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Just a few quotes. Hitler and the Nazis about Russians, Ukrainians and the population of the USSR

The overwhelming majority of our contemporaries are firmly convinced that the plans of “inhuman fascism” included the extermination of millions of Slavs. This belief is so strong that it has actually become an unquestionable truth. At the same time, there is no full-fledged evidence of the existence of such aspirations at the top of the National Socialist state.

The appearance of allegations about the Nazis' plans to exterminate the majority of the population of the European part of the USSR dates back to the time of the notorious Nuremberg trials. Of course, even before Nuremberg, that is, even during the war, the allied “information warfare aces” periodically repeated the idea that the “fascists” wanted to exterminate millions of people, but then it was just propaganda, often very clumsy.

The manipulators selected several “documents” as proof of the thesis about the liquidation of the Slavs. The main one is the so-called " General plan Ost". It is significant that the text of the plan has not yet been discovered. However, during the Nuremberg trial this “document” appeared, however, in the form of certain “Comments and proposals on the general plan of Ost.” The author of the notes was the head of one of the departments of the Ministry on affairs of the occupied eastern territories by E. Wetzel. Wetzel's notes in their entirety (they are pencil sketches in a note book) were never published. In their most complete form, they are presented in the Military Historical Journal (No. 1, 1960, pp. 87 -98)

1. General comments on the Ost master plan;
2. General remarks on the issue of Germanization;
3. Towards a solution to the Polish question;
4. On the question of future treatment of the Russian population.

In the first section, Wetzel addresses the issue of the resettlement of Germans in the eastern territories. Their number should be 4550 thousand people at first. "Racially undesirable local residents" should be resettled in Western Siberia. "5-6 million Jews are subject to liquidation even before the resettlement takes place." Wetzel further notes the need to take into account data on the racial composition of the peoples of the East.

In the second section, the official, or those who concocted this fake on his behalf, examines measures for the so-called “Germanization” (inclusion into the Reich’s orbit of “local residents of non-German origin who have characteristics of the Nordic race”). By the way, the famous Soviet pseudo-historians “Hitlerologists” D. Melnikov and L. Chernaya in their “works” propose to understand “Germanization” as physical destruction. That is, according to these talented Jewish publicists, the Nazis planned to destroy representatives of the Nordic race... An interesting discovery!

In the third section, Wetzel calls the Poles "the most dangerous people." At the same time, he notes that “the Polish question cannot be resolved by eliminating the Poles,” since “such a solution would forever burden the conscience of the German people and deprive us of everyone’s sympathy.”

The body of the document is replete with obvious factual errors. Thus, in the last section, Wetzel writes about the “imperial commissariat for Russian affairs” that never existed in nature. It is difficult to admit that this official was not familiar with the structure of his own ministry. Here he mentions the Gorky and Tula general commissariats, although Wetzel could not help but know that these territorial units were called districts in official papers (not even general districts, like Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Belarus).

There are a lot of “comments” and completely ridiculous proposals. Let's say Wetzel proposes to resettle some of the Poles "to South America, especially to Brazil." This is very reminiscent of the well-known “duck” about plans to place Jews on the island. Madagascar.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that Wetzel's pencil sketches were either falsified from beginning to end (a very common practice of the Allies), or were subject to "some editing" by "experts." In any case, we are dealing with an extremely dubious document that does not stand up to serious testing for authenticity and, in an amicable way, should be struck off the list of reliable historical sources once and for all. By the way, many Western researchers did this a long time ago.

It is significant that even when working with such a controversial document, some historical historians manage to “reveal the monstrous secrets of fascism,” while showing miracles of unprofessionalism. The mentioned Melnikov and Chernaya, for example, in the book “Criminal No. 1” write: “In one place in the plan it is proposed, in particular, to resettle Russians in South America and Africa.” As we remember, Wetzel proposed sending some of the Poles, and not the Russians, to South America. There is not a word about Africa in the “remarks”. In addition, the leading “Hitlerologists” also showed themselves to be remarkable specialists in the field of philology, declaring that physical destruction should be understood not only by the word “Germanize,” but also by the words “deport” and “resettle.”

