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Historical memory and family archives. The Forgotten Testament of General MacArthur What We Saved Them From

In the Borodino Museum there is a portrait of a woman with an ugly face, but intelligent and alarmingly sad. She was the prototype main character film "Rainbow", nothing more was known about her except her name. Then I decided to find out everything about her that her relatives, acquaintances, and witnesses of her suffering and heroism could tell. The Dreiman family moved to the Moscow region from Latvia in 1912. There were five children. Shura, the fourth child, was born in 1908. My father was gassed during the World War and died in 1919. The children began to work as farm laborers early; Shura did not go to school; her younger sister Emilia taught her to read and write. On the collective farm, the girl was a foreman, then, as the sisters recall, she was elected chairman of the Poretsky village council. In 1937, after completing the course, she became the head of the road department at the executive committee of the village of Uvarovka. “Dreyman, I remember as now,” said E. Golikova, “she was of medium height, strong, dense, walked quickly, widely. She had a round, red-cheeked face, she cut her hair short, and she always had a comb in her hair.” "She was cheerful, cheerful, and wore a skirt and tunic." Uvarovites often saw her on horseback: the head of the roads had to travel more than one kilometer in a day. Before the war, Alexandra got married. Ermolenko’s husband worked as a technical director in the Zagotzerno office. “Mom didn’t like him,” recalls his older sister Anna, “he’s handsome, but a talker, he promises a lot, he brags. Shura went to live with him on Leningradskaya Street, and my mother stayed on Sovetskaya.” But June 1941 pushed aside personal troubles. The war was inexorably approaching the borders of the Moscow region. The last time Anna saw her sister was in the fall of 1941: “She came to Moscow and asked to take her mother, because Uvarovka was heavily bombed.” Alexandra hid even from her older sister that she was expecting a child and was joining the partisans. The partisan detachment was formed from local residents, so when Ermolenko began to join the detachment, he was refused. They didn’t know who he was, where he came from, he appeared two years ago. And there were two women in the detachment - a radio operator and a nurse. “They took Dreyman because,” explained former partisan intelligence officer D. Egerev, “she knew how to handle metal and could train partisans in subversive work.” On October 12, the detachment left Uvarovka for the forests. “The partisans were leaving in the evening across the railway line, and we watched them leave; it was so hard on our souls: where they were leaving - we don’t know, what will happen to us - we don’t know,” E. Kalenova could not remember this picture without tears and excitement and thirty years later. The next day, the Nazis occupied Uvarovka. Alien soldiers entered houses as conquerors, robbed the owners, and could even drive them out onto the street; in the square, the arch that stood opposite the station was turned into a gallows. The village was quiet; residents tried not to go out unnecessarily. In the forest at this time, “Alexandra Martynovna spent whole days teaching fighters the technique of demolition, the tactics of fire protection for demolition workers, the ability to quickly leave the scene of an explosion and redeploy to another site” (from the memoirs of V. Kuskov, a former detachment commander). In the second half of October, the Nazis began to hastily transfer equipment from Mozhaisk to the Volokolamsk direction, using the road to Porechye. The command of the detachment decided to carry out subversive operations on this road. In one night, partisans trained by Dreyman blew up four bridges. But after these operations, the partisan suddenly disappeared from the detachment. She went home to Uvarovka because it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide her situation. And what can you do in a detachment? We lived in dugouts, there was food today and gone tomorrow, winter came unusually early. There is no one in the villages of relatives, and even German marauders visit there. Later, the sick partisans Klimov and Korkin were captured from their relatives in the village and executed. Leningradskaya Street, where Dreyman lived, was the outskirts of Uvarovka; there were four apartments in the building. “We lived near the forest,” said her neighbor M. Ivankovich. “The Germans rarely came to us. Shura brought a wounded horse with her, we treated it, carried firewood on it. Shura went to the mill and ground rye for us.” “Her husband disappeared somewhere before the occupation,” added another neighbor of Kalenova, “then he showed up under the Germans.” What did the couple talk about? What did each person say about themselves? Nobody knows this. Undoubtedly, Alexandra loved her handsome husband with the late love of a lonely woman and believed him: after all, they should have a child. But, undoubtedly, something else: a sense of duty did not allow her to talk about her fellow partisans, and Ermolenko did not learn anything about them, which was confirmed by further tragic events. And Dreyman’s disappearance caused alarm in the detachment. V. Kuskov recalled: “Novikov and I were given the task by Khlebutin and Fomin (detachment commissioner) to destroy her: they thought that she had deserted, we already had such cases. I was still a reconnaissance commander at that time, then I was elected commander of the detachment: Khlebutin (former pre-executive committee) did not serve in the army at all, and I was demobilized in 1938. We arrived late at night at Dreyman’s apartment. She was lying on the bed, and her husband kept trying to come out, but we forbade him. Two grenades and a pistol were confiscated from him. “Why,” I say, “aren’t you in the detachment or in the army?” “My wife is going to give birth,” he answers, “then I’ll go.” I should have shot the scoundrel, but who knew. .. Then we found out that Dreyman was taken that same night." The neighbors, awakened by furious knocking on the door with vague commands, ran out into the street and saw in the next window: "The light was turned on, she was lying on the bed, dressed. When they hit her with a butt, she fell and screamed. They took her away in what she was wearing - a tunic and a skirt." In Uvarovka, on the street where the soviet is now, before the war there was a printing house, behind it was a barn, and across the road, in the school building, was the commandant's office. In the barn the prisoners were kept without food or water, from the frost, people buried themselves in straw. From here they were taken to the commandant's office, from here their path often went to the square, where the gallows were never empty. Here they brought the partisan. Soon the arrested were taken away from the barn, leaving Dreyman alone. She was interrogated by the village commandant, Oberleutnant Haase , overweight, bald, with a bandaged head (according to the translator, the partisans were wounded near Smolensk).V. Kuskov explained in his memoirs that the commandant’s office was mainly engaged in taking away food and warm clothes for the army from the population, but it was possible to discover the location of the partisan detachment, which had declared itself through daring operations, opened up for the commandant the prospect of promotion and promotion. unequal duel between an exhausted woman and a soulless official in a fascist uniform. When Alexandra was arrested, the residents of Uvarovka saw Ermolenko in Hitler’s uniform, he openly helped to rob the population. Meanwhile, his wife, barefoot and wearing only a shirt, was being chased by soldiers through the snowy streets at night. During the day she was interrogated at the commandant's office. A. Guslyakova became an involuntary witness to one of these interrogations. She came to the commandant’s office to find out about the fate of her arrested husband and, hearing screams in the corridor, pushed the door. In the commandant's office, two soldiers beat Dreyman. One of them pushed the dumbfounded woman out and slammed the door. No one was there when, in unbearable suffering, she gave birth to a child. Only to her old friend A. Minaeva, who made her way to her at dawn, she said: “Boy. It’s bad, Nyura. If only the end would come soon.” “She barely crawled to the wall, barely spoke, and you couldn’t even hear the child,” Anna Yakovlevna recalled. IN last time Residents of the village saw how German machine gunners led Alexandra Martynovna along the street to the forest. She had to indicate where the detachment was located. By evening they brought her back, she did not give anyone away. From the stories of soldiers and a local policeman, it became known that her first-born, who barely had a glimmer of life, was stabbed to death with a bayonet. And at dawn, Terebeev’s mother and daughter, whose house stood not far from the quarry (now a pond behind the House of Culture), heard a shot. Here, on a cliff, a partisan was shot. In January 1942, troops of the 5th Army of General L. Govorov liberated Uvarovka from the Nazi invaders. Ermolenko also fled with the occupiers, who, as it turned out, had been recruited long ago German intelligence and abandoned at this large railway junction two years before the war. In February, correspondent O. Kurganov’s essay “Mother” appeared in the Pravda newspaper, at the same time the Uvarovites read the Decree awarding their fellow countrywoman the Order of Lenin. Her comrades in arms buried her in the spring, when the snow melted. Two of her military friends, I. Klimov and V. Korkin, executed by the Nazis in December 1941, also lay in a mass grave. The relatives hid the death of their daughter from the mother for several months, and only by chance did she learn about her tragic death. She lived only a year after that. The front moved further and further to the west. The maternal dedication of the heroine of the Moscow region inspired soldiers to new exploits, and in Wanda Vasilevskaya’s story “Rainbow” (with the consent of O. Kurganov) she becomes the prototype of the Ukrainian partisan Alena Kostyuk. The story was published in the Izvestia newspaper in September 1942. And in 1944, director M. Donskoy directed a feature film of the same name. Especially for viewing it, military units were assigned to the second echelon for the duration of the session. It was also shown overseas, in America, where it received the highest Oscar award. President Roosevelt watched it in the White House, and General MacArthur said after watching it: “The Russians saved civilization.” V. Bulycheva. "Mozhaisk Memoirs" 2000 Film "RAINBOW" (1943)

