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What is the new order definition in history. New world order

Within one year German troops and their allies occupied the territory of Ukraine (June 1941 - July 1942). The Nazis' intentions were reflected in plan "Ost"- the plan for the destruction of the population and the “development” of the occupied territories in the East. According to this plan, in particular, it was assumed:

Partial Germanization of the local population;

Mass deportation, including of Ukrainians, to Siberia;

German settlement of occupied lands;

Detonation of biological force Slavic peoples;

Physical destruction of the Slavic peoples.

To manage the occupied territories, the Third Reich created a special Office (Ministry) of the Occupied Territories. The ministry was headed by Rosenberg.

The Nazis began to implement their plans immediately after conquering the territory of Ukraine. At first, the Nazis sought to destroy the very concept of “Ukraine”, dividing its territory into administrative regions:

Lviv, Drohobych, Stanislav and Ternopil regions (without
northern regions) formed "District Galicia" which was subordinate to the so-called Polish (Warsaw) General Government;

Rivne, Volyn, Kamenets-Podolsk, Zhytomyr, northern
areas of Ternopil, northern regions of Vinnitsa, eastern regions of Nikolaev, Kiev, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk regions, northern regions of Crimea and southern regions of Belarus formed "Reichskommissariat Ukraine".
The city of Rivne became the center;

Eastern regions of Ukraine (Chernihiv region, Sumy region, Kharkov region,
Donbass) to the coast Sea of ​​Azov, as well as the south of the Crimean Peninsula were subordinate military administration;

The territories of Odessa, Chernivtsi, southern regions of Vinnitsa and western regions of Nikolaev regions formed a new Romanian province

Transcarpathia since 1939 remained under Hungarian rule.

Ukrainian lands, as the most fertile, were to become a source of products and raw materials for the “new Europe”. The peoples inhabiting the occupied territories were subject to destruction or eviction. The part that survived was turned into slaves. At the end of the war, it was planned to resettle 8 million German colonists to Ukrainian lands.

In September 1941, E. Koch was appointed Reich Commissioner of Ukraine.

"New order", introduced by the invaders, included: a system of mass extermination of people; robbery system; system of exploitation of human and material resources.

A feature of the German “new order” was total terror. For this purpose, a system of punitive bodies operated - the state secret police (Gestapo), armed formations of the security service (SD) and the National Socialist Party (SS), etc.

In the occupied territories, the Nazis exterminated millions of civilians, discovered almost 300 places of mass executions of the population, 180 concentration camps, over 400 ghettos, etc. To prevent the Resistance movement, the Germans introduced a system of collective responsibility for acts of terror or sabotage. 50% of Jews and 50% of Ukrainians, Russians and other nationalities of the total number of hostages were subject to execution. In total, 3.9 million civilians were killed on the territory of Ukraine during the occupation.

On the territory of Ukraine, Hitler’s executioners resorted to mass execution of prisoners of war: in Yanovsky camp(Lvov) 200 thousand people died, in Slavutinsky(so-called grosslazaret) - 150 thousand, Darnitsky(Kyiv) - 68 thousand, Siretsky(Kyiv) - 25 thousand, Khorolsky(Poltava region) - 53 thousand, in Umanskaya Yama- 50 thousand people. In total, 1.3 million prisoners of war were destroyed on the territory of Ukraine.

In addition to mass executions, the occupiers also carried out ideological indoctrination of the population (agitation and propaganda), the purpose of which was to undermine the will to resist and incite national hatred. The occupiers published 190 newspapers with a total circulation of 1 million copies, there were radio stations, a cinema network, etc.

Cruelty and disregard for Ukrainians and people of other nationalities as inferior people were the main features of the German system of government. Military ranks, even the lowest ones, were given the right to shoot without trial. Throughout the occupation, a curfew was in effect in cities and villages. For violating it, civilians were shot on the spot. Shops, restaurants, and hairdressers served only the occupiers. The population of cities was prohibited from using railway and public transport, electricity, telegraph, post office, and pharmacy. At every step one could see notices: “Only for Germans”, “Ukrainians are prohibited from entering”, etc.

The occupation authorities immediately began to implement a policy of economic exploitation and merciless oppression of the population. The occupiers declared the surviving industrial enterprises the property of Germany and used them for repairs military equipment, ammunition production, etc. Workers were forced to work 12-14 hours a day for meager wages.

The Nazis did not destroy collective and state farms, but on their basis they created so-called public assemblies, or common yards, and state estates, the main task of which was the supply and export of bread and other agricultural products to Germany.

In the occupied territories, the Nazis introduced various extortions and taxes. The population was forced to pay taxes on houses, estates, livestock, and pets (dogs, cats). A capitation fee of 120 rubles was introduced. per man and 100 rub. for a woman. In addition to official taxes, the occupiers resorted to direct robbery and looting. They took away not only food from the population, but also property.

Thus, as of March 1943, 5,950 thousand tons of wheat, 1,372 thousand tons of potatoes, 2,120 thousand heads of livestock, 49 thousand tons of butter, 220 thousand tons of sugar, 400 thousand heads of pigs, 406 thousand sheep By March 1944, these figures already had the following indicators: 9.2 million tons of grain, 622 thousand tons of meat and millions of tons of other industrial products and food products.

