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Peking Universities. Peking University of Foreign Studies

Peking University / BEIDA北大

Peking University- This is the first national university, which was founded in 1898. The university is considered the most prestigious in China and is one of the hundred best universities in the world. Peking University is the key national university China. The campus, known as "Yan Yuan" (Yan Garden), is located in Heidian District in the western suburbs of Beijing, with a total area of ​​2,743,532 square meters (or 274 hectares). It is located near the Yuanmingyuan Garden and the Summer Palace. Peking University is proud of its distinguished history, its scientific developments and its faculty, which includes 53 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 7 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and 14 members of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS).

The university has effectively integrated research into the most important modern sciences with a high standard of education and specialized knowledge, meets the modern requirements of national science and the country's economy. Peking University is developing not only in the field of improving the quality of teaching and research, but also in the field of interaction between various disciplines.

Thus, Peking University became the center higher education And scientific research new type, covering a variety of recent achievements in both fundamental and applied sciences, as well as in social and human sciences, as well as medicine, management and education. Its goal is to rank among the best universities in the world in the near future.

General information:

  • City: Beijing
  • Location: Heidian District in the western suburbs of Beijing.
  • Year of foundation: 1898
  • Teaching Staff: The best professors and academicians of China. 5,513 teachers, including 1,488 professors, 1,889 associate professors, 53 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and 14 members of the TWAS World Academy of Sciences.
  • Number of students: more than 30,000 people, including more than 4,000 foreign students from 80 countries.
  • Requirements for applicants: age from 18 years old, high school diploma, knowledge of Chinese is not required

Studying programs

Master's degree

List of magistracy specialties:

  • Public Policy Management
  • LSE and PKU dual degree in field public policy
  • International relationships
  • Right
  • Chinese Philology
  • Literary Theory and Art
  • Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  • ancient chinese literature
  • Contemporary and Contemporary Chinese Literature
  • Comparative Literature and world literature
  • Neuralgia
  • Dermatology and venereology
  • Surgery
  • Otolaryngology
  • Clinical laboratory diagnostics


Accommodation is provided in the hostels for international students at the Zhongguanxinyuan campus.

* You can calculate the cost in rubles using our currency converter ** When studying for 1 semester or more, prepayment is required for the entire period of stay in the room

Peking University is known to many as Beida. It is the largest educational institution in China, as well as one of the oldest universities in the country.

This higher education the institution was founded in December 1898, at a time when the so-called "Hundred Days of Reform" were taking place.

It was a time of a fairly moderate socio-cultural movement, which was classified as reformist during the reign of Emperor Gaunshu.

Immediately after its foundation, this university was known as the "Higher Imperial School". Own modern name University received in 1912.

Kudos to Peking University

Currently, Peking University is directly involved in the international network called Universitas 21.

It combines everything in a special way. modern world, which are characterized as having best quality learning.

This contributes to the growth of the prestige of the university, an increasing number of students decide to enroll here for higher education.

According to certain analytical data, the university in the next five years will take one of the main places among the most.

Faculties and specialties of Peking University

Peking University is currently the most important institution of higher education in China.

His the structure consists of 31 colleges, there are 12 faculties:

  1. Mathematical;
  2. Physical;
  3. mechanics;
  4. Geography;
  5. Geology;
  6. natural sciences;
  7. Stories;
  8. Psychology;
  9. International relations;
  10. Journalism and public relations.

Now Beijing University provides training in more than 100 bachelor's, 225 master's and 200 doctoral specialties.

A feature of this university is that 216 institutes engaged in research work, there are two engineering research centers, each of which has the status of nationwide.

Benefits and Prospects of Studying at Peking University

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Read about the prestigious Trinity College, located in Cambridge.

Features of admission to Peking University

In the process of admission to a particular specialty, the university management gives preference to candidates who have passed special ones.

To apply for admission, you must personally visit the university and provide all the required documents. This must be done in the first week of March.

An important point is that a strict age category is established Applicants must be at least 30 years of age.

Time to submit entrance exams- April and May.

During the admission process, you will have to pay a special registration fee, the amount of which is 110 US dollars.

For admission to some specific technical and humanitarian faculties and specialties, you will need to pass the following exams:

  • Chinese, which must be at least level 7 in HSK;
  • mathematics;
  • English;
  • certain general technical and humanitarian knowledge in the form of a special text.

The cost of studying at the university is 3200-3900 US dollars for the specialty of the humanities. Tuition at technical faculties costs from 3700 to 4900 US dollars per year of study.

