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Teaching English grammar using ICT. Using ICT in English lessons



Is it realistic in a modern Russian school to create appropriate conditions for every child to be successful, have the right and be able to make choices, and become a creative person?

The question, of course, is global, and there can be a great many answers to it.

Today, the child’s personality and his inner world are the center of attention, and the main task of the modern teacher is to choose methods and forms of organizing students’ educational activities that optimally develop the student’s personality. The teacher is obliged to intensify the student’s cognitive activity in the process of teaching foreign languages, to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. And this is exactly what I try to do in my lessons.

Studying vocabulary is one of the important aspects of mastering foreign language speech, so I pay great attention to it.

I have compiled and used various tasks for consolidating, using, and spelling English words:

Composing a word from individual letters (children drag the letters, pronounce the word, remember the spelling);

Word differentiation (helps children recognize and remember the meaning of a word);

Using a word in context (children write words that match their meaning or drag out ready-made ones);

Spelling training (I offer a task to correct mistakes, which is very popular with children, and also trains spelling vigilance), as well as a number of tasks that work out the main stages of working with the lexical side of speech: demonstration, consolidation, control, which I successfully use in my lessons.

At the first stage - introduction of vocabulary, for example, on the topic “Weather” I use pictures depicting natural phenomena. Children need to match the picture and the sentence.

This is followed by activation of vocabulary in phrases:

What a beautiful day! - What a beautiful day!

It's windy! - Strong wind blows!

It’s raining - It’s raining, etc.

Students learn to use vocabulary in context.

At the second stage, work is underway to practice pronunciation and consolidate vocabulary. Various tasks are offered here, performed on the board and simultaneously in students’ notebooks.

At the third stage, control of the studied vocabulary is carried out.

Students complete a task to understand the text they have read, as a result of which the children must draw the object described in the text. WITH

With the help of a curtain, the picture is revealed, and vocabulary acquisition is instantly monitored. And, of course, every student strives to achieve the best results!

The tasks are very varied and depend on the creative potential of the teacher.

When working with ID, I pay special attention to the use of Internet resources. Using attachments, you can go to a specific page on the Internet for the purpose of work. When working in the classroom, I take materials from the site and other sites where material on activating vocabulary is posted. Students can create their own stories using familiar words, listen to what is written, and answer questions.

The use of ID in English lessons helped me achieve better learning of lexical material by schoolchildren, and also increased motivation

children to learn not only a foreign language, but also information technology.

Lessons using ICT are emotional and educational.

All of the above forms and methods allow me to diversify the forms of the lesson and help increase the motivational component of learning.

One of the main areas of my work is the use of information and communication technologies to create visual aids through the selection of illustrations, thematic sounds and presentations.

Being an effective way to visualize educational material, a presentation makes it possible to vary the ways it is presented, adapting it to specific students with different levels of training, abilities and interests.

The opportunity to use computer technology to teach a foreign language in primary school is especially valuable. For example, to help 2nd grade students learn the English alphabet, I use visual electronic materials (presentations) that I have developed, in which letters are introduced along with images of the objects corresponding to them.

The scoring is carried out with fragments of folk music from Great Britain, the USA, Russia and European classics, which already at an early stage of learning makes it possible to introduce students to the musical folklore of the countries of the language being studied, and, in addition, to create a positive emotional background in the lesson.

As children master individual letters, they begin to learn to read the words made up of them. For this purpose, electronic materials have been developed on such topics as “Vowels in a closed syllable”, “Vowels in an open syllable”, “Letter combinations” (oo, sh, ea, wa, wha, all, ow, th, er, ur, ir or ,).

The most interesting pictures are selected for the slides, and the word taken as a signature is repeated many times, printed in different fonts and colors, which keeps children’s attention in working order and does not tire them with monotony.

Reading the structures “Where are you from?”, “Who is he?”, “What does he do?”, “I want to be”, “How many?”, “I like”, etc., repeated from lesson into a lesson on the screen, arouses the same keen interest as in the first lesson, especially since it is not difficult to introduce an element of novelty by making some changes in the presentation in order to avoid rote mindless repetition and associated boredom. Children enjoy the process of work itself, and this is something a teacher can only dream of. As a result, my 2nd grade students learned to read a month earlier than expected in the program, and this became their favorite type of work.

Experience shows that presentations for consolidating vocabulary are an excellent basis for practicing grammatical material.

For this purpose, I have developed and put into practice

For 2nd grade students “Pronouns”, “Where?”, “Colours”,

“Numerals”, “How many? ", "Prepositions", "Sports and games";

For students in grades 3-4 “Where?” (prepositions of place),

“Possessive case”, “This - that”, “Tenses”, “Ordinal numerals”,

“There is”, “There was”, “There are / There were”, “Pets”,

"Parts of the body", "Face", "Christmas", "New Year",

"Clothes", "Degrees of comparison", "Seasons".

Using the capabilities of information and communication technologies, I create puzzles and crosswords for repeating vocabulary, as well as comics as a support, both for retelling the textbook text and for practicing a conversational topic or grammatical structure. This type of work arouses interest in children and provides the teacher with the opportunity to check how conscious their oral statements are.

Computer-based testing designed in PowerPoint allows students to immediately test their knowledge using the key or correct option provided on the next slide.

Creating computer presentations is also widely practiced by my 9th and 11th grade students to present their research projects in English. Searching for material using Internet resources expands students' information base.

The use of information and communication technologies in learning a foreign language undoubtedly has great practical importance, namely:

It is an effective means of visualizing educational material, allowing the teacher to realize his creative potential;

Assists the teacher in implementing a learner-centered approach to teaching;

Helps broaden students' horizons and improve their cultural level;

It is a means of increasing motivation to study a subject;

Stimulates the student’s search and activity and contributes to the development of his creative abilities.

In addition, the introduction into school practice of innovative technologies designed to form a multicultural linguistic personality ready for fruitful intercultural communication is crucial in improving the quality of students’ foreign language proficiency.

Thus, the use of information technology in foreign language lessons helps to:

1. Find ways to include each student in the lesson process, using his individual abilities;

2. Create a favorable creative atmosphere in the classroom;

3. Constantly turn to the subjective experience of schoolchildren as the experience of their own life activity;

4. Search and find the most effective ways to acquire knowledge;

5. Reveal and realize the personal characteristics of both the student and the teacher.






Prepared by:

Cherkasova N.V.

English teacher

MCOU "Gorshechenskaya Secondary School"

them. N.I. Zhironkina"

In modern conditions, the most pressing task of education is the formation of a communicative culture of students. ICT is becoming the most effective means of expanding the educational space of a modern school.

Pedagogical excellence is based on the unity of knowledge and skills that correspond to the modern level of development of science, technology and their product - information technology.

Currently, it is necessary to be able to obtain information from different sources, use it and create it independently. The widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching a foreign language.

One of the means that transforms teaching a foreign language into a living creative process is the use of computer information technologies. Thus, a computer is the most suitable assistant for a teacher in language teaching, the purpose of which is interactive communication.

The use of computer training in teaching activities carries enormous motivational potential, because The colorfulness and fascination of computer programs arouses great interest among students. Each student, even the weakest, demonstrates his skills: the excitement of competition forces him to achieve better results. If the program is properly designed, the computer can help the teacher, and students will feel the constant presence of a benevolent instructor - the machine. Opportunities arise for individualization and differentiation of the educational process, ensuring the development of each student’s own educational trajectory. There is a significant change in the educational process, refocusing it on the development of thinking and imagination as the main processes necessary for successful learning. In addition, the effective organization of students’ cognitive activity is ensured. Combining text, graphic, audio-video information, and animation on a computer dramatically increases the quality of educational information presented to schoolchildren and the success of their learning.

In my lessons, I systematically use my own multimedia presentations, as well as other electronic educational resources. I believe that using the capabilities of modern information technologies contributes to:

    activating cognitive activity, increasing the quality of schoolchildren’s academic performance;

    development of self-education and self-control skills in schoolchildren;

    increasing the comfort level of learning;

    increasing the activity and initiative of schoolchildren in the classroom;

    development of information thinking of schoolchildren, formation of information and communication competence;

    acquisition of computer skills by students in compliance with safety rules.

So, an important component of a modern lesson is the use of computer training programs, the main function of which is the transfer of knowledge. I use educational components of existing game programs. Thus, when studying various sections (phonetics, alphabet, vocabulary), children have the opportunity to hear the live speech of native speakers with simultaneous visualization of the material being studied, which stimulates the student’s interest.

The capabilities of the computer make it possible not only to prepare interesting didactic material, but also to develop various types of test tasks, taking into account the individual capabilities and interests of students.