Among other activities carried out by the occupation authorities was the forced mobilization of labor to Germany (about 2.5 million people). The living conditions of most “Ostarbeiters” were unbearable. The minimum standard of nutrition and physical exhaustion from excessive work became the cause of illness and high level mortality.

One of the measures of the “new order” was the total appropriation of cultural values ​​of the Ukrainian SSR. Museums, art galleries, libraries, and churches were looted. Jewels, masterpieces of painting, historical values, and books were exported to Germany. During the years of occupation, many architectural monuments were destroyed.

The emergence of the “new order” was closely connected with the “final solution to the Jewish question.” The attack on the Soviet Union was the beginning of the planned and systematic extermination by the Nazis of the Jewish population, first on the territory of the USSR, and eventually throughout Europe. This process is called Holocaust.

Became a symbol of the Holocaust in Ukraine Babi Yar, wherever 29 -September 30, 1941 33,771 Jews were killed. Then, for 103 weeks, the occupiers carried out executions every Tuesday and Friday (the total number of victims was 150 thousand people).

The advancing German army was followed by specially created four Einsatzgruppen (two of them operated in Ukraine), which were supposed to destroy “enemy elements,” especially Jews. The Einsatzgruppen exterminated about 500 thousand Jews in Ukraine. In January 1942, six death camps were created on the territory of Poland, equipped with gas chambers and crematoria (Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Belzec), where Jews were taken from the western regions of Ukraine, as well as from other European countries. Before the destruction, a system of ghettos and Jewish residential areas was created.

The creation of death camps was accompanied by the mass extermination of the ghetto population, of which there were over 350 in Ukraine. On the territory of the USSR during 1941-1942. Almost all ghettos were liquidated, and their population was sent to death camps or shot on the spot. In total, about 1.6 million Jews died on the territory of Ukraine.

Conclusion. The “new order” established by the Nazis on the territory of occupied Ukraine brought devastation and suffering to its people. Millions of civilians became its victims. At the same time, Ukrainian lands became the place where the tragedy unfolded Jewish people- Holocaust.

the concept of the world order, which is a reflection of the neo-colonialism of the West and its satellites (in the form of, for example, Japan). The concept of a new world order is closely related to the idea of ​​mondialism, because as a so-called The “world government” will naturally be installed by representatives of a conglomerate of the richest countries in the world (rich not because they are rich in natural and other resources, but rich because they were able to subjugate the entire world economic system - see the golden billion and monetarism). Thus, the new world order is the direct introduction into world practice and into public consciousness of the ideas that all human society should be divided into two classes - the class of the chosen and the class of those who serve the chosen. Both classes should consist of no more than one billion people (the planet's resources cannot support more), and the rest of humanity should be wasted as completely unprofitable or not meeting the standards of the new world order.

That is why radical mondialism has recently come into life, namely the denial of the sovereignty of peoples over their territory and resources. This led to an important shift in ideas about law. Those forces that have the economic and military power to formulate the principles of the new world order have essentially declared their right to own and manage the resources of the entire world. This has become so ingrained in the mass consciousness that virtually none of the influential forces questioned, for example, the West’s right to “punish” Iraq, which threatened the balance of oil prices. Thus, the West openly seeks to avoid the risk of “wasting” raw materials in national “apartments”.

It must be remembered that the entire history of recent years directly shows the place of the Russian people and Russia as a country and state in the system of the new world order - there is no place there. It is quite natural that the West will not agree to include Russia in the golden billion, since even without Russians in Western countries enough population. But there is no point in using Russians as a tax population - it is unprofitable, since service costs are higher than income (at least it seems so). Another thing is, for example, the Chinese, who will work from dawn to dusk for a bowl of stew - what else do the owners of the world need? Therefore, every Russian person must understand that only nationalism will save him and his descendants.

See also: genocide, humanitarian mission, dictatorship, the West, world community, peacekeeping operation, mondialism, universal values, orange revolution, open society, human rights, ecumenism.

Excellent definition

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a concept that appeared after the collapse of the USSR, which marked the end of an entire era that lasted almost half a century.

Then, in 1991, the previous bipolar world order collapsed, based on the balance of two superpowers, legally formalized by the Yalta (1945) agreements and documents of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki, 1975), which established the principles of the inviolability of borders established after the end of the Second World War. world war.

The formation of new states after the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia, the emergence of a number of “ unrecognized states"and so on. questioned the principle of “inviolability of borders.” And the so-called "velvet revolutions" in countries of Eastern Europe, planned by Washington and NATO and made possible due to the fact that the metropolis of the world socialist system, the USSR, weakened by Gorbachev’s crushing perestroika, was unable to prevent them, opened a long, still incomplete process of forming a new world order.

