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Planets in astrology. Planets about a person Slow planets in astrology

1. Lower and higher planets
2.Septenary planets - personal and social
3. Inner and outer planets

Inferior and superior planets

Astrologers divide planets into two groups. The seven planets visible to the naked eye - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - are called septenera planets, or inferior planets.They are also considered fast, because the cycle of the slowest of them, Saturn, is 29.5 years. (The cycle of a planet is the time it takes for it to go around the zodiac circle).The planets of the septener are divided into 5 personalplanets

The three highest planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - are inaccessible to the human eye, which is why they are also called invisible. They are the farthest from the Sun, and their cycles exceed the limits human life. Before the discovery of the higher planets, astrologers described the sublunar world using the septenary planets. Now the seven visible planets are called individual, associated with the characteristics of the character and life of an individual person. The three higher planets symbolize collective forms of human interaction and determine human involvement in universal human processes. Although this does not mean that they do not influence the psyche and character of a person. Comparing the influence of individual and collective planets, one can see that Uranus performs the functions of Mercury on a collective level. Astrologers call this principle of correspondence an octave. Uranus is the highest octave of Mercury. Neptune is the highest octave of the Moon and Venus, Pluto is the highest octave of Mars.

Since the discovery of the higher planets, astrology has gained the opportunity to penetrate more deeply into human psychology, to reveal the subtle nuances of individual characteristics and motives.V. Today, astropsychology is no longer conceivable without higher planets. But it is impossible to understand the principle of action of the higher planets without studying the septenary planets. They are related to basic principles and functions.

Septener Planets

There is a deep correlation between the psychophysical sphere of man and the structure of the solar system. This correlation forms the basis of astrology, the connection between the macro- and microcosm. So, the planets of the septener are divided into 5 personalplanets- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and 2 social ones - Jupiter and Saturn.


Solntse - center that maintains unity solar system force of gravity. This is the source of St.heat and heat on Earth. Light makes it possible to see the world, and therefore to be aware of it. In astropsychology, the Sun is the source of human vitality, his mental center. Its most important function is self-awareness. The sun expresses in a person the features that are basic and unchanging for him. These are the deepest qualities of character, a point of view on the world, the central will in a person. For example, for a person with the Sun in Aries, the world is a manifestation of his active will, the need to act here and now. For Leo, the world is, as a rule, a stage, a place where you can express yourself, your creative impulse and meet admirers. For the Sun in Sagittarius, the main thing is a serious and distant goal, and everything that is not related to the goal is almost not interesting to him. So, the main motive in a person’s actions is set by the position of the Sun in his horoscope.


The planet closest to the Sun, Mercury, characterizes the type of intelligence and communication characteristics. It is associated with thinking, the need to think about one’s actions, analyze facts, and form an idea of ​​reality and oneself. Mercury comprehends information, bringing it to consciousness, carries out the function of mutual exchange, and determines the type of contacts. It governs our ability to discern and understand.


The orbit of Venus passes behind Mercury. Its functions are to evaluate and choose what is attractive to us. Venus is feelings, emotions, experiences. She determines the affections of the heart, internal values, which are formed from a person’s desire for beauty and harmony. The position of Venus characterizes the type of emotional connections, the direction of attraction and desire, taste, likes, dislikes, preferences.

Inner and outer planets

Next Behind Venus is the planet Earth - the place in the Universe where a person is born and receives his physical body. The Sun, the orbits of Mercury, and Venus are inside the Earth's orbit. This arrangement of planets (as in many other realities of the Cosmos) contains deep symbolism: thoughts and emotions are hidden inside a person - this is his inner life, it is not visible to others. Astrologers call the Sun, Mercury and Venus the inner planets. And planets whose orbits lie outside the Earth’s orbit are called external. Their principles and functions describe the outer life of man.


To maintain his biological existence, a person must adapt to conditions outside world, respond to stimuli in a timely manner. A person must be receptive and flexible to survive in this world. And this is the sphere of the Moon. Rotating around the Earth, the Moon is either inside or outside the Earth's orbit, communicating between the internal and external worlds. The function of the Moon is to adapt our behavior. It determines how receptive a person is, how he reacts to an external situation, how he relates his behavior to the environment, how he expresses his thoughts and feelings in behavior.

But thoughts and the feelings of others are not visible until they become words, actions and deeds. Therefore, the first outer planet - Mars - is associated with the external manifestations of a person, with how he struggles to satisfy his desires. It determines the level of conflict in a person and is responsible for motor skills. Mars is the power of self-expression through word and action.


For actions to become purposeful and effective, a force is needed that organizes human activity. This power is symbolized by the planet next to Mars, Jupiter. It defines our goals and organizes actions into purposeful activities. Its functions are patronage, expansion and orientation. It helps to navigate not only in physical space, but also in social space.The position of Jupiter characterizes our social activity and ability to achieve results. Our value system, self-esteem and authority are associated with it. It defines the desire to develop ideas, expand the sphere of influence, success, well-being (including material) and prestige.