The computer is an indisputable assistant for the teacher in developing an English lesson. Those types of work that cause the greatest difficulties when learning a foreign language are transferred to it. For example, at the initial stage it takes a lot of time to master the transformation of narrative sentences into interrogative and negative ones. One of the reasons that makes it difficult to master grammatical material at this stage is that children 7-8 years old have not yet developed abstract thinking. Using specific visual elements helps alleviate such complexities. When children see colorful pictures, diagrams, and animated images on the computer screen, they better perceive and assimilate new complex material. In addition, the computer allows you to increase the amount of material studied in class by saving time.

Learning a foreign language using a computer has many advantages. I will combine them into several groups. First of all, these are advantages from a psychological point of view. In addition to increasing the student's motivational potential, the computer guarantees confidentiality. In the event that the results are not recorded for the teacher, only the student himself knows what mistakes he made, and is not afraid that his classmates and the teacher will find out his results. Thus, the student’s self-esteem does not decrease, and a psychologically comfortable atmosphere is created in the lesson.

In addition, the teacher’s use of a computer in foreign language lessons makes it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of students and organize the independent actions of each student.

Depending on the goal and object of the teacher’s holistic activity, I distinguish seven types of activity: design, adaptation, organizational, communicative, motivational, controlling, and research.

Working with a computer allows you to solve not only educational, but also educational, developmental, and other problems.

When solving educational problems, a teacher can use computer educational programs (multimedia) in lessons for:

1) presentation, automation, complex reinforcement and improvement of the material being studied (lexical units, grammatical and phonetic phenomena);

2) organizing work on the development of speech skills (reading, monologue and dialogic speech);

3) organizing control of understanding (learned, read and listened), text control.

When solving educational problems, the teacher:

    forms knowledge about methods of activity among students;

    selects special texts for reading;

    creates problematic situations for discussion using the content of the reading.

When solving developmental problems, the teacher needs to:

1) develop students’ techniques for applying knowledge in new conditions;

2) creating feasible and interesting communication situations for students;

Thus, the teacher develops, along with language skills, techniques for working with a computer.

So, the most frequently used elements of ICT in the educational process include:

    electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated using a computer and

multimedia projector,

    interactive whiteboards,

    electronic encyclopedias and reference books,

    simulators and testing programs,

    Internet educational resources,

    DVDs and CDs with paintings and illustrations,

    video and audio equipment,

    interactive maps and atlases,

    interactive conferences and competitions,

    materials for distance learning,

    research works and projects,

    distance learning.

For what specific purposes do I use a computer in the process of teaching English?

I will highlight the main types of linguodidactic tasks that can be decided using a computer when mastering aspects of language, when developing skills and abilities in various types of speech activity.

When teaching phonetics Using a PC, I often use the technique of visualizing pronunciation. As, for example, in the program ENJOY ENGLISH WITH PROFESSOR HIGGINS.

When teaching grammar:

Formation of receptive grammatical reading and listening skills;

Monitoring the level of development of grammatical skills based on test programs;

Providing reference and information support (automated grammar reference books, systems for detecting grammatical errors at the morphological and syntactic levels).

When teaching vocabulary:

Formation of receptive lexical skills of reading and listening;

Formation of productive lexical skills, mainly in written speech;

Monitoring the level of development of lexical skills based on test and game computer programs using visual clarity;

Expanding the passive and potential vocabularies of students;

Providing reference and information support (automatic dictionaries, programs for selecting synonyms and antonyms).

When learning to read:

Formation of skills in establishing sound-letter correspondences;

Teaching the technique of reading aloud;

Improving reading technique skills through the use of techniques such as varying the tempo of presentation, changing the location of the text, etc.;

Strengthening receptive lexical and grammatical reading skills;

Mastering the skills of extracting various types of semantic information from a text (main, secondary, clarifying, etc.);

Training in various types of text analysis;

Formation of the ability to independently overcome language difficulties;

Providing reference and information support by providing linguistic or extralinguistic information (through the use of automatic dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias);

Monitoring the correctness and depth of understanding of the text read.

When teaching listening:

Formation of phonetic listening skills;

Checking the correct understanding of the text you listened to.

When learning to speak:

Formation of phonetic speaking skills;

Organization of communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing games based on simulation and modeling programs.

When learning to translate:

Formation of lexical and grammatical translation skills;

Verification of translation accuracy;

Mastering the ability to edit translation texts using text editors and machine translation systems;

Providing reference and information support (use of automatic dictionaries, glossaries, systems for selecting antonyms and synonyms).

Information, communication and Internet technologies in my lessons are:

    use of a computer, scanner, printer as duplicating and printing equipment to provide the educational process with the necessary didactic and handout materials;

    working with electronic textbooks;

    searching for necessary information on the Internet;

    organization of control (testing, fulfillment of control tasks);

    independent work of students in preparing homework, projects, research papers;

    participation in competitions;

    creation of computer presentations.

In my lessons I use ICT for various purposes:

    Presentation of new material.


    Control of acquired knowledge.

Thus, when studying regional studies material, clarity is indispensable; it is impossible to talk about the royal family without providing photographs; acquaintance with the sights of the country should be accompanied by their images. Students are also attracted to lessons such as “travel lessons,” and they can see any landmark on a city map.

When getting to know the realities, concepts and facts of a foreign culture, ICT makes it possible to use various combinations of various audio and video visualizations.

When learning new lexical units, it is advisable to use pictures and photographs, which allow for a non-translation method of presenting vocabulary.

When learning grammar, it is possible to highlight the most complex and important information in an animated manner. Animating objects allows students to further emphasize meaningful components. With further study of this topic, you can repeatedly return to any slide, delving into all the intricacies of the phenomenon being studied.

When consolidating, I transform the textbook material; I present exercises and texts in various versions. This saves a lot of time, which during a regular lesson is spent on unnecessary rewriting of assignments.

When teaching grammar, visualization allows you to develop productive writing skills. Using animation of objects, it is possible to highlight the studied grammatical phenomenon. It is convenient to use texts with gaps when studying individual speech constructions.

Gaming technologies serve to enhance the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. For example, a version of the famous TV quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” (“Who knows English best?”) is not an option for every lesson, but completing a quarter or studying a large section of a textbook in this way seems quite acceptable precisely for increasing the cognitive activity of students.

Another example of the use of a computer is the control of acquired knowledge. Computer testing itself is unconventional, because... We are all accustomed to tests done on paper. Compared to traditional forms of control, computer testing has a number of advantages:

– quick results;
– objectivity in assessing knowledge;
– allows you to obtain reliable information about students’ mastery of certain skills;
– enables the teacher to correlate these data with the learning objectives set at this stage and carry out timely correction of the process of assimilation of new knowledge;
– computer testing is more interesting compared to traditional forms, which increases the cognitive activity of students and creates positive motivation for them.

Tests can be conducted online (conducted on a computer in interactive mode, the result is assessed by an automatic system) and offline (an electronic or printed version of the test is used; the results are assessed by a teacher with comments and work on errors). The use of various tests and test tasks to monitor and evaluate the educational results of students is of particular relevance due to the need to prepare graduates for passing the Unified State Exam.

Let's consider the use of ICT in accordance with the specific goals that are pursued when working on each type of speech activity and aspect of language.


Students are offered material on a specific topic related to the topic studied in the educational complex. Using ICT, children make virtual trips to countries, cities, art galleries, museums, exhibitions, etc. and talk about what they see, describe the pictures, express their impressions, explain, convince. Pair work can be carried out in which students act out a dialogue.


The use of a computer in teaching writing gives this process greater dynamism. Students record their own statements and the statements of others, copy from what they read, transforming the material, type the texts of their essays themselves, learn to work with text editors, improve their computer skills, and master the use of electronic versions of English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries. Students have a practical opportunity to use the knowledge and skills acquired in computer science lessons.


The tasks of these lessons are based on authentic articles from news agencies, which allows students to become familiar with modern topics and vocabulary of newspaper articles, and get acquainted with different points of view on the same events taking place in the world.

Listening: ability to understand authentic speech.

Students complete tasks individually, each has the opportunity to work at their own pace, which is impossible in a regular classroom when listening to an audio recording from a tape recorder or CD player. The texts are well-read by native speakers, the lexical and grammatical exercises are extensive and varied.

Project activities of students.

Traditionally, the study of a topic ends with repetition, consolidation and generalization. All these elements can be combined by asking students at the final stage to create a multimedia project instead of a traditional essay. By creating a presentation, students are given an excellent opportunity to systematize acquired knowledge and skills, their practical application, as well as the opportunity to realize their intellectual potential and abilities. It is very important for students to feel an interest in independent creative work, to feel the significance of the results of their work, because presentation is ready-made teaching material for the lesson, and also to feel your own success.

