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Planning speech development. Articulation exercises

Articulation gymnastics

Exercise "FROG"

Target: develop the ability to keep your lips in a smile.

Brief description of the exercise: Smile widely, clench your teeth. Hold your lips in this position for a count of one to ten.

Exercise “FENCE”

Target: develop the ability to expose teeth, develop the circular muscles of the lips.

Brief description of the exercise: Smile widely, raise your upper lip and lower your lower lip so as to expose your teeth as much as possible, and close your teeth. Hold your lips in this position for a count of one to ten.

Exercise “PROBIC”

Target: develop the circular muscles of the lips.

Brief description of the exercise: Close your lips tightly and stretch forward with tension to the limit. Hold your lips in this position for a count of one to ten.

Exercise "Hippo" ("Window")

Target: teach to keep your mouth wide open. Activate the orbicularis oris muscle and the mobility of the upper lip. Teach to lower the root of the tongue and move the tongue close to the teeth.

Brief description of the exercise: Smile, open your mouth wide. Move the relaxed tongue close to the teeth. Hold the position for a count of 5.

Make sure that the lips are stretched, the teeth are visible, the root of the tongue is lowered, the tongue is located symmetrically in the oral cavity. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise "Pancake" ("Spatula")

Target: develop the ability to hold the tongue in a calm, relaxed position

Brief description of the exercise: Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of one to ten. If the tongue does not become wide and spread out, invite the child to slap the tongue with his lips, pronouncing the sounds PY-PY-PY...

Exercise "NEEDLE"" align="left" width="142" height="117 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="146" " height="163 src="> Target: Develop tongue coordination." align="left" width="151" height="122 src=">.png" width="251" height="147 "> Description: Open your mouth, smile. Open your teeth. Place the tip of your tongue against the lower incisors and press the lateral edges against the upper lateral teeth. The back of the wide tongue rises and “rolls out” forward - “peeks out” from behind the lower teeth. Then the back of the tongue is retracted back into the mouth and lowered down - “hiding”. The tip of the tongue remains in the same place. Perform the exercise up to 10 times.


Target: Development of a strong air jet, running down the middle of the tongue.

Description: Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip (exercise “Pancake”), slightly lift the side edges of the tongue (as in the exercise “Pipe”). Exhaling forcefully, say repeatedly sound f-f-f.

Make sure that when lifting the lateral edges of the tongue, both halves of the tongue rise evenly;


Articulation" href="/text/category/artikulyatciya/" rel="bookmark">articulation of sound C. Produce an air stream running in the middle of the tongue.

Description: Smile, showing your teeth. Pronounce the sound I for a long time, changing the volume of the pronunciation (quiet - louder - loud - quiet, etc.)

Exercise "SAIL"

Goal: to develop the ability to find the correct position of the tongue, hold the tongue behind the upper teeth, and stretch the hyoid ligament.

Description: Open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue up, touch the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth. Hold your tongue in this position for about 5 - 10 seconds (counting from one to ten). We perform the exercise 2-3 times.

Exercise "SWING"

Target: develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, develop the ability to hold a wide, spread tongue behind the upper and lower teeth.

Description: Smile, show teeth, open your mouth. Place your wide tongue behind your lower teeth (on the inside) and hold your tongue in this position for a count of one to five. Then lift your wide tongue by the upper teeth (from the inside) and hold it in this position for a count of one to five. So alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

Exercise “TASTY JAM”

Target: Strengthen the muscles of the front part of the tongue, develop an upward movement of the wide front part of the tongue.

Description: Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. It is imperative to ensure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “pull” the tongue upward - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger). The tongue should be wide, and its side edges should touch the corners of the mouth.

Exercise “SUN AND RAIN”

Target: develop the ability to maintain the articulatory pattern necessary to pronounce the sound C. Strengthen the muscles of the front part of the tongue.

Description: Smile, open your mouth. Place your wide tongue “Pancake” on your lower lip. Keep your tongue motionless in this position for a count of one to five. Then we put the tongue (wide and spread out) into the mouth behind the lower teeth. Close your teeth and stretch your lips into a smile. Repeat 5-10 times.

Exercise “Kneading the dough”" align="left" width="139" height="118 src=">

Target: Develop the advancement of a thin and wide tongue between the teeth. Self-massage of the tongue.

Description: Lips in a smiling position. The teeth are tightly clenched. We push the tip of the tongue between clenched teeth. The tongue becomes wide and thin. We push it forward to the limit. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise "FOOTBALL"" align="left hspace=12" width="151" height="112"> Target: Produce a smooth, long-lasting continuous air stream running down the middle of the tongue.

Description: Smile, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip and, as if pronouncing the sound F-F-F for a long time, blow the cotton wool onto the opposite edge of the table. Make sure that the lower lip does not stretch over the lower teeth. You can't puff out your cheeks. Make sure that children pronounce the F sound and not the X sound.

Exercise "TURKEY"

Target: develop the upward movement of the tongue, develop the mobility of its front part.

