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Mayakovsky's love lyrics. Love lyrics in the works of Mayakovsky


The tobacco smoke has eaten away from the air.
Room -
chapter in Kruchenykhov's hell.
Remember -
outside this window
In a frenzy, he stroked your hands.
Today you are sitting here,
heart in iron.
It's still a day -
you'll kick me out
maybe by scolding.
Won't fit in the muddy hallway for a long time
hand broken by trembling into sleeve.
I'll run out
I'll throw the body into the street.
I'll go crazy
cut off by despair.
Don't need this
let's say goodbye now.
Doesn't matter
My love -
It's a heavy weight -
hangs on you
wherever I would run.
Let me cry out in my last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If a bull is killed by labor -
he will leave
will lie down in the cold waters.
Except your love,
to me
there is no sea,
and you can’t beg your love for rest even with tears.
A tired elephant wants peace -
the royal one will lie down in the fried sand.
Besides your love,
to me
there is no sun
and I don’t even know where you are or with whom.
If only I had tormented the poet like that,
I would trade my beloved for money and fame,
and for me
not a single joyful ringing,
except the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into the air,
and I won’t drink poison,
and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple.
Above me
except your gaze,
the blade of no knife has power.
Tomorrow you'll forget
that he crowned you,
that he burned out a blossoming soul with love,
and the hectic days of the swept up carnival
will ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves?
will make you stop
panting greedily?

Give me at least
cover with the last tenderness
your leaving step.


After all, if the stars light up -

So, does anyone want them to exist?
So, someone calls these spittoons a pearl?
And, straining
in blizzards of midday dust,
rushes to God
I'm afraid I'm late
kisses his sinewy hand,
asks -
there must be a star! –
swears -
will not endure this starless torment!
And then
walks around anxiously
but calm on the outside.
Says to someone:
“Isn’t it okay for you now?
Not scary?
After all, if the stars
light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?
This means it is necessary
so that every evening
over the roofs
Did at least one star light up?!


Love won't wash away
no quarrel
not a mile.
Thought out
Raising solemnly the line-fingered verse,
I swear -
I love
unchanged and true!

Attitude towards the young lady

This evening decided -
Shouldn't we become lovers? –
Nobody will see us.
I really leaned in
And indeed
Leaning over
Told her
Like a good parent:
“Passion is a steep cliff -
Move away.
Move away

Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva

You are the only one for me
height level,
stand next to me
with an eyebrow eyebrow,
about this
important evening
Five hours,
and from now on
of people
dense forest,
populated city,
I only hear
whistle dispute
trains to Barcelona.
In the black sky
lightning step,
in the heavenly drama, -
not a thunderstorm
and this
moves mountains.
Stupid words
don't trust raw materials
do not be afraid
this shaking -
I will bridle
I will humble you
offspring of the nobility.
Passion measles
will come off as a scab,
but joy
I'll be there for a long time
I'll just
I speak in poetry.
well them! -
eyelids will swell,
fits Viu.
I'm not myself
and I
I'm jealous
behind Soviet Russia.
patches on the shoulders,
licks with a sigh.
we are not to blame -
hundred million
was bad.
so gentle towards those -
you won’t straighten many, -
you and us
are needed in Moscow,
Not for you,
in the snow
and typhus
with these legs
for caresses
hand them over
at dinners
with oil workers.
Don't think
just squinting
from under straightened arcs.
Come here,
go to the crossroads
my big ones
and clumsy hands.
Do not want?
Stay and winter
and this
We'll reduce it to the general account.
I don't care
someday I'll take it -
or together with Paris.


