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Summary of physical education classes in the second junior group. Physical development Physical development of children in the second junior group

Direction "Physical development". Second junior group (from 3 to 4 years old)

Educational field "Health"

  • maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
  • education of cultural hygienic skills;
  • formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health

Continue to strengthen and protect the health of children, create conditions for systematic hardening of the body, formation and improvement of basic types of movements.

Carry out constant monitoring of the development of correct posture.

Under the guidance of medical personnel, carry out a set of hardening procedures using various natural factors (air, sun, water).

Ensure optimal temperature conditions in the room and regular ventilation.

Teach children to wear lightweight clothing indoors. Ensure their exposure to air in accordance with their daily routine.

Do morning exercises every day for 5-6 minutes. If conditions exist, organize swimming lessons for children.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills

Improve cultural and hygienic skills, develop the simplest skills of behavior while eating and washing.

Teach children to take care of their appearance. Continue to develop the ability to use soap correctly, carefully wash your hands, face, ears; Wipe yourself dry after washing, hang the towel back, use a comb and a handkerchief.

Develop basic table behavior skills: correctly use tablespoons, teaspoons, forks, and napkins; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full,

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

To develop children’s ability to distinguish and name sense organs (eyes, mouth, nose, ears), to give an idea of ​​their role in the body and how to protect and care for them.

Give ideas about healthy and unhealthy foods; about vegetables and fruits, dairy products that are beneficial to human health.

To give an idea that morning exercises, games, and physical exercises cause a good mood; With the help of sleep, strength is restored.

Introduce children to exercises that strengthen various organs and systems of the body. Give an idea of ​​the need for hardening.

Give an idea of ​​the value of health; create a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Develop a caring attitude towards your body, your health, and the health of other children.

Develop the ability to report well-being to adults, avoid situations that are harmful to health, and recognize the need for treatment.

To develop the need for hygiene and neatness in everyday life.

Educational field "Physical education"

  • development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);
  • accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience (mastery of basic movements);
  • formation of students' needs V motor activity and physical improvement.

Development of physical qualities, accumulation and enrichment of motor experience

Develop the ability to walk and run freely, without shuffling your feet, without lowering your head, while maintaining cross-coordination of the movements of your arms and legs. Learn to act together. To develop the ability to form a column one at a time, in a line, in a circle, to find one’s place in formations.

To develop the ability to maintain correct posture in sitting, standing, in motion, and when performing exercises in balance.

Develop the ability to follow basic rules, coordinate movements, and navigate in space.

Continue to develop various types of movements, improve basic movements. Develop climbing and crawling skills; dexterity, expressiveness and beauty of movements.

Introduce more complex rules into games with changing types of movements.

Develop the ability to push off energetically with both legs and land correctly when jumping from a height, in place and moving forward; take the correct starting position in standing long and high jumps; in throwing sandbags and balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm.

Strengthen the ability to energetically push balls away when rolling and throwing; catch the ball with both hands at the same time.

Learn to grip the bar while climbing. Strengthen the ability to crawl.

Formation of the need for physical activity and physical improvement

Encourage children to participate in cooperative games and physical activities.

Foster interest in physical exercise, teach how to use physical education equipment in your free time.

To promote the formation in children of positive emotions and activity in independent motor activity.

To develop the desire and ability to ride a sled, tricycle, or ski.

Develop the ability to independently mount, ride, and dismount a tricycle.

Develop the ability to put on and take off skis, walk on them, and put skis in place.

Develop the ability to respond to signals “run”, “catch”, “stop”, etc.; follow the rules in outdoor games.

Develop independence and creativity when performing physical exercises and playing outdoor games. Organize outdoor games with rules.

Encourage children to play independently with wheelchairs, cars, carts, bicycles, balls, balls.

Summary of an open plot GCD using non-standard physical education equipment for physical education in the II junior group

Topic: “In search of Kolobok”

Kichigina Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of MADOU No. 18 “Kindergarten “Ladushki”, Gai, Orenburg region.
Description. This open educational activity was conducted by me as a final lesson on the topic of self-education “Use of non-standard physical education equipment in a preschool educational institution” and as part of the certification work for the highest qualification category.
- Visual: sports equipment: massage track, “stumps” - 5 pieces; pictures: hare, wolf, bear, fox; hut; toys: Kolobok, Grandmother; samovar; dish with treats for children.
- Verbal: riddles; wellness massage “Good morning”.
- Musical: musical game “The Fox and the Hares”;
- ICT equipment: music center.

Target: harmonious physical development of children.

Training tasks:
- increase children’s physical activity;
- teach children to correlate movements with text;
- promote the formation of coordination of movements;
Developmental tasks:
- develop the physical qualities of children;
- develop in children the skills of expressive and emotional transmission of play and fairy-tale images;
- improve the ability to guess riddles based on the plot of educational activities.
Educational tasks:
- cultivate a sense of collectivism;
- promote the manifestation of positive emotions;
- cultivate desire and interest in physical education and sports.
Wellness tasks:
- prevention of flat feet using different types of walking;
- formation of correct breathing when performing breathing exercises;
- influence biologically active points using different types of healing massage.

