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What is metal bonding and how is it measured? Why do we live in three-dimensional space? In what dimension does humanity exist?

It is common knowledge that the world we live in is three-dimensional. The space around us has three dimensions - length, width and height. Well, what if our world had more than three dimensions? How would an “extra” measurement affect the course of various physical processes?

On the pages of modern science fiction works, one can quite often encounter almost instantaneous overcoming of enormous cosmic distances using the so-called “null-transportation” or passage through “hyperspace”, or “subspace”, or “superspace”.

What do science fiction writers mean? After all, it is well known that the maximum speed with which any real body can move is the speed of light in vacuum, and even then it is practically unattainable. What kind of “jumps” across millions and hundreds of millions of light years can we talk about? Of course, this idea is fantastic. However, it is based on quite interesting physical and mathematical considerations.

Let's start by imagining a one-dimensional creature, a point, living in one-dimensional space, that is, on a straight line. In this “small” world there is only one dimension - length and only two possible directions - forward and backward.

Two-dimensional imaginary creatures, “flat creatures,” have much more possibilities. They can already move in two dimensions; in their world, in addition to length, there is also width. But they are just as unable to enter the third dimension as point creatures cannot “jump” beyond their straight line. One-dimensional and two-dimensional inhabitants can in principle come to a theoretical conclusion about the possibility of existence more dimensions, but the path to the next dimension is closed to them.

On both sides of the plane there is a three-dimensional space in which we live, three-dimensional beings, unknown to the two-dimensional inhabitant, imprisoned in his own two-dimensional world: after all, he can even see only within the confines of his space. In view of this, a two-dimensional inhabitant could only learn about the existence of a three-dimensional world and its inhabitants if a person, for example, pierced the plane with his finger. But even then, a two-dimensional being could only observe the two-dimensional area of ​​contact between the finger and the plane. It is unlikely that this would be enough to draw any conclusions about the “otherworldly”, from the point of view of a two-dimensional inhabitant, three-dimensional space and its “mysterious” inhabitants.

But exactly the same reasoning can be carried out for our three-dimensional space, if it were contained in some even more extensive, four-dimensional space, just as a two-dimensional surface is contained in itself.

However, let us first find out what four-dimensional space actually is. In three-dimensional space, there are three mutually perpendicular “basic” dimensions - “length”, “width” and “height” (three mutually perpendicular directions of the coordinate axes). If a fourth could be added to these three directions, also perpendicular to each of them, then space would have four dimensions, would be four-dimensional.

From the point of view of mathematical logic, reasoning about four-dimensional space is absolutely impeccable. But in itself it does not prove anything, since logical consistency is not yet proof of the existence in physical sense. Only experience can provide such proof. And experience shows that in our space only three mutually perpendicular straight lines can be drawn through one point.

Let us turn once again to the help of the “flat boys”. For these creatures, the third dimension (which they cannot enter) is the same as the fourth for us. However, there is a significant difference between the imaginary flat creatures “flat creatures” and us, the inhabitants of three-dimensional space. While the plane is a two-dimensional part of an actually existing three-dimensional world, all the scientific data at our disposal strongly suggests that the world in which we live is geometrically three-dimensional and is not part of some four-dimensional world. If such a four-dimensional world really existed, then some “strange” phenomena could occur in our three-dimensional world.

Let's return again to the two-dimensional flat world. Although its inhabitants cannot go beyond the plane, nevertheless, due to the presence of the external three-dimensional world, some phenomena, in principle, can occur here with access to the third dimension. This circumstance in a number of cases makes possible processes that could not occur in the two-dimensional world itself.

Let us imagine, for example, an ordinary watch dial drawn in a plane. No matter how we rotate and move this dial, while remaining in the plane, we will never be able to change the direction of the numbers so that they follow each other counterclockwise. This can be achieved only by “removing” the dial from the plane into three-dimensional space, turning it over, and then returning it to our plane again.

In three-dimensional space, such an operation would correspond, for example, to the following. Is it possible to turn a glove designed for the right hand into a glove for the left hand just by moving it in space (i.e. without turning it inside out)? Everyone can easily be convinced that such an operation is impossible. However, given the presence of four-dimensional space, this could be achieved as simply as in the case of a dial.

We do not know the exit to four-dimensional space. But it's not only that. Nature, apparently, does not know him either. In any case, we do not know any phenomena that could be explained by the existence of a four-dimensional world encompassing our three-dimensional one.

If four-dimensional space and access to it really existed, amazing possibilities would open up.

Let’s imagine a “flat boy” who needs to overcome the distance between two points of a flat world, separated from each other by, say, 50 km. If the “flatfish” moves at a speed of one meter per day, then such a journey will take more than a hundred years. But imagine that a two-dimensional surface is folded in three-dimensional space in such a way that the starting and ending points of the route are only one meter apart. Now they are separated from each other by a very short distance, which the “flatfish” could cover in just one day. But this meter lies in the third dimension! This would be “null-transportation”, or “hypertransition”.

A similar situation could arise in a curved three-dimensional world...

As shown general theory relativity, our world really has curvature. We already know about this. And if four-dimensional space still existed in which our three-dimensional world is immersed, then to overcome some gigantic cosmic distances it would be enough to “jump” over the four-dimensional gap separating them. This is what science fiction writers mean.