overgrown with flowers,
from the world
spring view.
And again
unresolved issue -
about women
and about love.
We love the parade
elegant song.
We speak beautifully
going to the rally.
But often
under this,
old, old little house.
Sings at the meeting:
"Forward, comrades...
And at home,
forgetting about the solo aria,
yells at his wife
that the cabbage soup is not in the broth
So what
not well salted.
Lives with someone else -
kiosk wide,
underwear -
chant diva.
But with a thin stocking
reproaches his wife:
- You compromise
in front of the team. -
Then they climb to anyone,
would have legs.
Five women
will change
during the day.
We, they say,
not monogamy.
Down with philistinism
and prejudice!
From flower to flower
young dragonfly
and rushes about.
One thing for him
in the world
seems evil -
alimony worker.
He's glad to die
saving a third,
three years
happy to sue:
and I say, not me,
and she's not mine
and I in general
And they love
so be it
a faithful nun -
every little thing
and measures
for revolver caliber,
in the back of the head
let the bullet go.
Fourth -
hero of a dozen battles,
and so,
whatever is dear,
from the wife's shoes,
Mostorg's simple shoes.
And the other
arrow of love
otherwise marks
- such a child -
to romance networks
with promotion
subordinate according to the tariff schedule...
Through the female line
the tabernacles of heaven are not for you either.
A simple boy
picked up
He's working
and her
can't hold back -
runs after flares
every boulevard.
sit down
and in tears
Nilom nilsya.
Look! -
- For whom, dear ones, did I marry?
For myself -
or for them? -
From parents
and children of this sort:
- What about parents?
And we
no worse, they say! -
Are engaged
love in the form of sport,
not having time
join the Komsomol.
And further,
to the village,
life without movement -
live as before
year after year.
Just like that
getting married
and get married
how to buy
draft animals
If it will be
last like this
year after year,
I'll tell you straight
won't be able to
and the marriage code,
where are the father and daughter,
which son and mother.
I'm not for family.
On fire
and in the blue smoke
burn out
and this old piece,
where they hissed
mother goose
and children
gander father!
But we live in a commune
in dormitories
the skin of the body becomes dirty.
raise for cleanliness
our relations
and love affairs.
Don't hesitate -
they say, I'm not married.
not pop fastens gibberish.
and the lives of men and women
in a word,
uniting us:

Yakovlev G.N.

Interest in this topic is inexhaustible.

Mayakovsky is considered to be primarily a poet-tribune. But he did not refuse to write about love, and he could not help but write about it, but this topic occupies a more modest place in his revolutionary poetry than that of other poets. He explained the reason himself:

I will write
and about that
and about this,
but now
not the time
love affairs
all my
the sonorous power of the poet
I give it to you
attacking class.

But Mayakovsky did not forget about this. For him, love was never something secondary, unimportant in life. “Love is the heart of everything,” the poet wrote. “If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary.” We can safely say about him that he carefully carried love throughout his life:

what did you write if
said it's because of that

Of course, the work of post-October Mayakovsky differs from his work before the revolution: he was endowed with an exceptional sense of the era, the pulse of time. The radical change in the socio-political structure in Russia determined a different worldview for the poet and brought forward new moral and ethical problems for him. But there is something unshakable, imperishable in Mayakovsky’s love poems from different eras: openness, frankness, sometimes, I would say, loud intimacy (“Cloud in Pants”, etc.), deep and pure feeling, excluding any compromises or calculations , dictated by successful “prudence” (“Shameful prudence will never come to me,” he would write shortly before his death). But it is precisely on calculation that bourgeois-philistine “love” is based, bought by people who are ready to “exchange their beloved for money and fame.” Similar human relations Mayakovsky in his pre-revolutionary works rejected with disgust (“Cloud in Pants”, “Spine Flute”, “Man”, etc.) and spoke of a high and disinterested feeling:

And for me
not a single joyful ringing,
except the ringing of your favorite name.

This poem “Lilichka! Instead of a letter" (1916), in which, even after almost seventy years, not a single word seems worn out or clichéd; each line is memorized strongly, freshly, and uniquely. In his poems from 1915-1916. - and a feeling of tragedy, loneliness, and readiness for self-immolation in the name of love:

And only my pain is sharper - I stand,
entwined in fire, on an unburnt fire of unimaginable love

and a sea of ​​tenderness:

to line your departing step with the last tenderness.

(“Lilichka! Instead of a letter”)

“He was very kind... unusually soft, very affectionate... He was harsh only on the stage,” Lilya Yuryevna Brik recalled about the poet.

In the poem “I Love” (1922), cursing the corrupt “love” of bourgeois society, the poet glorifies liberated love, free from the power of money, but not from the concepts of honor, decency, nobility. Mayakovsky contrasts the theory of fleeting, “free love” (“a glass of water”), which became widespread in the 1920s, with true love:

Neither quarrels nor miles can wash away love.
Thought out
Raising solemnly the line-fingered verse,
I swear -
I love
unchanged and true!