Children enter the hall one after another. The teacher invites the children to greet each other and guests and have a “Good morning” wellness massage.
Wellness massage “Good morning”

Good morning
(Spread their arms to the sides)
Smile soon
And today all day
It will be more fun!
(Clap their hands)
We will stroke your forehead
Nose and cheeks
(Do exercises based on the text)
Let's be beautiful
Like flowers in a garden.
(Gradually raise their hands up, performing

Let's rub our palms together

Stronger, stronger
(Perform movements according to the text)
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder.
(Clap their hands)
Now we'll rub our ears
And we will save your health
(Rub ears)
Let's smile again
Let's all be healthy!
(Raise hands up)
- Guys, I suggest you go to a fairy tale. You are ready? (Children's answers)

We'll walk along the path,
Let's find a good story.
The children stood up one after another,
Everyone walked merrily.
(Walking one after another around the hall)
Let's go in a half squat,
maybe we'll find a fungus
(Walking in a half squat)
Together we stood on our toes,
And let's stretch a little.
(Walking on toes)
We will walk again
It's good for us to go for a walk.
(Regular walking)
But it's time to hurry up
It's time to start the fairy tale.
(Easy running)
Together again we walk,
We raise our hands to the top
(Walking one after another, breathing exercises)
Let's all get to the house
Let's start a good story.
(Approach the house)
- So, we found ourselves in a fairy tale. Let’s try to guess what kind of fairy tale this is:
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled... (Kolobok)
-Well done boys! Look, a grandmother is sitting near the hut and crying bitterly. She lost Kolobok. Guys, let's help Grandma find and return Kolobok. Let's hit the road!
Children go out into the clearing and meet a fairy-tale character - a hare.
-Oh, guys, someone is hiding here. Let's try to guess:
Long ear, ball of fluff
Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Bunny)
-That's right, guys, it's a bunny. Let's teach the bunny to do exercises in order to become strong and dexterous.
Children perform the musical and rhythmic composition “Fun Exercise”

-Well done boys! We have now become strong and dexterous and can continue to go in search of Kolobok.
Children meet a fairy tale character - a wolf.
-Guys, let's go on in search of Kolobok. Is someone hiding here? Let's guess:
Who is cold in winter
He walks around angry and hungry. (Wolf)
-That's right - it's a wolf. To find Kolobok, the wolf invites us to follow in his footsteps.
Children follow each other along a massage path with footprints.

- Well done, everyone coped with the wolf’s task. We continue our search for Kolobok. Guys, look, someone is meeting us here. Let's get a look!
Clubfoot and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves pine cones, loves honey,
Well, who will name it? (Bear)
-Mishka has prepared a task for us. He invites us to go through the stumps.
Children step over the “stumps” with their legs raised high.

-What a great fellow you are, you overcame almost all the obstacles. Oh, someone's hiding here. Let's see who it is? (the teacher takes out the fox). Yes, it's a fox!
-Guys, our fox is somewhat depressed. Let's make the fox laugh and play with her, maybe then she will give us Kolobok. But first we need to turn into bunnies. One, two, turn around and turn into a rabbit!
Children turn into bunnies and an active musical game “The Fox and the Hares” and breathing exercises are performed.

- The fox gives us Kolobok for our fun and interesting game. Thank you, fox.
Children "Bunnies" turn into guys. They take Kolobok and return him to Grandma.
- Thank you guys for helping the bun to return home.
-Guys, let's remember our journey.
To summarize the GCD, children answer the questions:
What fairy tale did you visit?
Who did you meet along the way?
What did you do with the bunny?
What did they do with the wolf?
What did you do with the bear?
What about the fox?
- Oh, guys, while we were talking, grandma baked us a treat.
(treats are given to the children)
The children leave the hall to the music.

This material contains long-term planning for the educational field "Physical Development" in the second junior group of the program FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: , intended for educators and physical education instructors.



Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games

2-3 minutes

12-15 minutes

2-3 minutes


I week/ My group. Toys. Let's learn to be friends.

Develop orientation in space when walking in different directions; teach walking on a reduced area of ​​support while maintaining balance.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 1, Art. 23

Walking in a flock behind the instructor

Game "Let's go visit"

Running in a regular flock

1. Walking between two lines (distance 25 cm)

2. Jumping on the entire foot with raising on the toes (spring)

"Run to me"

Walking in a flock after a bear. Finger gymnastics “I have toys”

II week/ Changes in nature in autumn.

Exercise children in walking and running as a whole group in a straight direction behind the teacher; jumping on two legs in place.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 2, Art. 24

Walking in pairs in a flock behind the instructor

Running in pairs in a flock behind the instructor

Without items "In the forest"

1. Jumping on the entire foot with arm work (spring)

"Sun and Rain"

Game task “Collect leaves.”

III week/ Autumn harvest

Develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher; teach to push the ball energetically when rolling.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 3, Art. 25

Walking in a column one at a time, exercise “Crow!”

outdoor switchgear

"Merry vegetable garden"

1. Rolling balls. 2. “Ride and catch up.”


Low mobility game “Basket”

IV week/

Forest animals in autumn. Lifestyle in nature

Develop orientation in space; ability to act on a signal; group atL.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 4, Art. 26

Walking in a circle and turning at a signal

Running in circles

ORUs with cubes

1.Crawling with support on your palms and knees under the cord

2. “Crawl to the rattle”

"Hares and the Wolf"

Game "Let's find a bug." Finger gymnastics “Who and how to prepare for winter”


Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games


I week/ My family. Family members

Practice maintaining balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support: develop the ability to land on bent legs when jumping.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 5, Art. 28

Walking in a column one at a time, running in a column one at a time and scattered.

outdoor switchgear

"Friendly family"

1. Equilibrium “Let’s walk along the bridge.”

2. Jumping.

"Catch the ball"


Walking in a column one at a time. Finger gymnastics “Family”

II week/

What do I know about myself

Practice jumping with landing on bent legs; in vigorously pushing the ball away while rolling to each other.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 6, Art. 29

Walking and running in circles

ORU "We are trying"

1. Jumping from hoop to hoop.

2. “Roll the ball.”


Game exercise “Parts of the body” (“Little head - nightingale”

III week/ Favorite home

Exercise children in walking and running, stopping at a signal; in crawling. Develop dexterity in a game task with a ball.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 7, Art. 30

Walking in a column one at a time, scattered, throughout the hall. At the teacher’s signal: “Dragonflies” - run, waving your arms like “wings”; transition to normal walking. To the next signal: “Grasshoppers” - jumping on two legs - “who is taller”.

outdoor switchgear

With a ball

1. Game exercise “Fast ball”.

2. Game exercise “Crawl through - don’t hit me.”

"Find your house."

Development of fine motor skills of hands “Clothespin”.