Design work is always popular. This is another incentive to develop students’ interest in learning the language and culture of the country being studied.

Extracurricular activities.

I effectively use ICT tools in extracurricular activities: conducting subject weeks , cycle gaming extracurricular activities "Enjoy English" elective course “Customs, traditions and festivals of the United Kingdom” “This is how it is done in the United Kingdom” (about English traditions).

Children prepare projects, abstracts, presentations, works for a scientific and practical conference.

My system of using ICT in teaching English represents the gradual formation and division of groups of different areas of activity of the teacher and students in the creation and use of multimedia, software and information products in teaching, as well as in extracurricular activities in the subject.

Stage 1. Identifying educational material that requires computer support.

1. Educational material for which there are no visual aids. Educational material of large volumes for presentation.
2. Selection of topics that require the creation of control modules.

Stage 2. Selection and creation of information products.

1. Creating presentations. Selection of ready-made multimedia products.
2. Typing and printing texts. Creation of an electronic database.

Stage 3. Application of created and selected information products.

1. Conducting media lessons. The use of multimedia products in the classroom.
2. Preparation and holding of the English language week and Olympiads.
3. Organization of an additional (paid) English language course

Stage 4. Analysis of the effectiveness of ICT use.

1. Study of the dynamics of academic performance and quality of knowledge.
2. Tracking the subject rating of students.

I was able to organize work on the use of ICT in teaching English according to this scheme thanks to the study and practical application of electronic educational resources that are publicly available on the Internet and presented in the following information systems:

    Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources (FCIOR,;

    Unified collection of digital educational resources (Unified collection of TsOR,;

    Information system "Single window of access to educational resources" (IS "Single window",,

    Federal portal "Russian education" (

Algorithm for working with ICT:

No matter how tempting it may be to constantly use computers and ICT in the classroom, nothing can replace the teacher himself. After all, only a reasonable, comprehensive combination of all methodological techniques and technical means at his disposal can give the desired result. Computer support should be one of the components of the educational process and used where appropriate. When designing ICT-based activities, I determine:

    to explore which topics are appropriate to use ICT.

    what didactic tasks are solved using ICT;

    what software should be used to create and perform computer tasks;

    what preliminary skills and abilities to work on a computer should be developed in students;

    structures and stages of classes with ICT. Regarding the structure and stages of the lesson, it is first necessary to: determine the goals and objectives of such a lesson; carefully select and study the resources to be used; draw up a lesson plan and describe the progress of work step by step; pay attention to organizational aspects, think through and compile a glossary of expressions and terms on computer topics in a foreign language.

Now let's move on to practice. So, now I will name the techniques, methods and forms of work in English lessons using ICT, which I use in my educational process:

    use of audio materials for the educational complex “Enjoy English” allows you to create the necessary conditions in the lesson for training students in listening to texts.

    the use of videos with their subsequent discussion allows you to perceive authentic speech, expand your vocabulary, and remember sentence structures characteristic of live, spoken speech. In addition, interesting, fascinating material provides high motivation to study the subject.

    The use of POWER POINT presentations at various stages of work (introducing new vocabulary or explaining grammatical material; summarizing knowledge on a studied topic; students’ independent creation of presentations) allows students to present the necessary information more clearly.

    training programs help to activate the studied vocabulary in memory. I use these programs both in the distance learning system and in regular lessons (when consolidation of LE is combined with a dynamic pause);

    online translators;

    simulators and testing programs (online testing, with error detection);

    Internet educational resources (video lessons ), various communities, personal websites of teachers, websites that help in teaching speaking, reading, writing and listening;

    distance competitions for teachers and students.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the work spent on introducing ICT in teaching is justified in all respects. It improves the quality of knowledge, promotes the child’s overall development, helps to overcome difficulties, brings joy to his life, allows for learning in the zone of proximal development, and creates favorable conditions for better interaction between teacher and students, their cooperation in the educational process.

The use of ICT elements in English lessons and in extracurricular activities develops students' cognitive interest and motivation, allows them to intensify the learning process and, as a result, improve the quality of knowledge in the subject. To summarize, I would like to say that in using ICT you need to find a middle ground:

1) Remember! Everything should be in moderation:

– reality cannot be replaced by virtuality;
– you cannot turn a lesson into a show;

2) Don’t be afraid to experiment – ​​and then everything will work out for you!

Modernity places increasingly high demands on teaching practical knowledge of a foreign language in everyday communication and the professional sphere. Ways to improve the effectiveness of general education are being developed, and large amounts of money are being invested in the development and implementation of new information technologies. The use of information technology reveals the enormous potential of the computer as a teaching tool. Computer-based training programs have many advantages over traditional teaching methods.

  • They allow you to train various types of speech activity and combine them into
    different combinations;
  • help to understand linguistic phenomena, develop linguistic abilities,
  • create communicative situations;
  • automate language and speech actions;
  • and also provide the opportunity to take into account the leading representative system, implement an individual approach and intensify independent work
  • Computer training has enormous motivational potential.

What is it for? For what purpose?

Annex 1– Karaeva N.Yu.
Appendix 2– Kazarova N.N.
Appendix 4– Kolyazinova M.A.
Appendix 5- Photo

  • Improving performance in teaching English.
  • Motivating students to learn a foreign language.


  • Build linguistic abilities.
  • Create communicative situations.
  • Implement an individual approach and intensify independent work
  • Develop creative abilities in students.

Develop various types of communication skills.

In real communication, various communication skills are usually inseparable. Conducting a conversation requires developed skills in both listening and speaking.

You must write and read when filling out the forms. These are the so-called “integrative or complex skills.” The lesson develops various communication skills.

ICTs make it possible to conduct extensive listening, where it is important to understand certain information. This can be done with the whole group or individually. And there is an opportunity to quickly test yourself and find out the result of your work. And then smoothly move on to speaking, since what you hear often creates a desire to talk about yourself or simply continue the conversation on a given topic.

You can create tasks of this kind yourself using the capabilities of the interactive complex "Mimio" "Smart". Everything on the board moves - words, pictures. Students not only perceive information visually, but also practically by moving words around.

The children are happy to complete such tasks. And most importantly, a situation of success is created, since everyone copes with the task.

Formation of linguistic abilities.

To use grammatical material in speech, students need to know the vocabulary used in the model. In this case, the teacher first introduces the necessary words.

You can use the graphics capabilities of your computer. This is especially important when familiarizing yourself with new vocabulary, since the image on the monitor allows you to associate a phrase in a foreign language directly with an action, and not with a phrase in your native language.

And here the computer comes to our aid again.

  • For this purpose you can use the program Power Point.
  • And to consolidate vocabulary, you can use the capabilities of the complex Mimio And Smart.

On the interactive board, you can create different tasks, but the goal is the same - to activate vocabulary on the topic. Children can move pictures or words and create the correct pair.

  • Lexico-grammatical structures are usually practiced in game tasks.
  • And at a more senior level, you can create tasks where you can write
    on the board, and then check the work using a computer, it is possible
    individual work on a personal computer, or you can work in
    notebooks and then check on the board using a multimedia complex.
    There are many options.

Creation of communicative situations.

  • The communicative approach is based on the assertion that for successful
    mastering a foreign language, students must know not only linguistic
    forms (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation), but also have an idea of ​​how
    use them.
  • Modern communication-oriented education prepares students for
    using language in real life. The teacher plans the lesson as much as possible
    There are more communication situations and again ICT comes to the rescue.
  • We use video clips.

Development of creative abilities in students.

This type of work project has long been used in English lessons. Positive aspects of this type of work:

Increasing overall student motivation. Projects are a personality-oriented type of work, as students write about their hobbies and study topics that are interesting to them. Dramatization is one type of project.

Dramatization can be used as part of a lesson, in repetition and generalization classes, in home reading and speech development lessons, and in extracurricular activities. Dramatizations help to consolidate and expand the studied vocabulary, and to practice grammatical material unobtrusively and without monotony. Practice shows that in conditions of emotional upsurge, rehearsals, celebrations, public speaking, phonetic, grammatical and lexical skills are acquired very quickly and firmly, and are used more consciously.

A positive aspect of this type of learning activity is that all students can actively participate in this work, regardless of their level of language proficiency, there is a role for everyone. Participation in such events is very important for the student, it brings him a positive emotional experience, allows him to develop his creative abilities, realize himself as an individual belonging to a certain sociocultural community, on the one hand, and on the other hand, instills in him interest and respect for culture country of the language being studied.

