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History of the creation of the Achinsk Pedagogical College. List of documents required for admission to Achinsk Pedagogical College distance education correspondence department

The transition of the Russian economy to market relations has revealed some problems that can be attributed both to the general state of the Russian education system and to the vocational school. Rapidly changing market conditions; its uneven saturation: a shortage of some specialists with an excess of others; unstable demand for specialists from employers; elimination of state regulation of the labor market and distribution of graduates; increased competition due to an increase in the number of non-state educational institutions and...

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The possibility of distance learning (for example, as in) at the KGBOU Achinsk Pedagogical College allows students to gain new knowledge without time and territorial restrictions. In addition to knowledge, you also gain new contacts, ideas and are inspired to develop further and climb up your career ladder. Teachers will improve the educational process so that everyone can love learning and take on new topics with pleasure. For this purpose, new teaching methods are being introduced and new technologies are being used.

The first question that worries every applicant is how to enter an educational institution. First, you need to pass the entrance exams as well as possible. The passing grade for each subject will be determined after the results of all students. Next, you need to submit documents and wait for management’s decision. The cost and duration of training is individual for each discipline.

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Faculties and branches

Today you can study at the following faculties:

  1. Teaching in primary school;
  2. preschool education;
  3. Physical Culture;
  4. retraining of additional education;
  5. social work;
  6. correctional pedagogy in primary education.

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Tests and exams at Achinsk Pedagogical College

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  • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
  • Tests, coursework, problem solving;
  • Essays, abstracts;
  • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis;
  • We resolve issues with student debts in connection with a transfer from another university;
  • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
  • Entrance exams (help).

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teacher training college

At the beginning of the twenties of the last century in Siberia there were 12 pedagogical colleges, which graduated on average 260-350 people per year. This number of teachers was clearly not enough to quickly solve the problem of eliminating illiteracy and creating teaching staff in the young Soviet state.

One of the most important reasons for the opening of a pedagogical college in Achinsk was the difficult situation with teaching staff in the country and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in particular.

In September 1907, the construction department of the Yenisei provincial administration reviewed and approved a project to build a girls’ gymnasium in the city of Achinsk. The author of the project was Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sokolovsky, one of the leading architects of the city of Achinsk.

At the end of the 1920s, intensive preparations began everywhere for the introduction of universal compulsory primary education in the country. The Achinsk Pedagogical College, designed for a three-year course of study, was designed to solve this problem.

The question of opening the Achinsk Pedagogical College was raised at both the first and second district congresses of Soviets, but lack of finance did not allow it to open, although permission was received. And only on May 18, 1928, at a meeting of the large presidium of the Achinsk district executive committee, the final decision was made to open a pedagogical college in the city of Achinsk from the beginning of the 1928-1929 academic year. In the building of the former teachers' seminary, located in the old teacher training college building. This building was built according to the design of the famous Krasnoyarsk architect Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sokolovsky in 1912 for a girls’ gymnasium and has its own history.

The opening of the pedagogical college was a great event in the cultural life of our small city.

In the first year of operation, the technical school had two groups of first-year students and one group of second-year students with a total of 121 people. The first-year groups were staffed by graduates of seven-year schools, and the second year included primary school teachers who had worked at school for several years but did not have completed secondary pedagogical education, as well as several people who had completed 8 grades of secondary schools.

The technical school's service area included 9 districts: Achinsky, Berezovsky, Birilyussky, Bogotolsky, Kozulsky, Nazarovsky, Tyukhtetsky, Uzhursky, Tyazhinsky.

The Achinsk District Department of Public Education sent a large group of well-trained teachers who love school work to work at the Pedagogical College.

In May 1930, the first graduation of primary school teachers trained by the Achinsk Pedagogical College took place. A total of 36 people were released. Among them is the future Honorary Citizen of Achinsk S.I. Poplavsky.

1931-1937 (8) - the technical school also had departments: Russian language and foreign languages ​​(German and Latgalian).

Since the opening of the technical school, training and retraining courses for teachers and educators have been held annually (monthly, three-month, six-month and one-year).

The college management, teaching staff and public organizations made a lot of efforts to create the necessary conditions for the successful study of students from the first days of the pedagogical college.

In 1936, the technical school received the status of a pedagogical school. About three hundred students study in the school and preschool departments. Correspondence education was introduced, sports sections and clubs were opened. A team of teachers led by director I.A. Meikshan raised a worthy generation of graduates.

