially important to ask both questions if the noun is in the nominative, genitive or accusative case, since animate nouns have the same questions in the genitive and accusative cases (who?), and inanimate nouns have the same questions in the nominative and accusative cases (what?).

3) If a noun has a preposition, then the question must be asked using this preposition.

Wed: He looked at the book: he looked[in whom? into what?] in the book.

4) A preposition can be separated from a noun by an adjective or pronoun. Note that a preposition is associated with a noun, not a noun-dependent modifier.

Wed: He was quarreling with his friend: quarreling[with whom? with what?] with a friend.

2. Changing nouns by case and number is called declination.

    Immutable nouns ( coat, citro, metro, taxi, kangaroo, UN, traffic police) have no declination! Their number and case can be determined in phrases and sentences on the question.

    He was sitting[in whom? what?] V coat - singular, prepositional case; He came[without whom? without which?] without coat - singular, genitive case.

3. The declension of modified nouns is determined by the form nominative singular. Most singular nouns are divided into three types of declension.

The type of declension is determined by the initial form (singular, nominative case):

1st class -and I Feminine, masculine and common nouns with endings -а, -я. Spring, earth, line, uncle, ruler, dirty one.
2nd class zero Masculine nouns ending in zero. House, edge, ball, planetarium.
-o, -e All nouns end in -o, -e. Window, field, suspicion- neuter gender; wolf, apprentice- masculine.
3rd class zero Feminine nouns ending in zero. Mother, daughter, night, steppe.

4. Ten neuter nouns ending in -мя (ending -я): time, burden, stirrup, tribe, flame, banner, crown, seed, name, udder, as well as nouns way, child refer to divergent(they have endings of different declensions).

5. The noun person has different roots in the singular and plural ( person people), therefore has different types of declension in singular and plural:

person (singular) - declined as a 2nd declension noun;
people (plural) - declined as a 3rd declension noun.

6. Substantive adjectives and participles (nouns formed by moving from one part of speech to another: ice cream, dining room, living room, maid etc.) do not belong to any of the three types of declension. They continue to decline, just as adjectives and participles decline!

D) Declension patterns for nouns

1st declension

Case Singular Plural
I. p. Mother Nanny Aria Moms Nannies Arias
R. p. Moms Nannies Arias Mom Nian Arius
D. p. To mom Nanny Arias Moms Nannies Ariyam
V. p. Mom Nanny Aria Mom Nian Arias
etc. Mom Nanny(s) Aria(s) By moms Nannies Arias
P. p. About mom About the nanny About the aria About moms About nannies About arias


Nouns of the 1st declension ending in -iya: army, aria, symphony, Maria and others - in the dative case and prepositional case of the singular they have the ending -i, like nouns of the 3rd declension.

Wed: to the army, about the aria, to the symphony, about the symphony, to Mary, about Mary.

For nouns ending in -ya: Marya, liar, cell

Wed: to Marya, oh Marya.

2nd declension. Masculine

Case Singular Plural
I. p. House Horse Cue At home Horses cues
R. p. At home Horse Kiya Houses Horses Kyiv
D. p. Home horse Kiyu Home Horses Kiyam
V. p. House Horse Cue At home Horses cues
etc. Home Horse cue Homes Horses Kiyami
P. p. About the house About the horse About the cue About houses About horses About cues


Nouns of the 2nd declension ending in -iy (zero ending): cue, radium, proletarian, planetarium and others - in the single prepositional case they have the ending -i, like nouns of the 3rd declension.

Wed: about radium, about the planetarium.

For nouns ending in -ey, -ai (zero ending): edge, sparrow etc. - this rule does not apply (!).

Wed: about the edge, about the sparrow.

2nd declension. Neuter gender

Indeclinable nouns

Case Singular Plural
I. p. Time Path Time Paths
R. p. Time Paths Times Ways
D. p. Time Paths From time to time Ways
V. p. Time Path Time Paths
etc. Time By From time to time In ways
P. p. About the time About the path About times About the paths


In indirect cases, nouns ending in -mya have the suffix -en- ( time, seed, name).
Exception form the plural forms of the genitive case of nouns seed, stirrup - no seeds, no stirrups.