The poem “I Love” appeared during the NEP period, when a stream of low-grade, sugary, vulgar or decadently hysterical poems about love, designed for the bourgeois taste, poured into print. The sentimentally whiny and touchingly lisping titles of the collections spoke for themselves: “Sick Love”, “Blue Bedroom”, “Love Delirium”, etc. Mayakovsky was ironic about this:

In your apartment
small world
for bedrooms
curly lyricists.
("I love")
So what: down with intimacy? Long live the drum? From now on and forever? No, of course not:
our souls.
For battle - thunder,
for bed -
And we have
for love and for battle -
Please march
to my beloved
("Frontline of the Advanced")

But the Poet of the Revolution did not isolate himself in a narrow apartment world, he thought and felt on a grand scale. This is what distinguished him, a great poet and a real person, from some of his fellow writers.

Mayakovsky hated any contamination of poetry by philistine passions, outpourings of small souls who longed for an “elegant” life and love. The poets of his time, who were quite good but stumbled, also got it. Mayakovsky criticized Ivan Molchanov and other authors who were unable to discern the human essence behind the “blue-colored scarf” and were sliding into the same petty-bourgeois vulgarity. To the poet, connoisseur of true female beauty, the replacement of deep and beautiful feelings with animal passion or the principle of buying and selling has always been alien. Let us remember his poem “Beauties” or “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”:

I do not like
Parisian love: any female
Decorate with silks, stretching, I’ll doze off,
having said -
brutal passion.

With all the journalistic broadcasting and oratorical power of Mayakovsky’s poetic voice, one is unusually attracted by the emphasized restraint, even shyness, of the titles of his poems “I Love”, “About This”. In his poems, the personal and intimate are inextricably intertwined with the public, expressing a dream of the future when true love will come to all people:

So that there is no love - the servant of marriages,
Cursed the beds
getting up from the couch so that love would flow throughout the universe.
("About it")

But if “love is the heart of everything,” then it is clear that it brings both suffering and happiness and causes a complex set of experiences. Bitter words about love, with a touch of self-irony, are scattered in various poems by Mayakovsky:

Here comes the boat of love, dear Vladim Vladimych

Have you seen
so that the person
with such a biography
would be single
and grew old unissued?!
I've been waiting for love
I am 30 years old.
("Tamara and the Demon")

The humorous poem, permeated with the motif of melancholy and loneliness, also sounds sad - “Conversation at the Odessa raid of the landing ships “Soviet Dagestan” and “Red Abkhazia” (1926). The poet’s personal life did not develop the way he wanted...

A new great love came to Mayakovsky in last years life. In Paris in 1928, he met Tatyana Yakovleva, who went there in 1925 to visit her artist uncle. She was, apparently, a smart and beautiful girl (in poetry Mayakovsky calls her a beauty). Obviously, the love was mutual. In letters to her mother in Russia, Tatyana talked about the poet and her relationship with him: “He treated me amazingly... He called from Berlin, and it was a continuous cry. I receive telegrams every day and flowers every week. He ordered that roses be sent to me every Sunday morning before his arrival. Everything is filled with flowers. It's very cute and, most importantly, it looks like him. It was very hard for me when he left. This is the most talented person I have met”; “Endless kindness and caring... There are no people of his caliber here. In his relations with women (and with me in particular) he is an absolute gentleman”; “The people I meet are mostly “secular”, without any desire to move their brains or with some kind of flies-laden thoughts and feelings. Mayakovsky spurred me on, forced me (I was terribly afraid to seem stupid next to him) to improve mentally, and most importantly, to vividly remember Russia... I almost returned. He is so colossal both physically and mentally that after him there is literally a desert.”

There is a beautiful legend about the Georgian artist Pirosmanishvili, who showered his beloved with roses, a legend that served as the basis famous poem A. Voznesensky, which became a popular song. But that's a legend. Before us is a beautiful true story, revealing the tender, loving, beautiful, vulnerable soul of the poet, whom many imagine as nothing more than a block of stone, an impenetrable monolith, as an incorrigibly rude and harsh person. For many months, Tatyana Yakovleva received baskets of flowers from the Parisian rose garden from Mayakovsky, who had left for the USSR. They prepared cute poetic notes that were placed in bouquets and baskets, for example:

We send these roses to you so that life appears in a rosy light. The roses will fade... and then we will throw the chrysanthemums at our feet.

Mayakovsky addressed a poetic letter to her, Tatyana, which was clearly not intended for publication and was not published for a long time. It is all the more valuable for us that in this intimate message the poet has not changed himself in anything: he is pure, honest and noble as loving man and as a citizen of his great Motherland.

Is it in the kiss of hands,
in body trembling
those close to me
my republics

This is the beginning of a poem that inextricably combines pain for a country tormented by difficulties, and devotion to it, and an address full of human dignity and undisguised tenderness to the woman he loves (“Come here, go to the crossroads of my big and clumsy hands”, “I still love you”) Someday I’ll take it - alone or together with Paris”).

