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National Research University Higher School of Economics: entrance tests and passing scores. National Research University Higher School of Economics  Higher School of Economics scores from previous years

HSE University in numbers

Training format

HSE students study using a modular system and take sessions every 2-3 months. This makes exam periods easier as students report on fewer subjects. There is an approved list of disciplines, where there are compulsory subjects and elective subjects. Each HSE student has the right to create his own individual curriculum with the elective disciplines that interest him. The main condition for the variable part of the curriculum is compliance with the educational volume (at least 60 credits, that is, 2160 academic hours for one academic year). In addition to basic and elective disciplines, faculties can offer their students a list of general faculty electives. The student decides whether to include an elective in his individual curriculum or not. Credits for these disciplines are “accrued” in excess of the required 60 credits per year and imply the student’s full responsibility for the grades received in these disciplines.

Educational Opportunities

  • There are International programs
  • There is a Double Degree

Military training

  • There is a Military Department
  • There is a deferment from the army

Extracurricular activities of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

More than 100 student organizations, thousands of events and student government. Students stage plays in theaters, play in an orchestra, sing in a choir, and learn how to produce large events. The university has a student media outlet. There is an opportunity to do charity work.


  • There is a Dorm
  • 718 - 1,744 ₽ According to budget (month)
  • 718 - 1,744 ₽ Under contract (monthly)


  • 1,707 ₽ State scholarship (month)
  • up to 50,000 ₽ For special academic achievements (month)
  • 3,448 - 10,000 ₽ For social benefits (month)

Famous graduates

  • Maxim Stanislavovich Oreshkin Russian politician, economist. Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation since November 30, 2016
  • Konstantin Yurievich Noskov Russian politician. Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation since May 18, 2018.

HSE was created as an economics university, so the first HSE faculties trained mainly economists, managers And sociologists. But modern socio-economic education is based on interdisciplinarity. Not only educational, but also research discoveries and breakthroughs occur at the intersection of various disciplines and sciences. On interaction economic, engineering And humanitarian schools are based on the models of such world-famous universities as MIT and Caltech. HSE followed the same path.

Lawyers And philosophers appeared at the university quite a long time ago. A little later, HSE opened a historical direction of training. Students- historians receive a broad humanitarian education, which allows them to work not only in their specialty, but also in analytical organizations that study social development. In 2014, HSE also began teaching art history. A orientalists from HSE (the university trains sinologists, Japaneseists, Arabists and Korean historians) can be considered historians, cultural scientists, philosophers, and political scientists at the same time.

After the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics joined the HSE, future specialists in electronic technology, telecommunications, computer security And space technologies. With the participation of the Yandex company, the Faculty of Computer Science was opened at the university. His students study software engineering, data analysis and problems artificial intelligence, and also solve fundamentally new research problems - in the field big data And information retrieval.

At the intersection of mathematics and humanities, the direction “ Fundamental and applied linguistics" At the same time, the university also teaches classical philology. Knowledge of computer technology will be useful for the future journalists- at HSE they will be taught all the intricacies of the production and functioning of digital media. And the entire educational process for graphic, interior, web and other designers Vyshki is “tied” to project activities under the guidance of the “stars” of the Russian design industry.

A kind of spatial “design” is carried out by the Higher School of Urbanism of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. So far, this is the only research and educational center in Russia that trains specialists in the field spatial development of cities and regions, and also conducts basic and applied urban research.

In 2019, HSE entered in 16 subject and 3 industry QS rankings. HSE is represented in the top 100 by 3 subjects: “Sociology”, “Politics and International Relations”, “Economics and Econometrics” and the field of Social Sciences and Management. In these same subjects, HSE is the undisputed leader among Russian universities.

The tower entered top 100 in sociology and mathematics of the Shanghai ranking, has become a leader among Russian universities in economics, political science and management, and is also among the top 75 best universities in the world in sociology, where it is the only Russian representative.

National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE; HSE) is an autonomous institution, a federal public higher education institution. HSE was founded in 1992 and has had its current status since 2009. The main campus is located in Moscow, three more are in Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Perm.

