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From the history of road signs. History of road signs Completed by: Rakina Yu

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FROM THE HISTORY OF ROAD RULES The first strict requirements for traffic rules (to avoid injury) in Russia were brought “to the attention of the general public” in the 18th century. For the first time in Russia, a cab driver received a driver's license in 1784.

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REQUIREMENTS FOR RULES In the city, coachmen should only ride bridled horses at a slow trot, and soon they should not ride at all. When you happen to approach an intersection, look around in all directions so that you don’t cause damage to anyone or run into someone. You can't overtake carriages on bridges, but on the contrary, it's a long and slow ride. For walking on foot, large stone blocks are placed near the houses. Do not stand on horseback on these stones, so as not to interfere with walking. On the streets, coachmen should never shout, whistle, ring or jingle.

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The first traffic light appeared in England in 1868. It was a two-section gas lamp (red and green). The third section (yellow) was replaced by a traffic controller. He blew the whistle, warning that one signal was about to be replaced by another. In Russia, the first three-section traffic light appeared in 1929 in Moscow.

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WHY WERE THESE COLORS CHOSEN FOR THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS? The red color is very noticeable. That's why many road signs are outlined in red. The color red is associated with the idea of ​​fire and danger. He calls for caution. That is why the red signal was assigned to stop vehicles and pedestrians. The yellow color resembles the sun. It warns: “Attention! Be careful. Do not rush!" Green color is safety. Green color is fields, meadows, forests. That is, everything that is associated with peace and relaxation.

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APPEARANCE OF ROAD SIGNS In Russia, under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, for the first time, high pillars began to be installed at every verst (milestones) between Moscow and the village of Kolomenskoye. They were nicknamed “Kolomna versts.” Under Peter I, the pillars on large roads began to be painted with stripes. They still exist today and are called kilometer signs. Modern road signs are varied, painted in bright colors and visible from afar. Previously, each state had its own road signs. Now road signs are the same in all countries.

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DID YOU KNOW THAT... In 1986, the whole world celebrated the 100th anniversary of the automobile. A car translated from Greek means “self-propelled.” The first car, instead of gasoline, was fueled with firewood and was called an “omnibus”, a large multi-seat carriage (from Latin - “for everyone”) The driver was called a driver, translated from French - “stoker”, “stoker”. There are no omnibuses anymore, but a piece of the word “bus” lives on in the names of current cars “bus, trolleybus.”

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Road signs are installed on the right side of the road so that all road users can see them at any time of the day. Each sign has its own shape and color. Various drawings, letters, words are applied to them. All signs are divided into warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, identification and directional signs. There are a total of 233 road signs.

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WARNING SIGNS These signs warn drivers of possible road hazards. They are shaped like a triangle with a red border. Driving cattle Narrowing road Winding road Steep ascent

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MANDATORY SIGNS These signs authorize the movement of pedestrians and vehicles in a specified location and direction. They are shaped like a blue circle. Circular traffic. Pedestrian path. Bicycle path. Driving straight or left.

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PROHIBITED SIGNS These signs prohibit the movement of pedestrians and cars. They are shaped like a white circle with a red border. Overtaking is prohibited Movement is prohibited Sound signal is prohibited Pedestrian traffic is prohibited

The first road signs appeared with the emergence of roads. Primitive travelers broke branches, made marks on the bark, setting the first road signs appeared with
the emergence of roads. Primitive
travelers broke branches, made
marks on the bark, placed stones along the roads.
The next step is to give
roadside structures
shapes to highlight them on
background of the surrounding landscape.
Polovtsian woman
is now located
in the museum-reserve

The world's first system of road signs arose in Ancient Rome in the 3rd century. BC.

Along the most important roads
the Romans put miles
pillars with carvings on them
distance to Rimsky
Near the Temple of Saturn in
the center of Rome was
Golden milepost, from
which all were measured
roads going to all ends
Roman Empire.

In the 16th century, on the orders of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, mileposts were installed on the road leading from Moscow to Kolomenskoye.

However, their ubiquity
distribution began with
the time of Peter I.
Pretty fast milestones
pillars appeared all over
roads of the state.

The appearance of self-propelled carriages on the roads required fundamental changes in the organization of road traffic.