The essence of the “new world order” is the monopoly of one state on global political and economic leadership, and most importantly, governance: “We govern you in your own interests, whoever disagrees with this. represents evil." The very idea of ​​such an order was expressed in the United States back in the days of V. Wilson, who declared at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 that “America is destined for the unprecedented honor of fulfilling its destiny and saving the world.” Seems like the motto state seal USA “Novus Ordo Seclorum” - “ new order for centuries” began to be embodied in a concrete ideology from a mystical task precisely after the collapse of the USSR.

The second important feature of the new world order is its distinctly anti-Russian character. As former national security adviser to US President D. Carter Z. Brzezinski admitted, “a new world order under US hegemony is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia.”

The ideological basis of the new world order is the not widely advertised theory of the “golden billion”. According to this theory, a satisfactory existence on Earth can be ensured only for one billion people living in developed countries.

According to MIT professor N. Chomsky, the new world order is an order in the interests of the upper classes and large Western companies, and third world countries occupy a special place in this world order: they provide for the West raw materials, cheap labor, markets for the sale of goods, opportunities for investment and for the removal of environmentally polluting industries. Even W. Churchill stated: “The governance of the world should be in the hands of materially prosperous peoples, rich people living peacefully at home, and not hungry peoples striving to improve their situation.”

Finally dismantled by the beginning of the 1990s. the world order needed replacing. The design of the new building was not particularly original: the United States, which declared itself the only superpower, largely copied the achievements of the most powerful empire of the 19th century. - British, taking as a principle of foreign policy even its invisible effectiveness (the subjects of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, for example, lost in Afghanistan and in general Central Asia Russian), but the principle of globality. The United Kingdom even then, at the height of its power, considered itself to have the right to interfere in the affairs of any state at any point globe. The basis of Great Britain's global power was its navy.

In the nuclear era, the number of military factors in the formation and substantiation of claims to world domination, paradoxically, decreases. The basis of American global expansion, its dreadnought, gunboat, aircraft carrier and intercontinental ballistic missile, became its national currency - the dollar, a weapon much more effective than the atomic bomb. According to the same Chomsky, “the methods of the International Monetary Fund, freedom of trade, investment, currency conversion are the rules of the game that are not played by the developed countries, but which they impose on the weak, turn the governments of the “third world” countries, including Russia, into police, protecting the interests of the West and controlling their working class and surplus population. These governments are abandoning the planned role in the economy, and it is entirely transferred to the completely planned Western transnational corporations.”

The US dollar, despite the fact that beginning of XXI V. The euro has come into its own, the Japanese yen is not going to give up its positions, the yuan has noticeably strengthened, and the ruble has been declared convertible and continues to determine the financial policy of the planet. And it remains an effective tool for the redistribution of world resources for the needs of the American economy, which by world standards is far from efficient and profitable and is noticeably inferior to the more dynamic economies of Southeast Asia, China, and India.

IN last years it is becoming increasingly clear that foreign policy The USA is no longer based on economic power, but mainly on military force. But during the time when America reigned supreme in the world for almost 2 decades, Washington was not even able to roughly outline the contours of Pax Americana.

The collapse of first the Warsaw Pact, and then Soviet Union never led to the creation of a configuration in the Eurasian space that could coincide with Washington’s geopolitical projects, most clearly formulated by Z. Brzezinski.

Attempts to create such a configuration with the help of “color revolutions” in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine turned out to be untenable. The key players in the post-Soviet space - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan - essentially rejected Washington's patronage and continue to be Russia's allies to one degree or another, preferring Eurasian solidarity to Atlantic solidarity.

US attempts to form pro-American regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan also failed. In the 1940s–50s. in conditions cold war The United States and its allies managed to form the CENTO bloc (based on the Baghdad Pact) from the Middle Eastern states and countries of the Middle East. But it did not last long - revolutions and military coups took place in key states in the region, as a result of which pro-American regimes were overthrown. Now the governments that meekly carry out the will of Washington are not even able to control the territory of their own countries even with American military assistance - neither the Baghdad puppets, nor Hamid Karzai.

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Subject. Nazi "New Order"

Target. Characterize the features of the “new order” in the Soviet Union, reveal the criminal actions of the fascists


1. Find out what the “new order” is and evaluate it.

2. Talk about the Holocaust.

3. Find out the features of the “new order” in Donbass.

4. Tell what role the ostarbeiters played during the war.

5. Characterize the phenomenon of collaboration.


    "New order".

    Plan "Ost".


    "New order" in Donbass.

Concepts: “new order”, Ost plan, Holocaust, collaborationism

"New order"

Germany and its allies established a “new order” in the occupied territories.

New order - the occupation regime established by the Nazis in the occupied territories, which was characterized by the destruction of the population and the economic exploitation of the occupied lands.

Plan "Ost"

The Nazis' criminal intentions were outlined in the Ost plan.

Plan "Ost" - occupation policy in the territories of Eastern Europe and the USSR captured by the fascists.

    Colonization of the USSR and Eastern European countries.

    Destruction of millions of people.

    Turning those who remained into slaves.

    Relocation of Germans to new territories.

The USSR was subject to dismemberment and liquidation. On its territory it was planned to form four Reichskommissariats - German colonial provinces: “Ostland”, “Ukraine”, “Moscow”, “Caucasus”. Management was to be carried out by the “Eastern Ministry” headed by A. Rosenberg.

