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Presentation for the parent meeting on preparing for the OGE. Presentation for the OGE presentation meeting

ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION dated “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification of educational programs of basic general education”

GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) determines the forms of conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education (hereinafter referred to as GIA), participants, terms and duration of GIA, requirements for the use of funds communications during the State Examination, requirements for persons involved in the State Examination, the procedure for checking examination papers, the procedure for filing appeals, changes and (or) cancellation of the State Examination results.

4. GIA includes mandatory exams in the Russian language and mathematics. Examinations in other academic subjects: literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and Spanish), computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - students take on a voluntary basis in their own way choice.

FORMS OF CONDUCTING GIA OGE (main state exam) for students of educational organizations who have mastered the educational programs of basic general education in full-time, part-time or correspondence forms, as well as in the form of family education or self-education and admitted to the GIA in the current year. GVE (state final examination) for students who have completed educational programs of basic general education in institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, as well as for students with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities.

PARTICIPANTS OF THE GIA Students who do not have academic debt and have completed the curriculum in full are admitted to the GIA. The subjects chosen by students are indicated by them in the application, which he submits to the educational organization before March 1. Students have the right to change the list of exams specified in the application ONLY IF THERE IS A GOOD reason, confirmed by documents. The application is submitted to the State Examination Committee no later than 1 month before the start of the exam. Students who, for good reasons supported by documents, are not able to complete the State Examination during the main period have the right to take an early State Examination.

State Examination Results Processing and checking examination papers takes no more than 10 working days. The results obtained in primary points are translated into a five-point assessment system by RCIO. Familiarization of the OGE participants with the OGE results they received in a general education subject is carried out no later than 3 working days from the date of their approval by the State Examination Committee. The OGE results of each participant are entered into the federal information system. Since 2014, information on the conduct of state examinations in grades 9 has been entered into the regional information database.

An appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the OGE is filed on the day of the exam after submitting the OGE forms without leaving the PET (the OGE results are cancelled). An appeal about disagreement with the OGE results is filed within 2 working days after the official announcement of the individual exam results and the OGE participant’s familiarization with them.

Results of the appeal consideration Based on the results of the appeal consideration, the number of points assigned may be changed either upward or downward. The examination work is rechecked in its entirety, and not a separate part of it. Drafts used in the exam will not be considered as appeal materials.

The OGE is conducted at special examination points (PE). You must come to the PPE with a passport or other identification document; PPE graduates are accompanied by authorized representatives from the educational institution where they are studying

It is prohibited to use during the exam: mobile phones or other means of communication, any electronic computing devices and reference materials and devices. It is also prohibited: talking, getting up from changing seats, exchanging any materials and objects, walking around the PPE during the exam without accompaniment

Useful resources: Official website of the State Inspectorate

Preparation for the OGE in Russian (work on the test part) Kostyukova Lyudmila Tikhonovna teacher of Russian language and literature

Lesson topic: Preparation for the OGE in the Russian language (work on the test part)

The purpose of the lesson:

repetition, generalization and systematization of acquired knowledge on difficult topics of the test part: “SPP with several subordinate clauses”, “Grammatical basis”, “Phraseological units as a means of expressiveness” - the ability to apply them in practice, preparation for passing exams;

Technology: individual, group, work in pairs.

Equipment: computer, projector, cards.

Warm up. OGE task 3. Competition game “Phraseological Duel”
  • Continue with as many phraseological units as possible. If you forget the continuation, say: “Next.”
  • Two boots…….
  • storm in......
  • trample on…..
  • bite…..
  • kill yourself...
  • like two drops.....
  • crocodiles.....
  • from the crust.....
  • wait by the sea...
  • take it as pure.....
  • sheepskin.....
  • easier than steamed...
  • .circle around……
  • .like a thorn……
  • not in the eyebrow……..
  • promise gold.....
  • muslin…..
  • fresh legend.....
  • horn……
  • to sleep......
  • hunger is not......

Explain phraseological units

Sit in a galosh

Poke your nose.

Reel in fishing rods

Out of the blue.

A teaspoon per hour.

Like a cat and a dog.

Pout like a mouse on a rump

The cat cried.

Get underfoot

OGE task 3

2. “Who is faster and more correct?” Assignment (with commentary) OGE 12.

Cards. Work in groups. OGE task 8.11 Card 1. Indicate the number of grammatical bases.