Organization of educational and extracurricular activities with elements of dramatization This a way to organically combine the kinesthetic learning style, most natural for primary and secondary school age, with verbal, visual and classroom learning. For a child, this is a way to satisfy his cognitive needs, to demonstrate and develop creative abilities in substantive and practical activities that are relevant for this age: movement, dancing, singing, making scenery, costumes, etc. At the same time, all types of memory are included in active work .

Increasing the importance of English as a means of communication. This form of work puts the child at the center of the learning process, increases his interest in a foreign language, gives him a feeling of comfort and satisfaction from work, and enriches his emotional experience.

Educational and educational value. Interdisciplinary connections contribute to the development of students’ cognitive activity, self-discipline, etc.

Psychological techniques for increasing learning motivation:

  • Novelty of the material, reliance on curiosity
  • Encourage any effort
  • Allow to show independence
  • Perceive the student in a positive light despite academic performance
  • Learn to listen, choose what’s important
  • Reading Controversial Material
  • Talk about the practical significance of knowledge
  • Establishing emotional contact with students and their parents
  • Let me experience the situation of success in at least something.


  • Technology is no longer part of the future and teachers must make an effort to become “literate” in its use and integrate it into teaching and learning. The use of new information technologies expands the scope of the educational process and increases its practical orientation.
  • The motivation of students in the educational process increases and conditions are created for their successful self-realization in the future. And it is not just words. After surveying the students, we found out that they like this form of work. All the guys gave an affirmative answer “Yes”. - 100%.


  1. Is there a positive result from this type of activity?
  2. Did he contribute to the growth of the level of English knowledge? language?
  3. Would you like to continue this form of work?
  • The Internet allows not only to saturate students with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual and creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge and work with various sources of information
  • The active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of educational institutions and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of modern society.
  • One of the most important results of the application of ICT in education is the possibility of greater satisfaction. individual needs of students. Not only does technology provide more engaging curriculum content, but it also allows for more accurate assessment of students' learning, identification of student weaknesses, and identification of teacher options for imparting essential knowledge and skills.


  • General cultural development of students.
  • Improving computer skills.
  • Improving your language level
  • Individualization of training (differentiated tasks).
  • Self-affirmation of students.

Increasing motivation in learning a foreign language (lessons take place “in one breath”), and accordingly this has a significant impact on learning the material and academic performance. We cannot say that everyone began to study perfectly. This is wrong. But there are no underachievers. Weak students prefer to do work on a computer and do it more willingly and with greater pleasure.

  • Saving the teacher's use of materials (no need to create countless cards, printed materials).
  • Aesthetic presentation of educational materials.
  • Improving the process of checking student work.
  • Increasing the authority of the teacher (“keeps up with the times”).

Challenges of integrating ICT and English language teaching.

  • The need for instructional design skills.
  • Spending time on selecting and adapting materials when preparing a lesson.


    1. Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​M., 2000.
    2. Web resources:
    3. Yakovlev A.I.: Information and communication technologies in education. ... [Electronic resource]. – Access mode
    4. Electronic technologies in the education system... [Electronic resource]. - Access mode. 10007856# Tos26155139
    5. The use of new information technologies in teaching English in secondary schools...[Electronic resource]. – Access mode
    6. Unified collection of Digital Educational Resources... [Electronic resource]. – Access mode


on the topic of:

"Use of ICT in English lessons"

English teacher

MCOU "Novo-Butsrinskaya Secondary School"

Using ICT in English lessons.

Today, teaching a foreign language is impossible without the use of modern teaching technologies such as collaborative learning, project method, information technology, including the Internet.

The use of information and computer technologies provides fundamentally new opportunities for increasing the efficiency of the educational process. This is an expansion of access to information in familiar verbal and other forms, an increase in the expressive possibilities of providing information, a combination of its rational and emotional aspects, the inclusion of game elements, the possibility of using models, a wide variety in the choice of methodological tools, replication and improvement of methodological materials and simplification of their transfer to distance, new opportunities in the concentration of information, individualization of the educational process and its variability, new opportunities in organizing interdisciplinary connections, freeing the teacher from routine work and focusing his attention on creative moments, increasing interest in acquiring knowledge.

Main goals Applications of ICT in English lessons are:

> increasing motivation to learn the language;

> development of speech competence: the ability to understand authentic foreign language texts, as well as the ability to convey information in coherent, reasoned statements;

> increasing the volume of linguistic knowledge;

> expanding the volume of knowledge about the sociocultural specifics of the country of the language being studied;

> developing the ability and readiness to independently study English.

Only a textbook and a teacher are not enough to develop independent thinking and the ability to reflect (thinking, introspection, self-esteem). A wide range of information is needed, reflecting different points of view on the same problem, providing students with food for thought, critical analysis, generalizations, independent conclusions and decisions.

Let us consider the main types of linguodidactic tasks that can be solved with the help of ICT, that is, the linguistic and methodological possibilities of using computer teaching aids in mastering aspects of language, developing skills and abilities in various types of speech activity.

With the help of ICT, the technique of visualizing pronunciation is often used. Multimedia capabilities allow you to listen to speech in the target language, adapting it in accordance with your level of perception, and adjusting the sound speed allows you to break phrases into individual words, while simultaneously comparing the pronunciation and spelling of words. Using a microphone and automatic pronunciation control allows you to correct phonetic skills. The computer offers a list of words for translation and phonetic practice. It is possible to record the student’s spoken word or phrase for the purpose of control, self-control and correction;

When teaching grammar:

The use of ICT in a grammar lesson is possible when studying almost any topic. With the correct location, good color design, use of diagrams and tables, voice accompaniment (pronunciation of examples in a foreign language), the material will be perceived easier and faster by schoolchildren, since most of the receptors will be involved. The time spent in class will also be reduced - the need to write down material on the board will disappear.

And with the help of ICT, it is more interesting to monitor the level of formation of grammatical skills based on test programs and provide reference and information support (automated grammar reference books, systems for detecting grammatical errors at the morphological and syntactic levels).

When teaching vocabulary:

based on test and gaming computer programs using visual clarity; expansion of passive and potential vocabularies of students; provision of reference and information support (automatic dictionaries, programs for selecting synonyms and antonyms). Exercises to master vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Possible types of work include:

> fill-in-the-blank exercises. If the answer is incorrect, the following scenarios are possible:

> prohibiting the student from moving on to the next task or sentence;

2) the student moves on to the next task or sentence with their subsequent correction, namely, highlighting the correct answer in a different color or putting a “cross” sign indicating an incorrect answer;

> exercises in the form of crossword puzzles, where when writing a word the wrong letter is highlighted in gray rather than black;

> exercises in the form of a game for composing sentences, during which the student moves the cursor over the required word, which is then moved into the sentence being composed and becomes after the last moved word.

> exercises in the form of the game “Hunter”, which can be in the following versions:

> the shot is fired after listening to the word according to the required definition (picture);

> the shot is fired after the word is written.

> the student is asked to correlate two lists of foreign words and establish pairs of synonyms or antonyms;

> the student is offered a list of foreign words and a list of definitions of these words. The student is required to connect each word with its corresponding definition (picture);

> exercises “Find the error”, in which it is proposed to correct a particular word in accordance with a given situation;

When learning to read:

ICT allows the improvement of reading technique skills through the use of techniques such as varying the field of perception and the pace of presentation, changing the location of the text, etc. d.; consolidation of receptive lexical and grammatical reading skills; mastering the skills of extracting various types of semantic information from a text (main, secondary, clarifying, etc.); training in various types of text analysis; developing the ability to independently overcome language difficulties; providing reference and information support by providing linguistic or extralinguistic information (through the use of automatic dictionaries, electronic encyclopedias); control of the correctness and depth of understanding of the text read.

When teaching listening:

formation of phonetic listening skills;

control of correct understanding of the listened text.

When learning to speak:

formation of phonetic speaking skills; organizing communication in pairs and small groups using role-playing games based on simulation and modeling programs.

When learning to translate:

formation of lexical and grammatical translation skills; control of translation accuracy; mastering the ability to edit translation texts using text editors and machine translation systems; provision of reference and information support (use of automatic dictionaries, glossaries, systems for selecting antonyms and synonyms).

Let's consider the use of computer technology in an English lesson.

Lesson is a project. At the preparatory stage, the Internet is used to collect information. Next stage: making a presentation in Power Point. Speech: using presentations, computer training programs, tables, diagrams. It is very interesting to observe the development of students in their presentations. For every child, this is an opportunity to express and show themselves, their interests, and acquired skills. Students make presentations about themselves on the topics covered; on the slides they place their photographs, pictures, keywords, phrases that help them make a message on the topic. Such speeches arouse great interest among classmates and a lot of questions, which is a good incentive to speak the language. Presentations were presented on the following topics: “Cities of the Tambov Region”, “Outstanding People of Russia”. Students' presentations are not only stories about the facts of life of famous people of their native country and city, but also an attempt to comment on them and express their opinions.