These are the seductive advantages of the four-dimensional world. But it also has “disadvantages”. It turns out that as the number of measurements increases, the stability of motion decreases. Numerous studies show that in two-dimensional space no disturbance at all can upset the equilibrium and remove a body moving along a closed path around another body to infinity. In the space of three dimensions, the restrictions are already much weaker, but still, even here the trajectory of a moving body does not go to infinity, unless the disturbing force is too great.

But already in four-dimensional space all circular trajectories become unstable. In such a space, the planets could not revolve around the Sun - they would either fall onto it or fly away to infinity.

Using the equations of quantum mechanics, it can also be shown that in a space with more than three dimensions, a hydrogen atom could not exist as a stable formation. The inevitable fall of the electron onto the nucleus would occur.

Adding a fourth dimension would change some purely geometric properties space. One of the important sections of geometry, which is of not only theoretical but also great practical interest, is the so-called theory of transformations. We are talking about how various geometric shapes change when moving from one coordinate system to another. One of the types of such geometric transformations is called conformal. This is the name for transformations that preserve angles.

More precisely, the situation is as follows. Imagine some simple geometric figure, say, a square or a polygon. Let's put an arbitrary grid of lines on it, a kind of “skeleton”. Then we will call conformal transformations of the coordinate system such that our square or polygon will transform into any other figure, but in such a way that the angles between the lines of the “skeleton” will be preserved. A clear example of a conformal transformation is the transfer of the surface of a globe to a plane - this is how geographic maps are constructed.

Back in the last century, the mathematician B. Riemann showed that any flat solid (that is, without “holes”, or, as mathematicians say, simply connected) figure can be conformally transformed into a circle.

Soon, Riemann's contemporary J. Liouville proved another important theorem that not every three-dimensional body can be conformally transformed into a ball.

Thus, in three-dimensional space the possibilities of conformal transformations are not nearly as wide as in the plane. Adding just one coordinate axis imposes very strict additional restrictions on the geometric properties of space.

Is this why real space is three-dimensional, and not two-dimensional or, say, five-dimensional? Maybe the whole point is that two-dimensional space is too free, and the geometry of the five-dimensional world, on the contrary, is too rigidly “fixed”? But really, why? Why is the space we live in three-dimensional and not four- or five-dimensional?

Many scientists have tried to answer this question based on general philosophical considerations. The world must have perfection, Aristotle argued, and only three dimensions can ensure this perfection.

However, specific physical problems cannot be solved using similar methods.

The next step was taken by Galileo, who noted the experimental fact that in our world there can be at most three mutually perpendicular directions. However, Galileo did not investigate the reasons for this state of affairs.

Leibniz tried to do this using purely geometric proofs. But even this way is ineffective, since these proofs were constructed speculatively, without connection with the outside world.

Meanwhile, this or that number of dimensions is physical property real space, and it must have well-defined physical reasons, be a consequence of some deep physical laws.

It is unlikely that these reasons can be deduced from certain provisions of modern physics. After all, the property of three-dimensionality of space lies in the very foundation, in the very basis of all existing physical theories. Apparently, the solution to this problem will become possible only within the framework of a more general physical theory of the future.

And finally, the last question. The theory of relativity deals with the four-dimensional space of the Universe. But this is not exactly the four-dimensional space discussed above.

Let's start with the fact that the four-dimensional space of the theory of relativity is not ordinary space. The fourth dimension here is time. As we have already said, the theory of relativity established close connection between space and matter. But not only. It turned out that matter and time, and therefore space and time, are also directly related to each other. Bearing in mind this dependence, the famous mathematician G. Minkowski, whose work formed the basis of the theory of relativity, said: “From now on, space by itself and time by itself must become shadows and only a special kind of combination of them will retain independence.” Minkowski proposed using a conventional geometric model, a four-dimensional “space-time”, to mathematically express the relationship between space and time. In this conditional space, intervals of length are plotted along three main axes, as usual, and intervals of time are plotted along the fourth axis.

Thus, the four-dimensional “space-time” theory of relativity is just a mathematical technique that allows us to describe various physical processes in a convenient form. Therefore, to say that we live in four-dimensional space can only be in the sense that all events occurring in the world take place not only in space, but also in time.

Of course, in any mathematical constructions, even the most abstract ones, some aspects of objective reality, some relationships between really existing objects and phenomena find their expression. But it would be a gross mistake to equate auxiliary mathematical apparatus, as well as the conventional terminology used in mathematics and objective reality.

In the light of these considerations, it becomes clear that to assert, while referring to the theory of relativity, that our world is four-dimensional is approximately the same as defending the idea that the dark spots on the Moon are filled with water, on the grounds that astronomers call them seas .

So “zero-transportation,” at least at the current level of scientific development, is unfortunately only feasible on the pages of science fiction novels.

A person walking forward moves in one dimension. If he jumps or changes direction to the left or right, he will master two more dimensions. And having traced his path with the help of a wristwatch, he will check in practice the action of the fourth.

There are people who are limited to these parameters of the world around them and they are not particularly concerned about what comes next. But there are also scientists who are ready to go beyond the horizons of the usual, turning the world into their own huge sandbox.

The world beyond four dimensions

According to the theory of multidimensionality, put forward at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries by Moebius, Jacobi, Plücker, Keli, Riemann, Lobachevsky, the world is not four-dimensional at all. It was viewed as a kind of mathematical abstraction, in which there was no particular meaning, and multidimensionality arose as an attribute of this world.

