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Practical guide: “How to publish and sell your book? Having nothing but a book and talent.” How to publish your book in Russia - printed or electronic? How to sell a book? Attach manuscript file

From the very beginning, I would like to clarify that this work is designed not so much for the writer as for the reader, because it is he, our reading contemporary, who bears an exorbitant burden, which few people who write think about. Just imagine: with every book written, the amount of literature to be read increases, while the number of books to be written decreases proportionately. Very soon, in about five thousand years or so, writers will not need to write anything at all, everything will already be written, but readers will be forced to consume immortality serum so that they have at least some opportunity to read all the books that humanity has acquired on his long path to Truth.

Here the author thought about this problem, so much so that in the end he even began to thank the gods for the fact that some representatives of humanity destroyed all kinds of literature, thereby showing concern for future generations of the intelligentsia. As proof, the author gives a rather striking example confirming this maxim: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who decided to commit a suicidal feat for the sake of saving future readers, especially schoolchildren, and ultimately destroyed the second part “ Dead souls" Having expressed such an unexpected and bold thought, the author thinks about the consequences of what was said and really hopes for the understanding of the public.

Even now, such a huge amount of the most diverse literature appears before the reader that it is simply surprising how our dear reader has not yet been included in the list of great heroes and is not given a particularly high pension and honor from people who are free from this curse - the love of reading (love, as you know, is evil).

And in order not to replenish the library of already written works with his dubious creativity, the author contrived and turned his word to those who see greater value in the written word than the read word, turning the weapon, so to speak, against the gunsmiths themselves. However, the author adds, it will also be useful for the reader to familiarize himself with this material in order to be more prepared when choosing fresh reading.

In view of the above, and thinking first of all about the reader, a modern novelist must be very strict with the result of his work (not only a novelist, the author clarifies). When starting work, the writer is obliged to strictly follow the rules developed smart people especially for him.

Rule 1. A modern novel should be very simple and understandable.

Starting from the title to the final point. The modern reader has enough problems; he has neither the strength nor the desire to guess why someone needed to write this particular book. However, this does not mean that the novel should lack intrigue. Without intrigue, the novel turns into a scientific work.

To make it clearer, the author gives an example: the hero and heroine meet at the beginning of the novel. It should be immediately clear that at the end of the novel the characters will end up in bed, and then maybe even get married. Simple and clear. Intrigue: who will drag whom into bed.

Rule 2. A modern novel should consist of small independent blocks.

So that after reading one block, the reader could theoretically forget about the book forever. Times are difficult now; it is unknown when another free minute will appear for reading. Well, if it has already fallen out, the reader should not bother himself with the problem of “what was there before...” It is clear that the reader is a very busy person.

For comparison, the author offers modern TV series, such as “My Fair Nanny”, “Happy Together” and many others, which you can start watching with any episode, and, in principle, finish with any one. And if the writer can’t write like that, then you can use a technique that is very popular among long series, such as “ summary previous episodes."

Rule 3. Technological innovations.

A modern novel must contain modern technological objects and devices (gadgets), which in the near future will turn out to be very popular and necessary for people. If a writer is not able to imagine the technical possibilities of the near future, then he is at least obliged to come up with his own technical devices, so as not to look like a behind-the-time loser compared to the rest of the literary world. Or, at the very least, offer the world some seedy new source fuel.
Ultra-modern writers (in particular science fiction writers) must, along with technological innovations, introduce biotechnologies into the narrative, which, as we know, are the future.

The author cites as an example the well-known epic about James Bond, agent 007, a high percentage of its popularity is ensured precisely by the fact that the main character has all sorts of gadgets that help him in the fight against opponents. The author even explains that the popularization of gadgets in this particular case is facilitated by the fact that technical devices They are not only convenient household items, but also good helpers.

Rule 4. Location (Exotic).

A modern writer very often chooses the wrong setting for his work. But this is a very important element of the novel.