Pavlova Svetlana Vladimirovna
history teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Uvarovskaya Secondary School”, Uvarovka village,
head of the school museum

75th anniversary
battle for Moscow




Relevance of the topic

The Great Patriotic War Soviet Union 1941-1945 was a severe test for our entire people, our entire state. It began under unfavorable conditions for us. The Nazi troops had numerical superiority in manpower and equipment, seized the strategic initiative and rushed towards important centers of the Soviet Union.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War In territory temporarily occupied by the enemy, Soviet people, driven by a sense of patriotism, began a merciless struggle against the occupiers. This struggle was part of the war Soviet people against the fascist invaders.

On July 18, 1941, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the organization of the fight in the rear of German troops” was adopted. It gave the organization of a nationwide war behind enemy lines a systematic, purposeful character. The resolution emphasized the paramount need to create a wide network of underground party organizations, create partisan detachments and groups, and direct them fighting, do everything necessary in order to create unbearable conditions for the enemy in the temporarily occupied territory.

By the end of 1941, 18 underground regional committees, more than 260 district committees, district committees and other party bodies were already operating in the rear of the Nazi troops. Over 2,000 created partisan detachments. The partisan movement turned into a serious fighting force and provided increasing support to the Red Army.

From the forests of Karelia to the coast of Crimea, the people's avengers unleashed their blows on the enemy. In cities and villages, on railways and highways, in forests and steppes - everywhere the enemies were overtaken by the punishing, elusive hand of the Soviet partisan.

The partisans boldly acted on enemy communications, blew up bridges, destroyed roads, and derailed enemy trains. The cruelty of the occupation regime intensified hatred of the enemy and contributed to the scope of the partisan movement.

In the fall of 1941, in the Moscow direction, the Nazis concentrated 42% of their troops, 1/3 of the guns and mortars, 3/4 of the tanks and about half of the total number of aircraft on the Soviet-German front. The Germans’ calculation was to victoriously end the “lightning war” with a powerful blow to the heart of our Motherland - the capture of Moscow.

On November 3, 1941, the newspaper Pravda published a leaflet of the Moscow Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, calling on the defenders of the capital to heroic struggle - “For Moscow, for the Motherland!” It says that the enemy continues to rush towards Moscow, is preparing a new offensive and is bringing in reserves.

All the fighters of the Mozhaisk, Maloyaroslavets, Kalinin, Volokolamsk directions, all the soldiers defending the approaches to Moscow, now face the greatest historical task of withstanding this pressure of Hitler’s troops, meeting it with courage and dedication.

In the same November 1941, another leaflet of the Moscow Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was published, calling on the population to fight the German occupiers. It talks about the atrocities that the Germans are committing in several temporarily occupied areas of the Moscow region. In addition, there is a call to the workers of the occupied areas to launch a fight against the German invaders, hide food and belongings, not give anything to the robbers, mercilessly exterminate the fascist robbers and their accomplices - traitors to the Motherland, maintain contact with the partisans and help them, as well as organize partisan detachments themselves. .

In October - November 1941, Hitler's troops managed to occupy part of the territory of the Moscow region: 17 districts completely, including Mozhaisky and Uvarovsky, and 10 districts partially. But sinister plans to capture the capital failed.

During the Battle of Moscow in the terrible autumn of 1941, fierce battles unfolded in the Mozhaisk direction Western Front.

On October 14, on the approaches to the ancient Russian city of Mozhaisk, in the Borodino region, the 5th Army fought fierce battles. The brunt of the fighting on the historical field was borne by the 32nd Red Banner Rifle Division of V.I. Polosukhin, supported by the 18th, 19th, 20th tank brigades. After heavy bloody battles, our troops left Mozhaisk on October 18, 1941.

On October 22, 1941, the Mozhaisky City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the executive committee of the district council, addresses the population of the region. It says that the region and hometown were attacked by the Nazis and the enemy is trying to penetrate Moscow. There is a call to the working people of the city and region - to arms, to unleash all their strength on the enemy. “We have a vivid memory of the historical September 1812, when our great-grandfathers, armed with whatever they could, beat the enemy and gave him no mercy. Now the Borodino lands, abundantly watered with the blood of 1812, are trying to trample underfoot the fascist boot. The insidious enemy hates our land, country, people. All of us, as one, will stand up to defend our hometown, village, our families, freedom! Let us fulfill our sacred duty as a Soviet patriot! We will stand firm until the end. Sparing no effort and life, we will fight the enemy, defeat and destroy him! We will not allow enemies near our dear capital Moscow!”

During the period of temporary occupation, Mozhaisky and the Uvarovsky districts, which are now part of it, were the site of active reconnaissance and sabotage work, which, among others, was carried out by the corresponding groups of military unit 9903 of the Western Front. As part of this unit, the future hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya fought with the enemy, who accomplished her immortal feat in the village of Petrishchevo.

Literature review

During the Battle of Moscow, Mozhaisky and the Uvarovsky district, which is now part of it, became a place of active action by the people's avengers - partisans. Their bold raids and the damage inflicted on the occupiers are described in numerous works by historians and in media reports mass media dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

Thus, the multi-volume work of historians, “The USSR in the Great Patriotic War,” reports on the battles in the fall of 1941 in the area of ​​Mozhaisk and Borodino. The same source on the history of the war talks about the deployment of the partisan movement in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, including in the Moscow region.

Quite detailed material about the actions of the Mozhaisk and Uvarov partisans is contained in the collection “The Oath of Allegiance was Kept. Partisan Moscow region in documents and materials.” Under the leadership of K.I. Bukov editorial team collected reports on the activities of partisan detachments, cited the main documents and resolutions relating to the organization of the partisan movement and its leadership, leaflets of the MK, GC, and RK of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of the Moscow Region with calls to fight the enemy.

Interesting information was published in the collection “Chekists in Defense of the Capital”. From it we learn that the regional and district party committees and the NKVD department organized partisan detachments in 53 districts of the Moscow region, including Mozhaisk and Uvarovsky.

The collection “We survived and won” reports that during the battle for Moscow, the Moscow Regional Committee of the Red Cross trained three thousand combatants and nurses in courses and sent some of them to partisan detachments in the Moscow region, including the Mozhaisk and Uvarovsky districts.

Perezhogin Vitaly Afanasyevich in his study “Partisan Moscow Region” pays great attention to the greatness of the spirit of the Soviet people and hatred of the fascist invaders. Showing the contribution of the partisans to the victory near Moscow, the author relies on documents and testimonies of the participants in those events themselves. Particular attention is paid to the actions of the partisans of the Mozhaisk, Volokolamsk and Naro-Fominsk districts of the Moscow region.

On the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the city of Mozhaisk, which was celebrated in 1981, the Moskovsky Rabochiy publishing house published the book “Mozhaisk”. A team of authors led by local historian V. Ushakov prepared material with ancient times, consecrating the main milestones in the history of Mozhaisk and the region. The events of the war of 1941-1945 are given a special place, including the city’s contribution to the victory near Moscow and the partisan movement in the area.

