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Automation of the sound x in phrases and sentences. Individual speech therapy session on sound automation

The syllables are repeated repeatedly: KA-KA-KA-…, KO-KO-KO-…, KU-KU-KU-…, KE-KE-KE-…, KY-KY-KY-….
KA: porridge, kalach, treasury, Cossack, pencil, Katya, galoshes, zucchini, croaks, etc.
KO: cat, cat, Kolya, measles, kite, spears, colt, bone, Kostya, whooping cough, etc.
KU: chicken, bag, doll, cuckoo, sash, piece, Easter cake, cube, jacket, etc.
More difficult - in the middle: shark, falcon, vocals, station, Maxim, starling, etc.
“Tender” words are an inexhaustible source of sound [TO] at the end of the word: table - table, finger - fingers, nose - nose, house - house, etc.. Of course, the child should remember the “affectionate” version of the word. Game "Tender words" good with the ball.
Word formation will provide enormous material for consolidating the sound K:
"Animals and their young" : cat - kitten, fox - fox cub, wolf - wolf cub, bear - bear cub, starling - starling, rook - rook, beaver - beaver cub, etc.
“Professions and occupations of people”: student - student, smart girl - smart guy, fashionista - fashionista, sea - sailor, fish - fisherman, fire - fireman, yard - janitor, etc.
Having practiced the sound [K] on the material of words, proceed to purely speaking :
Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: this wall is high.
Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka: who came from afar?
Co-co-co, co-co-co: let's throw the ball high.
Co-co-co, co-co-co: we can easily hear the sound.
Cuckoo-coo, cuckoo-coo: here's a cuckoo for a bitch.
Ku-ku-ku, ku-ku-ku: I bake pies for everyone.
Ak-ak-ak, ak-ak-ak: a Cossack gallops on a horse.
Ok-ok-ok, ok-ok-ok: we are jumping and jumping over the bumps!
Uk-uk-uk, uk-uk-uk: what kind of knock is that?
Yk-yk-yk, yk-yk-yk: our cat jumps onto the carpet!
Tongue twisters , - this is aerobatics in the pronunciation of any sounds:
A blacksmith forged a horseshoe for a horse on an anvil.
The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on his hood: he looks funny in a hood!
Karl the dwarf was tumbling on the carpet.

A quonka walks around the yard,
Leads children around cages.

Buy a pile of spades.
The Turk smokes a pipe, pecks the Turk's grains.
Our river is as wide as the Oka.
Our river is as wide as the Oka.
Our river is as wide as the Oka.

Near the bell stake.
I was sitting at Oka’s, eating apples.
Mow, mow, while there is dew.
Down with the dew and home for us.

Klava put the onion on the shelf,
Nikolka called to her.

Konstantin stated.
Kolya is near the collie,
That and the collie near Kolya.

There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat,
There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat is walking with a barefoot goat.

A poetic texts can be found in any children's books:
We bought the cat
Boots for the holiday.
They combed her mustache,
We sewed new panties.
But how to put them on?
The tail has nowhere to go.
P. Voronko.
The cat caught mice and rats,
The rabbit was gnawing on a cabbage leaf.
S. Marshak.
- Kitty-cat, go to the dock,
Talk about a spikelet!
- Spikelet, my friends,
He's got a mustache, just like me!
G. Vieru.
Porridge is ripe in the meadow.
The cow Mashka eats porridge.
Masha likes lunch:
There is nothing tastier.
A. Shibaev.

