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Dzerzhinsky - People's Commissar of Railways. F.E

Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (1877-1926). This name is forever associated with the creation and work of the Cheka, which later became the famous State Security Committee of the USSR.

Moreover, the fact that Dzerzhinsky took an active part in eliminating economic devastation and in restoring and developing the country’s industry after the revolution is usually unknown to the average reader. “Iron” Felix showed himself to be a talented leader during the formation of the Soviet state railway transport. April 14, 1921 Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee M.I. Kalinin signed a resolution on the appointment of F.E. Dzerzhinsky as People's Commissar of Railways, leaving him in the post of Chairman of the Cheka and People's Commissar of Internal Affairs.

This is how the manager of the Council of People's Commissars, V.D., described the situation with the state of the railways at that time. Bonch-Bruevich: “Despite all the decisions of the Council of People's Commissars and the Council of Labor and Defense, transport was always limping on both legs. Extraordinary measures were needed to bring it into complete order. What was needed was a person who would have an iron will, would be sufficiently experienced in administration, authoritative among the working masses, and firm in carrying out decisions made in life, would have had sufficient experience in the fight against sabotage, sabotage and outright hooliganism, which often manifested itself at that time in railways" and G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, first chairman of the State Planning Committee: “The huge transport mechanism was grinding in all its joints and threatened with final collapse. A quick drive along any road was enough to see the agony of transport. Torn bridges on wooden frames under iron trusses, obvious distortions of the track, unstraightened rail lines, murderous parking lots-cemeteries of broken cars and locomotives, dirty ruins of stations, trains moving according to inspiration, and not according to schedule. Brazen theft of cargo, a threatening increase in crashes, “energy” using raw wood with the self-help of passengers, a catastrophic drop in labor productivity, double, triple sets of inactive personnel, a complete discrepancy in industry and finance. Even the most experienced transport engineer, if he were a seasoned railway wolf, would falter and be embarrassed if he were told that from now on he is responsible for the fate of this transport.”

Felix Edmundovich, having returned from the Kremlin to the Cheka, summoned the head of the transport department G.I. Blagonravov and demanded to immediately provide summary data on the condition of the railways. The information presented to him painted the following picture: “...destroyed bridges - 4322, destroyed rail tracks - 2000 miles, destroyed workshops and depots - 400, over 60 percent of the locomotive fleet is in “cemeteries”, a third of freight cars are out of order.”

Having started work, Dzerzhinsky conducts detailed conversations with specialists, studies the needs for transportation, reveals the reasons for the existing difficulties, and then personally makes field trips. The Cheka apparatus sent special commissions to inspect railway junctions. The results of the first examinations were terrifying. White Guards, saboteurs, bandits and thieves robbed stations, warehouses, and loaded freight cars. In Moscow, special secret commercial offices were discovered that accepted stolen property. Here, invoice certificates for goods that were exported from freight yards in whole trains were sold, signatures and seals of institutions that received valuable cargo were forged. Clandestine workshops were also discovered where seals, stamps, and imprints of the signatures of responsible officials, including Lenin and Dzerzhinsky, were made.

An appeal written by Dzerzhinsky appeared in the railway workers' newspaper Gudok: “Citizens railway workers! The eternal disgrace of Tsarist Russia - the system of farming, extortion and bribery - has built a strong nest for itself in the most sensitive area of ​​​​our economic organism - in the railway industry. On the railways, everything can be bought and sold for a certain bribe, which, through the skillful, vile hands of the corrupter, is proportionally distributed between the switchman and the highest ranks. The disasters caused by this evil to the state are innumerable and nightmarish in their consequences.” Then workers of workshops, tracks and depots, employees of freight stations and employees of railway boards read a formidable warning: “Wherever the scoundrel sits: in the office at the green table or in the guard booth, he will be extracted and brought before the court of the Revolutionary Tribunal, the punishing hammer which will descend with all the crushing power and wrath of which it is capable, since there is no mercy for the mortal enemies of our revival. No circumstances will be taken into account when sentencing a bribe-taker. The most severe punishment awaits him."

And the call: “The Soviet government calls on all honest citizens, in whom the oppressive consciousness of indelible shame and the corrupting influence of bribes is alive, to come to the aid of detecting and extracting scoundrels - bribe-takers.”

In addition to criminal activities related to fraud, bribery and sabotage, the new leader drew attention to the significant number of accidents on the country's railways. He demanded that every accident be treated as a criminal case.

