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Presentation "System of environmental education of preschool children in kindergarten and family" () in biology - project, report. Ecosystem of preschool education Presentation ecosystem of preschool education

System of environmental education for preschool children in kindergarten and family

Rubtsova Natalya Valerievna

  • Security area:
  • formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them;
  • introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding natural world.
  • Area "Cognition":
  • sensory development;
  • development of cognitive and research activities.

  • tasks for environmental education. research into the possibility of increasing the level of environmental culture of teachers, parents, and children; formation of motivational readiness to test new forms, types and contents of activities; the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, and parents in the work to create an environmental culture; at the level of children: nurturing a love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; formation of knowledge about nature; developing empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its conservation. diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relationships of all subjects of education; ensuring continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family
  • tasks for environmental education.
  • research into the possibility of increasing the level of environmental culture of teachers, parents, and children;
  • formation of motivational readiness to test new forms, types and contents of activities;
  • the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, and parents in the work to create an environmental culture;
  • at the level of children: nurturing a love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity;
  • formation of knowledge about nature;
  • developing empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its conservation.
  • diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relationships of all subjects of education;
  • ensuring continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family

Scheme for constructing environmental education in preschool educational institutions



Nature to man

Man nature

Security rules

nature - personal

everyone's participation

in environmental


Model of ecological space in a preschool educational institution

In room


Location on





Corners of nature

Mini museums





Trees and


Mini planetarium

Vegetable garden on




Pharmacy on

Natural and




features of the territory

Ecological centers: group corners of wildlife and experimental laboratories

  • observation method with connection of various analyzers,
  • experiences and experiments,
  • problematic situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”);
  • verbal methods (conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, etc.),
  • practical activities in nature (work in nature, environmental actions, visual activities depicting nature),
  • gaming methods and play,
  • practical work and search activities;
  • excursions,
  • project method

  • classes;
  • excursions;
  • practical activities in nature;
  • environmental actions;
  • environmental projects (pedagogical, child-parent);
  • holding environmental quizzes and Olympiads;
  • children's production of environmental leaflets, posters, booklets, newspapers, "Young Ecologist", "Young Explorer", "Young Traveler" clubs

  • the most important of them is “maintaining silence” (as defined by L.P. Simonova),
  • patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time),
  • attentiveness (children should be taught to find connections in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people’s behavior),
  • frugality (to take care of what is created by nature, “every insect is created by nature for something”)

  • developing the content of emotionally positive communication between children and parents in social and labor relations within the family, during a holiday;
  • creating an ecological and developmental environment in order to ensure the competence of teachers and parents in this matter;
  • methodological support, including work plans and notes on activities to introduce people to nature.

One of the forms of environmental work with children and parents is projects.


  • development of communication skills and coherent speech,
  • development of research skills,
  • ability to plan activities to obtain the final result,
  • increasing personal confidence for each project participant,
  • conducting reflection (awareness of one’s activities, how the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, how the person felt

  • Child-parent projects,
  • Family clubs,
  • Meetings based on interests
  • Information education for parents,
  • Joint events (excursions to museums, zoo, arboretum, planetarium),
  • Joint activities,
  • Ecological holidays and entertainment,
  • Joint promotions
  • And other

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Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten “Topolyok”, Tokarevka village, Tambov region

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Model of environmental education and education of preschool children The purpose of environmental education: Formation of the principles of environmental culture in children, development of environmental consciousness, thinking, environmental culture in adults (educators, parents) raising them. Developmental environment: Ecological path, laboratory, alpine slide, artificial pond, flower beds, educational garden, Dr. Aibolit's corner (medicinal plants), living corners with animals: guinea pig, parrot, aquarium fish, plants; bird column, poplar alley, orchard.

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Ecological and educational block. Objectives: -mastering environmental concepts; -development of cognitive skills; - mastering the skills of caring for living beings.

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Forms and methods of work: 1.Ecological classes; 2. Circle work. Children's fantasy. 3. Lessons in thinking. Why does the Christmas tree have green needles? Where do birds spend the night? What does birch breathe? Why are the leaves colored? 4.Excursions. Search for autumn signs. Park in winter. Meadow plants. To the pond. 5.Ecological games. -Imitation (Ecological pyramids); -Competitive (“Question-answer”, etc.); -Travel games (“To the bottom of the sea”, etc.); -Didactic (“Who lives where”, “Who has what house”, etc.). 6.Ecological trail.

