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The real thing is personal and the person blushes. Aphorisms of Fazil Iskander

Before discussing what responsibility is, it is necessary to reflect on the concept itself. Responsibility is a person’s ability to control his activities, as well as to be responsible for his actions and their consequences. And the most important thing in this definition is the word man. No one is capable of answering for anyone. Exceptions include parents and young children. If children steal something, the parents will have to compensate for the damage.

Personal responsibility has always been a problem. Every member of society is constantly faced with the need to make choices, perform responsibilities, and interact with the people around them. And with all this, you must be guided by your moral framework. In any society, those people who show responsibility are respected. Because it is a sign of reliability, confidence and success. Therefore, this topic will always be relevant in the modern world.

The easiest way is to transfer responsibility to someone else. I was late for school - my parents didn’t wake me up. If you lied, it’s okay, everyone does it. There are many examples of personal irresponsibility. This is completely wrong thinking. Every person commits some kind of wrongdoing. And only he himself is to blame for this, because he decided to do it on his own. He must learn to be responsible for them. Even if a crime was committed by a whole gang, each member will be held accountable for it independently. Responsibility is not a quality that appears in a person from birth. It must be formed in oneself with the help of willpower and long hard work.

The primary source for the rule of personal responsibility for people is the Bible. It is in it that one can read such words that say that every person will give an account to God. It was He who established the rule known to any person. One more truth can also be traced in the holy book. Each person will receive in due time according to good or bad deeds. This truth reveals the concept of responsibility of each person for the consequences of his actions. For this truth to transform a person's character, he must accept it and live according to it.

Option Real responsibility is personal

Whatever book we pick up, everywhere we meet a certain hero who is faced with a choice. And when the character makes his own decision, then the reader realizes whether he is responsible or not.

What is responsibility? Responsibility is one of the best positive qualities of a person. Without this, it is difficult to gain experience and train willpower.

Why is responsibility only personal? To answer the question posed, you should open Mikhail Bulgakov’s book “The Master and Margarita”, where the main character who was entrusted with responsibility is Pontius Pilate. He is the procurator of Judea, this character administers justice. And so the wanderer Yeshua is brought to him in order to do a righteous deed. A choice arises that develops into a responsible step. Should the wanderer be sentenced to death or spared? There is personal responsibility here. The procurator is by nature a lonely person; no one is able to make the right decision for him. And how can one determine which path is truly considered correct? That is why the character, and any person, makes decisions independently. Responsibility is called real only when it is personal. So the procurator made his choice in favor of power. Fame consumed him, and the opinions of those around him affected him. Therefore, the character acted incorrectly, for which he suffered for a long time spiritually.

From this reasoning follows an ordinary truth: real responsibility can only be personal. Only you are responsible for the decisions you make. Only you bear the burden. And only you can deal with it.

To consolidate your position, you need to turn to a fairy tale. Fairy tales have been familiar to us since childhood. Without them, you and I would not exist, for it was they who nurtured moral principles in us and laid down knowledge that is important to this day.

And consider John Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, where a character worthy of attention is Frodo Baggins. This is by nature a hobbit. Because of the harsh times that hung over Middle-earth, the little fool had a terrible burden: to take the Ring of Omnipotence to Mordor in order to dip the strange object in lava. And then he will sink into the abyss of oblivion. The young hobbit has an extraordinary burden, only he can do this hard work. The hero's responsibility is clearly demonstrated. He has taken upon himself a fantastically heavy burden. And this is only his choice! This is called real responsibility!

