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Specially protected areas of the Transbaikal region. Transbaikalsky National Park

Mustafina Roxana

Project work on local history affects the main ecological problems Transbaikal region. Transbaikalia is an amazing and unique region. This is a storehouse of the natural resources of our Motherland. We must protect and protect our land.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Yasninskaya average comprehensive school №1

Project work

"Environmental problems of the Trans-Baikal Territory"

Completed by: Mustafina Roxana

4th grade student

Head: Yachmeneva A.M.


  1. Introduction.
  2. Environmental problems of the region.

3. Conclusion.

5. List of references.


Spring has come. We enjoy every sunny day and make plans for the future. What is our future? What lies ahead?

Today I want to draw your attention to the problems that affect every person, to the state of our nature. Many years ago, man began to use nature to obtain fruits and berries, and to kill animals for meat and skins.Currently, natural resources are depleted, nature is heavily polluted. We are surrounded
many environmental problems.

What are environmental problems? This is a change in the natural environment as a result of human activity, leading to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature.

We live in an amazing region. The Trans-Baikal Territory is located in the southeast of Siberia, with an area of ​​431.5 thousand square km, occupying 4% of the territory of Russia.

Transbaikalia is beyond Baikal,
This is where the hills and taiga are.
This is where there is snow on the passes,
Where the blizzard rages in winter.

You can’t help but fall in love with nature here.
There is no more beautiful and harsher region.
Once you see it, you'll dream about it for a long time
Transbaikalia is the beauty of the earth.

The purpose of my work: to characterize the environmental situation of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Objectives: to consider what environmental problems exist in the Trans-Baikal Territory and give them a brief description.

Today, the environmental situation in the world can be described as close to critical. Global problems:

Thousands of species of plants and animals have been destroyed and continue to be destroyed;

Forest cover has been largely destroyed;

The available reserves of mineral resources are rapidly declining;

The world's oceans are not only depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but also cease to be a regulator of natural processes;

The atmosphere in many places is polluted to maximum permissible levels, and fresh air becomes scarce;

The ozone layer, which protects all living things from cosmic radiation, is partially damaged;

Surface contamination and disfigurement of natural landscapes

Let's look at how things are in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

The main industries of Transbaikalia are mining, fuel and energy, and transport. In terms of resources, this is the richest and oldest mineral resource region in the country. There are 143 mining enterprises in the region. As a result of the activities of these facilities, 119.1 million tons of waste are generated in the region.

Atmospheric air.

Results of observations in 2012-2016. indicate that the level of pollution atmospheric air cities of the Trans-Baikal Territory continues to remain quite high.

The number of emission sources in the region with established emission standards, according to statistical data, is about 8,000 units (7,995).

Every year, about 125-130 thousand tons of pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere.

The most polluted city in the region is Chita due to geographical location and prevailing calm weather.

Analysis of atmospheric air pollution by season shows that the most high levels pollution is constantly observed in the autumn-winter periods. This is due to both the characteristics of the heating season and climatic and geographical features terrain. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources over last years decreased slightly, this is due to the introduction of gas cleaning equipment at enterprises.

Many boiler houses are operated with faulty gas cleaning equipment or do not have it at all. To ensure the quality of atmospheric air, constant state control, improvement of technological processes, construction and commissioning of new dust collection installations, increasing the efficiency of existing installations and eliminating sources of pollution are required.

Water resources.

According to comprehensive quality assessment surface waters according to hydrochemical indicators in 2014, out of 35 water bodies in the Trans-Baikal Territory, 21 water bodies (or 60%) had polluted and very polluted waters. There are 11 (or 31%) water bodies classified as dirty and very dirty. In addition, in 2014, the waters of the Chernaya, Cherny Uryum and Ungo rivers were classified as slightly polluted. No water bodies with extremely dirty waters were noted in 2015.

According to the results of stationary observations, the river. Argun is still one of the most polluted water bodies in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

According to the water quality of the river. Shilka are characterized as polluted and very polluted (in 2013, the river waters were classified as polluted).

Compared to 2013, the water quality of the Onon River throughout the observation area has improved. The river waters moved from the category of dirty to the category of polluted in the section of the river with. Upper Ulkhun – st. Tin and slightly polluted - in the area of ​​the village. Chiron.

Water pollution along the Ingoda River is heterogeneous. Compared to 2012-2014 The quality of the river's water has improved somewhat.

At the control point, the waters of the Chita River are characterized as very dirty.

Compared to previous years, the level of river water pollution has decreased slightly.

Compared to 2013, the water quality of the Nercha River has improved slightly. River water quality Amazar remains at the same level - the waters are dirty.

Compared to 2013, the water quality of Lake Kenon has improved slightly.

The non-compliance of water quality with hygienic standards for the Chita, Ingoda, and Onon rivers is due to the discharge of insufficiently treated and untreated household wastewater within the boundaries of populated areas; along the Argun River - by discharge Wastewater on the territory of the People's Republic of China.

First of all, the low quality of water bodies depends on insufficiently treated surface runoff.

Hydraulic structures.