Material on the partisan movement in the above-mentioned areas of the Moscow region can be found in periodicals - both central and regional newspapers different years exit. Thus, on February 7, 1942, the Pravda newspaper published material about the immortal feat of the Uvarov partisan Alexandra Martynovna Dreyman. Newspaper correspondent O.I. Kurganov was in a village liberated from the Nazis and heard from local residents this tragic story about the courage and heroism of a partisan. The essay that appeared in the newspaper was called briefly: “Mother”

January 2012 marked the 70th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Moscow.

Newspaper of the Mozhaisk region " New life» periodically devotes space on its pages to materials related to military operations during the Great Patriotic War in the region. The latest and most significant of them were published in No. 59 (12,783) dated July 28, 2010 under the title “Partisans went into the forests” - author V. Kolesov, in No. 85 (12 912) dated October 29, 2011 - “She is her own I fulfilled my duty. We have a debt of memory." V. Strauss, a Moscow sociologist, tells about the feat of A. M. Dreyman.

On December 6, 2006, on the 65th anniversary of the victory near Moscow, E. Aligozhina published her article “Before Khatyn there was Ragzino” about the tragic history of the village, which was burned by the Nazis along with its inhabitants for connections with the partisans. It should be noted that all of these publications appeared after their authors visited the museum of military and labor glory of the Uvarovskaya Secondary comprehensive school", where students of different years and teachers painstakingly collected material about the partisans and A.M. Dreyman. The school's pioneer squad bore her name for 30 years. In all publications, a reference is made to the fact that material from the school museum was used.

This work is based on the memories of participants in the partisan movement, stored in the museum of the Uvarovskaya Secondary School: V.I. Kuskova, A.G. Nazarova, A.I. Ankudinova, D.I. Sokolova, A. Minaeva. They help restore the true picture of what happened during the occupation of the Uvarovsky region in 1941-1942.

The purpose of our work is:

To substantiate the role of the partisans of Mozhaisk and the Uvarovsky districts that are now part of it in the liberation of the Moscow region and in the battle for Moscow;

Show the selfless heroism and courage of the partisans, devotion to the great cause of serving the Fatherland, loyalty to the traditions of the past, the connection between the events of 1812 and 1941 on the heroic land of Mozhaisk;

To show the truly popular character of the partisan movement by examples of the fact that in the detachments there were not only communists and Komsomol members, but also non-partisans, women, teenagers, even entire families;

Reveal the origins of the comprehensive assistance of the local population to partisan detachments;

Using the example of the feat of A.M. Dreyman, show the courage and heroism of a simple woman - a mother who did not betray the partisans at the cost of her life and the life of her newly born son;

Use this material for the purpose of patriotic education of the younger generation in specific examples the courage and heroism of our fellow countrymen, for they fulfilled their duty to the Motherland, we have a duty of memory.

On January 25, 2018, Uvarov residents solemnly celebrated the next anniversary of the liberation of the village from the Nazi invaders. 76th in a row. The ranks of those who, at that time distant from us, were eyewitnesses and participants in that Great Battle for Moscow. This year, several fewer people came to the solemn memorial meeting. Who knows if they will meet the next anniversary or live? If they are alive, they will definitely come - out of memory. In order to pass the baton to the youth - the invisible one, the one that is the connecting thread between the past and the future, because this memory is not needed by the dead. The living need it, because they have fulfilled their duty, we have a duty of memory.

On October 29, 2011, the regional newspaper Novaya Zhizn published an article “She fulfilled her duty. We have a debt of memory." The author of the article is V. Strauss, sociologist. He initially published an article in Moskovskaya Pravda on January 15, 2001. He builds his narrative on the basis of O.I. Kurganov’s essay “Mother”. Our school museum contains more extensive material. There are many recollections of eyewitnesses to these events; of course, there are also quite controversial facts - who handed the partisan over to the Nazis, and on what day in December 1942 she was shot. Taking this into account, in our work we offer more detailed material on this topic; we want much more to be known about the feat of our countrywoman. She deserves it.

"Mother! You are my life!
You are more precious to me than life!
To live with you!
I’ll die with you!”

And it all started with Oscar Kurganov, a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper. He traveled along front lines throughout the war. In its first year I was on the Western Front, retreating with our troops, and then advancing. As part of the 5th Army of General L.A. Govorova participated in the liberation of ancient Mozhaisk and the last large settlement of the Moscow region - the village of Uvarovka. Arriving in Uvarovka immediately after liberation from the Nazis, he heard from local residents the tragic story of the death of A.M. Dreyman and wrote the essay “Mother”.

Half a century later, Oscar Ieremeyevich Kurganov, a famous writer and human rights activist who was awarded the Lenin Prize for the script of the film “Liberation,” told the story of the publication: “The threat to the capital has passed. Our troops, crushing the invaders, went west. On January 20, 1942, Mozhaisk was liberated. I received an assignment: to visit the advancing units and urgently report. I drove through Mozhaisk and stopped at the next regional center - the village of Uvarovka. And then I was suddenly told about an event that shocked me. At my own peril and risk, I decided to immediately return to Moscow. I arrived at the editorial office, rushed into the office of P.N. Pospelov, the editor-in-chief, and said that I had material about the unprecedented feat and tragic death of a partisan.

P.N. Pospelov immediately invited the editorial secretary L.F. Ilyichev and other employees and asked once again to tell in more detail about what I had learned.

I talked about A.M. Dreyman is a well-known person in Uvarovka, and when he finished, everyone was silent for some time. Then P.N. Pospelov said: “I’ll give you a day. Write." Soon after publication in the newspaper, the essay was published as a separate publication, and by the end of 1942 the total circulation of the essay was five million copies.

At the same time, the story of the feat of a partisan near Moscow received a different and broader artistic reflection.

On August 25, 1942, the Izvestia newspaper began publishing a story by Wanda Wasilewska, a Polish writer, in which the plot of the essay “Mother” was completely repeated, but the setting was Ukraine. The story “Rainbow” was published by the magazine “October”. After publication as a separate book, Wanda Wasilewska was awarded the Stalin Prize. V. Vasilevskaya is writing the film script “Rainbow”, which will be used as a feature film, where the heroine, named Olena Kostyuk in the story and film, is stunningly played by the Ukrainian actress Natalya Uzhviy. In 1944, the film was released in our country and shown in the USA, where it was awarded an Oscar, and then at home - the Stalin Prize, which was received by director Mark Donskoy, actresses Natalya Uzhviy and Nina Alisova. US President Roosevelt watched this film in the White House, and General MacArthur, after watching it, said the following phrase: “The Russians saved civilization.”

However, let's return to the Moscow region. In the preface to the first edition of the story “Rainbow,” P.N. Pospelov and L.F. Ilyichev, future academicians and main ideologists of the CPSU, emphasized: “Olena Kostyuk is a real heroine of the Soviet people. Her image, created by Wanda Wasilewska based on real facts, don't forget. It was precisely such torment that the famous heroine endured - partisan Alexandra Martynovna Dreyman, a worker in the Uvarovsky district of the Moscow region, tortured by the Germans in November 1941.”

How was Draiman's feat celebrated? Again, the word to O. Kurganov: “A few days after the publication of the essay, I was summoned to the awards department of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The employee said: “We read your article. A decree on rewarding partisans of the Moscow region is being prepared. A.M. Dreyman was posthumously nominated for the Order of Lenin, however, we believe that she should be nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. How do you think?" I replied that Dreyman undoubtedly deserves the title of Hero. Then the employee asked: “What is Dreyman’s nationality?” I replied that I didn't know. I still can’t forgive myself for this professional mistake.”

When O. Kurganov found Alexandra Martynovna’s older sister in Moscow and learned from her that the Dreymans were Latvians, it was already too late. Soon decrees on rewarding partisans appeared in Pravda. The title of Hero was awarded to the partisans Guryanov and Kuzin, Kosmodemyanskaya, who had nothing to do with the partisans - she was a fighter in the special reconnaissance and sabotage detachment of the NKVD, at the headquarters of the Western Front. I found the name Dreyman among those awarded the Order of Lenin.