Description: Open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along your upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add your voice until you hear a sound similar to BL-BL-BL... (like a turkey babbling).

Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow. So that the tongue moves back and forth, and not from side to side. The tongue should lick the upper lip, and not be thrown forward.

Exercise "PAINTER"" align="left hspace=12" width="139" height="121"> Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop the upward movement of the tongue, stretch the hyoid frenulum.

Description: Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and click your tongue so that its entire mass first sticks to the palate for a moment and then falls down. Clatter at a variable tempo (sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly).

Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless - only the tongue works.




A) Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and “clean” with the tip of your tongue lower teeth with internal

B) Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and “clean” with the tip of your tongue upper teeth with internal sides, making movements with the tongue from side to side, and then making movements from bottom to top.

C) Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and use the tip of your tongue to “brush” your upper teeth with external sides, moving your tongue from side to side.

Make sure that your lips are still and in a smiling position. Moving the tip of your tongue from side to side, make sure that it is at the gums and does not slide along the upper edge of the teeth. When moving your tongue from bottom to top, make sure that the tip of the tongue is wide and starts moving from the roots of the lower teeth.


Target: Strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, teach children to hold the tip of the tongue behind the teeth.


A) Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and with the tip of your tongue “count” the lower teeth from the inside, touching and pushing each tooth.

B) Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and with the tip of your tongue “count” the upper teeth from the inside, touching and pushing each tooth.

Make sure that your lips are still and in a smiling position.

Exercise "MUSHROOM"" align="left hspace=12" width="101" height="117"> Target: Develop an upward lift of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament (frenulum).

Description: Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with its entire plane against the hard palate, open your mouth wide (the tongue will resemble a thin cap of a fungus, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble its stem).

Make sure your lips are in a smiling position. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times.

Exercise "Accordion"" align="left" width="116" height="100 src="> Target: Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid frenulum.

Description: Smile, open your mouth slightly, stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and, without lowering your tongue, close and open your mouth (just as the bellows of an accordion stretch, so does the frenulum stretch). The lips are in a smiling position.

Make sure that your lips remain motionless when opening your mouth.

Also, when opening the mouth, one side of the tongue should not sag.

You need to perform this exercise slowly 5-10 times.

Exercise “IRON”

Target: Activate the tip of the tongue on the tubercles (alveoli).

Description: The mouth is slightly open. Using the wide tip of the tongue, stroke the tubercles (alveoli) located behind the upper teeth: back - forward. Carry out the exercise 15 - 20 times.


Target: Activate the tip of the tongue, Strengthen the lateral muscles of the tongue.

Description: Lips closed. The tense tip of the tongue moves between the lips and teeth, making circular movements as if around the lips, but from the inside of the mouth. The movements are performed first in one direction (clockwise) - 5-6 circles, then in the other direction (counterclockwise) - 5-6 circles. The speed of tongue movement can be changed.

Exercise “HIDE THE CANDY”" align="left" width="72" height="124 src=">

Target: Develop the muscles of the tongue, develop the ability to speak the language.

Description: Open your mouth slightly and smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately reach to the right and then to the left corners of the mouth.

Make sure that only the tongue works - the lower jaw and lips should be motionless. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise “DRAW A CIRCLE”" align="left hspace=12" width="111" height="105"> Target: develop the ability to speak the language, develop tongue mobility, strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

Description: Open your mouth. Lick first the upper and then the lower lip in a circle. Lick your lips first from right to left, then change direction.

Make 5 “circles” in one direction, then 5 in the other.


Target: Develop the ability to lower the side edges and exhale a stream of air into the gap between the side edges of the tongue and the molars.

Description: Hold the wide tip of your tongue with your front teeth (lightly), exhale air through your cheeks, and while exhaling, lightly hit your cheeks with the index fingers of both hands, resulting in a squelching sound. (This is how it squishes under a hunter’s feet when he walks through a swamp in big rubber boots.)

Repeat this exercise 7-10 times, i.e. make 7-10 exhalations with “squelching”.


Target: Develop the raising of the back of the back of the tongue upward, pronouncing certain vowel sounds.

Description: Hold the wide front edge of the tongue with your front teeth and in this position pronounce the sound Y-Y-Y for a long time...


Target: Develop raising the back of the back of the tongue upward while pronouncing vowel sounds.

Description: Pronounce for a long time sound A-A-A, then pinch the wide front edge of the tongue with your front teeth (catch the mouse by the tail), and, in this position, continue pronouncing the sound A-A-A...

Exercise “Dog-biter”" align="left" width="135" height="155 src=">

Target: Develop the upward lift of the back of the tongue necessary to pronounce the sound L.

Description: Pronounce the sound A-A-A for a long time, biting (squeezing and releasing) the wide front edge of the tongue with your front teeth.

Exercise “PIPE”

Target: strengthen the lateral muscles of the tongue, teach children to hold the tongue in the shape of a tube, and develop speech breathing.

Description: Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip (as described in the “Pancake” exercise). Fold the lateral edges of the tongue upward. Blow into the resulting tube (without puffing out your cheeks).

