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How to improve yourself day by day, step by step. Daily work on yourself

Coming to the Truth!
Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise


With self-improvement and similar in their goals. They guide a person along the path of spiritual development. When we want to change, improve the quality of our lives, diversify the daily series of events, increase our professional and personal effectiveness, we think about how to change ourselves and our environment. How to use our best qualities to the greatest benefit and at the same time neutralize weak sides nature or correct them, work to ensure that they do not introduce an imbalance into the even flow of life.

How to maximize your strong qualities and improve less developed ones is one of the main questions, with the solution of which you can turn your life for the better. But in order to answer it, you need to dive inside yourself. To get started you need:

  • understand yourself;
  • identify the strongest and weakest sides of nature;
  • analyze professional quality;
  • formulate a detailed plan for developing skills or personal characteristics that need improvement;
  • start implementing the plan.

Everything is quite clear and understandable. The main thing is to take the first step on the path of self-improvement, and it needs to be done today.

Personal and professional growth

First of all, let's choose what kind of self-improvement we are interested in - professional or personal. As for professional skills, their correction and development is in many ways easier to implement, and here’s why. They are more concrete and visible, while personal qualities are so deeply rooted in your very nature that it can be quite difficult to identify their origins (and the work to correct and improve begins precisely with identifying the root of the problem).

Many personal qualities are fixed by habit, since it is from it that character is formed, so the work ahead will not be easy, not only in terms of time expenditure (here you will need to be patient), but also energy-consuming: you will need to collect all your spiritual energy, desire and will in order to achieve goal and be able to change yourself.

Attempts to change oneself with the help of self-development and self-realization programs

It is easier to try to change the situation than to change yourself. Working on yourself is both interesting and difficult. This is the challenge for you. You are the observer or researcher who looks from the outside at yourself being studied and will work on yourself as if you were your own instructor and guru.

The task is high, but the goal is worth it. By working on creating an improved version of yourself, you reconstruct the image of your “I”, give it a new desired form, correct and remove the shortcomings of the previous version - in a word, create the “Self 2.0” model.

This is exactly what courses do to provide personal growth programs aimed at improving your efficiency and productivity; personal coaching; seminars on building business relationships; various kinds of business courses, the purpose of which is to make you a more effective participant in the system, be it in the areas of business, marketing, and the like.

Modeling instead of self-improvement

The tactics used in such courses are always the same - to turn a person into a more highly effective element of the game so that this element brings more benefit to the owner. If you yourself are the owner, that is, you own a business or you are an individual entrepreneur, then you will be taught how to more effectively manipulate others to achieve your goals.

At the same time, you will receive the status of a more worthy player who fits well into the system called “mass production and consumption”, and with even greater dedication you will continue to invest your energy in the common cause of building a deeply materialistic society, where everyone is forced to serve mammon.

So much for increasing personal effectiveness, learning time management techniques, business planning, increasing motivation, a new approach to developing business ideas and other quite useful things.

However, what is the use of all this if a person still does not know himself. He is asked to consider himself as a mechanism, as a function that can be updated, increase the productivity of this mechanism, and replace old programs with new ones. But in the end, any mechanism comes to an end; it has an expiration date. A permanent upgrade is impossible, and if the organizers of such business trainings and personal growth programs offer it, it is only for the purpose of their own benefit.

Personal self-improvement

And this world does not exist without you, so know yourself


We must look at the problem of personal growth more deeply, from the philosophical side, and here we cannot do without considering the issue from the point of view of existentialism, that is, the beingness of man. Man and the eternal problems of his existence are questions of the meaning of life, the desire to realize all the potential that lies within him. First of all, we are talking about personal self-realization.

Our desire for self-development, and with it self-improvement, always comes from the depths of our soul, from our inner world. The desire to know and learn are qualities inherent only to a human being. Only he, not prompted by external factors and motives, is capable of in-depth study of a subject that interests him. An internal stimulus to reveal the spiritual principle leads a person to self-knowledge.