1. It seemed that he was completely absorbed in his favorite pastime: he was folding a boat with a sail out of newspaper.

2. I remember once, when I was at my parents’ house, I couldn’t sleep.

3. Go take a look at the roses again, and when you return to say goodbye to me, I will tell you one secret.

4. When half an hour later the impatient calls came - too long and too short, I rushed into the corridor and grabbed the phone.

5. Finally, I threw him a cellophane skin, he swallowed it too, then the bag flew, he held it with his paw, licked it thoroughly, threw it to the wind, and then looked at me and smiled.

6. It is still unknown who he will be when he grows up, but no matter who he is, you can guarantee that he will be a real person.

7. He thinks that if we are children, we won’t be able to stand up for ourselves!

8. My great-grandfather planted this tree, and my wife takes care of it with pleasure, but is worried whether it will recover from last year’s frosts.

9. She will scold her grown-up child, and then she will be happy for him and will definitely note all the good changes that have happened to her always little dear person.

10. Venka, tell Antoine that everything will be okay: they’ll take back their application like they’re cute!


Card 2. Write down the grammatical basis of the sentences

1. Finally, Gorodba suddenly emerged from the darkness, tall, covered with a silvery cobweb..

2. There was not a single woman in the tavern.

3. They are every now and then turned around frantically and raised their heads, as if fearing a sudden attack.

4. The sun had not yet risen high, but was already sending down welcoming rays.

5. .

6. .

7. Frodo nodded heavily .

8. .

9. .

10. Up .


. Finally, Gorodba suddenly emerged from the darkness, tall, covered with a silvery cobweb. .

2. There was not a single woman in the tavern.

3. They are every now and then turned around frantically and raised their heads, as if fearing a sudden attack .

4. The sun had not yet risen high, but was already sending down welcoming rays .

5. Hobbit legends about them were even more terrible than tales about the Forest .

6. The overflowing stream began to bubble confidently and flowed downhill like a stream. .

7. Frodo nodded heavily .

8. Its immense, gnarled trunk was criss-crossed with black cracks, quietly creaking under the whispering of the limp leaves. .

9. Merry and Pin barely dragged themselves to the mighty trunk .

10. Up a continuous curtain of yellow-gray foliage swayed smoothly .

III. Repetition of task III. Repetition of OGE task 13

OGE 13. Types of SPP by structure

  • Sequential subordination - each subsequent part depends on the previous one;
  • parallel subordination - subordinate clauses refer to different words of the same main part;
  • Homogeneous subordination - subordinate clauses refer to the same word as part of the main part or explain the entire main part, answer the same question;
  • Heterogeneous subordination - subordinate clauses refer to the same word as part of the main part, but answer different questions;
  • Combined subordination can combine different types of subordination.

Algorithm for determining the type of subordinating connection in NGN with several subordinate clauses

Highlight grammatical basics

Specify predicative parts

Specify means of communication. Indicate the nature of the connection between the parts of a complex sentence

Determine the nature of the relationship between the parts of the dictionary (what the subordinate clause explains, what question it answers)

Determine the type of subordinate clause. Draw a conclusion about the type of subordination.

OGE task 13

Analysis of sentences 1. Nature requires a keen eye and continuous inner work so that you can see the beauty that surrounds you. 2. When nature wakes up from its winter sleep, I again feel the strength within me, which gives me a feeling of joy and happiness. (When...), , (which...).

, (to...), (which...).

1) Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

  • (1) Suddenly Lelka went to the chest of drawers and with difficulty pulled out a huge heavy drawer. (2) She rummaged for a long time until she extracted two smooth blue ribbons from its depths. (3) Lelka braided them and tied them with bows. (4) When a stranger lives in the house, you feel awkward, even if he is not home all day. (5) And Lelka does not jump two steps, but walks smoothly and, when she sits down, straightens her dress. (6) It seems to her that the lieutenant is not taking his eyes off her, although in fact he is far away in the steppe. (Yakovlev Yu.)
2) Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) They approached the house. (2) Sergei said that he would detain Alka for a short time. (3) However, Alka returned only to sleep. (4) Natka undressed him, laid him down and, covering the lampshade with a scarf, began to re-read the second letter she had just received today. (5) Mother wrote with alarm that father was being transferred to a construction site in Tajikistan and that soon everyone would have to leave. (6) The mother was worried, fervently asked Natka to come early and reported that her father had already agreed with the city committee, and if Natka wanted, then she would be released along with her family. (Gaydar A.)

3) Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Selevin looked to the side - and suddenly wild joy overwhelmed him: a guide was riding not far away, leading a second camel. (2) And immediately joy gave way to fear: the guide moved away from him. (3) Viktor Alekseevich shouted hoarsely, but he could hardly be heard at a distance of ten steps. (4) Meanwhile, the guide disappeared behind the dune and appeared much further away. (5) The zoologist poured spent cartridges onto the sand and helplessly rummaged through them. (6) He remembered that he had two cartridges in his pocket, which he tied in his sleeve for weight, lowering his shirt into the well. (7) With difficulty he pushed the swollen cartridges into the barrels. (Zverev M.)

1. There was a minute in which he shuddered so much that Olga screamed in surprise.

  • 1. There was a minute in which he shuddered so much that Olga screamed in surprise.
  • 2. When it’s painful from grief, when it’s joyful from happiness, I go on a date with you, forest.
  • 3. I want you to hear how my living voice yearns.
  • 4. While we are burning with freedom, while we are alive for honor in our hearts, my friend, we will dedicate our souls to the Fatherland with wonderful impulses.
  • 5. When the chaise left the yard, he looked back and saw that Sobakevich was still standing on the porch.

Entry in notebooks:

sequential –

parallel –

homogeneous –

OGE task 13. Determine the type of subordination

  • Independent work Text for analysis.
  • 1) Whoever is not afraid of rain and cold should go to the forest on a November morning. (2) Many not/without... interesting meetings... await him in the quiet... but still living forest.
  • At the beginning of winter, you can find a bunny without much difficulty. (4) The white fur coat of the hare stands out...on the brown ground not/covered with snow. (5) Not / at / time, without a doubt, dressed up as a scythe!
  • Tasks:
  • 1.Insert the missing letters, open the brackets. Add missing punctuation marks.
  • 2. Write down the number of the sentence in which there is a separate common agreed upon definition.
  • 3.Write down the number of the sentence that does not contain an adjective.
  • 4.Write down the grammatical basis of the 2nd sentence.
  • 5. Determine the number of grammatical bases of the 1st sentence
  • 6. Write down the word whose spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “incompleteness of action”
  • 7. Write down the number of the sentence that contains the introductory word.
  • 8. Replace the word “oblique” in sentence 5 with a neutral synonym.
  • 9. Replace the phrase “on a November morning” created on the basis of agreement with a phrase with the connection “management”
Lesson summary
  • Lesson summary. Homework: OGE tests
  • What did they repeat?
  • What task did you have difficulty with?
  • What to pay attention to in the next lesson?

Parent meeting “How to help children prepare for EXAMINATIONS?”

The exam is the most important period in the life of every high school student. It is the exam that sums up the educational activities of each student. To successfully pass the exam, you need to prepare well for it. Therefore, it is important for parents to create favorable conditions in the family.

Procedural difficulties Difficulties associated with the specifics of recording answers. Difficulties associated with the role of an adult. Difficulties associated with evaluation criteria. Difficulties associated with ignorance of one's rights and responsibilities.

Components of the cognitive component that contribute to the successful passing of the OGE: high mobility, switchability; high level of organization of activities; high and stable performance; high level of concentration, arbitrariness; clarity and structured thinking, combinatorial ability; formation of an internal action plan.

Components of the procedural component Familiarity with the examination procedure; Skills in working with test materials; Ability to establish contacts in unfamiliar surroundings and with unfamiliar people; Possession of ways to manage one’s state (self-regulation, relaxation).

Components of the personal component: Having your own adequate opinion about the OGE, the absence of unrealistic “mythology”. Adequate self-esteem is the ability to adequately evaluate one’s knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Objectives and strategies for preparing graduates for the OGE. Familiarization with the OGE procedure. Formation of an adequate realistic opinion about the OGE. Formation of a constructive strategy for exam activities.

Stress-anxiety about the results of upcoming tests and the body's reaction to this experience. “Stress is not what happened to you, but how you perceive it.” G. Selye

Preparation for exams at school and at home - 8 hours Sports, walks in the fresh air - 8 hours Sleep - at least 8 hours It is recommended to divide the day into three parts DAY ROUTINE

CONDITIONS FOR SUPPORTING PERFORMANCE Alternate mental and physical work; Protect your eyes from overwork, give them rest, switch your attention; Minimum television viewing and computer work; Stimulate cognitive abilities through exercise; Raise your mood and fill yourself with fresh strength with breathing exercises.