About the Dreyman family. Alexandra's grandfather lived in Liepaja (then Libau). He had four sons: Ewald, Martin, Karlis and Friedrich. After serving in the army, Martin received a promotion from the baron - he became a forester. He took Katrina, a maid of the baron's family, as his wife. Children born:

in 1905 - Anna,

in 1907 - Adolf,

in 1908 - Alice (Alexandra),

in 1910 - Zhanis.

In 1911, the family left the land of their ancestors and moved to Porechye, near Moscow, where their familiar fellow countryman was the head gardener on the estate of Count Uvarov. For three years my father worked as manager of the Surovtsevo zemstvo estate near Porechye. In 1914, Emilia was born, and her father went to war, from where he returned disabled and died six months later. After the death of their father, they lived poorly. Alexandra was forced to graze the farmer's cattle. When the youngest of the children went to school, Alexandra studied with her in the evenings, repeating what the youngest had learned at school during the day.

Such was the thirst for knowledge.

They perked up when Countess Uvarova, going abroad, gave the Dreymans a horse, a cow, household equipment and a lot of clothes.

Small in stature, energetic, hard-working. She worked as a foreman on a collective farm, was elected chairman of the collective farm, then chairman of the village council. Graduated from a construction technical school in absentia. In 1937 she was sent to courses in road construction.

In 1939, she and her mother moved to the village of Uvarovka, where she was offered the position of head of the district road department.

Residents of Uvarovka remembered Dreyman on horseback - there were many roads in the area, but there was no other transport. Thanks to her persistence, the district authorities managed to achieve the creation of a regional machine and road station in the district.

On November 27, 1940, Dreyman spoke at a session of the District Council with a report on the state and plans of road construction. When the war began, her mother moved to Anna in Moscow. Adolf was no longer alive, Zhanis worked at a factory in Mozhaisk, Emilia studied in Leningrad.

In the spring of 1941, Alexandra got married. Her chosen one worked as a technical director at Zagotzerno. She, like other people, had her own plans. But they were not destined to come true - the morning of June 22, 1941 disrupted everything. War burst into the lives of Soviet people like a black cloud.

Month after month, the front inexorably approached the borders of the Moscow region and Uvarovka.

As in others populated areas, a partisan detachment began to form in Uvarovka. Alexandra, having hidden that she was expecting a child, asked to be included in the partisan detachment.

The selection for partisans was strict - only well-tested people were taken. Alexandra was well known. In addition, being the head of the road department, she gained experience in handling explosives and could train partisans in subversive work. Therefore, along with other specialties - radio operators and nurses - she was taken into the partisan detachment. But her husband Ermolenko, who also declared his desire to join the partisan detachment, did not. For the reason that he arrived in Uvarovka shortly before the start of the war and did not show anything special in “Zagotzern”. And, as subsequent events showed, the people who formed the partisan detachment turned out to be perspicacious. But more on this a little later.

On the night of October 12-13, when German tanks were already entering Uvarovka, two partisan detachments left the village. The first - "Uvarovsky" - was commanded by the chairman of the district executive committee S.P. Khlebutin, the commissioner was the secretary of the district committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) P.I. Fomin. Dreyman left with this detachment. "Uvarovsky" is located in the northern part of the region.

In the forest, the partisans found weapons and mines left by the retreating military units. Alexandra spent days teaching the fighters the technique of demolition, the ability to quickly leave the scene of an explosion and redeploy to another site.

In the second half of October 1941, the Germans hastily began to transfer equipment from the Mozhaisk direction to Volokolamsk. They used the road to Porechye. The command of the detachment decided to carry out subversive operations on this road. And the fighters trained by Alexandra got down to business. In one night alone, four bridges were blown up. After this operation, Dreyman left the detachment.

I stayed in my family home on Leningradskaya Street, which ran almost at the very edge of the forest.

Neighbor Dreyman M. Ivankovich later recalled: “The Germans rarely came to us. Apparently they were afraid that the partisans might come.”

In the essay “Mother” we read: “The next intelligence service was given an order: to find Alexandra Martynovna in the city of Uvarov (correctly: in the village of Uvarovka), surround her with care, protect her from enemies.”

The instructor of the district party committee, Vasily Ilyich Kuskov, who joined the partisans, spoke about how Dreyman was surrounded by care: “When Dreyman disappeared from the detachment, Novikov and I were given the task of destroying her. I was still a platoon commander then. It was only later that I was elected commander: we had democracy. Khlebutin did not serve in the army at all, and I was demobilized in 1938. He was in command for only 20 days. Novikov and I arrived at Dreyman’s apartment. I left Novikov outside at the door. I approached Dreyman. She was lying on the bed, and I say that they ordered her to be shot.

“Shoot,” he answers. “And the child too.” This is where we just found out why she left. I went out to consult with Novikov. We decided to return to the detachment. And in the detachment we are put on trial for failure to comply with orders. Then we found out that Dreyman was taken that same night.”

The question about the partisan’s husband involuntarily arose. Another of Dreyman’s neighbors, E. Kolenova, recalled: “Ermolenko disappeared somewhere just before the Germans arrived. Then, when they were already looting, he showed up again and immediately came to Alexandra. What were they talking about? Nobody knows this. But that night the Germans took her away in what she was wearing - a tunic and a skirt. And in the morning people saw Dreyman’s husband in a German uniform, walking briskly around the village.”

Shalyukova, who lived with her parents in the village of Tverdiki, remembers how Dreyman was arrested.

“In November 1941, my sister Nadya and I went to Uvarovka, where there was a large salt warehouse. While we were walking, it got dark. We stopped at Evdokia Ivanovna Kolenova’s, my mother’s friend, to spend the night. She lived in the same barracks with the famous partisan Dreyman. She was arrested that night (unfortunately, the exact date is not specified). First, the Germans almost took my older sister away. They burst into the house, grabbed her, but then in the light they saw that it was not the same... My sister and I looked out the window and saw how Dreyman was led barefoot in the snow to the center of Uvarovka, where the Germans had their headquarters... On January 25, to the village at dawn our soldiers have arrived. First of all, they fed us porridge from their cauldrons and distributed bread to us. It was ice cream, but how delicious it seemed to us.”

Alexandra was interrogated by the commandant of the village, Chief Lieutenant Haase - heavyset, bald, with evil little eyes. It was an unequal duel - between an exhausted woman expecting a child and a well-fed, soulless executioner in a fascist uniform: for days, from morning to evening, her, tortured, interrogated at the commandant's office, and on frosty nights driven through the snow-covered streets of the village.

No one was there when Alexandra gave birth to a child in unbearable suffering. Only to her longtime friend Anna Minaeva, who managed, at great risk, to sneak into her barn at dawn, with deep pain in her voice, barely breathing, Alexandra said: “I have a boy, Nyura. I feel very bad - at least the end has come sooner.”

Alexandra Dreyman, having never obtained information from her about the location of the partisan detachment, was shot at a cliff located outside the village. And before that, in front of the mother’s eyes, the executioners stabbed the child to death.

When was Draiman arrested? The Central Archive of Social Movements of Moscow contains the “Report on the actions of partisan detachments in the Uvarovsky district from October 12, 1941 to January 25, 1942,” signed by the same P.I. Fomin, who took up his previous post. The report states that Draiman was arrested on November 11, 1941. The next day she gave birth to a son, and on November 13 she was shot. Dreyman was betrayed to the Germans by the well-known Dusya. Daria Vasilievna Terebeeva spoke about this: “I ask Duska: “Why did you prove it about Dreyman? Why does this make you feel better?” “I,” he says, “are angry with her because she didn’t give me an apartment when I worked for her.” I told her: “Where would she get you an apartment? She lived in the room herself!”

The Nazis retreated from Uvarovka on January 22, 1942, surrendering the village without a fight. On January 25, in the center of the village, a ceremonial burial of the fallen partisans I. Klimov and V. Korkin, Dreyman’s fighting friends, took place.

Dreyman was buried modestly.

Her brother, Red Army soldier Zhanis Dreyman, died on the Volkhov front.