Consolidating the sound [G] in a child’s speech

The sound [G] is consolidated in the same sequence as [K]: syllables, words, phrases, texts, tongue twisters.
GA: gas, newspaper, lawn, jackdaw, roar, loon, gait, hammock, harbor, accordion, etc.
GO: hunger, city, guest, proud, throat, turtle dove, mountains, highlander, hound, gong, etc.
GU: goose, goose, lips, walk, ghouls, gusli, gurba, thicket, etc.
Ga-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: who has a sore leg?
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: my leg doesn’t hurt anymore.
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: my foot gets stuck in the hay.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: I can help you.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: a titmouse is sitting in the snow.
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo: the goose is sowing in the meadow.
Go-go-go, go-go-go: the horse laughs: “E-go-go!”
Poetic texts with sound [G]:
Goose bought himself an accordion,
But it’s a little holey.
The harmonica sang well,
It hissed like a goose.
(G. Vieru)
- Ha-ha-ha! - the goose cackles.
- I'm proud of my family!
To the goslings and to the goose
I keep looking and can’t get enough of it!
(N. Koyotarev)
Bullfinches sitting in the snow:
They sit in the snow - and not a peep.
In vain the owls are guarding them
On a snowy meadow.
(A. Pudval)
The rook was swinging in a hammock,
Geese are in the waves on the river.
Pigeons flew past
And they sat down on a branch.
The twig is swaying -
It's working out well.
(A. Pudval)
Tongue twisters with the sound [G] are quite complex:
There is a loon in the nest, the loon has a pair of chicks.
Hanna ate dumplings, Herman ate pink dumplings.
They spank gander after gander in single file.
The gander looks down on the gander.
Oh, the gander will pluck the gander's sides.
The gorilla spoke to them, sentenced,
She spoke, spoke, sentenced.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

The messenger from the galleys burned to death.
Like on a hill, on a hill
Thirty-three Egorkas cost:

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas...

A loon flew over the barn,
And in the barn sat another loon

Total loons - a couple...

Great workout for strengthening soft sounds– pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters:
Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki: the trees are very tall.
Ke-ke-ke-, ke-ke-ke: the kitten is sleeping in the corner.
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: I caught the ball, now run!
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: Gena, help mom!
Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi: don't forget about the boots.
To the sound K
At the mouse's hole
Crumbs and crusts.
In the closet by the mouse
Pieces of gingerbread.
At the little mouse
Cracklings in a mug.
The mouse has a tub
Wave mushrooms.
In the mouse's bowl
Leftover sourdough
And in the cellar
Cheeses and sausages.
There are hooks on the door,
Chains, locks...
(I. Lopukhina)

Consolidating the sound [Х, Хь] in a child’s speech

Pure talk with [X], [X"]:
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: a flea is jumping on the floor.
Hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo: we didn’t catch the flea.
Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee: the flea's legs are fast.
He-he-he, he-he-he: we know the fairy tale about the flea.
Phrases with sounds [X], [X"]:
Collect dry brushwood.
A cunning ferret caught a hamster.
The chameleon has a long tail.
Khariton was collecting brushwood.
Poetic texts with sounds [Х], [Х"]:
The hamster is hoarse from screaming:
- Does a ferret get the flu?
Oh, ferret, what a liar you are,
I'll die of laughter!
(A. Pudval)

Mila laughed loudly,
A laugh landed in my mouth.
Ha ha ha! Suddenly - boom! - fell
And I lost my laugh.
(F. Bobylev)
A boastful chameleon.
The chameleon showed off its tail
Tailed predators. After…
-What happened to him, to his tail?
-No chameleon, no tail.
After all, predators do not fast.
The story, unfortunately, is simple.

(E. Karelskaya)

Hammer, hamster, hamster -
Striped barrel.
Khomka gets up early,
He cleans his paws and drinks water.
Khomka tidies up the hut
And goes out to charge:
One, two, three, four, five,
Khomka wants to become strong!
(A. Kamenchuk)
Ferret hunter
The ferret went to the chicken coop to hunt,
Yes, I woke up the corydalis in a hurry.
Yes, the Rooster has woken up,
There's a thump at Khorya from above!
The ferret barely carried off his legs out of fear.
Oh, it’s painful and offensive to the point of tears!
And he sits and grumbles under the alder tree:
- That chicken coop is bad, bad!..
(V. Suslov)
The ferret went to the wolf's Christmas tree,
He took the firecracker away quietly.
Now the ferret is with his firecracker
It scares animals like a cannon.
(G. Sapgir)
Do you want to become a giant?
You need to stand on stilts!
Ahi, ooh, laughter, laughter.
Buffoons are above all!
(V. Berestov)
Tongue twisters with sounds [Х], [Х"]:
Delicious halva - praise to the master.
Laughter letter X
She laughed: “ha-ha-ha!”
Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.