In attempts to find confirmation of the thesis about plans to exterminate the Slavs, Soviet propagandists did not hesitate to resort to the help of other, equally dubious sources. For example, in the collection “Criminal Goals - Criminal Means” the “Political Testament” of Private Gustav Hildebrandt was published. It is clear that the value of such a “major document” raises big questions.

Anti-fascist scholars eagerly quote the speeches of a number of German leaders. Reichsführer SS G. Himmler is especially popular. Thus, Chernaya in her book “Brown Dictators” writes that “on the eve of the attack on the Soviet Union, Himmler stated that one of the goals of the campaign in the East was the destruction of 30 million Slavs.” This statement is completely false. It was borrowed from a propaganda article by I. Ehrenburg during the war. By inventing messages of this kind, the Jewish writer fulfilled a social order, inciting bestial hatred of everything German, and calling for the physical destruction of German women and children.

Now let's ask ourselves how the leaders of Germany really treated the Slavs.

It's no secret that the ideology of National Socialism was based on racial theory. Many researchers try to deny the scientific value of the doctrine of races, that is their business. It is important that for the leaders of the Third Reich, issues of blood were of utmost importance. Hitler wrote: “Sins against blood and race are the most terrible sins in this world. A nation that indulges in these sins is doomed.”

In a number of monographs, sometimes very valuable from a factual point of view, the authors make the same mistake: the Nazis considered the Slavs to be “subhuman” and wanted to destroy them. For example, modern researcher Boris Kovalev, in his book about the Nazi occupation regime, notes: “After the Nazis came to power in Germany, eugenics, the “science” of racial hygiene, began to enjoy official support.” The goal of eugenics, according to the author, was “to determine the optimal number of “Untermensch”. The latter included Jews, Gypsies and Slavs.”

In order to refute this amateurish statement, let us turn to one of the leading racial theorists of Nazi Germany, Hans Günther. In his works, he clearly distinguishes between the concepts of people and race. Race, according to Gunther, “is a single group of people, distinguished from others by a special, inherent combination of physical characteristics and mental properties, which always reproduces only its own kind.”

The Germans, like any European people, consist of several races: “People of the same race, or, more correctly, the same racial mixture, can speak different languages, and peoples speaking the same language can differ from each other racially. But most importantly: "Peoples are always racial mixtures and never a race." The most “valuable,” according to Gunther, is the Nordic race. It is present in varying proportions in all European nations. The percentage of Nordic blood among the Great Russians is very significant and is generally higher than among the Germans themselves. This opinion was shared by other German racologists. Fritz Lenz noted back in 1915: “Racially, Muscovites are closer to the Germans.”

It is clear that racology in Germany was not at all some kind of abstract scientific discipline. The leaders of the party and state listened sensitively to its conclusions and recommendations. The scientific calculations of racologists were actively used in legislation. One of the most important laws of the Reich is the “Law on the Citizenship of the Empire and the Protection of German Blood and German Honor” of September 15, 1935. Let us quote an excerpt from this document: “German blood does not form its own race. The German people consists of representatives of different races. But all these races have the characteristic that their blood is mutually compatible and the mixture of these bloods, unlike blood that is not related to them, does not create obstacles and tensions. One can, without a doubt, equate to German blood the blood of those peoples whose racial composition is related to the German people. This applies to all peoples inhabiting the spaces of Europe. Blood related to German is considered equally in all directions. Therefore, citizens of the Empire may become representatives of minorities living in Germany, for example, Poles, Danes, etc."

Thus, the Slavic peoples, and, of course, the Russian people were officially recognized in the Reich as racially related, fraternal ethnic groups. What is the point of destroying your brothers - this is the simplest question that we address to Kovalev, Chernaya and other conscious and unconscious falsifiers of history.

Our conclusions are also confirmed by historical facts. The Slavic states - Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia - were loyal and staunch allies of the New Europe, taking part in the crusade against Bolshevism. Croatia and Slovakia, by the way, owed their independence to Hitler personally. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Czechs, and Poles fought against communism in the ranks of the Wehrmacht and SS troops.