During the war years, a hospital was located in the school building. After its disbandment, teachers and the entire staff quickly created all the conditions for teaching and educating students. Having eliminated traces of the war years in the school building, the teaching staff began to solve new problems put forward by life itself.

From 1949 to 1956 On the basis of the pedagogical school there was a teacher's institute with two faculties: physics and mathematics and Russian language and literature. The institute trained teaching staff for eight-year schools.

60s - 70s were marked by an improvement in the material base, a transition to a desk-based education system, and a flourishing of artistic independence.

The school had equipped classrooms, many of them were equipped with televisions, movie cameras, tape recorders, and players. A large amount of didactic educational and visual material allowed students to prepare for trial classes, lessons, and extracurricular activities.

Much work to improve pedagogical skills was carried out by the methodological office, where meetings of the methodological council, pedagogical readings were held, and recommendations were developed for planning and implementing methodological work at the school. In the office, material was accumulated from the experience of the teaching staff on various issues of teaching and education.

The status of a pedagogical college was obtained in 1995 in connection with the transition to multi-stage specialist training for schools as part of continuing education. Over the past two decades, the teaching staff has implemented the idea of ​​a pedagogical complex: lyceum (pedagogical college, pre-university training) - the first stage of higher education (pedagogical college) - subsequent levels at the Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute, Krasnoyarsk State University and Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University.

Today, for public education, the college prepares:

· teachers of Russian language and literature of basic secondary schools;

· foreign language teachers of primary and secondary schools;

· primary school teachers with additional training - raising preschool children;

· computer science teachers of secondary schools;

· teachers of primary classes and primary classes of compensatory and correctional and developmental education;

· social work specialists.

The correspondence department trains specialists:

· on state and municipal administration;

· social work;

· on preschool education;

· on documentation support of management and archival science;

On the basis of the pedagogical college there are:

· Interregional Law College of the Siberian Federal University;

· Branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafieva."

The Scientific and Methodological Council unites five departments and the PCC of Foreign Languages.

· two language laboratories;

· cable TV;

· Interdistrict resource center.

The student newspaper "Pooh" is published. There are: voluntary youth organization "Evolution", clubs and studios for the interests of students - art studio, drama studio "SKENA", philharmonic society, dance studio "AVE", folk ensemble "Skomoroshenka", sports clubs and sections.

Against the background of the largest industrial centers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, next to such cities as Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Abakan, Achinsk looks modest. But this ancient city of Eastern Siberia is unusual, first of all, because it is called the “western gate of Krasnoyarsk”. It is from here that everyone who comes here from the center of Russia begins their acquaintance with the vast region. Achinsk is already more than 300 years old. This ancient city is getting younger every day. Scale, pace, modern methods - this is what is characteristic of its growth and construction.

But the old part, where all the first stone buildings are located, is of particular interest to visitors to the city. Among them is the building of the Achinsk Pedagogical College (former women's gymnasium). This is the oldest educational institution, opened in 1928. Achinsk Pedagogical College is not only a leading modern educational institution designed to solve the problems of training teaching staff in the region, but also a cultural center, keeper of history and traditions.

Since the opening of the Achinsk Pedagogical College, various clubs, studios, sports sections, and so on have worked here, where a large number of students have studied and continue to study. Most students attend clubs and sections. The activities of the college continued during the Great Patriotic War; as already mentioned, a hospital was located in the building.

In the post-war period, there was a shortage of teachers in the country; moreover, during the war years, many people who did not have special pedagogical training came to teach. In this regard, great attention was paid to the training and retraining of teaching staff. The government of the country set the task: to carry out the transition to universal compulsory education throughout the country in the late 40s - early 50s. In this regard, on the basis of the Achinsk Pedagogical College in 1949, a teacher’s institute began to operate with departments: physics and mathematics, Russian language and literature. Its directors were Nikolai Dmitrievich Vshivtsev and Mikhail Ivanovich Bydanov. Many graduates of the pedagogical school were sent to study at the teacher training institute and successfully completed it. Over the years of its operation (1949-1956), the teacher's institute graduated four students, which amounted to 285 specialists in Russian language and literature and about 200 specialists in physics and mathematics. The Teachers' Institute was reorganized again into a pedagogical school in 1956.