Demanding the strictest discipline, F.E. Dzerzhinsky always took care of the well-being of the employees of the People's Commissariat entrusted to him, which significantly motivated his employees and gave great impetus to all work in transport. By order of Dzerzhinsky, railway drivers and the entire train crew began to be given hot food along the way; locomotive drivers received a bonus for fuel economy while driving trains at high rates; railway workers involved in the movement of trains were given uniforms. The government has allocated the necessary funds for this.

Road boards were organized, which included workers from industry, supply, finance and agriculture. Restoring transport has become a matter for the whole country. Railways were divided into three categories, according to their importance in freight and passenger transport, and special attention was focused on the decisive ones. This made it possible, in those difficult conditions, to ensure relatively uninterrupted delivery of coal along the Donbass-Moscow-Petrograd line and transportation of grain along the Siberian railway.

Dzerzhinsky was attentive to all issues of technical reconstruction of railways. He himself answered all letters from innovators and inventors, and invited the authors of the most valuable proposals for personal negotiations.

When selecting personnel for responsible positions, F. E. Dzerzhinsky peered into each employee and studied all his positive and negative qualities. He did not attach any importance to titles, titles, even party affiliation, unless the title of party member was backed by experience, special knowledge, skills and dedication. Dzerzhinsky believed that no reports or memos could clarify the situation in the way that could be done while on the spot. To do this, he constantly went on business trips, visited stations, depots, ports, shipyards, workshops, talked with engineers and workers. On the spot, I found out what needed to be done in order to organize train traffic and resume port operations.

Dzerzhinsky made his first trip as People's Commissar of Railways to Ukraine. It was necessary to organize the work of the railway and waterways, sea vessels and ports of the Black and Azov seas. The work of an already paralyzed man civil war transport in Ukraine was aggravated by rampant banditry. He visited Kharkov, Donetsk, Nikolaev, Kherson, Odessa, Kyiv. As a result of the trip, measures were taken to restore roads and the completely destroyed strategic Kichkas bridge across the Dnieper.

After the trip, Felix Edmundovich began to work closely on developing a new scheme for organizing railway transport. The project prepared by Dzerzhinsky provided for a significant reduction in the apparatus of the NKPS, the granting of greater rights to railway districts and linear departments (roads), the establishment close connection transport with local authorities and the development of economic initiative. IN AND. Lenin supported the project, and at the end of August the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars approved the new Regulations on the NKPS.

Dzerzhinsky was especially impressed by his long trip to Siberia in January-March 1922. The drought, which affected 34 provinces for two years in a row, caused not only famine in the Volga region, but also affected other provinces of European Russia. There was no bread to feed the hungry and no seeds to sow when 1922 arrived. Meanwhile, there was grain in Siberia, but it could not be exported due to the weak capacity of the railways. The commissioner's expedition included forty employees of the People's Commissariat of Railways, the People's Commissariat of Food, security officers, members of the military transport tribunal and trade union workers. On the train, Dzerzhinsky held a meeting - “Comrades! During January - March, we have to export at least 15 million pounds of food cargo from Siberia. To cope with this task, 270 cars need to be sent daily, and in December, on average, only 33 cars per day were sent from Siberia. Truly titanic efforts will be required from you and me. And we will not solve our problem if we fail to rely on the party and Soviet bodies of Siberia, if we do not rouse the masses of railway workers. It is necessary to achieve coordinated work of all parts of the railway organism.”

In one of his letters to his wife from Omsk-Nikolaevsk (Novosibirsk) in February 1922, he writes: “I came to the irrefutable conclusion that main job not in Moscow, but locally. That two-thirds of the responsible comrades and specialists from all party (including the Central Committee), Soviet and trade union institutions must be transferred from Moscow to the localities. And there is no need to be afraid that central institutions will collapse. It is necessary to put all efforts into factories, factories and the countryside in order to really raise labor productivity, and not the work of pens and offices. Otherwise we won't get out. The best plans and instructions do not even reach here and hang in the air. The work here has been so neglected that in order to get everything back on track, it will take a longer time, and the Republic cannot wait that long. So, we work gloomily, straining all our strength to resist and to overcome all difficulties.”

And here are the lines from another letter: “In order to be a people's commissar of communications, good intentions are not enough. Only now, in winter, did I begin to understand this clearly. In the summer I was still a wallflower.” Felix Edmundovich constantly studied - he studied both from books and from own experience. He said: “Iron will alone is not enough here. I had the courage to learn. Looking through the eyes of your staff is death for a leader.”