Week IV/ I live in the city

Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction at the teacher’s signal; develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours and balance exercises.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 8, Art. 31

Walking in a column, one at a time, in a circle, turning in the other direction at the teacher’s signal; running in a circle also with a turn. Walking and running are carried out in alternation, the pace of the exercise is moderate.

outdoor switchgear

"We're walking around the city"

1.Crawling “Crocodiles”

2. Balance “Run without hurting”

"On a smooth path"

Walking in a column one at a time.


Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

General development

exercises (ORU)

Basic movements

Outdoor games



Iweek / Urban professions

Exercise children in balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support and landing on bent legs when jumping

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 9, Art. 33

Walking in a column one at a time. At the teacher’s signal, children begin to walk on their toes with short, mincing steps on their belts. At the signal to run.

General developmental exercises with ribbons

Balance “Into the forest along the path.”

Jumping "Bunnies - soft little paws."

Outdoor game "A clever driver".

Game "Let's find the bunny."

II week/ Transport Life safety on the street

Practice walking in a column one at a time while completing tasks; when jumping from hoop to hoop, learn to land on bent legs; practice rolling a ball to a friend, developing coordination and eye control

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 10, Art. 34

Walking in a column one at a time Running, arms to the sides. Walking and running alternating

General developmental exercises with a hoop.

1. Jumping “Through the Swamp”.

2. Rolling balls “Accurate pass”

Outdoor game "Cars"

Game “Where is the mouse hiding?”

III week/ Household items

Develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher; develop coordination of movements and dexterity when rolling the ball between objects; practice crawling.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 11, Art. 35

Walking in circles. After walking, you run in a circle, first in one direction and then in the other direction.

General developmental exercises “Mom’s Helpers”

1. Game task with the ball “Ride it, don’t hit it.”

2. “Crawl through - don’t hit me”

Outdoor game “On a level path.”

Low mobility game “Samovar” (The samovar is puffing in the kitchen)

IV week/ Properties and quality of items

Exercise children in walking while completing tasks, developing attention and reaction to the teacher’s signal; in crawling, developing coordination of movements; in balance

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 12, Art. 36

Walking in a column one at a time to complete a task, running in a column one at a time. Switch to running at the teacher’s signal and then start walking again. Walking is carried out in alternation

1.Crawling. Game task - “Spiders”.


Outdoor game "My funny ringing ball."

Walking in a column one at a time.


Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games


Week 1/ Winter fun

Exercise children in walking and running in all directions, developing orientation

space; in maintaining stable balance and jumping.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 13, Art. 38

Walking and running in a column one at a time

Walking randomly

running in all directions

Outdoor switchgear "Winter"

1. Balance. Game exercise “Pass - don’t hurt.”

2. Jumping. Jump over the snowballs

Outdoor game “Beware of freezing.”

Walking in a column one at a time. Game "Snow Carousel".

Week II/ Winter wonders

Practice walking and running while completing tasks; in the landing and half-bent legs when jumping from the bench; in rolling the ball

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 14, Art. 40

Walking in a column one by one

Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

1. Jumping from a bench (height 20 cm) onto a rubber track or mat

2. Rolling balls to each other

Outdoor game “Snowflakes and the Wind”.

Walking in a column one at a time. Self-massage


III week/ New Year's holiday is coming soon

Exercise children in walking and running, stopping at the teacher’s signal; in rolling the ball between objects, the ability to group when climbing under an arc.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 15, Art. 11

Walking in a column one by one

running in a column one at a time; walking and running are carried out in alternation.

ORU " New Year tree"

1. Rolling the ball between objects

2.Crawling under the arc “Crawl through - don’t hit me”

Outdoor game “Catch a snowflake”.

Game self-massage “Oh, frost, frost stings your cheeks...”

IV week/ Gifts for friends and family

Exercise children in walking and running in all directions, developing spatial orientation; practice crawling on increased support: and maintaining balance when walking on a board.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 16, Art. 42

Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal: all children are asked to scatter throughout the hall; transition to random walking and then running again.

General developmental exercises on chairs

1.Crawling. Game exercise “Bugs on a log.”

2. Balance. “Let’s cross the bridge.”

Outdoor game "Bird and Chicks"..

Game exercise “New Year”


Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games



I week/

Repeat walking while completing the task; Practice maintaining balance on a limited area of ​​support; jumping on two legs, moving forward..L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 17, Art. 43

Walking in a column one at a time. At the signal “Giants!” walking on toes straight arms up. Walking with a turn “Round!” Run.

outdoor switchgear

Balance “Walk without falling!” (board width 15 cm).

Jumping “From hole to hole!”

"The Kite and the Chicks"

Low mobility game “Shall we find the chicken?”

II week/ Changes in nature in winter

Practice walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions; jumping on two legs between objects; in rolling the ball, developing dexterity and eye.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 18, Art. 45

Game exercise "Napolyanka". Walking in a column, walking in all directions; running in all directions.

Game exercise “Warmer”

Jumping “Jumping Bunnies!” (between cubes)

Rolling the ball

"Roll the ball"

"Snowflakes and the Wind"

Walking in a column one at a time.

III week/ Changes in nature (animals)

Practice the ability to act on the teacher’s signal by walking around objects; develop dexterity when rolling the ball to each other; repeat crawling exercises, developing coordination of movements..

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 19, Art. 46

Walking in a circle made of cubes. At the signal “Take the cube!” take the cube, then put it back. Running in circles. Walking and running alternate.

ORU - game exercise “One morning on the lawn”

Rolling the ball to each other in pairs. I.P. sitting on the floor. - “Ride and catch!”

Crawling on the palms and feet “Bear cubs”

Outdoor game "Kite and chickens".

"The little white bunny is sitting"

Low mobility game “Shall we find the little bunny?”

IV week/ Winter sports

Repeat walking while completing tasks. Practice crawling under the arch without touching the floor with your hands; maintaining stable balance when walking on a reduced support area.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 20, Art. 47

Walk in a column one at a time, stopping at the signal. Run in a column with a stop, after stopping, run in the opposite direction.