Studying a new topic.

Using ICT capabilities along with traditional teaching technology will help the teacher in selecting a variety of material, usually more interesting.

Final lesson:

ICT allows you to use tests in the lesson more rationally and saves lesson time. Students can find out their result immediately after testing. The use of ICT makes it possible to avoid the subjectivity of assessment.

The use of computer technologies in teaching, in particular, foreign languages, has significantly changed approaches to the development of educational materials in the English language. ICT makes it possible to more fully implement a whole range of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles, makes the learning process more interesting and creative, and allows us to take into account the individual pace of work of each student. The practical use of ICT involves a new type of cognitive activity of the student, the result of which is the discovery of new knowledge, the development of cognitive independence of students, the formation of the ability to independently replenish knowledge, search and navigate the flow of information.

The introduction of ICT contributes to achieving the main goal of modernization of education - improving the quality of education, increasing the accessibility of education, ensuring the harmonious development of an individual who navigates the information space, is familiar with the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and has an information culture.

In modern conditions, the most pressing task of education is the formation of a communicative culture of students. The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is becoming the most effective means of promoting the expansion of the educational space of a modern school.

The widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching a foreign language. Information technologies, as a rule, refer to technologies that use technical means such as audio, video, computer, and the Internet. Recently, information and communication technologies (ICT) have been widely used in educational institutions.

Computer technologies are widely used in teaching a foreign language. The specificity of the computer as a teaching tool is associated with its characteristics such as complexity, versatility, interactivity.

At the same time, the principle of accessibility is observed and the individual pace of work of each student is taken into account. Using computer, you can organize individual, pair and group work in the lesson. However, it must be remembered that a computer cannot replace a teacher in the classroom. It is necessary to carefully plan your time working with a computer and use it exactly when it is really needed.

Currently, multimedia technologies are widely used. Software products that use text, sound, and video to present information are called multimedia. The use of multimedia teaching aids is a natural stage in the development of pedagogical technologies.

An important aspect The use of ICT in foreign language lessons is a project activity. Multimedia presentations are actively included in the learning process. Students use the Internet to gather material for projects. One of the possibilities of using multimedia technologies in the classroom is the preparation and conduct of integrated lessons. The teacher can prepare such a presentation himself or entrust the creation of the presentation to students. This presentation may be used during various forms of lessons or as a multimedia aid for students’ independent work in preparation for the lesson.

Traditionally, studying a topic or section ends with repetition, consolidation and generalization. All these elements can be combined by inviting students, at the final stage of each topic, to create a multimedia project, instead of a traditional essay.

There are a number of benefits to using multimedia presentations in lessons to develop listening skills. One of the main advantages is the ability to provide students with the correct answers in writing after completing assignments.

Another positive result of using presentations is a faster pace of the lesson and student interest. You can generate even greater interest by inviting some students, under your guidance, to prepare a presentation for the lesson.

The use of information and communication technologies in English lessons helps to increase students' motivation and enhance their speech and thinking activity, effectively assimilate educational material, form a holistic system of knowledge, and allow one to increase the pace of work in the lesson without compromising the students' knowledge acquisition.

These technologies open up wide opportunities for teachers who are looking for additional tools to solve their professional problems. The latest information technologies in education make it possible to more actively use the scientific and educational potential of leading universities and institutes, attract the best teachers to create distance learning courses, and expand the audience of students.

Having analyzed the experience of using ICT in foreign language lessons and during extracurricular hours, we can conclude:

> multimedia technologies accelerate the learning process:

> contribute to a sharp increase in student interest in the subject;

> improve the quality of learning the material;

> allow you to individualize the learning process;

> make it possible to avoid the subjectivity of the assessment.

Thus, the introduction of computer technologies creates the prerequisites for intensifying the educational process. They allow the practical use of psychological and pedagogical developments that ensure the transition from mechanical assimilation of knowledge to mastering the ability to independently acquire new knowledge. Computer technologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of personal qualities of students.

Using ICT, in my work I use licensed CDs and materials found on the Internet. The role of the English teacher is to adapt them to the topic being studied and the language level of the students.

The use of World Wide Web sites helps develop students' intercultural competence.

The City Net website (http://www. /) makes it possible to travel to different countries, visit parks, explore monuments and any other attractions.

Metro Link website (Metro http://) - the site will allow you to travel around the world's largest cities by metro, study their routes and find out how to get there from certain parts of the city.

If you visit the MEDIA LINK page (http://www. /emedia/) you can find out where and what newspapers exist in the world and turn your classroom into a news agency, and your students into first-class reporters.

You can use computer technology without going online. To do this, it is enough to purchase training discs, of which there are a huge variety of different companies.

Today, a foreign language teacher must be able to navigate well in a huge number of Internet resources, which ensure mastery of a foreign language in unity with the culture of its native speakers, and also greatly facilitate the teacher’s work, increase the effectiveness of teaching, and improve the quality of teaching.

The use of ICT and Internet resources in the English language lesson makes it possible to more fully implement a whole range of methodological, didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles. The use of computer educational programs in English lessons increases the efficiency of solving communicative problems, develops the types of speech activity of students, and forms sustainable motivation for foreign language activities of students in the classroom. The combination of information technology with the project method allows schoolchildren to practically apply their knowledge, skills and abilities, and therefore is one of the forms of organizing research and educational activities, in which cooperative collective activities are successfully implemented, allowing to increase the motivation for learning a foreign language. The use of ICT and Internet resources in English lessons makes it possible to achieve stable positive results and allows me to teach in multi-level classes: general education, lyceum, with in-depth study of the English language - and achieve good results. The use of ICT and Internet resources in English lessons is relevant today, because a teacher must be interesting for his students, keep up with the times, improve his teaching skills and level of intelligence.

A foreign language teacher who uses modern multimedia technologies is able to motivate students to achieve success, based on their need-motivational sphere. With the help of electronic messages, Internet chats and forums, students have a unique opportunity to communicate with native speakers in a single multicultural educational space. In the process of communication, students not only develop a positive attitude towards the culture of a native speaker, but also develop intercultural competence.

State budgetary educational institution

"Vasilievskaya cadet boarding school named after

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Using ICT in English lessons

Basilova I.Sh.,

English teacher


1. Introduction 3 pages

2. Computer technologies in teaching English 4 p.

3. Teaching vocabulary using ICT 7 p.

4. Teaching the grammatical side of speech 9 pages.

5. Teaching phonics and reading 10 pages.

6. Internet 10 pages.

7. Health-saving technologies using ICT 12 pages.

8. Effectiveness of using ICT 13 p.

9. Conclusion 14 pages.

10. Conclusions 15 pages.

11. References 15 pages.

1. Introduction .

New information technologies are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the process of training and education. Modern pedagogical technologies, such as project methodology, the use of information technology, Internet resources, make it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of training, and interests.The use of ICT in education is one of the most important areas of development of the information society. The education system today is developing in a situation of “future shock” - a person is born and studies in one world, but he will have to act independently in another. In these conditions, the school must develop new skills in students - the ability to adapt and find themselves in this world, the ability to independently collect information, analyze, generalize and transfer it to other people, and master new technologies. An adequate response to the challenges of the time is the implementation of a new model of the educational process, focused on independent work of students, collective forms of learning, and the formation of the necessary skills. The active use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process can and should play a major role in this transformation, since:

    the study and application of ICT in the educational process allows students to obtain the skills and qualifications necessary for living and working in modern society;

    ICTs are an effective tool for the development of new forms and methods of teaching that improve the quality of education;

    The widespread use of ICT creates conditions for increasing the accessibility of education, for the transition from lifelong learning to lifelong learning (LLL-paradigm), ensuring constant adaptation to the conditions of development of the information society and knowledge-based economy.

Informatization is a necessary component and condition for the overallmodernization education, updating the content and forms of educational activities, the entire structure of the school, education management. Without informatization, it is impossible to fully implement the modernization program.AND informatization of education is a priority for the development of the social sphere of Kazakhstan. Teaching a foreign language, as part of the educational process, cannot remain on the sidelines of these global changes in school.

Not only the novelty of working with a computer, which in itself helps to increase interest in learning, but also the ability to regulate the presentation of educational tasks according to the degree of difficulty, and encouragement of correct decisions have a positive effect on motivation.

PThe fundamental difference between a training system using ICT and a traditional one lies in its technological base, in the realization of the high potential of computer and communication technologies. This allows us to solve some of the main problems of education:

    improving the quality of education;

    increasing the accessibility of education;

    increasing the economic potential of the country through increased education of the population (human capital);

    integration of the national education system into the scientific, industrial, social and cultural information infrastructure of the world community.