Work in Siberia, by Dzerzhinsky’s own admission, taught him more than the entire previous year. He knew what to do. The introduction of payment for services and self-financing brought transport out of the position of a “dependent” of the state into an income-generating industry. The apparatus of the NKPS was reduced five times and abolished bureaucracy line departments, and instead of them, road boards were created, with a vested interest in their economic activities. This made it possible to send directly to the line a large number of specialists who had previously been stationed in the offices of the People's Commissariat. By reducing excess labor, the wages of transport workers and their material incentives were increased. The development of transport is linked to the needs of industry and agriculture; transport has ceased to be a “cab driver” that takes anyone anywhere.

The result of the activities of F.E. Dzerzhinsky, the XIII Conference of the RCP (b), held in Moscow in January 1924, stated that “transport is in a state where it can, without any particular difficulty, satisfy all the demands placed on it by the national economy.”

dated November 12, 1923
Chapter I. General provisions
1. Based on Art. 49 and 51 of the Basic Law (Constitution) of the Union of S.S.R., the People's Commissariat of Communications is formed.
2. The People's Commissariat of Communications is entrusted with: general management and management of everything located on the territory or under the jurisdiction of the Union of S.S.R. railway and water (sea and river) transport, highways and dirt roads of national and strategic importance, as well as general supervision of all types of transport.
Chapter II. Tasks of the People's Commissariat of Communications
3. The main tasks of the People's Commissariat of Communications are:
a) servicing the Union of S.S.R. railway and by water transport in accordance with the political, economic and economic interests and needs, as well as with the defense requirements of the Union of S.S.R.;
b) management, within the limits of current legislation, of the activities of state sea and river shipping companies;
c) management of trade ports, which are under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Communications;
d) maintenance of railway communications, their accessories and rolling stock, as well as waterways, highways and dirt roads of all-Union and strategic importance in a condition that ensures the safety and continuity of traffic along the designated routes;
e) development and strengthening of communication routes under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Communications, in accordance with the general development plan and needs National economy, as well as improvement of both the communication routes themselves and the methods of their operation and work on scientific basis; regulation of issues related to the technical operation of all types of communications;
f) technical regulation of structures of railways, highways, dirt and waterways of communication of the all-Union and strategic importance, as well as regulation of shipbuilding;
g) supervision of the technical condition of all types of transport;
h) development and implementation of a transport plan as part of the all-Union plan; regulation of transportation along the routes of the Union of S.S.R.
Chapter III. Rights of the People's Commissariat of Communications
4. To implement those specified in Art. 3 tasks The People's Commissariat of Railways is given the right to:
a) issue, on the basis of relevant laws, rules and orders regulating the performance of transportation and relations between transport, on the one hand, and institutions, organizations and persons using transport services, on the other hand;
b) develop and implement, in the prescribed manner, tariffs for the transportation of passengers and cargo by rail and direct rail-water communications, the amount of fees associated with transportation, as well as payment standards for services provided by transport authorities outside the contract of carriage;
c) issue rules and instructions regulating the technical side of the construction and operation of railways, highways, dirt and waterways, both public and other, as well as ensuring the safety of communication routes, safety and order of use; bring to legal responsibility for violation of the above rules and instructions; issue mandatory regulations on the subjects provided for in this paragraph, with the imposition of monetary fines for their violation, in accordance with a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars;
d) make orders and take measures regulating the performance of mass transportation and the distribution of transportation facilities necessary for them;
e) organize, in compliance with current legislation, trusts and joint-stock companies related to the activities of railways, investing in them monetary capital and other property;
f) establish, within the approved budget, by agreement with the People's Commissariat of Finance, the procedure for spending funds and material resources placed at the disposal of the People's Commissariat of Communications, as well as the procedure for reporting and monitoring such spending;
g) obtain credit from government and other credit institutions, issuing bills and other obligations, and provide credit to transport customers on the basis established by the People's Commissariat of Railways;
h) organize auxiliary enterprises, warehouses, forwarding, trade and commission and other operations related to transport activities, within the limits of special regulations issued by law;
i) carry out economic development and procurement of materials necessary for transport, organizing auxiliary enterprises for this;
j) transfer, in the prescribed manner, individual economic transport bodies to economic accounting, allocating fixed and working capital for them;
k) convene congresses and meetings, both departmental and with the participation of representatives of other departments and representatives of other sectors of the national economy, on issues related to transport activities, as well as take part in such congresses and meetings convened by other departments.
Chapter IV. Structure of the People's Commissariat of Communications
5. The composition of the People's Commissariat of Communications includes:
a) People's Commissar of Railways and his board;
b) Central Railway Transport Administration;
c) Central Department of Maritime Transport;
d) Central Administration of Inland Water Transport;
e) Department of Highways and dirt roads;
f) Central Administrative Department;
g) Central Labor Bureau;
h) Department of Statistics and Cartography;
i) Planning Commission for Transport (Transplan);
j) Scientific and Technical Committee;
k) Permanent meeting on the supervision and evaluation of the work of railway, water and local transport;
l) Special meeting on the scientific organization of work in transport;
m) Bureau of Railway Boards;
o) Bureau of Boards of State River Shipping Companies;
o) Central Board of the State Merchant Marine.
6. The People's Commissariat of Railways has its representatives in the councils people's commissars union republics, the appointment and removal of which, as well as rights and obligations, are determined by a special regulation approved by the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of S.S.R., on the basis general regulations about the people's commissariats of the Union of S.S.R.
7. Local bodies of the People's Commissariat of Railways are:
a) districts of communication routes;
b) railway boards;
c) railway administration;
d) boards of state shipping companies;
e) management of sea trade ports;
f) boards of state river shipping companies;
g) management of inland waterways;
h) district departments of highways and dirt roads.
8. The People's Commissariat of Railways consists of the following central and local interdepartmental bodies:
a) Tariff Committee;
b) Financial Control Committee;
c) Central Committee for Transportation;
d) Central Committee for Port Affairs;
e) All-Union Register;
f) district transportation committees and local transportation bureaus;
g) regional committees and meetings on port affairs.
9. Regulations on the bodies of the People's Commissariat of Communications listed in Art. Art. 5, 7 and 8 are approved in the following order:
a) about the All-Union Register, the Tariff Committee, the Financial Control Committee, the Central Committee for Transportation and the Central and Regional Committees and Meetings on Port Affairs, district transportation committees and local transportation bureaus, railway boards, the Central Board of the State Trade navy, boards of state sea and river shipping companies and management of sea trade ports - the Council of Labor and Defense;
b) about the Planning Commission - by the People's Commissar of Communications and the chairman of the State General Planning Commission;
c) about other bodies - by the People's Commissar of Railways.
10. The People's Commissar of Railways appoints his representatives to individual local transport authorities named in Art. Art. 5 and 7 of these Regulations, to guide the work of managing and managing individual transport units and communications authorities.
11. The position of a commissioner under the Council of People's Commissars of a union republic and the position of a commissioner in local transport authorities (Article 10 of these Regulations) can be (in accordance with Article 6 of these Regulations) combined in one person.
12. The authorized representatives of the People's Commissar of Communications (Article 10) act according to his directives, and the procedure for the exercise of rights and performance of duties by the authorized representatives, as well as their relationship with officials on the communication routes, are determined primarily by instructions approved by the People's Commissar of Communications. The relationship of the authorized People's Commissariat of Communications (Article 8) with the authorized People's Commissariat of Communications at the councils of people's commissars of the union republics are determined in the manner specified in Art. 6 of these Regulations.
Chapter V. Terms of reference of the bodies of the People's Commissariat
Communication Paths
13. The People's Commissariat of Communications, through the bodies included in its composition, carries out the following terms of reference:
a) under the Central Administration of Railway Transport, regulates the operation, repair and development of railway tracks and means of communication;
b) under the Central Administration of Maritime Transport, is in charge of the operation, repair and development of sea trade ports and port facilities under the authority of the People's Commissariat of Communications and supervision of the activities of the entire maritime merchant fleet flying the flag of the Union of S.S.R.;
c) under the Central Administration of Inland Water Transport, regulates the internal operation, repair and development of inland waterways, as well as river and lake shipbuilding, manages, within the limits of existing legislation, the activities of state river shipping companies and supervises the activities of the merchant fleet on inland waterways;
d) under the Department of Highways and Dirt Roads, regulates the repair and development of highways and dirt roads of all-Union and strategic importance, and also exercises general supervision over the condition of other highways and dirt roads on the territory of the Union of S.S.R.;
e) for Administrative Management, is in charge of general issues of an administrative and legal nature, accounting and distribution of labor, security issues on the routes of communication, the economy of the People's Commissariat of Communications as an institution, and the technical apparatus serving the People's Commissar, his deputy and the board;
f) at the Central Labor Bureau, is in charge of raising labor productivity and improving the living conditions of transport workers, as well as determining the required wage fund, its expedient distribution and monitoring the timely payment of wages;
g) The Department of Statistics and Cartography manages statistical work and scientific development of statistical materials related to communication routes, based on general rules about state statistics;
h) The Transport Planning Commission (Transplan) develops a transport plan as part of the all-Union economic plan from the organizational, technical, financial, economic and economic point of view;