From self-knowledge to self-development

“Know yourself, and you will understand the whole world” - this is what ancient wisdom tells us. Having gone through the secrets of self-knowledge, we come to the idea of ​​self-development and self-improvement. There is no final stop on the path of self-knowledge, it is limitless, and therefore beautiful. This is a process, and the one who decides to follow the path of self-knowledge will discover an unprecedented world of inner life, take the first step into the vast expanses of the unknown - where no traveler has gone before; because for every person his own inner world is a unique country, always open to study. But there can only be one researcher - you yourself.

The path of self-improvement. Development and self-improvement

Truth is a country without roads, therefore the road to your inner world is a journey without fellow travelers.

On the path of self-improvement, you are left to your own devices. No one can tell you how and what you need to do, how to understand yourself correctly, or from what place, starting point, to start. This is the beauty of self-development through self-knowledge. It is impossible to impose someone else’s point of view here, just as it is impossible to accept it, otherwise self-knowledge will cease to be self-knowledge and will not lead to any self-development.

But by being your own guide and explorer of the unknown, you will learn to hear the inner voice that is in each of us, and you need to learn to listen to it. This inner knowing connects us with something higher, an ideal, a higher essence. Yogis called it Ishvara.

Spiritual practices on the path of self-development, their influence and goals

When we apply meditation techniques, new knowledge becomes available to us, directly coming from the Source. allows you to stop the conversation of the mind, calm it, so the connection with inner knowledge is restored. It is finally possible to hear him. You just need to immerse yourself in silence - the real silence of the mind. Often we seem to be left alone with ourselves, and begin to think and reflect, which in itself is already a great achievement in our society of ultra-high speeds and advanced technologies.

Silence internal and external

Being alone in silence is already a good start. Simply being silent and thinking is the first step in the practice of mouna, or silence, used by yogis. But the essence of this silence is to stop the verbal noise, not only external, but also internal, to stop the flow of thoughts. If you have never thought about this, then stop yourself right now at any thought. You see, it worked. Perhaps you were driving your internal dialogue with the author of the article about what was written or thought about their own affairs. All this is just an illustration of the fact that the brain never stops, it talks all the time, draws conclusions, evaluates, compares and generalizes.

Everything would be fine if this internal process of dialogue did not separate us from true knowledge, direct perception of information: not with the help of the mind, but through receiving direct knowledge. This is exactly what happens during the process of meditation.

Meditation goals:

  • merger with the Absolute;
  • stopping the thought process;
  • complete disidentification with one’s “I”, and even with consciousness;
  • self-knowledge;
  • knowledge of the world.

It helps to clear the mind of unnecessary things, calm it down, and, if possible, even stop the “conversation” of the mind. When you come out of meditation, you will notice how your thinking has cleared up and thoughts are no longer swarming in your head. On the contrary, you can now more easily control them, as well as your emotions.

All these are so-called “side” effects of meditation practice.

Personal development and self-improvement through meditation practice

You can begin your own internal spiritual development by studying Vipassana, since this course represents the basis of the method of any meditation. It can also be used at more advanced levels of practice, it’s just that the practitioner will have slightly different goals when performing the techniques.

First, the ability to consciously concentrate attention on one thing - an object or image - is trained. Then, when the mind is calm and can easily hold any object or idea in focus for a long time, the main stage of the meditation process begins - turning off the flow own thoughts and emotions and penetration into the object of meditation - merging with it.

Personal development is not rocket science. It can be developed gradually and slowly. Even the small things you do or the effort you put in have a much bigger impact on your life than you think. It all depends on how YOU want others to perceive you.

To improve your personality, we offer the following 21-step program designed on a daily basis.

Day 1: Explore Yourself

At some point, we all question what or who we really are. If you are able to find the answer to this question, consider that you have already overcome half of the obstacles. If not, you must analyze yourself and understand what you are passionate about. When you start doing things you love, you feel positive vibrations. Then people begin to notice you, recognize you, appreciate your work and much more. In the end, you will gain experience in what you love and can become the best in your field.