ORU "We are athletes"

Climbing under an arch without touching the floor with your hands “Climb in without touching it”

Walking on a plank. "Along the Path"

Outdoor game “Take one, two, three pictures.”

Walking in a column one at a time. Game exercise “On a sled”


Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games


Iweek/ My dad. Male professions

Practice walking and running around objects; develop coordination of movements

walking at alternating steps; repeat the jumps moving forward.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 21, Art. 50

Walking and running in a circle laid out in rings: walking about three quarters of a circle and running - a full circle: stop, turn in the other direction, repeat the exercises.

General developmental exercises with a ring

1. Balance “Step over, don’t step on”

2. Jumping “from stump to stump”

Outdoor game "Cars".

Low mobility game of children's choice.

II week/ We are defenders of the Motherland

Exercise children in walking and running while completing tasks; in jumping from a height with a soft landing on bent legs; develop dexterity and eye in tasks with the ball.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 22, Art. 51

Walking in a column one at a time, running, raising your knees high, switching to regular running. Walking and running exercises alternate.

ORU "We are defenders"

1. Jumping “We are strong.” (jumping)

2. Rolling the ball “Sharpshooters”.

Outdoor game "Planes"

Paper airplane game

III week/ Father's Day

Exercise children in walking at alternating steps, developing coordination of movements; learn to throw a ball through a cord, developing dexterity and eye; repeat crawling through the cord without touching the floor with your hands.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 23, Art. 52

Walking in a column one at a time, stepping over the cords alternately with the right and left foot. Running in all directions.

General developmental exercises with a ball.

1. Throwing a ball through a cord with both hands “Who’s next?”

Outdoor game “Soldiers have strict order.”

Low mobility game.

“The game is on!”

(We are pilots, pilots

We fly airplanes.)

IV week/ My mom. Women's professions.

Practice walking and running randomly; practice grouping skills

climbing under an arc; repeat the balance exercise

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 24, Art. 53

Forming in one line, changing into a column one at a time; walking into a stake one at a time; at the teacher’s signal, switch to random walking, then to random running

Walking and running randomly in alternation.

General developmental exercises.

1. Climbing under an arc in the “Under the Arc” grouping.


Outdoor game. "Frogs" (jumping).

Game "Let's find the frog."


Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games


Week 1/ Mother's Day

Exercise children in walking and running in circles; in maintaining stable balance when walking on a limited support area; repeat jumping between objects.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 25, Art. 54

First, you walk in a circle, then run in a circle at a moderate pace, switch to walking and stop. Turn the other way and repeat walking and running.

Outdoor switchgear with cube

1. “Even step”

2. Snake jumps

Outdoor game “We help mom, we put away toys”

Low mobility game “Spring Flowers”

II week/ Folk toy

Practice walking and running randomly; learn standing long jumps; develop dexterity when rolling the ball.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 26, Art. 56

Walking in a column one at a time; walking in all directions. Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

ORU. "Matryoshka"

1. Jumping “Across the Groove”.

2. Rolling balls to each other “Exactly into each other’s hands.”

Walking in a column one by one

III week/


Develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher. Practice throwing on the floor and catching it with both hands, and crawling on an elevated support.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 27, Art. 57

Walking and running exercises alternate.

ORU with the ball.

1. "Throw - catch."

2.Crawling on elevated support

Outdoor game “The gray bunny washes itself.”


Low mobility game "Gulenki"

(Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki!)


IV week/ Folk crafts

Develop coordination of movements in walking and running between objects; repeat crawling exercises; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on elevated support

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 28, Art. 58

Walking and running between objects.

General developmental exercises.

1. Crawling “Bear Cubs”


Outdoor game “Whose circle will gather faster.”

Walking in a column one at a time. Game with speech accompaniment “Matryoshka” (Clap their hands, Friendly nesting dolls)


A week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

General development

exercises (ORU)

Basic movements

Outdoor games



Iweek/ Spring. Seasonal phenomena. Children's games

Repeat walking and running around objects, jumping over cords. Practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 29, Art. 60

Walking around the cubes (2 cubes for each child). Walking in a circle, then running. Stop, turn in the other direction and continue walking and running in cubes.

ORU "Streams are running, rooks are screaming"

1. Balance.

2. Jumping “Across the Groove”.

Outdoor game "Sun and Rain".

Game with speech accompaniment “Spring has come.”

(The woodpeckers are knocking louder and louder...)

II week/ Spring. Animal world

Exercise in walking and running, completing tasks; in landing with half-bent legs in jumps; develop dexterity in ball exercises.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 30, Art. 61

Walking in a column one at a time; at the teacher’s signal: “The beetles have flown!” - the children scatter in all directions around the hall. To the signal: “The beetles are resting!” - children lie on their backs and move their arms and legs, as if moving their paws.

ORU "Zaykina charge"

(In the morning the bunny woke up)

1. Jumping from circle to circle.

2. Exercises with the ball. "Accurate pass."

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves"

Finger gymnastics “Whom we met in the forest”

Week III/Plants in spring

Repeat walking and running while completing tasks; develop dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball; practice crawling on your hands and feet.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 31, Art. 62

Walking in a column one at a time. At the teacher’s signal: “Giants!” - walking on toes, arms up; transition to normal walking. On the signal: “Dwarves!” - squat, put your hands on your knees.

ORU “How beautiful it became in the forest”

1. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands

2. Crawling on the gymnastic bench “Bear Cubs”.

Outdoor game “We stomp our feet.”

Walking in a column one at a time.

IV week/ Birds

Practice walking, stopping at the teacher’s signal; repeat crawling between objects; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on a higher support.

L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 32, Art. 63

Walking in a column one at a time, completing tasks when given a signal

ORU "Birds"

1.Crawling “Crawl - don’t hit me.”