The last planet visible from Earth is Saturn. Its location symbolically indicates the limits of human capabilities and the limitations of the world of forms. Saturn stands on the border of the visible and invisible worlds. Its border position determines its functions.In ancient times, Saturn was called the "Guardian of the Threshold." He represents boundaries physical world, physical body, boundaries of private property and states. It sets the limits of what is permitted and keeps a person’s manifestations within certain limits. Saturn is associated with form, structure, stability, limitation, norm, law. He is the master of time and fate. Saturn sets limits, limits the expansion of Jupiter, which seeks to spread its influence further and further. Under the influence of Saturn, ideas about duty and responsibility are formed. The principles he pursues are perceived as restrictions and obstacles, but at the same time he is associated with the instinct of self-preservation. It activates containment mechanisms, without which the existence of man and humanity as a whole is unthinkable. The fundamental principle of democracy - the freedom of one person should not limit the freedom of another - is impossible without Saturn.

It serves the human need to live in a space protected from outside influences. It sets a distance, provides protection, and makes it possible to maintain the autonomy of existence at the level of a person’s cell or state.The position of Saturn at the time of birth reveals what is a person’s support in life, what is his attitude to general norms and laws, and speaks of his ability to self-organize and discipline. It characterizes a person’s idea of ​​duty and responsibility.

Astrologers call the pair Jupiter - Saturn social planets , because their position and relationship determine what place a person will take in society and how successful his activities will be. This pair is responsible for the social realization of a person. In the following publications I will talk about the higher planets, their influence on human life and humanity as a whole. Let's look at the faces and roles of the planets, and talk about how the relationships between the planets reflect real life situations.

Planets in the natal chart (natal chart or birth chart) reflect personality, character traits, temperamental characteristics and inclinations. Several levels of manifestation of their influence - intellectual, emotional, physical. Planets in the natal chart can be divided into several groups.

Planets are translated from Greek as “wandering”. Even in ancient times, people noticed that in a constellation, among the stars that do not change their position relative to each other, there are several that move. They move from constellation to constellation, describing intricate loops in the sky.

Seven such planets have been counted with the naked eye, including the Moon and the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. IN lately the planets located behind Saturn were added to them, these are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These ten planets are used by all astrologers.

In addition to them, two more points of the lunar orbit, asteroids, and fictitious points, for example, the Lunar Nodes, are used. The Northern Lunar Node is also called the Dragon's Head. Southern Lunar Node - Dragon's Tail. These are the points of intersection of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic.

Of the asteroids, Chiron is used, which is located between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, as well as Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Hidalgo, Pandora, Eros, Sappho, Icarus. Points - Black Moon (Lilith) and White Moon (Selena).

Planets in the natal chart: internal and external

The planets revolve around the Sun at different speeds. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it travels in orbit. For example, the Moon travels through the zodiac in about twenty-eight days and spends two to three days in each sign.

Mercury circles the Sun in eighty-eight days. Pluto, the planet farthest from the Sun, takes 248 years to complete its orbit. The fastest planets - the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars - are called internal, and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are called external.

In astrology, the Sun and Moon are the luminaries. Planets that are located beyond the Earth's orbit are called outer planets. These are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Planets that are located between the Sun and Earth are called internal. These are Mercury and Venus.

Inner planets are considered personal as they reflect the development of our inner self and consciousness. The outer planets are connected to the outside world. Since the outer planets move through the zodiac very slowly, their influence often extends over entire generations.

The luminaries - the Sun and the Moon - are also associated not only with their influence on humans. The sun, for example, symbolizes not only our self, but fundamental and cosmic energy. The Moon, which determines our deepest feelings and desires, connects a person to what astrologer Robert Hand called the "Original Source of Man."

The planets located behind Saturn are called higher. These are Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They were recently discovered and little is known about them. They also move very slowly across the sky, affecting generations more than individuals.

Types of planets in the natal chart by movement

We observe the movement of planets across the sky from Earth and see how a planet, moving forward across a constellation, slows down, stops, and at some point begins to move back. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the periods of revolution of the planets around the Sun differ. The way the planet moves is important. Because this is reflected in the manifestation of its properties.

Direct motion characterizes the normal manifestation of the properties of the planet. Such a planet can be called an extrovert. The planet moves correctly according to the signs of the Zodiac. She's fine. And with everything she controls, too. Direct movement is considered natural and is not indicated in any way in astrology.

Backward, retrograde movement - when a planet for an earthly observer moves against the sequence of signs of the Zodiac. In maps it is designated by the letter “R”. This movement results in an inward rotation. Towards immersion, introversion and return.

Stationarity is the moment when the planet passes from one movement to another. Let's say it's going to go forward or go retrograde. It is believed that stationarity gives freedom in the direction and nature of the development of the planet theme. The card is designated "S".

Planets in the natal chart: what do they mean

The Sun and Moon play a very important role in the natal chart, giving a general, global characteristic of the personality. Personal planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars. Characterize personality traits (perception of information, likes and dislikes, etc.).

Social planets in the natal chart are Jupiter and Saturn. They show a person’s attitude to society and his place in it (close in meaning to these planets are the Lunar nodes, which, although not planets, nevertheless belong to the most important factors horoscope).