Despite the relatively high cost of education, the number of students and those wishing to enter a university is increasing rapidly.

Basic preferential a feature of the university is its fairly broad theoretical training in each subject.

If a student has planned to fully devote himself to subsequent scientific professional work in a specialty of interest, this university will suit him in the most ideal way.

Peking University was founded in 1898. It was originally called "Capital graduate School". In 1912 it was renamed and became the first state university V new history China.

For a century, the university has played a vanguard role in the historical process of modernizing the country. These traditions continue and are passed down from generation to generation. Peking University gathers talented people, living thought is in full swing here, and a creative research atmosphere reigns.

Generations of outstanding scientists and specialists in various fields were brought up here, bold scientific thoughts were born, and remarkable successes in scientific progress were achieved. As a result of a century of development and construction, and in particular through the implementation of the "policy of reform and opening up", over the past 20-odd years, Peking University has become a university with a large scale, a wide range of scientific disciplines, rational structure, various forms of education.

Peking University has become not only an important center of education, but also an important center of scientific research for the cause of modernizing the country.

Peking University has 5 scientific departments - humanities, social sciences, exact sciences, computer science and medical sciences.

At Peking University, 155 departments of doctoral studies, 177 departments of master's programs train graduates in 86 specialties. There are 29 postdoctoral departments, “comprising 139 specialties, and 6 subordinate hospitals. About 37 thousand students study at the university, 5726 teachers work.

Peking University ranks first among the universities of the country.

The university library has 5.243 million books, over 7 thousand various Chinese and foreign magazines. The total area of ​​the library exceeds 50 thousand square meters. It is the largest university library in Asia.

Peking University pays great attention to the expansion of international relations and cooperation. Currently, there is a constant interuniversity exchange with more than 200 universities from 47 countries and regions. Number of international students: More than 4,000 international students from 80 countries.

One of characteristic features Peking University and an important part of university life is the activity of various student societies - scientific, technical, cultural, sports (there are more than a hundred of them at the university).

Much attention is also paid to the promotion of scientific research for practical purposes, especially research on high and new technologies, thanks to which an industrial structure has been formed that combines production, teaching and research. On the basis of computer science, pharmaceuticals and the chemical industry, a number of large-scale and cost-effective reference industries have been created. Thus, the way is opened for the successful development of the high-tech industry.

Peking University ranks 1st in national rankings, 52nd in the QS World University Rankings compiled by The Times, 104th in the World Rankings according to The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities

Its structure includes 31 colleges and 12 faculties:

  • College Mathematical Sciences;
  • Faculty of Mechanics;
  • Faculty of Physics;
  • Faculty of Geophysics;
  • Faculty of Technical Physics;
  • School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science;
  • College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering;
  • College of Natural History;
  • Faculty of Geology;
  • Faculty of Geography;
  • Psychology faculty;
  • Faculty of Chinese Language and Literature;
  • Faculty of History;
  • Faculty of Archeology;
  • Psychology faculty;
  • School of International Relations;
  • School of Public Relations Journalism;
  • School of Economics;
  • School of Management;
  • Faculty of Jurisprudence;
  • Faculty of Librarianship and Information Sciences;
  • Faculty of Sociology;
  • Faculty of Political Science and Government controlled;
  • Faculty of Oriental Languages ​​(Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Filipino, Hindi, Old Indian, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew);
  • College of Marxism;
  • Faculty of Western Language and Literature (French, German, Spanish);
  • Faculty of Russian Language and Literature;
  • Faculty of English Language and Literature;
  • Faculty of Arts.

Peking University is located in the northwest of Beijing, in the "university" district of Haidian. The campus is considered one of the most beautiful places in the world. It occupies the territory of the former imperial gardens of the Qin Dynasty, surrounded by traditional Chinese landscapes and many ancient buildings.

There is one obstacle - the study of a rather difficult Chinese language. But if a student was able to master one of the most complex languages in the world, he will be a native speaker of 3 languages. And all are considered difficult. This is Russian, Chinese and.

Without knowledge of the Chinese language, both at Peking University and in China itself, it will be difficult to study or work. Some graduate schools teach in English, but this is very rare. Learning Chinese will give you the opportunity not only to study successfully, but also to find a job in any large corporation.

This is especially true for electronics manufacturing enterprises, whose representative offices are located in many countries of the world. Without knowledge of Chinese culture, it will be difficult to understand the specifics of negotiations and the intricacies of doing business in Chinese.