Reliable protection settlements and other territories from floods is an urgent task for the Trans-Baikal Territory. And it is no coincidence that in such a landmark document for the water industry as the Water Strategy Russian Federation Transbaikalia is designated as a flood-prone region.

Floods are the most common natural disasters in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and during high-water periods they occur almost every year in certain areas. A significant part of the settlements of Transbaikalia are located in the floodplains of the Ingoda, Chita, Onon, Shilka, Argun rivers, i.e. in flood-prone areas. More than 200 settlements fall into the flood zone, about 100 of which are subject to regular flooding.

The most effective measures to combat such emergency situations are preventive measures, namely the implementation of certain water management measures:

Construction of hydraulic structures,

Major repairs of hydraulic structures,

As well as measures to increase the carrying capacity of river beds.

Production and consumption waste.

A significant amount of production and consumption waste, including toxic waste, has accumulated and continues to accumulate in storage facilities, storage areas, warehouses, landfills and other facilities.

The bulk of waste of hazard classes 4 and 5 comes from enterprises extracting minerals (mining industry). Technogenic accumulations (about 2.9 billion tons) are formed by dumps of poor and substandard ores, products of chemical processing of non-ferrous metal ores. Imperfect technology and a monomental approach to subsoil development have led to the fact that this waste is essentially crushed ore mined from the subsoil.

The total volume of municipal waste accumulation is 157 thousand tons/year. Waste is disposed of in 372 “landfills” that have been in operation since Soviet times. In the region since November 2016 The installation and trial launch of the waste sorting plant of Zabspetstrans LLC with a capacity of 100 thousand tons/year was carried out. The waste recycling plant is scheduled to be put into operation in April 2017. The neutralization and disposal of waste is carried out by about 10 Forsazh installations.

Forest resources of the Trans-Baikal Territory

The quality and condition of the region's forest resources are significantly affected by industrial logging and fires. The area of ​​forested land is decreasing, natural regeneration is slow, artificial reforestation is being carried out, but the condition of the forests is deteriorating. The areas and reserves of coniferous species are decreasing, while those of small-leaved trees are increasing. Indigenous types of forests are being replaced by less valuable, derivative ones. Since 1991, logging volumes have been reduced everywhere.

The smallest change in the state of the forest fund is observed in the northern forestry enterprises of the region (Charsky, Tungokochensky, Tungiro-Olekminsky), where economic activity is developed to a limited extent.

Soils and land resources of the Trans-Baikal Territory

A high degree of development (plowing) of the territory, violation of agricultural technology, unsystematic grazing of livestock in combination with natural and climatic conditions (mountainous terrain, predominance of soils of light mechanical composition, dry spring and strong winds) led to the development of erosion processes. Pastures and hayfields need radical improvement, but this is practically not being done. In order to restore and improve soil fertility and increase agricultural production, programs have been developed that include a complex of agrotechnical, reclamation, cultural, technical and agrochemical works, as well as soil protection from erosion. Due to lack of funds, all activities are not carried out.

Specially protected natural areas.

The Transbaikal region stands out among the Siberian regions for its unique natural characteristics. The richest landscape and biological diversity was formed here over tens and hundreds of thousands of years under the influence of harsh climatic and peculiar physical and geographical conditions.

The most effective way to preserve valuable natural systems is to create a unified network of protected areas.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the area of ​​specially protected natural areas is 2,573,062 hectares (5.96% of the total territory of the region). The list of protected areas of federal and regional significance located on the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory includes 2 state natural biosphere reserves, 2 national parks, 18 state natural reserves (including 2 of federal significance) and 65 natural monuments (including 1 monument nature of federal significance), a total of 89 natural areas of different categories.


Transbaikalia is an unusually rich and diverse region of beauty, with unique contrasts and surprises. This corner of continental Asia combines the harsh climate of Transbaikalia with a deep blue sky, a unique view of snow-capped mountain peaks, the beauty of mountain taiga, wide strips of forest-steppes, many clear mountain rivers and lakes - all this forms an amazing natural environment that enchants the person who comes to this place for the first time. edge. We simply must save our region for us and our descendants!

It's time for humanity to understand
Taking away riches from Nature,
That the Earth also needs to be protected:
She is just like us - alive!
...Now we either dry it or water it,
And we use so many fertilizers,
That we ourselves are afraid to die.
So the Earth must endure.
And how many emissions do we give her?
Smoke from factories, dirt from ships...
We have a beautiful Land of People,
I'm afraid it wouldn't become the Land of Waste!


1.Geography of the Trans-Baikal Territory: Tutorial. – Chita: Express Publishing House, 2009.-308 p.: ill.

2. Report of the State Budgetary Institution “Trans-Baikal Regional Environmental Center” 2015

3. Internet resources.


Nikolaeva Anna Georgievna

4th year student,

Department of Ecology and Ethnicity O. ZabGGPU named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky, Chita

Voropaeva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Art. Lecturer at the Department of Ecology and Ethnicity O.