The higher planets are Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. They were discovered much later than the others and carry more global information, showing something that goes beyond ordinary human life, pointing to large-scale mental and historical processes.

Let's look at each of these planets in more detail.


Sphere of influence

Source of life


Mirror of life



Goddess of love

Feelings and values

Action, drive








Prince of Darkness


Keywords of planets in the natal chart:

Sun: vitality, self, self-image.

Moon: emotions, intuition, yin.

Mercury: collection and transmission of information, lively mind.

Venus: love, romance, aesthetics, serenity.

Mars: aggressiveness, individualism, will.

Jupiter: development, luck, higher intelligence.

Saturn: discipline, restrictions, a solid foundation.

Uranus: suddenness and surprise, destructiveness, genius, innovation.

Neptune: illusions, inspiration, creative genius.

Pluto: transformation, regeneration, occultism.

North Node: The point at which we let go of preconceptions - unconscious and from past lives - and begin to develop our spiritual potential.

South node: letting go of old ingrained patterns of behavior that we need to break.

Fortune Point; luck, success.

Planets in the natal chart: Sun

The sun is vitality and activity, individuality, human creativity. Conscious entity. Ruler of Leo. Associated with dignity, health, leadership, ego and cognition.

On an intellectual level, this planet in the natal chart symbolizes individuality, intelligence, spirit, creativity, joy, self-expression, enthusiasm, independence, will, confidence.

On the emotional - leadership qualities, inspiration, superiority, ambition, honor, glory, pride, dignity, selfishness. At the physical level, this is a person’s vitality, the general energy of his body, the heart, recovery, health; the right side of the body in men, the left in women; arteries.

Planets in the natal chart: Moon

Moon - sensitivity, emotional experiences, instincts, memory. Intuition, subconscious. Ruler of Cancer. Associated with fluctuations, cycles, habits, reflexive actions, desires, fertility and the need for sensation.

At the intellectual level - this is the subconscious, soul, memory, reflection, habits. At the emotional level, this planet in the natal chart affects emotions, feelings, imagination, instinct, intuition, despondency, receptivity, mood swings, indecision, vulnerability, capriciousness.

On the physical level, the Moon is behavior, reactions, fluid pressure, vision, female organs, fertility, glandular system, lymphatic system, stomach, digestion, membranes; the left side of the body for men, the right for women; digestion.

Planets in the natal chart: Mercury

Mercury rules numbers and facts. Symbol of mediation and intellectual abilities. Methods and ideas, thinking and perception. Ruler of Virgo and Gemini.

Mercury affects thinking, the ability to emote, short-distance travel and local activities, dexterity, speech and intelligence, as well as everything associated with communication.

On the intellectual level, this planet in the natal chart is responsible for thoughts, judgment, understanding, insight, giftedness, versatility, wit, eloquence, intelligence, learning ability, intelligence, intelligence.

At the emotional level, it reflects lability, adaptability, nervousness, cunning, curiosity, dishonesty.

At the physical level, it manifests itself as dexterity, agility, articulation, flexibility, gestures, mobility, brain, is responsible for the bronchi, fingers, hands, hormones, lungs, nervous system, ribs, shoulders, sternum, speech organs, intestines.

Planets in the natal chart: Venus

Venus is associated with emotions and feelings. Controls behavior, relationships (plays a special role in romantic relationships, partnerships, marriage, as well as in relationships between women), position in society. Symbol moral values, aesthetic taste, physical beauty, bodily sensations, enjoyment of life. Patron of Taurus and Libra.

Venus influences love, the arts, affections, pleasures, hobbies, morality, marriage, sociability and everything of value.

The intellectual and emotional levels are identical. This is joy, peace, pleasure, charm, grace, feelings, sensuality, tenderness, laziness, indecisiveness, taste.

At the physical level, this planet in the natal chart imparts beauty, grace, and is responsible for profit, valuables, property, and jewelry. In terms of health, it is responsible for organs such as the kidneys, lower back, neck, throat, larynx, thyroid gland, veins, muscle tone, and controls the ability to relax.

Planets in the natal chart: Mars

Mars is an active, dynamic, aggressive principle. Physical strength, power, active action. Responsible for competition, risk, sexuality, the will to fight. Symbol of relationships between men. Ruler of Aries (before Pluto was discovered, was also considered the patron of Scorpio).

Mars is associated with power, physical activity, construction, sexual energy, courage, self-assertion, strength and initiative.

Intellectual level: activity, efficiency, initiative, swiftness, activity.

Emotional level: this planet in the natal chart is responsible for courage, courage, assertiveness, aggressiveness, excitement, indignation, anger, energy.

Physical level: strength, effort, endeavors, accidents, acute illnesses, injuries, burns, operations, wounds, inflammation, exhaustion, male genital organs, muscles, adrenal glands.

Planets in the natal chart: Jupiter

Jupiter is development on the social, cultural and spiritual levels. Symbolizes optimism, happiness, joy, generosity, law, hierarchy. Responsible for the ability to expand one's capabilities, personifies wealth, luck, social status and professional growth, patronage and assistance. Ruler of Sagittarius (before Neptune was discovered, was also the patron of Pisces).