Much time has passed since the opening of the school, now a college, and only in 2004 the Achinsk Pedagogical College was given the status of “Basic College”. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 24, 2004 No. 811, a competition was held to identify basic teacher training colleges as part of the program for modernizing teacher education.” One of the ten pedagogical colleges in Russia that won the competition was Achinsk Pedagogical College.

Scientific conferences were held at the college. The first republican scientific and practical conference “New approaches to teaching humanities in secondary general education and special educational institutions” (1994) became a landmark event and marked the beginning of the tradition of holding All-Russian scientific and practical conferences on the basis of the Achinsk Pedagogical College. The conference brought together leading scientists and practitioners in Russia dealing with problems of the ecology of language, rhetoric and speech culture. Scientific research and advanced innovative experience of university, college and school teachers became the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of the specialty “Russian Language and Literature” and contributed to the promotion of the scientific and methodological theme of the Achinsk Pedagogical College on the formation of communicative competence of all participants in the educational process. Over the past 14 years, 7 All-Russian conferences have been held on the basis of the Achinsk Pedagogical College: 1994 - “New approaches to teaching humanities in secondary general education and special educational institutions”; 1995 - “Ecology of language and speech culture”; 1997 - “Communication disciplines at school and university”; 1999 - “Russian speech culture of the 20th century”; 2002 - “Culture of speech communication in educational institutions of different levels”; 2004 - Tolerance and communicative culture of a teacher”; 2006 - “Communicative paradigm of Russian education.”

A regional festival of choral music is held annually within the college's walls. In 2008, the choral music festival celebrates its 10th anniversary! The period was short, but during this time the history and traditions of the festival were formed, which took its rightful place in the cultural chronicle of the city. The festival of choral music originated within the walls of the oldest educational institution in the city of Achinsk - formerly a pedagogical school, and now Achinsk Pedagogical College. Choral groups have been operating in the educational institution since its foundation. The traditions of choral music are carefully preserved and enhanced here. The initiators and inspirers of the choral festival in the city were teachers of the department of aesthetic education of the college (today the PCC of Music) - professionals and enthusiasts of their field. They managed to unite the choral groups of the city and region around them. Every year the number of participants increased and, finally, the festival broke out of the walls of the educational institution onto the largest stage area in the city - the City Palace of Culture. This is a considerable merit of the creative people of the city administration, who supported the pedagogical college in its endeavor. And for 10 years now, the organizing committee of the festival has been represented by the Department of Culture and Youth Policy of the Achinsk City Administration (M.M. Kachan, S.V. Galushko, T.S. Sluchanko) and the KGOU SPO (Secondary College) “Achinsk Pedagogical College” (I. I. Barakhovich, E. S. Rozhkova, I. P. Gordina, G. A. Shakhramanyan, S. G. Sinyuk). The choral music festival reflects all the significant events in the life of the city and matures along with the city. This is what the “biography” of the ten-year festival looks like: 1999 The first festival of choral music opened the page of choral festivals in the city of Achinsk, 2000 The second city festival of choral music is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 2001 The third city festival of choral music dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ, 2002. Fourth city festival of choral music “Spring is coming - Make way for spring!”, 2003 Fifth city festival of choral music “We wish you happiness!” dedicated to the 320th anniversary of the city of Achinsk, the 75th anniversary of the Achinsk Pedagogical College, 2004. The sixth regional festival of choral music “Corner of Russia - Father’s House” is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 2005. The seventh regional festival of choral music “This Victory Day” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 2006. Eighth regional festival of choral music “Let’s fill our hearts with music...”, 2007. Ninth regional festival of choral music “What cannot be expressed in words, bring sound to the soul...”, 2008. The tenth regional festival of choral music “Sing, immortality, lyre...” is dedicated to the 325th anniversary of the city of Achinsk, the 80th anniversary of the Achinsk Pedagogical College. Today, like ten years ago, the regional choral festival is designed to promote the traditions of choral music in the city, implement the continuity of choral singing, and cultivate a communicative culture of participants and listeners. The festival is based on the creative dialogue of all admirers of choral music, so new names, performers, and groups are always welcome here. The region of participants is constantly expanding. Today with us at the festival are choral groups from Krasnoyarsk and the western group of districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - Achinsk, Nazarovo, Bogotola, Sharypovo, etc. The student academic choir of the Achinsk Pedagogical College, the choir group "Sorcerers" of the Children's Creativity Center in Achinsk, choir groups of Children's Music School No. 1 Achinsk - “Spring Voices”, “Dreamers”, “Hope”, Church Choir of the Kazan Cathedral of Achinsk, choir group “Edelweiss” of the Achinsk Mariinsk Women’s Gymnasium, Achinsk Veterans’ Choir, Russian Song Choir of OJSC Atyrau Refinery “Siberian Patterns” Achinsk, choral studio “Gloria” of Secondary School No. 8 (junior choir, middle choir) Achinsk, choral group “Cadet” of the Achinsk Cadet Corps.

