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The main function of homework is. Topic: Students’ homework and its role in acquiring knowledge

In the USA, mandatory meetings with teachers are held: parents come to school, get acquainted with the teachers, see what and how everything is done. At one of these meetings, Brandy, who teaches second graders, handed out notes to parents with devastating information: there would be no homework for the rest of the year. At home, you only need to finish what the student did not finish in class. The teacher suggested that parents use the free time usefully: have family dinners, read books with the whole family, walk more outside and go to bed earlier.

The mother of one of the students took a photo of the note.

Many people liked the idea, judging by the huge number of likes and shares.

Indeed, homework is not needed. That's why.

1. Homework is bad for your health.

All parents talk about this: the ever-increasing academic load and stress testing are taking a toll on children’s health.

  • Due to high workload, children sleep less. They stay up late studying their textbooks and worry about grades, which results in sleep problems. The relation among sleep duration, homework burden, and sleep hygiene in Chinese school-aged children..
  • We have healthy schoolchildren. Myopia, gastritis, chronic fatigue, poor posture - the child probably has some of these.

So, maybe we should ignore this homework and grades and do something more useful?

2. Homework wastes time.

Children today are busier than ever, says Peter Gray, a professor at Boston College. They spend too much time at school, then run to tutors, and on the way back they turn into the section. The schedule is strictly regulated, every hour is taken into account.

Children learn languages, mathematics, programming. But they have no time to learn life.

Psychologist Harris Cooper conducted studies that proved that homework assignments are not very effective: the child will not learn too much information. Children need no more than 20 minutes of additional lessons, older ones - an hour and a half Homework in Elementary School..

For comparison: according to our sanitary rules, an hour and a half is the amount for second class. Graduates can spend three and a half hours on lessons. Almost half a working day, and this is after school. When will you live?

3. Homework does not affect academic performance.

Alfie Kohn, one of the leading critics of education, wrote the 2006 book “Myths About Homework.” In it, he said that for younger students there is no connection between the amount of homework and academic achievement. In high school, the connection is so weak that it almost disappears if more precise measurement methods are used in the study Rethinking Homework..

Not everyone agrees with this. Tom Sherrington, a teacher and homework advocate, has concluded that primary school There is really little benefit from homework, but when students are over 11 years old, the lessons help them achieve brilliant results Homework Matters..

The long-term benefit of eliminating homework is not really measurable. Research Center TMISS found out how much time schoolchildren spend on homework in different countries. So, in the fourth grade, only 7% of students do not do their homework How Much of Their Out-of-School Time Do Students Spend on Homework During the School Week.. A small number for analysis.

4. Homework doesn't teach you anything.

School education is completely divorced from life. After many years of studying English, graduates cannot put two words together, have no idea in which hemisphere they are vacationing, and firmly believe in the power of . Homework continues the trend of filling heads with facts that children cannot apply.

As a student, I worked part-time as a tutor, helping schoolchildren improve their Russian language. Initially, children could not pronounce the simplest noun “door.” There was only fear in my eyes: now they will give me a grade. Half of each lesson had to be devoted to the topic “Russian language in everyday life”, to prove that we speak like that. For each case I came up with a sentence. Not like in the textbook, but like in life: “Quiet, you’ll catch the cat’s tail in the door!” When the children understood that all school knowledge is our world, their grades improved sharply and my help became unnecessary.

Remember how you studied and compare the process with the lessons in. If homework helped bridge the gap between class and life, it would be worthwhile. But that's not true.

5. Homework kills the desire to learn.

“Doing your homework” still means either solving school examples or reading a few paragraphs. In essence, teachers push home what they didn’t have time to tell from bell to bell. It's so boring that homework turns into a chore.

The only thing worse than this boredom are “creative” tasks that boil down to drawings and PowerPoint presentations. Latest story from work:

A post shared by Kess (@chilligo) on Oct 17, 2016 at 10:11am PDT

In the task about the starling, it was also necessary to explain the reasons for his sadness. I doubt that the starlings are really worried about the upcoming vacation and will miss the birches, but that’s exactly how they should have responded.