Lesson summary in Russian language

on the topic "Number of nouns"

3 class a

Khrenova Marina Alexandrovna

Target: generalization and deepening of students’ knowledge about the number of nouns.



    introduce students to nouns that are used only in singular and plural forms; improve the ability to change nouns by numbers;

    improve skill change names nouns By numbers .


    to form universal educational actions: interest in the subject, in the educational material;

    learn how to classify on an independently found basis;

    learn to define a problem, independently build and act according to the developed solution algorithm.

Team work:

    the ability to formulate your opinion, respect the opinion and control the behavior of your partner.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer, cards with tasks for working in groups.

During the classes.

I. Organizational stage

Hello guys! What is our lesson now?

Why do you need to study Russian? (To be literate, to know your native language, to be proud of it, because the people should be proud of their native language)

Where do we start every Russian language lesson? (From writing down a date, class work, a minute of penmanship.)

Let's open our notebooks, write down the number, great job.

A minute of penmanship.

Game "Find the missing letter"

Ly...i,,...iraf, e... -On the desk

What identical sound is missing in these words?

What letter does it represent on the letter?(zhe)

Write it down by continuing the pattern


Explain the meaning. Write it off. The sting is sharp, and the tongue is sharper than that. –On the desk

Vocabulary work: doctors, teachers.

II. Updating the acquired knowledge

What big topic are we studying now? (noun).

What have you learned about nouns? Create an answer algorithm.

NOUN written on the board






III. Working on the topic

    Formulating the topic of the lesson.

On the desk

Forest, lake, boy, city, apple.

Forests, lakes, boys, cities, apples

How do groups of words differ?

When a noun names one thing, in what number will it appear?

And when does it name many objects?

You and I already know that nouns have a gender form, and today we learned that nouns can change according to numbers.

4. Reading the rules in the textbook p. 167. (multimedia).

5. Classification of nouns in singular form. and plural

Textbook page 167, exercise 1

(2 students work at the board).

Exercise 2. Page 167 (orally).

Physical exercise.

U. I will name the singular and plural noun.

If I name a singular noun, then girls do squats.

If I name a plural noun, then boys are squatting.

Words: house, houses, city, cities, streets, street, tulips, tulip, riddle, riddles, earth, swan, mountains.

3. Reinforcing the material covered

I V. Work in groups.

I encrypted the poem.

What do we need to do? (Instead of pictures, insert nouns in the required number)

And since the work is very difficult, you will do it in groups.

And in order for the work to be productive, you need to be able to do it.

How should you behave when working in groups? (When one speaks, the other listens and vice versa. Then they agree among themselves and report to the class.)

Groups 1 and 2 will receive sheets of paper with the task.

Groups 3 and 4 put nouns into plural form



road - ... garden - ....

Groups 5,6, 7 write down 4 words in two columns (singular and plural) from the dictionary.

V. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Subgoal: systematize knowledge.

Checking the completion of work.

What new did you learn about nouns in class today?

VI. Summarizing. Reflection. Homework

What questions does a noun answer?

What do they mean?

How do they change?

Emotional reflection .

The lesson has come to an end. Each of you perceived it differently. How do you feel after your Russian language lesson?

VII. Homework. P.168 exercise 4, rule. (Write down nouns, determine the number, highlight the endings)

Polchaninova Svetlana Leonidovna

Taganrog, Rostov region,

MAOU secondary school No. 12

primary classes

Educational and training complex "Primary school of the XXI century"

Lesson “Number of nouns”

3rd grade

45 minutes

Presentation for the lesson “Number of nouns”

Lesson topic: “Number of nouns”

Goals and objectives:

1. Organize educational activities for children to familiarize themselves with changing nouns by numbers.

2. Introduce the concept of number of nouns.

3. Based on the lesson material, develop oral and written speech.

Lesson steps:

    Emotional entry into the lesson.

    Updating knowledge.

    Research on the topic of the lesson.

    Physical education moment.

    Deepening knowledge.

    Consolidation of knowledge. Reflection.

    Lesson summary.

During the classes.

    Emotional entry into the lesson.

We are happy, we are having fun!