Analyze what makes you happy in both your personal and professional life. You will instantly feel the difference when you start doing the things you love most.

Day 2: Observe others

There is no better way to understand yourself and life around you than observation. Each simultaneously combines both advantages and disadvantages. If you are attracted to a person, try to find out exactly what qualities attract you to him, what qualities he has positive sides, why others like him or why others admire him. This task will allow you to find good features in the person you met, and you will be able to realize these good qualities in itself. The more virtues you have, the better your personality.

Day 3: Be bold and ready to explore

To improve yourself, always ask yourself the question: “Where am I today?” It's not about physical space, but about internal state. If you feel like you can't get a valid answer, analyze where you went wrong or what prevented you from getting what you really wanted. We all create comfort zones, whether at home or at work, and then try not to leave them. Try to abandon this zone. Get out there and see how many adventures life has in store for you. It's fun and interesting to do what you really want and not be blocked by a shield that limits you and your capabilities. Meet new people, go on adventures and be confident in what you do. Take your time, but be sure to move forward!

Day 4: Love and praise yourself

Have you congratulated yourself for something good? If you haven't done this yet, start now! There's no better feeling than complimenting yourself when you've done something really well. Compliments always have a positive effect, and when you give them to yourself, you know that you truly DID a great job. Praise makes you feel energized, happy, and helps bring other people closer to you. Don't forget that you are worthy of admiration and interest from others!

Day 5: Admit your mistakes

We are all human, and people make mistakes. Accept the fact that no one is perfect, not even you. Admitting at least one mistake is a really big step in personal improvement. By trying to be a perfectionist, you are only dooming yourself to a series of disappointments and constant dissatisfaction with both your own life and the world around you.

Day 6: Live a conscious life

Spend time only on things that are important to both you and others. Stop worrying about failure. Only they will help you understand how you can become better. Don't be distracted by television programs or computer games that do no good and only make you feel lethargic and exhaust you. Once you start living your life in a conscious way, you will begin to attract more positive events to you.

Day 7: Choose optimistic people

We are our thoughts and actions, which are influenced by others. Always try to be with people who see the positive in life and are more willing to help you change your outlook. Avoid people who are always pessimistic about life. They will only burden you with doubts and you will not be able to achieve anything.

Day 8: Broaden your horizons

If you want others to see you interesting personality, you must become it. And acquiring knowledge is one of the best methods. Cultivate the habit of collecting additional information. It can relate to anything that interests you. Reading books, articles, communicating with people - all these are different ways to obtain information and improve knowledge, which will ultimately make you an interesting person and an excellent conversationalist.

Day 9: Be yourself

Never pretend to be someone you are not. People hate to be deceived and you must understand that they can easily recognize whether you are real or hiding behind a mask. People value the real you, not the actor you. There is a big difference between these concepts. Therefore, develop an interesting personality in yourself so that you do not have to flaunt an empty image.

Day 10: Learn something new

Your mind is like a big sponge, absorbing more and more as you feed it. Explore all kinds of things from different walks of life. Never underestimate yourself as if you can't learn more. Learn something new, find new hobbies, read unfamiliar books, etc. - and you can discover unexpected talents and qualities in yourself that others will notice and appreciate. Information rejuvenates the mind and opens up new perspectives for you.

Day 11: Be Positive

Think about what kind of people you would like to be friends with: someone with a sense of humor and a positive attitude towards life, or someone who constantly whines and complains? Likewise, if you are a person who openly complains about everything, people will not be drawn to you. You must face all your problems. Therefore, there is no point in thinking about them. Instead, develop the habit of being a positive, cheerful person who makes your friends laugh all the time. Only then will you be welcomed with all your heart in all companies.

Day 12: Believe in yourself

Doubts make you give up, so believe in yourself! Repeat this every day and you will see how your life will change. Anything you dream of can be achieved, you just need to believe in your own strength.