A fly-fly landed on my ear.

Sections: Speech therapy


1. Development of the valence of words and the formation on this basis of the semantic field of the word “hamster”.

2. Development phonemic hearing, articulatory motor skills, development of general motor skills.

3. Automation of the sound “X” in syllables, words, sentences.


  • strengthen the skills of correct sound pronunciation;
  • teach correct, conscious reading;
  • develop skills in coordinating and managing words;
  • develop skills in sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis;
  • develop phonemic awareness;
  • develop visual and auditory attention;
  • develop logical thinking and memory;
  • develop gross motor skills;
  • foster activity and independence of students in the classroom;
  • develop the ability to interact with each other.


  • card diagram of the articulation of the sound X;
  • individual mirrors;
  • riddles, poems;
  • workbooks, pens, pencils;

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

2.1 Sample of standardized speech:

It can be cold outside and our hands get cold. How can we warm them up? Make a boat with your hands and breathe on them. With your exhalation, the sound of “X” echoed throughout the room.

Listen to how it sounds in my verse:

On a hill among the forests there is a family of hamsters.

The youngest Khomka was a baby

You can't tell it from the ground.

But only he considered himself

A real strongman.

Ran out into the yard early

And he went to the grain field.

He walked, walked, walked, and fell into a hole.

Ugh. Breathtaking!

Khomka was so scared

That it won't come out.

Here he climbed onto a stone

And he found himself outside.

Repeated reading.

Children raise their hands when they hear words with the sound "X".

Name words with the sound "X".

2.2. Articulation gymnastics(working with mirrors).

– Take your own mirror, now we will perform articulation gymnastics:

Breathing exercises:

a) inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth;

b) inhale through the mouth, exhale through the mouth - control the tongue, it lies at the lower teeth;

2.3 Facial massage.

So he started to shake himself off

And wash your face with your paw

Stroking from the middle of the forehead to the temples;

From eyebrows to scalp;

Along the forehead line across the entire face to the neck;

From the earlobes to the wings of the nose;

Along the upper lip from the corners of the mouth to the middle.

2.4 Mimic exercises:

Suddenly he saw a hedgehog

Covered in needles: “What a disaster!”

To the hamster's surprise

He ran in the wrong direction

Khomka went into the field,

I found an ear of bread.

And to celebrate with myself

I dragged him home.

(Cards with facial expressions are shown)

2.5. Exercises for lips and tongue:

He ate a delicious spikelet

And I decided to take a nap for an hour.


3. Work on the topic

1.Acoustic – articulatory characteristics of the sound “X” according to the diagram.

2.Development of phonemic awareness:


(raise your hand to the sound “X”)

3.Find the sound “X” in the objects around you.

4. The connection between sound and letter.

Now let’s remind the hamster how to spell the letter “X”.

There were two pillars nearby

They suddenly fell on top of each other.

(children print the letter in their notebook)

3.Reading syllables and words with the letter “X”.

ha ah soh mah

ho ooh moss wave

hoo hoo bang fly

hy oh dry hut

4. Physical education minute.

Khomka, Khomka, hamster-

Striped barrel

Khomka gets up early,

Cleans paws. Drinks water

The hamster is tidying up the hut

And goes out to charge

1,2,3,4,5 - Khomka wants to become strong.

(Perform imitating movements).

5. Automation of the sound “X” through the formation of a semantic field.

Khomka does exercises, and people gather around him words - friends. Let's name these words.

a) In the center there is a picture of a hamster, around the hamster there are circles - pictograms.

A green circle is taken, indicating the actions of the object.

(What does it do?)

What words will fit in this circle?

(Words are names of actions)

What can a hamster do?