Think for yourself: for the sake of exoticism, the writer transfers the action to some Chinese outback. Well, why? Considering that now, according to statistics, every fifth person is Chinese. How many more Chinese are not included in the statistics? That is, about 20% of potential readers can safely accuse the writer of writing about unconfirmed data. It would be much more accurate to send the main characters to the island of Greenland, about which it is not even known whether people live there, and if anyone is concerned about this issue, it is unlikely that he will have a desire to visit this very Greenland.

A modern writer must be aware of current events and must, in order to avoid angry responses from the critical masses, follow the lead of the current reader, that is, write about the heroes of our time: accordingly, praise those whom everyone praises, and scold those who undoubtedly deserve it. The writer also has the right to protect himself by expressing gratitude strong of the world This, after all, nothing pleases their pride more than the opportunity to leave behind a long memory, and for a writer a small (or, conversely, large) list of famous names will only increase his authority.
For greater popularity, it is necessary to introduce heroes into the story modern world. They should be immediately guessable, but nothing concrete, so that you can always justify yourself, saying it’s just a coincidence. After all, it is unknown how they will meet new book, and you need to be prepared for anything, besides, the heroes of our time may react incorrectly.
Links to well-known Internet resources will allow you to distribute the book on the Internet and establish yourself as an advanced modern user. And this is very important in our century - to show everyone that the writer is also infected with the plague of the 21st century, and is not limited to just mail and Odnoklassniki on the Internet.

Rule 6. Religious and philosophical worldview (Attention: not politics!)

No modern novel can do without a new or unusual philosophical view of life (sometimes turning into a religious one, but we must be careful here, the era of Heinlein and Castaneda is far behind us), which would explain human existence in an accessible form. Or, if this is the worldview of a negative character, the writer must give a comprehensive answer as to why all of humanity or its individual representatives should be exterminated. At the same time, it is not necessary to invent anything; popularizing a not particularly well-known but exotic movement will do.

The author immediately recalls a movement that was popular quite recently in the States, which was based on one of the well-known Jamaican statements of the second half of the twentieth century. The fact is that in those days (and even much earlier) every resident of Jamaica knew that “bush” was just bad grass (it’s clear what kind of grass we are talking about).

Or, for example, on the territory modern Russia A peculiar movement is actively developing, the leaders of which claim that Medvedev (the current president of Russia) is the reincarnation of Vladimir Putin, who, so to speak, is “one in two persons” (and probably not even “two”). Supporters of this movement hope to find a few more living reincarnations, and even hope that they might be them. True, opponents of this movement claim that the current president is just an unsuccessful clone of the previous president.

Rule 7. Political correctness.

To reach the global level, you must follow the rules of political correctness, such as:
A) the heroine must own firearms on the same level as the hero,
B) the novel must contain representatives of all races (white, black, red and yellow),
C) the actions of the main characters should in no case infringe on the rights of secondary characters,
D) the main negative character should not belong to any of the existing races, he should be either an alien creature or a freak of humanity (in both cases he is not subject to the rules of political correctness),
D) at least one of the characters in the work must be a representative of a sexual minority (this point is even included in a separate Rule).

Rule 8. Sexual minorities.

You can't do without them. Even if desired. However, a modern writer simply should not have such a desire (this is not politically correct!). In addition, heroes with unconventional orientation are very characteristic and bright, so this opportunity should not be missed to easily create a lively and beautiful type. Moreover, such heroes very well set off the main (often very boring) characters.

Just remember how courageous Bruce Willis’s hero looks in “The Fifth Element” next to the famous host of some galactic show. And if we remove from the film “this black man of unknown orientation”, then main character will become just an ordinary peasant from the outback, of which there may not be so many, but quite enough.

Rule 9. Patriotism

Without this, it’s clear – there’s no way. The writer must immediately show that he has honor and dignity. Or at least patriotism. That is, something that cannot be bought or sold. In other words, the reader wants to see in the creator a strong personality, an idol, a Hero, a favorite of the gods. A good reader deserves a good writer, and this cannot be denied to him, the reader. Writer, always remember this!