That is, at home the child should be bored or do stupid things instead of communicating with friends, walking and playing sports. And who will love to study after this?

6. Homework ruins relationships with parents.

Many parents do homework with their children and for their children. It turns out so-so.

  • The school curriculum has changed, parents' knowledge is outdated.
  • Many parents themselves do not remember simple examples from school curriculum and try to complete tasks from an adult's point of view. Children can't do that.
  • Parents are not teachers. They did not learn to explain the material, present it correctly and check it. Often such training is worse than no training at all.
  • Homework- these are constant conflicts. Children don’t want to do it, parents don’t know how to motivate, joint activities lead to a dead end, and all this results in quarrels.

What's good about homework?

The problem is not the homework or the amount of homework. And the fact is that in its finished form, as it is now, it is absolutely useless, it only destroys time and health. You can achieve results from homework if you reconsider your approach to it.

Homework is done in comfortable conditions, so at home you can find the answer to complex issue and understand the material. If, of course, you have the time and energy for this.

If you develop individual homework for each student, then the student will be able to brush up on topics that are difficult for him and develop strengthsHomework as an important component of continuing education..

Brandy Young says:

The students work all day. There are more important things to do at home that need to be learned as well. You need to develop in different areas, what's the point of coming home and staring at notebooks?

Do you think homework is necessary?

The relevance of the issue of homework. What is homework? What is its essence? And is it really necessary? We will try to answer these and other questions.

Psychologists have proven that learning material in the classroom goes through several stages: initial familiarization with the material, or its perception; its comprehension; special work to secure it; and finally, putting it into practice. No matter how well the lesson is planned, it is not possible to carry out all these stages in the allotted 45 minutes. During consolidation, the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the lesson are transferred into operational, short-term memory. In order to transfer them into long-term memory, educational work should be organized to comprehend and consolidate the lesson material. In addition, for knowledge to become a student’s beliefs, they must be independently thought through and experienced. Therefore, home school work is necessary as a continuation of students’ work in class at school.

Another factor that determines the need for homework is the existing differences in the speed of perception of educational material and, therefore, in the time required for the mastery of the material by individual students. Therefore, if the initial perception and consolidation of knowledge can be frontal, then subsequent work with educational material should be individual and independent in the volume and pace that each student needs for its solid assimilation. This can only be realized through homework.

In addition, home school work has great importance for the development of personality traits, such as independence, responsibility, etc. For example, it requires students to be able to properly manage their time; allow internal conflicts(go play football, or do homework), which strengthen the will; overcome difficulties that arise when performing tasks. “We must not forget that a child who has not experienced the joy of learning, who has not known a sense of pride after overcoming a difficulty, is an unhappy person” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

According to S.L. Rubinstein, the education of any personality trait must go through the following stages: arousal - motivation (reinforcement) - generalization. In the classroom, due to limited time, it is almost impossible to achieve the development of personality traits and character traits. As noted earlier (Chapter V), the lesson has the ability to excite current states of the personality qualities being formed, stimulate them and reinforce them in similar situations. Homeschool work, expanding the time boundaries inherent in organizational structure lesson, continues to work in this direction.

The concept of "homework". In the Russian pedagogical encyclopedia, homework is defined as a form independent work students, organized by the teacher in order to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired in the lesson, as well as to prepare for the perception of new educational material, and sometimes for independent decision feasible cognitive task; component learning process (A.K. Gromtseva). I.F. Kharlamov writes that home school work consists of independently completing teacher assignments to repeat and better assimilate the material being studied and its application in practice, development creativity and talents and improvement of educational skills (18, C 301). Home school work, as defined by Z.P. Shabalina, - students’ independent completion of teacher’s assignments after school (19, p. 8).