(stand, run, dig, rise, stop, climb, climb, look around, listen, chew).

Repetition of words-verbs

b) Take the second circle - red.

What question does this pictogram represent?


What words will fit in this circle?

(Words-signs: small, gray, soft, fast, dexterous, nimble) Repetition of adjective words.

V) Take the third circle - blue, and put pictograms - the names of objects.

What words does this pictogram represent?

(Words are objects)

Let's name these words.

Where does a hamster live? (In the hole)

What does it eat? (Grain)

Who is he afraid of? (Foxes)

So the words gathered - friends around the hamster

d) Playing with words.

Now the hamster will play with these words:

The word "climbs" came to the hamster

What kind of proposal will you get? (Hamster climbs)

How else can you say it? (The hamster got in, the hamster got out)

Now let’s make sentences using the prepositions “B”, “FROM” and the word-name “hole”.

(The hamster climbed into the hole. The hamster crawled out of the hole)

e) Analysis of the first sentence:

How many words are there in a sentence? (Four)

Name the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word.

Draw an outline of the proposal. Read the sentence according to the diagram.

6. Summary of the lesson.

The hamster played enough, gained strength and ran home.

Which task did you enjoy the most?

Everyone was great.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

Teach the child to differentiate the correct and incorrect pronunciation of a familiar word (based on visualization).

Introduce the preposition under, teach to distinguish prepositions under, over by value.

Teach how to correctly pronounce the sounds [X] - [X! ], differentiate them by ear and pronunciation.

Strengthen the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, learn to select words with a certain number of syllables.

Continue to learn how to independently perform a complete sound-syllable analysis of short words and transform words.

Continue learning to write visual dictations.

Task 1. The adult presents the child with a picture and asks to listen to the name of the drawn object. If the child hears the correct name, then he should clap his hands, but if it is distorted, then not:

baman - panam - banana - banam;

vavan - davan - divan - vanan;

album - albon - almon - anbom - ablem - alpom;

vitavin - mitanit - fitamin - mitavim - vitamin - vitalim.

Task 2. Introduction to preposition under.

The adult asks the child to follow the following commands: put the ball under the chair, raise the ball above the chair; put a book under the table, lift a book above the table. Then he asks: “Where did you put the ball?” or “What did you do with it?” The child answers. The adult then raises the ball over the table and asks, “Where is the ball (in relation to the table)?” The adult recalls with the child the meaning of the preposition over, explains the meaning of the preposition under, introduces him to graphic image. Then the adult offers to complete the following tasks:

- negotiate proposals:

The lamp hangs above... The handle fell under...

- choose the desired preposition:

The boy picked up the ball... with his head. The girl put down a book... a pillow;

- fix the error:

The lamp hangs under the table. A hare sleeps in the forest above a Christmas tree;

- make sentences from given words:

Airplane, fly, forest, above; mushroom, grow, tree, under;

- make up your own sentences with prepositions over And under.

Task 3. Introducing the sound [X].

The adult asks the child to choose a word with the opposite meaning. How many syllables are in this word?

light - dark, hot - ... (cold).

bread, cold, hockey, stilts.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [X]:

lips and teeth are free;

the tip of the tongue is lowered down, and the back of the tongue is moved towards the hard palate, forming a gap for warm air;

the neck is “silent”.

Sound symbol: grandfather snores: XXX... .

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), hard, dull. Designation: blue circle.

Task 4. Phonetic exercise.

The girl warms her frozen hands: XXXXX... (on a smooth, long exhale).

Task 5. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands when you hear the sound [X]”:

x, p, m, x...; ha, ho, poo...; ah, oh, uh...; bread, milk, loaf, moss, ear...

Task 6. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

ah-oh-uh-uh; ha-ho-hu-he...

Task 7. Finish the last sound in the word. The adult names the beginning of the word, and the child only names the last sound in the word.

petu..., pasta..., rest..., zap..., lopu..., goro..., rustle..., str...