2. Balance “On the bridge”

Outdoor game “Birds in nests”.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Game with speech accompaniment “We built a birdhouse”


Week/Theme of the week


Introductory part

Main part

Final part

outdoor switchgear

Basic movements

Outdoor games



Iweek/ Plants. Respect for nature

Repeat walking and running in all directions, developing spatial orientation, repeat the task in balance and jumping.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 33, Art. 65

Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running scattered throughout the hall. Walking and running exercises alternate.

General developmental exercises with a ring (from ring throwing).


Jumping over cords

Outdoor game. "Find your flower."

Walking in a column one at a time. Low mobility game “To whom to give”

II week/ Houseplants

Exercise children in walking and running between objects; in jumping from a bench onto bent legs; in rolling the ball to each other.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 34, Art. 6

Walking and running in a column one at a time between objects

ORU "Flower round dance"

rolling the ball to each other

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat."

Walking in a column one at a time. Low mobility game “On the window in a pot”

III week/ Summer. Changes in nature

Walking while completing tasks at the teacher’s signal: practice throwing a ball up and catching it; crawling on a gymnastic benchL.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 35, Art. 67

Walking in a column one by one

Walking and running alternate several times.

General developmental exercises with flags.

Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands

Crawling on a bench

Outdoor game “Cucumber, cucumber.”

Walking in a column one at a time.

IV week/ Summer holidays and fun

Practice walking and running at the teacher’s signal; in climbing an inclined ladder, repeat the task in balance.L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. Junior group No. 36, Art. 68

Walking in a column one by one

running all over the hall

General developmental exercises.

Climbing an inclined ladder

Walking on a board placed on the floor

Outdoor game "Kite and hen".

"Find yourself a mate"

Walking in a column one at a time.

Tasks for September(2nd junior group)


Develop spatial orientation

Learn to walk on a reduced area of ​​support while maintaining balance.

Exercise children in walking and running as a whole group in a straight direction behind the teacher

Train children to jump on two legs in place.

Learn to push the ball energetically when rolling.


Develop agility and strength.


Cultivate respect for each other

Tasks for October(2nd junior group)


Practice maintaining balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support

Practice jumping with bent legs landing

Practice energetically pushing the ball away while rolling to each other

Practice crawling

Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction at the teacher’s signal


Develop the ability to land on bent legs when jumping

Develop dexterity in a game task with a ball

develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours and balance exercises


Develop skills to interact with adults and peers

Tasks for November(2nd junior group)


Practice maintaining balance when walking on a limited area of ​​support.

Practice jumping with landing on bent legs.

Practice crawling.

Exercise children in walking and running while completing tasks.


Develop coordination of movements and eye.

Develop dexterity in a game task with a ball.

Develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.

Develop attention.


Learn to work in a team

Tasks for December(2nd junior group)


Practice walking and running randomly, completing tasks, stopping at a signal.

Practice jumping from a bench by landing on bent legs.

Practice rolling the ball to each other, between objects.

Practice crawling.


Develop agility

Develop coordination of movements and eye

Develop attention.


Learn to work in a team

Tasks for January(2nd junior group)


1.1. Repeat walking while completing the task;

1.3. Practice jumping on two legs, moving forward.


2.1. Develop agility

2.3.Develop attention.


Foster a love of sports.

Tasks for February(2nd junior group)


1.1. Practice walking and running around objects while completing tasks, variable steps, randomly

1.2. Practice maintaining balance on a limited area of ​​support;

1.3. Repeat jumping forward, jumping from a height with a soft landing on bent legs

1.4. Repeat crawling through the cord without touching the floor with your hands.


2.1. Develop agility and strength

2.2. Develop coordination of movements and eye

2.3.Develop attention.


Cultivate a kind attitude towards each other and respect for sports equipment

Tasks for MARCH (2nd junior group)

1. Educational:

1.1. Practice walking and running in circles, loosely,

1.2. Practice maintaining balance on a limited area of ​​support;

1.3. Repeat jumping between objects, long jumps,

1.4. Repeat crawling on an elevated support

1.5. Learn to throw a ball through a cord

1.6. Practice throwing a ball on the floor and catching it with both hands


2.2. Develop coordination of movements and eye

2.4.Develop attention.

3. Educational:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and determination when performing physical exercises.

Tasks for APRIL(2nd junior group)

1. Educational:

1.1. Practice walking and running around objects, completing tasks, stopping at the teacher’s signal

1.3. Practice landing with your legs half-bent when jumping.

1.4. Develop dexterity in ball exercises.

1.5. Practice crawling on your palms and soles, between objects.


2.1. Develop dexterity when rolling the ball.

2.2. Develop coordination of movements and eye

2.3. Develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.

2.4.Develop attention.

3. Educational:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Tasks for MAY (2nd junior group)

1. Educational:

1.1. Practice walking and running randomly, between objects; at the teacher's signal

1.2. Exercise in maintaining balance on an increased area of ​​support;

1.3. Practice jumping from a bench onto bent legs;

1.4. Practice rolling the ball to each other.

1.5. Practice crawling on a gymnastic bench and climbing an inclined ladder.


2.1. Develop dexterity when rolling the ball.

2.2. Develop coordination of movements and eye

2.3. Develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.

2.4. Develop attention.

2.5. Develop orientation in space when running in loose areas

3. Educational:

  1. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, teach to work in a team.