As we can see from the definitions, home school work, on the one hand, is an educational task determined by the teacher, i.e. what the student must do, the object of his activity. On the other hand, it is a form of manifestation of the corresponding activity of memory, thinking, creative imagination when performing it, which leads to consolidation or deepening of knowledge acquired in the lesson, or to the acquisition of new knowledge. Hence, Homework is a form of independent educational work, which differs from class work in that it takes place without the direct guidance of the teacher, although according to his instructions. Unlike independent work in class, in homework the student himself determines the time for completing the task, chooses the most appropriate rhythm and pace of work for him. In addition, at home the student is deprived of the tools that the teacher can use to make independent work more interesting and exciting (12, p. 290).

Next we will consider essential functions, which are implemented by home educational work in accordance with its purpose. First of all, this in-depth assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities – teaching function. As you know, any skill becomes strong only after a sufficient number of exercises, the number of which depends on the characteristics of the material and on the individual characteristics of the students. Some students achieve the necessary results already in class, and at home they only control the quality of the skill with exercises. Others need to go through all the stages of skill formation again at home using instructions in a textbook or notebook and perform the exercises repeatedly.

During the lesson, as noted above, knowledge is not absorbed equally firmly by all students. “One quickly understands the essence of the law, theorem, rule and almost immediately remembers the main, essential; the other understands well educational material at the first perception, but quickly forgets; the third does not know how to immediately identify and remember the essential, the main thing is that he achieves this only at home, repeating the material from the textbook and notes again” (19 P. 9). For homework to be beneficial and not harmful, it should not be a copy of what was in class. In this regard, V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Mental efforts should never be directed only to consolidation in memory, to memorization. When comprehension stops, mental work also stops, and mind-numbing cramming begins...” “Cramming has a detrimental effect on the moral character of the student. Doing this hard but meaningless work day after day for many years, the student gets a wrong idea about mental work in general and hates learning. In the end he stops working” (19, p. 10).

Another function of home independent work is formation of independence in educational and cognitive activities (developmental function). In order to successfully cope with homework, a student must have general educational skills, primarily the ability to plan his work, distribute it over time, work with a book, control himself, etc. On the other hand, these skills are formed in the process of independent educational work. It is especially important that independence in educational and cognitive activity is a condition for the formation of independence as a personality trait.

Education of moral and volitional qualities is also one of the most important functions of home study work (educational function). Thus, systematically completing tasks on time teaches responsibility, diligence, accuracy, and fosters hard work. However, as practice shows, the implementation of this function is the most difficult task, because Already in the fifth grade, some students stop doing homework. Meanwhile, it is known that the educational potential of any activity is realized if students actively participate in it and perform it with desire. In order for the attitude towards doing homework to be active, it is necessary that it be pedagogically thought out and include elements of creativity.

As we can see, the developmental function of home school work is closely related to its educational function. In general, it is possible to single out the various functions of home school work only conditionally. In practice, they are closely related, interpenetrate and mutually condition each other. It should also be noted that the functions of home educational work are specifically manifested in different age groups, for example, the education of moral and volitional qualities of the individual. In primary and secondary classes, the content, nature and form of homework, the method of assigning it and especially checking (daily checking written works in the first to fifth grades, weekly - in the sixth and seventh grades) contain elements primarily aimed at instilling diligence, accuracy, hard work, and responsibility in children and adolescents. In the eighth to tenth grades, the tasks of instilling initiative, activity, etc. prevail.

The functionality of home learning work is successfully implemented only when certain conditions: ensuring a variety of types of homework in order to develop students’ cognitive interest in the tasks being performed and updating the motives for learning; correct pedagogical guidance and control by teachers and parents; compliance with the requirements of didactic principles (11, pp. 438-439).

Topic: Students’ homework and its role in acquiring knowledge.


    The essence of homework and its role in acquiring knowledge.

    Rules for homework for schoolchildren.

1. The essence of homework and its role in acquiring knowledge.

Home study work is a form of organizing independent, individual study by schoolchildren of educational material during extracurricular time.