Peking University is considered the best university China. Particularly pleasant are the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, thanks to which most of the diplomas received in China are automatically recognized. For admission to a master's program or receive it, you must complete an intensive Chinese course, which will take about a semester.

There is also a special preparatory program, which will take a year. But it guarantees obtaining a level of HSK-5 and above knowledge of the Chinese language and will provide an opportunity to “pull up” the basic disciplines. Students are accommodated in comfortable double rooms on the Zhongguanxinyuan campus.

Higher education in China for foreigners

Due to changes in Chinese law, prospective students need to be very careful. The first is that Chinese language training lasts for 2 or 3 years. This gives an extra load. The second is the need to receive.

When applying for a tourist visa, it will not be possible to obtain a temporary residence permit as a university student. It is necessary to apply for a category X visa so that there are no problems with the law and you do not have to reissue a visa and re-enter instead of studying.

At Peking University, you can get a bachelor's degree in a variety of profiles:

  1. Languages: Urdu, Arabic, Filipino, English, Indonesian, Chinese, Russian, Korean, French and Japanese, Sanskrit.
  2. From the analysis of engineering structures to urban planning and geographic information systems.
  3. A complete list of standard economic disciplines from sociology to risk management and insurance.
  4. Technical disciplines - from standard to emphasis on modern technologies (including microelectronics and information electronics).
  5. And many other specialties from biotechnology to film directing.

Chinese university is better than European

The advantage of Chinese universities is that students with any level of knowledge of Chinese are accepted for preliminary language training. The main thing is to have a good basic base in order to pass mathematics and English.

Moreover, various certificates are not required for the English exam. If the level of knowledge of this language is insufficient, then in addition to Chinese, intensive courses will also work on English.

To compare prices with European and American universities, below is a table of tuition fees at Peking University.

NameDurationLanguage of instructionRMB value
Language program (intensive)From one semesterOnly Chinese28 thousand per semester
Peking University Admission Program (Preparatory)1 year26 thousand per year
Undergraduate4 yearsfrom 26 to 30 thousand per year
Master's degree2-3 years29-33 thousand per year
Doctorate4-6 years old32-40 thousand per year

You can see that the price of training is acceptable. And the most important plus is that when studying at a Chinese university, there are guarantees of successful employment.

Universities in China

The second most important university after Peking is Fudan University in Shanghai. You can choose among a large number of proposed disciplines.

In Shanghai itself, you can choose from 20 international universities - from theater and space to Chinese traditional medicine and technology. Beijing is also home to a large number of universities to choose from, from Tsinghua and pedagogy to aerospace and international relations.

You can choose universities in China and in more budget cities. These are Qingdao, Hefei and Tianjin. In them, both education and accommodation are somewhat cheaper. But the quality of the acquired knowledge is not inferior to large central universities.

Large selection of university programs and institutions in coastal cities - Qingdao, Hainan Island and Qinghuangdao. Guangzhou is also known for its universities - Sun Yatsen, Guangdong, South China Pedagogical and Technological.

Features of studying in Beijing

It should be borne in mind that Beijing is a metropolis with its own dangers and Chinese characteristics. At the preliminary courses, they teach not only Chinese, but also explain the rules of behavior on the streets and in public places.

They are even explaining how to communicate correctly with each category of the population, how to properly address a teacher, because in China the culture is somewhat different than in Russia.

Periodic excursions are held to get acquainted with historical heritage and architectural landmarks of the metropolis. The student will not only receive complete information about the city in terms of tourism, but will also be able to find out where it is cheaper to buy something for themselves or which area is not worth looking into.

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University Information

National Specialized Peking University foreign languages(official name of Beijing Foreign Studies University) is the best linguistic institution for admission of foreign students. The university actively implements the program of international scientific and educational cooperation, which gives it the right to be called an international institution specializing in world-class qualified language education.

State Peking University was founded in 1941 and until today it periodically reorganizes educational process to improve the rating. In the learning process, modern methods of presenting material to students are involved so that graduates have a high level of knowledge and skills.

The university offers education in almost all languages ​​of the world. This is the most comprehensive educational institution where not only English and Chinese are taught, but also languages ​​such as Hindi (India), Danish, Albanian, Serbian, Norwegian and many others. In total, there are 67 language areas, which automatically makes the university the most popular among many countries in the world.