Task 8. Didactic exercise “Make a word”:

ho-lo-dil-ni-ki; ho-my-ki; mu-ho-mor; cotton-push-ki; pa-ro-hod; hri-zan-te-we, uh-ha.

Task 9. Guess riddles, divide the guessing words into syllables (which word is the longest?), come up with a sentence with each word, using familiar prepositions. Name the first sound in words:

It's not tasty without salt

It's not satisfying without... (bread)

Light, not fluff,

Soft, not fur,

White, not snow,

But he will dress everyone. (Cotton)

Name the last sound in the word:

Soft, not fluffy

Green, not grass. (Moss)

With a red comb

Planted a seed

The sun has grown. (Sunflower)

Task 10. From a number of drawn objects, first select those whose names have the sound [X] at the beginning, then in the middle, and then at the end of the word. Divide all words into syllables, find the most long word and the shortest.

Task 11. Independently select words with the sound [X], consisting of one, two, three, four syllables.

Task 12. Paste into your notebook pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound [X].

Task 13. Learn pure sayings:

Ha-ha-ha - they scared the rooster.

Hoo-hoo-hoo - we ate fish soup.

Them-them-them - the breeze died down.

Oh-oh-oh - green moss.

Task 14. Introducing Sound.

Sound symbol: children are having fun, they are laughing: hhhh...

Characteristic sound: consonant sound, soft, dull. Designation: green circle.

Task 15. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear a sound”:

x, m, p, x...; heh, heh, me, pi...; ahh, ahh...; cunning, milk, chemistry, machine, surgeon.

Task 16. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables (emphasizing any syllable with your voice).

hya-he-hyu-hi; oh-oh-oh-oh-oh...

Task 17. Repeat a number of words after the adult. Explain to the child the meaning of each word. Divide these words into syllables. Name the longest and shortest word:

hut, cunning, surgeon, predator, hake.

Task 18. Learn a simple saying:

Hee hee hee - the roosters were crowing in the field.

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [X] - . Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

ha-ha, ho-...; hee-hoo, hee-...

Name extra word in a row (by the presence of sounds [X] and ). Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words:

fly, rooster, flies, tail; rooster, hake, yacht, trunk; predatory, chemistry, fir, hut.

Didactic exercise “Choose the word by its beginning.” Name the first sound in words:

cunning... (-ry, -rost, -retz), good-... (-bot, -ma, -lod), brave-... (-rost, -retz, -ry).

Choose from a number of words those that rhyme with the word brave man(The adult names a couple of words, and the child says, this word matches the word brave man or not.)

Well done, merry fellow, tomboy, crybaby, cunning, quitter.

Find words with sounds [X] and . Learn a tongue twister:

The crested little girls laughed with laughter: Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, ho-ho-ho, he-he-he.

Task 20. Introducing the letter X.

It's good to praise, giggle,

It's bad to brag and whine.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter X look like?

Letter X made of fingers: cross the index fingers of the right and left hands.

Letter games.

Task 21. Independent sound-syllable analysis of words.

Laying out diagrams from circles. Laying out words from the letters of the split alphabet, reading, copying, writing dictation in block letters:

ukha, moss, fly, flies, hut, Khoma.

Converting words using split alphabet letters:

fly - flies; hut - hut - huts.

Reading and writing a sentence from memory after visual presentation:

Khoma has a hut.

Pure sayings with [X], [X"]:

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha: a flea is jumping on the floor.

Hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo: we didn’t catch the flea.

Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee: the flea's legs are fast.

He-he-he, he-he-he: we know the fairy tale about the flea.

Phrases with sounds [Х], [Х"]:

Collect dry brushwood.

A cunning ferret caught a hamster.

The chameleon has a long tail.

Khariton was collecting brushwood.

Poetic texts with sounds [Х], [Х"]:

The hamster is hoarse from screaming:

Does a ferret get the flu?

Oh, ferret, what a liar you are,

I'll die of laughter! (A. Pudval)


Mila laughed loudly,

A laugh landed in my mouth.

Ha ha ha! Suddenly - boom! - fell

And I lost my laugh. (F. Bobylev)

A boastful chameleon.