i) The Scientific and Technical Committee develops from the scientific and technical side issues of technology, transport and operation of communication routes and considers inventions related to transport;
j) The permanent meeting on supervision and assessment of the work of railway, inland waterway and local (highway-unpaved) transport is in charge of developing issues on supervision and assessment of the state and work of individual bodies of railway, inland waterway and local transport for the purpose of general regulation of the methods of their activities and organization;
k) A special meeting on the scientific organization of work in transport is in charge of developing issues of labor organization on a scientific basis;
l) The Bureau of Boards of Railways and the Bureau of Boards of State River Shipping Companies are formed with the aim of identifying the requests and needs of individual transport units, coordinating their interests and activities;
m) according to the Central Board of the State Merchant Marine Fleet, manages, within the limits of current legislation, the activities of state maritime shipping companies and coordinates their work.
14. Local bodies of the People's Commissariat of Railways have the following terms of reference:
a) In order to unite and direct the activities of local communications, as well as to exercise supervision and control over them, local authorities Railways, while remaining independent operational bodies, can be united into transport districts, the formation and abolition of which is granted to the People's Commissariat of Railways.
The region of the district, the composition of the routes included in it, its organization and relationship to the People's Commissariat of Communications, as well as to local authorities of communications, are determined by the People's Commissar of Communications in the regulations on the districts of communications approved by him.
b) The boards and administrations of railways are entrusted with the direct management and management of individual railways.
On those railways where boards are organized, the railway management, being the executive body of the board, performs the functions assigned to it by the Regulations on the Boards of Railways.
The distribution of rail tracks between individual roads is established by the People's Commissariat of Railways.
c) The boards of state sea and river shipping companies, acting on a commercial basis, operate water (sea and river) transport vehicles. The boards of state shipping companies operate on the basis of charters approved for each state shipping company separately in the prescribed manner.
d) The management of sea trade ports is in charge of the maintenance, repair and development of ports and port facilities, and also monitors their correct operation.
e) Inland waterways departments are in charge of the maintenance, repair and development of inland waterways, the situation on them and monitor their correct operation in technical terms, as well as the technical condition of the river and lake fleet.
Distribution of inland waterways between separate departments established by the People's Commissariat of Communications.
f) District departments of highways and dirt roads are in charge of the maintenance and repair of highways and dirt roads of national and strategic importance, and also exercise general supervision over the maintenance of other highways and dirt roads running in the district administration area.
The area of ​​activity of the district administration is established by the People's Commissariat of Communications.
15. Interdepartmental bodies affiliated to the People's Commissariat of Railways have the following terms of reference:
a) The Tariff Committee is in charge of consideration and resolution within the limits established by law for the entire territory of the Union of S.S.R. cases relating to the establishment of tariffs for railway and inland water transport, changes, additions, cancellations and clarifications, as well as carries out general management of tariff matters in transport and resolves issues related to it;
b) The Financial Control Committee is in charge of considering financial and economic issues related to transport;
c) The Central Committee for Transportation is in charge of issues and activities related to the full and systematic use of the carrying capacity of all routes of communication of the Union of S.S.R., coordination and approval of general transportation plans in the Union of S.S.R., coordination of transportation in mixed railways water communications; monitors the implementation of transportation plans; unites and directs the activities of local transport regulatory authorities;
d) The Central Committee, regional committees and meetings on port affairs unite the actions of departments regarding the full and systematic use of the capacity of sea trade ports, consider and resolve in the prescribed manner issues relating to their operation and equipment;
e) The All-Union Register is in charge of registration, classification and supervision of the technical condition of merchant ships flying the flag of the Union of the USSR;
f) district transportation committees and local transportation bureaus are in charge of planning and regulating local transportation along the communication routes of their area, identifying and all possible satisfaction of the latter’s needs in the field of transport and coordinating in the field of transportation the interests of communication routes with the interests of all those using their services.
Chapter VI. Conventions
16. For preliminary consideration and resolution, within the limits established by the People's Commissariat of Communications, issues related to transport activities, congresses are convened, on the basis of representation from transport authorities:
a) tariffs;
b) conventional;
c) for the analysis of claims;
d) technical advisory on certain branches of transport business.
17. Regulations on congresses are approved by the People's Commissariat of Communications. Tariff, convention and claims congresses are convened periodically within the time limits specified in the regulations on them, and technical advisory congresses - as necessary, by order of the People's Commissar of Railways.
Chairman of the Central
Executive Committee
Secretary of the Central
Executive Committee