Repeat 5-10 times, i.e. make a “Pipe” from the “Pancake” 5-10 times and blow accordingly 5-10 times.

If it is difficult for a child to raise the lateral edges of the tongue, then you can help him by placing a match or the handle of a teaspoon along the midline of the tongue and pressing lightly. At the same time, round your lips (as when pronouncing the sound O).

Exercise "CUP"

Target: Strengthen the lateral muscles of the tongue and the muscles of the front of the tongue, develop the ability to hold the tongue in the shape of a cup.

Description: Open your mouth wide. Place a wide, spread tongue on the lower lip (as described in the “Pancake” exercise). Reach the front and side edges of the wide tongue towards the upper teeth, but do not touch them. The tongue takes the form of a depression - a “cup”. Hold your tongue in this position while counting from 1 to 10.

Make sure that your tongue does not tremble.

Exercise: "FOCUS"

Target: Develop the upward movement of the tongue, the ability to shape the tongue into a “cup” and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.

Description: Smile, open your mouth slightly, place your wide tongue in the shape of a “cup” on your upper lip. Stick your tongue forward slightly and gently blow on a small piece of cotton wool lying on the tip of your nose. The air should go in the middle of the tongue and the cotton wool will fly up.

Make sure that the side edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper lip (a gap is formed in the middle through which an air stream flows).

Exercise "DRUM"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the upward movement of the tongue and the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense. Develop tongue mobility, stretch the hyoid frenulum.

Description: Smile, open your mouth and tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound D-D-D...

Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless and the mouth does not close. The sound D should have the character of a clear blow and should not be squelching. The sound D must be pronounced so that the exhaled air stream is felt.

A) Pronounce the sound D slowly and clearly.

B) Gradually increase the rate of pronunciation of the sound D.

C) Pronouncing the sound D at a fast pace, make oscillatory movements (stroking) from side to side along the lower surface of the tongue. Make movements using the handle of a teaspoon, a clean(!) finger or a pacifier placed on the child’s finger.

Exercise "MACHINE GUN"

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense. Develop mobility of the tip of the tongue. Stretch the hypoglossal ligament.

Description: This exercise is performed similarly to the “Drum” exercise, with the only difference that instead of pronouncing the sound D, you need to pronounce the sound T. Pronounce the sound T clearly.


Target: Develop the ability to hold the tongue in the shape of a “cup” behind the upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Produce an air stream running down the middle of the tongue.

Description: Open your mouth. Raise the cup-shaped tongue up. Press the lateral edges of the tongue against the lateral teeth. The front edge of the tongue should remain free.

A) In this position of the tongue, pronounce the sound Zh-Zh-Zh for a long time...

B) Pronouncing the sound Zh-Zh-Zh, make oscillatory movements (stroking) from side to side along the lower surface of the tongue with a clean(!) finger, or a pacifier placed on the child’s finger, or the handle of a teaspoon.

Exercise “The mosquito is ringing”

Target: Develop the ability to hold the tongue behind the upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Produce an air stream running down the middle of the tongue.

Description: Open your mouth. Lift the tongue up in the form.

A) In this position of the tongue, pronounce for a long time sound Z-Z-Z

B) Pronouncing the sound Z-Z-Z, make oscillatory movements (stroking) from side to side along the lower surface of the tongue with a clean(!) finger, or a pacifier placed on the child’s finger, or the handle of a teaspoon.

Everyone is familiar and understands the traditional types of gymnastics, consisting of various exercises for the arms, legs, and back. We train them to develop gross motor skills so that their muscles become stronger and their bodies become more agile and faster.

Why do you need to train your tongue, because it has no bones? This organ is the main one for our speech, so it also needs special exercises. The development and strengthening of its muscles allows you to accurately and clearly pronounce all words and sounds, making speech clearer and more understandable.

Articulation gymnastics is necessary for children to develop sound pronunciation skills

Articulatory gymnastics - what is it?

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus - increasing mobility and developing motor skills of the lips, tongue, cheeks, frenulum, which is required for the correct reproduction of sounds. The goal of articulatory gymnastics classes is to practice the movements of all the organs listed above and bring them to automaticity in the required positions.

For good diction and pronunciation, a child needs strong lips and tongue that can easily change their position. It is to achieve this that it is necessary to engage in articulatory gymnastics with him, performing special exercises and playing speech therapy games.

Often, speech defects and insufficiently clear diction become an obstacle to a child’s full communication with peers, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state. You can reduce the likelihood of such problems in children with the help of articulatory gymnastics, which should be started as early as possible. For children aged 2–4 years, it will help them quickly learn to pronounce all sounds correctly; for children aged 5–7 years, it will correct and reduce speech defects.

You can do tongue exercises with a speech therapist or at home in front of a mirror.

Who should take care of the baby?