The purpose of this work is to identify the effectiveness of using ICT and Internet resources in and the principles of creating educational ICT software in the educational process within the framework of this subject, contributing to the development of motivation for students’ educational activities.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- consider the features of using ICT and Internet resources in an English lesson,
- analyze the results of using ICT in extracurricular activities in English,
- analyze the effectiveness of using ICT in your own practical activities,
- identify the “pros” and “cons” of using ICT and Internet resources in an English lesson.
The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, training in practical mastery of a foreign language. The teacher’s task is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. The teacher’s task is to intensify the cognitive activity of students in the process of teaching foreign languages.
Unlike traditional methods, where the teacher is used to giving and demanding certain knowledge, when using interactive forms of teaching, the student himself becomes the main character and opens the way to the acquisition of knowledge. The teacher acts as an active assistant in this situation, and his main function is to organize and stimulate the educational process.
In English lessons, you can solve a number of problems using a computer:
develop reading skills and abilities directly using online materials of varying degrees of complexity;
improve listening skills based on authentic audio texts;
improve writing skills, replenish your vocabulary, both active and passive, with vocabulary of a modern foreign language, reflecting a certain stage in the development of the culture of the people, the social and political structure of society;
introduce cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of the speech behavior of various peoples in communication conditions, features of culture, traditions of the country of the language being studied;
to form sustainable motivation for students’ foreign language activities in the classroom.
Thus, the substantive basis of mass computerization of education is certainly related to the fact that a modern computer is a technical tool that promotes effective learning, and subsequently affects the overall development of students.

2. Computer technologies in teaching English.

The renewal processes in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​in a modern school create a situation in which teachers are given the right and opportunity to independently choose textbooks and other teaching aids. The modern teacher refuses ready-made methodological “recipes” that strictly regulate activities within the framework of a specific methodological system, in favor of analyzing the current situation in teaching foreign languages, in favor of the effective use of new technologies in the educational process. The teacher’s task is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. The teacher’s task is to activate the student’s cognitive activity in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project-based methods, the use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to implement a person-oriented approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of training, aptitudes, etc.

Modern technologies are undoubtedly computer technologies, which have a number of advantages over traditional methods.

Computer training has enormous motivational potential.

A computer is a tool used by a teacher in the educational process, which can perform various functions in the process of teaching foreign languages:

    Training tool;

    A tool for creating texts in the target language;

    A means of processing and storing statistical information about educational activities;

    A means of communication with native speakers in the e-mail system, etc.

The main areas of use of ICT by foreign language teachers are:

    Multimedia lessons

    Testing on computers.

    Distance Olympics.

    Telecommunication projects.

    Project activities.

I use all this, except for telecommunication projects, at various stages of the lesson and in various types of speech activities.

Multimedia lessons I conduct on the basis of computer training programs: "English Grammar.” A program for learning English grammar. , "Language Study" – with the help of this program I expand my vocabulary. How it works: in a field placed on top of all windows, a new word or expression is shown, then the same with the translation. Works with ordinary *.txt and *.rtf files.,"EZ Memo Booster" - an English language program where I offer 3 exercises with words. For each exercise certain points are awarded (depending on difficulty). Multimedia lessons expand students' vocabulary and help them study grammatical structures in more detail.

Testing on computers. Using tests and online tests, I check how well a student knows this or that material, how well he has mastered English grammar, and how extensive his vocabulary is. In addition, you can find out your general level of English language proficiency. I use the following types of tests:

General installation tests - aimed at testing knowledge of the language in general, as well as at testing certain areas of knowledge: the use of idioms, slang expressions, phrasal verbs.

Grammar tests – I use it to test knowledge of the rules of English grammar. The tests test various aspects of English grammar, their correct understanding, and the ability to use them.

Lexical tests – I use it to test the vocabulary of English learners. The tests test language learners' knowledge of the basic required vocabulary in different areas of the English language.

In addition, I use testing in the formatExcel, where the student’s work result is assessed immediately.

Distance Olympics. They are held in almost all subjects of the school curriculum, including English.

Lessons based on original computer presentations in the form of lectures, seminars, student reports.

One of the possibilities of using multimedia technologies in the lesson is a multimedia presentation with vivid video footage (illustrations, video clips, sound).

The use of computer presentations in the educational process makes it possible to intensify the assimilation of educational material by students and conduct classes at a qualitatively new level, using instead of a classroom blackboard the projection of slide films and reference tables from a computer screen onto a large wall screen.

The presentation allows you to influence several types of memory at once: visual, auditory, emotional and, in some cases, motor.

The effectiveness of the impact of educational material on students largely depends on the degree and level of illustrativeness of the material. The visual richness of educational material makes it bright, convincing and contributes to the intensification of the process of its assimilation. Computer presentations allow students to focus their attention on significant points of the information presented and create visual, effective images in the form of illustrations, diagrams, diagrams, graphic compositions, etc.

With such an opportunity asinteractivity , computer presentations make it possible to effectively adapt educational material to the characteristics of students. Increased interactivity leads to more intense participation in the learning process by the student himself, which helps to increase the efficiency of perception and memorization of educational material.

You can use a presentation in the educational process at various stages of the lesson, while its essence as a visual aid remains unchanged, only its forms change, depending on the intended purpose of its use.

I do not use presentations all the time, especially since in some cases it can be harmful, however, in cases where the lesson material contains a large amount of illustrative material (for example, regional study material), the use of a computer presentation will significantly increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

The basis for using multimedia in foreign language lessonspresentations are based on a communicative approach to mastering all aspects of foreign language culture: cognitive, educational, developmental and educational, and within the educational aspect - all types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening, writing.

I can prepare the presentation myself or I entrust the creation of the presentation to students. This presentation can be used during various forms of lessons or as a multimedia aid for students’ independent work in preparation for a lesson. Another positive result of using presentations is a faster pace of the lesson and student interest. You can generate even greater interest by inviting some students, under your guidance, to prepare a presentation for the lesson. When developing lessons, I often encounter the problem of a lack of handouts with assignments. This problem can be solved using multimedia presentations. The content of presentations can be different: hints, additional information, text tasks, exercises, tables that can also be used using an interactive whiteboard.The use of a computer presentation will significantly increase the effectiveness of the lesson.

Project activities . Multimedia presentation can also be used as a project activity. Studying a topic or section always ends with repetition, consolidation and generalization. All these elements can be combined by inviting students to create a multimedia project at the final stage of each topic, instead of a traditional essay. By creating a presentation, they are given an excellent opportunity to systematize acquired knowledge and skills and their practical application. It is very important for students to feel an interest in independent creative work, to feel the significance of the results of their work, since a presentation is a ready-made teaching material for a lesson. It should be noted that every year students perform multimedia presentations with great interest, better quality, more professionally, feeling their success. From practice, I would like to note that students begin to perform such tasks more efficiently from the 7th grade. Nowadays, in some textbooks, at the end of the studied section, the topics of the projects are given. Of interest are such topics as “Animals”, “Seasons”, “London Sights”, “Family”. Very interesting projects were presented by graduating students of the 2013-2014 academic year on the topic “School of the Future”.

One of the forms of project activity is debate. To develop the basic skills of public speaking in English and develop the communicative competence of students, I use the “Debate” pedagogical technology in English lessons at the senior level of education.

Methodologically, the forms of working with a computer in English classes can be different: mastering new material or consolidating it using training programs, writing essays, presentations, dictations, using translator programs when working with complex texts, checking literacy and spelling in English,the use of training programs to replenish vocabulary and to test the assimilation of grammatical material.

3. Teaching vocabulary using ICT .

The development of lexical skills for their subsequent inclusion in students’ speech activity is the main task in mastering vocabulary. The use of computer technology in the formation of lexical skills significantly enhances the effectiveness of this process.

To practice the meaning of a word, I offer students, for example, an exercise to distribute words into thematic groups (school: chalk, desk, teacher. Family: mother, sister, aunt).

To practice using words using a computer, I offer studentsdraw upofferfromdatawords: is, a, big, there, window, bedroom, in, my (There is a big window in my bedroom).
At the stage of training and using vocabulary for productive activities, operations to connect words based on the content of the statement will be decisive. In order to develop productive lexical skills, I use a computer to train students in combining lexical units. For example, an exercise to practice:

Tell me what the listed items might be:house, room, sofa, carpet. The other column contains adjectives:big, old, white, beautiful. The student must correctly form phrases from these adjectives and nouns, moving them from the corresponding columns to the lines below. At the same time, the number of empty lines tells the student that there are other possible word combinations that he has not yet composed. The student who creates more word combinations than others receives more points.