Particularly interesting in this sense are the works of Riemann, in which the usual geometry of Euclid was raised and shown how unusual the human world can be.

Fifth Dimension

In 1926, the Swedish mathematician Klein, in an attempt to substantiate the phenomenon of the fifth dimension, made a bold assumption that humans are unable to observe it because it is very small. Thanks to this work there were interesting works devoted to the multidimensional structure of space, a huge part of which relates to quantum mechanics and quite difficult to understand.

Michio Kaku and the multidimensionality of existence

According to the works of another American scientist of Japanese origin, the human world has many more dimensions than five. He puts forward an interesting analogy about carp swimming in. For them there is only this pond, there are three dimensions in which they can move. And they don’t understand that just above the water’s edge a new unknown world opens up.

Likewise, a person cannot understand the world outside his “pond,” but in fact there can be an infinite number of dimensions. And these are not just aesthetic intellectual researches of a scientist. Some physical features known to man the world, gravity, waves of light, the spread of energy, have certain inconsistencies and oddities. It is impossible to explain them from the point of view of the ordinary four-dimensional world. But if you add a few more dimensions, everything falls into place.

A person cannot cover all the dimensions that exist with his senses. However, the fact that they exist is already scientific fact. And you can work with them, learn, identify patterns. And, perhaps, someday a person will learn to understand how huge, complex and interesting the world around him is.

Ecology of knowledge: The biggest problem for theoretical physicists is how to combine all the fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong) into a single theory. Superstring theory claims to be the Theory of Everything

Counting from three to ten

The biggest problem for theoretical physicists is how to combine all the fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong) into a single theory. Superstring theory claims to be the Theory of Everything.

But it turned out that the most convenient number of dimensions required for this theory to work is as many as ten (nine of which are spatial, and one is temporal)! If there are more or less measurements, mathematical equations give irrational results that go to infinity - singularity.

The next stage in the development of superstring theory - M-theory - has already counted eleven dimensions. And another version of it - F-theory - all twelve. And this is not a complication at all. F-theory describes 12-dimensional space with simpler equations than M-theory describes 11-dimensional space.

Of course, theoretical physics is not called theoretical for nothing. All her achievements exist so far only on paper. So, to explain why we can only move in three-dimensional space, scientists started talking about how the unfortunate remaining dimensions had to shrink into compact spheres at the quantum level. To be precise, not into spheres, but into Calabi-Yau spaces. These are three-dimensional figures, inside of which there is a own world with its own dimension. A two-dimensional projection of such a manifold looks something like this:

More than 470 million such figures are known. Which of them corresponds to our reality, in this moment is calculated. It is not easy to be a theoretical physicist.

Yes, this seems a little far-fetched. But maybe this is precisely what explains why the quantum world is so different from the one we perceive.

Dot, dot, comma

Start over. The zero dimension is a point. She has no size. There is nowhere to move, no coordinates are needed to indicate the location in such a dimension.

Let's place a second one next to the first point and draw a line through them. Here's the first dimension. A one-dimensional object has a size - length, but no width or depth. Movement within one-dimensional space is very limited, because an obstacle that arises on the way cannot be avoided. To determine the location on this segment, you only need one coordinate.

Let's put a dot next to the segment. To fit both of these objects, we will need a two-dimensional space with length and width, that is, area, but without depth, that is, volume. The location of any point on this field is determined by two coordinates.

The third dimension arises when we add a third coordinate axis to this system. It is very easy for us, residents of the three-dimensional universe, to imagine this.

Let's try to imagine how the inhabitants of two-dimensional space see the world. For example, these two men:

Each of them will see their comrade like this:

And in this situation:

Our heroes will see each other like this:

It is the change of point of view that allows our heroes to judge each other as two-dimensional objects, and not one-dimensional segments.

Now let’s imagine that a certain volumetric object moves in the third dimension, which intersects this two-dimensional world. For an outside observer, this movement will be expressed in a change in two-dimensional projections of the object on the plane, like broccoli in an MRI machine:

But for an inhabitant of our Flatland such a picture is incomprehensible! He can't even imagine her. For him, each of the two-dimensional projections will be seen as a one-dimensional segment with a mysteriously variable length, appearing in an unpredictable place and also disappearing unpredictably. Attempts to calculate the length and place of origin of such objects using the laws of physics of two-dimensional space are doomed to failure.

We, inhabitants of the three-dimensional world, see everything as two-dimensional. Only moving an object in space allows us to feel its volume. We will also see any multidimensional object as two-dimensional, but it will change in surprising ways depending on our relationship with it or time.

From this point of view it is interesting to think, for example, about gravity. Everyone has probably seen pictures like this:

They usually depict how gravity bends space-time. It bends... where? Exactly not in any of the dimensions familiar to us. And what about quantum tunneling, that is, the ability of a particle to disappear in one place and appear in a completely different one, and behind an obstacle through which in our realities it could not penetrate without making a hole in it? What about black holes? What if all these and other mysteries modern science Are they explained by the fact that the geometry of space is not at all the same as we are used to perceiving it?

The clock is ticking

Time adds another coordinate to our Universe. In order for a party to take place, you need to know not only which bar it will take place in, but also exact time this event.