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7. Observations. Why do cats walk quietly? What do we know about the dog? What types of trees are there? Clouds are white-winged horses! 8. Examination of reproductions of paintings and illustrations. 9. Laboratory of a young ecologist: -conducting experiments; - viewing collections. 10.Classes in a corner of nature. 11. Walks in the kindergarten area and beyond. 12.Modeling: Whose legs are these? Find out by the trail? We settled in the house.

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Ecological and health block Objectives: developing the health and healthy lifestyle of children using nature. Forms and methods of work. 1. Traditional system of recreational work in the fresh air (morning exercises, hardening, etc.) 2. Hiking around the site and beyond. 3. Psychological trainings with the participation of animals. 4. Walking along the health path (made of cones, pebbles, twigs, chestnut seeds, walnut shells, straw). 5. Herbal corner. (Breathing exercises in the corner of phytoncidal plants.) 6. Classes in the corner of Doctor Aibolit. (About medicinal plants.) 7. Safety lessons. The road to the house (about the rules of behavior on the street). Sultry summer (about hot weather). So tasty and dangerous (about berries, fruits, vegetables). Let's go swimming! 8. Outdoor games (edible-inedible). 9. Phytobar, rinsing the mouth and throat with decoctions of plants: chamomile, sage.

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Ecological-aesthetic block Thanks to perception in nature and art, a person discovers the beauty in himself. V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Objectives: - developing in children the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature, to take care of beautiful creations; - development of aesthetic taste in children through natural objects; - development in children of positive emotions and feelings from communicating with nature.

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Forms and methods of work: Integrated classes (isoecology, ecology and music, ecology and fiction). Observations in nature. Autumn leaf fall. White fluffy snowflakes are falling. Silvery frost. April, April - there are drops in the yard again. 3. Environmental exhibitions. Such different trees (photo). What does it look like (boughs, stones similar to any object of living nature). Let's draw winter. What can be made from natural materials. Man and his good deeds on Earth. 4.Ecological entertainment and holidays. Vosenushka-autumn! Hello winter guest! The day the rooks arrive. Summer is red, the sun is bright! 5. Environmental actions. Beauty will save the world. Our kindergarten is a green house. 6. Collecting. 7. Day of Environmental Creativity. 8. Examination of reproductions of paintings and illustrations.

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Ecological and moral block. Objectives: -formation of emotionally positive relationships between children and nature; - children’s accumulation of experience in humane treatment of plants and animals; -forming an understanding of the dependence of the state of the natural world on human actions.

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Forms and methods of work. 1.Environmental trainings with animals. 2.Environmental actions. We build castles for birds. Sanitary day. Plant a tree. Feed the birds in winter. We care about everything, etc. 3. Integrated classes (ecology-social world, ecology-fiction). 4. Role-playing environmental games. Construction of the city. We are relaxing in the forest. Green Patrol, etc. 5. Lessons of kindness. How to take care of indoor plants? What should you do to avoid scaring animals? How do you feel when you hug a tree? When have I been kind to nature? What did nature tell you? 6. Conversations. 7. Discussion and playback of situations and book plots. 8. Classes in a corner of nature. 9.Psychological trainings with the participation of animals.

Information about MDOU - kindergarten 446 Address: st. Bauman, 43, telephone Address: st. Bauman, 43, telephone MDOU works according to the program “From childhood to adolescence” MDOU works according to the program “From childhood to adolescence” Uses partial programs of T.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist”, 2003 Uses partial programs of T.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist” ", 2003 "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children" R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva, 2005 “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva, 2005

Contents of FGT Area “Safety”: Area “Safety”: formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them; formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them; introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding natural world. introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding natural world. Area "Cognition": Area "Cognition": sensory development; sensory development; development of cognitive and research activities. development of cognitive and research activities.