Concentration camps (Buchenwald) and death camps (Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Dachau) operated throughout the occupied territory. In total, 18 million ended up in concentration camps, 12 million died.

Ostarbeiters – persons taken by the Nazis from the eastern occupied territories during the Second World War for forced labor in Germany.

To use cheap labor in Germany, deportations of the working population were carried out. About 4.9 million residents of the occupied regions of the USSR found themselves living abroad in difficult living conditions (Ostarbeiters), of whom 1.4 million died. In total, 10 million people became victims of the occupation (3.1 million people in Ukraine, 1.3 million people in Belarus). The economy of the occupied countries became an appendage of the German war machine.


Holocaust – purposeful and organized extermination of the Jewish population during the Second World War.

Ghetto – an isolated settlement with minimal living conditions.

"New order" in Donbass

Fierce battles for Donbass continued for 8 long months. Directly on the territory of the Stalin region, fighting began on October 8, 1941, on this day the Germans occupied the regional center of Mangush and the large industrial and port city of Mariupol. After stubborn fighting at the end of October 1941, fascist troops managed to capture Stalino, Makeevka, Gorlovka, Krasnoarmeysk, Slavyansk. By the beginning of November, the enemy occupied the central and southeastern part of the region and reached the Seversky Donets and Mius rivers. In November, German troops invaded the borders of the Voroshilovgrad region. July 22, 1942 Soviet troops left the last regional center of the Voroshilovgrad region - the city of Sverdlovsk. The entire territory of Donbass was occupied and included in the so-called “front-line zone,” subordinate directly to the military command.

In the occupied territory, the fascists established a regime of terror and violence, which pursued 3 main goals: 1) suppression of any attempts at resistance; 2) exploitation of material and human resources; 3) physical destruction of part of the population to provide “living space” for German colonists. The so-called “new order” was established, which included universal labor service for the population aged 14 to 65 years, hard labor, and forced transportation to work in Germany. The difficult conditions of the occupation regime were aggravated by the high mobility of the front, on the line of which from Slavyansk to the Sea of ​​Azov a huge number of enemy troops, field gendarmerie, and counterintelligence agencies of the occupiers were concentrated.

The lives of people in the occupied areas were worth nothing. In an effective way intimidation was the death penalty. In the very first days of the occupation, the Nazis posted orders and announcements, violation of which was punishable by the death penalty. All residents of cities and workers' settlements, starting from the age of 10, were required to register with the labor exchange and wear an armband with a certain number. Violation of this requirement was punishable by execution. Communists and Komsomol members must register, otherwise they will be shot. For possession of weapons - execution. For helping partisans and escaped prisoners of war - execution. For violating the curfew - execution. Each resident had to report the presence of strangers and Soviet soldiers, otherwise - execution. The occupiers introduced a system of hostages for “crimes against the army.” If the culprit is not identified, then 100 civilians were subject to execution for the murder of a German officer or soldier, and 10 people were subject to execution for the murder of a policeman. At the same time, denunciation was encouraged. Active and conscientious participants in the fight against the partisans were awarded a double allotment of land in the countryside and a bonus of 1,000 karbovanets in the city.

The Nazis established the “new order” through mass executions and concentration camps. During the 700 days of occupation of the capital of Donbass, they killed 279 thousand people, took 200 thousand to work in Germany, destroyed 150 mines, 50 factories, 14 power plants, and burned 5 million square meters of living space. They turned the basements of the Donbass Hotel and the building of the Kalinin branch of the State Bank into death rows. In the burned club named after. Lenin, the Germans organized a concentration camp for prisoners of war, where they tortured and shot more than 25 thousand people. Dozens of Jews were shot on Pozharnaya Square (now Dzerzhinsky Square). At mine No. 3-3-bis, the Nazis buried alive 60 young people who refused to work for the Germans. 75 thousand people were thrown into the pits of mine No. 4-4-bis Kalinino and left to die.

In total, 100 death camps were created in Donbass, and 20 punitive fascist bodies and detachments operated. During the 22 months of occupation, the Nazis killed over 468 thousand people.

With the failure of the Blitzkrieg and the war entering a protracted phase in the fall of 1941, the Third Reich was faced with the problem of a shortage of skilled workers within the country. To prevent a possible industrial crisis in the Reich economy, hired labor from the occupied territories of Eastern Europe was widely used. These workers were called “Ostarbeiters”. In December 1941, the first recruitment commissions were created. In January 1942, an active campaign to recruit ostarbeiters began. The propaganda apparatus was working in full force: in city newspapers, in documentaries, and at meetings, stories were told about the excellent living conditions of Ukrainian workers in Germany. On February 15, 1942, the first echelon with 1 thousand hired workers left Stalino for Germany. In total, about 350 thousand of them were taken out of Donbass. The existence of ostarbeiters was difficult - this was determined not only by the difficulties of wartime, but also artificially created by the German leadership and based on the very political and legal status of “eastern workers”. They had to live in isolated camps surrounded by barbed wire, in wooden barracks that housed up to 200 people. For the first time, they were given special clothing, shoes with rubber or wooden soles, a straw mattress, a pillow, the cost of which was deducted from the money they earned. It was mandatory to constantly wear the “Ost” sign on outer clothing. Books, radio, cinema, concerts, and religious ceremonies were prohibited. Discrimination was also observed in wages. Ostarbeiters were paid at rates three times less than German workers. Distinctive feature Their stay in Nazi Germany was subject to constant supervision and control, as well as a system of penalties for labor and political offenses. Serious offenses (abandonment of the workplace, theft, sabotage) were punishable by sending to concentration camps. Those who tried to escape were killed, leaving the dead body as a warning.