University Ranking and Benefits

State Beijing Linguistic University is constantly ranked 60-70th in the ranking of the best linguistic institutions in the world and 2nd in Beijing. Thanks to high level organization of the educational process and the release of qualified specialists, the university is included in the large-scale PROJECT 211 and 985, which indicates state support and productive investment by different companies.

The main advantages of the university of languages:

  1. active cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  2. a large selection of specialties;
  3. if you have a grant, you can get a 100% discount on full tuition.

Peking University of Languages, or BeiWai as it is also known, is famous for its high number of graduates who have gone on to positions such as ambassadors, advisers and specialists in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Beijing Multidisciplinary University cooperates with more than 100 top linguistic and humanities educational institutions on a global scale. Therefore, graduates after completing the course of study can choose any country to build their successful career.

Composition and infrastructure of the university

The university occupies a fairly large area, namely 310,000 sq.m., therefore it has a well-developed infrastructure for the successful education of students. In addition, the campus is located in an area where the most prestigious educational institutions in Beijing are concentrated. Nearby is the metro, restaurants, cafes and many shops.

Beijing Linguistic University includes the following base:

  • 13 separate institutes-faculties;
  • 7 major academic centers;
  • more than 10 research centers;
  • libraries;
  • sports centers, stadiums, playgrounds;
  • recreation centers;
  • dormitory;
  • dining room.

During the course, students are actively involved in the learning process, so they often visit large organizations in Beijing and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself. In their free time, students can attend various sports sections that are located in the city, and other cultural events.

Admission and tuition fees

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For successful admission to Beijing Linguistic University, it is enough to have a Certificate, which indicates the completion of 11 classes and an international passport. The student must be at least 18 years of age at the time of admission.

The full composition of the university:

  • 650 teachers the highest category, including more than 300 associate professors and professors;
  • more than 120 foreign experts and teachers come annually;
  • 7,200 students, of which more than 900 are foreign.

Beijing University of Foreign Studies provides specialized education in the direction of Bachelor's and Master's programs. The full course of study of the Bachelor's degree provides for 4 years, while the training can take place in Chinese and English.

The cost of training depends on the direction chosen by the student and is:

  • on Chinese from 22,000 to 35,000 yuan per year;
  • in English about 34,000 - 35,000 yuan per year.

In addition, the university provides short-term language courses of 6-12 months, the cost of which is from 11,000 yuan. The comprehensive curriculum includes the study of all aspects of the language.


For international students, Beijing BFSU University provides free education and accommodation. That is, each student has the right to receive a 100% discount on tuition already in the first year. To receive the discount, the student must have a high score in the subjects, and also apply to the Beijing Education Committee to apply. The remaining students must pay the required fee already at the time of registration at the institution, that is, before the start of the academic semester. The registration fee is 400 yuan one time.

Studying programs

Beijing Linguistic University provides students with qualified training in Chinese and English in such areas as:

  • foreign languages;
  • literature;
  • politics and economics;
  • right;
  • business and management.

Before starting a specialized first course, each student must take a language course that takes 1 or 2 semesters. To pass, you must submit an application for participation in advance, that is, before the start of the autumn or spring semester.


BFSU Beijing BeiWai Linguistic University provides education in two languages. In the case where foreign students wish to study in Chinese, they must pass the HSK Standardized Qualifying Special Examination with qualification level 3 or higher. This means that the student must know at least 600 commonly used Chinese words and be able to communicate at a basic level.

The training provides for the following optional specialties:

Undergraduate (4 years) and Master (1-2 years)

  1. foreign languages ​​and literature;
  2. applied linguistics;
  3. diplomacy;
  4. Information Systems;
  5. international politics, economics and finance;
  6. international trade, business and management;
  7. right;
  8. international administration;
  9. Accounting;
  10. Social sciencies.

A student who successfully passes exams at the Bachelor's degree can apply for further studies at the Master's, which ranges from 1 to 2 years, depending on the chosen direction.


Peking University provides accommodation on campus in comfortable hostels. All rooms are equipped with necessary furniture, air conditioners, TVs and other household items. The student can choose a room with a private bathroom or located on the floor. Also available are superior rooms, which additionally include a bathroom, kitchen, living room. The cost of such rooms is 180-220 yuan per day per person.

Before the beginning of the educational process, the student must submit an appropriate request for a room reservation in advance. After enrolling in the university, each student is given a card, which indicates the room number. The ChinaStudy company will help in solving any issues related to successful admission and study at prestigious universities in China.

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