Liberal, broad-minded Jupiter is committed to philosophy, aimed at charity, prosperity, optimism, growth, and long travel. Likes to occupy a large space.

Intellectual level: This planet in the natal chart means luck, success, optimism, hope, ambition, beliefs, faith. Emotional level: frankness, confidence, generosity, sincerity.

Physical level: development, growth, expansion, excess, fat accumulation, overeating, glands, metabolism, liver, buttocks, hips, pituitary gland, sense of smell.

Planets in the natal chart: Saturn

Saturn symbolizes restrictions, obstacles, responsibility. Represents the inexorable movement of time. A symbol of personal maturity, hard work, longevity, stability. Associated with concepts such as duty, justice, ambition, retribution, practicality, conservatism, endurance. Ruler of Capricorn (before the discovery of Uranus was also the ruler of Aquarius).

Consistent and wise, Saturn is associated with truth, maturity, aspiration, responsibility, career ability and all the lessons that life teaches us. The placement of Saturn in the chart may limit overcompensation for feelings of insecurity.

Intellectual level: this planet in the natal chart means rigor, brevity, linearity, consistency, rationalism, logic, specificity, methodicality, discipline, responsibility, understanding, wisdom.

Emotional level: caution, inertia, patience, rigor, severity, asceticism, integrity.

Physical level: cold, dryness, compression, restrictions, crystallization, difficulties, lack of something, hearing, bones, cartilage, nails, hair, knees, skin, teeth, fractures, colds, delays, rheumatism, aging.

Planets in the natal chart: Uranus

Uranus is freedom, originality, independence of thought, surprise, extreme situations. A symbol of insights, sudden changes, unpredictable events, the need for renewal, the desire for novelty (the planet of inventors, reformers, scientists). Ruler of Aquarius.

Uranus Original and humane Uranus breaks traditions and is associated with science, inventions, magic, electricity, psychology, will and all sorts of surprises.

Intellectual level: This planet in the natal chart signifies detachment, discovery, innovation, anomaly, insight, originality, inconsistency, irrationality.

Emotional level: willfulness, neglect, eccentricity, strangeness, nervousness. Physical level: changeable condition, sudden disorders, ankles, legs, spasms, convulsions, nerves, convulsions, stress, epilepsy, electric shocks.

Planets in the natal chart: Neptune

Neptune symbolizes mysticism, secrets, fantasies, illusions, irrationality, despair, fears, phobias, manias, destructive tendencies, hallucinations, obsessions, disappointments, loneliness, but also sympathy, mercy, the state of higher love. Associated with the mystical experience of the soul, deep experiences, abstract ideas. Ruler of Pisces.

Neptune Subtle and mysterious, Neptune rules the sea, all fluids, illusions, dreams, deception, ideals, religions and thus rules cinema and theater life, pain relief, medicines, prisons, hospitals and other institutions.

Intellectual level: abstraction, dreams, illusions, inspiration, sophistication, spirituality, idealism. Emotional Level: This planet in the natal chart signifies redemption, self-sacrifice, lies, suffering, confusion, duality, vagueness, uncertainty, drug addiction, alcoholism, ecstasy.

Physical level: evasion, disguise, negligence, fakes, surrogates, atrophy, unclear symptoms, madness, degradation, general weakness, thymus gland, intoxication, poisoning, lethargic sleep, somnambulism, sleepwalking.

Planets in the natal chart: Pluto

Pluto is the most powerful energy, hidden for the time being “deep underground” (Pluto is the god of the underworld). Mental, emotional and physical power, sexual energy, uncontrollable impulses, destruction, exposure, radiation. Symbol of the highest will. Leads hidden agendas, espionage, kidnappings. At the same time, it is a symbol of reconstruction, transformation, rehabilitation, recovery. Energy that can revive from the ashes, revive the dead. The planet is closely related to the concept of karma. Ruler of Scorpio.

Pluto is the ruler underworld, it reveals everything that is hidden, including the subconscious. Pluto rules atomic energy, birth and death, group processes and those problems that we must solve independently and without outside help.

Intellectual level: this planet in the natal chart means insight, deep analysis, complexity. Emotional level: ruthlessness, fanaticism, insatiable need, suspicion, threat.

Physical level: reproductive system, regeneration, tissue degeneration, formation of tumors and scars, endocrine glands, infection, pituitary gland, blood poisoning, intracellular metabolism, acute systemic diseases.

Planets in the lunar cycle in the natal chart

Today we’ll go through the topic of what the planets are in the lunar cycle. The Sun, Moon and Ascendant are the core of the horoscope. We know that the Sun is the source of all life potential - the energetic substance of life. The Moon is the creator of those organic structures through which this solar potential is embodied and differentiated for use in actual life.

In each chart, the planets associated with the Moon are involved in creating these structures with special characteristics. The moon connects external and inner planets solar system, "weaving an organic tapestry of human life within the size of the fabric determined by Saturn.

The length of the tapestry depends on the number of threads, energy and time that the Moon will require and were given by the Sun" (C. Ptolemy).