Another poem, also associated with the name of Tatyana Yakovleva, became a textbook - “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love.” The work is both serious and playful, and this duality, as noted by researchers, is felt already in the title: the proximity of the words “Paris” and “love” traditionally evokes the idea of ​​easy infatuation, and at the same time, a discussion “about the essence of love” is something like a serious philosophical treatise. But in a half-joking form, Mayakovsky also expressed his cherished thoughts in it. He always believed that true (and even more so mutual) love should inspire a person and cause an upsurge of creative forces. In one of his letters, the poet stated: “Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it.” This is what is said in the bright, cheerful, life-affirming poem. Detailed analysis“Letters to Comrade Kostrov...” is dedicated to the article by D. Ustyuzhanin “Community - Love”. And as always, Mayakovsky is proud of his country, where he is famous as a poet. The lyrical poem, replete with vivid comparisons and unique poetic imagery, first of all tells about the depth and power of “simple human” love:

Don't catch
on rubbish
on the passerby
a couple of feelings.
wounded by love -
I can barely drag myself.

Based on the works reviewed, it is not difficult to conclude that it is impossible to separate Mayakovsky’s love lyrics from his civil, political lyrics. The integrity of Mayakovsky’s nature and the certainty of his life position determined the indissolubility of the personal and the social in his work.

In conclusion, I would like to turn to the words of D.I. Pisareva: “...Think about it, what are lyrics? After all, this is just a public confession of a person? Wonderful. But why do we need the public confession of such a person, who absolutely cannot attract our attention to himself with anything other than his desire to confess?.. Lyrics are the highest and most difficult manifestation of art. Only first-class geniuses have the right to be lyricists, because only a colossal personality can bring benefit to society by drawing its attention to his own private and mental life.”

There is no doubt that Mayakovsky was a colossal personality. But he believed that the time for love poems had not yet come, but this era would certainly come. One can only regret that Vladimir Mayakovsky did not live to see another time. But what he managed to write about love is of great moral and artistic value.

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Love lyrics V.V. Mayakovsky.

Love - an eternal theme - runs through the entire work of Vladimir Mayakovsky, from the early poems to the last unfinished poem “Unfinished”. Treating love as the greatest good, capable of inspiring deeds and work, Mayakovsky wrote: “Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot help but manifest itself in everything.” He is characterized by the breadth of his lyrical perception of the world. Personal and social merged in his poetry. And love - the most intimate human feeling - in Mayakovsky’s poems is always connected with the social feelings of the poet-citizen.

The whole life of V.V. Mayakovsky with all its joys and sorrows, despair, pain is in his poems. The poet's works tell us about his love, when and what it was like. In the early poems, mention of love occurs twice: in the 1913 cycle of lyric poems “I” and the lyric poem “Love”. They talk about love without connection with the poet’s personal experiences.

Many recipients of Vladimir Mayakovsky's lyrics are known - Liliya Brik, Maria Denisova, Tatyana Yakovleva and Veronica Polonskaya.

In the poem “A Cloud in Pants,” the poet talks about his unrequited love at first sight with the young Maria Denisova, with whom he fell in love in 1914 in Odessa. He described his feelings this way:


Your son is beautifully sick!


His heart is on fire.

This tragic love not made up. The poet himself points to the veracity of those experiences described in the poem:

Do you think it's malaria that's raving?

It was,

was in Odessa.

“I’ll come at four,” said Maria.

But a feeling of exceptional strength brings not joy, but suffering. The paths of M. Denisova and V. Mayakovsky diverged. Then he exclaimed: “You can’t love!”

But Mayakovsky could not help but love. No more than a year has passed and the poet falls in love with Lilya Brik. Their relationship began with Mayakovsky dedicating a poem to her (“A Cloud in Pants”), which was inspired by another (Maria Denisova), and ended with him naming her name in a posthumous note. The relationship between Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lily Brik was very difficult; many stages of their development were reflected in the works of the poet. His feelings are reflected in the poem “Spine Flute,” written in the fall of 1915. And again, not the joy of love, but despair sounds from the pages of the poem:

I crumple the miles of streets with the sweep of my steps,

Where will I go, this hell melts!

What heavenly Hoffmann

Are you making it up, damn you?!

The poem "Lilichka! Instead of a letter" may be indicative of this relationship. It was written in 1916, but was first published only in 1934. How much love and tenderness for this woman lies in the lines:

Besides the sea of ​​your love,

to me

there is no sea,

and you can’t beg your love for rest even with tears.