ZabGGPU named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky, Chita

The natural complexes of the region are extremely diverse, they have resources, the quality and quantity of which can provide the current and future generations of Transbaikal residents, but are vulnerable to anthropogenic impact. Deterioration in quality environment(growth of household waste dumps, decrease in soil fertility, etc.) is often associated with the low ecological culture of the local population, which actualizes the problem of improving environmental education of all community groups, as the main factor in the sustainability of the relationship between nature and society.

The Trans-Baikal Territory, as a subject of the Russian Federation, is obliged to fulfill at the regional level the international and national obligations of Russia to preserve the unique habitats of migratory animals, to preserve species included in the international, national and regional Red Data Books, as well as natural complexes, including transboundary ones.

Therefore, an analysis of the environmental situation in the Trans-Baikal Territory in recent years is relevant and can become an information base or the basis for economic, economic, and investment decisions for the Government of the region, various Ministries, departments, and structures.

When carrying out the work, the following goal was set: to carry out comparative analysis environmental situation in the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2006-2010.

The ecological situation is understood as a specific state of the human environment, caused by the interaction of nature and human economic activity.

An ecological situation is a spatio-temporal combination of various conditions and factors, including positive and negative from the point of view of residence and human condition, that create a certain ecological situation in a territory of varying degrees of well-being or disadvantage. Identification of environmental situations means: establishing a list (set) of environmental problems; spatial localization environmental problems; determining the combination of environmental problems and assigning the identified area to one or another degree of severity of the environmental situation.

To determine the environmental situation, it is necessary to identify a number of factors that make up the ecological situation. Therefore, in our work, we identified the following criteria for analyzing the environmental situation: the state of the atmospheric air of the territory, the state of surface and groundwater, waste generation and handling.

The results of observations in 2010 indicate that the level of air pollution in the cities of the Trans-Baikal Territory continues to remain quite high. The main indicators of the state of air pollution in the cities of the region indicate that the highest average level of air pollution is characterized by the city of Chita, where the average annual content of benzo(a)pyrene exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MAC) by 5.5 times, formaldehyde by 4 times , suspended substances (dust) - 1.6 times, which is due to frequent repetition meteorological conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of air pollutants. A high average annual content of benzo(a)pyrene - 4.8 times higher than the MPC - was also observed in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, and in 2008-2009. The average annual content of benzo(a)pyrene exceeded the maximum permissible concentration by almost 6 times, formaldehyde by 4 times, and suspended substances (dust) by 2 times.

The main contribution to the total emissions of pollutants from stationary sources was made by enterprises for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water, as well as mining enterprises.

A special place in air pollution is occupied by road transport, the number of which in the city of Chita and the Trans-Baikal Territory increases every year, and the volume of emissions is not taken into account in statistical data. Big role Cars with a long service life, including foreign-made ones, as well as cars with unregulated engines, contribute to air pollution.

According to averaged data, in surface waters in the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory (including rivers in the basins of Lake Baikal, the Lena River and the Amur River) over the course of 5 years, cases of exceeding the MPC of the following indicators were most often recorded: organic matter, compounds of copper, zinc, manganese, common iron, phenols and petroleum products.

The non-compliance of water quality with hygienic standards of the rivers: Chita, Ingoda, Onon is due to the discharge of insufficiently treated and untreated household wastewater within populated areas; Argun - wastewater discharge on the territory of the People's Republic of China; Amazar - the negative impact of gold processing enterprises.

The main reasons for poor quality drinking water in the region are: ongoing anthropogenic pollution of surface waters; natural factors (increased content of iron and manganese compounds in the water of aquifers); absence or inadequate condition of sanitary protection zones for water sources; use of old technological solutions for water treatment in conditions of deteriorating water quality; lack of specialized service for the operation of water supply facilities; implementation of production control in a reduced volume; unstable water supply; wear and tear of water supply networks.

Groundwater of various genetic types in the Trans-Baikal Territory they are the main source of water supply, providing more than 90% of the population's need for household and drinking water in all regions, with the exception of the sparsely populated Tungir-Olekminsky, where almost 100% of water consumption is carried out from surface water.

The most powerful object of groundwater pollution in the Trans-Baikal Territory is a series of tailings dumps at the Priargunsky PMC along the Shirondukui pad, a lateral tributary of the Sukh pad. Urulyungui. The tailings of the hydrometallurgical and sulfuric acid plants (cinder storage facility) are concentrated here; on the left side of the honeydew there is a sulfuric acid plant, a sulfuric acid warehouse, and heap leaching sites. The total area of ​​the series of tailings ponds is about 65 hectares. After their creation, the groundwater level along the Shirondukui pad increased by 8.2 m in the estuary part and by 35 m in the central part. The total volume of leaks from these reservoirs is estimated at 9-10 thousand m 3 /day.

The negative impact on the geological environment of energy complex facilities (thermal power plants and heating plants) is associated with the filtration of technogenic water from hydroash dumps, causing groundwater pollution and flooding of areas. These are hydroash dumps of the Chitinskaya, Krasnokamenskaya, Priargunskaya, Sherlovogorskaya Thermal Power Plants, and Kharanorskaya State District Power Plant.