The local population also had to work for the benefit of Germany. A 14-16 hour working day was introduced at enterprises. The work was carried out under the constant supervision of soldiers and police. Corporal punishment was often used during the work. Those who refused to go to work were shot. Food rations were provided for workers. But they were so scanty that the population starved.

From the first days of the occupation, large German companies such as Krupp, Siemens, Oppel and others showed active attention to the riches of our region. The Vostok mining and metallurgical society was created to operate mines and factories. A special organization, Berg Hütte-Ost, was responsible for the restoration of the mines. Hitler demanded the speedy inclusion of the Donbass economy in military production. It was planned that already in 1943 the basin should have produced 1 million, and in 1944 - 2 million tons of metal.

To implement this program, it was necessary to establish coal mining. However, despite the fact that by November 1942 40 coal mines had been restored, the occupiers received from them only 2.3 percent of the coal produced before the war during the same period. In this regard, the needs of the German army were met by coal imported from Poland and other countries.

The Germans also failed to organize metal production at enterprises in our region. Plans for the economic enslavement of Donbass failed. The population of the region sabotaged the activities of the occupiers, as a result of which not a single large enterprise, not a single capital mine. Villagers hid bread, fodder and livestock from the invaders and disrupted the supply of food to the German army.

Thus, the establishment of the occupation regime was accompanied by massive terror of the civilian population. In February 1942, the Nazis began the forced removal of Ostarbeiters. At the same time, the remaining material resources and enterprises came under the control of German corporations. The massive feat of the residents of Donbass was the disruption of the occupiers’ attempts to put the industry of the occupied territory at their service.


    What body was created in the USSR to manage armed forces and leadership of military operations on the fronts in the first days of the war? (Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, Stalin, Timoshenko, Zhukov, Molotov, Budyonny, Voroshilov, Kuznetsov.)

    Who became the Supreme Commander? (Stalin)

    In the hands of which body was all power concentrated at the beginning of the war? ( State Committee Defense)

    When was it created and who became its chairman?

    What slogan became a patriotic call to war? (“Everything for the front, everything for victory!”)

    Where was the main attack of the German troops directed?

    Where and when did the first bloody tank battle take place on the territory of our country? (June 26 - 30, 1941 in the Rivne-Dubno-Lutsk-Brody area).

    Name the main battles and military events of 1941.

September 8, 1941 – January 27, 1944 - Leningrad blockade.

July 7 – September 26, 1941 – Kyiv defensive operation.

October 30, 1941 – July 4, 1942 - defense of Sevastopol.

    What is the significance of the Battle of Smolensk?

    What is the main significance of the Moscow Battle?

    What was the code name of the German operation to capture Moscow?

    What strategic mistake did the Stalinist leadership make already in January 1942, inspired by the successes of the battle? (Stalin gave a directive to launch an offensive on all fronts to complete the defeat of the Nazis in 1942).

    What was the main task set in the order? ("No step back!").

    Name the members of the anti-Hitler coalition.

Formation of the anti-Hitler coalition

Stages of formation of the anti-Hitler coalition:

    On July 12, 1941, the Anglo-Soviet agreement on a joint struggle against Germany was signed.

    On August 14, 1941, England and the USA signed the Atlantic Charter. The USSR also joined it in December.

    September 29 – October 1, 1941 Moscow Conference. On October 1, a trilateral agreement was signed between the USSR, the USA and England to help the USSR with weapons and food.

    On January 1, 1942, in Washington, 26 states signed the Declaration of the United Nations.

    On May 26, 1942, a Soviet-British treaty was signed and on June 11, 1942, a Soviet-American treaty against Germany was signed.


§ 22 pp. 27 – 33.


There was never a coherent, coherent description of the “new order,” but captured documents and actual events reveal what Hitler imagined it to be.
This is Nazi-ruled Europe, whose resources are at stake.
service to Germany and whose peoples were enslaved by the German master race, and
"undesirable elements", primarily Jews, as well as most of the Slavs
in the East, especially their intelligentsia, were exterminated.
Jews and Slavic peoples presented themselves to Hitler
"untermenschen" anthropoids. The Fuhrer believed that they had no right to
existence, with the exception, perhaps, of some Slavs who could
needed on farms, fields and in mines as draft animals.
It was supposed to be wiped off the face of the earth (So, on September 18, 1941, Hitler gave
order to “wipe Leningrad off the face of the earth.” After being encircled, "level the city to
ground" through bombing and shelling, and the population (three million
people) to destroy along with the city. - Approx. ed.) not only the largest
cities in the East - Moscow, Leningrad, Warsaw, but also destroy culture
Russians, Poles and other Slavic peoples, completely block their access to
education. The equipment of thriving industries was subject to
dismantling and export to Germany. The population had to deal
exclusively agricultural work to produce
food for the Germans, and leave for yourself as much as necessary,
so as not to die of hunger. The Nazi leaders intended to destroy Europe itself
"get rid of the Jews."