Rule 10. Happy end.

A modern novel simply must end on an optimistic note. The modern reader has enough stress without this (the reader, of course, needs to be protected!). However, this does not mean at all that the main positive hero must cut all his enemies to smithereens and marry his beautiful girlfriend. No, the main thing is that there is hope at the end of the novel. For better. It may even be that everyone will heal well someday. Or at least a little better.

Very good, for example, are the final scenes of some second-rate horror films, when the tired victors return home, and somewhere the paw of a defeated monster sticks out from a grave covered with earth.

If you suddenly read all this to the end, then you really are the one for whom this hellish work was designed. All that remains is to get to work. Let the muses and sponsors give you at least a little attention.

1) We review texts and make a decision on publication within 3 months. Please note that sometimes this may take longer due to the length of the manuscript or the editor's workload. We count on your understanding.

2) Manuscripts sent to the publisher's email address will not be considered.

3) We do not consider:
— excerpts, parts of manuscripts and ideas for works;
- manuscripts written by hand.

4) According to the publisher's rules Manuscripts will not be reviewed and returned.

5) Only applications that are satisfy all requirements for the design of materials.

If the work interests the editors, they will contact you using the coordinates you left.

Please note that by sending a manuscript to us, you are responsible for its legitimacy.

Requirements for the design of materials

1) In the manuscript submission form:

1.1. Indicate the title of the manuscript.

1.2. Indicate the genre in which the manuscript was written: science fiction, fantasy, detective, children's literature, modern prose, historical novel, etc.

1.4 If you transferred any types of rights to third parties in this work, or posted the manuscript on Internet resources, be sure to indicate this in the “Obligations to third parties” field.

1.5 It is important to briefly describe the characters and plot. Provide reasons why the work should interest the reader.

2) Attach the manuscript file:

2.1 Manuscripts should be sent in their entirety. We do not accept for consideration individual fragments of manuscripts, synopses and author’s proposals separately from manuscripts, and we do not consider links to a book published on various Internet resources.

2.2 The volume of the manuscript should be:

  • Applied literature - at least 3 author's sheets.
  • Teenage literature - at least 5 author's sheets.
  • Fiction- at least 7 copyright sheets (science fiction and fantasy - at least 12 copyright sheets).

2.3 Manuscripts are accepted only in electronic form, sent through the manuscript submission form. We do not accept flash drives or other media for consideration.

2.4 The manuscript must be in one file. We will not accept for consideration a manuscript of a novel consisting, for example, of 60 chapters, each of which is in a separate file.

2.5 Materials must be in DOCX format (Microsoft Word).

And so you wrote something that you called a “story” and you had a completely crazy idea to sell your story. And sell, as we all understand, for money. What can Runet offer you to implement your idea?

1. One hundred websites of one hundred idiots who also know how to dream. And they dream of dragging you onto some content exchange as their referral. These comrades will convince you that thousands of webmasters are just waiting for you to put your story up for sale so that they can immediately buy it.

The reasoning of such referral hunters is quite understandable: you post a story, another, a third, you see that it’s not selling, try to write an article, a second, another... and you’ll see, you’ll turn out to be an excellent copywriter, who will bring you money every month. who brought him to the content exchange received substantial commissions.

There is no need to believe the promises of those who “share secrets” about where to sell the story and to whom to sell the story. Even though they almost showed you the right path. But more on that later.

3. But you still say, “I want to sell a story!!!” and... you find yourself on the sites and blogs of idiots and romantics from literature, who themselves have not sold a single story, have never published a single manuscript of their own, have tried all the free methods that supposedly allow you to become a modern Internet literary star, and now willingly share with you richest experience.

So, let’s end here, or let’s try to figure it out, is there at least a small opportunity to realize what was planned for those who admit it only to their closest friends, and what’s possible only to themselves - I dream of selling a story? Let's try to figure it out.