A place to prepare for exams Organize a place for your child to prepare for exams. Place objects in yellow and purple tones on the table. These colors increase activity and performance.

Simple tips Do not increase your child’s anxiety on the eve of exams - this may negatively affect the result. The parents’ anxiety is always transmitted to the child, and if adults at a crucial moment cannot cope with their emotions, then the child, due to age characteristics, can emotionally “break down.”

Simple tips Don't worry about the grade your child will get in the exam, and don't criticize your child after the exam. Instill in your child the idea that the grade he receives is not a perfect measurement of his capabilities.

Simple tips Encourage children, praise them for what they do well. Increase their self-confidence, because the more a child is afraid of failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes. Tell your children more often: You can do everything with me. I am sure you will cope with the exams. I am proud of you. Whatever happens, you are the best for me.

Simple tips Monitor the child’s well-being; no one but you will be able to notice and prevent the deterioration of the child’s condition associated with overwork. Monitor your child’s training regime, do not allow overload, explain to him that he must alternate classes with rest.

Simple tips Familiarize your child with the methods of preparing for exams. It makes no sense to memorize all the factual material; it is enough to review the key points and grasp the meaning and logic of the material.

Ways to relieve nervous and mental stress Sports activities

Ways to relieve nervous and mental stress Contrast shower Washing dishes Look at a burning candle Scream loudly or quietly Inhale deeply up to 10 times Crumple the newspaper and throw it away

On the eve of the exam, provide your child with adequate rest; he should rest and get a good night's sleep.

What do our children think about exams Frankly speaking, when I think about upcoming exams... I worry I get scared I understand that I need to prepare for them I worry I hope that I will do well

Encourage your children and praise them for what they do well. Increase their self-confidence, because the more a child is afraid of failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes. Tell your children more often: You can do anything with me. I'm sure you'll pass the exams. I am proud of you. No matter what happens, you are the best for me.

The interactive simulator is a presentation that can help you prepare for the oral part of the OGE in English. The simulator reflects all the main tasks present in the oral part of the OGE. The interactive simulator consists of 3 tasks:
1. Text reading task. 2. Conditional dialogue-questioning based on the telephone survey questions heard in the audio recording.
3. A completed monologue statement based on a verbal situation and a plan presented in the form of indirect questions.
All tasks are completed on time in an automated manner. To use the interactive simulator, you need a laptop and a headset.
The work has been added to the competition "Multimedia games, competitions, quizzes, simulators for lessons and extracurricular activities."

I offer material on the topic “Problems on moving on water”, addressed to mathematics teachers and 9th grade students. Here we propose ways to solve the main types of problems involving movement on water. The tasks are taken from official sources (open bank of OGE tasks at FIPI). I hope that the material will be in demand, since movement problems are a common type of word problems. Technical recommendations for working with slides are written in the notes for the third slide.

Target audience: for 9th grade

I offer material on the topic “Problems on motion in a straight line”, addressed to mathematics teachers and 9th grade students. Here we propose ways to solve the main types of problems involving motion in a straight line. The tasks are taken from official sources (open bank of OGE tasks at FIPI). I hope that the material will be in demand, since movement problems are a common type of word problems.

Target audience: for 9th grade

I offer a presentation for practicing skills in solving simple tasks in which you need to calculate the area of ​​a figure depicted on a checkered sheet of paper. As a rule, these tasks do not cause much difficulty if the figure is a trapezoid, parallelogram or triangle. It is enough to know well the formulas for calculating the areas of these figures, count the number of cells and calculate the area.
No special skills are required to work with the presentation. Transitions to slides - using control buttons. The slides show pictures for two problems. Depending on the class level, problems can be used for oral work in class. In a weak class, it is recommended to write down the solution to each problem in detail on the board. Only the correct answer is visualized on the slides (you must click on the task number)

Target audience: for 8th grade

This presentation is devoted to solving examples of tasks 23 from the OGE in mathematics. In these tasks, schoolchildren are usually asked to construct a graph of a particular function, and then indicate at what values ​​of the parameter this graph intersects with some other graph, touches it, or, for example, has several points of intersection with it. Well, and the like. In this presentation you will find an analysis of solutions to examples containing the module

Before starting a presentation in demo mode, I recommend carefully reading the recommendations for working with each slide in the notes for the slides.