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1. “Growing up doesn't have to mean getting married or having kids or taking out a mortgage. Growing up means learning to feel responsible for others—and enjoying what that responsibility can bring.” Gwen Cooper "Homer's Odyssey"
2. “True responsibility can only be personal. The man blushes alone.” Fazil Iskander “Human Station”
3. “Responsibility is a test of a person’s courage.” Horatio Nelson
4. “When we decide to take responsibility, we stop wasting time blaming time, people and circumstances, that is, what has nothing to do with us.” Louise Hay
5. “Cowardice always seeks to shift responsibility to someone else.” Julio Cortazar
6. “Every person is responsible to all people for all people and for everything.” Fyodor Dostoevsky
7. “At last I understood why the Lord, in His love, created people responsible for each other and endowed them with the virtue of hope. For this is how all people became messengers of one God, and in the hands of every person is the salvation of all.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
8. “Instead of boldly admitting the existing disorder, tragedy, crime, everyone strives to prove his innocence and find an alibi that allows him to avoid responsibility for the consequences of his own actions.” Albert Einstein
9. “The more freedom, the more responsibility. An ever-present ancient paradox.” Timothy Leary
10. “The dropped load of responsibility never falls to the ground, it falls softly on the shoulders of others.” Already folk wisdom
11. “Responsibility is like clothing - you can take it off completely, but somehow it’s not comfortable in front of people.” Already folk wisdom
12. “We are responsible for those who have not been taught to answer.” Katherine Price
13. “All responsibility for everything that happens to a person must be placed on oneself, and not on fate, on God, on the location of the stars and on God knows who or what. Today what we created yesterday is happening to us, tomorrow will be what we created today.” Vladimir Lermontov “The Power of a Singing Heart”
14. “Making a choice can sometimes be incredibly difficult, but not impossible. To say that you had no choice is to absolve yourself of all responsibility.” Patrick Ness "Chaos War"
15. “The greater the sense of responsibility, the less the thirst for power.” Stefan Garczynski
16. “Strikingly, it is forgiveness, not guilt, that increases responsibility.” Kelly McGonigal "Willpower"
17. “No serious responsibility can be placed on people whose actions depend to such an extent on their mood.” Stefan Zweig "Impatience of the Heart"
18. “Responsibility is a test of a person’s courage.” Horatio Nelson
19. “Power is duty; freedom is responsibility." Yanina Ipohorskaya
20. “You are free, which means you are seriously responsible for yourself.” Jason Statham
21. “You cannot lose heart just because the hope of shifting responsibility to someone else has not materialized.” Mary Stewart "And Nine Coaches Await Thee"
22. “You are always responsible for what you did not try to prevent. Jean-Paul Sartre
23. “We ourselves determine the direction of the wind. There is nothing more important than accepting responsibility for steps not yet taken.” Elchin Safarli “If you knew...”
24. “A man truly becomes a man when he accepts full responsibility - whoever he is, he is responsible for it.” Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) “Courage. The joy of living at risk"
25. “The price of greatness is responsibility.” Winston Churchill
26. “To bear responsibility, it is not enough to have strong shoulders and arms, you need intelligence.” Harry Simanovich
27. “Most people don’t really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility.” Sigmund Freud
28. “Man must rediscover in his soul the deepest meaning of responsibility to the world, which means responsibility to something higher than man himself.” Vaclav Havel
29. “Being human means taking on some responsibility, and not just filling space.” John Steinbeck "East of Eden"
30. “Freedom means responsibility. That's why most people are afraid of freedom." George Bernard Shaw
31. “Habit.” Here's the problem. All you need is to be conscious of your choices and responsible for your actions.” From the film “Peaceful Warrior”
32. “But how to learn to bear responsibility? You have to live in the world, make your own decisions, make your own mistakes.” From the film And in my soul I’m dancing (Inside I’m Dancing)
33. “Every person is the author of his own life. What goes around comes around. One thing is obvious to me: responsibility for everything that happens to you lies only with you - regardless of whether you agree with what is happening or not.” Robert Downey (Jr.)
34. “A person can curse his childhood as much as he wants, endlessly reproach his parents for all his misfortunes, weaknesses and vices, blame them for the harsh trials of life, but, ultimately, he himself is responsible for his destiny and becomes what he wanted to become " Mark Levy "Those words we didn't say to each other"
35. “Too much freedom is dangerous for those who cannot cope with the responsibilities that accompany independence.” Anton Szandor LaVey "The Devil's Notebook"
36. “In order to become free, it is enough to become aware of yourself.” Clifford Simak
37. “Responsibility and freedom constitute the spiritual sphere of man.” Victor Frankl
38. “The day when you fully take responsibility for your own future and stop looking for excuses for doubts will be the day you begin to move to the top.” O. J. Simpson
39. “Responsibility lies with the individual himself, and not with “historical events.” Wilhelm Reich
40. “The word “accident” was invented to avoid responsibility.” Erian Schultz


Responsibility is a phenomenon that every person faces throughout life. It can be different: legal, moral, criminal, moral, personal... We have been told since childhood that we need to be able to answer, and first of all for ourselves. You cannot assume that you are able to help everyone and everyone, imagine yourself as a hero, while not considering it necessary, for example, to fulfill your mother’s request and wash the dishes. It all starts with personal responsibility.