Special studies show that the problem of increasing the effectiveness of teaching can be successfully solved only if the high quality of lessons is supported by well-organized homework for students. Calls from individual teachers and parents to organize learning without homework are the result of fashionable influences that do not take into account the realities of practical work at school. Studying without homework sharply reduces the quality of learning, so centuries-old practice cannot be abandoned. The fact is that knowledge does not proceed in a circle, but in a spiral, and each subsequent appeal to the study of the same material opens up new facets and shades of meaning in it, which, naturally, indicates the need to organize home study work. In lessons, no matter how well they are conducted, there is concentrated memorization, knowledge is translated only in operational, short-term memory. To transfer them into memory long-term, students need to carry out their subsequent repetition, which also requires the organization of their homework. The need to reproduce homework arises from taking into account an objective pattern in the learning process - the forgetting curve. Most of the material (information) is forgotten in the first hours and days after understanding the material being studied, therefore, in order to prevent forgetting of the material studied in class, it should be repeated during homework.

Doing homework helps to better understand the educational material, helps to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities due to the fact that the student independently reproduces the material studied in class and it becomes clearer to him what he knows and what he does not understand.

Homework for primary schoolchildren is the first step towards independent acquisition of knowledge.

Thus, homework for schoolchildren is a very important component of the learning process and is one of the essential forms of its organization. This is a form of independent work for students to repeat, consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired in the lesson, as well as to prepare for the perception of new educational material.

Doing homework allows you to solve the following tasks:

      Consolidating and expanding the knowledge gained in the lesson.

      Completing homework helps foster student independence, responsibility, and conscientiousness.

      Homework activates the student’s mental activity, since he himself has to look for ways, techniques, means of reasoning and evidence.

      Children learn to self-control, because there is no teacher or friends nearby who could help with explanations.

      Contributes to the formation of work organization skills and abilities: students must independently organize their workplace, observe the established time schedule, and prepare the necessary educational materials.

Homework content includes:

a) mastering the material being studied from the textbook;

b) performing oral exercises (coming up with examples of the rules being studied, determining the signs of divisibility of numbers in mathematics, etc.)

c) performing written exercises on foreign language, mathematics and other subjects;

d) performing creative work;

e) preparation of reports on the material being studied;

f) conducting observations of the surrounding world;

g) performing practical and laboratory work;

h) production of tables, diagrams on the material being studied, etc.

Basic requirements for organizing homework:

    Homework should be given only after initial skills in the subject have been developed. At the beginning, children perform any educational work under the guidance of a teacher in the classroom.

    Homework should be given systematically, otherwise children get used to the teacher’s inconsistency, become upset if, say, they receive an assignment today, and are happy if they are not given assignments. This situation is not conducive to developing positive motives for learning. If the teacher considers it advisable not to overload with homework on a given day, then it is better to give an easily doable task.

    You should not give assignments on weekends and holidays - on these days children relax with their parents and can take walks, visit museums, parks; It is useful to give one day a week a break from intense academic work.

    The logic of d/work should be easier than class work.

    Use differentiated, individual and creative tasks.

    Homework should arouse student interest by including entertaining tasks and tasks of ingenuity, works of a creative nature. How younger age, the more interesting the task itself should be.

    Give instructions for performing the task. Experienced teachers spend 3-4 minutes on commented assignments. (Which rule to repeat and how to use it during the exercises; how to write down a task, examples, suggestions. It is very useful in class to complete an example, a task similar to those included in homework. Homework should always be related to the children’s work in class) . The teacher needs to check whether all children have written down their assignments.

    Systematically check the completion of work, otherwise students stop doing them. Systematic control helps the teacher to identify the level of mastery of the material and teaches the student to be responsible.

    Comply with the standards for the volume of assignments in total for all subjects:

2-3 grades - 1,5 hour

4-5 grades - 2 hours

6-8 grades – 2.5 hours

9-11 grades - up to 3.5 hours

DO NOT overload students!

    Consult parents on feasible and appropriate assistance to children.

For first-graders and their parents, it is advisable to draw up a reminder of the rules for performing homework.

    Assignments should not be given in anticipation of a strong student (he will be overloaded), nor a weak student (he will be underloaded and idle), or even an average one. The only way out is to issue differentiated homework with students freely choosing an option.

