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Board game Lotto: letters and numbers. “Learning the alphabet” - educational lotto for children, getting acquainted with letters and words Lotto letters

Lotto is an exciting game of chance. As with most gambling games, winning the lotto depends only on the luck of each player. The course of the game can only be affected by the inattention of the player who missed his luck.

Lotto is a fairly old game. It appeared somewhere in the 16th century in Italy. The word "lotto" means "part", "share". The well-known word “lottery” comes from the same word.

The game instantly became popular, so much so that a short time later it was banned by the Venetian Senate as a game of chance. But this did not stop the game from spreading throughout the world. It came to Russia in the 18th century. In the Soviet Union, the game was not considered gambling and was classified as a family and educational board game. Therefore, it could be freely purchased at any children's store.

What do you need to play lotto?

To play you will need special cards. They show a table of three rows and nine columns. Numbers from 1 to 90 are placed in the cells of the table in a certain way. On each card, only 15 cells (5 in each row) are occupied by numbers, the remaining cells are empty.

This is what a lotto card looks like:

The numbers on the cards are not arranged randomly, but in accordance with certain rules. In the first column are the numbers of the first ten, in the second column are the numbers of the second ten, and so on. The last ninth column contains numbers from 81 to 90.

According to the rules, each row should contain 5 numbers, and each column should have no more than 2 numbers.

And, most importantly, there are no matching sequences of numbers on any card. They are all unique.

In addition to the cards, the game requires an opaque bag containing barrels with numbers. Naturally, there are also 90 barrels.

Additionally, you need chips or tokens to cover the numbers that appear on the cards. Usually they are required from 150 to 200 pieces.

How to play lotto?

Two people can play lotto. But it’s better, of course, to gather a whole company for the game.

To begin with, all players are given cards. One at a time is enough to play with children. If the players are older, you can deal out two or three cards at once.

Players place them in front of them.

The presenter (by the way, he can also be a player at the same time) blindly takes out the first barrel from the bag and, showing the number drawn, announces it loudly.

All players who have the same number on the card cover it with a special chip.

The presenter puts the keg aside. From this moment on, players can no longer hide their number if for some reason they did not see it right away.

As soon as one of the players has closed all the numbers in any of the rows, he must loudly announce: “Apartment!”

Varieties of lotto

There are three main types of lotto games.


To play, each player is dealt three cards. Each player contributes his bet to the game bank. The first person to cover all the numbers on one card wins the entire pot.


Here, each player receives one card, and the first one to close any of the lines wins.


The most difficult option. Each player has three cards. The game continues until someone's entire card is filled.


If a player fills the top row on any of the cards first, their opponents double their bets in the pot.

If the player fills the middle row first, he takes half of the pot before the end of the game.

If the player fills in the bottom line first, he can withdraw his bet from the bank.

The winner is the player whose one of his cards is completely filled. He takes the entire remaining bank.

Do-it-yourself lotto

The lotto game can be bought relatively inexpensively at any store that has a board games department. But you can do it yourself. After all, creating games with your own hands is no less interesting than playing them later.

The easiest part of the game is the cards. You just need to download them here, print them on paper, cut them out and either stick them on cardboard or laminate them for density.

It's hard to make barrels. The most accessible way is to fashion them from salt dough or hardening plasticine (plastic compound). No, of course, this method cannot be called simple. Still, 90 identical-sized barrels is a large amount of work.

You can use small sea pebbles as barrels. Write numbers on each pebble and cover them with varnish. Very beautiful. But the bag will be heavy.

We went the other way. We used capsules for shoe covers. Everyone has seen these wonderful containers in which they pack not only shoe covers in clinics, but also all sorts of funny toys, for example, stickies in Dixie.

The capsules are the perfect size. A paper circle with a number is placed inside, so it does not wrinkle and is not erased. If such a “barrel” is lost, it is very easy to make it again.

Download cards for lotto: (downloads: 3925)

What letter does the word start with? What letter does the word end with? What letter comes in second place? These are all the variations of the letter lotto game.