Why did Dr. Goebbels sincerely admire the bravery of the soldiers of the Russian Liberation Army? Why did Alfred Rosenberg write that “Russia is a country that has preserved the true image of Christ in its breast”? Why did Adolf Hitler donate hundreds of thousands of Reichsmarks for the construction of the Berlin Orthodox Cathedral and for the renovation of dozens of Russian churches, and called the Russians a “GREAT PEOPLE”? Very simple. Because the National Socialists never wanted to destroy the Slavs!

Dmitry Demushkin


andy_sinclair in Hitler on the Slavs (“Mein Kampf”)

“The Russian-Japanese War found me a more mature person. I followed these events even more closely. In this war, I took a certain side and, moreover, for national reasons. In discussions related to the Russo-Japanese War, I immediately took the side of the Japanese. In the defeat of Russia I began to see also the defeat of the Austrian Slavs.”
(Since Hitler had Austrian citizenship, his negative attitude towards the Austrian Slavs is quite understandable - Russia used pan-Slavic propaganda to disintegrate the Austro-Hungarian army, which had its indirect confirmation in the successes of the Russian army against it - approx.)

“The population of Russia was completely illiterate, which, of course, could not be said about Germany or other Western European nations. In Russia the intelligentsia itself for the most part belongs to non-Russian nationalities and, in any case, to non-Slavic races. It was easy to deal with the thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because between them and the broad masses of the people there were almost no intermediate links, and the mental and moral level of the broad masses of the people in Russia was terribly low.”

“It was not the state talents of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements: an excellent example of the enormous state role that German elements are capable of playing, acting within a lower race... More than once in history we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, at the head of which the Germans stood as organizers, turned into powerful states and then remained firmly on their feet as long as the racial core of the Germans was preserved. For centuries, Russia lived off the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely destroyed. Jews took the place of the Germans. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this huge state under their control for long. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather a ferment of disorganization. This giant eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already matured. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will unconditionally confirm the correctness of our racial theory.”
(Note - Hitler bases his theories on the role of German elements in the creation of Russian statehood primarily from the official doctrine of the Norman origin of Rurik and other Russian princes. Today, the “Norman theory” is increasingly criticized as untenable, and such sciences as molecular biology and DNA genealogy, which deals with ethnogenesis when analyzing haplogroups based on mtDNA and the Y chromosome, indicates that the ancient “Aryans” were not Germans at all, but Slavs).

“...I do not forget all the impudent threats that pan-Slavist Russia dared to systematically shower on Germany. I do not forget the repeated trial mobilizations that Russia resorted to with the sole purpose of infringing on Germany. I cannot forget the sentiments that prevailed in Russia even before the war, and those fierce attacks on our people, which were carried out by the Russian big press, which was enthusiastic about France.”

A. Hitler, “My Struggle”, chapters V, VI, IX, XIV.

“From Heydrich’s words, I understood the system according to which Hitler intended to pursue his policy of enslavement in relation to Russian subhumans. Heydrich literally said the following: “Hitler wants to use in Russia indefinitely, without stopping at anything, all the organizations under the authority of the Reichsführer SS. In the East, in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to create a powerful information service, which should work so accurately and harmoniously that such a person as Stalin could not arise in any region of the Soviet Union. What is dangerous is not the masses of the Russian people in themselves, but their inherent power to give birth to such individuals who are capable, based on knowledge of the soul of the Russian people, to lead the masses into movement.”

Walter Schellenberg, Memoirs.

Someone I knew recently asked, what exactly did Hitler say about Russia and Russians? (Many of my friends and colleagues, who are far from the Movement and ideas of National Socialism, for some reason consider me a great expert in Hitler’s works, which I, of course, am not). And since, although I read My Struggle several times, it was quite a long time ago, so I had to look for it again. But before doing it myself, I decided to check Google for ready-made research. It’s clear - I found it, and closer than I could have imagined. I publish with the supposed permission of the author, with full quotation acknowledgment.