Along with general assignments for all students, individual homework assignments are often given. They are designed to bridge gaps in students’ knowledge on certain topics and to strengthen training exercises to develop practical skills. In addition, assignments are given increased difficulty for well-performing schoolchildren in order to develop their creative abilities and inclinations.

    The main disadvantages of homework for schoolchildren.

    Many students, when preparing homework from a textbook, fall into a semi-mechanical reading of the material being studied, do not know how to break it down into separate semantic parts, and do not exercise self-control over the assimilation of knowledge.

For example, for experimental purposes I.F. Kharlamov, a famous teacher and scientist, taught history in the 5th grade of the 10th high school Gomel. Student Tanya L. often received bad marks, although it could not be said that she had low mental abilities. On the contrary, she asked deep questions that showed her curiosity. I had to check how she prepares food. And it turned out that the main thing in preparing the homework for her was not comprehension and assimilation of the material being studied, but semi-mechanical reading of the textbook. The student did not try to highlight the main thing in the material being studied and did not use self-control techniques when preparing lessons. Other fifth-graders made similar shortcomings.

    The disadvantage of many students' homework is the inability to organize their work time, lack of a firmly established routine related to homework. This leads to haste in work and superficial assimilation of the material being studied.

    Many schoolchildren complete written assignments without first mastering the theoretical material on which these assignments are based. As a result, students not only make significant shortcomings and errors in the tasks they perform, but also do not comprehend the connection that exists between theoretical material and practical exercises.

    Overloading students with homework also has a negative impact. Some teachers, striving for students to work more on their subject, give too voluminous and overly complex tasks.

3. Rules for homework for schoolchildren.

The quality and culture of schoolchildren’s educational work in completing homework includes compliance with and fulfillment of a number of rules and requirements based on the psychological and pedagogical laws of educational and cognitive activity in mastering the material being studied. Let's look at the most important of these rules.

    Students need to know that the process of understanding knowledge should be dispersed. This means that in order to comprehensively comprehend and firmly assimilate the program material, you should thoughtfully study the lessons not in one “sitting”, but turn to their study several times over a period of time. Only under this condition will a “deeply trodden trace” remain in the memory, and knowledge will be preserved for a long time.

    Homework must be completed on the day it is received. The material learned in the lesson is intensively forgotten in the first 10-12 hours after comprehension. This has been proven by psychological experiments. The German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus (1850-1909) gave students tasks to memorize 13 meaningless words and did not require them to repeat them in the future. During control tests, it turned out that after an hour the subjects could reproduce about 44% of these words, and after 2.5 - 3 hours - only 28%.

This psychological phenomenon finds its explanation in physiology. I.P. Pavlov and his students proved that the new nerve connections that are formed are fragile and easily inhibited. Inhibition is most pronounced immediately after the formation of a temporary connection. Consequently, forgetting occurs most intensely immediately after the perception of the studied material. That is why, in order to prevent the forgetting of knowledge learned in the lesson, it is necessary to work to consolidate it on the day of its perception. That is why it is necessary to perform the work on the day you receive it.

    When starting to prepare homework, it is imperative to create a psychological mood for their careful completion and solid assimilation of the material being studied. How to do it? It is necessary to think in detail about the goal that needs to be achieved when performing the task. It’s one thing when you want to complete it as quickly as possible and go for a walk, and another when you set a goal to complete the task as best as possible, do not show haste and strive for deep understanding and mastery of the material. This attitude encourages the student to work diligently, to demonstrate mental and volitional efforts, which, naturally, significantly improves the quality of home learning. To make this mindset more effective, a specific and well-thought-out goal needs to be spoken out loud several times so that it becomes more firmly entrenched in the mind and turns into a mental program of action. In the future, when the attitude is established, there will be no need for such pronunciation.