Based on our perception, time is not so much a straight line as a ray. That is, it has a starting point, and movement is carried out only in one direction - from the past to the future. Moreover, only the present is real. Neither the past nor the future exists, just as breakfasts and dinners do not exist from the point of view of an office clerk during his lunch break.

But the theory of relativity does not agree with this. From her point of view, time is a full-fledged dimension. All events that have existed, exist and will exist are equally real, just like the sea beach is real, regardless of where exactly the dreams of the sound of the surf took us by surprise. Our perception is just something like a spotlight that illuminates a certain segment on a straight line of time. Humanity in its fourth dimension looks something like this:

But we see only a projection, a slice of this dimension at each individual moment in time. Yes, yes, like broccoli in an MRI machine.

Until now, all theories worked with a large number of spatial dimensions, and the temporal one was always the only one. But why does space allow multiple dimensions for space, but only one time? Until scientists can answer this question, the hypothesis of two or more time spaces will seem very attractive to all philosophers and science fiction writers. And physicists, too, so what? For example, American astrophysicist Itzhak Bars sees the root of all troubles with the Theory of Everything as the overlooked second time dimension. As a mental exercise, let's try to imagine a world with two times.

Each dimension exists separately. This is expressed in the fact that if we change the coordinates of an object in one dimension, the coordinates in others may remain unchanged. So, if you move along one time axis that intersects another at a right angle, then at the intersection point the time around will stop. In practice it will look something like this:

All Neo had to do was place his one-dimensional time axis perpendicular to the bullets' time axis. A mere trifle, you will agree. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

Exact time in a universe with two time dimensions will be determined by two values. Is it difficult to imagine a two-dimensional event? That is, one that is extended simultaneously along two time axes? It is likely that such a world would require specialists in mapping time, just as cartographers map the two-dimensional surface of the globe.

What else distinguishes two-dimensional space from one-dimensional space? The ability to bypass an obstacle, for example. This is completely beyond the boundaries of our minds. A resident of a one-dimensional world cannot imagine what it is like to turn a corner. And what is this - an angle in time? In addition, in two-dimensional space you can travel forward, backward, or even diagonally. I have no idea what it's like to pass through time diagonally. Not to mention the fact that time is the basis of many physical laws, and how the physics of the Universe will change with the advent of another time dimension is impossible to imagine. But it’s so exciting to think about it!

Very large encyclopedia

Other dimensions have not yet been discovered and exist only in mathematical models. But you can try to imagine them like this.

As we found out earlier, we see a three-dimensional projection of the fourth (time) dimension of the Universe. In other words, every moment of the existence of our world is a point (similar to the zero dimension) in the period of time from the Big Bang to the End of the World.

Those of you who have read about time travel know what an important role the curvature of the space-time continuum plays in it. This is the fifth dimension - it is in it that four-dimensional space-time “bends” in order to bring two points on this line closer together. Without this, travel between these points would be too long, or even impossible. Roughly speaking, the fifth dimension is similar to the second - it moves the “one-dimensional” line of space-time into a “two-dimensional” plane with all that it implies in the form of the ability to turn a corner.

A little earlier, our particularly philosophically minded readers probably thought about the possibility of free will in conditions where the future already exists, but is not yet known. Science answers this question this way: probabilities. The future is not a stick, but a whole broom of possible scenarios. We will find out which one will come true when we get there.

Each of the probabilities exists in the form of a “one-dimensional” segment on the “plane” of the fifth dimension. What is the fastest way to jump from one segment to another? That's right - bend this plane like a sheet of paper. Where should I bend it? And again correctly - in the sixth dimension, which gives this entire complex structure “volume”. And, thus, makes it, like three-dimensional space, “finished”, a new point.

The seventh dimension is a new straight line, which consists of six-dimensional “points”. What is any other point on this line? The whole infinite set of options for the development of events in another universe, formed not as a result Big Bang, and in other conditions, and operating under other laws. That is, the seventh dimension is beads from parallel worlds. The eighth dimension collects these “straight lines” into one “plane”. And the ninth can be compared to a book that contains all the “sheets” of the eighth dimension. This is the totality of all the histories of all universes with all the laws of physics and all initial conditions. Period again.

Here we hit the limit. To imagine the tenth dimension, we need a straight line. And what other point could there be on this line if the ninth dimension already covers everything that can be imagined, and even that which is impossible to imagine? It turns out that the ninth dimension is not just another starting point, but the final one - for our imagination, at least.

String theory states that it is in the tenth dimension that strings vibrate—the basic particles that make up everything. If the tenth dimension contains all universes and all possibilities, then strings exist everywhere and all the time. I mean, every string exists both in our universe and in any other. At any time. Straightaway. Cool, yeah? published

You are holding in your hands a book that will help you change your life. It will help you correctly assess all the circumstances and events that led to the result of today. It will help you understand the intricacies of fate. It will help you understand the cause of the disease and eliminate it. It will help you understand how thoughts are realized in this world and what needs to be done to make your wishes come true.

A series: Popular psychology

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by liters company.

The multidimensionality of our life, or how many dimensions do we live in?

Have you ever seen holographic pictures? Small pieces of one strange mosaic, seemingly consisting of identical parts, as a whole give a large picture that exactly repeats its smallest part. In our life, everything is very similar: one big world consists of small worlds, exactly repeating the largest one.