“The reason for this examination was the widespread opinion about the anti-Russian orientation of A. Hitler’s main work “My Struggle”. To verify this thesis, I conducted a contextual analysis of the electronic version of “My Struggle” using the search command for the words “Russian”, “Russia” All places where these words are found and where these concepts are discussed are given below. V. Popov

From Chapter V. The Russo-Japanese War found me a more mature person. I followed these events even more closely. In this war, I took a certain side and, moreover, for national reasons. In discussions related to the Russo-Japanese War, I immediately took the side of the Japanese. In the defeat of Russia, I also began to see the defeat of the Austrian Slavs. (Since Hitler had Austrian citizenship, his negative attitude towards the Austrian Slavs is quite understandable - Russia used pan-Slavic propaganda to disintegrate the Austro-Hungarian army, which had its indirect confirmation in the successes of the Russian army against it - editor's note)

From Chapter VI....We all know that the French Revolution was by no means the result of philosophical theories. This revolution would not have happened if the demagogues of the grand style had not created a whole army of people who poisoned the monarchy, systematically inflaming the passions of the suffering people - until finally a monstrous explosion erupted, making all of Europe tremble. The same can be said about the biggest revolutionary upheaval of modern times. It was not Lenin's writings that made the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The main role was played by the oratory activities of large and small apostles of hatred, who inflamed the passions of the people to incredible proportions.

The people, consisting of illiterate people, were drawn into the communist revolution not by reading the theoretical works of Karl Marx, but by the pictures of those heavenly blessings that thousands and thousands of agitators painted for them, guided, of course, by only one specific idea. That's how it was, that's how it always will be. (Here we mean, of course, the Russian-language Jewish press, as well as the army of socialist propagandists - editor's note)

From Chapter IX. The population of Russia was completely illiterate, which, of course, could not be said about Germany or other Western European nations. In Russia the intelligentsia itself for the most part belongs to non-Russian nationalities and, in any case, to non-Slavic races. It was easy to deal with the thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because between it and the broad masses of the people there were almost no intermediate links, and the mental and moral level of the broad masses of the people in Russia was terribly low.

(A good third of all Russian noble families are of Turkic, Tatar origin. So, for example, Aksakov - in Turkic “lame”, Gogol - “drake”, Bulgakov - from the Tatar “proud man”, Karamzin - “black prince”, Kutuzov - from the Turkic “ mad", Turgenev - from the Tatar "turgen", i.e. "fast", "quick", Chaadaev - on behalf of the second son of Genghis Khan - Chagatai, Ogarev - from the nickname of the Tatar prince Kutlamamet "ogar", "tall", Timiryazev - from the proper name “iron warrior”, Berdyaev - “berdi”, “he gave”, Saltykov - “sold”, etc. However, this is not a complete list of Tatar surnames that gave rise to “Russian” writers and scientists. - approx. ed.)

In Russia, little was enough. It was only necessary to incite the uneducated masses, who could neither read nor write, against the upper layer of the intelligentsia, which was already almost unconnected with the people. This was enough to decide the entire fate of the country and so that the revolution could be considered a success. The entire illiterate mass of the Russian people fell into complete slavery to the Jewish dictators, who, of course, had the intelligence to drape their dictatorship in the toga of the “dictatorship of the people.”

From Chapter XI. Having seized political power, the Jews believe that they can now finally throw off the mask. From the “people's Jew” hatches a bloody Jew - a Jew who has become a tyrant of nations. Within a short time, he tries to completely eradicate the intelligentsia, the bearer of the national idea. Having deprived the people of ideological leaders, he wants to finally turn them into slaves and enslave them forever.

From Chapter XIII. Jews already hold modern European states in their hands. They turn these states into their weak-willed instruments, using either the method of so-called Western democracy or the method of direct oppression in the form of Russian Bolshevism. (The method of Western democracy turned out to be effective only in non-Aryan state formations with authoritarian rule - kingdoms, kingdoms and empires. That is, where there was no traditional culture of local self-government - veche republics - editor's note)

From Chapter XIV.
When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can primarily mean only Russia and those peripheral states that are subordinate to it.