    If the training includes mastering the material from the textbook and performing various exercises, then its preparation should begin with working on the textbook. The procedure for working with the textbook is as follows: at the beginning you need to try to remember what remains in your memory from the lesson. Then you should carefully read the paragraph of the textbook, highlighting the most important provisions, rules, conclusions, striving for their deep understanding and assimilation. After this, you need to apply reproduction and self-control techniques: retelling the material out loud and silently, drawing up a plan for what you read, answering questions in the textbook, etc. If difficulties arise during the self-control process, you need to work with the textbook again and achieve free and complete reproduction of the material.

    When starting to complete practical tasks, you should carefully review the exercises that were performed in class on the topic being studied and think about what theoretical principles were used in the process of their implementation. This technique helps students connect homework to in-class practice exercises and encourages independent completion of written assignments.

    Between preparing the house. assignments in individual subjects, it is necessary to take breaks of 10-12 minutes. For relaxation and psychological switching to another type of activity. It has been established that after the perception and assimilation of the studied material, the process of its consolidation in consciousness continues even after educational activities stops. This “hidden hardening of knowledge” occurs within 10-20 minutes, which necessitates a break.

    It is very important that the house. tasks were performed every day at the same time and at a constant place. This rule, despite its apparent simplicity, is essential for the success of the house. work. It helps you quickly focus on getting things done. educational assignments, accustoms to discipline and orderliness of the learning process.

    It is very useful to study immediately before going to bed for 8-10 minutes. a quick review of the material studied in textbooks and, without exposing themselves to any additional stimuli, they went to bed in a calm state. This creates conditions for the further occurrence of intramolecular processes in the neurons (nerve cells) of the brain during sleep, associated with a deeper assimilation of the material being studied.

These are the most essential rules of mental work that students should know and which they must adhere to in the process of homework.

, cooking and other matters that relate to housekeeping.


For some, homework is a therapy session, a means to relieve stress and put their thoughts in order. For others, it is a necessary routine that they perform without thinking. For still others, housework is a hated activity that takes away time from creative work, favorite hobbies, and communication with interesting people etc. Let's talk about how you can make your homework easier.

Help from others

Take some of the responsibility off yourself. Gather a family council and divide responsibilities. If someone begins to ignore and not fulfill their part of the responsibilities, announce that no one will ever make a single claim against you. If your husband can’t find his car keys and his son can’t find his notebook, don’t rush to help with the search. Let the husband be late for work and receive a fine, and the son will be overtaken by a scolding from the teacher. Look, they'll understand something. But no, you don’t need to feel guilty for everyone.

Hire a maid to clean one to three times a week. At a minimum, you can call her to do the most difficult housework, which takes a lot of time and effort. For example, washing tiles, windows, refrigerators, etc.


Buy a good vacuum cleaner and dishwasher. You'll see that cleaning will become easier. Don't overdo it, though—there's nothing worse than a pile of appliances you don't use. She only takes away living space.

Along the path of simplification

Make a list of household chores. Indicate how long each operation takes, and how many times a week (month) you need to perform the specified task. Distribute your work across all days, not forgetting to give yourself a couple of days off. Do the work according to plan - it makes it much easier. In addition, you will not forget anything and lead to that deplorable state of “dirt overgrowing,” which will then require a lot of time to put everything in order.

If you are annoyed by a bunch of small things on which dust accumulates, just organize your living space differently. Remove the numerous vases and souvenirs - leave a couple of pieces, which can be wiped down in a matter of minutes. Place small items that collect dust on the surface in boxes, and label the boxes. Things collect dust much less in boxes. By the way, all cosmetics can be put in a beauty case. This will make it easier to look for it around the apartment and, again, nothing will gather dust. Your daily cleaning will consist of lifting boxes and dusting. That's all. Organize your home library. Donate unnecessary books to the city library. Place the ones you need in a closet - preferably a “covered” one - again, so that dust does not accumulate.

Be critical of the purchase of any item that is supposedly necessary in the household. Remember that it will only add to your cleaning work. Be no less critical when purchasing new cabinets and shelving (where, for example, you are going to put new boxes with new things). Remember: the less stuff you have, the less cleaning you have to do.