Early 90s. During the book boom, only those who could not write did not become a writer. I just couldn’t do it, I didn’t know the letters. The rest were asked not to write. And as soon as you wrote a story that really deserved attention, it was immediately taken away by some publishing house, of which there were several hundred in Moscow alone in those days. If the story was sensible, it was “hammered” into some thematic collection and sold, giving you 12 copyright copies of the book stipulated by the contract and a small royalty. If the story (as they said then) felt potential, then five or six literary slaves expanded it into a novel within a week, and it was published as a separate book under paperback or hard cover. Your royalties were again small. And instead of you, the book was signed with the name of some author invented by the publishing house itself.

But those days are gone...

And they were replaced by “Samizdat”...

I can’t even imagine if this literary dump exists today; I haven’t been there for 5, if not 8 years.

But if I already remembered it, then I’ll remind you that after the end of the literary boom, “Samizdat” declared itself as a site that representatives of various publishing houses surf in search of interesting manuscripts and original authors. There was even a list of a dozen authors who were allegedly found in samizdat.

It all ended in nothing:

I have not met anyone who could sell a story through the Samizdat website;

Today (the day this article was written) the site was visited by 8,000 fans and literature lovers.

Hey ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, but you're lost in time!!!

And about Samizdat. I always had a question for those who published there: I don’t understand, isn’t it easier to immediately send the manuscript to all publishing houses? Why instead take a roundabout route, posting the story in an unknown place (and for many, this was the answer to “where to sell the story?”). And then wait for no one knows what or who (and here is the question “Who should I sell the story to?” You can just as easily stick the sheets of the manuscript on the nearest fence. What if some publisher, passing by, starts reading, and then...

Let's say you're an aspiring author. You have written several stories, individual chapters, or even a full-fledged novel. Friends like your creativity. Perhaps you even posted your texts on the Internet, and you also got readers there. And one day you wanted to become a real writer: to see your brainchild published and dressed in a beautiful cover with your name on it. It is likely that such a dream has warmed your heart since childhood or adolescence. Or maybe it only appeared now, when you finished your first full-fledged work, received positive feedback not only from friends, but also from strangers - and so you realized that you know how to interest the reader. Or maybe while browsing the bestsellers section of your local bookstore you realized, “I can do that too!” This is how the decision to publish the book came.

Bitter truth

Before you start, remember one important thing. It may sound sad to you, but nevertheless it is true: large, venerable publishing houses will never undertake to print books for free by beginners and authors unknown to the general public. No matter how talented a beginner you are, or may seem to yourself, there is still no recipe for “How to publish a book in Russia for free.”

We have to accept it as a fact: publishing is a business like any other; no guaranteed profit - no cooperation. So if you are not yet a bestselling author, then there is no point in hoping to meet you with open arms.

Finding a genre and publishing house

However, no one forbids you to look for ways to publish your book in a major publishing house. Just find the one that suits your topic. Currently the most popular genres are:

1) fantasy;

2) women's novels;

3) detective stories about Russian realities;

4) cooking;

5) children's illustrated books;

6) manuals for self-development and self-education;

7) business management;

8) esotericism;

9) mysticism;

10) pseudo-historical novels with patriotic pathos.

When planning how to publish a book in Russia, remember: the less popular the genre in which you write, the longer it will take to find a suitable publishing house. The titles and contacts you need can be found on the Internet or by studying the assortment of bookstores - to be sure, you can use both methods.

Submit your manuscript

If the publisher’s website has a special form for authors, it must be filled out and submitted. You can also find and download a prospectus plan (basic information about the book and the author), fill it out once and then send it to all publishing houses that interest you. If you're looking to get your book published, this could be your chance.

Information about the author and the work must be accompanied by a synopsis ( short description) your work. It usually takes no more than two or three pages. The synopsis covers the entire work from beginning to end, demonstrating all the merits of the plot. Writing a good synopsis is quite difficult, so take this issue very seriously and read the recommendations of experienced writers.

