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Novy Urengoy climatic conditions. Natural conditions of the Urengoy deposit

When talking about this northern city of Russia, it is necessary to concentrate on two things: history and climatic conditions. This is what we will do in our article. Of course, we won’t forget to mention the main attractions of New Urengoy. “What to see in the city?” - this is a question that a rare guest of the “gas capital” will certainly ask.

Geographical location and climate

The city of 100 thousand people Novy Urengoy is located in the north Western Siberia. Two small rivers (Sede-Yakha and Tamchara-Yakha) divide it into two halves - Northern and Southern. In winter, snow and severe frosts reign here, and in summer - white nights. And this is not surprising, considering that the city is located just 50 kilometers from the Arctic Circle.

Local residents affectionately call their city Nur, and the rest of the country proudly call it “the gas capital of Russia.” Today about 110 thousand people live here. Among them are not only Russians, but also Ukrainians, Nogais, Bashkirs, Tatars, Circassians, Chechens... There are over forty nationalities in total! There are many Muslims in the city, so here, along with Orthodox churches, you can also see a small mosque.

The climate of New Urengoy is quite harsh and also changeable. Summer here is incredibly short, but winter lasts 284 days! The coldest month of the year is January. At this time, the air temperature in the city often drops to -30 degrees. When it gets even colder, schools and some government offices in Nur close. Another “trouble” of the Urengoy weather is strong, gusty winds, often reaching speeds of 10-15 m/s.

History and sights of the city

Alas, it is not rich in attractions. There are no historical or architectural monuments here at all. The reason for this is the “modest” age of the city. In 2015, he celebrated his fiftieth birthday.

In 1966, a team of workers under the leadership of master Polupanov drilled an exploration well here. When the workers reached a depth of 1300 m, a gas “fountain” burst out of it with enormous force and power. That's how it appeared on the map Soviet Union The Urengoy field is one of the world's largest natural gas fields.

Soon after this event, construction of the future city begins. In 1975, a settlement called Novy Urengoy was registered. A year later, they begin to build a railway to it. Construction of the railway line lasted almost six years and was completed in 1982. From that moment on, the city began to develop at a frantic pace.

The sights of New Urengoy are, first of all, monuments dedicated to certain events. Many of them are inextricably linked with the history of the “gas capital”. Below we present to the reader a list of the eight main attractions of Novy Urengoy:

  1. Monument to the first borehole.
  2. Fountain "Sailboat".
  3. Memorial of Memory on the square of the same name.
  4. Monument to the pioneers of the development of Urengoy.
  5. Orthodox Church of Seraphim of Sarov.
  6. Monument to the architect A.I. Nalivaiko (many buildings in the city were built according to his sketches).
  7. Museum fine arts.
  8. Theater "Northern Stage".

Monument to the first borehole

It is logical to begin the description of the sights of New Urengoy with this monument. It is located two kilometers east of the city. This is the most iconic monument of New Urengoy, because it tells about the people who were directly involved in the construction of the very first borehole in the city.

The monument is a stylized oil rig. Nearby are gilded figures of two drillers, one of whom joyfully greets all guests of the city with his right hand. The monument was erected back in the 60s and has remained virtually unchanged since then.

Fountain "Sailboat"

It is difficult to imagine a sailboat in a cold city far from the seas and oceans. And he is here! The impressive metal structure installed in Friendship Park really resembles a sailboat - it has both a mast and sails. In summer, water splashes here, and in winter, the structure turns into a beautiful light composition. The Sailboat fountain is one of the main attractions of New Urengoy and a certain symbol of this city.

Temple of Seraphim of Sarov

The Urengoy miracle is what the locals call this temple. It was built from wood in 1995. But two years later the church completely burned down due to faulty electrical wiring. The parishioners organized a charity marathon to raise funds and restored the temple in record time (in just a couple of months). And it became much more beautiful than the original version!

Monument to the pioneers of the development of Urengoy

Another iconic landmark of New Urengoy is the monument to the pioneers of the city's development. Its author was the famous architect Nikolai Raspopov. The total height of the stele is 12 meters. The copper statue of a woman holds a burning torch in her right hand. The weight of the sculpture is quite substantial - three tons. The monument adorns one of the central city squares.

Novy Urengoy: where to go?

The city's attractions are mainly monuments. You can view them in just a few hours. Then the tourist has a natural question: what to do next?

If you come to Novy Urengoy on the eve of the New Year holidays, feel free to go to main square cities. At this time, beautiful figures made of ice are traditionally installed there. Moreover, every year the sculptures are different. Thanks to the special lighting, they look simply fantastic! A visit to the Ice Park is a must to get into the festive mood.

At the beginning of September, City Day is celebrated noisily and cheerfully in Novy Urengoy. Leningradsky Prospekt becomes the center of the holiday - it is “occupied” by local musicians, artists and other craftsmen, entertaining all guests with their talents. But in March, on the shores of Lake Molodezhnoe, a holiday of the peoples of the North is held, with folk festivities, reindeer and dog sled races.