Since the Trans-Baikal Territory is a region of intensive development of mineral deposits, the main causes of water pollution are: tailings dumps, filtration of technogenic waters from hydraulic ash dumps, drainage in coal fields.

The situation with the generation, use, disposal, storage and disposal of waste remains difficult in the Trans-Baikal Territory. The volumes of production and consumption waste generated in the Trans-Baikal Territory are growing every year. The largest amount of waste in the Trans-Baikal Territory was observed in 2007, 2009, and the minimum in 2006, 2008 and 2010.

Large enterprises that generate the bulk of waste in the Trans-Baikal Territory are OJSC TGC-14; JSC PIMCU; OJSC "Novo-Shirokinsky Mine"; OJSC Zhirekensky GOK; JSC "Zhirekensky FMZ"; CJSC "Rudnik Aprelkovo"; CJSC Novoorlovsky GOK; OJSC "Silicate Plant"; miners' artels; military scientist, etc. A big problem is represented by the collection and removal of consumer waste from residential areas.

On the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory there is the only landfill for solid household waste in the city of Krasnokamensk. The operation of this landfill is carried out by Dorkomkhoz UMP. In the rest rural settlements The edges of the waste disposal site are represented by authorized landfills.

An analysis of the environmental situation in the Trans-Baikal Territory showed that it is quite tense. This is evidenced by the widespread deterioration in the condition of atmospheric air, surface and ground water in the Trans-Baikal Territory according to all indicators for 2006-2010. Increased waste generation and management.


  1. State report “On the state and protection of the environment in the Trans-Baikal Territory for 2008 - 2009”: - Chita, 2010. - 332 p.
  2. Report on the environmental situation in the Trans-Baikal Territory for 2010: - Chita, 2011. - 196 p.
  3. Sturman V.I. Environmental mapping: Textbook / V.I. Sturman. - M.: Aspect Press, 2003. - 251 p.

Ecology (from the Greek oikos - abode, location) is the science about the home of humanity, about the living conditions of those who inhabit it. In a more strict definition, ecology is a complex scientific directions, studying the patterns of interaction between living things and the external conditions of their habitat in order to maintain the dynamic balance of the “Society - Nature” system.

In the past, man's use of the forces of nature and its resources was predominantly spontaneous: man took from nature as much as his own productive forces allowed. But the scientific and technological revolution confronted man with new problem- with the problem of limitation natural resources, a possible violation of the dynamic balance of the existing system, and in connection with this the need for a careful attitude towards it. If, therefore, the previous type of attitude of society to nature was spontaneous (and sometimes irresponsible) in nature, then in new conditions a new type has arisen - the attitude of global, scientifically based influence of society on nature with the aim of not only its conservation, but also its reproduction. It has now become clear that human influence on nature cannot occur contrary to its laws. He masters it not in spite of, but on the basis of knowledge of its laws. Apparent dominance over nature, acquired by violating its laws, can only have temporary success, resulting in irreparable damage to both nature itself and man.

Human impact on nature tends to upset the existing balance of ecological processes. Humanity is closely faced with problems that threaten its own existence. These include, first of all, atmospheric pollution, depletion and deterioration of soil cover, and chemical contamination of the water basin. Thus, man, as a result of his own activities, came into sharp conflict with the conditions of his habitat.

An acute awareness of the possibility of a global environmental crisis leads to the need for reasonable harmonization of interactions in the “technology - man - biosphere” system. Currently, the global nature of environmental problems requires a person to have a different way of thinking, new form his self-awareness - ecological consciousness. This first of all means that humanity must recognize itself as a single whole in its relationship to nature.

Among environmental problems, the central place is occupied by the state of the natural environment and natural resources, which is largely determined by the properties of natural systems. The landscapes of our Chita region, with all their diversity, have some common features: low resistance to external influences, including anthropogenic ones, low productivity and slow self-healing. Among the reasons for this are the elevation of the territory above sea level and mid-mountain relief, location in the depths of the Asian continent, which causes a sharply continental climate. In the depths of the region there are a large number of radioactive deposits (uranium and thorium) and radon waters. There are geochemical anomalies that cause endemic diseases (Kashin-Beck disease, Keshan disease, Bazedov disease, etc.). All of the above contributes to the deterioration of the environment and disruption of natural objects as a result of ill-conceived economic and other activities.

Specially protected natural

territory of Transbaikalia (SPNA)

As of June 1, 2014, the natural reserve fund of the Trans-Baikal Territory includes

2 natural biosphere reserves,

2 national parks, 1 nature park,

18 reserves,

65 natural monuments.

Specially protected natural areas occupy 5.42% of the total area of ​​the region.

There are 7 protected areas of federal status on the territory of the region:

biosphere reserves "Daursky" and "Sokhondinsky";

national parks "Alkhanay" and "Chikoy";

nature reserves “Tsasucheisky Bor” and “Dzeren Valley”;

natural monument “Kodara Glaciers”.