Every person simply needs to be responsible for their actions; a civilized society is based on this. When we are in society, people can depend on us, our decisions and actions, and some people have responsible work itself - they have to be responsible for others almost every day. Teachers, doctors, rescuers - the destinies and lives of people depend on them. In my opinion, a person can be called a Human only when he is ready to take responsibility for his actions - when he has an understanding of responsibility. Without it, people can easily commit dishonest, unscrupulous acts - shirk their responsibilities, violate other people's rights - they do not consider it necessary to be held accountable for their actions.

The volunteer movement is now widespread; it consists of people working in every possible way for the benefit of society. This is in a sense a good example, especially for children. Many of my friends take part in it. Volunteers help organize various events: cleanup days, holidays and even concerts. By sacrificing themselves and their free time, they bring good to this world and help everyone, young and old. Their selfless actions, I think, can be attributed to real responsibility, because they do not “switch on”, they are responsible for themselves and manage to help others. A person must understand that a lot depends on him, he is capable of changing this world, he just needs to not be afraid to answer for the consequences.

People without an understanding of personal responsibility, when in society, mainly focus on “social reality”, that is, they look at the behavior of others in order to assess the situation and understand how they should behave. This phenomenon of mutual alienation often leads to the fact that no one is ready to come to the aid of the victims.

There is a well-known murder in New York, after which the term “Genovese syndrome” was introduced; it was discussed in the book “Classic Cases in Psychology” by Jeff Rolls. Katherine Susan Genovese was stabbed to death in her front yard. A large number of witnesses observed the bloodshed; none of them contacted the police in a timely manner with a sufficiently clear description of the situation.

People in uncertain situations look to others to determine what they should do. In the Genovese case, witnesses thought that someone had probably already called the police, which meant they shouldn't get involved. This is the erosion of responsibility - the “Genovese syndrome”, also known as the bystander effect, the bystander effect. The more eyewitnesses to the incident, the less likely it is that any of them will try to help the victims. Each of the many observing the situation is sure that someone else should take responsibility. On the contrary, the only witness understands that there is no one to help except him, so he acts much more decisively.

Society cannot exist if its components are not ready to answer for themselves. There is nothing good in the cold disunity that is familiar to us and indifferent to other people’s troubles; from the very beginning, living beings huddled together in groups to make it easier to survive, together they fought back the world that wanted to destroy them. And now we are trying to close ourselves in our cozy reality, and, not wanting to look out of our kennel, we ignore the cries for help.

All these cruel acts of children and teenagers in a group are not the fault of bloody computer games, it is depersonalization, unpreparedness and unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. Hence the intolerance towards all “abnormals”, hence the sexism and racism, it’s all due to the disunity of people. Since we are not ready to act alone, we gather in groups, but responsibility is not added at all; such a gathering still needs a command for some action. Someone invented gods who could cruelly punish for all atrocities in order to intimidate the people, so that someone could guide people to the “true path.” But over time, this provided only another opportunity to “shift” responsibility: why think if someone authoritative has already said what needs to be done and how.

I think no external catalysts, like religions, Big Brother, who is always watching everything you do, will help. A person must be able to think, be able to realize what certain actions will lead to, understand that he needs to be responsible for himself. This is not just someone’s unreasonable whim, it is the will of a person, without it the personality itself is lost. It is necessary to instill in people the understanding that without personal responsibility, society will collapse like a shaky house of cards.

Bibliographic link

Ulyanova V.A. REAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ONLY PERSONAL // Literary creativity of schoolchildren. – 2018. – No. 3. – P. 21-22;
URL: (date of access: December 26, 2019).

The right of someone who has done good to forget about the good they have done.

It is the duty of the one warmed by goodness to remember this. The world collapses where this connection is broken, where the one who has done good is persistently remembering, and the one warmed by goodness falls into unconsciousness.