As cliché as it sounds, find a place for every item. This makes life much easier. Make a sign, listing what is where. If you forget where you put an item, just look at the table. If you forget where to return an item after use, look there too.

Psychological side

Don't strive to achieve perfection - it is unattainable. And even if it is achievable, it will require too much big casualties, which hardly anyone will appreciate, and you don’t need them. Consciously give up the opportunity to fit mop-waving into every day—some days, don't clean at all. Dirty dishes can also survive until the next day. Of course, soak it first so you don't have to scrape off dried-on food and spend three times as long washing dishes the next day.

If you find that you are only stimulated by work, make cleaning and cooking work for you too. Do them on a schedule, turn on the timer. This way you will get rid of guilt.

Perhaps there are specific things that irritate you about cooking and cleaning. For example, dishes that you don't like. In this case, it is recommended to arrange everything to your liking and get rid of tasteless dishes without any regrets. Treat yourself to new, beautiful cups and plates, hang a picture on the wall, and make your home cozy.

When you clean, turn on music, when you iron, turn on an exciting audio book. Let these little rewards add variety to the cleaning or cooking process. In addition, then you will no longer have the feeling that you are wasting your time aimlessly.

form are self-contained. Students’ work is organized by the teacher in order to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired in the lesson, as well as to prepare for the perception of a new lesson. material, and sometimes for self-sufficiency. solutions within the capabilities of the cognizant. tasks; integral part of the learning process.

Already in the 16th century. D. z. become mandatory component uch. work. But being part of the school. process, D. z. in the practice of the school, along with positive the effect was caused by such negative phenomena as overload of students, mechanical. memorization, etc. D. z. throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. were the subject of ped. discussions. L.N. Tolstoy, believing that D. z. - this is a student’s ruined evening, he canceled them at his Yasnaya Polyana school. K. D. Ushinsky proved the expediency of using D. z. only after special preparing schoolchildren for their implementation. In some studies institutions, in particular in the gymnasium of K.I. May, work was carried out to improve the educational system and overcome the overload of students.

After 1917, there was no obligation to have a single school. Dz., they began to be considered as a necessary component of the school’s work only from the beginning. 30s In the 60s in connection with criticism " traditional education”, aimed only at the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, and focusing on the development of the creative capabilities of the individual, self-sufficiency. knowledge that developed in the 30s. D. z. technique has been revised. D. z. are considered as a means of preparing for self-education, stimulating the development of independent, creative forms of cognition.

Execution of D. z. without direct The teacher's observations are a kind of self-reliance. student activities. The work of a schoolchild at home depends entirely on his internal. will encourage, strength, attitude towards the teacher. labor. Systematic and high quality execution of D. z. are provided, as a rule, with knowledge. interest in teaching subject, sense of duty and responsibility for work to the school, parents, and society. Forming a stable position. The teacher provides motivation to carry out homework and instills in students the desire to independently improve their knowledge, including for self-education.

Students' homework differs from the classroom and the content side of the activity. At home, students are faced with the need to be independent. knowledge using a variety of sources; at the same time, they must be able to select the necessary information, highlight and write down the main thing, select the most important. rational methods of consolidating the material, independently determine the degree of your readiness for the lesson; be able to rationally plan work, since they have to work on 3-4 academic days every day. objects.

At home, you can carry out the following types of work that are difficult to organize in the classroom: long-term observations, experiments, modeling, design, etc.

The peculiarity of homework is that it can be more flexible and variable than the frontal work of schoolchildren in the classroom, and is designed to develop the student’s individual abilities and inclinations, and to help the student learn about his or her capabilities. When solving this problem, the teacher may not strictly regulate the task, leaving the student the right to freely choose the content of the work, methods of completion, and volume.

The so-called advanced tasks, which prepare students for the perception of new teaching. material, arouse interest. Material D. z. in this case, it is organically included in the teacher’s explanation. The types of advanced tasks are varied: collecting facts for their analysis in the lesson, conducting observations, searching for answers to questions posed by the teacher, etc. Advanced tasks given by the teacher for a long time have special opportunities. term and, as a rule, designed for the free choice of students. Work on them develops into systematic work. self-sufficient student activities in-depth study selected topic.