You can do articulation gymnastics with your child on your own, but you should periodically be examined by a speech therapist, starting from 1.5 to 2 years (see also:). By the age of 4, it is already quite clear what sounds the baby has problems pronouncing. It happens that at the age of five they go away on their own, but only a specialist can correctly assess the development of speech in a child and determine how appropriate it is for his age (more details in the article:). It is he who should be responsible for correcting the child’s pronunciation if there are problems. Based on individual characteristics, the doctor will prescribe a special set of exercises, explain how to perform them correctly and demonstrate this with his own example.

Almost every kindergarten There is a speech therapist, so they also do articulation gymnastics with the kids. He not only conducts regular examinations, but also, starting at the age of 5, eliminates defects by conducting lessons for speech development. However, these activities are often not enough; if there are severe problems, you will need to regularly perform all the necessary exercises at home.

You should start doing the exercises in front of a mirror - this way the child will be able to observe the movements of the lips and tongue. Unlike adults, in whom all movements are performed automatically, the baby needs a visual display of all his actions during classes to develop the necessary skills.

The goal of gymnastics is to make the tongue strong and mobile and teach it to take the positions necessary for pronounced sounds.

Adults, when pronouncing sounds, do so without thinking about the position of the tongue, the position of the lips, or breathing. To a child who is just mastering their correct pronunciation, all these moments seem quite difficult and incomprehensible. The lips and tongue obey him with great difficulty, constantly trying to take a more comfortable, but not always correct, position.

You can make classes easier and more interesting for your child by turning boring and incomprehensible exercises into fun games and stories about the adventures of the language, accompanying them with poems and riddles. Invite him to imagine that his tongue lives in its own house (mouth), where it hides behind a high fence (teeth). He goes to bed, looks out the window, goes for a walk, turns into a kitten or a horse, rides on a steamboat - so you can imagine any exercise as an exciting game and a whole story about his life.

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of articulatory gymnastics for children. It is comparable to the role of morning exercises and has a similar effect on the facial muscles - strengthens them, improves blood circulation in them, develops mobility and flexibility. Daily implementation of the recommended complex will allow you to consolidate existing skills and acquire new ones, spending 5 minutes on exercises several times a day and repeating each exercise from 4 to 8 times.

It is possible that performing some exercises may be difficult even for you. In this case, do them together with your child, do not hesitate to admit to him your difficulties. Be patient and remain calm and at some point you will succeed. Pictures depicting each articulation exercise or special speech therapy training videos can help you achieve it.

Exercises and games

Playing with the tongue is one of the first lessons in articulatory gymnastics. Parents need to read the text of the fairy tale about the tongue and show the necessary movements. First the child repeats them, the next time he shows them himself.

Below are examples of exercises with brief instructions included in the main complex for the development of articulatory motor skills in young children preschool age. All tasks should be performed 4 – 8 times, dynamic ones – doing 2 – 6 repetitions, for static ones – stay in the specified position for 3 – 5 seconds. Before each repetition, give your child some time to rest and relax the muscles of the face and tongue.

Universal complex

  • “Delicious honey” - we make the following movements - we open our mouth and run our pointed tongue along the upper lip, first in one direction, then in the other. During execution, we control the chin - it should remain static.
  • “Needle” - open your mouth and stick out your tense tongue, trying to give it a pointed shape. We fix the position for a few seconds.
  • “Swing” - to perform it, open your mouth wide and place calm language on the lower lip, then lift it to the upper lip, then lower it down.
  • “The kitten is lapping milk” - open your mouth and stick out your tongue, then make several lapping movements.
  • “Shovel” - to perform this exercise, you need to open your mouth and place a relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We stay in this position for some time.
  • “Pendulum” - open your mouth slightly and stretch your lips in a smile, after which you stick out your pointed tongue and touch the corners of your lips with its tip one by one. During execution, we control the position of the chin - it should remain static, and the tongue - it should not slide over the lips.
  • “Bridge” - we open our mouth and rest the tip of the tongue against the teeth from below from the inside. We fix the position and slowly close our mouth without relaxing our tongue.
  • “Window” - slowly open your mouth and then close it.
  • “Nut” - without opening our mouth, we alternately press our tense tongue against the walls of our cheeks.
  • “Smile” is done as follows: the corners of the lips are stretched in a smile, so that the teeth become visible, and then smoothly return to their original position.
  • “Proboscis” - we stretch our lips forward, as if we want to kiss someone, hold them in this position, then slowly return them to their original position.
  • “Hamster” - closing your mouth, puffing out your cheeks and holding in this position.
  • “Cup” - open the mouth, then place it on the lower lip soft tongue, bend its sides up and slowly lift it in this state to the upper arch.

Examples of exercises to strengthen the tongue

Teaching the sounds “s”, “s”, “z”, “z”

When pronouncing these sounds correctly, the lips need to be stretched a little in a smile, so that the teeth are slightly visible, and the tongue rests on the teeth in front, with the edges touching the chewing teeth. With this position, a groove is formed along the tongue, and when inhaled air passes through it, it creates a whistling noise. You can feel its movement by raising your hand to your mouth. The following exercises will help improve articulation and learn the correct pronunciation of these sounds:

  • “Whistles” - we stretch our lips in a smile, hide our tongue underneath our teeth and try to whistle.
  • “Blow the cotton wool out of your palm” - stretch your lips in a smile and place a calm tongue on your lower lip, sticking it out slightly. We inhale and exhale as if we were trying to blow something away.