Day 13: Find a role model

We are all, to some extent, influenced by one person or another. And all because we like their personality. Watch them, take advice from them, listen to answers to questions. In times of crisis, this is the best way to improve your personality.

Day 14: Exude Confidence

Most often, people confuse personality with appearance. Personality does not mean being smart and looking good. It's too easy. But the confidence in your eyes, the cruelty in your voice and the language of your body are precisely those traits that characterize the right kind of personality. Constantly work on this, because confidence is the key to success. Such personalities always attract others.

Day 15: Variety

Life rules, social norms, instructions that will help change your personality - all this quickly gets boring. Mix up your daily routine with some spicy, unexpected and even a little crazy activities. Then your life will become bright and exciting, and the process of self-improvement will not seem boring and routine.

Day 16: Don't shout

People who talk loudly appear too noisy and annoying. When in public, you must know how and when to speak. Speak softly but firmly. This will demonstrate your confidence and diplomacy.

Day 17: Know when to argue

Sometimes your opinion may differ from the opinions of others, and this does not mean that only you are right and the other person is wrong. Accept the views of others, because you yourself can make mistakes. People will respect you for understanding rather than trying to impose your views.

Day 18: Help other people

Sometimes, your friends or those you are attached to may find themselves in a difficult situation. Protect them and they will be grateful for the rest of their lives. This demonstrates that you care about them and are ready to help at any time, and such people are respected and admired.

Day 19: Improve your body language

Body language is one of the aspects by which others evaluate you first. Making eye contact when communicating shows your confidence and openness. Never speak while looking at your feet, but keep your head high. Stand tall, never slouch. Always smile pleasantly, because it does not require extra effort, but has great returns.

Day 20: Motivate yourself

Motivating yourself and others is the best tool in improving a person’s personality, which creates positive waves around him and attracts others. In addition, self-motivation helps achieve goals and makes a person successful.

Day 21: Build Your Brand

If you are unique and different from others, people will remember you even if they only met you once. Leaving a brand behind is the best way to ensure that you are a GREAT PERSON.

We have the power to shape our characters the way we want. When we develop ourselves, we improve not only our own personality, but also the people around us. I hope this simple article will help those who are looking for ways to improve their personality. Implement it and you will see noticeable changes in yourself!

33 useful advice They will teach you how to improve and love yourself, fight shortcomings, complexes, and experience a feeling of lightness. Love yourself and people, and the world will love you!

Loving yourself means being satisfied with yourself, confident, feeling self-esteem, is proud of his successes and achievements, to feel lightness and harmony of soul and body with the world around him, to be open to new feelings and positive emotions.

It is very important in life to love yourself. If you are not happy with yourself, don’t like something about yourself, or, even worse, hate yourself, how can others love you.

It doesn’t matter who you are: a girl or a boy, a young girl or a guy, a married or single man, a woman who is not confident in her attractiveness. It doesn’t matter what your shortcomings, appearance, age, social status, profession. If you learn to love yourself, it means you can love others, and those around you will definitely love you.

Loving yourself does not mean ignoring everyone else around you, and also doing whatever you want. Self-love is in no way selfishness and, of course, not pride.

If you want people to love you, love yourself without harming others, and work on yourself constantly, easily following the following tips:

1. Don't live someone's life for someone or for someone. Live your life for yourself, your loved one, first of all, but at the same time, to be loved, send your love into the world. Love yourself and, of course, your loved ones, take care of them and treat with respect all the people who meet on your life's path.

2. Straighten your shoulders, lift your head higher and smile. Make your walk confident. Now look at your reflection in the mirror and easily love yourself. There's a lot to love, isn't there?!

3. Learn not to focus on your physical flaws that cannot be corrected. This will give you self-confidence.

4. If you see flaws in your character or behavior, be sure to get rid of them.

5. Stop feeling sorry for yourself by playing the unfortunate victim. Pity makes you weak and defenseless. Put yourself on an equal footing with others. Become stronger than them mentally and physically.