The relative position in the chart of the Sun and Moon provides information about how the position of the planet relative to the Lunar cycle affects the life of the individual, the individual search for happiness and creative expression. Such influence can be determined in two ways:

1) analyzing the position of the planets relative to the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun, measured along the ecliptic (taking into account lunar day birth): 2) studying the angular relationship of the Wheel of Fortune (as a result of the interactions of the Sun - Moon - Ascendant").

Method I requires the construction of a “Solar Horoscope”, which tracks the interaction of the Sun and the Moon.

1. The first thing we determine in the drawing is the angle (distance) between the growing Moon (moving away from the Sun) and the Sun.

Planets in the natal chart relative to the Lunar cycle that happen to be within an angle constitute the content present at birth; these are forces that are formed by previous causes: heredity, influence environment during intrauterine development. The possibilities that these planets determine are realized during life.

2. Planets in the natal chart that are located outside the solar-lunar sector represent powers and abilities that need to be acquired or developed during life.

Planets in the natal chart that are ahead of the Moon before birth symbolize influences that are yet to come. The personality will try to include them in his physical and psychological organism in the sequence in which they are located. In this case, Neptune is in front of the Moon. The Moon, first of all, will resonate with him, connect the deep subconscious, memory, a deep cosmo-psychological approach to the processes of life, perhaps a person will early show interest in ancient cultures, religion, occultism, mysticism. This statement is true for those planets that the Moon will cover being growing (until the full moon). In our drawing this is Neptune, the Lunar Node, Mars.

3. Planets in the natal chart located in the signs of the Zodiac ahead of the waning Moon refer to human activity, which governs the search for one’s own individuality and creative contribution to society if the activity has creative significance.

The greater this distance and the more planets there are, the greater the possibilities.

In this case, in the natal chart, Uranus-Jupiter, Pluto, the Descending Node and Mercury come under the influence of the waning Moon.

4. When the waning Moon comes very close to the Sun (within conjunction), the planets located between them are visible in the eastern part of the sky. These planets influence the future. We can say that these are “requests” addressed by the Moon to the kingdom of the Sun.

In our example, such a planet is Mercury.

The concept of “horoscope” for many people is limited to a description of their zodiac sign. But popular astrological characteristics of signs describe only the Sun located in them. A complete horoscope includes all twelve signs and the planets located in them.

Another thing is that you may not know what sign your Moon or, for example, Venus is in. After all, for this you need astrological tables of planetary movements or computer program, which will calculate the location of the planets at the time of your birth.

All signs and planets are involved in shaping your character and life situations in one way or another. Moreover, each planet has strictly defined functions, in astrology called the principles of the planets.

The principle of the Sun is individuality

The sun is the main factor in the horoscope, influencing the development of individuality. The sign in which it is located will tell a lot about the character of a person, his inner essence and external manifestations. The solar sign is also reflected in the appearance of the native and his physical qualities. The sun determines the amount of vital energy in the body. It also shows how independent and inclined you are to leadership, whether you have creative abilities. By the position of the Sun in a sign, you can find out where and how you tend to show your brightest psychological qualities and innate abilities.

Moon principle - adaptation

The Moon in a personal horoscope is no less important than the Sun, because it is responsible for the ability to adapt to the world around us. If the Sun determines the amount of energy and innate vitality, then the operation of life support systems and the instinct of self-preservation depend on the Moon. The sign in which the Moon is located, as well as its phase at the time of birth, will indicate the degree of a person’s sensitivity to the conditions of existence and the emotions of other people. The moon speaks about a person's behavior in everyday life, in the family, in everyday life. Psychological stability and the ability to accumulate life experience, which protects against repeating the same mistakes, depend on it.

The principle of Mercury - interconnection and interchange

Mercury indicates the characteristics of the mind, ability and inclination to learn. Innate curiosity, observation and intelligence, as well as the ability to express one’s thoughts in words depend on this planet. The position of Mercury in the horoscope will also indicate the degree of a person’s sociability, his desire and ability to communicate. On the physical plane, the planet is responsible for dexterity, accuracy and speed of movements, expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions. Mercury is never more than 28 degrees away from the Sun, which means that it is either in the same sign as the Sun or in a neighboring one.

Venus principle - assessment and choice

Venus is considered the planet of love, but before a person loves someone or something, he makes an assessment and choice. This is done consciously or intuitively, but always in accordance with the internal scale of values, which is formed in a person in a very early age. Venus is responsible for personal relationships with people, influences the choice of friends and life partner, as well as ethical standards and aesthetic tastes. A person’s desire for harmony and comfort, his sense of proportion and the ability to get along with people depend on the location of Venus. Venus is no further than 48 degrees from the Sun; it can be in the same sign as the Sun, or in one of two neighboring ones.

Mars principle - activity

Mars is responsible for being active in any business. Your energy, initiative, courage and determination depend on how this planet is located in the horoscope. When performing any work, even non-physical work, a person uses the energy of Mars. Of course, it manifests itself more visibly in activities that require muscular effort or the need to show aggression. Mars in the horoscope will tell you whether a person knows how to achieve what he wants and defend his rights, how he behaves in a conflict.