A world in which you saw at least one person who, all his life, gratefully remembered the good he had done, even when the one who did the good completely forgot about it, and he himself perished, giving his light body to the permafrost, this world has not yet completely rotted, and he is truly worth our courage to live and be human.

The soul that has committed betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution.

Having admired the mirage, I missed the oasis.

Are you petrified by rudeness? Well done, it means you still believe in the person!

Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of things understood.

If life seems impossible, there is a more courageous solution than taking your own life. A person must tell himself: if life is truly impossible, then it will stop on its own. And if it doesn’t stop, then you have to endure the pain.
It's destined to be so. Anyone who has endured great pain knows with what amazing freshness life is revealed to him after that. This is a gift from herself for being faithful to her, and maybe even an approving nod from God.

Since the cook began to rule the state, Russian thought has moved to the kitchen.

How often smart people do not understand conscientious people. The apparatus of conscience is more subtle than the apparatus of the mind.

Modesty should be modest. Modesty that is too obvious is concave impudence.

He was self-critical. With caustic mercilessness he criticized himself for his lack of self-love.

One Russian physicist living in America said that our spreading type of thinking unexpectedly turned out to be very useful to the modern requirements of the exact sciences. If this is so, our amateurish comprehensiveness, the source of many of our troubles, has finally become necessary in the exact sciences. In the West there is a lot of talk about the high level of the Russian school in the study of exact sciences. Or maybe it’s not about school, but about our type of thinking?

A prophet is a harbinger of God.

Prophecy is the truth that always comes too early, and is always remembered too late.

God and the devil play chess. The bet is a person. The grandiose, multi-thousand-year party continues. The devil's pawns are attacking queens.

Evil can suddenly enter a person from the outside, and he, without having time to come to his senses, commits a crime. Then what is he to blame for? He is to blame for the fact that he was given his whole life so as not to leave any free space in his soul for evil. But he carefully held the empty space, not allowing good to fill it, and this place was eventually taken by evil. He did not allow good to expand, and this was his conscious sin.

Cruelty is the courage of cowards.

Real responsibility can only be personal. The man blushes alone.

“A person must be decent; this can be done in any conditions under any government. Decency does not presuppose heroism, it presupposes non-participation in meanness.”

Sometimes, when we ponder over a rather complex thought, we suddenly discover that it is ultimately immoral. We feel ashamed, although we, of course, are not going to share this thought with anyone. Then feel ashamed in front of whom? This means that there is someone who recognized this thought of ours as soon as it arose in our head.

  • Responsibility is a personal act. In order not to blush and not to make your parents and loved ones blush, you have to try alone. We alone are responsible for our post-farts. But our loved ones may also suffer. We must live our lives in such a way that our loved ones are not ashamed. So in everything, not only one person blushes, but we also affect others.

    In my opinion, the essence of this statement is that guilt can be public, guilt can be imposed, but a person feels shame for what he has done personally. And responsibility is known through shame. When a person blushes, he is ashamed, and shame differs from guilt in that the ashamed person focuses not on his own values, but on those of others. He is ashamed of himself or himself in front of someone, and at this moment there is always someone who evaluates him and knows what he should be. In wine, a person is always alone.

  • Real responsibility can only be personal. Let's think about these words. What is responsibility? This is a person’s ability to be responsible for something. Let's say that if a child steals something, then the parents compensate for the damage, but the child himself has a determination. duties and must fulfill them in other words (keep your word)
    Weak people have a trick of shifting responsibility to others.
    But a normal person is primarily responsible for himself and for his actions. But many people in life have to take responsibility for others. And this is also, first of all, personal responsibility!
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    Although it is difficult to admit one’s mistakes, it is simply necessary; if a person does not do this, then the rest of the masses begin to treat him with disdain, stop believing him, etc.

    If you commit an act, then it is already your responsibility, there is no need to blame it on someone else, everyone is responsible for themselves.

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  • Essay to choose from:

    1) “If people don’t have culture in their hearts, then it can’t exist anywhere else”

    J. Duhamel

    2) “A person is given not only life once, but also conscience”

    A. I. Solzhenitsyn

    3) “True responsibility can only be personal. A person blushes alone.”

    F. Iskander

    4) "The key to all science is the question mark"

    O. de Balzac

    If the essay is good - there will be a good reward.