The chameleon showed off its tail

Tailed predators. After…

What happened to him, to his tail?

No chameleon, no tail.

After all, predators do not fast.

The story, unfortunately, is simple. (E. Karelskaya)


Hammer, hamster, hamster -

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early,

He cleans his paws and drinks water.

Khomka tidies up the hut

And goes out to charge:

One, two, three, four, five,

Khomka wants to become strong! (A. Kamenchuk)

Ferret hunter

The ferret went to the chicken coop to hunt,

Yes, I woke up the corydalis in a hurry.

Yes, the Rooster has woken up,

There's a thump at Khorya from above!

The ferret barely carried off his legs out of fear.

Oh, it’s painful and offensive to the point of tears!

And he sits and grumbles under the alder tree:

- That chicken coop is bad, bad!.. (V. Suslov)

The ferret went to the wolf's Christmas tree,

He took the firecracker away quietly.

Now the ferret is with his firecracker

It scares animals like a cannon. (G. Sapgir)

Do you want to become a giant?

You need to stand on stilts!

Ahi, ooh, laughter, laughter.

Buffoons are above all! (V. Berestov)

Tongue twisters with sounds [Х], [Х"]:

Laughter letter X

She laughed: “ha-ha-ha!”

Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.

A fly-fly landed on my ear.

The sound of X and X."

At the beginning of the word: Huts, khan, robe, chaos, halva, ferret, collar, cold, move, hill, trunk, thin, thin, farm, persimmon. Needles, tail, brushwood, trash, flakes, chores, firecracker, whip, bread, horseradish, crunch, predatory, surgeon.

In the middle of a word : Ear, fly, hat, era, interference, spinner, shirt, alder, turtle, drought, stepmother, slob, cook, groan, sugar, waved, healer, reckless driver, loaf, potholes, smells, chess, dry, hunting, infantry , ear, care, quiet, hunter, hike, ice drift, all-terrain vehicle, slow-moving vehicle, laughter, watch, ottoman, mine, bay, kitchen, fir, yacht, whirlwind.

At the end of a word : Smell, scope, in the dark, moss, inhale, exhale, by surprise, buffoon, fluff, spirit, rooster, burdock, air, shepherd, out loud, booby, fur, nut, laughter, sin, hastily, verse, top.

Word game "Choose the word." Train your child to select words with the sound [x].

Elephant - elephantKha, walrus - walrusKha, wild boar - boarKha, ostrich - ostrichKha, beaver - beaverKha, hedgehog - hedgehogKha, parrot - parrotKha, etc.

The same thing, with pairs of words: swimmer - swimmers. watchman - watchmen, coward - coward, tailor - tailor and so on.

Sentences with the sounds X and X."

A house without an owner. The echo gasped. Peas are sown in the beds. Sugar snap peas. A steamer entered the bay. The hunter went hunting. I ate nut halva. A bitter fly landed on my ear. I bought a loaf of bread. Mikhail goes on a hike. Mikhail is resting. The hostess is preparing fish soup. A cunning fox hunts a rooster. The perfume smells good

Complete the sentences by adding words with the X sound.

(The steamer) entered the bay.

Moss grows in the swamp

Sow (peas) on the beds

The rooster crows in the morning

Poplar fluff flies in the air

The apartment is large and comfortable (kitchen)

The car reversed (move)

The children stopped making noise, it became (quiet)

Shepherd grazes the flock.

Proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, games.

Fear has big eyes.

A good speech is good to listen to.

A good person works well.

The ruff in the ear is good, and the bream in the pie.

Well said, well and went.

Fear is worse than death.

Quiet in words, but dashing in deeds.

Delicious halva - praise to the master.

If only this laughter would be for everyone.

Such is the care, such is the income.

It was done hastily and was done as a joke.

Bread does not follow the belly.

The white hare is good, and the hunter is brave.

There is life in the old dog yet.

Don't praise the bad and don't feed the good.

Snow in the fields - bread in the bins.