Fate itself points its finger at us. Having delivered Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of that intelligentsia on which its state existence had hitherto rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state. It was not the state talents of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the Germanic elements - an excellent example of the enormous state role that Germanic elements are capable of playing when acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen how peoples of a lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, turned into powerful states and then remained firmly on their feet while the racial core of the Germans remained. For centuries, Russia lived off the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely destroyed. Jews took the place of the Germans. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this huge state under their control for long. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather a ferment of disorganization. This giant eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already matured. The end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will unconditionally confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

(Hitler proceeds in his theories about the role of German elements in the creation of Russian statehood primarily from the official doctrine of Tsarist Russia about the Norman origin of Rurik and other Russian princes. Today, the “Norman theory” is criticized as unpatriotic and anti-Russian. But the fact is that the self-name of these the most Norman-Varangians were "Rus" and they spoke, accordingly, in Russian. Already during the Second World War, German scientists who were engaged in excavations in the Crimea on the territory of the former East Gothic Kingdom came to the conclusion that the Russian Cossacks are the descendants of those the most Goths, from whom all European nobility and the Gothic style in architecture originate.The famous Norwegian traveler and explorer Thor Heyerdahl, shortly before his death, carried out an archaeological expedition to the Northern Black Sea region and came to the conclusion that the Norwegians are a related people with the Goths, the ancestors of the Cossacks. - editor's note)

Russian Bolshevism is only a new, 20th-century attempt by Jews to achieve world domination. In other historical periods, the same desire of the Jews took on only a different form...

Let's not talk about the true intentions of the new rulers of Russia. It is enough for us that Russia, having lost its top German layer, has already ceased to have any significance as a possible ally of the German nation in the liberation struggle. From a purely military point of view, a war between Germany and Russia against Western Europe (or rather, in this case, against the rest of the world) would be a real disaster for us. After all, the whole struggle would have taken place not on Russian, but on German territory, and Germany could not even count on any serious support from Russia...

I do not forget all the brazen threats that pan-Slavist Russia dared to systematically shower on Germany. I do not forget the repeated trial mobilizations that Russia resorted to with the sole purpose of infringing on Germany. I cannot forget the sentiments that prevailed in Russia even before the war, and those fierce attacks on our people, which were carried out by the Russian big press, which was enthusiastic about France. (Most of the press at that time was already “Russian-language, that is, Jewish. Let us remember that during the American bombings in Yugoslavia, NTV and other Jewish media were the loudest inciting anti-American sentiments - editor's note)

However, just before the start of the war, we still had a second way: we could rely on Russia against England...

1. The modern rulers (Jewish - editor's note) of Russia do not at all think about concluding an honest alliance with Germany, much less about its implementation if they concluded it.

(It was because of this that Hitler decided to start a preventive war with the Jewish Soviet Union, which posed a mortal threat to Aryan Germany - ed.)

That's all that Hitler wrote about the Russians and about Russia in his bestseller "My Struggle." In terms of its total circulation, it took second place in the twentieth century after the Bible."

This is the second time today I’ve come across Aloizovich’s quotes :) in my feed. Why would that be so?

"MK" is a controversial book, of course. However, apparently AG, within the framework of the established tradition in Germany, attributed this greatness to the admixture of “German elements”: “It was not the state talents of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements - an excellent example of the enormous state role that German elements are capable of playing.” , operating within a lower race."
However, it is not very different from the point of view of the most rabid Russophobes. Especially Russian ones. However, ordinary people do not consider them to be the personification of world evil.

Nevertheless, there is a certain contradiction in “MK” itself. On the one hand there is a “great people”, on the other there is a “lower race” than the Germans.
The book itself was written from the position of a political propagandist. If the political situation allows, a period of rapprochement with the USSR begins, a time of loyal attitude towards Russian culture (1939-mid-1941). The situation dictates something else - the attitude towards Russians is changing. Racial theory was only a convenient tool for pursuing the desired policy in the East. And Hitler’s own views regarding the Russians and Russia were a heap of truths, half-truths and outright fabrications, fortunately he fought on the Western Front, and communicated only with white emigrants who had a corresponding view of Russia. As for the Slavs in general, the loyal attitude of the Czechs and the figure of Hitler’s best Viennese friend, August Kubizek, hint that Hitler was not such a Slavophobe.

I have always written that the genocide of Russians by Jewish commissars horrified Germany, where millions of surviving Russians fled, and it was these atrocities that became the reason for the persecution of Jews in the 3rd Reich.

But the facts are that Germany pays the Jews money, and all this was organized through the next tranche of 20 million Russians in 1941-45

"to ensure dominance over a great people by a bunch of Jewish hacks and stock market bandits."