On the basis of the college, the “Teacher to Be Waited for...” competition has been held annually for eight years. In 2000, teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology decided to hold a student competition. In 2000, 2001, 2002 The competition was held among graduate students of the Achinsk Pedagogical College. Its winners at different times were V. Karpova, A. Potapova, J. Feller. In 2003, the competition changed its status. At the initiative of the Achinsk Pedagogical College, supported by the Education Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration, the competition is becoming regional. The objectives of the competition are to increase the prestige of the teaching profession, identify and support talented students, and increase their professional motivation. The winners at different times are students of the Minusinsk Pedagogical College. A.S. Pushkin and Achinsk Pedagogical College. After the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, students from Taimyr and Norilsk Pedagogical Colleges began to take part in the competition. Since 2008, the competition has entered a new stage, when students from the Brotherhood Pedagogical College join the students of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Since 1994, a museum of linguistic and historical and literary local history, created on the basis of the historical and local history museum, began to function at the Achinsk Pedagogical College. Since that time, the work of the museum has been carried out in three directions: literary, historical and dialectological local history. In addition to traditional ones, the museum uses modern forms of work: seminars, scientific-theoretical and reading conferences, round tables; development and implementation of ethno-local history projects for city and regional biennales. The museum conducts search, scientific research, cultural and educational work. In February 1999, researchers from the archival department of the Achinsk City Administration conducted an inspection of the maintenance of records and the safety of exhibits at the college museum. In February 2000, the work of the college museum was checked by a team of researchers from the Achinsk Museum of Local Lore. In May 2001, the work of the college museum was checked and analyzed by the chief specialist in museum work of the regional committee for culture and art. The result of the above inspections was the awarding of the honorary title “People's Museum” to the college museum in June 2001.

In 1995, a journalism club called “Pooh” opened at the college. The initiator of the creation of a student newspaper at the Achinsk Pedagogical School was Irina Ilyinichna Barakhovich. The idea began to be implemented under the leadership of the head of the journalism department of Krasnoyarsk State University, Zinaida Ivanovna Palieva. The first issues of the newspaper were called “We”. The first issue of the newspaper “PUKH” was published in October 1995. Everyone was happy about him: both teachers and students! The correspondents were students of the Russian language and literature department who dreamed of doing gaming journalism in the future. The editor of the new publication was Svetlana Nikolaevna Kondratyeva.

Citizens of the Russian Federation:
1. Completed application
2. Identity document, citizenship (original or photocopy)
3. Document on education and (or) document on education and qualifications (original or photocopy)
4. Four photographs measuring 3x4 cm
5. Medical certificate (form 086/у) for applicants applying for the following specialties:

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad:
1. Completed application
2. A copy of the applicant’s identity document, or an identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”;
3. The original document (documents) of a foreign state on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications (hereinafter referred to as the document of a foreign state on education), if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education in accordance with Article 107 of the Federal law (in the case established by Federal Law, also a certificate of recognition of a foreign education);
4. A duly certified translation into Russian of a foreign state’s document on education and its annex (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document was issued);
5. Copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 24, 1999 “On the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots abroad”;
6. Four photographs measuring 3x4 cm
7. Medical certificate (form 086/у) for applicants applying for the following specialties:
44.02.01 Preschool education;
44.02.02 Teaching in primary school;
49.02.01 Physical education;
44.02.03 Pedagogy of additional education (area of ​​activity - social and pedagogical).

The last name, first name and patronymic (last - if available) of the applicant, indicated in the translations of the submitted documents, must correspond to the last name, first name and patronymic (last - if available) indicated in the identity document of the foreign citizen in the Russian Federation.


Personally by the applicant by the address:
Krasnoyarsk region, Achinsk, st. Lenina, 10, admissions office
Travel to the stop "Pedagogical College" by buses: No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 225

By mail to:
662162, Russia, Krasnoyarsk region, Achinsk, st. Lenina, 10,
selection committee
(fill in the form