We laugh in the morning.

But then the moment came

It's time to start the lesson!

What's your mood? (In!)

Who has this opinion? (I)

All without exception? (Yes)

Well done! (Hooray!)

Let's start our lesson in a good mood!

    Updating knowledge.

- What do these words have in common?

Slide number 2: Forest, lake, boy, city, apple, cat

What part of speech are we studying now? What will be the topic of the lesson? (Noun)

What do we already know about a noun? (this is a part of speech, denotes an object, answers the questions who? what?, has a gender)

Ask a question; determine the gender of nouns.

Today in class we will expand our knowledge about this part of speech.

    Research on the topic of the lesson.

Slide No. 3: Now, compare the groups of words. How are they different?

Forest, lake, boy, city, apple, cat

Forests, lakes, boys, cities, apples, cats

(Words of the first group denote 1 item each, words of the second group denote many items).

What can we conclude? (nouns change according to numbers)

Complete the topic of the lesson (Number of nouns)

In the textbook on p. 167 read the rule.

Let's practice determining the number of nouns.

Slide number 4: Write the words into two groups:

1. Nouns in singular form.

2. Nouns in plural form.

Cars, window, trees, bench, roads, star, lights, lid, boots, spoon, flowers, month


What new things have you learned about the noun?

Now you know two features of nouns - gender and number.

Which sign is constant? (genus)

What sign is changing? (number)

How to determine the genus? Number?

    Physical education moment.

Now let's rest. Listen, repeat and memorize.

Swifts fly over the water, (Hands to the sides)

Ruffs swim underwater. (Sit down)

A beautiful boat floats

Painted sails. (Arms to the sides, smoothly raise up and lower down)

Who heard nouns in the plural? Name it. Put them in singular form.

Who heard singular nouns? Put them in the plural form.

Let's repeat the physical exercise one more time.

    Deepening knowledge.

Slide number 5: Put these nouns in the plural form. Write down a couple of words.

Bed, rain, story, man, child, teacher, doctor.

Which nouns do not have plural forms of the same root? How to form the plural form of the words “person”, “child”?

There are special cases of forming the plural form of the nouns child and person. The resulting pairs are: person - people, child - children.

These words are not the same root, but they are forms of the same word

Pay attention to the emphasis on plural forms. Speak correctly:

teachers, doctors.

Indicate the part in the words that changes when the word is changed by numbers.


Which part of the word changes when the number of the noun changes?

Can all nouns have a plural form?

    Consolidation of knowledge. Reflection.

We work in pairs. Do exercise 4 from the textbook on p. 168

Exercise text.

Read the text. Write down all the nouns. Determine their number, indicate the endings.

One day we went to the grove to collect acorns. After the first frost, they fall from the oak trees, heavy, strong, dark brown.

We collected baskets full of acorns. We went out into the clearing and sat down to rest. There are aspen and birch trees all around. The leaves have almost all fallen off, only those on the oak trees are still hanging on. It’s good to sit in the forest on such a fine day, remembering summer, going for mushrooms and berries.

Checking work in pairs.

    Lesson summary.

1. What is the topic of the lesson?

2. What new things have you learned about nouns?

3. What are the two characteristics of nouns?

4. Which one is permanent? Which one is changing?

5. Which part of the word changes when the number of the noun changes?

6. What can you tell us about the noun?

Slide No. 6

And in the next lesson we will practice determining the number of nouns and learn how the plural form is formed for some nouns.

Homework: rule on p. 167 and exercise No. 3.

-Our lesson has come to an end. What can you say about the lesson? What did you like about the lesson? Did everything work out for you?

The boys are waiting for a change.

You need to play, jump.


    Russian language: 3rd grade: textbook for students of general education institutions: in 2 hours. Part 1/ [S. V. Ivanov, A.O. Evdokimova, M.I. Kuznetsova and others]; [ed. S. V. Ivanova]. - 3rd ed., revised, - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013.

    Ivanov S.V. Russian language: 3rd grade: comments on lessons / S.V. Ivanov, M.I. Kuznetsova. - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013.