Tasks for mastering and consolidating new material may include answers to textbook questions, composing a story according to a given plan, etc. Their goal is to involve the student in a deeper understanding of what has been learned. Among tasks for the application of knowledge, a special role is played by complex ones that orient students to the use of material from different schools. objects and being one of the means of implementation interdisciplinary connections in teaching.

In all types of D. z. along with reproductive great place takes creative work schoolboy. Particularly effective are the teachings formulated by the teacher as cognizant. tasks (see Cognitive task). Mn. teachers are building a system of D. z. on minimum tasks and maximum tasks. Moreover, the first of them are mandatory for everyone, the second are voluntary. In modern stage of school development are common collective forms D. z.

In conditions of greater freedom and greater independence for students when performing homework. Problems related to student overload are especially pressing.

Nature, volume, complexity of D. z. must be scientifically based. It is also necessary to specifically develop independent work skills among schoolchildren, to introduce them to scientific organization labor, provide for a change of activity (see also Hygiene of educational activities).

In grades 4-8 Detailed instructions are provided for each type of task. At the first stages, during reproductive tasks, the teacher in the lesson draws the students’ attention to the methods of performing the work, analyzes them, corrects them and recommends using them at home. If D. z. differ from the work performed in the classroom, the teacher in the department. an example explains how to implement it; It is advisable to parse and most. complex elements of dep. D. z. Parents monitor the regularity and thoroughness of homework, create favorable conditions for children to prepare for lessons, and provide the necessary assistance.

For students of Art. age, with experience on their own. work, general instruction is recommended before studying each topic, indicating possible options for work, analyzing the difficulties of the study. material, characteristics required. and additional literature, defining the boundaries of the minimum and maximum work on the topic. By involving students in planning work on a topic, the teacher stimulates the formation of scientific skills. organization of schoolchildren's work.

This system of homework management allows the student to act as an organizer of his own knowledge. activities (educational and self-education, obligatory and voluntary), combining training and self-education into a single process.

Distinguishes the feature of monitoring the implementation of D. z. - organic combination of explanations of new things with the results of checking homework, which helps save time and activates the learning process. In Art. In classes, new types of control are introduced - competitive lessons conducted by the teacher together with students based on work on advanced tasks. Indirect control is also carried out when students work independently. In class, assignments similar to those at home are offered.

To develop methods independently. students' work, the teacher needs to be interested in what techniques the student used when performing homework, and discuss the most important ones. rational ways of working. However, monitoring a student’s homework involves not only checking the correctness of the homework, but is also one of the effective means of developing a responsible attitude towards learning, especially if in checking the homework. The whole class participates. At the same time, it is important to use forms of mutual control, instructing high school students to check the work of junior students. classes or each other.

When performing D. z. in schools and classrooms extended day and boarding schools, students can use the school. offices, benefits, conduct laboratory work, carry out experiments, etc. The most important areas are allocated for self-preparation here. productive for self-reliance. work hours. The educator (teacher) can help the student: advise, determine his readiness to complete the assignment, keep track of the time spent by the student on preparing the task, organize mutual assistance and mutual control of students. But certain difficulties also arise: students, as a rule, prepare their lessons in the same room, which makes cheating and prompting easier; The process of preparing oral tasks becomes more complicated, since it is difficult to retell them, etc. In these conditions, it is especially important to individualize tasks, taking into account the interests and inclinations of students.

Lit.: Rabunsky E. S. Individualization of homework - necessary condition successful training, Kaliningrad, 1962; Vodeyko R.I., Homework for a high school student, Minsk, 1974; Pospelov N.H., How to prepare students for homework, M., 1979; Shabalina 3. P., home school. work of schoolchildren, M., 1982; G p o m ts s v a A. K., Home school. work as a means of bringing learning and self-education closer together, in her book: Formation of schoolchildren’s readiness for self-education, M., 1983. A. K. Gromtseva.

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