Even anti-propaganda is not needed. the phrase about the Stalinist USSR tearing into rags

Edited at 2011-11-21 00:28 (UTC)

to understand Hitler's intracranial box.
Zum Beispiel-
a most excellent example of the enormous state role which Germanic elements are capable of playing when acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created.
-(Who are they calling this low race here? Why don’t I understand...((()))))
For centuries, Russia lived off the German core in its upper strata of the population.
-(here I would like to go into more detail. What they were, what they contributed is undeniable. But what: precisely and at the expense of - suggests that there were colossal gaps in Hitler’s self-education, which led to a clay-colossal mistake.
The purpose of that post of mine is not to state that the Germans classified the Russians as untermensch, but to modestly indicate what a HUMBLE PLACE the Germans ALLOCATED to the already modest RUSSIAN PEOPLE in the new LIBERATED (by the Germans, of course) RUSSIA.

“Defeat the Russians as a people”

We had no choice: either victory or death. This becomes obvious when you find out what fate Hitler and his henchmen were preparing for the people of the Soviet Union

German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler (second from right) and Romanian conductor Ion Antonescu (center) bent over a map at a military meeting. May 5, 1943 / AP Photo/TASS

Adolf Gitler always acted as an irreconcilable opponent and a fierce denouncer of Bolshevism, considering it one of the main threats to Germany. He repeatedly – ​​and with great pathos – wrote about Bolshevism, as well as Marxism, in his book “Mein Kampf” (1925–1926), essentially demonizing this political movement and linking it with the world “Jewish conspiracy” against Germany. “In order for the Marxist gangs of international Jewish stock capital to be able to finally break the backbone of the German nation state, they need friendly support from the outside,” Hitler noted. “For this, the Jews need the French armies to threaten Germany until such disintegration occurs within the country that will allow the Bolshevik gangs, unleashed by international Jewish stock exchange capital, to finally take possession of our state.”

However, it is necessary to separate the short-term domestic political and long-term geopolitical goals of Hitler and the Nazis. Politics dictated the need to fight the Marxist parties in Germany and the Comintern in the international arena. But at the basis of National Socialism, along with other provisions, lay a racial theory, which implied the unconditional superiority of the German people, as well as the subordination of inferior peoples to them. Simply put, for the benefit of all humanity, it was necessary to ensure the development and prosperity of the master people, the creator people, including at the expense of other peoples, even if the latter were to die.

“My mission is to destroy the Slavs.
In the future Europe there must be two races: Germanic and Latin."

Despite the constant denunciation of Marxism in general and Bolshevism in particular, Hitler placed his main emphasis on the need for Germany to obtain “living space” - Lebensraum. Moreover, he initially viewed Russia as a source of new territories for the German people. In the same “Mein Kampf” the future Fuhrer wrote: “ Having decided to get new lands in Europe, we could get them, in general, only at the expense of Russia [emphasis added. – K.Z.]. In this case, we had to girdle our loins and move along the same road along which the knights of our orders once walked. The German sword would have to conquer the land to the German plow and thereby provide the daily bread of the German nation.”

And in this sense, it did not matter to him at all who was in power in Russia (at that time the USSR) - the Bolsheviks or anyone else.

Eastern policy

When Hitler turned to Eastern politics in Mein Kampf, he directly stated that “this problem is of decisive importance for the entire foreign policy of Germany as a whole”, that it “is the touchstone on which the political abilities of our young nationalist are first tested.” socialist movement; on this touchstone we test how capable we really are of thinking clearly and acting correctly.” And the essence of his position was that the very fact that the Bolsheviks were in power in the USSR was a chance for Germany, since Russia had lost “that intelligentsia on which its state existence had hitherto rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain strength of the state.” Now Germany will eliminate “Jewish domination in Russia” and subjugate all these vast expanses.

The Germans initially intended to “increase the size of the Ukrainian population as opposed to the Russians”

Thus, the goal was declared not simply to eliminate Bolshevism, but to destroy the state-forming force, which meant the end of Russian statehood in any form. Somewhat later, already during the Second World War, Hitler would tell the Romanian Foreign Minister Mihai Antonescu: “My mission, if I succeed, is to destroy the Slavs. In the future Europe there must be two races: Germanic and Latin. These two races must work together in Russia in order to reduce the number of Slavs. Russia cannot be approached with legal or political language, since the Russian question is much more dangerous than it seems, and we must use colonialist and biological means to destroy the Slavs.”