    Lakotsenina T.P. Unusual lessons in elementary school (Part 1: main groups of lessons, methodology): Practical. Manual for teachers beginning. classes, students of pedagogical educational institutions, students of the IPK. – Rostov n/d: ZAO “Kniga”; Publishing house "Teacher" - 2008

    Kovalko V.I. School of physical exercises (grades 1-4): Practical development of physical exercises, gymnastic complexes, outdoor games for younger schoolchildren. - M.: VAKO, 2005.

Russian language lesson plan

in grade 3-B on the topic “Number of nouns.”

The lesson was held on Open Day on February 27, 2013 at the Federal State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 21 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by a teacher of the first qualification categoryMinasyan Natalya Grantovna,Parents of 3rd grade students were present at the lesson.

Lesson type: lesson on discovering new knowledge.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

generalize and systematize students’ knowledge about a noun as a part of speech;

test the ability to work according to the algorithm - detect and correctly write root spellings of nouns;

clarify conceptssingular and plural,
introduce students to changing nouns by number,
practice the ability to determine the gender and number of nouns,
work to develop students’ spelling vigilance,
work on the development of students’ thinking, memory and speech,
to cultivate a culture of speech, a love of words and native language;

contribute to the moral education of students.


Textbook ( T.G.Ramzaeva.Russian language.3rd grade, 2nd part.),

workbook, TV, computer, presentation“Number of nouns”,made in PowerPoint, “Vocabulary words” for grade 3, authors O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedova, vocabulary word plate , printed on a separate sheet, highlighting the weak position of the vowel, phraseological units on separate sheets:out of place, on a silver platter, three smiley faces on each child’s desk,

algorithm for conscious spelling action written on the poster:

- find the spelling,

Set the type of spelling, correlate it with a certain rule,

Apply the rule

Check what you have written;

statement by K. G. Paustovsky, printed on a separate sheet:

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.

During the classes

I .Org.moment.

The bell is ringing

The lesson begins!

We are pleased to welcome everyone to our class today.

Guys, you have emoticons on your desks, choose one of them and please show your mood.

II. Motivation. (Self-determination for educational activities.)

Teacher. Guys, please read the statement by K. G. Paustovsky. How do you understand it? Slide 3.

To master a language, you need to love it and study it, which is what we do in every lesson.

III. A minute of penmanship. Slide 4.

Write down: number, great job.

Letters are written on the board

a l t o i d e v i .

What groups could you divide them into?

(vowels and consonants, unstressed vowels and unpronounceable consonants)

Write down the unstressed vowels first, and then the unpronounceable consonants.
IV. Statement of educational problem. Slide 5.

Guys, today at the end of the lesson we will have to agree or disagree with the following statements.

All nouns are inflected by number.

Not all nouns are inflected by number.

Some nouns only have a singular form.

Some nouns only have a plural form.

When changing nouns by number, the ending always changes.

V. Vocabulary work.

Teacher. Guys, today we will do some unusual vocabulary work; you will have to guess the word that we will study.

First, try to guess this word by some grammatical features, then by its meaning.

Sample questions for children.

1. How many letters are in this word?

2. How many sounds are in this word?

3. How many syllables are in this word?

4.Which syllable is stressed?

5.What part of speech is this?

6.What question does it answer?

7. Is there a prefix or suffix in the word?

8. What does this word mean, is it in our classroom? Where can it be seen?

9.What is this word used for? etc.

After children guess this word, they find it in the dictionary and read the meaning of this word.

Plate -

1) tableware is round in shape, with raised edges and a wide flat bottom. The word is derived from the Latin. taglyare – “ cut.” Initially, a plate is “a cut piece of board” (for food);

2) musical instrument;

3) flying saucer.

Then children divide this word into syllables, highlight the unstressed vowel, which is not verified by stress, and make up phrases and sentences.

Then work is carried out with phraseological units:

out of place(to be out of place - to feel awkward being in an unusual environment),

on a saucer (plate) with a blue border(to give something to someone who doesn’t deserve it, to give it away without a fight; this is what they say about unfulfilled desires),

Children explain what these phraseological units mean.

VI. Selective dictation with “windows”” .

Teacher. Guys, divide your notebook into 3 parts, now we will repeat 3 root rules, we will distribute nouns into columns.