6. Praise yourself every day for any small, kind deeds and give yourself the compliments you would like to hear from others.

7. Don’t think or worry about what people might think of you, but at the same time try to keep yourself within the bounds of decency.

8. Don’t let negativity pass through you. Avoid “sharp corners” and then conflict situations will not arise.

9. Do not watch horror films, action films and detective stories with scenes of violence. This programs the psyche for anger, aggression or depression. Watch more fun, humorous and educational programs and comedies. Charge yourself with positivity.

10. Try to spend less time watching TV shows and sitting at the computer. Communicate more, participate in positive activities that benefit you and others without harming third parties.

11. Spend more time in a pleasant environment that has a positive impact on your mood and life in general.

12. Forget any hurtful words you may have ever heard about yourself. For example: “you’re fat”, “thin”, “ugly”, “unfashionable”, “incompetent”, “lazy”, “stupid”, etc. These words are deeply embedded in you, form complexes that sit in your head, drip onto your brain, and the most unpleasant thing is that you believe these words.

13. Remove phrase blocks from your head. For example, such as: “Yes, I will go to the prom, but suddenly someone else will wear a dress like mine,” “Yes, I will invite her to the cinema, but suddenly she will refuse me,” “Yes, I will start this business.” , but I probably won’t succeed,” etc. Cast aside all doubts and act. Be sure of a positive result only one hundred percent and then all your wishes will come true, this is a proven law of the universe.

14. Don’t let thoughts into your head about your shortcomings, complexes and the fact that you are always unlucky. Do auto-training, constantly repeating phrases that you are the best and very lucky person.

15. Don’t burden other people with your “problems.” They are not interested in listening to this and it is harmful for you, since when you tell it, you experience it all again. Tell people that everything is always fine with you!

16. Do what you love, getting mental satisfaction from it. It’s very good if your work intersects in some way with your hobby. It should be fun.

17. Loving yourself means not only raising the level of self-esteem, but also constantly engaging in self-improvement, striving for perfection.

18. To always be satisfied with yourself, you never need to stop there. Always set new, more challenging goals, take action and strive to achieve them.

19. Rejoice, have fun and feel self-esteem when achieving your next goals. You could do this, which means you can do anything.

20. Never put yourself above or below other people. Every person has their own shortcomings. Don't put people down for this. Every person has their own merits. You have them too. Count all your advantages, love them and understand that you have quite a few of them.

21. You can rise above the only person who is yourself. Be better today than you were yesterday.

22. Think about what is good in other people, but you don’t have it. Set goals and cultivate these qualities in yourself.

23. Get rid of harmful and bad habits that cause harm primarily to your body and soul, and are also not pleasant to others.

24. Don't envy anyone. Envy eats you from the inside with various physical diseases. Be happy for other people that everything is fine with them and learn to enjoy this joy.

25. Never make excuses to anyone. Justification is the acceptance of guilt. Take care of your self-esteem.

26. Do the right thing and don't blame yourself for mistakes. You often feel like you're doing everything wrong. Everyone makes mistakes without exception. The only person who makes no mistakes is the one who does nothing, but there are no such people. It's okay to make mistakes. This is experience and wisdom.

27. Don’t step on the same rake again - don’t repeat your mistakes.

28. Don’t be offended by criticism, turn it into humor. Smile more often, joke and enjoy life.

29. Make room in your soul for love. Let go of all grievances mentally long voyage without you on some paper boat that will get wet and sink along with the passing grievances. You will immediately feel light in your soul. Never be offended by anyone again.

30. Forgive yourself for everything and always forgive. Imagine yourself as a little girl (boy) who has committed a small offense for which no one is punished. It was not a misdemeanor, but a childish prank or a moment of weakness that will not happen again. No offense - no punishment, which means there is nothing to ask for forgiveness and forgive. Everyone loves you. You are pretty, obedient, why punish you!