Goal: to form the foundations of an ecological culture for all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers). tasks for environmental education. tasks for environmental education. research into the possibility of increasing the level of environmental culture of teachers, parents, and children; research into the possibility of increasing the level of environmental culture of teachers, parents, and children; formation of motivational readiness to test new forms, types and contents of activities; formation of motivational readiness to test new forms, types and contents of activities; the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, and parents in the work to create an environmental culture; the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, and parents in the work to create an environmental culture; at the level of children: nurturing a love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; at the level of children: nurturing a love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; formation of knowledge about nature; formation of knowledge about nature; developing empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its conservation. developing empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its conservation. diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relationships of all subjects of education; diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relationships of all subjects of education; ensuring the continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family ensuring the continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family

The work is based on the following principles: local history; local history; paedocentrism (or “positive centrism”); paedocentrism (or “positive centrism”); conformity with nature; conformity with nature; scientific character and accessibility of concepts; scientific character and accessibility of concepts; "spirals"; "spirals"; interdisciplinarity and content integration; interdisciplinarity and content integration; from simple to complex from simple to complex

Indoors Research center Nature corners Mini museums Mini planetarium Ecological theater Nature calendar Indoor plants Animals Aquariums Vegetable garden on the windowsill Pharmacy on the windowsill Library Ecological trail Vegetable garden Flower beds and lawns Natural and landscape features of the territory Model of ecological space in a preschool educational institution Corridors and hall Music and gym hall Trees and shrubs On the group site

Methods and techniques used in environmental education at preschool educational institutions: observation method with the connection of various analyzers, observation method with the connection of various analyzers, experiments and experiments, experiments and experiments, problem situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”); problematic situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”); verbal methods (conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, etc.), verbal methods (conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, etc.), practical activities in nature (work in nature, environmental actions, visual activities with the display of nature), practical activities in nature (work in nature, environmental actions, visual activities with the display of nature), game methods and play, game methods and play, practical work and search activities; practical work and search activities; excursions, excursions, project method project method

Forms of working with children; classes; classes; excursions; excursions; practical activities in nature; practical activities in nature; environmental actions; environmental actions; environmental projects (pedagogical, child-parent); environmental projects (pedagogical, child-parent); holding environmental quizzes and Olympiads; holding environmental quizzes and Olympiads; children's production of environmental leaflets, posters, booklets, newspapers, "Young Ecologist", "Young Explorer", "Young Traveler" groups children's production of environmental leaflets, posters, booklets, newspapers, "Young Ecologist", "Young Explorer", "Young Explorer" groups traveler"

Environmental actions are socially significant events aimed at preserving natural objects: “Plant a Tree” (for Earth Day), “Plant a Tree” (for Earth Day), “Alumni Alley”; "Alumni Alley"; “Flower Day” (planting flower alleys); “Flower Day” (planting flower alleys); “Gift for loved ones” (growing tulips for March 8); “Gift for loved ones” (growing tulips for March 8); “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions, dill, parsley for children’s food, herbs for animal feed) “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions, dill, parsley for children’s food, herbs for animal feed) “May Bouquet” (growing flowers for May 9), “May Bouquet” (growing flowers by May 9), “Beauty for everyone” (laying out new lawns, remodeling old ones); “Beauty for everyone” (laying out new lawns, remodeling old ones); "Bird's Canteen" (making feeders and feeding birds in winter), "Bird's Canteen" (making feeders and feeding birds in winter), "Forest Pharmacy" (collecting medicinal herbs), "Forest Pharmacy" (collecting medicinal herbs), “Knizhnik Hospital”, “Knizhnik Hospital”, “Cleanliness will save the world” (clean-up work on the territory), “Cleanliness will save the world” (clean-up work on the territory), “Herringbone - a green needle” (propaganda of the use of artificial Christmas trees in decorating homes), “Herringbone - green needle" (propaganda of the use of artificial Christmas trees in decorating homes), "Keeping Eye" (photos of beautiful places in our native land) "Keeping Eye" (photos of beautiful places in our native land) "Let's save the anthill" "Save the anthill" and others and others

Ecological commandments, the most important of them is “maintaining silence” (as defined by L.P. Simonova), the most important of them is “maintaining silence” (as defined by L.P. Simonova), patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time), patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time), attentiveness (children should be taught to find relationships in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people’s behavior), attentiveness (children should be taught to find relationships in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people’s behavior ), frugality (to take care of what is created by nature, “every bug is created by nature for something”), frugality (to take care of what is created by nature, “every bug is created by nature for something”)

Conditions for organizing work with parents, developing the content of emotional and positive communication between children and parents in social and labor relations within the family, during a holiday; developing the content of emotional and positive communication between children and parents in social and labor relations within the family, during a holiday; creating an ecological and developmental environment in order to ensure the competence of teachers and parents in this matter; creating an ecological and developmental environment in order to ensure the competence of teachers and parents in this matter; methodological support, including work plans and notes on activities to introduce people to nature. methodological support, including work plans and notes on activities to introduce people to nature.