In addition, at any time of the year in Novy Urengoy you can visit the local museum of fine arts, which has over 3 thousand exhibits, as well as the unique Northern Stage theater, the only one in Yamal. The theater's repertoire includes more than 20 performances for both adults and children.

History and culture

The first information about the Yamal land, about the indigenous peoples who have lived on it from time immemorial - the Nenets and Khanty - dates back to the 11th century. However, Novgorod merchants penetrated to the End of the Earth (this is how the word “Yamal” is translated from Nenets) before. Since 1187, the lower Ob was part of the “subject volosts” of Veliky Novgorod, and after its fall it passed to the Moscow princes, to whose titles since 1502 territorial instructions were added - “Obdorsky” and “Yugorsky”. In 1595, one of the Cossack detachments built a fortification called Obdorsk (today it is the capital of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - Salekhard).

The inclusion of the northern lands into the strong Russian state had progressive significance. The population grew, the administrative division changed. The region developed a wide trade in furs, northern whitefish, mammoth ivory, fish glue, bird feathers, birch chaga, boats, fur clothing and other goods.
Since the mid-twentieth century, the technical equipment of the fishing and hunting industries has been strengthened. A new branch of the economy—fur farming—developed rapidly. Particular attention was paid to the traditional sector of the northern economy - reindeer husbandry. In 1949 she came to Labytnangi Railway, and in 1964 regular air service appeared in Yamal.
The status of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Russian economy is determined by gas fields. They were discovered in the early 60s of the twentieth century. The names of small cities lost in the endless expanses of tundra and taiga - Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk - are now known throughout the world. Their inhabitants develop rich underground storerooms.
An integral part of the cultural life of Yamal are traditional rituals and holidays of the peoples of the Far North. Contemporary decorative art of the indigenous population is assessed as unique. For its further development, artistic craft workshops are opened, ethnographic expeditions and international festivals are held.

The "Festival of the Peoples of the North" is held annually in Novy Urengoy.

Natural resources

The region occupies one of the leading places in Russia in terms of hydrocarbon reserves, especially natural gas and oil.
In addition, Yamal is proud of the largest herd of domestic reindeer in the Russian Federation, 600 thousand heads. And the rivers are home to the world's largest population of whitefish. The basis of the ichthyofauna is fish, which at one time were called “royal” - these are muksun and nelma.

The groundwater is characterized by a huge artesian basin with an area of ​​3 million square meters, including thermal water reserves.

Since ancient times, Yamal has been known throughout the world for its first-class furs. Mink and fox are bred on fur farms. The main objects of the fur trade in the Autonomous Okrug are sable, squirrel, muskrat, arctic fox, fox, weasel, and ermine.

Population and labor resources

The population of the capital of the district, Salekhard, is 42 thousand people.
Typical for the district high level urbanization - the share of the urban population is 85%. Small towns with a population of 20 to 50 thousand people predominate. Between 100 and 120 thousand people live in Noyabrsk and Novy Urengoy alone.

Science and education

In the territory Autonomous Okrug in 2007 Scientific research and development was carried out by 5 organizations. Now branches of large universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen and the Urals operate in Yamal. Most young Yamal residents leave to receive higher education to large cities.

Novy Urengoy is an unofficial gas capital Russia is a place where beautiful white nights reign. In this regard, throughout the summer, at night in this city it is as bright as day. This is due to the location of the city - in the north of Western Siberia. Also, two small rivers pass through Novy Urengoy - Tamchara-Yakha and Sede-Yakha, which divide the city into Northern and Southern regions. As it became known, its name is from the Khanty and Nenets languages: the words “Ure” and “Ngo” symbolize the “oxbow lake” and “an island on the site of the old river bed.” However, the residents of the city simply call it “Beloved Nur”.

Some experts translate the word “Urengoy” as “bald hill.” Earlier in the 50s, Gulag prisoners were called this territory“a lost place”, because it was here that many years ago prisoners, on Stalin’s orders, built a railway.

It is worth noting that today Novy Urengoy is a prosperous city in terms of economic indicators and industrial potential. Every year about 550 billion cubic meters of natural gas are produced here, where the main role belongs to the enterprises of Novy Urengoy.

Regarding the climate, it is worth noting that the winters here are quite long and cold. The lowest temperatures are recorded in January and February and are -21.7 and -20.1°C. Experts have noted cases when the temperature reached -45°C.

Summer in Novy Urengoy is quite short - 35 days, the hottest month is July with temperatures around +25..+30°C. There is little precipitation, but there are strong winds.

The environmental situation in the city is quite enviable, despite the developed gas industry here. The main industrial enterprises are located outside the city, household waste is regularly collected, and any landfills in the city are punishable by fines.

It is also worth noting that Novy Urengoy is also thriving in terms of population. According to statistics, as of 2012, 106 thousand people live here. However, for the conditions of the Far North, this is practically a record, given the fact that at the end of the 20th century the number of Urengoy residents was not even ten thousand.