Hitler's assessment of the Russian people was extremely low; the Fuhrer initially assigned them a subordinate role. "Population of Russia,- he wrote, - it was completely illiterate.<…>In Russia the intelligentsia itself for the most part belongs to non-Russian nationalities and, in any case, to non-Slavic races. It was easy to deal with the thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because between them and the broad masses of the people there were almost no intermediate links, and the mental and moral level of the broad masses of the people in Russia was terribly low.”

In the occupied territories, the Nazis and local police carried out demonstration executions of partisans and those who were suspected of collaborating with them

Hitler's views and moods are also evidenced by his table conversations - the monologues with which he honored his associates during lunches and dinners. The Fuehrer of the Greater German Reich saw Russia as a territory inhabited by an unenlightened people lacking initiative, immersed in vices and lacking any cultural needs. In the future, the population of this country was supposed to work for German peasant soldiers who would live on pastoral farms, while the administration was supposed to be concentrated in a few German cities. “We will not live in Russian cities,- Hitler said, – and give them the opportunity to fall to pieces without our intervention. And most importantly, no regrets about this!<…>We may limit ourselves to installing radio transmitters under our control. For the rest, we will train them only to the level so that they understand our road signs...”

One of the goals was to transform the people, whose lives were nevertheless decided to be saved, into dumb cattle, not causing any trouble to the “highly educated” German nation. “Less is asked of them than of the deaf and dumb. No special books for them! – the Fuhrer was categorical. “The radio will be enough to give them the most important information.” Of course, they can have as much music as they like. They can engage in listening to the gurgling of water flowing from the tap. I am against entrusting them with work that requires even minimal mental effort.”

“What are our doctors thinking?”

Meanwhile, Hitler’s thesis that “teaching Russians, Ukrainians and Kyrgyz to read and write will ultimately turn against us” was only part of the plan to enslave Russia. To a large extent, the weakening of the Russian, like other Slavic peoples, was based on its destruction. Destruction both in the literal sense of the word - physical, through executions and punitive operations, and through a consistent policy that can only be described as genocide.

Addressing his inner circle, Hitler was indignant: “What are our doctors thinking? Isn't it enough to vaccinate?.. Let them die! Most importantly, because of these possessed people, we cannot sterilize all the indigenous people!”

In general, the idea that the Russian population would be able to benefit from the benefits of civilization in the future caused the Fuhrer to be rejected. “Russians don’t live to old age!- he exclaimed. – What a stupid idea to vaccinate them!.. No vaccinations for Russians and no soap for them to wash off their dirt. But we must give them as much alcohol and tobacco as they want.”. Another time, Hitler expanded on his idea: “In the field of public health, it is not worth extending the benefits of our knowledge to the conquered masses. This would only lead to a huge increase in the local population, and I categorically prohibit the organization of any struggle for cleanliness and hygiene in this territory. Compulsory vaccination will be limited to Germans only..."

Already during the war years, the Fuhrer absolutely clearly formulated the future of the Russian, as well as the Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples. He was primarily concerned about the racial component. “As for these ridiculous hundred million Slavs,- he summarized, - We will fashion the best of them in the form that suits us, and isolate the rest in their pigsties; and anyone who talks about the need to protect and cherish the local residents will go straight to a concentration camp!”

"On the future treatment of the Russian population"

During the war in Nazi Germany, at a fairly high level, with the participation of serious and influential organizations, leaders, as well as researchers - professors and leading experts in many fields - there was a detailed discussion of the fundamental principles of the mass deportations planned in the post-war period concerning the eastern territories, as well as the implementation of the task of “liquidating Russians as a people.”

The goal was declared quite clearly: “It is important for us Germans to weaken the Russian people to such an extent that they will no longer be able to prevent us from establishing German domination in Europe.”.

Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler (center) inspecting the troops of the Galicia division, a military formation recruited from Ukrainian volunteers. June 3, 1944

This discussion, as stated in the Reichsführer-SS General Plan Ost, dated April 27, 1942, was, of course, “not a program to be carried out immediately”: it was noted that “the settlement of this area by Germans must take place for approximately 30 years after the end of the war."