Correct pronunciation of the sounds “sh”, “zh”

When pronouncing hissing sounds, the mouth should be kept slightly open, the lips should be rounded, and the end of the tongue should be raised to the upper arch, touching it with the edges of the chewing teeth from above. In this position, a small cup-shaped recess appears under the tongue, through which air passes as you exhale. You can feel its movement by raising your hand to your mouth.

Exercise “Delicious jam”

In parallel with training the articulatory apparatus, it is necessary to work with the child on identifying various hissing and whistling sounds by ear. This can be done in game form- for example, an adult pronounces this or that sound, after which he begins to pronounce various words. Having heard a word with a hidden sound, the baby must show it to an adult - for example, with a clap. The following exercises will help you learn to pronounce these sounds correctly:

  • “Delicious jam” - open your mouth, stretch your lips in a smile and run your tongue 2-3 times along the upper lip, licking it.
  • “Blow the cotton off your nose” - put a little cotton on the tip of the tongue. We put it in a “cup”, lift the cotton wool up with it, and blow it off as we exhale.
  • “Putting the tongue to sleep” - placing a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.

Learning the sounds “ch”, “sch”

Practicing these sounds can begin only when the child has learned to pronounce dull hissing sounds. The following exercises are suitable for this:

  • “The chick is calling its mother” - open your mouth slightly and place the relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We pronounce the sound “five-five-five”, touching the tongue with our lips.
  • Holding a wide relaxed tongue - open your mouth and maintain the position for 10 seconds.

The exercise is necessary for the sounds: Р, Рь, Ж, Ш, Шч, С, Сь, Ть, Дь, Ц

When performing the exercises, it is important to keep your tongue and lips relaxed and carefully control your breathing, avoiding holding it. We repeat each exercise 3 – 6 times.

Learning the sounds "l" and "l"

  • “Painter” - slightly open your mouth and stretch your lips in a smile and move your tense tongue along the upper arch.
  • “The steamer is humming” - open your mouth slightly and stretch your lips, as if smiling. We hold the tip of the tongue between our teeth, exhale and say “y-y-y” - if done correctly, you will hear a sound reminiscent of “l”.
  • “Inflating our cheeks” - we hold the tip of the tongue with our teeth and exhale air, inflating our cheeks. If the exercise is performed correctly, then the air should flow smoothly around the tongue.

Exercise “Steamboat”

Correct pronunciation of the sound "r"

Pronunciation of this sound most often causes difficulties, since it is trembling and front-lingual. Many parents themselves do not always distinguish it from a similar vibrational throat sound. The following exercises will help you develop its accurate pronunciation:

  • “Horse” - with our mouth open, we click our tongue.
  • “Mushroom” - open your mouth and glue your tongue to the upper palate, so that you feel the tension of the frenulum. Fix the position and maintain it for as long as possible.
  • “Drum” - open your mouth slightly and stretch your lips in a smile. Maintaining the position, hit the teeth from above with the tip of the tongue, saying “d-d-d-d.” When you bring your hand to your mouth, you will be able to feel the air coming out in spurts. During execution, it is important to ensure that the mouth is constantly open and the tongue does not touch the lower teeth.

32. "Cup"

I smile, mouthopen:


TOteethraisedthe edges-



Learn to keep your tongue in a cup shape at the top, near your upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.


Smile, open your mouth and place your tongue at the top in a cup shape.


1. If the “cup” does not work, then you need to return to the exercise “Slap your lips on your tongue” (No. 19), spread your tongue on the lower lip and lightly press on the middle of the tongue. In this case, the edges of the tongue rise up, and the tongue takes the desired shape.

2. You can also spread your tongue by patting it with your lips, wrap it over your upper lip, holding the edges with your fingers.

3. When performing the exercise, the edges of the tongue are at the upper teeth.

33. “Delicious jam”

It's like jam is on your lip -

I’ll lick it “cup” into my mouth.


Practice moving the wide front part of the tongue upward in the shape of a cup. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.


Smile, open your mouth and lick your lip with your tongue in a cup shape, making movements from top to bottom. You can continue the movement and remove your tongue into your mouth without destroying the “cup.”


1. You need to make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not “pull” the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

2. The tongue is wide, cup-shaped.

3. If the exercise does not work, then you need to (return to the exercise “Slap your lips on your tongue” (No. 19), spread your tongue, and then wrap it over your upper lip, holding the edges with your fingers (with a bandage).

34. "Steps"

(Alternating “Cup” on the upper lip -

“Cycle” on the upper teeth – “Calyx”

at the top behind the teeth)






Keep your tongue in the shape of a cup, develop its mobility. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Develop the ability to change the position of the tongue without destroying the “cup”.


Smile, open your mouth, place your tongue in a cup shape on your upper lip, then move the “cup” over your upper teeth, and then behind your upper teeth. Hold in each position for 3-5 seconds.