Small worlds are you and me, and we have everything that is in big world, only millions of times smaller.

We must first explain what “multidimensional consciousness” is. Indeed, the entire volume of literature regarding the structure of the World and the structure of human consciousness is now so diverse that instead of clarifying the situation, it confuses it more and more.

The law, also known as Okama's Razor, states: “Do not multiply things unless necessary.” The more literature appears on a given topic, the more authors show you their point of view, the more likely it is that you will simply lose your line of reasoning and this will lead you further and further away from understanding yourself.

Let’s try to separate the “wheat from the chaff” and first try to identify the general system in all these arguments.

It should be noted that all researchers of the multidimensionality of existence build their conclusions from the point of view of one theory or another. As you know, there are two (main) ones: the materialistic theory of the world and the theological - that is, divine.

Materialists (physicists) hope that there is nothing but material in the world. The entire life of a person is subject to the strict laws of physics and chemistry, regulated by medicine and depends only on the biochemical processes occurring in the human body. And in everything. And that only man himself creates his own life.

Idealists (lyricists) adhere to a strictly opposite point of view, believing that everything in the world is ruled by the spirit, soul and world or divine mind. And that nothing depends on the person. At all.

Their dispute has been going on for centuries, and so far it’s 1:1.

But all theories, as we know, are worth one another.

Not wanting to go down a dead-end branch of research, we will try to go from the other side and, for starters, just think about the meaning of the word “multidimensionality”.

Focusing on this particular term immediately allows us to see that the key in this word is “measure.” A measure is an assessment. Comparison. A standard, if you like.

Accordingly, measurement is a comparison of something with something. In the context of this understanding, we can see the word “measurement” in a completely different way.

A dimension is not a place in space or time.

Measurement is a process. Evaluation process and comparison process.

When we say that human consciousness lives in different dimensions, then, as you understand, this does not mean that it lives in different places. This means that human consciousness can and does exist in different processes. Evaluation processes. Using measure.

Remember this firmly, because in our future work we need understanding of the BASIC LAW OF THE UNIVERSE like air.

We will tell you what these processes are a little later, but for now let’s talk about the very measure that we will use when measurements.

So, when we talk about the multidimensionality of human consciousness, we mean that we can only evaluate the processes occurring in it using different systems measurements.

And just as time cannot be assessed in kilometers, and space in kilograms, so the consciousness of man himself cannot be approached with a single measure. Precisely because it is multidimensional.

As a starting point, we will take two measures, which, when combined in different ways, will give us a third - a unique measure of assessing the processes (or dimensions) of Human consciousness.

The first component of this “measure” is energy.

Energy is a concept that has now been overused. We use it in different ways and, unfortunately, we don’t always think about what we mean.

Let's find the most general definition concept of "energy". Looking at the encyclopedia, we read:

Energy – physical quantity, which is a single measure various forms the movement of matter and the measure of the transition of the movement of matter from one form to another.

Smart, no words - smart. But for some reason I want to itch.

Let’s try to explain the concept of “energy” so that later no one will have any misunderstanding when using this word.

When we say that a person is energetic, we obviously mean his activity, activity and ability to act. When we apply the same concept of “energy” to ourselves, it is also in the context of “there is energy” or “there is no energy.” By lack of energy we mean powerlessness, apathy, lethargy and inability to act. By the presence of such, we obviously mean the opposite state: we say “energy is overflowing,” and this means that there is a lot of strength and you want to act.

Therefore, energy is primarily force. Strength for action, for movement, for action.

In order for the “form of movement of matter” to take place, such a movement must be accomplished. And this requires strength.

Power in itself is thoughtless. Power is only realized when it is applied to something.

What is the application of this force? Elementary – desire, intention, goal, task. That is, knowing where to direct this energy. Knowledge is information.

Thus, information is the second component measurements.

Water flows along a river bed, and water is energy, and the river bed is information.

Water can flow along a riverbed, maybe from the sky, or maybe from a tap. In all cases, the water remained unchanged (water for itself and water). But the form, the type of this water, will be determined by the information in which it is clothed: river water, rain water and tap water. We perceive and use all three types of water differently.

The process of perception and use of energy-information is measurement. Measuring constant force at different levels of perception.

A simple example, but it nevertheless illustrates well that information is for us the criterion that we use to evaluate various phenomena, objects and events in our lives.

The combination of energy and information, power and knowledge gives us the opportunity to evaluate and, as a result, use the various forces of this world according to our understanding.

As our water example suggests, power (water) can be assessed and measured in very different ways.

Through the sensation of water: it is wet, cold (hot), bitter (sweet), smells (does not smell), it is flowing, it makes noise, etc.

We tried it, saw it, touched it, and based on this we drew our conclusions. We measured it from the point of view of our Feel.

Through our attitude to water: whether we like it or not, whether water is dangerous or safe, whether it is pleasant or disgusting to us.

In this way, we assessed power from the point of view of our subjective attitude towards it (“I love water!” or “I hate water!”). And this method is based on emotions.

Through a description in the system of our own knowledge: we give it a name (water), give a definition (rain, river, water), describe relationships and sensations (hot - be careful, cold - not dangerous, etc.) as a natural phenomenon, N 2 0, and so on, so on, so on.

In this way, we pull out from our memory everything we know about water, and rely only on these described knowledge and nothing more.