In addition, more than 600 objects of geological heritage have been identified: stratigraphic, paleontological and mineralogical. Specially protected natural areas in Transbaikalia are distributed unevenly, for example, in such areas as Tungiro-Olyokminsky, Mogochinsky, Chernyshevsky, Nerchinsky, Shilkinsky, Tungokochensky, Olovyanninsky, Sretensky, Nerchinsko-Zavodsky and Kalgansky they are completely absent.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2014, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, within the boundaries of two previously existing reserves (federal "Burkalsky" and regional "Atsinsky", on forest fund lands)national park"Chikoy" with a total area of ​​666.5 thousand hectares. The Chikoy National Park was created in accordance with the Park will allow for the preservation of unique natural complexes in the upper reaches of the Chikoy River - standard ecosystems of cedar forests and South Siberian taiga, with elements of mountain steppes and alpine meadows. The territory of the national park is included within the boundaries of the Baikal natural territory. The national park has excellent recreational potential: the original culture of the Old Believers, a unique archaeological province, the historical and cultural identity of the territory, outstanding natural conditions.

Created on December 11, 1973 for the protection and study of peculiar natural complexes Southern Transbaikalia. Located on the territory of three administrative districts: Kyrinsky, Krasnochikoysky, Uletovsky. Biosphere status was assigned by UNESCO decision dated February 15, 1985. The sources of the river originate here. Chikoy (the extreme periphery of the Baikal-Yenisei basin) and the sources of rivers carrying their waters to the Pacific Ocean. The territory is characterized by a dense river network. The total area of ​​the reserve is 210,988 hectares.

The Sokhondinsky Nature Reserve is located in Central Transbaikalia, on the northeastern periphery of the Khentei-Chikoysky highlands. The territory of the reserve includes the Sokhondo char massif, which is the most elevated part of the reserve.

The dominant type of vegetation in the reserve is forests, mainly larch and cedar-larch. Flat, high watersheds are occupied by dark coniferous forests, where cedar predominates. The tops of the watersheds are treeless and covered with gorg tundra. The mountain slope steppes in the reserve are marginal, have an upper limit of their distribution and penetrate quite high into the forest belt, occupying the lower parts of the southern slopes.

The main objects of wildlife protection are: sable, wapiti, badger, roe deer, elk, wild boar, musk deer, capercaillie, partridge, hazel grouse, black grouse, bearded partridge, mountain pipit, alpine accentor, fenLake Bukukun.

Botanical objects of protection –Rhodiola rosea, Cossack juniper, Altai onion, large-flowered slipper, true slipper, smooth iris, tiger iris, white-flowered peony, Pennsylvania lily, dwarf lily, Siberian apricot, dagan hazel grouse, slender-spur columbine.

Among the rare species of animals, it is worth noting the habitat here of the snow leopard, Pallas's cat, white-tailed eagle, white-naped crane, demoiselle crane, black crane, as well as the stone capercaillie, black stork, kloktun, greater spotted eagle, imperial eagle, golden eagle, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, eagle owl.

Notable objects are also known here inanimate nature, such as the Sokhondo char, high-mountain lakes and the largest of which are Bukukunskoye and Ulurtuy, moraine lakes Narya and Ugdyri, the world watershed separating the basins of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. On the territory of the reserve there are healing arshans, the most notable of which are Endinsky, Ingodinsky, Agutsakansky.

Located in the south of the Chita region along the state border of Russia with Mongolia, it was created on December 25, 1987 on the site of the Tsasucheisko-Toreysky federal reserve that existed here since 1981.

Wetlands and rolling steppes are the typical landscape of this protected area. Most of the reserve is occupied by Lake Barun-Torey, which has about 10 islands. The water level in the lakes and the number of islands are not constant. Their main wealth is large colonies of birds (gulls, terns, herons, cormorants, geese, etc.). The most interesting colony of the relict gull, one of four known to the world. Barun-Torey forms unified system with Lake Zun-Torey. Both lakes, with the lower reaches of the Imalka and Uldza rivers flowing into Barun-Torey, are included in the list of wetlands of international importance (Ramsar Convention). Ecosystems of the reserve, especially coastal zone, vary depending on the level of lakes.

The Adon-Chelon rock massif, which translated from Buryat means “herd of stone horses,” is somewhat different from the lake part of the reserve. Picturesque granite rock outcrops, reminiscent of animals frozen in a frantic run or sleeping giants, the richest herbs of the meadow steppe, the cries of swifts nesting in the rocks, create the unique charm of this area. The reserve also includes a section of the island pine forest, formed by the rarest subspecies of Scots pine - the Krylov pine, ideally adapted to life in the arid steppes of Transbaikalia.

In the vicinity of the reserve there are simultaneously inhabited 6 species of cranes, of which 4 (white-naped, demoiselle, gray and Japanese) nest, and two (siberian crane and black crane) occur on migration or summer flights. The Torey Basin is an important feeding and gathering place for many migrating birds. Among them, the number of demoiselle cranes alone reaches 30,000. For mammals, this territory is also important: the Torey Basin is the only place in Russia where it constantly lives and breedsgazelle antelope . The rich flora and fauna, picturesque landscapes and milky white beaches of Torey Lakes attract many people. Today, Daursky employees have laid 5 excursion routes through the protected zone of the reserve and the natural monuments of the Priononye, ​​and there are two visitor centers for visitors. All routes are combined, car and foot.