1. Make sure that only the tongue moves, the lower jaw is motionless.

2. Maintain the “cup”, smoothly moving the tongue from one position to another.

35. “Focus” (“Blowing from a cup”)

I will bring the “cup” forward,

I'll blow upward from it.

And the warm air blows

My nose, for example.


Direct the air stream along the middle of the tongue and upward, keeping the tongue in the shape of a cup on the upper lip.


Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your upper lip so that its side edges are pressed together and there is a small groove in the middle. Then blow gently upward onto your nose.


Attach a piece of tracing paper (1.5 cm x 1.5 cm) to the tip of the nose and blow it off - it flies up. In order for the tracing paper to easily attach to the nose, you need to slightly moisten it (pass it along the tip of the child’s tongue).


1. The lower teeth do not “pull” the tongue upward.

2. Do not squeeze your tongue with your teeth.

3. Exhalation is smooth and long. This exercise trains the exhalation necessary to pronounce hissing sounds.

36. “Don’t break the cup”

My mouth is wide open

The “cup” walks back and forth.





Make movements with your tongue in the shape of a cup without destroying it. Develop muscles and tongue mobility.


Shape your tongue into a cup and move it: push it forward and put it back into your mouth. Hold your tongue outside and inside for 3-5 seconds, without destroying the “cup”.


1. Only the tongue moves, the lips remain motionless.

2. You can start the exercise from a position that is more comfortable for the child to choose from: “cup” on the outside - “cup” on the inside.

37. “Brushing the upper teeth”

(From the inside)

Upper teeth - see:

I clean with a “cup” from the inside.


Develop tongue mobility, strengthen the tip of the tongue. Practice raising your tongue.


Smile, open your mouth and “clean” your upper teeth from the inside with a wide tongue, making movements from side to side.


1. Smile so that your upper and lower teeth are visible.

2. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not bend inward, but moves at the roots of the teeth.

3. The lower jaw is motionless, only the tongue works.

30 best exercises for developing diction according to a speech therapist

A person is not born with the ability to speak, much less clearly. If a child has problems pronouncing certain sounds, articulation gymnastics can help him. This is a set of exercises aimed at correcting these difficulties. In what cases is it sufficient, and when is a more serious approach required? What articulatory gymnastics exercises can you do at home yourself? Speech therapist Olesya Yugova tells.

What is articulation gymnastics

Children in the first years of life very often distort sounds that are difficult to pronounce, because their speech organs are still developing. There are practically no babies who are perfectly clear.

For clear pronunciation of sounds, correct articulatory motor skills are necessary, that is, coordinated activity of the organs of the speech apparatus. If there are any problems in articulatory motor skills, they will always be reflected in sound pronunciation.

When speaking, we use about a hundred muscles, including the muscles of the neck, chest, face, tongue, and soft palate. To control all these muscles, many more neurons are used than when walking and running. Articulatory gymnastics is aimed at those organs that have muscles: tongue, lips (orbicularis oris muscle), facial muscles. But first of all it is intended for the language. The tongue is the main organ of speech, and developing and strengthening its muscles will help you pronounce all sounds more accurately and clearly.

Types of articulatory gymnastics

Such gymnastics can be active and passive. Most often, when speaking about articulatory gymnastics, they mean it active form: the one that the child does himself. It is suitable in cases where articulatory motor skills are not impaired, but simply need to be improved and practiced individual movements.

But there are also more serious situations, such as dysarthria, when the pronunciation side of speech is impaired as a result of damage nervous system, and the mobility of the speech organs is limited. In this case, it is extremely difficult or impossible for children to perform such gymnastics on their own. After all, their speech organs are not ready for this.

Here it is used passive gymnastics: an adult, with his own hands or with the help of devices - probes, spatulas, brushes - performs the movements and poses that we would like to achieve. For example, very often children with motor disorders cannot lift their tongue upward. Naturally, in this case they cannot clearly pronounce the sounds that require this movement. And it’s unlikely to disappear on its own; serious work is needed on it.

I would also like to dwell on such a problem as a short hyoid frenulum. This may also be the cause of limited tongue mobility. It can be stretched a little through exercise, but if it is too short, then to normalize sound pronunciation all that remains is to trim it.

What kind of gymnastics does your child need?

Do this test: ask your child to stick out his tongue. Look out for the following signs:

    the child cannot stick out and fixate his tongue when asked,

    can stick it out only partially and quickly pulls it back in,

    cannot lift it up or swing it from side to side,

    when the tongue rises upward, the lower jaw rises with it,

    the protruding tongue begins to tremble or deviate to the side,

    there is profuse salivation,

    the child does not clearly pronounce several groups of sounds at once (hissing, whistling, sonorous),

    the pronunciation of not only consonants, but also vowels is impaired (the pronunciation is averaged, there is no clear difference between the sounds).

If several of the listed signs are observed, then most likely the child, in addition to consulting a specialist, needs passive gymnastics and speech therapy massage. Together, they will prepare the baby’s speech apparatus for active articulatory gymnastics and make it possible to produce sounds.