A tired elephant wants peace -

the royal one will lie down in the fried sand.

Besides your love,

to me

there is no sun

and I don’t even know where you are or with whom.

In 1922, the poet wrote the poem “I Love” - his brightest work about love. Mayakovsky was then experiencing the peak of his feelings for L. Brik, and therefore was sure:

Love won't wash away

no quarrel

not a mile.

Thought out



Raised the line-fingered verse solemnly,

I swear -

I love

unchanged and true!

Here the poet reflects on the essence of love and its place in human life. Mayakovsky contrasted salesy love with true, passionate, faithful love.

In February 1923, the poem “About This” was written. Here the lyrical hero appears again suffering, tormented by unsatisfied love. But the poet’s chivalrous character does not allow him to cast even the slightest shadow on the image of his beloved:

- Look,

even here, darling,

poems smashing the everyday horror,

protecting your beloved name,


in my curses

I go around.

1924 was a turning point in the relationship between Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik. A hint of this can be found in the poem “Jubilee,” which was written for the 125th anniversary of Pushkin’s birth, June 6, 1924:




from love

and from posters.






At the beginning of 1929, “A Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love” appeared in the Young Guard magazine. From this poem it is clear that a new love has appeared in the poet’s life, that “the cold engine of the heart has been put into operation again.” This was Tatyana Yakovleva, whom Mayakovsky met in Paris in 1928. The poems dedicated to her, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva,” are imbued with a happy feeling of great, true love.

The poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” was written in November 1928. Mayakovsky's love was never just a personal experience. She inspired him to fight and create and was embodied in poetic masterpieces imbued with the pathos of the revolution. Here the poet wrote about it like this:

Is it in the kiss of hands,


In body trembling

those close to me



my republics




The poet had to endure a lot of grievances. He did not want to “string” Tatyana Yakovleva’s refusal to come to him in Moscow into a common account. The confidence that love will ultimately win is expressed in the words:

I don't care


someday I'll take it -


or together with Paris.

Mayakovsky was very worried about the separation, sent her letters and telegrams every day, and was looking forward to the trip to Paris. But they were no longer destined to meet: Mayakovsky was denied permission to travel to Paris in January 1930.

In May 1929, Mayakovsky was introduced to Veronica Vitoldovna Polonskaya. Mayakovsky loved beautiful women. And although his heart was not free at that time, it was firmly captured by Tatyana Yakovleva, but he was drawn to Polonskaya, and he began to meet with her often. Shortly before his death, Mayakovsky wrote the poem “Unfinished” with the following lines:

Already the second

you must have gone to bed


and you have this

I'm in no hurry,

And lightning telegrams

I don't need to


wake up and disturb...

Veronica Polonskaya was the last person to see Mayakovsky alive. It was to her that the poet proposed a minute before the fatal shot. In his suicide letter, Mayakovsky wrote:

As they say -

"the incident is over"

love boat

crashed into everyday life.

I'm even with life

and there is no need for a list

Mutual pain

troubles and insults.

Happy stay.

Vladimir Mayakovsky.

V. Mayakovsky “About this.” Cover by Alexander Rodchenko. Moscow, 1923.

In 1922, the poet wrote the poem “I Love” - his brightest work about love. Mayakovsky was then experiencing the peak of his feelings for L. Brik, and therefore was sure:

Love won't wash away
no quarrel

not a mile.
Thought out

Tatiana Yakovleva, 1932, Paris.

Here the poet reflects on the essence of love and its place in human life. Mayakovsky contrasted salesy love with true, passionate, faithful love.
But then again in the poem “About This” the lyrical hero appears suffering, tormented by love. This was a turning point in his relationship with Brick.
That is, one can notice how closely intertwined in Mayakovsky’s work are the feelings of the poet and the feelings of the lyrical hero.
At the beginning of 1929, “A Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love” appeared in the Young Guard magazine. From this poem it is clear that a new love has appeared in Mayakovsky’s life, that “the cold engine of the heart has been put into operation again.” This was Tatyana Yakovleva, whom the poet met in Paris in 1928. Poems dedicated to her “Letter to Comrade Kostrov...” and

For many readers, Vladimir Mayakovsky is, first of all, a revolutionary poet and a prominent representative of futurism. Defiant remarks, fragmented sentences, exclamation marks - such an association arises when the poet’s surname is mentioned. The theme of love is also not complete without these techniques. In Mayakovsky's love lyrics, the original form of the poems is observed, and the lyrical hero has a rather unusual character.