"I'm not in the least interested in what happens to the Russians.
or the Czechs,” said Heinrich Himmler on October 4, 1943 in a secret
address to SS officers in Poznan. By this time, Himmler, being chief of the SS
and the entire police apparatus of the Third Reich, inferior in position
only to Hitler, retaining the right to control not only life and death
more than 80 million Germans, but also the life and death of even more
inhabitants of enslaved countries.
"Whatever other nations can offer us as pure blood,
like ours,” continued Himmler, “we will accept.” If necessary we will
this is by kidnapping their children and raising them in our midst. Do nations prosper?
or die by starvation, like cattle, I am only interested in
insofar as we use them as slaves for our culture. IN
otherwise they are of no interest to me. Will die from
exhaustion of 10 thousand Russian women while digging anti-tank ditches or not,
interests me only in the sense of whether they will open these ditches for Germany or
Nazi leaders outlined their ideals and plans for the enslavement of peoples
East long before Himmler's speech in Poznan in 1943,
which we will return to later as it outlines other aspects of the "new
By October 15, 1940, Hitler had already decided the fate of the Czechs - the first
the people he conquered. Half of the Czechs were supposed to be assimilated
mainly through resettlement in Germany as a forced laborer
strength. The other half, especially the "intellectuals", were subject to "liquidation"
as stated in the secret report.
Two weeks earlier, on October 2, the Fuhrer explained his plans
regarding the Poles - the second people doomed to enslavement.
His faithful secretary Martin Bormann compiled an extensive memo about
Nazi plans that Hitler outlined to Hans Frank, the Governor General
enslaved Poland and other persons from his circle.
“The Poles,” the Fuhrer emphasized, “are destined from birth for black
work... There can be no talk of their national development. In Poland
needs to be supported low level life without allowing it to rise...
Poles are lazy, so to get them to work you have to resort to
coercion... The General Government (Polish) should only be used
as a source of unskilled labor... Annually required
the quantity of labor for the Reich must be supplied from here."
As for the Polish priests, the Fuhrer predicted:
"...They will preach what we want. If any of them
priests will begin to act differently, we will quickly deal with him. Duty
priest to ensure that the Poles show calmness, stupidity and
There were two more classes of Poles whose fate was to be decided, and
the Nazi dictator did not fail to mention them.
"Of course, it should be remembered that the Polish nobility must disappear,
No matter how cruel it may sound, it must be destroyed everywhere...
For both Poles and Germans there is only one master. Two gentlemen,
standing side by side cannot and should not exist. Therefore, all representatives
Polish intelligentsia are subject to destruction. It sounds cruel, but it's true
law of life".
The German obsession with the idea that they alone are the dominant race, and
the Slavic peoples as their slaves, was especially destructive for Russia. Erich Koch,
Reichskommissar of Ukraine, expressed this idea in his speech delivered on March 5
1943 in Kyiv: “We are a race of masters and must rule harshly, but
fair... I will squeeze every last drop out of this country... I have come
not here for charity... The local population must work,
work and work again... We did not come here to
shower them with manna from heaven. We came here to lay the foundations for victory.
We are a master race and must remember that the last German worker in
racially and biologically represents a thousand times greater
value than the local population."
About a year earlier, on July 23, 1942, when the German armies
Russia was approaching the Volga and the oil fields of the Caucasus, Martin Bormann,
secretary of Hitler's party and the Fuhrer's right hand, sent a lengthy
letter to Rosenberg, outlining the Fuehrer's views on this issue. Content
The letter was succinctly summarized by an official from Rosenberg's ministry:
"The Slavs are called to work for us. When will we stop working for them?
need, they can die in peace. Therefore, mandatory vaccinations
The German healthcare system is redundant for them. Reproduction of the Slavs
undesirable. They may use contraception or
have abortions. The bigger, the better. Education is dangerous. Quite enough,
if they can count to 100... Every educated person is a future
enemy. We can leave religion to them as a means of distraction. Concerning
food, then they should not receive anything more than is absolutely necessary
to maintain life. We are gentlemen. We are above everything."