It is better to learn about passive gymnastics techniques during a consultation. The fact is that disorders can be different; there are no universal exercises that would suit everyone. Only a specialist can explain which techniques will be most effective in each case.

General principles of articulation gymnastics

Regularity. This means that daily five-minute exercises will be more beneficial than an hour of gymnastics once a week.

Game form. Articulation gymnastics can be not only useful, but also for the baby.

Visibility. The more analyzers (vision, hearing, touch) are connected when performing exercises, the more effective the gymnastics. How to achieve visibility? You can use a mirror in which the child will see his reflection. The adult himself, sitting opposite the baby, can act as a model for performing movements. Use pictures, videos of other children doing this gymnastics. Find out through experience what suits your child best and what motivates him more.

Convenience. Gymnastics should be done in a comfortable position: the back is relaxed, the arms lie calmly, the head has support. The child should be comfortable.

Gradual complication. Try the easiest exercises first, gradually. Each time introduce no more than one new exercise, and only if all the previous ones have already been well worked out.

Feasibility. If a child copes with all the exercises very easily, it is worth considering whether he needs this gymnastics at all. After all, the main goal of these exercises is to learn how to do something that you are not yet very good at.

The right attitude. It should not be viewed as a panacea; it is just one method.

Gymnastics techniques

You can easily master these active gymnastics exercises, aimed at statics or dynamics, yourself. Each pose is held for 5-7 seconds and repeated several times.

"Pipe". The lips need to be folded into a tube and pulled forward as much as possible.

"Fence". We explain that you need to smile so as to show your teeth.

Alternating exercises "Dudochka" And "Fence".

"Rabbit". You need to lift your upper lip to open your incisors.

"Evil Horse". You need to imitate the snorting of a horse. Exhale forcefully through your mouth without opening it. At the same time, the lips will begin to vibrate.

"Piglet." You need to stretch out your lips with a tube, and then use closed lips to rotate them in a circle in different directions.

"Horse". The child should click his tongue, voicing the clatter of hooves.

"Fungus". The tongue is firmly applied (sucked to the palate) and held in this position.

"Harmonic". Holding your tongue in the “mushroom” position, you need to open/close your mouth several times.

"Burst the balloon." The cheeks are puffed out, then the child must lightly hit them to force the air out.

"Hamster". First, both cheeks are inflated, then the right and left ones alternately.

"Needle". The narrow tongue protrudes as far as possible.

"Watch." Open your mouth slightly and alternately touch the left and right corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.

"Cup". With your mouth wide open, you need to keep your tongue up.

"Focus". Raise your tongue to the “cup” position and gently blow on the tip of your nose. You can put a piece of cotton wool on the tip of your nose.

"Delicious jam." Use your wide tongue to lick your upper lip (you can lick real jam).

"Painter". We run our tongue across the palate in the direction from front to back (from teeth to throat). You can tell your child that the tongue is a paint brush that paints the sky.

"Brushing our teeth". The tip of the tongue needs to be drawn along the upper and then along the lower teeth from one edge to the other.

"Monkey." Open your mouth slightly and place your tongue between your lower lip and lower teeth. The lips are brought together.

"Bulldog". From the “monkey” position, move your tongue to a position between the upper lip and upper teeth. Lips close.

"Circle". Mouth closed. The tongue moves from the inside, smoothly outlining a circle with the tip of the tongue.

"Sail". The end of the tongue rests on the upper teeth and is held in this position.

"Swing". The mouth opens and the tongue alternately rises up and down.

"Drummer". Smile, open your mouth, place your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeat loudly, clearly, repeatedly: “D-D-D-.” Gradually speed up the pace, do not bring your teeth closer together.

“Kneading the dough.” The tongue rests on the lower lip (as in the “scapula”), while the mouth opens and closes, the lips slap the tongue.

“Let’s bite the tongue.” Smile, open your mouth slightly, bite the tip and center of your tongue.

“Where is the candy?” You need to close your mouth tightly, using the tip of your tongue to press on one or the other cheek from the inside.

"Turkey" ("Chatterbox"). Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on your upper lip and make quick movements with the tip of your tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from the upper lip.

"The steamer is humming." When smiling, you need to bite your tongue and say “y” for a long time.

Do these exercises regularly, but without making them a chore for your child, and you will definitely see progress! And don't forget about others.

Hello, dear readers!
Do you know such dishes that do not break, do not break and wash themselves? “Probably some kind of nano-ware or just disposable” - you will think, and you will be wrong, because there is such a cup (C) that is always with us and has all these properties, this is an articulation exercise cup. And it is done with the tongue (I), if you don’t know how, I will teach you. The main thing is desire, patience and a lot of effort - and you will get the best h in the world.

This exercise is very great importance for staging and automating many sounds. Therefore, all those who want to speak clearly, beautifully and without mistakes cannot do without it. And making hissing sounds in general is problematic if the child does not know how to fold the tongue in the right way, if it looks like a bun and the air spreads from its sides along the cheeks, and does not go out to the front teeth, as it should be normally.