Summary of physical development classes in the second junior group
Goal: To develop children’s interest and need for systematic
doing physical exercises.
Educational: teach jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop; consolidate
walking and running skills; train children in climbing under an arc on all fours,
without touching her. Teach children to move in accordance with the nature of the music.
Educational: To instill in children an interest in physical exercise,
promote the formation of positive emotions.
Developmental: Expand children's knowledge about forest inhabitants, develop
creative thinking; develop attention and observation; skill
navigate in space.
Wellness: Develop gross and fine motor skills; strengthen
muscular and respiratory systems; promote prevention
flat feet; develop the emotional sphere.
Equipment: Hedgehog toy; hedgehog mask, 4 flat hoops, 5 cones
for walking between objects, an arc for crawling, massage balls for
number of children.
Integration of educational areas: social and communicative
development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Introductory part.
The teacher informs the children that during the lesson they will take a walk in
forest to his friend Hedgehog. They will encounter obstacles along the way, so
Children need to take their time and not overtake each other. In the forest they can meet and
forest animals.
Educator: guys, are you ready for a walk? Then let's go.
One two three four five
You and I will go for a walk.
Walking slowly and quickly around the perimeter of the hall.
On tiptoes along the path one after another we will go
Walking one after another on tiptoes, hands on the belt.
There are snowdrifts on our way, we will bravely go around them.
Walk with high knees, hands behind your back.
There are Christmas trees on the way, we need to get around them.
Walking “snake” one after another.

Oh, how cold it is in winter, everyone ran after me.
Running in a column behind the teacher.
And here we met some animals.
Walking one after another.
A calf stomped along the forest path behind its mother moose.
Walking with a stomping step.
A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox.
Walking on your toes.
A hedgehog was rolling after its mother, the hedgehog.
Walking in a half-squat, hands on knees.
The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel,
Behind the mother hare there are slanting hares.
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her.
Walking with long strides.
One two three four five.
You and I are going for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Breathing exercise “Breeze”.
Here we come to the clearing
Stop, kids, we're here,
Another hedgehog has been found.
Guys, look, the hedgehog brought you balls in a basket.
Children take one ball at a time and line up in a circle.
Educator: Guys, let's show the hedgehog how dexterous and skillful we are?
We will take the ball in our palm
And let's press gently.
He's prickly like a hedgehog
He only has no legs!
Outdoor switchgear with massage balls.
Main part
Educator: Let's roll the hedgehog ball,
We stretch our fingers.
1. “Prickly hedgehogs”
IP standing, feet together, ball in both hands in front of you. B: 13 – roll the ball
between the palms, rhythmically bending your elbows, 4 – lower your arms down.

2. "Big and small."
IP feet shoulder width apart, hands with the ball below. B: 1 raise your hands up,
stretch, 2 sit down, put the ball; 3 pick up; 4 straighten up.
(repeat 4 times).
3. “Collecting mushrooms for the hedgehog”
IP standing, legs apart, arms with the ball extended forward. B: 12 ​​forward tilt
(try not to bend your knees), place the ball between your legs, 34
stand up, clap your hands, 56 lean forward, take the ball, 78
straighten up, lift the ball up, (repeat 4 times)
Educator: Balls love to play,
Play pranks and run away!
4. “Hid and showed”
I.p. sitting, hands with the ball on your knees. B: 1 hide the ball behind your back, 2 hands
stretch forward, 3 hands behind your back, 4 – take the ball, return to the position. (repeat 4
Educator: Are you tired, guys?
The hedgehog won't let us get tired,
Wants to breathe in dreams!
Breathing exercise “Hedgehog”
Children putting balls in a basket
Educator: Guys, the hedgehog has friends a bear and a bunny. What can he do?
make a bunny? (jump). And the bear cub? (crawl). Do you like to jump and
crawl. Then they lined up one after another and set off.
1. Jumping from hoop to hoop. (Bunny jumps)
2. Walking between objects. (The bunny confuses his tracks)
3. Crawling on all fours in a straight direction, with crawling
under the arc. (Bear cubs)
Outdoor game “Hedgehog in the forest”
Children line up in a circle in the center of the hedgehog.
Children walk in a circle saying:
The prickly mushroom mushroom lives in a dense forest
One, two, don’t yawn, you catch up with the guys.
The children run away and the hedgehog catches them. (2 times)

Breathing exercise
Final part
Educator: Well done, guys. It's time for us to say goodbye to our forest
friend and return home. Our return journey will take us near the lake.
Low mobility game “Silence by the water” (2 times).
Educator: Our walk into the forest has ended. We today
showed the hedgehog how we can play with balls and jump correctly
through hoops, crawling under the arc and even how we know how to play a game with him. A
Now let's line up one after another and go into a group.
Children line up one after another and leave the hall.


1. Teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other.

2. Encourage joint actions with adults and other children.

3. Exercise children in crawling under obstacles without touching them.

4. Encourage grasping and vigorous pushing of a large ball.

1. Teach children to vigorously swing their arms back and forth while walking.

2. Develop the ability to energetically push the ball forward and upward.

3. Develop the ability to perform springy movements in the knees when landing after a jump, landing on the front of the foot.

1. Continue teaching children to walk and run after each other around the edge of the hall.

2. Learn to combine springy half-squats with jumping in place on two legs.

3. Practice crawling under the arch without touching the obstacle.

4. Develop balance function when walking on a board lying on the floor.

5. Encourage them to throw the ball vigorously.

D December

1. Encourage children to push energetically when rolling a large ball.

2. Practice energetic push-off and soft landing when jumping into a hoop, from hoop to hoop

1. Teach children to use the transition from a sitting position on their heels to a kneeling position when throwing the ball into the distance.

2. Practice climbing without setting an obstacle and landing softly.

3. Develop the function of balance and the ability to crawl on your hands and knees in a confined space.

1. Develop the ability to give it the desired direction when throwing a small ball, the function of balance when walking on a gymnastic bench.

2. Encourage confidence to stay at the top.

3. Practice the ability to distinguish actions by name

1. Exercise children in energetic push-off and soft landing in jumping on two legs while moving forward.

2. Develop the ability to maintain balance when crawling on a gymnastic bench.

3. Confidently act on a platform.

4. Strengthen the ability to push off energetically with both legs and land on bent legs on your toes when long jumping.

1. Exercise the ability to climb a gymnastic ladder.

2. Develop the ability to climb over an obstacle (log, bench), perform actions in a certain order.

3. Develop the ability to crawl under an arc 50cm high without setting an obstacle.

4. Teach children to energetically push the ball away when throwing into the distance, performing a swing with their hand

1. Exercise children in vigorously pushing a large ball away from their chest with both hands when throwing into the distance.