Chapter I. General provisions

1. Based on Art. 49 and 51 of the Basic Law (Constitution) of the Union of S.S.R., the People's Commissariat of Communications is formed.

2. The People's Commissariat of Communications is entrusted with: general management and management of everything located on the territory or under the jurisdiction of the Union of S.S.R. railway and water (sea and river) transport, highways and dirt roads of national and strategic importance, as well as general supervision of all types of transport.

Chapter II. Tasks of the People's Commissariat of Communications

3. The main tasks of the People's Commissariat of Communications are:

a) servicing the Union of S.S.R. by rail and water transport in accordance with the political, economic and economic interests and needs, as well as with the defense requirements of the Union of S.S.R.;

b) management, within the limits of current legislation, of the activities of state sea and river shipping companies;

c) management of trade ports, which are under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Communications;

e) development and strengthening of communication routes under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Communications, in accordance with the general development plan and the needs of the national economy, as well as improvement both the means of communication themselves and the methods of their exploitation and work on a scientific basis; regulation of issues related to the technical operation of all types of communications;

f) technical regulation of structures of railways, highways, dirt and waterways of national and strategic importance, as well as regulation of shipbuilding;

g) supervision of the technical condition of all types of transport;

h) development and implementation of a transport plan as part of the all-Union plan; regulation of transportation along the routes of the Union of S.S.R.

Chapter III. Rights of the People's Commissariat of Communications

4. To implement those specified in Art. 3 tasks The People's Commissariat of Railways is given the right to:

a) issue, on the basis of relevant laws, rules and orders regulating the performance of transportation and relations between transport, on the one hand, and institutions, organizations and persons using transport services, on the other hand;

b) develop and implement, in the prescribed manner, tariffs for the transportation of passengers and cargo by rail and direct rail-water communications, the amount of fees associated with transportation, as well as payment standards for services provided by transport authorities outside the contract of carriage;

c) issue rules and instructions regulating the technical side of the construction and operation of railways, highways, dirt and waterways, both public and other, as well as ensuring the safety of communication routes, safety and order of use; bring to legal responsibility for violation of the above rules and instructions; issue mandatory regulations on the subjects provided for in this paragraph, with the imposition of monetary fines for their violation, in accordance with a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars;

d) make orders and take measures regulating the performance of mass transportation and the distribution of transportation facilities necessary for them;

e) organize, in compliance with current legislation, trusts and joint-stock companies related to the activities of railways, investing in them monetary capital and other property;

f) establish, within the approved budget, by agreement with the People's Commissariat of Finance, the procedure for spending funds and material resources placed at the disposal of the People's Commissariat of Communications, as well as the procedure for reporting and monitoring such spending;

g) obtain credit from government and other credit institutions, issuing bills and other obligations, and provide credit to transport customers on the basis established by the People's Commissariat of Railways;

h) organize auxiliary enterprises, warehouses, forwarding, trade and commission and other operations related to transport activities, within the limits of special regulations issued by law;

i) carry out economic development and procurement of materials necessary for transport, organizing auxiliary enterprises for this;

j) transfer, in the prescribed manner, individual economic transport bodies to economic accounting, allocating fixed and working capital for them;

k) convene congresses and meetings, both departmental and with the participation of representatives of other departments and representatives of other sectors of the national economy, on issues related to transport activities, as well as take part in such congresses and meetings convened by other departments.

Chapter IV. Structure of the People's Commissariat of Communications

5. The composition of the People's Commissariat of Communications includes:

a) People's Commissar of Railways and his board;

b) Central Railway Transport Administration;

c) Central Department of Maritime Transport;

d) Central Administration of Inland Water Transport;

e) Department of Highways and Unpaved Roads;

f) Central Administrative Department;

g) Central Labor Bureau;

h) Department of Statistics and Cartography;

i) Planning Commission for Transport (Transplan);

j) Scientific and Technical Committee;

k) Permanent meeting on the supervision and evaluation of the work of railway, water and local transport;

l) Special meeting on the scientific organization of work in transport;

m) Bureau of Railway Boards;

o) Bureau of Boards of State River Shipping Companies;

o) Central Board of the State Merchant Marine.