By use: swim, get drunk, hide from the rain, jump in puddles, get your feet wet, water the garden, wash the floor, etc.

In this way we have outlined the practical value of water from the point of view of real life applications. That is experience.

By significance in life: necessary (not important), is a symbol of life (death), one of the four main elements from which the world is woven...

In this way, we determined the symbolic or religious meaning of water and the attitude towards it, but no longer personal (subjective), but within the framework of all people, all of humanity. This method is based on sense.

These five ways are the five main dimensions in which man lives. Five basic processes. Five views of the world. You can measure strength in any way, and your life depends on this method that you choose - the world in which you live depends.

Instead of the concept of “water” you can substitute anything: love, life, death, man, woman, I, the World, money, fear, mother, house, earth, game, music - open the dictionary and evaluate any word from the point of view these five ways.

Choose the most suitable one for yourself and look at the test results.

If a person chooses the 1st method for himself as the most convenient, then he is a person of feelings and sensations. He evaluates everything around him only through the prism of his own feelings, only through the pleasure or displeasure of the body does he become aware of himself and his life, perceive other people and the whole world.

He often uses the phrases “I feel”, “I feel”, “I see”, “I hear” in his speech.

He loves physical labor and loves “digging in the ground.” Such a person in the city (and even more so in a metropolis) does not feel entirely comfortable, misses the land, and even tries to grow flowers and medicinal herbs in a city apartment.

Such people prefer spiritual literature, are often very religious, and faithful to traditions.

They love to eat and often cook well, are thrifty, very thrifty and homely. They are not fools to drink, but they will never become alcoholics - life is more valuable.

They are not interested global problems the universe, they do not think about the future, but always try to live “here and now.” It is in this dimension of their lives that they feel most comfortable: tomorrow scares them, and yesterday is quickly forgotten. Especially if there wasn't enough sensation in it.

Such people get sick quite often, and the reason for their illness is only that physical illness, oddly enough, gives them a large number of sensations. It is sensations that for these people are evidence of life, its fullness and richness.

On the other hand, only such people are capable of becoming outstanding healers and healers in alternative medicine. They know how to feel like no one else. And not only yourself, but also the other person.

From birth, their intuition is quite well developed, and they rely on it more often than on experience and knowledge.

People who chose the 1st assessment method live in First Dimension– physical, manifested world, real sensations, real physical result.

If a person chooses 2nd method from the proposed measurement system, then with a greater degree of probability he is a person of emotions. He will evaluate everything and everyone only on the principle of “like it or not.”

The life of such a person is filled with meaning only when there are enough emotions in it that he experiences. And it doesn’t matter what emotions they are - positive or negative - the main thing is that they exist.

They are haunted by extremes all their lives: they experience amazing happiness or the most terrible misfortune; in their worldview there is only one step from love to hate, and they are happy to put this principle into practice.

The speech of these people often contains exclamations, which can also be assessed as extreme degrees of experience: “Excellent!”, “Terrible!”, “Incredible!”, “Terrible!” (for example, “terribly beautiful!”), etc.

These people are like children and even often speak in childish voices and capricious intonations (especially women). They are very erotic, but rarely use it consciously.

People who measure life in the 2nd way love changing places and traveling, but prefer to go not to different places, but to the same place - in which they are guaranteed to receive habitually bright emotions.

The reason for this “constancy” is that their life is filled with fears and apprehensions, sometimes completely unconscious to them. It’s quite difficult for them to decide on something for the first time, but having done it “under the pressure of circumstances,” they walk the beaten path all their lives.

Women Second Dimension They will never agree to a divorce from an unloved husband and would prefer to suffer all their lives rather than change anything. Men are flighty, love adventures, but hide them from their spouses solely for the same reason - out of fear of change.

Yes, these people don't like change. Sometimes they live in a world of dreams and fantasies, see vivid dreams, suffer and suffer from a lack of experiences, but are very afraid to do something that can change their life. They can decide to act only under the pressure of circumstances, finding themselves in an external situation. But they will never influence the circumstances themselves; determination in their minds is sometimes extinguished by the fear of change.

But if fate looked favorably on a person of the Second Dimension and allowed him to express his emotionality as he wanted, built favorable circumstances for him, he flourishes. It is these people who make brilliant artists. But never directors. In any company - this is the soul, in any society - your guy.

Subtly and emotionally sensitive creative people, people with exposed nerves, touchy and capricious, adored and loved by everyone else - these are them, the people of the Second Dimension.

These people love novels and sublime literature, music and poetry - in a word, everything that stimulates them to experience emotions.

Their World is a world of experiences and vivid feelings. This is precisely the criterion for evaluation, the reason for action and inaction, love and hate, life and death.

People of the Second Dimension are prone to drinking and even alcoholism. Stimulants help them experience emotions and remove unnecessary ones from consciousness, allow them to cope with fear and awaken suppressed determination.

These people are ideal conductors of emotions; they create an atmosphere around themselves, a special energy field, including in it everyone they can reach. Their most important commandment is not to keep an emotion to yourself, but to use it as a mechanism for obtaining another experience, even if it is diametrically opposite.

When does a person choose 3rd method assessments of the phenomena and events of this world - before you is a man of thought, reason, logic and common sense.

His knowledge is extensive, he can speak on any topic without preparation, and does so with complete confidence and reasoning.

