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Read the Bible in Armenian. The Armenian Bible shocked Louis XIV and the Pope

ENGLISH: Eastern Armenian Bible in Armenian with Armenian Keyboard. An internet connection is not required, just download and you have everything you need wherever you are. _______ ENGLISH: Ararat (Armenian Bible (Eastern)) application for iPhone / iPod Touch contains the Bible in Armenian with Armenian Keyboard and search and copy function*, books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The Armenian translation is often called the “king of translations” and is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and accurate translations of the Bible. With the exception of the Latin Vulgate, the number of surviving manuscripts of this text exceeds all other early translations; The Rhodes catalog contains 1,244 copies of all or part of the New Testament, and several hundred more are in libraries of the former USSR. There are different opinions about the origin of this translation. Bishop Koriuna († 450) and the historian Lazar of Farb († 500) believe that its author was St. Mesrop Mashtots († 439), a soldier who became a Christian missionary and created a new alphabet and who, together with Catholicus Sahak (Isaac the Great, 390-439), translated the text from Greek. On the other hand, Moses from Khoren, nephew and disciple of St. Mesropa, wrote that Sahak translated from Syriac. Both points of view, in various versions, find support among modern scientists. There is reason to believe that the earliest Armenian translation of the Gospels existed in the form of a symphony, distantly related to Tatian’s Diatessaron. The application does NOT require an Internet connection.

ENGLISH: Eastern Armenian Bible in Armenian with Armenian Keyboard. An internet connection is not required, just download and you have everything you need wherever you are. _______ ENGLISH: Ararat (Armenian Bible (Eastern)) application for iPhone / iPod Touch contains the Bible in Armenian with Armenian Keyboard and search and copy function*, books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The Armenian translation is often called the “king of translations” and is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and accurate translations of the Bible. With the exception of the Latin Vulgate, the number of surviving manuscripts of this text exceeds all other early translations; The Rhodes catalog contains 1,244 copies of all or part of the New Testament, and several hundred more are in libraries of the former USSR. There are different opinions about the origin of this translation. Bishop Koriuna († 450) and the historian Lazar of Farb († 500) believe that its author was St. Mesrop Mashtots († 439), a soldier who became a Christian missionary and created a new alphabet and who, together with Catholicus Sahak (Isaac the Great, 390-439), translated the text from Greek. On the other hand, Moses from Khoren, nephew and disciple of St. Mesropa, wrote that Sahak translated from Syriac. Both points of view, in various versions, find support among modern scientists. There is reason to believe that the earliest Armenian translation of the Gospels existed in the form of a symphony, distantly related to Tatian’s Diatessaron. The application does NOT require an Internet connection.

    1 ԱՈՒՐԲ

    1. ա. Saint. 2. ա. Sacred. 3. ա. Righteous. 4. գ. (կրոն.) Holy. 5. մ. Holy. ◊ Սուրբ գիրք (կրոն.) holy scripture, bible. Սրբի դուռ place of pilgrimage. Holy spirit. Holy Trinity.


    3 աստվածաշւնչ

    4 բիբլիա

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In Armenian Bible online

After much puffing, I finally managed to make a module with Zohrab's Bible
on Grabar for the SWORD Project program ․ I took the text from the TITUS Project website because
it was available (at the time I downloaded it, it seems to have been hidden now). On the site
there is permission to use texts for educational purposes (which is on

The SWORD program, unfortunately, does not yet work with deuterocanonical books and apocrypha,
although the creators cite technical problems and claim that they are working on it.
At the same time, the program is open, good and free (and I value this most of all :))

I was surprised that Armenian modules in the project are already available (for example, there is a New Testament on
Western Armenian). The text in Eastern Armenian is only the book of Genesis
and four Gospels, the remaining books are missing. I think, with God's help, to do
production of a complete Eastern Armenian module based on the text from
And then the full text of Western Armenian according to the publication of the Lebanese Bible Society.
(By the way, I checked the link, but the Armenian Bible is no longer there. This just means that
The World Wide Web is not a stone, but shifting sand, here today, gone tomorrow. It's good that the text
I found it on the same website, PDF format, terrible fonts).

While working on the module, I first noticed significant differences in the arrangement of books.
The Western Armenian translation repeats the arrangement of 66 canonical books exactly.
But Zohrab is not. For example, as in the Russian Synodal translation there are 4 books of Kings,
2 books of Chronicles (Paralipomenon), and then the difficulties begin. Deuterocanonical
The 3rd book of Ezra follows Chronicles and is called the 1st book of Ezra. Interesting, right?
Further, the book which in Zohrab is called the 2nd book of Ezra includes two canonical
books: Ezra and Nehemiah. They are followed by Judith, Tobit, Maccabees, Psalms, Proverbs,
Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, and Job. That is, an amazing mixture of canonical
and deuterocanonical books. Further, if anyone else is interested, Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah,
Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Jeremiah, Baruch, Lamentations (and the last
The chapter The Prayer of Jeremiah comes as a separate book!). The books of Daniel and Ezekiel end the Old Testament.