In order to mold a “cup” from a “bun” you need to relax your tongue well and have visual control over the process. Therefore, it is advisable that in front of the child there is a mirror of sufficient size, allowing him to see the reflection of his face, and it is better if an adult also fits there, so that the child can see “how to do it correctly” and compare it with what he can do.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the exercise actually requires a combination of proper muscle function, their sufficient flexibility with a precisely directed air stream, which is regulated in strength and duration. I will talk about the combination itself in an article devoted to the production of hissing sounds; here we will only talk about how to achieve the desired shape of the Self and its mobility.

How to learn to do it?

There are several ways to learn how to do Ch, all of them are based on relaxing certain parts of the Self. At the same time, we do speech therapy massage, as well as self-massage of the Self. One of the simplest: put a wide, soft Self on the relaxed lower lip, then ask the child to “cup the tongue.” Show yourself what it should look like.

Very often the baby cannot do this, then you need to show how to “make a hole” with your finger, resting it in the middle and stepping back a little from the tip. I have to reflexively form a cup. If this does not happen, then the tone of the Self is broken and this needs to be corrected. As I already wrote above, massage (there will be a separate article about it) and self-massage, it is available to everyone, the main thing is to do it carefully and not damage the mucous membrane.

Self-massage techniques are very easy and accessible, the main thing is to use them in such a way that they do not cause negativity in the child. Sometimes the process can take a long time, especially with dysarthria. You have to be patient and figure it out a large number of gaming techniques. And don’t forget about sanitation and hygiene, keep your hands clean, rinse your mouth before and after classes, use handkerchiefs or gauze pads so that there is no direct contact with the surface.


Everyone starts with the “pancake” exercise, with the mouth wide open. First, we simply hold the I in this position for a count of 10. Then we slap the I with our lips “five-five-five” and our teeth “cha-cha-cha”, “combing” the I. We move it forward and back between the closely pressed teeth. Or we scratch it using the “slide” exercise. We “eat” the tongue - we move it back and forth between the teeth, biting it, as if we were first “chewing” it, then pushing it out of the mouth.

We make the I as wide as possible and bite his sides, either left or right. It is best to do this under the supervision of a specialist to avoid injuries and complications. You can also simply pat the protruding I lightly with your hands so that it becomes flatter and wider. In order for the baby to remember the sensations of the wide Self, it is necessary to contrast either the narrow or the wide Self. Fixing attention on how pleasant it is when the Self is relaxed and wide.

Passive gymnastics

And we move on to passive gymnastics, when the Self is given the desired shape with the help of hands. If the child is already more or less able to expand the tip of the I, then we take it and slightly turn it back. It’s better from the “tongue tube” exercise, when the baby starts to unroll it, we try to wrap the tip. After the h begins to turn out, it is necessary to achieve its stability and lability. The most important thing is to move it behind the upper teeth.

This is very easy, but only on the condition that there are no malocclusions or dystonia. In such cases, the jaw “breaks.” We have to re-work the I position in the H shape, but this time in the form of a “sail” exercise.

Dynamic gymnastics

These are exercises when the Self changes shape and position, just as in the process of speech, when we speak, the Self moves from one articulatory structure to another, rearranging itself as it goes. We move on to this type of gymnastics when everything has already been worked out in a static form. And it must be done in front of a mirror so that there is support for the visual analyzer. The mouth should be wide open, the lips should not be tense; how to practice their position is written in the article about lip gymnastics.

Physical exercise with a cup

We fold the palm into a cup. In the other hand, we fold our fingers into a fist, with only the little finger extended - this is the spout of the teapot. Then we show how to “pour tea” - with the little finger in the palm, saying “shhhh”, as if a stream of water is pouring. Then we bring our palm to our mouth and suck in air with our lips, “drinking tea.”

Articulation gymnastics “tea party”

We drink tea with sweets, pancakes, jam, sweet straws, and blow on tea.

  • pancake - cup (we place a wide tongue on the lip, then wrap the tip in the shape of a cup)
  • calyx - tube (we fold the tongue either into a tube or into a cup)
  • candy - cup (we suck the tip of the tongue to the upper lip - cup)
  • honey - calyx (tongue “stuck" to the upper lip - calyx)
  • jam - a cup (we lick the upper lip from top to bottom, then left and right)
  • cup - toffee (I in the shape of H rises up by the teeth, as if it wants to remove the glued toffee (chewing gum) from there)
  • blow on tea - a cup (tapped the lip “five-five-five”, blew on tea, drank a cup)

After the child has learned to hold the Ch well, and also easily move into a tube and raise it like a “sail,” then it is quite possible to move on to the production of the upper sounds: D - T, hissing, sonors. Add breathing exercises that help you practice the direction of the blown air stream strictly in the middle. I will tell you about this in separate articles on setting R, Sh and breathing exercises.

And this is where I end this article, write your questions and comments in the comments. Share your impressions on social networks with friends and acquaintances.