Another feature of the city is its multinationality. On this moment More than 40 nationalities live here, most of which are Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Chechens and many others. The main religions are Islam and Christianity.

Geographically, Novy Urengoy is divided into 4 districts: northern and southern, which are called by the local population as “north” and “yuzhka”, as well as the districts of Limbayakha and Korotchaevo. The northern and southern regions are separated by tundra and two rivers, but represent the city itself. In turn, Limbayakha and Korotchaevo are located far from the center and were previously autonomous territorial entities. However, in 2004 they became part of Novy Urengoy. Thus, Novy Urengoy became one of the longest cities with a length of more than 80 km.

It is worth noting that the city has quite developed transport links: all types of means of transport are available, with air transport remaining the most popular. Also, the railway connection and the local river port, which is a transport artery between the northern cities, are no less developed here.

Social infrastructure is also very developed in Novy Urengoy, which is represented by a large number educational institutions both for schoolchildren and students.

Geographical encyclopedia

Capital of gas workers Dictionary of Russian synonyms. new urengoy noun, number of synonyms: 2 city (2765) ... Synonym dictionary

City (since 1980) in Russian Federation, Yamalo Nenetsky a. she R. Evoyakha (tributary of the Pur River). Railroad station. 90.2 thousand inhabitants (1992). Gas production … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

NOVIY URENGOY, a city (since 1980) in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, on the river. Evoyakha (tributary of the Pur River). Railway station. 89.9 thousand inhabitants (1998). Gas production. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

City of Novy Urengoy Flag Coat of Arms ... Wikipedia

City (since 1980) in Russia, Yamalo Nenets autonomous region, on the river Evoyakha (tributary of the Pur River). Railroad station. 89.9 thousand inhabitants (1998). Gas production. * * * NOVIY URENGOY NOVY URENGOY, city (since 1980) in the Russian Federation, Yamalo-Nenets a. O … encyclopedic Dictionary

New Urengoy- city, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Originated as c. gas industry, city since 1980. The definition of new in the name is associated with the existence of a work that arose somewhat earlier. village Urengoy on the right bank of the river. Pur, east of Novy Urengoy almost by... ... Toponymic dictionary

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, district subordination, 450 km east of Salekhard. Located in Western Siberia, on the river. Evoyakha (tributary of the Pur River), 60 km south of the Arctic Circle. Railway station on the line Surgut N.U.... ... Cities of Russia

Novy Urengoy 1- 629301, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, city ...

Novy Urengoy 3- 629303, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, city ... Settlements and Russian indices


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There are strong seasonal climate variations. The weather in Novy Urengoy is varied by month, because... it is very far from the equator. average annual temperature environment-4.2°C during the day and -8.6°C at night. This is a city in Russia. Below is information about the climate and weather in Novy Urengoy in winter and summer.

The best months to travel

The high season in Novy Urengoy is in June, July, August with excellent weather +15.5°C...+17.0°C. During this period, the city receives the least amount of rain, approximately 2 days per month, with 44.5 to 45.6 mm of precipitation falling. The number of clear days is from 7 to 15 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Novy Urengoy are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Novy Urengoy by month

The warmest weather in Novy Urengoy by month and in Russia in general is in June, August, July up to 17°C. At the same time, the lowest ambient temperatures are observed in January, February, December down to -25°C. For lovers of night walks, the indicators range from -28.8°C to 11°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

The rainiest periods are September, October, July when there is bad weather for 5 days, up to 45.6 mm of precipitation falls. For those who do not like humidity, we recommend November, January, February during this period, the average monthly rainfall is only 0 days and the monthly precipitation rate is 11.4mm.

Rest comfort rating

The rating of climate and weather in Novy Urengoy is calculated by month taking into account average air temperature, amount of rain and other indicators. Over the year in Novy Urengoy, the score ranges from 2.5 in December to 4.6 in August, out of five possible.

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
air at night
Rainy days
January -25°C -28.8°C 1 1 day (13.0mm)
February -25°C -28°C 0 1 day (11.4mm)
March -7.6°C -12.8°C 0 1 day (24.3mm)
April -4.8°C -9.5°C 2 1 day (44.8mm)
May -0.6°C -6°C 5 2 days (40.6mm)
June +15.5°C +7°C 15 2 days (44.5mm)
July +17°C +11°C 10 5 days (45.6mm)
August +16.5°C +8°C 7 2 days (45.0mm)
September +5.6°C +0.8°C 6 2 days (38.2mm)
October -8.2°C -9.8°C 3 2 days (39.2mm)
November -15.3°C -16.8°C 2 0 days (23.5mm)
December -18.5°C -18°C 0 1 day (17.8mm)

Number of sunny days

The greatest number of sunny days is observed in August, July, June when there are 15 clear days. During these months, the weather in Novy Urengoy is excellent for walks and excursions. There is the least sun in February, March, December when minimal amount clear days: 0.