Created in 1998. Located in the Chita region on the southern slope of the Mogoituysky ridge, on the territory of the Duldurginsky district of the Aginsky Buryatsky Autonomous Okrug 250 km in a southeast direction from administrative center- Chita. The total area of ​​the national park is 138,234 hectares, the protected zone is 105,355 hectares. The Alkhanay National Park was created both for the protection and recreational use of the mountain-taiga landscapes of Transbaikalia, and for the protection of religious places of the Buryat people.

This territory is a mid-mountain country with absolute altitudes of 1000-1200 m below sea level. In total, more than 340 plant species are found in the park ( Siberian mountain ash, dwarf cedar, Daurian rhododendron, wild rosemary, larch, cedar and etc.), among them about 180 are used in official and folk medicine. There are many rare and protected plants (Siberian apricot, astragalus membranaceus, Siberian barberry, grandiflora slipper etc. 16 species in total). To date, 165 species of insects, 2 species of amphibians, 4 species of reptiles, 95 species of birds, and 23 species of mammals have been recorded in the park. Among them, rare and protected are: Far Eastern barberry swan, Euphemus blueberry, Chetverikov's pied snake, patterned snake, black stork, bean goose, whooper swan, rumpled buzzard, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, demoiselle crane, bustard, curlew, red wolf, musk deer.The species composition of fish in the reservoirs of the national park includes 18 species, among which the most valuable arelenok, grayling, taimen .

On the territory of the national park there are more than 6 geological natural monuments, such as Onon-Turinsky deep fault, mountain terraces, mud volcanoes etc. Along with this, the park contains many places of worship closely associated with Buryat culture: Alkhanai Oboo, Arshan Valley, rocky outcrops of Dimchig Sume, Temple Gate, Dorzhi Pagmyn, Naran Khazhad, peak of Alkhanay, Sinners' Gap, Ekhyn Umay Cave , religious building (bomkhan) in the valley of the stream, stone stele of Maanin Shuluun. Alkhanay Park has great opportunities for the development of diverse tourism.

Wildlife sanctuaries appeared on the map of Eastern Transbaikalia in the 1960s. Most of them are zoological and are created to conserve hunting and commercial resources. After the expiration of the reserved period (usually 10 years), hunting in them opens again. Especially for the conservation of the black-capped marmot and bighorn sheep in the north of the region in the 80s of the 20th century. the Dzhilindinsky, Ingamakit and Sakukansky reserves were created, which ceased to exist in 1998. The reserves are designated for the long-term safe existence of animals and plants, solving complex problems of preserving unique or typical natural environments. PAs of this category make up the majority of protected lands in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

In the region in different years Both regional and federal nature reserves were created. The latter, unlike regional ones, are always created without a validity period. To date, there are 20 reserves in the region, three of which have federal status (Burkalsky, Dzeren Valley and Tsasucheisky Bor). Two reserves are managed by protected areas for more than high category(the Tsasucheysky Bor nature reserve under the jurisdiction of the Daursky nature reserve and the Mountain Steppe nature reserve under the jurisdiction of the Sokhondinsky nature reserve).

The main reasons for the creation of reserves were the need to preserve, reproduce and restore the numbers of game animals and birds, preserve their habitat, and ensure the protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants. Many reserves are habitats for rare animals. The exception is the reserves of steppe territories, for example Oldondinsky, Aginskaya steppe. On their territory, animal species listed in the Red Book of Russia are registered, such as the bustard, demoiselle crane, black crane, white-naped crane, saker falcon, steppe eagle, Daurian hedgehog, manul, and gazelle. The main reasons for the creation of such reserves was the need to preserve, reproduce and restore the number of game animals and birds. A special place among the reserves is occupied by the reserves located in the Baikal natural territory. Among them are one reserve of federal significance - Burkalsky, the complex reserve Ivano-Arakhleisky, as well as zoological Butungarsky and Atsinsky. These protected areas ensure the conservation of biological diversity on the extreme eastern periphery of the lake basin. Baikal.

Natural monuments.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory, these specially protected areas lead in number - there are 64 such objects, but they occupy no more than 2% of the total area of ​​the region's protected areas. Of all the protected areas in this category, only one – “Kodara Glaciers” – has federal status. Among the natural monuments, 10 have a botanical profile, 15 have a hydrological profile, 22 have a geological profile and 18 are complex. Natural monuments of the Trans-Baikal Territory include:

    mineral springs : Purelagsky, Travertine, Sons, Plotinny, Goryachiy Klyuch;

    lakes: Arey, Arbakalir, Bayn-Tsagan, Babie, Barun-Shivertui, Bol. and Mal. Guzhirnye lakes, Borzinskoye Sol-Lake, Gorbunka, Nalegar, Daurskoye, Doroninskoye, Shebety, Tsagan-Nor (Maltsokskoye), Khalanda, etc.;

    extinct volcanoes hr. Udokan (Aku, Syni, Chepe), Mount Kropotkin, etc.;

    paleontological outcrops: Chindantskoye, “Turginskie Fish Shales”, Belaya Gora;

    anthills Lake Arakhlei,semi-desert plant communities near Lake Nozhiy and the steppe in the Dylbyrhei valley;

    Glaciers Kodara and the Charskie Sands tract.