When German troops entered Russia, in a number of places the population
which experienced the terror of Stalin's tyranny, welcomed them as
liberators. At first, there was also a mass desertion of Soviet
soldiers, especially in the Baltic states and Ukraine. Some in Berlin believed that
if Hitler had played his game more cunningly, paying attention to the needs of the population
and promising assistance in liberation from Bolshevik rule (by providing
religious and economic freedoms and creating cooperatives instead of collective farms),
and in the future self-government, then the Russians could be attracted to their
side. And they would not only cooperate with the Germans in the occupied
areas, but they could also rise up to fight against Stalin’s cruel
rule in unoccupied territories. It was argued that if
If all this had been done, the Bolshevik regime would have collapsed on its own, and
The Red Army would collapse like tsarist armies in 1917. But
the cruelty of the Nazi occupation and the openly proclaimed goals of the German
conquerors - robbery of Russian lands, enslavement of the population and
colonization of the East by the Germans - quickly excluded the possibility of such a development
No one described this disastrous policy and, as a consequence,
lost opportunities are better than Dr. Otto Brautigam, professional
diplomat and deputy head of the political department again
the Ministry of Occupied Eastern Territories created by Rosenberg. IN
bitter confidential report to his superiors on October 25
1942, Bräutigam dared to point out the mistakes of the Nazis in Russia:
"Having entered the territory of the Soviet Union, we met a population
tired of Bolshevism and languidly awaiting new slogans that promised
a better future for him. And it was Germany's duty to put forward these slogans, but
this was not done. The population greeted us with joy as liberators and
put herself at our disposal."
In fact, such a slogan was proclaimed, but the Russians soon
lost faith in him.
"Possessing the instinct inherent in eastern peoples, simple people soon
discovered that for Germany the slogan “Liberation from Bolshevism” is in fact
was only a pretext for the conquest of the eastern peoples using German methods...
Workers and peasants quickly realized that Germany did not regard them as
equal partners, but considers them only an object of his political and
economic goals... With unprecedented arrogance we abandoned
political experience and... we treat the peoples of the occupied eastern
territories as with “second-class” whites, to whom providence has assigned the role
serving Germany as her slaves..."
Two other events occurred, Breutigam said, that set up
Russians against the Germans: the barbaric treatment of Soviet prisoners of war and
turning Russian men and women into slaves.
“From now on it is no secret either to friends or enemies that hundreds
thousands of Russian prisoners of war died of hunger and cold in our camps...
Nowadays a paradoxical situation has arisen when we are forced to recruit
millions of workers from the occupied European countries after
they allowed prisoners of war to starve to death like flies...
Continuing to treat the Slavs with boundless cruelty, we
employed labor recruitment methods that probably originated in
the darkest periods of the slave trade. Real hunting began to be practiced
of people. Regardless of health status or age, their masses
sent to Germany..." (Neither the extermination of Soviet prisoners of war, nor
The exploitation of Russian forced labor was no secret to the Kremlin.
Back in November 1941, Molotov made an official diplomatic protest
against the extermination of Russian prisoners of war, and in April next year stated
another protest against Germany's forced labor program
labor. - Approx. auto)
The German policy in Russia caused, according to this official,
"colossal resistance of the eastern peoples."
"Our policy forced both the Bolsheviks and Russian nationalists
present a united front against us. Today the Russians are fighting with
exceptional courage and self-sacrifice in the name of recognition of one's
human dignity, no more and no less."
Ending his 13-page memo on a positive note, Dr.
Bräutigam asked for a radical change in policy. “To the Russian people,” asserted
he, - it is necessary to say something more definite about him
But it was a voice crying in the Nazi wilderness. Hitler, as is known,
had already outlined (even before the invasion) his directives regarding the future of Russia and
Russians, and there was not a single German who could convince him to change
these directives are at least one iota.
On July 16, 1941, less than a month after the start of the Russian campaign,
when it became obvious that most of the Soviet Union would soon be
captured, Hitler summoned Goering, Keitel,
Rosenberg, Bormann and Lammers, head of the Reich Chancellery, to remind them of
their plans for the newly conquered lands. Finally got it
the goals so openly stated in Mein Kampf are to conquer vast
living spaces for Germans in Russia were close to being realized, and
this was clear from the secret memorandum drawn up
after this meeting between Bormann and what emerged at the Nuremberg trials. And Hitler
I wanted his associates to have a clear idea of ​​how he was going to
use this space, but he warned that his intentions were not
should be made public.
“This is not necessary,” said Hitler. “The main thing is that we know
what we want. No one should recognize that this is where the final begins
solution to the problem. At the same time, this should not prevent us from applying everything
the necessary measures are execution, displacement of persons, etc., and we will apply them. - AND
further continued: - ...We are now faced with the need to cut the pie in
according to our needs, to be able, firstly,
dominate this living space, secondly, manage it and,
thirdly, exploit it." He stated that it was not important to him that
the Russians gave the order to conduct guerrilla warfare behind German lines.
This, in his opinion, will make it possible to eliminate anyone who provides
In general, Hitler explained, Germany will dominate Russian
territories up to the Urals. And no one except the Germans will be allowed
walk around these vast spaces with weapons. Hitler then stated that
will be specifically done with each piece of “Russian pie”.
"The Baltic states must be included in Germany. Crimea will be
completely evacuated (“no foreigners”) and settled only by Germans, becoming
territory of the Reich. The Kola Peninsula, replete with nickel deposits, will go
to Germany. The annexation of Finland, which is annexed on the basis of a federation, must
be prepared with care. The Fuhrer will raze Leningrad to the ground, and
then he will transfer his territory to the Finns."
By order of Hitler, the oil fields of Baku will become German
concession, and the territories of German settlements on the Volga will immediately
When it came to discussing which of the Nazi leaders should control
new territories, a squabble began.
Rosenberg stated that he intended to use Captain von for this purpose.
Petersdorf due to his special merits (everyone was amazed; the candidacy was unanimous
reject); the Fuhrer and the Reichsmarshal (Göring) emphasized that there are no
there is no doubt that von Petersdorff is insane.
There has also been controversy about the best way to implement policies regarding
conquered Russian people. Hitler proposed that the German police should be
equipped with armored cars. Goering expressed doubt about the need for this. His
the planes, he declared, were capable of bombing the recalcitrant.
Naturally, Goering added, that the gigantic space should be
pacified as soon as possible. The best solution is to shoot everyone
who looks away.
Goering, as the head of the 4-year plan, was also entrusted with
economic exploitation of Russia (Directive of the Goering Economic Headquarters
for the East on May 23, 1941, the destruction of Russian industrial
districts. The workers of these areas and their families were doomed to starvation. Any attempt
save the population from starvation by bringing food from
black earth zone (Russia) was prohibited in accordance with the directive. - Approx.
author), that is, robbery, if we use more exact word, as explained
Goering in a speech given on August 6, 1942 to the Nazi
commissioners in the occupied territories. "Usually it's called robbery,
- he said. “But today circumstances have become more humane. However
despite this, I intend to rob and will do it with all diligence."
In this case, he at least kept his word, and not only in Russia,
but throughout Nazi-occupied Europe. Because it was part
"new order".