  1. "Lilichka!" Mayakovsky's muse was Lilya Brik, a married lady with whom he had an affair. The author dedicated poems and poems to her, one of which bears her name: "". Admiring her beauty, the lyrical hero experiences jealousy. In rather crude language for a love letter, he addresses his beloved with the fear that their love will come to an end. He calms the girl down, saying that he will not commit suicide: after all, with such a step he will lose the opportunity to see her.
  2. "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva." In a poem addressed to an emigrant living in France, Mayakovsky writes about love, but uses political subtext. Differences in political views prevented people from getting closer: Yakovleva refused to return to Soviet Russia. Lyrical hero takes her answer as an insult and announces that soon not only she will belong to him, but also Paris. Mayakovsky has in mind the desired victory of communism over bourgeois countries. Read more about this novel at
  3. “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love.” A letter to a friend gradually develops into a conversation with a French woman. The hero first praises himself, but then begins to talk about his understanding of love. He can't describe her in simple words, believes that this feeling requires a lot of strength from a person and often leads to suffering. Passion for him is not connected with a wedding - it is known that Mayakovsky never married during his lifetime, although he had children. The lyrical hero compares love with chopping wood and jealousy of Copernicus; she stronger than a hurricane, fire and water, and no one can cope with it.
  4. "Attitude towards the young lady." Mayakovsky's lyrical hero in this short poem shows restraint and nobility towards a certain lady with whom he is about to have a love relationship. He warns her and asks her to step away from the steep cliff of passion. The young man realizes possible consequences rash act and decides to protect the girl from them, even comparing himself to a kind father.
  5. “The author dedicates these lines to himself, his beloved.” Hyperboles and oxymorons create a feeling of great melancholy of the poet. The hero regrets that he is not as dim as the sun; not tongue-tied, like Dante and Petrarch; not quiet as thunder. He compares himself to an unnecessary giant who cannot be loved. He wants to find a loved one who is like him, but he fails. Loneliness is the main motive of the work, and the theme of creativity is closely intertwined with the theme of love.
  6. "Loves? does not love? I’m wringing my hands...” Vladimir Mayakovsky planned to write a poem about the Five-Year Plan, but the sketches remained in notebook poet, and now they are combined into the collection “Unfinished”. "Loves? does not love? I’m wringing my hands…” - one of those sketches dedicated to Lilya Brik. The poem is devoid of punctuation, except for two question marks in the first line. The lyrical hero is not young, but still succumbs to madness, which he is not going to fight: he tells fortunes with a daisy. He does not want to wake up the girl with telegrams and at the same time he himself cannot fall asleep, thinking about her.
  7. "Love". This poem presents a gallery of people who do not know how to love. The characters that Mayakovsky ridicules cheat on their spouses, quarrel with each other over trifles, get jealous or become henpecked. The poet's contemporaries marry several times in their lives, to which the author says that soon it will not be clear who is related to whom. The poet does not stand for family, but for cleanliness in relationships and for men and women to be comrades with each other.
  8. “Gane-shaped.” The title of the poem contains the name of the German poet of the Romantic era Heinrich Heine. Mayakovsky describes how a girl leaves the lyrical hero because she saw him with someone else. The young man is ironic, answering after her that the lightning from her eyes did not kill him, which means he is not afraid of thunder. The short work is based on real events: Lilya Brik found out about Mayakovsky’s love affair with Liliya Lavinskaya. Brik herself was dating the critic Viktor Shklovsky at that time, which was the motivation for writing the last lines.
  9. "I love! Disturbed birds..." A cry from the soul in blank verse – that’s how you can call this poem. The lyrical hero says that it is stupid to remain silent about love, and asks to call the firefighters and the police, because he is overwhelmed with feelings. He screams about his condition with such force that birds fly into the air, and a thousandfold echo answers the loving young man. The work differs in form not only by the absence of rhyme, but also by punctuation. For example, in the last line the exclamation: “I love” ends with four exclamation marks.
  10. “If I wrote something.” The poet seems to sum up his work, declaring that the reason for the emergence of all his works is the brown eyes of his beloved. What follows is a story about how a girl's eyes hurt, and, following a doctor's prescription, a young man gives her carrots, calling it the best gift he has ever given. Everything ends with recovery, after which the hero can again admire the girl, and she can look at the world, which, according to the tradition of the rebel poet, is identified with the revolution.
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