  • write an essay on the topic “True responsibility can only be personal. A person blushes alone” with evidence (arguments).
  • Real responsibility can only be personal. I agree with this opinion. I think we are talking about legal responsibility here. Let's take an example from history. The Nazis killed millions of people. Who is responsible? German people? No, personally, everyone who gave orders for the destruction of peoples, and this was clearly shown by the Nuremberg trials, to which the fascist leaders answered for their atrocities. Or an example from school life - when a student is ashamed of unfinished homework? If the whole class is punished, the students find it funny, but when they talk about one specific person, he is ashamed.

  • ESSAY on the topic "True responsibility can only be personal. A person blushes alone."
  • Every thought comes from the brain of one person!
    Even if a good deed is being done, there is an organizer.
    If an offense is committed, then there is an instigator!
    To use slang language. .-- there's always something new!
    And when the time comes to pay the bills, this person takes on the entire burden of responsibility. ..-- for organization...for sabotage...for negative appeal!
    A leader must always bear responsibility.
  • Please write an essay on social studies on the topic: “True responsibility can only be personal. A person blushes alone.”
  • Real responsibility can only be personal. Let's think about these words. What is responsibility? This is a person’s ability to be responsible for something. We know that parents are responsible for their children. For example, if a child steals something, then his parents compensate for the damage. But the student himself has certain responsibilities and must fulfill them. he must be conscientious about his studies, help the elders in his family, and keep his word.
    Weak people have a trick: shifting responsibility to others: they refused to clean up the classroom because a classmate left, they were late for school because their parents didn’t wake them up. lied, but who is telling the truth now?
    No, a person is primarily responsible for himself and for his actions. But many people in life have to take responsibility, and for others, the aircraft commander is responsible for the passengers, the teacher is responsible for the children. And this is also, first of all, personal responsibility!
  • Write an essay (1 page) based on the statement: “True responsibility is only personal. Man blushes alone.”
  • Arguing on the topic of responsibility, we can say that this is one of the important traits in a person’s character, because an irresponsible person cannot be entrusted with important matters and tasks. Irresponsibility (lack of a responsible attitude to life) is a personal position that presupposes a lack of tasks and obligations, unwillingness and inability to be responsible for the consequences of one’s own actions, and unpreparedness for the surprises of adult life. Let's look at this with examples.
    A. S. Griboedov, in his work “Woe from Wit,” wrote how, in a military operation near Pervomaisk, soldiers who were repelling an attack by militants rushed to a box of grenades. But when they opened it, they saw that the grenades had no fuses. The packer at the factory forgot to put them in, and without them, a grenade is just a piece of iron. The soldiers, suffering heavy losses, were forced to retreat, and the militants broke through. The mistake of an irresponsible person turned into a terrible disaster. And historians also write that the Turks were able to capture Constantinople by passing through a gate that someone forgot to close. These are the dire consequences that can result from irresponsibility.
    From the above, we can conclude that irresponsibility is manifested in a reluctance to participate in important processes and make decisions in difficult situations. Such a negative character trait must be fought.
  • Write an essay on the topic “True responsibility can only be personal. The man blushes alone"
  • I agree that true responsibility can only be personal. The fact is that when a person commits an offense or even a crime, he constantly wants to find excuses for his action, saying, “Why is Vaska allowed, but not me?” or “But I wasn’t the only one who did this, why is it all my fault?”, and this is categorically wrong. After all, you, it was you who committed this act, you! And no one else is to blame for this, because you yourself chose it, you did it yourself, so be kind enough to be responsible for your actions! There is no need to blame everything on others, and if you weren’t the only one who did it, then others are also to blame, but don’t push your guilt too far, no one forced you to commit atrocities, everyone should look at themselves and answer only for themselves, “Or maybe I, Still, did you do something wrong?" - this is a question you need to ask yourself. Therefore, there is only one person who is redder, you need to be able to answer for your actions, this is very important. because otherwise everyone around you will hate you, they will stop believing you, and then, if you pushed or framed someone by doing a bad deed, and they believed you, then you will eventually be bitten by your conscience (well, if, of course, you are familiar with it) , it’s better to admit and accept responsibility than to regret for the rest of your life that you didn’t do it.
    Thus, everyone must be responsible for their actions, and remember: “True responsibility can only be personal. The man blushes alone"