HSE was the first in Russia to switch to a bachelor's and master's degree system; university experts helped develop and implement the Unified State Exam. Since 2013, the university has been participating in Project 5-100. HSE representatives are members of the Expert Council under the Government of Russia, the Public Chamber, various councils and commissions. University employees participated in the creation of country development strategies, in the modernization of education and healthcare, civil service reform, worked on the Electronic Russia program and many other projects.

As of 2018, HSE is one of the three largest universities in Russia and the most popular Moscow universities. The total number of undergraduate and graduate students of the university is more than 40 thousand people, about 6 thousand teachers and researchers. The average entrance score of the Unified State Exam for budget admission in 2018 was 94.6, the university is the leader in the number of students admitted to budget places based on the results of Olympiads - more than a thousand people.

Lists of registered applicants National Research University Higher School of Economics – 2019

Dear applicants!

For your convenience, the Entrant Database - 2019 is published at the link
The database is updated daily from 20.00 to 22.00.

Applicants entering under a special quota (orphans, disabled people, military veterans) can submit original certificates and applications for consent to enrollment no later than 18:00 on July 28.

If you find inaccuracies/errors, you can report them by e-mail: (only for applicants who have submitted documents to the Moscow campus!) Your appeal will be processed within 3 business days.

All changes will be taken into account the next time the database is published, and you will receive a letter by email that your case has been reviewed.

To verify the applicant, be sure to indicate the last 3 digits of the identity document that you presented when submitting documents (otherwise the application will not be processed).

You can also send messages on the following issues:

  • report the need for a hostel (if you did not indicate the hostel in the application when submitting documents)
  • You can add a commercial form of study to an educational program where only the budget form was submitted when submitting documents by filling out an Application.

Applications: for the return of documents, replacement of original documents with copies, addition/refusal of participation in competitions in electronic form (by mail) and by fax are not accepted.

You can submit the original education document in person or by postal service.
The following statements must be attached to the original education document:

Submit the original document of education

Translate the original document on education

Consent to enrollment

Application forms are available at

The best teachers of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - 2019 have been announced

The traditional elections for the best teacher at the Higher School of Economics in 2019 have taken place.

During the elections, students voted online in the LMS module “Rate Your Courses”, immediately after the mandatory module-by-module evaluation of teachers and courses. Each student could nominate no more than two lecturers and no more than two seminar/practical instructors.

HSE graduates also have the right to vote: in the annual autumn Alumni Monitoring, to which everyone who graduated from the University in 2018 received a link, graduates could indicate the names of three teachers whose work and assistance were most memorable during their entire study at HSE. This year they highlighted: Ivan Arzhantsev, Rimma Akhmetsafina, Dmitry Vetrov, Efim Grinkrug, Konstantin Degtyarev and Evgeniy Sokolov.

Another category of election winners is the best scientific supervisors, who received this status thanks to the success of their students in the 2018 Research Research and Development Competition. The scientific supervisors of all students who became winners and took 1-3 place in the competition will also receive the status of the best teachers. Among the winners in this category: Dmitry Vetrov, Vladimir Podolsky, Rodriguez Zalepinos Ramon Antonio, Andrey Ustyuzhanin, Alexander Shapoval and Sergey Shershakov.

The National Research University Higher School of Economics unites faculties and institutes that train specialists in all branches of scientific knowledge, both humanities and technical. Campuses are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod.

The flexible educational scheme at the National Research University Higher School of Economics allows students to independently choose the direction of their studies, making a decision based on their own abilities and goals. Everyone can choose subjects that are suitable for them from the general list of disciplines and create an IEP (individual curriculum).

Today we will talk about how to enroll at the Higher School of Economics on a budget, what exams you need to pass and how much paid education will cost.