What spelling patterns do you think we will repeat? (unpronounceable consonants, unstressed vowels in the root, paired deaf-voiced consonants in the root.)

Let's rememberalgorithm for working with spellings:

1 step -find a spelling,

Step 2 - establish the type of spelling, correlate it with a certain rule,

Step 3 - apply the rule,

Step 4: Check what you have written.

(If students do not know which column to write a word in, they write this word under the table. After checking, all gaps are filled in.)

Famous, nest, sharp, holiday, seas, paws, call, sun, turnip, flexible, whistled, cap.

VII .Introduction to the topic.Slide 6.

What do you see on this slide on the right, on the left? (One pencil, several pencils).

Who guessed what we will talk about today? Slide 7.

Teacher. Let's write down the topic of today's lesson:

Number of nouns.
VIII.Work on new material. Slide 8.

Guys, name the words and divide them into groups. Who has already guessed what groups these will be? Draw a conclusion.

Examination. Slide 9.

Teacher .Guys, divide your notebook into 2 parts, write singular, plural Now I will dictate the words to you, you write them down in the first or second column, and then add a couple to them. In those places where you doubt, leave a blank, then we will fill it in.

Classroom, hats, trousers, spoon, notebook, pencil cases, skates, vegetable garden, bucket.

Teacher. What words are left without a pair? We’ll talk about them after the physical education session.

IX. Physical education minute.

X. Continued work on new material. Slide 10.

(Words that have only singular or only plural form).

XI.Game "Third wheel." Slide 11

Examination. Slide 12.

XII.Continuation of work on new material. Slide 13.

There is also a group of nouns whose plural forms are formed differently.

Let's write them down:

Child - children, hman - people, time - times (suffix-en)

XIII.Country “Dictionary”. Pronounce correctly. Slide 14.

XIV.Statement of the problematic issue. Slide 15.

How to determine the gender of nouns in the plural?

Solving a problematic issue.

XV. Lesson summary. Slides 16,17,18.

XVI. Reflection. Slide 19.

Show your mood at the end of the lesson.

XVII.Homework. Slide 20.

XVIII.End of lesson. Slide 21.


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Slide captions:

Number of nouns Presentation on the Russian language for grade 3 Minasyan Natalya Grantovna teacher of the 1st qualification category Federal State Educational Institution - Secondary School No. 21 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Goals and objectives: to clarify the concepts of singular and plural, to consolidate knowledge about a noun as a part of speech, to introduce students to the change of nouns by numbers, to teach students to determine the gender and number of nouns, to work on the formation of students’ spelling vigilance, to work on the development of thinking , memory and speech of students, promote the moral education of students.

“We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” K.G.Paustovsky

DICTIONARY PENCIL PENCIL How are nouns different?

Conclusion 1. To denote one object, a noun is used in ______________________________. singular plural 2. To denote two or more objects, a noun is used in _____ ____________________ ______.

Say the words. Divide into two groups.

CHECK! Unit number Mn. number (one) (many) pear pears apple apples berry berries tomato tomatoes cucumber cucumbers eggplant eggplant rose roses carnation carnations


In each group, choose the odd word and explain your choice. 1. Pens, pencils, scissors. 2. Coat, jacket, fur coat. 3. Train, electric train, metro. 4. Ostrich, kangaroo, lion.

Check!!! scissors subway kangaroo coat



How to determine the gender of nouns in the plural?

Nouns are used in... and in... number. To designate... an object, the noun is used in... number (... h.). To designate... objects, the noun is used in... number (... h.)

All nouns are inflected by number. Not all nouns are inflected by number. Some nouns only have a singular form. Some nouns only have a plural form. When changing nouns by number, the ending always changes.

Homework. Write down from the dictionary 5 nouns that are used only in singular form and 5 nouns that are used only in plural form, rule on page 27 by heart, word-p. 107.

Continue the sentence Today in class I learned... Today in class I liked... Today in class I learned...

I'm pleased with myself, everything worked out for me. I want to know more. I didn't succeed, but I'll try. Nothing is clear in the lesson.

20 Thank you for your work!!!