You must also provide a sample of your work. Please do not send the entire manuscript, but only a fragment (no more than 20 pages). Review of each manuscript can take up to six months, so be patient if you are looking for ways to get your book published to please publishers. However, if you manage to do this, the wait, unfortunately, will not end there. Then you will need to wait patiently for your book to be published because the publisher has its own

We participate in the competition

They are held annually in various genres. Usually they are organized by literary magazines or various foundations, less often by publishing houses. Some events accept work for free, others for a small fee. Winning a competition is one way

Examples of annual competitions include: “Eurocon” and “Quasar” (works in the “fantasy” genre), “Written with a pen” (organized by the literary portal of the same name), “High Heels” (prose written by women) and various events from the Russian Writers' Union.

Choose a competition that best suits your writing genre. Read the terms and conditions carefully and follow them all exactly. Make sure that your work is original in its idea and characters, and also of high quality in terms of style and norms of the Russian language.

The works of the contestants are evaluated by a jury consisting, as a rule, of recognized writers, as well as representatives of publishing houses and magazines. Finalists usually receive the right to publish their work in a publishing house or literary magazine. Therefore, participation in a literary competition is an opportunity to attract the attention of competent and influential people.

For those who write for children and teenagers

“New Children's Book” - an annual competition from the Rosman publishing house - may be your chance if you are looking for how to publish a book for children and teenagers. Perhaps it is your work, now lying in obscurity on your computer’s hard drive, that in the future could become a competition laureate, be published in a well-known publishing house and get a real chance to gain access to an impressive number of young readers. Don't be afraid to look for a free way to publish a children's book written by you.

We publish at our own expense

Perhaps you are an extremely active person by nature and are not used to waiting for “miracles from heaven” in the form of a generous patron of the arts, a kind publisher, or your victory in a random literary competition. In this case it will be for you useful advice, how to publish your book with your own funds.

To begin with, this is an option for those who just want to see their favorite creation in the form of a full-fledged book. In this case, you can simply order from a printing house and pay out of your own pocket for the production of several copies: keep one or two for yourself, and distribute the rest to friends and family. But even something as seemingly simple as writing and publishing a book takes time. First of all, calculate how you can save money on preparing your book for printing.

Pre-press preparation

This process includes the following steps:

  • editorial proofreading of the text (for errors and typos);
  • layout (correct design of all spaces, intervals, paragraphs, headers and other graphic components);
  • design of the cover of a future book;
  • and its circulation (author, title, abstract and imprint).

Of course, all these operations can be performed at a printing house for an appropriate fee, but something can also be done on a home computer.

On the other hand, if you want the book to look truly real, it makes sense to entrust the entire process to professionals. Sometimes it is profitable to submit a manuscript for pre-press processing to one publishing house, and then print it elsewhere using ready-made layouts.

How much does the first edition cost?

So, you have prepared the layout of your book, and how much money will you have to invest in the release of your first, even small, edition? Its cost depends on the following parameters:

  • how many author sheets are in the publication (1 = 40,000 characters with spaces; the value for your work can be viewed in Word);
  • what circulation is planned;
  • what type of cover (hard or soft; in the first case it will be more beautiful and practical, but more expensive).
  • quality of paper for the text block and cover materials;
  • the colorfulness of the future edition (if the cover is planned to be colored);
  • how labor-intensive pre-press preparation will be (for example, the presence of illustrations).

As for the time for publication (including editing, design, layout and printing), on average this process takes from 3 to 6 months. If desired, you can reduce the waiting time, but this will mean additional costs.

Writer's earnings

And now - an option for those authors who plan to make money from writing. In general, this is fair: you worked honestly, wrote, invested yourself - and your work should be paid. Another question is how specific the book market is and how to sell a book in modern conditions. After all, paradoxically, now only the lazy don’t write, and there simply aren’t enough readers for everyone.