Medical and recreational areas and resorts . Transbaikalia has long been famous for its excellent mineral springs and medicinal mud, and their medicinal properties are comparable to the famous Caucasian hospitals. Currently, over 400 mineral springs have been recorded within Transbaikalia, most of which may have medicinal value. Sanatoriums have been created on the basis of 7 springs.The health resort network includes 8 resorts. The population enjoys special reverence for medicinal and recreational areas with medicinal lake mud, sources of medicinal waters (arshans) and the presence of medicinal plants. The healing springs discovered in the 18th and 19th centuries in the basins of Chikoy, Bylyra, Kyra, Kuki, Yamarovka, and Chary continue to serve people to this day. According to the requirements of environmental legislation, sanitary protection zones must be allocated around sources. Some lakes with large reserves of medicinal mud (such as Arey, Khalanda, Guzhirnye lakes, Babye, Borzinskoye, etc.) also have the status of protected areas in the “natural monuments” category. In the region, in accordance with the assessment of resort and recreational resources, the diversity of vegetation corresponds to the level of the Southern Crimea, Moldova, Transcaucasia and the Amur region; landscapes - to the level of the Carpathians, Southern Crimea, Black Sea coast, Amur region. Sources received the highest rating as sanatorium-resort resources mineral waters and mountain taiga climate. According to them, the region is comparable to the Carpathians, Southern Crimea, Caucasus, Black Sea and Baltic coasts. Along with national parks, resorts can provide significant income to the region's budget.

One of the oldest medical and recreational places in Transbaikalia is Darasun resort , the healing properties of whose mineral springs are widely known far beyond the region. The resort is located in the Karymsky district, 120 km south of the city of Chita. The resort provides treatment for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and movement organs. Mineral springs also have unique healing properties.resort ACook , located 60 km west of the city of Chita. Digestive diseases are treated here. Very popularenjoys Urguchan resort , where radon baths are used to treat diseases of the organs of movement, digestion and nervous system. The resort is located in the Baleysky district, in the vicinity of the village. Urguchan is 300 km east of the city of Chita. Mineral springs at resorts are also used to treat various diseases.Yamarovka (Krasnochikoisky district),Yamkun (Gazimuro-Zavodsky district). All of these resorts have sanatoriums.

Map-scheme of the development and location of specially protected natural areas
in the Trans-Baikal Territory

The Trans-Baikal Territory is located mainly in the Amur basin: the drainage basin formed by the components (Shilka and Argun) and tributaries of the Amur occupies 56% of the region's area. This territory includes, in particular, the central and southern regions of the region, where about 90% of the population lives. Moreover, the basin has a transboundary nature, since it connects the Trans-Baikal Territory with neighboring provinces of China and Mongolia. The most typical environmental problems for this territory are such environmental problems as a decrease in forest areas due to fires and deforestation, the influence of the mining industry and, first of all, gold mining, domestic pollution of watercourses and coasts, anthropogenic pressure on ichthyocenoses, and so on.

In recent years, threats to the region's aquatic and coastal ecosystems have intensified or emerged. The catastrophic fires of recent years could not but affect the water-regulating function of forests. Projects for the construction of dams in the beds of large rivers (Shilka, Nercha, Amazar) periodically arise or are revived. Industrial growth in China has led to increased pollution of the Argun and increased water consumption for the needs of mining and agriculture in Inner Mongolia.

At the same time, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, the risks associated with cross-border Chinese investments in the forestry industry and, in the future, in agriculture are increasing. In particular, in the eastern border regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory (Mogochinsky, Tungiro-Olyokminsky, Sretensky, Gazimuro-Zavodsky, Nerchinsko-Zavodsky) clear cuttings of forests are planned in vast areas transferred to long-term lease, which may be one of the negative factors that has a destructive impact on the state of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems over large areas. These threats require both an assessment of the possible consequences and the adoption of the necessary preventive measures, including the creation of new specially protected natural areas (SPNA).

Currently, the areas of protected areas within the Trans-Baikal Territory account for 5.3% of the region’s territory. Some of them - two reserves (Sokhondinsky and Daursky), a national park (Alkhanay), a natural park (Arey) and 13 reserves - are located entirely or partially in the Amur basin. However, predominantly small watercourses fell within the boundaries of these protected areas. Until recently, the region was practically deprived of protected areas in the river beds that belong to the category of large rivers (length more than 500 km) and determine the specifics of the regional part of the Amur basin - Shilka, Argun, Onon, Ingoda, Nerch, Gazimur and the Amur itself. Only a small part of them were associated with specially protected natural areas. Thus, the sources of the Ingoda are protected within the Sokhondinsky nature reserve, and a small (about 10 km) part of the Aginskaya Steppe regional nature reserve goes to the left bank of the Onon.