Neuordnung), Hitler's concept of a complete reorganization of the German public life in accordance with the Nazi worldview. Speaking to the leadership of the Nazi Party in June 1933, Hitler declared that “the dynamism of the national revolution still exists in Germany and that it must continue until its complete end. All aspects of life in the Third Reich must be subordinated to the policy of Gleichshaltung.” In practice, this meant the formation of a police regime and the establishment of a brutal dictatorship in the country.

The Reichstag, as a legislative body, was rapidly losing its power, and the Weimar Constitution ended immediately after the Nazis came to power.

Nazi propaganda tirelessly tried to convince the German public that the “new order” would bring true freedom and prosperity to Germany.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

"New order"

(Italy). In the 1950s There is a revival of the fascist movement. At the congress in Lausanne, the international organization of neo-fascists “New Order” was founded. The founder, presumably, was Leon Degrelle, commander of the Wallonia motorized brigade. The fighting groups began to operate under the name “Young European Vanguard.” Branches existed in many countries, but were banned in France. In Italy, from April 8, 1959 to March 19, 1962, neo-fascists carried out 95 acts, destroying 75 power line masts, carried out 44 raids on railway facilities, 3 on transport communications, 8 on industrial facilities, 8 – for houses and buildings. At the end of the 1950s. In Italy, the organization “Fascii of Revolutionary Action” (Fascii Diazione Revolutionaria” - FAR) is created, headed by Clemente Graziane. The FAR carried out a number of bombings in Rome, including an assassination attempt on the prime minister. 21 members of the organization were arrested. After leaving prison, Pino Rauti, who was more inclined to theoretical work, in contrast to the activist Graziana, Rauti headed the “New Order,” which intensified its activities in 1969. The organization “takes an ideologically extreme position, is associated in origin with orthodox fascism, and rejects any contact with the institutions of a democratic system.” At a meeting of the leaders of neo-fascist groups on April 18, 1969 in Padua, a plan was developed to carry out terrorist attacks in order to compromise the republican regime and prepare a favorable right-wing authoritarian coup in the public consciousness. In accordance with the plan, in the summer - autumn of 1969 the Fred - Ventura group various cities carried out explosions and assassination attempts - 22 acts in 9 months: 4/15/1969 explosion of the office of the rector of the University of Padua Guido Opocera; arson at the Fiat stand at a fair in Milan; 25.4.1969 – Milan, explosions at the central station; 8/8/1969 – explosion of the Rome-Milan train. Explosion in Milan in the building of the Agricultural Bank on Plaza Fontana on December 12, 1969 (17 people were killed and more than 100 were injured); a bomb was discovered in the Commercial Bank and defused; 12/12/1969 – Rome, explosions in the underground passage near the Labor Bank (14 injured); two explosions at the Altar of the Fatherland monument (18 injured); in Rome, from 16:45 to 17:15, two explosions also occurred, but without casualties. In total, 53 terrorist attacks were committed in 1969. The New Order was disbanded in 1973 for participating in an attempted coup. In 1974 it was recreated under the name “Black Order”. The organizational meeting took place in Cattalica in February. 1974. Neo-fascist leaders decided to “terrorize anti-fascists with bombs, unleash physical terror, create an atmosphere of violence, using the methods of the great and unforgettable SLA.” In April 1974 terrorists carried out explosions in Lecco, Bari, Bologna; in Rome 10/15/1974 - a series of explosions over several hours (in the Palace of Justice, near the leadership building of the Christian Democratic Party, etc.). In total, “Black Order” took responsibility for 11 sabotages in 1974. Soon the organization disbanded again.