31. Organize small celebrations of life for yourself. Give yourself gifts to your loved one. Treat yourself to pleasant things. Get positive emotions.

32. Give kindness to people and you will feel how pleasant positive energy fills your body and soul.

33. Love yourself and the world around you! Fall in love with people and nature, animals and birds, things and objects that surround you and notice that you are changing not only yourself, but everything around you, that which you come into contact with in some way in life. Even home appliances and things stop breaking.

To receive something, you need to give or give something. Give the world love and it will return to you, multiplied several times. And the world will love you!

On the way they will only meet good people. All troubles will be a thing of the past. Everything will start to work out better for you than for others.

Well, if some unexpected troubles still happen from time to time, my one more advice to you is to perceive them with ease, as everyday little things that will remain in the passing day, and tomorrow a new day will come. In the morning you will wake up, and everything will be fine and good with your loved one again!

Love and good luck to you!

Become beautiful in 30 days - real practice! Find out how these products wonderfully cleanse the body, making your skin smoother and fresher. We offer a course to improve your appearance.

We offer a 30-day course to improve your appearance.

So let's get straight to the point.

Tip #1

Every morning, on an empty stomach, eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed. Chew thoroughly and drink a glass of warm water. After half an hour you can eat.

What will it give?

This product wonderfully cleanses the body, making the skin smoother and fresher. There will be a slight but healthy weight loss. Also, flax seed strengthens hair and nails.

Attention! Flax seed should not be consumed if there are stones in the body.

Tip #2

Eat boiled beet salad every day. For breakfast or dinner, as convenient.

What will it give?

Beetroot is a unique blood purifier. And blood health is an important indicator of beautiful appearance. This product also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the functioning of internal organs.

Tip #3

Every day, an hour before bed, apply a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E to your face. The mixture is very simple to prepare:

  • For 30 grams of glycerin we take 10 capsules of vitamin E;
  • pierce the capsules with a needle and squeeze the oil into the bottle.

All this can be purchased at the pharmacy at a low price.

Before applying the product, you need to cleanse your facial skin and do a light massage with a soft brush so that the surface turns slightly red. In this state, cells absorb nutrients as much as possible.

One downside is that the skin becomes a little sticky while the glycerin is absorbed. To alleviate discomfort, spray your skin with a refreshing toner.

What will it give?

Every morning you will observe a grateful skin reaction to such nutrition. Wrinkles will be smoothed out and the color will be evened out. A very effective remedy for crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

Tip #4

Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Any that you like.

What will it give?

Your hair and nails will thank you SO MUCH in just 2 weeks.

Tip #5

Once every three days we make a hair mask from dry mustard powder, diluted to the consistency of porridge with the addition of vegetable oil (preferably burdock or wheat germ). Apply to damp hair, leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse.

What will it give?

The result of this mask speaks for itself. And after a month of regular use, you simply won’t recognize your old hair in the luxurious wave.

Tip #6

Get yourself socks for sleeping. Made from natural fiber. Cotton or wool. Depending on the time of year. Before going to bed after a shower, generously lubricate your feet with butter and add a few drops of peppermint oil. Then we put on socks and go to bed like this.

What will it give?

In a month, your legs will become the subject of envy and admiration. This procedure, completed a month before the beach season, will serve you well. You will be able to show off your bare feet with pride.

Tip #7

Now let's take care of the eyelashes. You will need an empty mascara tube. Wash it thoroughly inside using your original soapy brush. Dry it. We drip wheat germ oil inside. All! A home remedy is ready to strengthen and grow your eyelashes that are tired of dye.

Before going to bed, apply oil along the entire length. It is very convenient to do this with a brush. No need to apply too much. It is enough to lubricate the hairs just a little.

What will it give?

In a month, you will see that your eyelashes have become thicker, grown and clearly invigorated.

Tip #8

Let's take care of your body skin. Take one glass of sea salt (although regular table salt with iodine is also suitable), add one glass of full-fat sour cream.