2. Develop the ability to land softly and push off energetically with both legs at the same time when performing a standing long jump.

3. Strengthen the ability to perform familiar movements in new conditions.

Tasks in the field of Federal State Educational Standards “Physical Development” for the second junior group for the academic year by month


1. Introduce walking and running in a given direction.

2. Develop the ability to maintain balance.

3. Introduce you to jumping on two legs in revenge.

4. Strengthen walking and running in a column one at a time, rolling the ball to each other, crawling on all fours with support on your palms and knees.

1. Learn to walk and run in a circle, develop a stable position when walking and running on a reduced support area.

2. Develop the ability to land on bent legs.

3. Develop the skill of vigorously repelling balls when rolling to each other.

1. Strengthen the skills of walking and running in a column one at a time, performing tasks at a signal, alternating running and walking.

2. Exercise: jumping from hoop to hoop.

1. Learn to walk and run randomly, using the entire area in a circle, between objects, without touching them.

3. Practice maintaining stable balance while walking on a plank.

4. Develop the skill of landing on bent legs.

5. Practice rolling the ball, crawling under the arc and cord without touching them.

1. Introduce children to forming and walking in pairs.

2. Practice walking and running in all directions, learning to land softly on bent legs.

3. Practice rolling the ball around an object.

4. Develop the ability to crawl under an arc, develop eye and dexterity.

5. Learn to maintain balance while walking over a limited area of ​​support.

1. Practice walking and running, performing tasks when given a signal.

2. Teach to land softly after jumping.

3. Energetically push the ball while rolling it in a straight direction.

4. Practice walking and stepping over objects.

5. Learn to throw balls over a cord, strengthen the skills of walking over the slats of a ladder.

1. Teach standing long jumps and proper grip on the rail when climbing.

2. Practice walking in pairs and running in all directions.

3. Develop dexterity when rolling a ball, walking and running in a circle.

4. Learn to throw the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands.

5. Practice crawling on a board, walking over obstacles, and maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench.


1. Learn to land on both feet, throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

2. Climb onto an inclined ladder and practice walking and running, stopping at the teacher’s signal.

3. Practice long jumps from the place of throwing the ball on the floor. walking and running scattered in a column, one at a time.

5. By walking and crawling on the board, form correct posture, strengthen the ability to jump over a cord, crawl on a bench, learn to walk with side steps, steps forward.

1. Teach to land softly when performing a standing long jump, throw the ball up and catch it.

2. Practice walking and running in a circle, jumping over a cord, walking and running in all directions and finding your place in a column, crawling on a bench with support on your palms and knees.

3. Strengthen the ability to climb an inclined board.

Objectives in the field of Federal State Educational Standards “Physical Development” for the middle group for the academic year by month


1. Practice walking and running in a column, vigorously pushing off the floor with both legs.

2. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a reduced support area, jump up energetically, throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

3. Strengthen the ability to roll the ball in a straight direction, crawl under the cord, arc.

1. Learn to maintain a stable position when walking on elevated support, to find your place when walking and running.

2. Develop the eye and rhythm of the step when stepping over the bars.

3. Practice vigorous pushing off the floor and rolling the ball to each other.

4. Develop directional accuracy, practice crawling under an arc without touching the floor with your hands, walking with changes in direction, and jumping on two legs.

1. Practice walking and running with changes in direction, jumping on two legs, and throwing a ball.

2. Learn to crawl on your stomach on a bench (pulling yourself up with your arms), to establish stable balance when walking on an elevated support.

3. Hardening procedures, watch your posture.

1. Teach children to form pairs on the spot.

2. Practice soft landing when jumping.

3. Strengthen the ability to roll the ball, develop the eye, learn to catch the ball.

4. Practice crawling on all fours on an elevated support, strengthen the skill of finding your place in the column.

5. Teach the correct grip when crawling, teach how to keep a distance when moving, continue to introduce children to the basics of a healthy lifestyle, methods of hardening, and healing.

1. Practice walking and running between objects to strengthen the ability to hit the ball on the floor.

2. Practice crawling on a bench on all fours and walking with your knees raised high.

3. Strengthen the ability to crawl under the cord.

4. Learn to maintain distance when moving.

5. Learn to walk on a gymnastic bench with a turn in the middle, practice stepping over an obstacle.

1. Develop the ability to be proactive in preparing and cleaning class areas.

2. Learn to catch the ball with both hands.

3. Practice walking and running, changing direction, on an inclined board, jumping over cords.

4. Strengthen exercises in balance, practice crawling on all fours while walking while performing a task, jumping from hoop to hoop.

5. Nurture and maintain friendly relations, improve the technique of throwing at a target, teach the rules of the relay race.

1. Teach correctly, keep busy, etc. etc. when jumping long from a place, climb an inclined ladder with the transition to a wall bars.

2. Practice throwing the ball over the net, walking and running in a circle, and rolling the ball around objects.

3. When crawling on your stomach on a bench, teach consciously refers to the rules of the game.

4. Practice jumping on hopper balls.

1. Objectives. teach energetic take-off, standing long jump, swing when throwing a bag at a distance, maintaining distance while moving and forming.

2. Strengthen the ability to take the correct position when jumping long from a place, throwing at a target, crawling on all fours on a reduced support area.

3. Develop the ability to rebuild three columns.

4. Repeat throwing the ball to each other.

1. Learn to run and walk by changing directions, climb a gymnastic wall, and rappel.

2. Practice standing long jumps, throwing the ball to each other, throwing at a distance with your right and left hands, target.

3. Crawling, crawling on the bench on your stomach, jumping over the cord.

Objectives in the field of Federal State Educational Standards “Physical Development” for the senior group for the academic year by month


1. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on a gymnastic bench, energetically pushing off the floor with both legs, swinging your arms while jumping while reaching for an object, throwing a ball up, walking with changes in pace, climbing through a hoop.