Uvarovites remember the brave partisan.

One of the streets in the village bears her name. The pioneer squad of the Uvarov school for more than 30 years bore the name A.M. Draiman. The Riga film studio once made a film about its fellow countrywoman.

Her sister, Anna Martynovna Dreyman (now deceased), came to the 30th anniversary of the liberation of the village in 1972.

Ninth-grader Irina Terekhova (now I.A. Solovyova, entrepreneur) read her poem “Dedicated to Dreyman” at the grave of A.M. Dreyman.

Sashka is a gray-eyed girl,
Did you know then?
How great will it become
Your maiden destiny?

You also went to school
You also played in the snow
But did you know that there would be
Are your steps holy?

I sang under these stars.
Under the oak tree I dreamed in silence,
You wanted so much -
Your dreams didn't come true...

Like a stone carrying avalanches,
Like snow on your head in summer,
The indestructible one collapsed,
Bringing death to people.

Fires, shootings, explosions...
Burning cities...
And along with all the men
Then you too went into the forest.
Cars were flying up into the air,
Bridges were flying into the air...
But the Germans captured you
And they took you to headquarters.

There my hands were tied with a rope,
They beat you there, they beat you like that,
They mocked you so much there,
That even the earth groaned.

They mocked you so much there,
They asked about your connections,
But you, Alexandra, held on,
And she didn’t give them any appearances.

You really pissed off the fascists,
After all, in a fight with you
They are powerless.
And after the last word
They took you to execution.

And here you go, undressed,
Like a faithful daughter of the country,
And only behind you are the bloody ones,
Holy are your footprints.

Your enemies didn't break you
You are forever alive among others.
And people gave you gifts
The life and happiness of others.

About people so fearless,
About people so young
We remember, and in immortal life
We will preserve their memory.


The defeat of the fascist hordes near Moscow had a huge impact on the intensification of the people's struggle behind enemy lines, on the growth of partisan forces and the ranks of underground fighters. Behind enemy lines, mainly in the forested areas of Belarus and Russian Federation, the partisans liberated vast territories from Nazi troops and created partisan regions. By the summer of 1942, 11 partisan regions had emerged in enemy-occupied territory, the total area of ​​which was equal to the area of ​​such states as Belgium, Holland and Denmark combined. Hundreds of civilians, protected by partisans, worked here in the interests of fighting the enemy.

By the spring of 1942, the enemy was forced to abandon the people's struggle in the temporarily occupied Soviet territory up to 22 field and security divisions. Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany J. Goebbels wrote in his diary: “The danger from partisans is growing every week. The partisans reign supreme over vast areas of occupied Russia. This winter they confronted us with great difficulties, which by no means diminished with the beginning of spring.”

The Motherland highly appreciated the valiant deeds of the partisans and underground fighters of the Moscow region. Over a thousand partisans and fighters of extermination and sabotage groups were awarded government awards.

It’s gratifying that our heroine, A.M., is among them. Dreyman, who was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

For the heroism and courage shown by the working people of the capital and the Moscow region in the fight against the Nazi invaders, by Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the city of Moscow was awarded the honorary title “Hero City”, and the Moscow region was awarded the Order of Lenin. These high awards reflect the contribution of the partisans of the Moscow region, who, together with the soldiers, showed exceptional tenacity in the battle of Moscow.

73 years have passed since the end of the bloodiest, most brutal and ferocious war...

Cities were rebuilt, several generations of Russians grew up under a peaceful sky... We did not see the horrors of war, we did not experience the bitterness of losing relatives, friends and loved ones on the battlefield. But we are faced with a very important and difficult task - to preserve the memory of that war. There are an increasing number of people who want to rewrite history, to belittle the contribution of the Soviet people to great Victory... Falsification of data, blatant desecration of monuments, shrines not only of the Russian people, but also of the entire world community, reminiscent of the immortal feat living in our hearts - this is the blatant reality of the present day. There are people who believe that the younger generation does not need to know about the enormous losses, about the horrors of the Holocaust and Buchenwald, about how our great-grandparents not only raised the country from ruins, but also made it the most powerful in the world. Why bring up the past, they say. Perhaps it is better to live for today? But how can we live without the roots that closely unite us into what is called a family? Without a connection with your native land, how can you live without patriotism? Let's break the connection between generations - cut off the past - our future will slip from our hands like a silk thread. For some reason, we always remember only the first part of the proverb: “Whoever remembers the old, get out!”, completely forgetting its end, which contains the main meaning: “And whoever forgets, both!” Therefore, as long as the memories of those who brought this victory closer at the front and in the rear, of those who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland, while the sparks of the fireworks illuminate the sky over the city, and the small St. George ribbons flutter in the wind, the memory will live about the Great Victory as the guarantee of an unshakable past, a strong present and a confident future of our country.

Sources and literature

1. The oath of allegiance was kept: Partisan Moscow region in documents and materials / Compiled by: Zarezina K.F. - M.: Moskovsky Rabochiy, 1982.

2. Second World War. Short story. International editorial board M.: publishing house "Nauka", 1984.

3. Security officers defending the capital of Moscow. “Moscow Worker”, 1982.

4. We survived and won. Digest of articles. / Under general Ed. V.N. Maksimov and I.I. Surikov. - Torzhok-Tver: Publishing House Studio-S, 2005

5. Partisan Moscow Region / V. A. Perezhogin, M. “Moscow Worker”, 1981

6. V. Ushakov “Mozhaisk”. Publishing house "Moscow Worker" 1981

7. O. Kurganov “Mother”.: Military Publishing House of the USSR NPO, 1942.


Memoirs of participants in the partisan movement:

1. Memoirs of V.I. Kuskov, stored in the museum of the municipal educational institution "Uvarovskaya Secondary School"

2. Memoirs of A.G. Nazarov, stored in the municipal educational institution "Uvarovskaya Secondary School"

3. Memoirs of A.I. Ankudinov, stored in the museum "MOU Uvarovskaya Secondary School".

4. Memoirs of D.I. Sokolova, stored in the Uvarovskaya Secondary School.

5. Memoirs of A. Minaeva, stored in the museum of the municipal educational institution "Uvarovskaya Secondary School"


Map of the Moscow region. Areas that were temporarily occupied by the Nazi invaders are shaded.

Partisans of the Uvarovsky district return from a combat mission

Partisans of the Uvarovsky district sign the text of the oath

Brief abstracts

On January 25, 2016, Uvarov residents solemnly celebrated the next anniversary of the liberation of the village from the Nazi invaders. 74th in a row. The ranks of those who witnessed and took part in that Great Battle for Moscow are thinning. And all we have left is memory. The living need it, because the older generation has fulfilled its duty to the Motherland - we have a duty of memory.

On October 29, 2011, the regional newspaper Novaya Zhizn published an article “She fulfilled her duty. We have a debt of memory." The author of the article is V. Strauss. He builds his narrative on the basis of O.I. Kurganov’s essay “Mother”. Our school museum contains more extensive material. There are many eyewitness accounts of these events. Taking this into account, in our work we offer more detailed material on this topic; we want much more to be known about the feat of our countrywoman. She deserves it.

Everyone understands and cherishes the behest of the poet Dmitry Kedrin:

In times of trial, bow to the Fatherland.
In Russian, at your feet, and tell her:
"Mother! You are my life!
You are more precious to me than life!
To live with you!
I’ll die with you!”

The immortal glory of the Uvarov partisan Alexandra Martynovna Dreyman, who is known throughout the world from the story of the Polish writer Wanda Wasilewska “Rainbow” and the film of the same name directed by Mark Donskoy from the Kyiv Dovzhenko Film Studio.

And it all started with Oscar Kurganov, a war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper. He traveled the front roads throughout the war. As part of the 5th Army of General L.A. Govorova participated in the liberation of ancient Mozhaisk and Uvarovka. In Uvarovka, he heard from local residents the tragic story of the death of A.M. Dreyman and wrote the essay “Mother”.