Now take the Russian Synodal translation and see how the books are arranged there. Interesting, isn't it?
Why exactly this order of books?.. Why are the Great and Minor prophets mixed together and with them the “intertestamental” ones?

Another thing that seemed interesting: let’s take the passage Revelation 9:11 (a scary name, but I think it’s an accident). This may be a small thing, but it’s still an observation:

Here is the Russian text:
She had the angel of the abyss as her king; His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon

Not knowing the language, I nevertheless found a familiar word in the Greek text:
και εχουσιν επ αυτων βασιλεα τον αγγελον της αβυσσου ονομα αυτω εβραιστι αβαδδων και εν τη ελληνικη ονομα εχει απολλυων

The same text from the Western Armenian New Testament:
եւ իրենց վրայ թագաւոր ունէին անդունդին հրեշտակը, որուն անունը եբրայերէն Աբադոն է, իսկ յունարէն՝ Ապողիոն

Everything matches...

Now let's look at the same passage in Zohrab's Bible...
եւ ունին թագաւոր ՛ի վերայ իւրեանց զհրեշտակն դժոխոց. եւ անուն նորա եբրայեցերէն աղբադոն, որ կոչի ՛ի հայ բարբառ՝ կորուստ։

And it is clearly followed by the Eastern Armenian translation:
Եւ իրենց վրայ որպէս թագաւոր ունէին դժոխքի հրեշտակին. եւ նրա անունը եբրայերէն Աղբադոն էր, որ հայերէն լեզուով կոչւում է՝ Կորուստ։

I almost jumped in my chair when I read it and compared it... Wow! The main thing is to make the translation as accessible as possible to the reader. Although, in the spirit of Narek, the Armenian symbol (in this case the Armenian language) is mentioned only once, towards the end of the Book of Books. Someone will say “hooliganism,” but it seems to me that this is like the signature of a holy translator of the Bible, somewhat reminiscent of poetic signatures in the works of ashugs. Maybe there is some degree of pride in one’s people in this, it’s possible. But not pride, or even pride, but just joy, probably. Maybe I'm wrong, God forgive me.

Back at the end of the 16th century, Armenian clergy intended to print the Bible with the support of Rome, but official Rome set a condition - before the Bible was published in Armenian, its contents must be translated into Latin. Experts had to check the translation of that time with the Latin Vulgate, and after that it was already possible to print the Bible in Armenian.

However, the holy book had to withstand the censorship of the Roman Catholic Church.

“The Catholicos of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, Hakob Dzhugaetsi, entrusts the monk, a member of the monastic brethren, Matvey Saretsi, with the task of printing the first Bible in the Armenian language. Saretsi, faced with Catholic oppression, decides to print the Bible in Holland. At the same time, it was necessary to publish a book that would satisfy both Rome, and Armenian Catholics. The Bible was supposed to unite the entire Armenian people," says Vardan Devrikyan, author of the book "Voskan Vardapet Yerevantsi: Life and Printing Activities" in a conversation with a Sputnik Armenia correspondent.

Soon Monk Saretsi fell ill. He only manages to send news to Etchmiadzin that he has acquired a printing house in Holland. Having learned about this, the Catholicos sent there the outstanding Armenian book printer Voskan Yerevantsi.

According to Devrikian, Holland during this period was a semi-Protestant country in which the influence of the Catholic Church was weak. Along with this, one of the centers of European book printing was located here. Access to the sea allowed ships to deliver printed books from Polis to Smyrna.

During this period, Armenian church leaders tried to print the Bible, since distributing the manuscript was an expensive pleasure, and printed materials were cheaper.

Since his youth, Voskan, while in a church cell, was preparing a book for printing. In Etchmiadzin, a young monk is preparing a plan for the publication of the Armenian Bible, trying to give the future book a real Armenian style. A tremendous amount of work has been done.

“As a result, in Holland in 1666, Voskan managed to continue the work of Saretsi and finally print the first copies of the Bible in Armenian. Each copy becomes a special work of art. Voskan involves European engravers in the work, who display Armenian paintings, ornaments, and engravings on each book ", Devrikyan explained.

After 350 years, experts are amazed by the high creative solution and competent presentation of the first Armenian printed Bible. Among the thousands of copies were volumes bound in iron, leather and other materials.

According to archival data, Voskan Yerevantsi sent one of the copies of the book to Louis XIV. For this he received special thanks from the French king. Today, this copy is kept in the National Library of France. Louis, delighted with the Bible, gives permission to Voskan to open a printing house in Marseille.

Voskan sends the second copy of the Armenian Bible to the Pope. The delighted Pope allows the book printer to open an Armenian printing house, now in one of the cities of Italy.

With the publication of the first printed Bible, Armenian printing rose to a new level.