No matter how imperfect the first ones were
cars, but they moved much faster
horse-drawn carriages.
The driver of the car should have gone faster
react to danger.
In addition, the horse reacts to an obstacle
what can't be said about horsepower?
car hood.

In 1903, the first road signs appeared on the streets of Paris.

At first, each country had its own road signs.
But road transport between countries
began to be carried out quite often, arose
the need to introduce signs of international
meanings. In 1909, the “International
convention regarding movement
This convention adopted
4 road signs: “Rough road”, “Curvy”
road", "Crossroads", "Intersection with railway

In 1930, at the Geneva Conference on Road Traffic, a new “Convention for the Introduction of Uniformity in Road Signaling” was adopted. Number of characters

In 1930 in Geneva at the Road Conference
movement adopted a new “Convention on the Introduction
uniformity in road signaling." Number
characters increased to 26.
In 1927, the Soviet Union introduced
action 6 road signs.
In 1933, 16 more were added to them.
The signs of that time were different from

On January 1, 1961, unified traffic rules on the streets of cities and towns began to apply in the USSR.

Warning signs – 19.
Prohibiting – 22.
Index marks – 10.
In the pictures there are signs “Traveling without stopping
"Intersection with
secondary road"

In 1980, a new standard “Road Signs” was introduced

With some changes it was in effect until 2006.
The next changes took place in 1987.
The next update occurred in 1994.
New changes introduced on January 1, 2006 and 1
January 2008
The goal of all changes is to bring domestic
standard to more closely match
International Convention.

Currently, more than two and a half hundred road signs of eight groups are used on the streets and roads of Russia, which are regulated in detail

Currently on the streets and roads of Russia
more than two and a half hundred are used
road signs of eight groups, in detail
regulating almost all aspects
Modern signs are not
just installing
speed limit, but also
determine the speed itself.

Which group do road signs belong to?


Groups of road signs.

Informs about approaching
dangerous area
Priority signs
Set the order of travel
Restrictions are introduced or lifted
Indicate the direction of movement
Signs of special
Enter or cancel modes
Inform about the location
objects whether speed limit
Inform about the location
information (plates)
Clarify or limit action

Road signs are one of the most
dynamic groups of technical equipment
traffic organization.
Development of transport, specifics of road
movements put forward new demands for
successful satisfaction of which new ones are introduced
road signs.

The history of the creation of the Traffic Rules

Primary school teacher Svetlana Andreevna Kochetova

Chelyabinsk region, Ozyorsk city

They traveled without observing any rules, and therefore often collided with each other. After all, city streets in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy.

The first traffic rules appeared more than 2000 years ago, under Julius Caesar.

They helped regulate traffic on city streets. Some of these rules have survived to this day. For example, already in those ancient times, only one-way traffic was allowed on many streets.


regulated by royal decrees.

Empress Catherine II: “On the streets, coachmen should never shout, whistle, ring or jingle.”

Decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna of 1730:

“Carriers and other people of all ranks ride with horses in harness, with all fear and caution, at attention. And those who do not comply with these rules will be beaten with a whip and sent to hard labor.”

In 1909, at the International Conference in Paris, the Convention on Road Traffic was adopted, which established uniform rules for all countries. This Convention introduced the first road signs and established the responsibilities of drivers and pedestrians.

New information about traffic lights

  • What was the first traffic light in Russia?
  • When was the first traffic light invented?

The first traffic light in Russia was in the shape of a circle. The regulator turned the arrow to the desired color.

Traffic light for pedestrians

Transport traffic light

The first traffic light was invented in 1868 in London

In 1937, the first pedestrian traffic light appeared in Leningrad.

Let's check ourselves...

1. Name the first vehicles


horse-drawn carriages

2. Peter I issued a Decree...

about traffic rules

3. What uniform rules for all countries of the world were introduced by the Convention on Automobile Traffic in 1909 in Paris?

first road signs

responsibilities of drivers and pedestrians

They don’t just walk around the city, on the street:

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.

There are a lot of road rules in the world,

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all.

“Groups of road signs” - Additional information signs. Service signs. Motorway. Intersection with a bicycle path. Purpose. Railway crossing with barrier. No entry. The order of passage of intersections. Priority signs. Living sector. Road signs. Warning signs. Riding bicycles. Rectangle.