The issues outlined in the document, including “the future treatment of the Russian population,” were thoroughly developed. Calculations of the proportions of German and non-German populations in Eastern Europe were based on studies commissioned by the highest organs of the Nazi Party. As a result, the following figures were obtained: “For 8 million Germans, according to the plan, there are 45 million local residents of non-German origin, of which 31 million should be evicted from these territories.”

“The Russian question is much more dangerous,
what it seems, and we must use colonialist and biological means to destroy the Slavs"

The compilers of the “Notes” focused on methods for solving the Russian question: “This is not only about the defeat of the state with its center in Moscow. Achieving this historic goal would never mean a complete solution to the problem. The point is most likely to defeat the Russians as a people [emphasis added. – K.Z.], to separate them. Only if this problem is considered from a biological, especially from a racial-biological, point of view, and if German policy in the eastern regions is carried out in accordance with this, will it be possible to eliminate the danger that the Russian people poses to us.”.

To achieve this, in particular, it was proposed that after the war, all territories populated by Russians should be divided into small semi-autonomous entities and at the same time “ensure separate national development in each of them.” And if in areas such as, for example, the Urals and the Caucasus, it was a priori necessary to drive a wedge between the local and Russian populations, with an emphasis on separating as small national groups as possible, then in the central regions of Russia “the policy of individual general commissariats [should] be aimed, whenever possible, at the separation and separate development of these areas.” It's simple: “A Russian from the Gorky General Commissariat should be instilled with the feeling that he is somehow different from a Russian from the Tula General Commissariat”.

"Undermining the biological power of the people"

Other components of the plan of action in the eastern territories discussed were “weakening the Russian people racially” and “undermining their biological strength.” Let us recall that these measures should have been implemented after the end of the war, that is, in peacetime. Thus, it was said about the initial increase in “the size of the Ukrainian population as opposed to the Russians,” but later the birth control policy was supposed to be extended to Ukrainians.

“In order to avoid an undesirable increase in population in the eastern regions,” it was planned first of all to pay great attention to propaganda: “by means of it, especially through the press, radio, cinema, leaflets, short brochures, reports, etc., we must constantly instill in the population the idea that it is harmful to have many children.” They also talked about the widespread production and distribution of contraceptives, while “abortion should not be limited in any way.” Should have been " do not allow the struggle to reduce infant mortality, do not allow training of mothers in the care of infants and preventive measures against childhood diseases, [and in addition] reduce to a minimum the training of Russian doctors in these specialties, do not provide any support to kindergartens and other similar institutions". Finally, “along with the implementation of these measures in the field of health, no obstacles should be created to divorce”.

"Their names are unpronounceable
and their physical essence is such that the only thing that can be done with them is to shoot them without any pity or mercy.”

Speaking in Stettin on July 13, 1941, to the SS men from Battle Group Nord leaving for the front, the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler said:

“This is a war of ideologies and a struggle of races. On one side stands National Socialism: an ideology based on the values ​​of our Germanic, Nordic blood. There is a world as we want it to be: a beautiful, orderly, socially fair world, a world that may still suffer from some shortcomings, but overall a happy, beautiful world, filled with culture, which is exactly what Germany is. On the other side stands a people of 180 million, a mixture of races and peoples whose names are unpronounceable and whose physical essence is such that the only thing that can be done with them is to shoot them without any pity or mercy.<…>

When you, my friends, fight in the east, you continue the same struggle against the same subhumanity, against the same inferior races that once fought under the name of the Huns, later - 1000 years ago, during the time of Kings Henry and Otto I - under under the name of the Hungarians, and subsequently under the name of the Tatars; then they appeared again under the name of Genghis Khan and the Mongols. Today they are called Russians under the political banner of Bolshevism.”

The practice of the Nazis - their actions in the occupied Soviet territories - was fully consistent with their racial, inherently inhumane theory. That is why our victory over Nazi Germany is not just a victory in many years of difficult war. This is a victory in the irreconcilable struggle for survival that unfolded across the vastness of Europe with those who hatched plans to destroy entire nations. We had no choice then: either win or die. And we won.