Remember what lotto is? A bag with barrels on which numbers and cards are written for all players. The presenter pulls a barrel out of the bag and calls a number. Everyone is looking for a box on their cards that has such a number on it. The barrel is placed on top. The first person to complete all the cards is the winner.

And in the letter lotto, instead of barrels, there are paper circles with letters. Here they are:

Several copies of such cards must be printed so that the letters are not in a single copy. You will also need cards to play. Look at this card. The card has two rows of cells. There is a picture on top, and below the players will lay out the required letters.

The presenter pulls out a letter and calls it. Children look at their pictures and find words starting with this letter. Even if a child does not know letters, he can determine the appropriate sound by ear. For those in doubt, you can separately put a stack of chips with question marks.

Some of the drawings are specially selected so that two words can be compared, for example, spinning top and top, puppy and dog, berry and blackberry (strawberry). This gives more room for play.

We study the alphabet, learn the alphabet, alphabet for children, Russian alphabet, alphabet in pictures, cards letters of the Russian alphabet, educational lotto

Here we offer you the educational lotto “Learning the Alphabet” which consists of the following materials:

  1. Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet;
  2. Cards with pictures for the corresponding letter of the alphabet;
  3. Cards with words representing pictures.

How to conduct classes:

You can come up with as many options for activities using this “Learning the Alphabet” set depending on the age of the child, here are a few:

  1. We study letters. Start with a few letters a day. Show a card with a letter, name it, and invite the child to repeat the sound. Then you lay out several studied letters in front of him and ask him to name all the sounds in order, or to show this or that sound on a card.
  2. Let's study the pictures. When the letters are familiar to the baby, study cards with pictures, clearly pronounce the name of the object, focusing on the sound with which the word begins. After familiarizing yourself with the pictures, offer the child several cards and letters for them, for the first time 4-6 no more, mix everything and ask for each picture to choose the letter with which the name of the object begins. Gradually complicate the task: increase the number of pictures and letters.
  3. We make words from letters. Print out more cards with letters in order to be able to form a word with repeating letters. Take any picture that is familiar to the child, give the task to find a card with a letter, and then together you begin to write a whole word from the letters. After the word is composed, pronounce it to the child several times, first letter by letter and then syllable by syllable. Then take a card with a written word, mix the letters and ask the child to form the word according to the model, then without a model, from memory. So every day a new word.
  4. Lotto game. With pictures and letters or with pictures and words, depending on the child’s preparation and skills.
  5. Memory game. You can play with picture cards, you can play with letters, or both. Just print out the cards you need in a 2nd copy and play.

So, with the help of just one “Learning the Alphabet” set, you can come up with and conduct several different activities to develop speech, memory, attention, and fine motor skills.

We wish you fun and interesting activities!

Educational lotto for learning letters and words

“Loto: letters and numbers” will introduce kids to the alphabet, punctuation marks and numbers, teach them to count and name letters. During the game, visual memory develops well, and quantitative and ordinal counting is trained.

Learning through play

You can play in different ways. For example, in the classic version of lotto called “Who's on first?” In it, players need to accurately cover all the pictures with chips, and the one who completes it first wins.

Another fun option is “What has changed?” The presenter lays out several chips, lets the players look at them carefully, and then asks the participants to turn away and changes places of chips, adds new ones or removes them. The first one to guess what has changed gets the right to drive. You can also invite players to choose from those offered only the chips that have animals, plants, etc., look for common features in the chips, or identify the odd one. In a word, you won’t get bored with this board for a long time.

Bright, educational and exciting

The game “Loto: letters and numbers” is colorfully designed, so that kids will be interested in looking at the beautiful pictures and playing with enthusiasm. Separately, it is worth mentioning the quality of execution. All cards are made of thick cardboard, and plastic chips are no less durable, so even if the toy becomes one of your favorites, it will last for quite a long time and many exciting evenings with the family are guaranteed.

Excellent educational activity for little ones

The board is recommended for children aged 3-4 years and older. There are no rare words in it, so it will be quite simple and interesting for kids. During the game, children will learn to determine which letter a word begins with and practice counting the number of objects. And beautiful images will help not only to get used to the world of numbers and words, but also to remember the names of various animals and objects.