In order to develop a productive skill, an exercise is performed to fill in the gaps in a statement. The indicator of correctness in this case is the correspondence of the semantic meaning of the substituted lexical unit to the one with which it is combined. For example, I have students fill in the gaps in dialogues with appropriate vocabulary items. Or, for example, I give you the task of choosing a phrase to answer a question.

Would you like some tea?

a) You are welcome

b) Yes, please

c ) Help yourself

Quickly completing such exercises makes it possible to increase the volume of vocabulary studied due to the time saved. The computer also makes it possible to intensify the process of teaching vocabulary based on children completing different, but equal in complexity, tasks. I will give an example of an exercise on the use of lexical units in speech activity: the children must compose a complete dialogue from isolated remarks.

- Yes, yes. Take it, please.

- Would you like fruit and ham?

- Help yourself.

- Yes, please. May I have five apples, please?

- Thank you! I like oranges. May I have an orange?

Students who have written the same dialogues are paired up. They read and memorize dialogues by role. After this, the dialogues are played out in front of the whole class. At the same time, children who listen to dialogues develop receptive lexical skills.

The work carried out on the formation of lexical skills allows us to move on to the formation of speech skills of dialogical speech. The use of computer programs in developing students' skills in the classroom has shown that computer teaching technologies fully meet the goals set when teaching foreign language vocabulary.

I used computer technologies along with traditional teaching aids. However, the practice of using computer programs shows that computer technologies have many advantages over traditional teaching methods. Among them are individualization and intensification of student independence, increasing cognitive activity and motivation, intensifying learning and creating a comfortable learning environment.

4. Teaching the grammatical side of speech .

I also try to use different ICT techniques when teaching grammar.

I am using presentation inPowerPointto explain a new rule or to test acquired knowledge. For example, when learning the verb conjugationtobeI tell students a fairy tale about the adventures of this verb, accompanying the story with a presentation. A bright, colorful presentation helps students better remember theoretical material and use the verb in the futuretobeno mistakes.

I also demonstrate the presentation “Non-finite forms of the verb” when studying this grammatical topic in the 10th grade.

To reinforce the grammatical rules I have learned, I use exercises from educational CDs.

I have studied and use in my work such training discs as:Virtual school of Cyril and Methodius "English lessons", 6th grade. “English in action. The Royal Family Longmaster Learning Anywhere , English language, 10th grade. English language, 11th grade.

On these discs you can find a wide variety of exercises on all sections of English grammar. There are exercises of varying degrees of complexity - from the simplest to exercises of increased complexity, which allows you to differentiate the learning process.

For example, I use a training CDVirtual School of Cyril and Methodius . Possible types of work include:

A) fill-in-the-blank exercises. The learning program presents the learner with a set of sentences with gaps. If the answer is incorrect, the following scenarios are possible:

    prohibiting the student from moving on to the next task or sentence;

    the student moves on to the next task or sentence with their subsequent correction, namely, highlighting the correct answer in a different color or putting a “cross” sign indicating an incorrect answer;

B) exercises in the form of a game for composing sentences, during which the student moves the cursor over the required word, which then moves into the sentence being composed and becomes behind the last moved word. The disadvantage of such a game is the impossibility of moving to the required place any word moved earlier than the last one without radically breaking the entire sentence.

When studying the topic “Modal Verbs”, I not only show students a presentation with theoretical material, but also use the “Verb” simulatorcan"to practice the use of this verb in students' speech.

Integrating a regular lesson with a computer allows the teacher to most effectively monitor learning using tests. Carrying out tests on a computer allows you to check the quality of knowledge in a matter of seconds. I prepare tests myself in the editorMicrosoftExcel.

The Internet offers enormous potential to teachers when teaching grammar. Here you can find not only exercises in all sections of English grammar, but also online tests in which the student’s result is immediately assessed. In my work, I use many Internet sites, which allows me to more accurately and quickly check students’ mastery of grammatical material.

5. Teaching phonics and reading.

Teaching phonics and reading in Year 5 is a major focus. Therefore, English teachers try to find methods and forms of work that would provide them with the opportunity to complete this task with the greatest efficiency. ICT techniques also help me here. Firstly, I try to use educational CDs with phonetic exercises in class whenever possible. But due to the fact that time is limited, I recommend that children study with such disks at home, since now most families have computers. Secondly, when explaining reading rules, I use presentations inPowerPoint.

Along with educational CDs and presentations, I use a very interesting and useful guide for English teachers, “Reading for Fun,” made in the programMacromediaFlash, which I discovered on the Internet. This guide provides students with an introduction to reading English vowels in a colorful and entertaining way, followed by quizzes to test their understanding of the material.

To test reading comprehension, I use tests done in the editorWord, which is the simplest application of ICT in the learning process. If it is possible to work in a computer class, I use tests performed inExcel, which allow you to quickly check the correctness of the assignment by all students by displaying the students’ results on the teacher’s computer.

6. Internet

One of the most revolutionary achievements in recent decades, which has significantly influenced the educational process throughout the world, was the creation of a worldwide computer network called the Internet, which literally means “international net”. The use of cyberspace (syberspace) for educational purposes is a completely new direction in general didactics and private methodology, since the changes taking place affect all aspects of the educational process, from the choice of techniques and style of work, to changing the requirements for the academic level of students.

In English lessons using the Internet, you can solve a number of didactic tasks: develop reading skills and abilities using materials from the global network; improve the writing skills of schoolchildren; replenish students' vocabulary; to form stable motivation in schoolchildren to learn English, broaden the horizons of schoolchildren, establish and maintain business connections and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries, participate in chats, video conferences, etc. Students can receive information about a problem they are currently working on as part of a project. This could be a joint work of Russian schoolchildren and their foreign peers from one or more countries.

As an information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources. A basic set of services may include:

    electronic mail (e-mail);

    teleconferences (usenet);

    video conferencing;

    the ability to publish your own information, create your own home page and post it on a Web server;

    access to information resources:

    reference catalogs (Yahoo!, InfoSeek/UltraSmart, LookSmart, Galaxy,Yandex, Google);

    search engines (Alta Vista, Open Text, WebCrawler);

    online conversation (Chat).

These resources can be actively used in the lesson. However, we must not forget that the Internet is only an auxiliary technical means of teaching, and in order to achieve optimal results it is necessary to correctly integrate its use into the lesson process.

Undoubtedly, the Internet can be used as an effective application for developing grammatical, lexical skills and abilities, and testing knowledge. This includes all kinds of training vocabulary, grammar, phonetics exercises, reading tests, grammar tests, IQ tests, etc. Teachers or students themselves can find such sites on the WWW.

A big advantage of using Internet resources is the development of intercultural competence, i.e., getting to know different cultures, identifying ways of their interaction and interpenetration into each other, forming cultural universals necessary to achieve mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation in direct communication.

7. Health-saving technologies using ICT

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote about health as the most important prerequisite for success in the education and development of children in the 60s of the last century: “Experience has convinced us that for approximately 85% of all underachieving students, the main reason for lagging behind in their studies is poor health, some kind of or an ailment or disease, most often completely invisible and curable only through the joint efforts of mother, father, doctor andteachers ...».

Computers, projectors, screens, interactive whiteboards - all this equipment is designed tofocus students' attention, increase cognitive interest, motivation for learning.But these tools must be used wisely so as not to harm the child’s health.

The use of ICT must be combined with the use of traditional lesson forms, which will allow students to periodically switch their attention.

Don’t forget about the healthy moments in the lesson: physical exercises, dynamic pauses, moments of relaxation. I use special sets of exercises to normalize posture, to restore strength, to relieve fatigue, to relieve tension from the muscles of the body, and for the eyes.



I use different kinds of shapes and lines that children “run” with their eyes. For example, on a sheet of whatman paper any colored figures are depicted (oval, figure eight, spiral, rhombus, etc.) or intricately crossed lines of different colors 1 cm thick. This poster is placed above eye level in any convenient place (above the board, on side wall, on the ceiling of the classroom). At the request of the teacher, children begin to “run” their eyes along a given trajectory. At the same time, it is advisable to give each exercise a playful or creative character. The exercise is performed standing.

Up-down, left-right

Move your eyes up and down, left and right. Close your eyes, relieve tension, count to 10.


I invite the children to close their eyes and imagine a big

White screen. It is necessary to mentally color this screen one by one

any color: for example, first yellow, then orange,

green, blue, but you must finish coloring

most favorite color. It is necessary to paint slowly, without

allowing spaces.


Breathing meditation

Sit up straight. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are inhaling the aroma of a flower... The delicate aroma of a flower... Try to inhale not only with your nose, but with your whole body. Inhale. Exhalation. The body turns into a sponge: when you inhale, it absorbs air through the pores of the skin, and when you exhale, it seeps out. Inhale. Exhalation.