As a rule, these are really quite confident people. They rarely “slip” into emotions, know how to keep their temperament in check, do not raise their voices and are considered “cultured” people, and do not allow themselves to violate rules and laws.

Common sense- their king, god and military commander. People of the Third Dimension are by nature ardent materialists: science and knowledge are the basis of everything for them, the Word is their magic wand, Thought is their tool for changing this world.

People living in the Third Dimension know the laws and regulations, will not break the rules and will always try to strive for order in everything. They tend to be perfectionists and try to be the best in their field.

Unsurpassed careerists and scientists, they love popular science literature, detective stories with subtext, read newspapers and know what the Internet is.

People Third Dimension- the personification of order. It is on them that any system is built and maintained. They are conductors of thoughts and ideas.

Their disdain for the people of the Second Dimension often makes their life lonely, and even in a crowd they can feel like they are in a desert. Their sensory experiences are located somewhere deep inside, and this allows them to cultivate within themselves that extreme complexity of mind that is their business card. Their conceit is the flip side of melancholy and loneliness, the presence of which they either do not recognize at all, or consider them an integral part of their complexity.

It is this deep loneliness that sometimes leads them to severe addictions. Moreover, the range of these addictions can be enormous - from alcoholism to fanatical adherence to sports and healthy image life. But the cause of psychological illness is different from the motives of people of the Second Dimension: they do not need to throw out and give away the emotion, but on the contrary, they try as much as possible to suppress it. Remove from sight, because emotion makes them suffer even more, experience their loneliness and doom to never be understood even more acutely. “Out of sight, out of mind” - this slogan was invented by them, the people of the Third Dimension.

It is this feature that forces such people to strictly adhere to the framework and unwritten rules, monitor their behavior and personify “public opinion.”

They are capable of action, but they perform actions only if it is allowed, permitted. Having difficulty changing their picture of the world, they try to fit everything that happens around them into the framework of their worldview and desperately argue with those who have a different view of the world. But at the same time, they absolutely take on faith the point of view of the one whom they consider an indisputable authority.

As a rule, these people travel little, preferring to take impressions and personal experience from “authoritative sources”: literature, encyclopedias, lectures and seminars.

They sometimes believe that they know this world better than others: it is clear to them, like a map, and described as Big Soviet encyclopedia. The appearance of something new in this world can cause dull irritation in people of the Third Dimension. Especially if this something new is not accompanied by instructions and descriptions.

They may have a good sense of humor, but at the same time they distinctive feature is that they are completely incapable of laughing at themselves, putting themselves in an “unseemly” light and at the same time having a good laugh.

At the end of their lives, people of the Third Dimension often face unimaginable boredom, which ends their lives.

A person who clearly chooses 4th method,– practitioner, rationalist, man of action and man of action.

In everything and always he will see only the result, a specific goal. He is little interested in experiences and emotions. He can change and supplement his knowledge, adjusting it to his purpose.

Of people Fourth Dimension They are only interested in cause and effect. Beginning and the end. Benefit. Result.

They are born businessmen, enterprising in everything and always. Their education may be minimal, and sometimes they are self-taught geniuses who do not stick their minds to any theory or discipline. Those who know “a little bit of everything.” Those who can do everything within the limits of need. What they can’t do is learn incredibly quickly and achieve results at minimal cost. They easily experiment, explore new and unfamiliar areas of science, art, travel around the world... But not to enrich themselves with sensations and experiences, but solely to gain new experience, which will certainly contribute to the speedy achievement of results.

They are generally very capable in many areas human life, but rarely are they truly talented. They have a very good memory for information, but do not remember emotional experiences at all.

They are called the darlings of fate, the favorites of fortune, envying them and not understanding them. To people of the Third Dimension they seem to be “superficial nouveau riche”, and people of the Second Dimension sometimes consider them soulless careerists. Although career They are not interested in the process at all - only in the result. They are furious workaholics, but not out of fear of being left alone, like people of the Third Dimension, but simply by their essence.

People of the Fourth Dimension, unlike the previous three types described, are not at all interested in the emotional assessment of their actions and are sincerely perplexed when they are accused of inattention to their loved ones, callousness, callousness and even meanness. They argue their position with real results, money, wealth, material benefits, published scientific works and everything else that is significant in this material world. And they don’t understand at all what could be more important than all this.

They are excellent politicians, businessmen, officials and diplomats. They move the gears of this world, make it spin and fuss, adapting to the rhythm of the movement of these restless figures.

Without focusing their attention on emotions, people of the Fourth Dimension are very dependent on the moral and ethical side of their actions. They have their own code of honor, concepts of conscience and love, they are very dependent on respect and public opinion. All this exists and is very important for these people, the only trouble is that these concepts can be fundamentally different from the “generally accepted” ones for people living in other dimensions. Sometimes they stand out from the crowd so much with their decisions and achievements that it gives others reason to hate them, despise them and, as already mentioned, secretly envy them.

They are very susceptible to the Idea and for the sake of it they are capable of performing the most dizzying somersaults, changing the lives of everyone around them to a new reality created by them.

The appearance of people of the Fourth Dimension is striking in its dramatic change: from inconspicuousness and inconspicuousness to unique brightness. They are capable of changing everything about themselves, including their appearance, based on an idea they are passionate about. Considering themselves capable of such dashing turns, they demand the same from those around them, sometimes sincerely not understanding their inability to adapt to dramatically changing circumstances.