The story of the feat of a partisan near Moscow received a different and broader artistic reflection after August 25, 1942, when the Izvestia newspaper began publishing the story of Wanda Wasilewska, a Polish writer, where the plot of the essay “Mother” was completely repeated, but the setting was Ukraine.

After publication as a separate book, Wanda Wasilewska was awarded the Stalin Prize. Vasilevskaya is writing the film script “Rainbow”, which will be used as a feature film, where the heroine, named Olena Kostyuk in the story and film, is stunningly played by the Ukrainian actress Natalya Uzhviy. In 1944, the film was released in our country and was shown in the USA, where it was awarded an Oscar, and then at home - the Stalin Prize. US President Roosevelt watched this film in the White House, and General MacArthur, after watching it, said the following phrase: “The Russians saved civilization.”

How was Draiman's feat celebrated? Again, the word to O. Kurganov: “A few days after the publication of the essay, I was called to the awards department. They said that a decree was being prepared on awarding partisans of the Moscow region. Dreyman was posthumously nominated for the Order of Lenin, however, we believe that she should be nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. I replied that Dreyman undoubtedly deserves the title of Hero, but when asked about her nationality, I answered: “I don’t know.” When I found Sister Dreyman in Moscow and found out that they were Latvians, it was too late. Dreyman was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Today we will look again at the events of those distant days and add to the essay by Oscar Kurganov.

About the Dreyman family. Alexandra's grandfather lived in Liepaja (then Libau). He had four sons. After serving in the army, Martin received a promotion from the baron and became a forester. He took Katrina, a maid of the baron's family, as his wife. 5 children were born. In 1908 - Alice (Alexandra)

In 1911, the family left the land of their ancestors and moved to Porechye near Moscow, where their familiar fellow countryman was the head gardener on the estate of Count Uvarov

In 1914, my father went to war, from where he returned disabled and died six months later. They lived poorly. Alexandra was forced to graze the farmer's cattle. When the youngest of the children went to school, Alexandra studied with her in the evenings, repeating what the youngest had learned at school during the day. Such was the thirst for knowledge.

The children left their mother one after another, only Alexandra remained with her.

Small in stature, strong, energetic, hard-working. She worked as a foreman on a collective farm, was elected chairman of the collective farm, then chairman of the village council. Graduated from a construction technical school in absentia. In 1937 she was sent to courses in road construction.

In 1939, she and her mother moved to the village of Uvarovka, where she was offered the position of head of the district road department.

Residents of Uvarovka remembered Dreyman on horseback - there were many roads in the area, but there was no other transport.

In the spring of 1941, Alexandra got married. Her chosen one worked as a technical director at Zagotzerno. She had her own plans. But they were not destined to come true - the morning of June 22, 1941 disrupted everything. War burst into the lives of Soviet people like a black cloud.

Month after month, the front inexorably approached the borders of the Moscow region and Uvarovka. As in other settlements, a partisan detachment began to form in Uvarovka. Alexandra, hiding that she was expecting a child, asked to be included there.

The selection for partisans was strict - only well-tested people were taken. Alexandra was well known. In addition, she gained experience in handling explosives and could train partisans in subversive work. Therefore, she was taken into the partisan detachment. But her husband Ermolenko, who also declared his desire to join the partisan detachment, did not. He arrived in Uvarovka shortly before the start of the war and did not show himself to be anything special. And, as subsequent events showed, the people who formed the partisan detachment turned out to be perspicacious. But more on this a little later.

On the night of October 12-13, German tanks were already entering Uvarovka. Two partisan detachments left the village. Dreyman left with the Uvarovsky detachment. In the forest, the partisans found weapons and mines left behind by retreating military units. Alexandra spent days teaching the fighters the technique of demolition, the ability to quickly leave the scene of an explosion. At that time, German equipment was on the road to Porechye. The command of the detachment decided to carry out an operation to blow up the bridges. 4 bridges were blown up. After this, Dreyman left the squad.

She stayed in her home on Leningradskaya Street, near the forest. Neighbor M. Ivankovich Dreyman later recalled: “The Germans rarely came to us. Apparently they were afraid that the partisans might come.”

And partisan intelligence was given orders to find Alexandra Martynovna in the village of Uvarovka, surround her with care, and protect her from enemies.

Vasily Ilyich Kuskov later recalled: “When Dreyman disappeared from the detachment, Novikov and I were given the task of destroying her. I was still a platoon commander then. It was only later that I was elected commander. Novikov and I arrived at Dreyman’s apartment. I approached Dreyman. She was lying on the bed, and I said that I should shoot her.

“Shoot,” he answers. “And the child too.” This is where we just found out why she left. We couldn’t shoot her, but the Nazis took her that same night.

The question about the partisan’s husband involuntarily arose. Another neighbor Dreyman,

E. Kolenova recalled: “Ermolenko disappeared somewhere just before the arrival of the Germans. Then he showed up again and immediately came to Alexandra. What were they talking about? Nobody knows this. But that night the Germans took her away in what she was wearing - a tunic and a skirt. And in the morning people saw Dreyman’s husband in a German uniform, walking briskly around the village.” Dreyman was taken to the center of Uvarovka, where the Germans had a commandant’s office. (now the music school building)

As it turned out later, Ermolenko, recruited by German intelligence before the war, was sent to Uvarovka on a spy mission, which Alexandra did not know about. Then this evil shapeshifter will disappear somewhere without a trace.

Alexandra was interrogated by the commandant of the village, Chief Lieutenant Haase - heavyset, bald, with evil little eyes. It was an unequal duel - between an exhausted woman expecting a child and a well-fed, soulless executioner in a fascist uniform: for days, from morning to evening, her, tortured, interrogated at the commandant's office, and on frosty nights driven through the snow-covered streets of the village. No one was there when Alexandra gave birth to a son in unbearable pain. Only to her friend, Anna Minaeva, who managed, at risk, to get into her barn, she said: “I have a boy, Nyura, I feel very bad. I wish it would all be over."

Alexandra Dreyman, having never obtained information from her about the location of the partisan detachment, was shot on the outskirts of the village. And before that, in front of the mother’s eyes, the executioners stabbed the child to death.

When was Draiman arrested? In the “Report on the actions of partisan detachments in the Uvarovsky region from October 12, 1941 to January 25, 1942” it is said that Dreyman was arrested on November 11, 1941. The next day she gave birth to a son, and on November 13 she was shot. Dreyman was betrayed to the Germans by the well-known Dusya. Daria Vasilievna Terebeeva spoke about this: “I ask Duska: “Why did you prove it about Dreyman? Why does this make you feel better?” “I,” he says, “are angry with her because she didn’t give me an apartment when she worked for her.” I told her: “Where would she get you an apartment? She lived in the room herself!”

The family hid the death of their daughter from the mother for several months. But soon the mother learned about Alexandra’s tragic death. She lived only a year after that.

In the spring of 1942, when the snow melted, residents of Uvarovka discovered Dreyman’s body. It never occurred to anyone to look for her child. Although this smacks of mysticism, the hands of the enemies - the murderers - reached out to Dreyman even after her death.

Partisan Alexey Grigorievich Nazarov recalled: “I made a coffin for her. When they began to beat him up, the Germans began shelling. The shell hit the coffin directly and we were scattered in different directions.”

Alexandra Dreiman- the best intelligence officer of the Uvarov partisan detachment. A young woman, who before the war worked as a road construction manager and had a good knowledge of blasting techniques, did not hesitate to join the partisan detachment.

In a short time, she was able to prepare a group of miners. Alexandra Dreyman participated in a number of operations to undermine enemy transport, in the explosion of the bridge connecting Uvarovo and Porechye, she went on reconnaissance and provided communications with underground organizations.

In November 1941, Alexandra was forced to leave the detachment: she was expecting a child. On November 6, on the way to the village of Uvarovka, Dreyman was arrested. After brutal beatings, she was thrown into a cold barn, where she was kept for several days without food. A woman gave birth there. In an attempt to find out the location of the partisan detachment, the Nazis abused her newborn son. Draiman was silent. She remained silent even after the Nazis killed the child. The undressed and barefoot partisan was taken through the frosty Uvarovka and beaten with rifle butts.