To take the first step, you need to promote your book. Don't expect others to do this for you - a publishing house or a literary agent - because, as we already found out at the very beginning, no one will publish and promote a little-known author for free. If you want to get a positive result, you will have to take on the matter yourself.

Selling a book

First, to be eligible to sell your published book, you need to obtain an International Standard ISBN number. This can be done at the Russian Book Chamber. You are required to pay a certain fee for the service, as well as submit documents giving you the right to carry out publishing activities.

Now you are ready to sell your book. You can come to a bookstore and try to interest the owner in order to sign a sales contract. When setting a price, assume that after percentage markups (from the publisher and the store), the book will cost twice as much as it cost to produce. For example, if it personally cost you 150 rubles to produce a circulation. for 1 copy, then on the shelf of a bookstore your creation will be exhibited at a price of 300 rubles. But in this case, how large is the percentage of people who will buy an unknown book? Therefore, before releasing your brainchild to the market, you need to make a name for yourself as an author. Next - how to publish an e-book.

Promotion on the Internet

The easiest way to achieve recognition for yourself and your book is on the World Wide Web, or at least its Russian-language segment. There are several ways to publish an e-book. Among them:

  • pure e-book;
  • print on demand;
  • audiobook.

To make your book popular enough to sell, you need to get it noticed. There are various ways to publish an e-book. One of them is placement in digital libraries, for example: Aldebaran, Fenzin, Litportal, FictionBook,, etc. Some online libraries (Librusek, Litres) themselves find new authors, popular on the Internet, and post their work on their sites.

However, the main profit in distributing the electronic version of the book is not financial at all. The more downloads, the more readers will know about your book. And the higher the chances of selling it in paper version: you will earn a name for yourself, and you will have something to offer the publisher.

There is a misconception that a person will never buy a book in paper form that he has already downloaded electronically for free. In fact, readers are happy to purchase for their home library those works that they plan to re-read. The latter already depends on you as a skilled author.

If you're looking for a way to sell an e-book, look no further than print-on-demand technology. In this case, a fragment of the book is posted on the website (several chapters, a cover, etc.), and the interested reader pays for his copy, which is printed especially for him.

One way to sell an e-book is to make an audio version. This can be done both in the studio and at home. Audiobooks are most often distributed in online stores in the form of a paid download link. Audiobooks are in demand, but this market has not yet been fully developed, and therefore there is less competition here, which is a significant plus.

One day an idea popped into your mind. And you asked yourself: “How to publish your book?” If you are already interested in the answer to this question, then you are ready to set yourself the task of getting published. And once you put it in, you can find solutions.

This article is for you!

It is no secret to many that writing books is not only exciting, but also a profitable business that can make you popular even with one written book. Many beginning writers are frightened not so much by the writing itself, but by the further process and the feasibility of further actions - financial investments, printing a book, finding buyers, etc.

But not everyone knows that today there are free services that help not only publish, but also sell your own books without spending a penny.

If you already have a written work or book, you should show a little patience and endurance to achieve the desired result. For many aspiring writers, it all ends after writing a few works, which sit on the computer hard drive or on a shelf. The problem is that they don't understand how to sell their work.


Are you familiar with the name Amazon?

Amazon is an international online store that has been operating for more than ten years in the sales of various goods, initially focusing only on books.

Few people know that Amazon prints books absolutely free if there is demand for them. Even one book is in demand. That is, Amazon itself will print and sell your books, all you have to do is receive a monetary reward and promote the book if there is no demand.

This is what books look like on Amazon:

Please note that under each book there is a rating consisting of stars. Accordingly, after reading your book, readers should be left with a positive impression that will allow them to leave a good review. The sales of your book largely depend on this.