6. The People's Commissariat of Communications has its representatives at the councils of people's commissariats of the union republics, the appointment and removal of which, as well as rights and obligations, are determined by a special regulation approved by the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of S.S.R., on the basis of the general Regulations on the people's commissariats of the Union S.S.R.

7. Local bodies of the People's Commissariat of Railways are:

a) districts of communication routes;

b) railway boards;

c) railway administration;

d) boards of state shipping companies;

e) management of sea trade ports;

f) boards of state river shipping companies;

g) management of inland waterways;

h) district departments of highways and dirt roads.

8. The People's Commissariat of Railways consists of the following central and local interdepartmental bodies:

a) Tariff Committee;

b) Financial Control Committee;

c) Central Committee for Transportation;

d) Central Committee for Port Affairs;

e) All-Union Register;

f) district transportation committees and local transportation bureaus;

g) regional committees and meetings on port affairs.

9. Regulations on the bodies of the People's Commissariat of Communications listed in Art. Art. 5, 7 and 8 are approved in the following order:

a) about the All-Union Register, the Tariff Committee, the Financial Control Committee, the Central Committee for Transportation and the Central and Regional Committees and Meetings on Port Affairs, district transportation committees and local transportation bureaus, railway boards, the Central Board of the State Merchant Marine Fleet, boards of state sea and river shipping companies and management of sea trade ports - the Council of Labor and Defense;

b) about the Planning Commission - by the People's Commissar of Communications and the Chairman of the State General Planning Commission;

c) about other bodies - by the People's Commissar of Railways.

10. The People's Commissar of Railways appoints his representatives to individual local transport authorities named in Art. Art. 5 and 7 of these Regulations, to guide the work of managing and managing individual transport units and communications authorities.

11. The position of a commissioner under the Council of People's Commissars of a union republic and the position of a commissioner in local transport authorities (Article 10 of these Regulations) can be (in accordance with Article 6 of these Regulations) combined in one person.

12. The authorized representatives of the People's Commissar of Communications (Article 10) act according to his directives, and the procedure for the exercise of rights and performance of duties by the authorized representatives, as well as their relationship with officials on the communication routes, are determined primarily by instructions approved by the People's Commissar of Communications. The relationship of the authorized People's Commissariat of Communications (Article 8) with the authorized People's Commissariat of Communications at the councils of people's commissars of the union republics are determined in the manner specified in Art. 6 of these Regulations.

Chapter V. Terms of reference of the bodies of the People's Commissariat

Communication Paths

13. The People's Commissariat of Communications, through the bodies included in its composition, carries out the following terms of reference:

a) under the Central Administration of Railway Transport, regulates the operation, repair and development of railway tracks and means of communication;

b) under the Central Administration of Maritime Transport, is in charge of the operation, repair and development of sea trade ports and port facilities under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Communications and supervision of the activities of the entire maritime merchant fleet flying the flag of the Union of S.S.R.;

c) under the Central Administration of Inland Water Transport, regulates the internal operation, repair and development of inland waterways, as well as river and lake shipbuilding, manages, within the limits of existing legislation, the activities of state river shipping companies and supervises the activities of the merchant fleet on inland waterways;

d) under the Department of Highways and Dirt Roads, regulates the repair and development of highways and dirt roads of all-Union and strategic importance, and also exercises general supervision over the condition of other highways and dirt roads on the territory of the Union of S.S.R.;

e) for Administrative Management, is in charge of general issues of an administrative and legal nature, accounting and distribution of labor, security issues on the routes of communication, the economy of the People's Commissariat of Communications as an institution, and the technical apparatus serving the People's Commissar, his deputy and the board;

f) at the Central Labor Bureau, is in charge of raising labor productivity and improving the living conditions of transport workers, as well as determining the required wage fund, its expedient distribution and monitoring the timely payment of wages;

g) The Department of Statistics and Cartography manages statistical work and scientific development of statistical materials related to communication routes, on the basis of general rules on state statistics;

h) The Transport Planning Commission (Transplan) develops a transport plan as part of the all-Union economic plan from the organizational, technical, financial, economic and economic point of view;