Jupiter principle - growth and orientation

Jupiter can show the possibilities of human development and his desire to expand his capabilities and increase benefits. This planet will tell you in which area a person’s main life goals are located and how he tends to achieve them. Jupiter is responsible for social adaptation; luck and the chance to succeed in society depend on it. In addition, Jupiter influences a person’s religious and political views, his ideas about goodness and justice.

Saturn principle - form

Saturn is responsible for maintaining the stability of existence, and therefore often imposes restrictions on a person in the form of rules and obligations. Because of this, Saturn is known as an evil planet, although its “evil” lies only in forcing a person to work and discipline. If Jupiter is mostly the planet of ideas, then Saturn is the planet of forms. She is responsible for the materialization of ideas and plans. Professional growth, career, and financial situation depend on Saturn. It is clear that without work and discipline success in all this will not be achieved. The position of Saturn in the horoscope indicates that a person has a sense of responsibility, a penchant for order, patience and diligence. Saturn will tell you whether a person knows how to obey the rules, whether he is able to work on himself and overcome difficulties. And also how constant he is in his attachments and beliefs, and whether he knows how to maintain what he has achieved.

The principle of Uranus - information and energy communication

Uranus influences an individual through society; it symbolizes collective thinking, an information field full of ideas “in the air.” When these ideas take hold of the masses, fashion for certain things, relationships, styles of behavior, words and expressions appears. Uranus brings renewal to life, and it is always unexpected and often painful, since everything that a person is accustomed to and attached to can become irrelevant, outdated, or even completely collapse and disappear. The position of Uranus in the horoscope speaks about how a person relates to the new and in what way he shows his love of freedom: in the destruction of everything old or in neglecting fashionable trends and preserving his individuality. Uranus stays in one sign for seven years, each time moving to another, it “sows” new ideas in society.

The Neptune Principle - Collective Existence

“Neptune does not symbolize the collective mind, like Uranus, but the collective soul, which lovingly forms its ideal of life, believes in it and hopes to achieve it. Neptune creates ideal ideas for a whole generation of people about happiness, love, art, and spirituality. But it also gives an understanding of what is considered a vice, what one should be ashamed of, and what must be hidden from everyone. Neptune stays in one sign for up to 14 years

The Pluto Principle - Engagement in Collective Action

Pluto influences a person through the collective will and brings events, as a result of which everything that has already become obsolete must be destroyed or transformed. Unlike Uranus, which instills new ideas, and Neptune, which instills golden dreams, Pluto forces us to act, to create history, even if only as a “cog”. A planet stays in one sign for up to 25 years, influencing the fate of an entire generation.

Characteristics of planetary motion












Most common speed (in degrees per day)


1.2° 1.5°







Maximum speed (in degrees per day)











Synodic period (T syn)

29.53° days

116 days

584 days
19 months

780 days
26 months

13 months

12.5 months

12 months

12 months

12 months

Duration of the retrograde phase (T ret)

20 days

40 days

80 days

4 months

4.2 months

5 months

5 months

5.3 months

Retrograde phase percentage (Tret/T syn)* 100%



Average value of the arc of backward movement (in degrees)





Astrological interpretation of planetary speeds
General notes

In some old books, a retrograde planet in a natal chart was interpreted as weak. It is logical, however, to assume that the effect of a retrograde planet is likely to intensify: after all, at this time it is closest to the Earth. For distant planets (starting from Jupiter), the relative difference in the distances of the direct and retrograde planets to the Earth is not great, but for the planets closest to the Earth (Mars, Venus) it is very significant. So, Venus retrograde happens 5-6 times closer to the Earth than the direct one. Retrograde Mars is 4 times closer to Earth than direct Mars; and once every 15-17 years there are so-called great oppositions of Mars, when it approaches almost twice as close to the earth as during ordinary oppositions, and at this time it is 7 times closer to the Earth than during its conjunction with the Sun.
The main idea of ​​​​interpreting the speed of the planet is as follows. Each planet is responsible for certain structures (in the body, in the psyche - if we are talking about a person’s horoscope). These structures can develop and be rebuilt. The speed of the planet determines their potential dynamic characteristics. If the planet is fast, the corresponding structures are more mobile and dynamic, easier to change if necessary. A slow planet means restructuring is more difficult. The stationarity of the planet indicates the rigidity, stability and stability of the corresponding structures. It is clear that these properties make it difficult for a person to adapt to changing conditions, i.e. a stationary planet is a problematic point in the chart.
Note: in addition to the numerical value of the speed, you should take into account the elements and the sign in which the planet is located. For example, a slow planet in an earthly or watery sign seems to slow down even more.
To understand the meaning of retrograde, remember that:
A) The forward direction is the direction of movement of the Sun and Moon, which together symbolize bipolar vital energy. Hence the following interpretation: the direct planet is synenergetic with the flow of life, and the function of the retrograde planet is directed against the flow of life and natural instincts.
B) A retrograde planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct movement. Hence the following idea: the direct planet is directed towards the future, towards new experiences; retrograde - returns to the past; stationary – a tie for the moment.
C) Since the past is inside us, we can say that the function of a retrograde planet is directed inward, and the direct one is directed outward. In the spheres of a retrograde planet, a person is less susceptible to influences from the outside world and more attentive to internal processes.
In transits, a retrograde planet can mean a delay in an event; the event will “go” when the planet becomes direct again. Redier writes: “In general, the period of a planet’s retrograde (in transits, progressions) is a time to return to the past, revise it, atone for mistakes, take a new direction.”
Let's move on to specific planets.