After much torture, Alexandra Dreyman was shot behind the Uvarov hospital. The Nazis never found out the location of the detachment... Alexandra Martynovna Dreyman was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

In 1943, director Mark Donskoy filmed the story “Rainbow” by Wanda Vasilevskaya, the prototype of the main character of which was Alexandra Dreyman. When this film was shown in Germany, the audience couldn’t stand it and left. It turned out to be beyond their strength to believe that this could really happen... But it happened.

And we cannot forget about the feat of the partisan, woman, mother - Alexandra Dreyman...

Vera Voloshina

In 1919, Vera Voloshina was born in the city of Kemerovo. 75 years later, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

After graduating from school, Vera came to Moscow and entered the Institute of Soviet Cooperative Trade. As a student, Vera became a cadet at the flying club named after V.P. Chkalova, learned to jump with a parachute, drive a motorcycle and even shoot with a rifle and pistol.

The war came when Vera Voloshina graduated from her third year at the institute... “My dears! You probably haven’t received letters from me for a long time, and mom is terribly worried, right? Mamush, I didn’t manage to finish college, but I will finish it after the war. I'm at the front now, mommy. Just don’t worry, there’s nothing terrible, and then, death only happens once,” “Mommy, please, think less about me, nothing will happen to me,” Vera wrote to her homeland, in distant Siberia...

The girl voluntarily asked to go to the front and was enrolled in the reconnaissance detachment of military unit 9903 at the headquarters of the Western Front.

In November 1941, the reconnaissance group, which included Vera, crossed the front line. In the area of ​​the village of Kryukovo, Naro-Fominsk district, Vera Voloshina and her comrades were carrying out another task. The partisans mined the roads near the village and threw grenades at the windows of the houses where the Nazis were located. On the way back they were ambushed. Vera, who covered the detachment's retreat, was seriously wounded and captured. She had the strength to endure interrogation and torture by the Germans. On November 29, 1941, Vera Voloshina was hanged in the village of Golovko.

For 16 years, Vera was listed as missing. It was possible to learn about the death and feat of the courageous partisan only in 1957, thanks to the research of the young journalist Georgy Frolov, who later wrote the documentary story “Our Faith.”

Now in the village of Kryukovo there is a house-museum of Vera Danilovna Voloshina, where documents telling about her life and feat, photographs and other exhibits are stored. In front of the museum building, a monument was erected at the mass grave where the remains of the heroine were transferred.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

"…Dear Mom! How are you living now, how are you feeling, are you sick? Mom, if possible, write at least a few lines. When I return from my mission, I’ll come home to visit. Your Zoya”... These are lines from Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya’s last letter to her loved ones. Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya is the first female Hero of the Great Patriotic War. Her name appears in almost all works devoted to the partisan movement, her feat was described more than once. Yesterday's schoolgirl, who voluntarily joined the partisan detachment, is captured by the Nazis, despite terrible torture, did not give out any information about the location and size of the partisan detachment. She didn't even say her name.

Zoya was the eldest daughter in a family of rural teachers (her younger brother Alexander went through the entire war and died a month before the victory). The Kosmodemyanskys lived in Tambov region, and in 1930 they moved to Moscow. Here Zoya went to study at school 201 in the Timiryazevsky district. The girl turned 18 when the war began. Together with her mother, Zoya sewed duffel bags and buttonholes for front-line soldiers, and she worked with her brother at the Borets factory. On October 30, 1941, Zoya achieved a partisan ticket. She was sent to the location of the intelligence department of the Western Front, where the girl quickly mastered the techniques of sabotage work. Twice Zoya crossed the front line, successfully completing combat missions.

In November 1941, the intelligence school received an order to burn the villages where the Germans were: Anashkino, Petrishchevo, Bugailovo and others. Two groups of partisans went on a mission. On November 22 they crossed the front line. The groups were ambushed and only a few people, including Zoya, survived. They decided to complete the task to the end. Kosmodemyanskaya managed to set fire to two houses and a stable in the village of Petrishchevo. However, the girl was captured by German patrols. The search was followed by an interrogation, during which Zoya refused to answer. Then they began to torture her: they flogged her with belts and took her half naked out into the cold. On November 29, 1941, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was taken to the central village square, where local residents were herded. Before the execution, they hung her bag with flammable liquid on Zoya’s shoulder, and on her chest - a sign with “House Arsonist” written large in Russian and small in German...

One of the witnesses describes the execution itself as follows: They led her by the arms to the gallows. She walked straight, with her head raised, silently, proudly. They brought him to the gallows. There were many Germans and civilians around the gallows. They brought her to the gallows, ordered her to expand the circle around the gallows and began to photograph her... She had a bag with bottles with her. She shouted: “Citizens! Don't stand there, don't look, but we need to help fight! This death of mine is my achievement.” After that, one officer swung his arms, and others shouted at her. Then she said: “Comrades, victory will be ours. German soldiers, before it’s too late, surrender.” The officer shouted angrily: “Rus!” “The Soviet Union is invincible and will not be defeated,” she said all this at the moment when she was photographed... Then they framed the box. She stood on the box herself without any command. A German came up and began to put on the noose. At that time she shouted: “No matter how much you hang us, you won’t hang us all, there are 170 million of us. But our comrades will avenge you for me.” She said this with a noose around her neck. She wanted to say something else, but at that moment the box was removed from under her feet, and she hung. She grabbed the rope with her hand, but the German hit her hands. After that everyone dispersed.

In May 1942, Zoya's ashes were transported to Moscow, to the Novodevichy cemetery. In the Ruza district of the Moscow region, in the village of Petrishchevo, there is a memorial museum for Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya; a monument was erected at the 86th kilometer of the Minsk highway.

Ilya Kuzin

Ilya Kuzin was born in 1919 in the village of Sannikovo, Konakovo district, Kaliningrad region. After finishing 8th grade high school Ilya went to Moscow, entered a river technical school, received a specialty as a navigator technician and got a job as a navigator on the Maria Vinogradova steamship.

When the war began, Ilya turned 22 years old. He was not accepted into the army due to an injury received in childhood. But he did not give up and went to courses that trained demolitions to fight behind enemy lines. After completing the courses, Ilya Kuzin was sent to Smolensk. During one of the operations he was wounded. After treatment, Ilya returned to combat work and became a demolitionist in the Volokolamsk partisan detachment. The pride of the squad, Ilya was famous for finding a way out of the most incredible situations. So, one day, Kuzin’s group was pursued by the Nazis. The enemy truck easily crossed the mined area and the partisans were actually trapped. Then Ilya decided to take a reckless step - he jumped onto the running board of a German car while moving and shot the driver and officer. The German soldiers emerging from the truck were met by machine gun fire from the partisans.

There is a known case when Ilya Kuzin managed to penetrate a fascist transshipment warehouse for ammunition and fuel. The partisan opened a barrel of gasoline, doused it on stacks of boxes of ammunition, attached a cord to one of the barrels of the fusefords and set it on fire. The roar of explosions could be heard for several hours. According to later data, about 350 thousand rifle cartridges, 100 aerial bombs, 300 artillery shells, 30 boxes of grenades and 5 tons of fuel were destroyed.

In total, Kuzin organized more than 150 explosions on enemy communications and facilities. The mines he set blew up 19 enemy vehicles with cargo and infantry, and three tank trucks with fuel were destroyed. On February 16, 1942, the fearless demolition bomber was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Ilya Nikolaevich Kuzin died in 1960.

Sergey Solntsev

Sergei Solntsev was born in 1906 in the town of Ramenskoye near Moscow into a family of textile factory workers. He graduated from a vocational school, went to work at a factory as a spinner, and very quickly became the deputy director of the factory.

On October 24, 1941, the German occupiers entered Ruza. At the same time, a formed detachment of partisans went into the forest, where they stopped in the area of ​​​​Glubokoye Lake, the headquarters was located in the premises of a former biological station. Senior Lieutenant Sergei Solntsev led the reconnaissance of the partisan detachment.