About the university

  • HSE is included in the Top 10 best universities in Russia according to the Unified State Examination for 2017 and is a true pride of national education.
  • The university has about 4,900 students in master's and bachelor's programs, as well as almost 6,000 students in further education programs.
  • The university includes 36 educational programs in the humanitarian, social and technical fields.
  • HSE actively cooperates with foreign universities and participates in 57 partnership programs.
  • The university staff consists of 485 scientific and teaching staff.

What are the faculties at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the passing grade on the budget?

In total, the Higher School of Economics has 15 faculties in various scientific areas:

  1. Lyceum of National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  2. Faculty of Pre-University Training;
  3. Faculty of Mathematics;
  4. Faculty of Physics;
  5. Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after. A.N. Tikhonov;
  6. Faculty of Computer Science;
  7. Faculty of Business and Management;
  8. Faculty of Law;
  9. Faculty of Humanities;
  10. Faculty of Social Sciences;
  11. Faculty of Communications, Media and Design;
  12. Faculty of World Economy and International Politics;
  13. Faculty of Economic Sciences;
  14. International Institute of Economics and Finance;
  15. Faculty of Urban and Regional Development.

For future bachelors of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the passing scores for the 2018-2017 budget, on average, were about 270-300 points. This indicator is comparable to the best universities in Russia, such as Moscow State University.

The cost of tuition on a paid basis is from 275,000 to 715,000 rubles per year.

What subjects must be taken upon admission?

Depending on the city, applicants to the Higher School of Economics can choose different faculties and, accordingly, take different test exams. The following disciplines and subjects were relevant for St. Petersburg in 2018:

  • Economy
  • International Business and Management- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management- mathematics, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Management and analytics in the public sector- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Sociology and social informatics- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Jurisprudence
  • Oriental studies
  • Political Science and World Politics- social studies, history, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Philosophy- literature, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Story- history, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Design- literature, Russian language, creative test.

"Alpha School" will prepare you for admission to the Higher School of Economics!

  • Personal training. We will fill the gaps in your knowledge with the help of a carefully designed curriculum based on your initial knowledge and help you earn points for the budget when entering the Higher School of Economics.
  • Affordable price. We consciously refuse to artificially increase tuition fees, so our school is accessible to everyone.
  • Skill testing. We use testing methods to initially test a student's knowledge and develop an effective learning plan.
  • Intelligent platform. We use a special program that analyzes your mathematical level and develops the most effective teaching model.
  • Interesting tasks. We try to provide material not only in the maximum volume, but also present it in the form of interesting examples and tasks.
  • Elimination of defects. We help students eliminate gaps in knowledge through a thorough analysis of complex topics and consolidation of the material covered.

In the current year 2018, experts note a large influx of applicants wishing to get an education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. More than 40 thousand people submitted their applications to this educational institution. This state of affairs can be explained by the high status of the university and its good teaching staff.

Despite such great demand, only half of all applicants will be able to enroll and obtain a specialty at the Higher School of Economics. The number of places is strictly determined for both budget and paid forms of education.

Where were the lists of applicants to the Higher School of Economics published in 2018?

The official website of the National Research University Higher School of Economics has already published lists of the number of applicants for each of the specialties of this higher education institution. The areas of greatest demand are computer science and economics. This excitement is quite obvious, since specialists in this field are now urgently needed on the Russian labor market.

A graduate who has a diploma from the Higher School of Economics has many different advantages compared to graduates of other higher educational institutions. This is because, according to one of the latest rating lists that was carried out in Russia, this educational institution occupies one of the leading places in terms of the quality of teaching material and the qualification level of the teaching staff.

How many people, according to the lists of applicants, will be admitted to the Higher School of Economics in 2018?

23 thousand 248 applications for budget places and 17 thousand 779 applications for a paid form of education were submitted for the budget form of education. However, according to information on the number of places offered by the university, only 2 thousand 19 people will be able to enroll in a budget-funded education and 3 thousand 390 people in a paid form of education.

According to the results of the first round of applicants, 494 students were admitted to the National Research University for various specialties. It is these citizens who will be able to study on a budget-funded form of education. As for the enrollment of students in the second wave, these results will be known a little later.