Although laughter has long legs, it does not lead to success.

It’s good to teach someone who wants to know everything.

Good wine needs no ivy bush.

The stable of white sheep is full. (pillow)

He walks and walks, but does not enter the hut. (door)

Not fluff, not everyone, but will dress everyone. (cotton)

Sweeter than honey, lighter than fluff.

Rest! - everything whispers in your ear.

The one who will be friends with her,

It will be a very bad life. (laziness)

Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.

Ha-ha-ha - delicious soup!

Hu - hu - hu - we eat fish soup.

Oh - oh - oh - there is moss in the swamp.

Heh-heh-heh - a bird is sitting on an alder tree.

"X" keeps walking, walking, walking,

Can't find a place?

The soup was not bad

The fish soup was good.

I can't stand this laughter

He got up and left.

Laughter - letter "X"

Zlaughed: ha-ha-ha.

The ferret said to the hamster:

"Your tail is narrow, mine is wide"

Don't you want to become a giant?

You have to stand on stilts.

Oohs, oohs, laughter, laughter -

Buffoons are taller than everyone else.

There was a commotion in the garden - there

The thistle blossomed.

So that the garden does not die out

Weeded the thistles.

The story "The Hamster is a Braggart"

Once upon a time there lived a boastful hamster.

Every evening many hamsters gathered on the hill to listen to his amazing stories.

Believe it or not,” the hamster began, “and one day I dug a passage through the entire Earth and came out in Africa. And there is such cold - worse than ours. As soon as I got out, I saw an elephant standing, twisting its trunk and grunting. I said to him: “Why did you grunt? Didn’t you see Khomyakov, or what?” And he: “oink-oink”, yes “oink-oink”. I got angry, grabbed him by the trunk, spun him around and threw him to the very top of the tree.

Wow! - the hamsters admired.

What, what then!? - the hamsters asked in unison.

I... then...

Don't delay! - the hamsters begged. - Good job! - the braggart was offended. - Do you think it’s so easy to make up ideas about something you’ve never seen?

Automation of sound X / Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE/

Automation of sound Xb / Speech therapist and psychologist ONLINE/

6. Inhale through slightly closed lips, exhale smoothly through the nose, first without a voice, then with a voice (m____).

7. Inhale with your mouth wide open, exhale smoothly through your nose (do not close your mouth).

Sound setting [x]

1. By imitation.

The game “Let's warm our palms” is played (with the mouth wide open).

The speech therapist asks: “How do people laugh?” The child answers: “Ha-ha-ha...”

2. Mechanically.

Pronounce the sound [f] or [s], press the spatula on the front of the tongue and push the tongue back.

Lesson summary

The speech therapist says that the child studied very well and clearly pronounced the sound [x].

Sound [X] (automation)

Automation of the sound [x] based on syllables and words and sentences, development of articulatory motor skills, diaphragmatic-costal type of breathing, fixed exhalation, phonemic hearing.

Sound automation classes are identical to sound production classes. At the end of the lesson (instead of the “Sound Production” section), new sections are introduced.

A new exercise is being introduced into the “Breathing Exercises” section.

Inhale through your nose, exhale smoothly through your mouth (open your mouth wide, tongue on your lower teeth like warming your hands), first without a voice, then with a voice (a__).

Pronouncing syllables

ha__ hu__ ha__ ha__ fa__

ha__ ha__ hu__ hu__ ha__ ha__ ma__

ha__ ha__ ha__ hoo__ hoo__ hoo__

Pronouncing words with the sound [x]

Repeat the words: “hala”, “ear”, “fly”, “halva”, “robe”, “hamster”, “laughter”, “persimmon”, “hooligan”, “tuft”.

Pronouncing sentences with the sound [x]

(based on pictures)

Sentences are composed and pronounced based on the pictures:

“There’s a fly in my ear,” “A fly in my ear,” “Mom has a hamster.”

Pronunciation of texts

Learn a poem.

Dry frosty air

My nose stings in January.

Something's freezing today