At the same time, in recent years, in the Chinese border territories along the right bank of the Argunia Amur, large reserves of Erguna, Vuma and Beidzikun have been created. To date, almost the entire Chinese coastal region in the lower reaches of the Argun, for about 300 km along the border with Russia, is occupied by specially protected natural areas, actively used, in particular, for the development of rural and ecological tourism.

It should also be noted that there are significant differences in the dynamics of forest areas on different banks of the Argun and Amur in recent years, manifested in a noticeable fragmentation of forest areas on the Russian side. The key reasons for this should be sought, first of all, in transboundary differences in the organization of fighting forest fires.

This kind of imbalance in approaches to environmental management and nature conservation in the short term can lead to the formation of an extremely dangerous situation in geopolitical terms, in which the well-being and sustainability of the border Chinese regions will be ensured through both environmentally friendly forms of economic activity and export raw materials from Transbaikalia. This imbalance can cause not only long-term environmental, but also serious reputational consequences, both for the Trans-Baikal Territory and for the country as a whole; A solution to this problem is impossible without searching integrated solutions, but it undoubtedly should include the creation of new protected areas as a reservoir for the conservation of biodiversity and the potential for the development of ecotourism activities, including (and perhaps primarily) with the attraction of Chinese investments and tour operators. In each of these cases, those areas that are geographically linked to major watercourses may be of particular importance.

In this regard, in recent years, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, activity has intensified to create new protected areas, one of the functions of which would be to preserve not only basins, but also the main channels of large watercourses. As a result, justifications for the creation of a number of regional reserves were prepared, primarily such as “Relic Oaks”, Verkhneamursky and Sredneargunsky (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Borders of created and being created protected areas in the Russian-Chinese border area. 1- reserve “Relitovye oaks” (Russia); 2- Eerguna nature reserve (PRC); 3- reserve “Virgin Forest of Wuma” (PRC); 4 - Beijikun Nature Reserve (PRC); 5- reserve “Urushinsky” (Russia); 6 - reserve "Ulegir" (Russia).

Currently, only for one of the above-mentioned reserves - “Relic Oaks” - with the support of the Amur branch of WWF Russia, a full cycle of organizational measures has been carried out. This made it possible in 2011 to create a regional reserve with an area of ​​30,399.8 hectares in the Gazimuro-Zavodsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, which along its entire length (more than 80 km) overlooks the left bank of the Argun, adjacent to the Chinese Vuma reserve.

In 2013, an environmental and economic feasibility study was prepared for the creation of the Verkhneamursky regional reserve with a total area of ​​239,639 hectares, located in the Mogochinsky district. The reserve was organized to protect a valuable natural area, which includes the valleys of the Argun, Shilka and Amazar rivers in their lower reaches, the Amur valley in the upper reaches, as well as the basins of their mountain tributaries. The Shilka, Argun and the Amur formed at their confluence are a kind of “framework” of the river network. The entire left bank of the Amur from the confluence to the border with the Amur region, 46 km long, is located within the designed reserve. It should be noted that this reserve is adjacent to the Chinese reserves Vuma and Beijikun. Currently, documents for the creation of the reserve are at the approval stage.

In 2014, the region prepared an environmental and economic feasibility study for the creation of the Sredneargunsky regional reserve with a total area of ​​247,157 hectares, located in the Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district. The territory of the reserve is extended in the meridional direction mainly along the middle (for the Russian part of the basin) flow of the river. Argun. The reserve was organized to protect the left bank and adjacent ecosystems in the river basin, including its tributaries, including part of the basin of such a large tributary as the river. Level The Sredneargunsky nature reserve is adjacent to the Chinese nature reserves of Eergun and Vuma. Currently, documents for the creation of this reserve are at the approval stage.

Thus, in the upper reaches of the Amur and in the estuary part of its main components Shilka and Argun, a whole cluster of Russian and Chinese protected areas is being formed. On the Chinese side, these are the Beidzikun, Eerguna and Vuma reserves, on the Russian side, the existing reserves “Relic Oaks” (in the Trans-Baikal Territory) and Urushinsky (in the Amur Region), as well as the created reserves Verkhneamursky and Sredneargunsky. After completing the process of their creation, it will be possible to talk about a cluster of seven protected areas with a total area of ​​​​about 1.5-2.0 million hectares.

This potentially creates prospects for organizing international cooperation for the purpose of nature conservation and the development of environmental and scientific tourism. The result of such cooperation may be the creation of a Russian-Chinese transboundary reserve with possible (in the future) excursion visits by tourists to adjacent territories, organizations joint programs and a joint search for sources of financing for environmental activities on the basis of both national and international funds. It should be noted that work on the creation of new protected areas on key watercourses of the Amur Basin in the Trans-Baikal Territory will continue. First of all, this concerns the Nercha, the last of the large rivers in the basin that does not have its own protected areas. Currently, several options for regional reserves are being considered - in the lower reaches (Nerchinsk Steppe), middle reaches (Nerchinsky) and upper reaches (Nerchugansky). In addition, a justification for the Duldurginsky reserve is currently being prepared, which will include coastal ecosystems and part of the river bed. Onon.

Transbaikal State University