Speed ​​of the Moon

The unevenness of the Moon's motion is mainly due to the ellipticity of its orbit. The Moon's speed varies within ±10% of the average value of 13.2 degrees per day. The Moon is considered slow at a speed of about 12 degrees per day, fast - at a speed above 14.5 degrees per day.

Fast Moon

The Moon is considered fast if it moves faster than 14.5 degrees per day.
A person adapts faster to changing living conditions, the psyche is more mobile, moods change faster (compared to the slow Moon in the same sign). Such a person approaches life more boldly.

Slow Moon

Slow Moon means slower adaptation, so a person is more dangerous and cautious.

Speeds of Mercury

Fast Mercury

(Speed ​​more than 1 degree per day). Mobile nervous system, quick contact, easily switched attention, need for new information, quick learner. Such a person needs a high speed of information delivery. True, there is a danger to the surface.
Intellectually matures early.

Slow Mercury

Slow planet - restructuring is more difficult. The stationarity of the planet indicates the rigidity, stability and sustainability of the corresponding structures. It is clear that these properties make it difficult for a person to adapt to changing conditions, i.e. a stationary planet is a problematic point in the map.
Slow Mercury (speed less than 1 degree per day) - more attentive and accurate processing of information, digs deeper into the issue being studied, making contact is not so quick and easy, but connections are more stable.

Stationary Mercury

This is a problem in the spheres of Mercury: difficulties in communication, in adaptation; slow learner, has difficulty understanding new information- may give the impression of being slow-witted; but it can penetrate very deeply into the issue being studied.

Mercury retrograde

Retrograde Mercury (note that a retrograde planet is never fast) – less focused on new connections and impressions; seeks to analyze already accumulated information; the mind reviewing past events, studying the past. Unlike direct Mercury, it “passes” the information it receives through itself and processes it within itself; introspection, some secrecy. There may be a penchant for occult sciences.
(From famous people having Mercury retrograde in the birth chart, you can name Chopin, Kipling).

Speed ​​of Venus

Fast Venus

Senses are labile, mobile, easily switchable; emotional motivation may change; addicted person.

Stationary Venus

Feelings are rigid, stable; it is very difficult to change motivation; It's hard to fall in love - it's hard to fall out of love. A negative aspect to such Venus can lead to long-term depression and loss of meaning in life on an emotional level.

Venus retrograde

Focus on internal harmonization; feeling inner harmony more important than the desire to please others. Feelings depend less on external conditions and more on factors of inner life. Addressing past emotional attachments, living with memories. The power of feelings, turned against the natural manifestations of life, can make a person an ascetic, rebelling against the physiological needs of his body (Redier cites Annie Bazant as an example of such a manifestation of Venus retrograde).

Speeds of Mars

Fast Mars

High response speed; the impulse is fast rather than powerful. Capable of changing the direction of action and rearranging on the fly.

Stationary Mars

The reaction speed is low, but the power of the splash is very high (success is possible in power sports that do not require quick response). Very inertial Mars (similar to Mars in Taurus); slowly changes direction of activity.

Retrograde Mars

The response to an external stimulus is slow, an inadequate reaction, auto-aggression (fight with oneself) is possible. Energy that does not find an outlet outside can become destructive for a person. One of the ways of its implementation is sublimation (i.e. switching the energy of affective drives to socio-cultural goals. An incentive for self-improvement, subtle energy management. A striking example of the manifestation of retrograde Mars is S. Freud (in his chart Mars is also emphasized by the fact that it is in the handle of the “sling”.)

Speed ​​of Jupiter

Fast Jupiter

Fast social adaptability; socially dynamic; easily assimilates various social traditions, “enters” religious and philosophical systems; worldview, moral and ethical principles, value orientations can change.

Stationary Jupiter

Rigidity values, views; dogmatism in religion, philosophy; problem of social adaptation.

Retrograde Jupiter

Retrograde Jupiter – less susceptible to social influences; looking for his faith, his path; counts not on luck and protection, but on himself; an often mystical approach to religion and philosophy; own hard-won worldview; does not always know how to integrate into the external social environment.

Speed ​​of Saturn

Fast Saturn

Atypical, “lightweight” Saturn.

Stationary Saturn

Exaggeratedly hard Saturn.

Retrograde Saturn

Less susceptible to the pressure of traditions and external norms; develops a sense of one's own individuality and one's own destiny. Outwardly it seems softer and more pliable, but it has great internal strength, tough internal foundations, and is able to resist temptations. Reliance on your past moral experience

Retrograde of higher planets

We remind you once again that retrograde superior planets occur in approximately 40% of charts - this is not a personally significant factor (unless the superior planet is emphasized in another way in the chart). But the higher planet is stationary only a few days a year, therefore, the stationary nature of the higher planets is a much more personal factor. Stationarity puts the emphasis on the problems associated with this planet (making it a “nail in the shoe”).