Sergei Solntsev went on reconnaissance missions 18 times and participated in a number of successful military operations. “...Hello again, my dear Marusya and son Zhenya...Alive and well. I wish the same for you. Do not be bored. As they say, fate forced us to be apart again. Everything that was in the apartment and department had to be left in Ruza during the retreat on October 24. I now live in the forest, where - I’ll see you later, I’ll tell you...” - this letter dated November 3, 1941 turned out to be the last. On the same day, Solntsev once again crossed the front line and returned with important intelligence regarding the location of enemy troops.

The Germans, who suffered regular losses from the partisans, intensified the fight, and on November 19 the punitive detachment reached the Glubokoye Ozero area. Solntsev’s group fortified himself in one of the dugouts - the partisans did not have time to cross the front line. During a fierce firefight, Sergei Ivanovich was seriously wounded, but did not leave the battlefield; moreover, he covered the retreat of his comrades. Wounded, he was captured by the Nazis. In order to obtain the necessary information, the fascists subjected Solntsev to inhuman torture, but in response they heard one thing: “I regret that I will not see the death of fascism.” He was executed. The partisans, who were not betrayed by Sergei Solntsev, who was tortured by punitive forces, continued to operate on the Ruza land, expelling the invaders from the Moscow region.

On March 11, 1942, Sergei Solntsev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A memorial plaque was installed at the execution site. The words are carved on it: “Here, on November 20, 1941, the beginning was brutally tortured. intelligence of the Ruza partisan detachment, Hero of the Soviet Union Art. Lieutenant Solntsev Sergei Ivanovich. Everlasting memory hero."

Mikhail Guryanov

Mikhail Alekseevich Guryanov was born on October 1, 1903 in the village of Pokrovskoye (now Istrinsky district, Moscow region) into a working-class family. Having started working as a simple farm laborer, by 1938 Guryanov became chairman of the executive committee of the Ugodsko-Zavodsky district council.

Mikhail Alekseevich spent the night before the war fishing. He only learned that Germany had opposed the USSR when he returned to the city in the morning.
In October 1941, the enemy occupied the Ugodsko-Zavodskoy district, and Mikhail Guryanov decided to join the partisan detachment, where he became deputy commander - V.A. Karasev (later awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union). The 12th Army Corps of the Wehrmacht settled on the territory of the village of Ugodsky Zavod. The operation to defeat the German military unit began on November 24 at 2 a.m. and became the largest action of the Moscow region partisans. Four partisan detachments and a special unit of the 17th Infantry Division took part in it: about 300 people in total. The capture of the enemy headquarters was personally led by Mikhail Guryanov: his detachment managed to remove important headquarters documents. In total, on the night of the operation, the partisans managed to destroy 600 Nazis (including 400 officers), 103 trucks and cars, and four tanks. An automobile repair shop and warehouses with fuel and ammunition were blown up. When the enemy came to his senses from such a rapid onslaught of the Russians, heavy fighting ensued. The Germans brought up reinforcements and pursued the partisan detachments. Two days later, Guryanov’s group, which the Germans were especially persistently looking for, found themselves surrounded. Mikhail Alekseevich was wounded and captured.

On November 27, after severe torture, Guryanov was taken to the burned headquarters building, a sign “Partisan Leader” was hung around his neck and executed. The villagers herded to the square heard last words, which Mikhail Alekseevich managed to shout before his death: “Death to fascism! There are millions of us! Victory will be ours!".

On February 16, 1942, Mikhail Alekseevich Guryanov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. One of the streets in the Lublinsky district of Moscow is named in memory of this outstanding partisan.

Death of Alexandra Martynovna Dreyman and her son

In the regional center - the village of Uvarovka, the fascist occupiers, after much torture, killed the partisan heroine Alexandra Martynovna Dreyman and her newborn son. While in the partisan detachment, A. M. Dreyman taught the partisans subversive work, went into reconnaissance, and was a liaison. The courageous partisan was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

Pravda, 1942,
On November 23, we decided to visit the grave of Alexandra Dreyman in Uvarovka and drive through the partisan places in the west of the Moscow region. The end of November is not the most suitable month for cycling, but we are not looking for easy ways and Dreyman died in November. That's why it's only November!

Alexandra Dreiman- the best intelligence officer of the Uvarov partisan detachment. A young woman, who before the war worked as a road construction manager and had a good knowledge of blasting techniques, did not hesitate to join the partisan detachment.

In a short time, she was able to prepare a group of miners. Alexandra Dreyman participated in a number of operations to undermine enemy transport, in the explosion of the bridge connecting Uvarovo and Porechye, she went on reconnaissance and provided communications with underground organizations.

In November 1941, Alexandra was forced to leave the detachment: she was expecting a child. On November 6, on the way to the village of Uvarovka, Dreyman was arrested. After brutal beatings, she was thrown into a cold barn, where she was kept for several days without food. A woman gave birth there. In an attempt to find out the location of the partisan detachment, the Nazis abused her newborn son. Draiman was silent. She remained silent even after the Nazis killed the child. The undressed and barefoot partisan was taken through the frosty Uvarovka and beaten with rifle butts.

After much torture, Alexandra Dreyman was shot behind the Uvarov hospital. The Nazis never found out the location of the detachment... Alexandra Martynovna Dreyman was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

In 1943, director Mark Donskoy filmed the story “Rainbow” by Wanda Vasilevskaya, the prototype of the main character of which was Alexandra Dreyman. When this film was shown in Germany, the audience couldn’t stand it and left. It turned out to be beyond their strength to believe that this could really happen... But it happened.

And we cannot forget about the feat of the partisan, woman, mother - Alexandra Dreyman...

Oleg. His ancestors were from Petrishchevo where Zoya was hanged

We enter the partisan forest south of Uvarovka

This road could have been laid by road master Dreyman

The road has ended

We haven’t forgotten how to wrap foot wraps

In such forests the Uvarov detachment beat the Nazis

Forum participant S.B. Zhanna

Dirt clogs the transmission

Road along Protva. Alexandra could have built it too

Roads of War

Vova doesn’t recognize his bike

The further into the forest

the cooler the partisans

Dotted line on the map

Anomalous zone. The device does not work, and the one who looks at the book turns off his head

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All memorable places

Klementyevskaya street

Stele “5 partisan detachments of Mozhaisk”

“There were 5 partisan detachments operating in the area: “Northern”, “Southern”, “For the Motherland”, “Uvarovsky”, Major V.N. Gaeva"
It dragged on for three months fascist occupation Mozhaisk. Residents of the city did not put up with the arrival of the Nazis. There were 5 partisan detachments operating in the area.
Over the course of three months, the partisans inflicted considerable damage on the enemy: they destroyed hundreds of German soldiers and officers, a lot of military equipment, reported valuable information about the enemy to headquarters, and participated in expelling the enemy from the land near Moscow.
Many partisans died in the fight against the enemy. The fate of the partisan heroine from Uvarovka, Alexandra Dreyman, is tragic. She was 33 years old, she was preparing to become a mother, but was actively working in a partisan detachment. The Germans tracked her down, beat her and took her to the commandant's office.
They bullied her for three days. One night she gave birth to a son. The Nazis took the child away, demanding that the partisan tell them important information. Having learned nothing, the Nazis bayoneted the child. Alexandra Dreiman was shot and her body was drowned in a pond. Only in the spring of 1942 were the ashes of the partisan buried in Uvarovka. In February 1942, a journalist O. I. Kurganov published in the newspaper "Pravda" an essay "Mother" about the feat of a partisan. Writer Vanda Vasilevskaya read Kurganov's essay and wrote the story "Rainbow", which is based on tragic fate Moscow region partisan. And in 1944, the story was filmed (directed by Mark Donskoy). Alexandra Dreiman was awarded the order posthumously V. I. Lenina.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, Mozhaisk, Moscow region, 6 “A” class
Ramazanova S. A.
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1, Mozhaisk, Moscow region, “A” class

Still in this area

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