2. Practice running in all directions, throwing and catching the ball, throwing the ball to each other, walking with high knees, continuous running, jumping forward.

1. Teach walking in a formation step, turning while walking at a signal, changing into three columns, stopping on command.

2. Practice running for up to 1 minute, stepping over ropes, throwing a ball at a target, balancing and jumping.

3. Repeat climbing through the hoop sideways, throwing the ball to each other, crawling over an obstacle.

1. Learn to transfer a small ball from one hand to another while walking on a gymnastic bench, jumping on the right and left legs alternately with moving forward.

2. Practice walking skills with high knees.

3. Running in all directions, throwing a ball in a line, crawling on a bench on your stomach and dribbling a ball between objects, climbing through hoops with a ball in your hands, walking and stopping at a signal.

4. Develop dexterity and stable balance, coordination of movements.

1. Teach walking on an inclined board, jumping from foot to foot moving forward, climbing a wall bars, going down a rope.

2. Improve running in a column one at a time while maintaining distance, jumping on 2 legs while overcoming obstacles, crawling on all fours between pins, and catching the ball.

3. Develop dexterity and eye, crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, strengthening balance in jumping, running loosely and in circles.

1. Objectives. learn to climb a gymnastic staircase and move to the next flight.

2. Practice walking and running between obstacles, jumping from foot to foot.

3. Practice throwing the ball into the hoop, on all fours, pushing the ball in front of you with your head, into the hoop in balance, and dribbling the ball in a straight direction.

1. Learn to maintain stable balance when walking on an inclined board, throwing balls at a target, and climbing a gymnastic ladder.

2. Strengthen the skills of jumping over bars, throwing a ball into a basket, energetic push-off and landing when standing long jump, crawling under an arc and hitting the ball on the floor with one hand, crawling under a stick and stepping over it.

1. Teach tightrope walking with a bag on the head, high jumping from a running start.

2. Practice walking in a column one at a time with a turn at a signal, jumping from hoop to hoop, throwing a ball to each other, throwing at a target, walking and running between objects, changing into pairs and back.

3. Strengthen the skills of crawling on all fours between objects, on a bench on your palms and feet, crawling under a rail, forming in three columns.

1. Learn jumping with a short rope, running at speed.

2. Practice walking on a gymnastic bench, jumping on two legs, throwing at a target, walking and running between objects, rolling hoops, balance and jumping.

3. Strengthen throwing at a target and at a distance, skills in climbing a gymnastic wall, rappelling.

1. Teach running long jumps

2. Practice walking and running in pairs, throwing at a target and at a distance, long and high jumps and standing and running, throwing the ball to each other, climbing on bears, throwing the ball on the floor with your hand, catching with both hands.

3. Climb the bench on your stomach, pull yourself up on your arms, and throw the ball against the wall.

Tasks in the field of Federal State Educational Standards “Physical Development” for the preparatory group for the academic year by month


1. Exercise walking and running in a column one at a time, maintaining a distance, clearly recording repetitions, in a circle, stopping at a signal.

2. Strengthen balance skills when walking on increased support.

3. Strengthen balance skills when walking on increased support.

4. Develop accuracy when throwing the ball, coordination of movements when jumping, when jumping over objects.

5. Repeat standing and running long jumps, long-distance and target throwing, exercises for throwing the ball over the net.

1. Strengthen the skills of walking and running between objects, changing the spray on a signal, raising the knees high, changing the pace of movement.

2. Practice maintaining balance.

3. Jumping, throwing a ball, landing on bent legs, crawling on all fours with an additional task.

4. Develop coordination of movements.

5. Learn to jump up from a deep squat.

1. Strengthen the skills of walking and running in a circle, in pairs, overcoming obstacles, in a snake, between objects.

2. Learn to walk along a rope placed on the floor, jump over a short bench, throw a bag at a target, and move diagonally to another flight along a gymnastic wall.

3. Practice energetic push-off while jumping, crawling under a cord, rolling hoops, crawling on a bench with a bag on your back.

1. Strengthen the skills of walking by completing a task at a signal, running over obstacles, in pairs, changing from one column to two to three.

2. Develop coordination of movements when walking over a limited area of ​​support.

3. Practice jumping, alternating bouncing on the right and left legs, and climbing gymnastic stairs with the transition from flight to flight.

4. Watch your posture while doing balance exercises.

1. Learn the side step, jumping on a soft surface.

2. Secure the formation in three columns, crawling along the bench.

3. Develop dexterity and coordination in exercises with the ball, walking skills alternating with running and performing tasks at a signal, the ability to energetically push off the floor when jumping and land on bent legs.

4. Repeat balance exercises on the gymnastic wall, using a short rope.

1. Exercise in walking and running in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal, jumping, throwing a small ball, walking and running with changes in direction, crawling on a gymnastic bench, and running between objects, climbing between slats, throwing a ball each other.

2. Strengthen balance, posture when walking over an increased area of ​​support, energetic push-off when jumping.

3. Develop dexterity and eye when throwing at a target.

1. Strengthen the skills of alternating walking and running, changing into columns of 3 and 4, and climbing a gymnastic wall.

2. Practice maintaining balance. In energetic push-off and landing on bent legs, in jumping, in running up to 3 minutes, in dribbling the ball with the foot.

3. Develop coordination in exercises with the ball, spatial orientation, eye and precision and accuracy in throwing.

4. Teach how to rotate hoops on your belt.

1. Teach walking on a limited area of ​​support, walking in a circle in the opposite direction.

2. Strengthen walking with changes of direction, running with high hip lifts, skills of dribbling the ball in a straight direction, climbing on a gymnastic bench, throwing at a distance.

3. Repeat jumping forward, balance.

4. Improve running long jumps and high jumps.

1. Learn speed running, running at an average speed of up to 100m.

2. Practice running high jumps, long jumps, throwing a ball at a target, throwing a bag at a distance.

3. Repeat jumping rope and dribbling the ball.