Retrograde Uranus

There is internal originality and eccentricity, but it is difficult to express this originality, to take it outside (although I really want to). It can give reformers who proclaim very ancient forgotten truths, which are used as the basis for building the future.

Retrograde Neptune

Emphasizes in the map, can give states of “dissolution”, when it is difficult to draw a line between oneself and the outside world. In dreams, images of the distant past, even past incarnations, can emerge. Redier writes: “This factor is often strong in the horoscopes of mystics, especially if they oppose traditional religious beliefs.”

Retrograde Pluto

Readiness for internal transformation. Makes a person less susceptible to mass crowd psychosis. Protest against established social orders.

General astrology
Key concepts of planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto


Sun. How (planet in a sign) and in what, where (planet in a house) a person shows his will and selfishness. In which (planet in the house) he claims to lead and achieve glory. In what (planet in the house) and how (planet in the sign) can he maximize his creativity and individuality. Where does he get his inspiration? What one is proud of and where a person’s self-esteem is especially vulnerable. How he behaves, being a famous figure, popular or having power over people. The presence of “star fever” and how it can manifest itself. How he expresses himself in creativity and in love, what he strives to demonstrate to the public or the object of love.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Festive or creative atmosphere
Typical Action: An Act of Creative Will

Key phrase: “So be it!”


Moon. How a person behaves at home, with loved ones: with his wife, children, parents, grandparents, how he relates to the history of his family. Level of patriotism. A way to care for loved ones and yourself physical body. Eating habits and other household habits, including bad habits, often acquired in childhood or as imitation of those to whom a person is attached. Appetite and digestion. A penchant for cooking and housekeeping. How does a person show emotions in his/her familiar environment? The degree of his emotional sensitivity. The minimum necessary for a person to feel in relative comfort and safety.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Home environment
Typical action: Creating comfortable living conditions

Key phrase: “Give!”, “I need it”


Mercury. What kind of person is he like in communicating outside his home? How he learns and what is the subject of his intellectual interests. How he shows curiosity and why. What he likes to read and talk about. Manner of speech. Writing style. Who is he interested in communicating with?

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Information environment
Typical activity: Understanding the world around you

Key phrase: “What? Where? When?"


Venus. What a person is like in a love relationship, but not what he demonstrates, but what he feels. How he strives to maintain relationships, what he does to preserve love and marriage, as well as any relationship that is significant to him with another person. A person’s aesthetic tastes and food preferences, favorite smells, colors. Anything that brings him into a state of peace. How he strives to decorate his life, what he gets pleasure from.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Aesthetic environment
Typical action: Creating peace of mind

Key phrase: “I want”, “I like”


Mars. How a person acts in an extreme, unusual, conflict situation. How he wins his place in the sun, how he fights his enemies. How does he show sexual activity? In what situations is he inclined to act impulsively, without thinking, obeying instinct?

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Combat situation
Typical Action: Attack or Counterattack

Key phrase: “I am!” "I'm here!"


Jupiter. What a person strives to achieve or what he considers an unattainable ideal. The limit of dreams. To which social group he wants to belong. Who is his authority? What a person thinks they need to achieve success. What kind of social activity attracts him, his political, religious and moral preferences and attitudes. What and how he tends to teach others. What kind of audience should we strive to win, from whom will we gain respect and patronage? The image that, in his opinion, is most beneficial and which will help him please the public.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Solemn atmosphere
Typical Action: Setting Goals and Direction

Key phrase: “This is desirable”, “This is how it is done here”


Saturn. How does a person manifest himself in professional activity. What he considers his main responsibility, without which, in his opinion, success is impossible. What is actually being done by him to achieve his goal, but is not advertised. Rules that a person strictly follows. An area where he is not inclined to change his principles, and where he adheres to a strict system that he has learned or developed himself. An area in which he is ready to make some kind of self-restraint and deprivation for the sake of a goal.

Sphere of greatest manifestation of the planet: Official setting
Typical activity: Planning and organizing a work process

Key phrase: “We must!”

Higher planets:


1. Where surprises await a person. Where progress and the creation of something fundamentally new is possible.
2. Scientific inspiration.
3. Epiphany.
4. Planet of the technical intelligentsia.
5. Future.
6. Progress of a generation.
7. Predicting the future.
8. Astrology.


1. A sphere in which a person can dissolve.
2. Artistic inspiration.
3. Dissolution.
4. Planet of the creative intelligentsia.
5. Past.
6. Ideals of the generation.
7. Vision of the past.
8. Fortune telling.


1. Where powerful hidden forces are concentrated. A sphere where you can become both an all-powerful magician and a faceless slave.
2. General inspiration.
3. Management.
4. Planet of executives on a large scale.
5. Present.
6. Karma of a generation.
7. Vision of the present in karmic relationships.
8. Magic.