Target audience: for 9th grade

This presentation is devoted to solving examples of tasks 23 from the OGE in mathematics. In these tasks, schoolchildren are usually asked to construct a graph of a particular function, and then indicate at what values ​​of the parameter this graph intersects with some other graph, touches it, or, for example, has several points of intersection with it. Well, and the like. In this presentation you will find examples of several types.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The presentation presents practical tasks:
1. “Well Crane”
2. "Slanted Roof"
3. "Flagpole"

Target audience: for 9th grade

Exercises on this topic are taken from the Open Bank of the FIPI website and are intended to develop skills in solving such tasks. The material can be used for independent and/or individual work, as well as for preparing training and testing papers when studying the topic in 8th grade and in preparation for the Unified State Exam in 9th grade.

1. Finding the leg of a right triangle from the sine of an acute angle
2. Finding the leg of a right triangle using the cosine of an acute angle
3. Finding the leg of a right triangle from the tangent of an acute angle
4 Basic trigonometric identity
I recommend viewing the presentation in edit mode first, because... In the notes for the slides, I wrote detailed recommendations on the technical component of each slide.
Interesting lessons for you and your students. Good luck on the exam.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Exercises on this topic are taken from the Open Bank of the FIPI website and are intended to develop skills in solving such tasks, especially with low-performing students. The material can be used for independent and/or individual work, as well as for preparing training and testing papers when studying the topic in 8th grade and in preparation for the Unified State Exam in 9th grade.
The presentation presents the following types of tasks:
1. Finding the sine of an acute angle in a right triangle.
2. Finding the cosine of an acute angle in a right triangle.
3. Finding the tangent of an acute angle in a right triangle.
I recommend viewing the presentation in edit mode first, because... In the notes for the slides, I wrote detailed recommendations on the technical component of each slide.
Interesting lessons for you and your students. Good luck on the exam.

Target audience: for 9th grade

I bring to your attention the second presentation in the series “Solving problems on checkered paper.” The presentation presents the following types of problems:
1. Finding the area of ​​a triangle.
2. Finding the area of ​​a parallelogram.
3. Finding the area of ​​a trapezoid.
4. Finding the area of ​​a figure..
I recommend viewing the presentation in edit mode first, because... In the notes for the slides, I wrote detailed recommendations on the technical component of each slide.
Interesting lessons for you and your students. Good luck on the exam.

Target audience: for 9th grade

We present to your attention the tasks of the OGE in mathematics, depicted on checkered paper. It is simply necessary for graduating students to learn how to solve these problems, because during the OGE in mathematics these skills will come in handy: they will help save time and add the necessary points. After all, solving geometric problems on checkered paper is very easy and simple.
I bring to your attention the first presentation in the series “Solving problems on checkered paper.” The presentation presents the following types of problems:
1. Finding the distance from a point to a straight line.
2. Finding the midline of the triangle.
3. Finding the midline of the trapezoid.
4. Finding the diagonal of a rhombus.
I recommend viewing the presentation in edit mode first, because... In the notes for the slides, I wrote detailed recommendations on the technical component of each slide.
Interesting lessons for you and your students. Good luck on the exam. To be continued.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The computer stopwatch-timer "Interlocutor 0.1" is designed to control time intervals during the final interview in the Russian language (basic general education program).

Stopwatch-timer features:

  1. Displaying the structure of the final interview, indicating the end time of each stage
  2. Indication of total interview time
  3. Visual indication of the time of individual stages of the interview
  4. Possibility of sound duplication of the end of individual stages and the interview as a whole
  5. Visual indication of the end time of the interview

A stopwatch-timer will allow the interlocutor to concentrate on conducting the exam without being distracted by actions with time-keeping devices.

The program has been tested on Windows7 and Windows10

Target audience: for head teachers

The presentation examines 4 tasks of type 20.1 on the ability to write a short algorithm in the environment of a formal executor "Robot".

All problems have detailed solutions. The material will be useful both for computer science teachers when preparing students for the OGE in computer science, and for 9th grade graduates for independent preparation for the exam.

Target audience: for 9th grade

The presentation contains a training version of the examination paper, which can be used by students when independently preparing for the OGE in computer science.

All questions have four possible answers, of which only one is correct. If the answer is incorrect, the student can review the solution and move on to the next question.

Target audience: for 9th grade