Raise your head up - inhale. Lower your head onto your chest – exhale (a quiet breeze blows).

Raise your head up - inhale. Lower and blow off the “lint” (a gentle breeze blows).

Raise your head up - inhale. Lower and blow out the candles (a strong breeze blew).


1. Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips, sit down

Bent left to the side

Bent left bent right

1, 2, 3 hop 1, 2, 3 stop!

Stand still

2 . Stand up clap clap

Arms up clap clap

Step step arms down

Clap clap please sit down

3. Hands up clap clap clap

Hands down shake shake shake

Hands on hip jump jump jump

Hop hop hop stop stand still

Good sit down please

4. I can jump I can run

I can sing I can dance

I can swim I can't fly

I can climb and say good bye.

When conducting breathing exercises, eye exercises and posture exercises, you can use an interactive whiteboard and perform exercises to music.

8. Effectiveness of using ICT.

Lessons using ICT - this, in my opinion, is one of the most important results of innovative work in school. Computer technology can be used in almost any school subject. One thing is important - to find the line that will make the lesson truly developing and educational. The use of information technology allows me to implement my plans and make the lesson modern. The use of computer technologies in the learning process affects the growth of the teacher’s professional competence, this contributes to a significant increase in the quality of education, which leads to the solution of the main task of educational policy.

Analyzing my experience of using ICT in the classroom, we can confidently say that the use of information and communication technologies allowed me to:

    provide positive motivation for learning;

    conduct lessons at a high aesthetic and emotional level (music, animation);

    ensure a high degree of differentiation of training (almost individualization);

    increase the volume of work performed in class by 1.5 - 2 times;

    improve knowledge control;

    rationally organize the educational process, increase the effectiveness of the lesson;

    develop skills of genuine research activity;

    provide access to various reference systems, electronic libraries, and other information resources.

As for performance, those students who systematically work with computer educational programs and engage in project activities have improved their quality of knowledge. Students show a strong interest in learning English, participate in competitions and olympiads and show good results.

Taking into account all of the above, I consider it necessary to use electronic resources in my lesson activities.

I used monitoring to identify the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of ICT. It was as follows: I took two 6th grade classes, where in one I used ICT technologies, and in the other I taught only traditional lessons. Upon completion, I noticed the following: in the class where ICT was used, academic performance, the pace of the lesson and motivation for learning the language were higher than in the class where lessons were held without ICT technology. (Annex 1)

9. Conclusion

One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the lesson can be considered the state and appearance of the students leaving the lesson: at one extreme - calm - businesslike, moderately excited; on the other - tired, confused, “excited”.

In English lessons, conditions have been created for students to be included in an active and voluntary process of developing knowledge and generalized methods of activity. Computers, the Internet, and telecommunication networks have a huge impact on children and youth, forming a special information world around the modern child, influencing his consciousness and development.

Cognitive activity, the subject of which is a schoolchild, is reproductive in nature. The success of educational activities largely depends on the degree of independence of the child, his activity (or, conversely, passivity), interest in achieving results, etc. Good performance is the result of search, creative, independent cognitive activity.

10. Conclusions

    A lesson using ICT makes it possible to conduct classes with students of different levels, give them tasks of varying degrees of difficulty, offer a set of tasks and exercises according to their abilities, ensure 100% participation, while maintaining an atmosphere of goodwill and calm.

    With proper organization of the educational process, students' self-training motivation increases and a conscious attitude towards learning appears.

    The lack of interest in learning among students is largely explained by the inability to independently organize their learning activities.

    Students cease to be passive participants in the educational process and become active participants.

11. References:

    Bukharkina M.Yu. Multimedia textbook: what is it? // Institute of Nuclear Sciences - 2001 - No. 4 - pp. 29-33

    Karamysheva T.V. Learning foreign languages ​​using a computer: questions and answers. - St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 191.

    Protasenya E.P. , Shtemenko Yu.S. Computer training: pros and cons. // Institute of Nuclear Sciences - 1997. - No. 3. - P. 10-13.

    Sidorenko A.F. The use of computer programs in English lessons.// ISL - 2002 - No. 2 - p. 41-43

    Ushakova S.V. Computer in English lessons // Institute of Languages ​​and Sciences - 1997. - No. 5. - pp. 40-44.

    Tsvetkova L.A. Using the computer in teaching vocabulary in primary school. // Institute of Nuclear Sciences - 2002. - No. 2. - pp. 43-47.

    Polyakova T.Yu "English for dialogue with a computer" Moscow "Higher School" 1997.

    Selevko G.K. "Modern educational technologies" Moscow "Scientific education" 1998.

    Beaty Ken. Computer-assisted Language Learning. Longman, Pearson Education, 2003.

    Chapelle Carol.A. Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition: Foundations for teaching, testing and research. – Cambridge University Press, 2005. – 215c.

    Dudeney Gavin. The Internet and the Language Classroom. A practical guide for teachers. – Cambridge University Press, 2005. – 181c.


English lesson, 6 Class .

Textbook: « EnjoyEnglish, 6" Authors: Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N.

Theme of the lesson: “Yesterday. The Past Simple Tense

Educational goal: teach students to use sentences and expressions in the past tense in monologue and dialogic speech.

Developmental goal : development of skills to work independently.

Educational purpose : instill a love for the language being studied.

Method : communicative

Technology: application of ICT

Means of education : interactive whiteboard, handouts.


Activate lexical material on the topic “Yesterday. ThePastSimpleTense

Practice students in finding the necessary information in the text;

Practice students in listening, in constructing monologue and dialogical remarks.

Lesson with application

technical means

"Classic" lesson



Homework is checked using a scanner.

The student's work is scanned and displayed on the board, and the student explains his work. If necessary, the teacher or other students correct mistakes.

It takes less than 1 minute to scan the work, the rest of the time is used directly for analyzing the exercises.

The student comes to the board with his notebook, rewrites the sentences with missing words, and then explains it to other students.

This takes an average of 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the student’s writing speed.

2. Explanation of new material.

Since this topic is not presented fully enough in the textbook, the teacher needs to give part of the material to students in the form of notes.

This material is distributed to students in printed form (a student handbook is created containing basic diagrams and examples of using certain structures).

The teacher comments on the handouts on the board, supplementing them with other examples if necessary, draws attention to the most important points, and answers students’ questions. (The printout material is usually displayed on the board).

Material that is not in the textbook is dictated to the students, then example sentences are written on the board, which the students also write down in their notebooks.

On average, 5-7 minutes are spent on dictation, depending on the volume of material and the speed of students’ writing.

In addition to wasting time on note-taking, there is another drawback: if the student is not very attentive, when copying examples from the board, he may make mistakes, which will then make it difficult to understand the material or lead to errors when completing tasks of this type.

3. Primary consolidation of the material

When completing tasks from a textbook, the time spent on the task is the same when working with an interactive whiteboard and in a classical lesson.

The training of the material can be diversified by displaying a presentation on the screen where children can move pictures and make sentences, affirmative, negative and interrogative, everything is very colorful and remains in the child’s memory for a long time

Doing exercises from a textbook is a very boring task, there is no visual representation and students do not like this type of work, they do not pay attention. The children have no interest in studying the topic and therefore reduce the effectiveness of the lesson.

4. Reinforcement of material, independent work of students

When doing multiple-choice assignments, or writing a dictation, students write the exercises on their own, then using a scanner, one work is projected onto the screen, and the teacher asks students to exchange their work and check, while one of the students comments on their proposals.

(Thoughtless copying from the board is eliminated, plus time is saved, there is no need for the teacher to check, the children evaluate themselves).

There are two ways:

1) The main part of the students completes the assignments in notebooks, and two or three students (1 person from each option) simultaneously complete the assignments of their option on the board, and then these assignments are commented on.

This method has one significant drawback: some students, instead of doing the work independently, copy from the board, which means that this material remains unworked.

2) First, all students do the work on the spot, and then 1 representative from each option comes to the board and reproduces their examples

At the same time, the percentage of children who cheat is reduced, but time is lost.

Setting homework

Students can be given not only general, but also individual homework, which is given in the form of printouts.

Homework is assigned from a textbook or written on the board (all students receive the same assignment).

Additional benefits of an interactive whiteboard

Additionally, time is saved in the lesson due to the fact that there is no need to erase the board, a blank sheet is taken to perform new exercises, A

If you have questions about earlier exercises, you can quickly return to them, therefore, there is no need to restore structures and examples. The latter is the most significant, because Exercises saved by the interactive whiteboard can always be easily restored both during class and after class, in particular during additional classes and consultations for those students who missed or did not fully master the topic.