The whirlpool of life is their element, in which the emotions of others are the necessary driving force, which they channel directly into the idea.

People of the Fourth Dimension never do anything for nothing. They see meaning and an end goal in everything.

Love is for family, sex is for release, drinking is for making contact, money is for business, food is for the body, eating in a restaurant is for a future deal, and people are for ideas. There is no “relax”, “just talk”, “unwind” for them. The concept of “killing time” is a crime.

Time, by the way, is the Goddess whom people of the Fourth Dimension worship entirely. They condense their lives with a series of events so much that they live ten in a year - but not through their experiences. According to the results.

That is why they rarely get sick, and when they do get sick, they quickly cope with the ailment - they don’t need it, bodily experiences and self-pity are so alien to people of the Fourth Dimension that they are not used at all to stop the flow of time, which they value very much.

If a person chooses 5th method assessments and Fifth Dimension events and phenomena - in front of you is a person who is trying to fill everything and everyone with meaning, to understand and realize the ideas that rule this world, and to create and influence these ideas himself.

People of the Fifth Dimension create human values, fill them with meaning and make these ideas the meaning of life for everyone else. These are the ones who create fashion (and not only in clothes). These are those who form new and destroy old religions. These are those who make a revolution in science and change the lives of not only loved ones, but also entire nations, peoples, generations. They do not depend on public opinion. They themselves are public opinion.

People of the Fifth Dimension are geniuses. In the area of ​​life in which they express themselves, they make radical changes, revolutions of thoughts and destinies, and change the course of history.

They, like avatars of ancient gods, bring radical changes to the lives of “mere mortals” in everything - from lifestyle and thinking to events, involving people in a whirlpool of passions, deaths, events, wars, politics, scientific discoveries

They - scientists and politicians, despots and tyrants, religious figures and prophets, generals and emperors, brilliant or terrible historical figures - change the destinies of peoples, entire nations, not even individual people.

The concept of personality, Man, for them exists only in application to the idea. They do not care about moral and ethical standards precisely because they make them themselves and remake them to suit the idea.

These people are worshiped and deified, hated with fierce hatred and conspiracies are made against them. But all this is useless, because they appear in history again and again only to give all other people a new path to move through life, to lay the foundations of new destinies, new states, new religions.

What they say becomes the thoughts of entire generations. What they write becomes the new Bible of entire nations. They form values ​​in society, justifying them with Laws. They plant new beliefs and new morals in the heads of their descendants. And entire nations live for decades, or even centuries, according to these principles, perceiving them on faith.

There is little chance that you will meet a person of the Fifth Dimension just like that on the street. And not because they don’t walk on them. It’s just that very few such geniuses are born in this world and only when they are needed.

This world strives for balance, and the shake-up that people of the Fifth Dimension produce is allowed here only when it is necessary to balance all the forces and balance all the fundamental principles.

These people are outwardly very similar to the people of the Second Dimension, with the exception that ugliness and even ugliness there prevails over beauty and eroticism. But, oddly enough, they are beautiful in their ugliness, charming in their ugliness. Possessing enormous charisma from birth, they conquer those around them, forcing them to unconditionally trust their idols. They evoke both anger and delight, hatred and unaccountable love, rage and worship.

The lives of people of the Fifth Dimension are, as a rule, short, and they know this, sometimes purely intuitively. Therefore, for my short life they manage to do so much the thing is, that descendants will not be able to clear away even in centuries.

Their motto in everything and always is “The end justifies the means.” They do not strive to realize what the costs of implementing their idea will be. For them, time has no value; high human feelings are used as a tool for introducing ideas. They replace concepts and manipulate human values ​​at their discretion. They can carry both Evil and Good at the same time, rearranging these concepts and forcing everyone else to rearrange them just as easily in their minds too.

Deeply unhappy from a human point of view, they do not notice their misfortune - they do not apply this concept to themselves. They carry out the task and, vaguely understanding it themselves, sometimes deprive themselves of everything human: home, family, love, children and even life.

All these five dimensions, as shown, are nothing more than a process of assessing and looking at the World. But thinking is the mother of action, and from action comes experience. The dimension in which he lives depends on how a person thinks.

That is why people living in this world, in this era, with all their similarities, can exist as if on different planets.

A person from the First Dimension will never understand a person from the Third Dimension - their view of the world is too different. And rejection and misunderstanding will separate these people in space and time - the likelihood that they will meet and have common events becomes extremely small.

A person of the Fourth Dimension is bored and uninterested with a person of the Second - he does not understand why these explosions of emotions are needed if they do not lead to any visible result.

A person of the Third Dimension is contemptuous of people from the Second, but is afraid and dependent on a person from the Fourth, limiting himself in contacts even more.

This situation is typical for our World. The loneliness, misunderstanding, disappointment, pain and boredom, resentment and grief that people experience are a consequence of the fact that their consciousness is simply stuck at one level or another.

A tyrant and despot might have chosen other means to introduce new ideas if he had managed to shift his consciousness into the Second Dimension and felt the emotions and sensations of a person who is losing loved ones.

End of introductory fragment.

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The given introductory fragment of the book The intricacies of fate, or Which dimension do you live in? Methods of transforming consciousness (K. E. Menshikova, 2013) provided by our book partner -