i) The Scientific and Technical Committee develops from the scientific and technical side issues of technology, transport and operation of communication routes and considers inventions related to transport;

j) The permanent meeting on supervision and assessment of the work of railway, inland waterway and local (highway-unpaved) transport is in charge of developing issues on supervision and assessment of the state and work of individual bodies of railway, inland waterway and local transport for the purpose of general regulation of the methods of their activities and organization;

k) A special meeting on the scientific organization of work in transport is in charge of developing issues of labor organization on a scientific basis;

l) The Bureau of Boards of Railways and the Bureau of Boards of State River Shipping Companies are formed with the aim of identifying the requests and needs of individual transport units, coordinating their interests and activities;

m) according to the Central Board of the State Merchant Marine, manages, within the limits of current legislation, the activities of state maritime shipping companies and coordinates their work.

14. Local bodies of the People's Commissariat of Railways have the following terms of reference:

a) In order to unite and direct the activities of local communications, as well as to exercise supervision and control over them, local communications departments, while remaining independent operational bodies, can be united into communications districts, the formation and abolition of which is granted to the People's Commissariat of Communications .

The region of the district, the composition of the routes included in it, its organization and relationship to the People's Commissariat of Communications, as well as to local authorities of communications, are determined by the People's Commissar of Communications in the regulations on the districts of communications approved by him.

b) The boards and administrations of railways are entrusted with the direct management and management of individual railways.

On those railways where boards are organized, the railway management, being the executive body of the board, performs the functions assigned to it by the Regulations on the Boards of Railways.

The distribution of rail tracks between individual roads is established by the People's Commissariat of Railways.

c) The boards of state sea and river shipping companies, acting on a commercial basis, operate water (sea and river) transport vehicles. The boards of state shipping companies operate on the basis of charters approved for each state shipping company separately in the prescribed manner.

d) The management of sea trade ports is in charge of the maintenance, repair and development of ports and port facilities, and also monitors their correct operation.

e) Inland waterways departments are in charge of the maintenance, repair and development of inland waterways, the situation on them and monitor their correct operation in technical terms, as well as the technical condition of the river and lake fleet.

The distribution of inland waterways between individual departments is established by the People's Commissariat of Communications.

f) District departments of highways and dirt roads are in charge of the maintenance and repair of highways and dirt roads of national and strategic importance, and also exercise general supervision over the maintenance of other highways and dirt roads running in the district administration area.

The area of ​​activity of the district administration is established by the People's Commissariat of Communications.

15. Interdepartmental bodies affiliated to the People's Commissariat of Railways have the following terms of reference:

a) The Tariff Committee is in charge of consideration and resolution within the limits established by law for the entire territory of the Union of S.S.R. cases relating to the establishment of tariffs for railway and inland water transport, changes, additions, cancellations and clarifications, as well as carries out general management of tariff matters in transport and resolves issues related to it;

b) The Financial Control Committee is in charge of considering financial and economic issues related to transport;

c) The Central Committee for Transportation is in charge of issues and activities related to the full and systematic use of the carrying capacity of all routes of communication of the Union of S.S.R., coordination and approval of general transportation plans in the Union of S.S.R., coordination of transportation in mixed railways water communications; monitors the implementation of transportation plans; unites and directs the activities of local transport regulatory authorities;

d) The Central Committee, regional committees and meetings on port affairs unite the actions of departments regarding the full and systematic use of the capacity of sea trade ports, consider and resolve in the prescribed manner issues relating to their operation and equipment;

e) The All-Union Register is in charge of registration, classification and supervision of the technical condition of merchant ships flying the flag of the Union of the USSR;

f) district transportation committees and local transportation bureaus are in charge of planning and regulating local transportation along the communication routes of their area, identifying and all possible satisfaction of the latter’s needs in the field of transport and coordinating in the field of transportation the interests of communication routes with the interests of all those using their services.

Chapter VI. Conventions

16. For preliminary consideration and resolution, within the limits established by the People's Commissariat of Communications, issues related to transport activities, congresses are convened, on the basis of representation from transport authorities:

a) tariffs;

b) conventional;

c) for the analysis of claims;

d) technical advisory on certain branches of transport business.

17. Regulations on congresses are approved by the People's Commissariat of Communications. Tariff, convention and claims congresses are convened periodically within the time limits specified in the regulations on them, and technical advisory congresses - as necessary, by order of the People's Commissar of Railways.

Chairman of the Central

Executive Committee


Secretary of the Central

Executive Committee