“Road sign system” - Road signs and other traffic signs. Proposals for the development of the information system. Payback period. Average accident statistics. Example of image placement. Type of special shields. The main content of the work. Economic damage. Current state of the route guidance system. Traffic safety measures.

“Traffic signs with explanations” - Entry prohibited. Hospital. Traffic rules for schoolchildren. Traffic rules for cyclists. Two-way traffic. No parking. Bicycles are prohibited. Follow traffic rules. Overtaking is prohibited. Truck traffic is prohibited. Resting-place.

“The history of road signs” - Modern signs. International convention regarding the movement of motor vehicles. Milestones. Which group do road signs belong to? The development of transport and the specifics of road traffic put forward new requirements. The first road signs appeared with the emergence of roads. Groups of road signs.

“Road signs” - From the history of traffic rules. Traffic lights and road signs. Layouts of traffic lights and cars. Mandatory signs. Information or clarification. Warning signs. What are the signs? Prohibition signs. Dramatization of a poem. The city is full of traffic. Poem. Information and directional signs.

“Rules of road signs” - The third wheel. Mandatory signs. Road equipment element. The lower edge of the span. Story. Warning signs. Road horizontal and vertical markings. Service signs. Horizontal marking. Vertical markings. Additional information signs. See you on the roads. Priority signs.

There are 12 presentations in total

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Travel to the land of road signs

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Where did road signs come to us from?

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Our ancestors took care of roads even when they rode horses or walked. In the steppe they laid stones and erected pillars, and in the forest they made hems in the trees. Stone or wooden crosses were installed at intersections, chapels were built. Under Peter 1, striped mileposts appeared, i.e. indicated miles. Later, inscriptions began to be made on poles located at intersections about where the “path-road” led. (There were signs indicating)

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But with the advent of cars, namely in 1908, an international road congress was held in Paris, where it was established to put up warning and prohibition signs. Road signs are installed on the right side of the road and are used in all countries of the world. Transport drivers without knowledge of the language understand the designation of road signs in any country.

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Why do we need road signs?

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Road signs are not random on the roads. They tell us what to do in a given situation. They are needed to maintain order on the roads. Therefore, it is prohibited to remove or damage road signs. Intentional damage will result in a fine. Some signs warn of danger, others indicate the direction of movement, others introduce all sorts of prohibitions and contain various information.

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All signs are divided into groups:
prohibitory warning information

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Prohibiting ones are round with a red border (Association with fire) with a white, and some with a blue background. Warning signs are triangular in shape, with a red border. Prescriptive, i.e. indicating the direction of movement, minimum speed, etc. - blue round. Information and indicative - they have different backgrounds: blue, green, white, yellow. Rectangular, square, hexagonal

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Guess the sign
You can often see an interesting road sign near the road. It depicts a boy and a girl running. What does this sign tell us? (……)

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The sign tells the driver to “Be careful.” There is a children's facility nearby. A child may appear on the road. The sign is called “Children”

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Game “Make a sign” (mosaic)
Very often traffic violators damage road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and name it.

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Guess the sign
What if you got off the bus and need to cross to the other side of the street? What sign is this?

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Find Dunno’s mistakes as a passenger in the text:
“Dunno went to visit Buratino. He stood at the bus stop for a long time, waiting for his bus, so he couldn’t stand it and began running back and forth along the curb separating the sidewalk from the roadway. When the bus arrived, he took a seat right next to the window, ahead of the old woman. The journey was so interesting that Dunno even stuck his head out the window and looked at the houses he passed.”

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Guess the sign
One day a boy and his dad went out of town by car. A settlement appeared ahead. A few tens of meters from the first of the houses, the boy saw a sign - a white circle in the center with the number “40” written. “There are 40 houses in this village,” the boy decided. - How do you know? - asked dad. But it's written on the sign. Is the boy right?

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Who is the main commander on the street?
If you don’t know the rules of the road, HE will come to your aid. The solution will help you choose the right one; it will take you across the street. He will explain everything intelligently and efficiently...

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Traffic light
Attention, the three-eyed traffic light is staring at you - Green, yellow, red eye.

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Traffic light
The red light tells us: Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed! Yellow light - warning: Wait for the signal to move. The green light has opened the road: the guys can cross!

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The sign is called "Caution Road Work"