After bathing, putting on a washcloth mitt, thoroughly massage the entire body, including the neck, with the resulting porridge, then rinse with warm water. We are not lazy and do this after every bath.

The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

What will it give?

Salt removes dead particles from the surface and disinfects. If you have small pimples, they will soon be a thing of the past. Sour cream softens the effect of salt, preventing it from scratching delicate skin, and also nourishes cells.

Do I need to explain that regular use will give wonderful results.

Tip #9

Once again about the skin. It will be wonderful if you purchase for yourself such a treasure as amaranth oil. The main component of this miracle product is squalene. And it, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. The oil is absorbed almost 100%, and in the fight against wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles it is unrivaled! You can and should use amaranth oil daily, lubricating both your body and face.
Tip #10

Prepare special water to rinse your hair after washing. Just add a few drops of menthol oil to it (5 drops per 1 liter) and rinse your curls after each wash.

What will it give?

The question will disappear immediately after you try it for the first time. Incredible freshness on the scalp and lightness. This remedy even relieves headaches. Effectively fights dandruff. Excellent for treating excess oily hair. published

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The best way to improve your life is to improve yourself. With improved knowledge, skills, habits and attitudes, you can significantly improve your existence and experience joy.

To do this, it is important to have a good idea of ​​how to improve yourself as an individual. Self-improvement is not something you just do. You must follow certain steps to do it correctly. And the fact that many people ignore or don't even know these steps is why they have such a hard time improving. Below are 4 important strategies to improve yourself.

1. Define clear goals for personal development

The truth is that "I want to be the best person” is a resonating ideal, but a terrible personal development goal. Because it's not specific enough. With such a goal, you don't know where to start, you'll randomly move from one area of ​​self-improvement to another, and you won't get very far.

Once you realize that you want to improve yourself, it's time to set more specific personal development goals. This entails thinking about specific areas where you want to improve yourself and identifying the exact competencies to develop.

As a general rule, try to only work on developing a few competencies at a time so as not to overwhelm yourself. Not only do you need to have specific goals, but you also need to plan when you'll work on them so you're not trying to work on everyone at once.

2. Choose the best information

There is a lot of information out there in the self-improvement field. There are tens of thousands of books, and the Internet is filled with millions of articles.

Unfortunately, more than 90% of available information is ineffective. This is usually general, simplistic, impractical, repetitive, poorly researched, or simply incorrect information. These days, it's so easy for someone to write a few articles and post them online, or even publish a digital book, that this niche has become overloaded with low quality material.

The implication is that in order to truly improve yourself and do so effectively, you need to seek out and find the best information available. Do your research, evaluate information carefully, and be open-minded while also using critical thinking.

The best personal development information is the information you should pay for. Be it in the form of books, courses, etc. This does not mean that you will not find quality information for free, nor that all paid information is of quality.

However, as a rule, best information will come from real experts, and these people will provide some information for free, but they will also charge for a lot. After all, they are the experts, they know how valuable what they have to offer is, and they make a living offering it. So be prepared to invest some money in improving yourself.

3. Mass action

Self-development means 20%, mostly acquiring information, and at least 80% applying it. This means that you will have to spend at least 4 times more time practicing than studying the information.

There are people who claim that they are into personal development, but unfortunately all this means is that they have a lot of self-help books that they read, but almost nothing is applied.

Therefore, such people change almost nothing about themselves. They gain insight into what and how they need to change, but they don't actually change.

Want to know how to improve yourself? Find the right information, define precise goals, and take massive action. Always keep this in mind and focus on taking multiple actions. Be a doer first, not a reader.

4. Using a social support system

This is optional, but it is a great way to speed up your personal progress. We typically make much more progress, much faster, in any field if we surround ourselves with people who strive for similar goals, who challenge us and help us stay motivated and focused.

When it comes to self-improvement, it's ideal to make friends who are also into self-improvement and support each other on this journey. You can even create a mastermind group of sorts, meet regularly to discuss your goals and progress, and give each other constructive feedback.