Book download service

In order to start selling your own book, you will need to understand the free service provided by Amazon, which is called Print on demand. This service is located at

Createspace– a service through which the text of your book is downloaded along with illustrations, cover and other additional attributes. All information is stored in an electronic database. The document formats available for downloading are standard, that is, the text must be printed as a prc, zip, htm, html, pdf, rtf, doc, docx, epub, txt, mobi file. For faster saving, the cover and text should be uploaded as one file in pdf format. If there is no cover for the book, the service offers you to choose from standard blanks, or use the editor to create your own unique reproduction. All this is convenient, modern, unique and without extra costs.

It's simple. The English language may cause difficulty; you can open the page in browsers with a translator, for example in Google Chrome, this will make the task easier.

Highlights of Selling on Amazon

After files are uploaded, they go through a moderation stage. Administrators check compliance with the requirements. The procedure takes about a day; in case of any deviations, the document is sent for revision. The requirements check does not include grammatical or spelling errors. Please note that if you do not carefully check your book before sending it, you may start selling your book with errors :)

When positive decision, the book is automatically sent to the store. To start selling you only need to press one button - sales activation. Now everyone who attracts the attention of your book will be able to buy it in printed form with a couple of clicks, or purchase the electronic version. (To activate electronic sales, you must register with Kindle Direct Publishing)

You, as the author, have the opportunity to order 5 copies of the book, which will cost $5 each, and you will additionally need to pay for delivery. As a result, you will be able to estimate what the book will look like. Amazon has offices in different countries, therefore, the book is printed at the printing house closest to you that belongs to this holding.

Another important pleasant feature from Amazon is free registration in the ISBN catalog, where a special author’s code is issued.

The only negative segment of this technology is that all books are published only in paperback. But you can survive it :)

About profit

Of course, there is a chance of getting rich from writing a book, but since this is your first book and you don’t have regular readers, positive reviews, etc. You should start promoting it on the Internet. Today, the number of English-speaking buyers ready to purchase a book on the Internet significantly exceeds our compatriots, and by writing or translating a book into English, you can increase sales hundreds of times. Although there are many examples of Russian authors who managed to sell more than 10,000 copies in half a year.

The service of posting a book is free for you; Amazon takes its percentage only from the sale of the book. You, as the author, are entitled to 35% of the sale, considering that you are a novice author, this is not even bad! You set the price for the book yourself, just keep in mind that you cannot set the price lower than the cost of printing, it ranges from 1 to 4 dollars for each copy of the book.


The sales tax is fixed, according to American law it is 30 percent. That is, having sold one copy, it is considered sold in the United States of America. You can eliminate this taxation by becoming a non-resident. This procedure is quite tedious and can take several months, as a result you will be required to pay tax in your country. If you want, of course, since our tax office will not be able to track your sales from Amazon.

For those who still want to carry out this kind of procedure, you need to submit an application to the IRS USA website.

You can see how to do this on their website, by the way, the Russian language is provided there.

Today, it is quite difficult to make money by writing a book in the CIS, since almost no one is interested in purchasing a product from a novice author. Therefore, cooperation with Amazon can be a serious starting point for an aspiring author.

Remember that the bulk of Amazon are English-speaking consumers. Therefore, it is worth trying to implement the book in English language, this can increase sales hundreds and even thousands of times. It's not that hard to do. All you need is to write your book, send it to to a good translator and upload to Amazon. As a result, popularity may begin to grow in geometric progression, bringing you good profits!

How to withdraw money from Amazon

There were proposals to open an account in an American bank with a number of big problems for which, as a rule, few people can find the time and money.

The second option is to find friends who already have an account in an American bank. My first call to a good traveler friend resolved this issue. He suggested me a service that can withdraw money from Amazon. I remembered that I once read about him and even started registering. I was surprised that a few years ago, upon request, information about him appeared in the first lines, but now I couldn’t find him without a hint.

The service is called payoneer, I’ll post information about its tariffs below. You have 2 registration options:

P.S. Lifehack– account maintenance fee is $29 per year, you can use the account without a card until you collect a sufficient amount that will allow you to pay the annual maintenance fee.