One of the forms of environmental work with children and parents is projects. Objectives: development of communication skills and coherent speech, development of communication skills and coherent speech, development of research skills, development of research skills, the ability to plan activities to obtain the final result, the ability to plan activities to obtain the final result, increasing personal confidence for each project participant, increasing personal confidence in each project participant, conducting reflection (awareness of one’s activities, how the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, how the person felt at the same time, conducting reflection (awareness of one’s activities, how the result was obtained, what Difficulties were encountered in this, how they were eliminated, how the person felt

Types of projects: research and experimental Properties of water Properties of water Insects in nature Insects in nature Air and life Air and life Conditions for plant life Conditions for plant life Animals of kindergarten Animals of kindergarten Aquarium and its underwater world Aquarium and its underwater world Wintering birds Wintering birds Our green friends Our green friends Feathered guests Feathered guests The role of plants in human life The role of plants in human life Pharmacy on the windowsill Pharmacy on the windowsill Vegetable garden on the window Vegetable garden on the window Eco-world of kindergarten Eco-world of kindergarten Eco-world of my family (our favorite garden, plants in the house, etc.) My family's eco-world (our favorite garden, plants in the house, etc.) We invited nature into the house: Nature in the house. We invited nature into the house: Nature in the house. Aquariums in kindergarten Aquariums in kindergarten

Natural science projects Stories of stones Stories of stones What the stars will tell you What the stars will tell you Maintaining health Maintaining health In porridge, our strength is homemade food In porridge, our strength is homemade nutrition We are similar: human movements and animal movements (games and exercises based on movements in nature) We are similar: human movements and animal movements (games and exercises based on movements in nature) Movement, sports, health Movement, sports, health

Creative projects Space adventures Space adventures Spacecraft Spacecraft Family leisure Family leisure A boy's journey Themes to the country of Health A boy's journey Themes to the country of Health We composed a poem about so that no one gets sick We composed a poem about so that no one gets sick Window of joy (holidays) and traditions in preschool and family) Window of joy (holidays and traditions in preschool and family)

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System of environmental education for preschool children in kindergarten and family

Turskova Lyubov Aleksandrovna, senior teacher of preschool educational institution No. 446

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Information about MDOU - kindergarten No. 446

Address: st. Bauman, 43, phone 331-19-22 MDOU works according to the program “From childhood to adolescence” Uses partial programs of T.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist”, 2003 “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva, 2005

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Area “Safety”: the formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the surrounding natural world and methods of behavior in them; introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding natural world. Area "Cognition": sensory development; development of cognitive and research activities.

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Goal: to form the foundations of an ecological culture for all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers).

tasks for environmental education. research into the possibility of increasing the level of environmental culture of teachers, parents, and children; formation of motivational readiness to test new forms, types and contents of activities; the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, and parents in the work to create an environmental culture; at the level of children: nurturing a love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; formation of knowledge about nature; developing empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its conservation. diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relationships of all subjects of education; ensuring continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family

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The work is based on the following principles:

local history; paedocentrism (or “positive centrism”); conformity with nature; scientific character and accessibility of concepts; "spirals"; interdisciplinarity and content integration; from simple to complex

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In room

Research Center

Nature corners Mini museums Mini planetarium

Ecological theater

Nature calendar


Animal Aquariums

Vegetable garden on the windowsill

Pharmacy on the windowsill


Ecological trail

Vegetable garden Flower beds and lawns

Natural and landscape features of the territory

Model of ecological space in a preschool educational institution

Corridors and hall

Music and physical education hall

Trees and shrubs

At the group site

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Methods and techniques used in environmental education at preschool educational institutions

observation method with the connection of various analyzers, experiments and experiments, problem situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”); verbal methods (conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, etc.), practical activities in nature (work in nature, environmental actions, visual activities with display of nature), gaming methods and games, practical work and search activities; excursions, project method

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Forms of working with children

classes; excursions; practical activities in nature; environmental actions; environmental projects (pedagogical, child-parent); holding environmental quizzes and Olympiads; children's production of environmental leaflets, posters, booklets, newspapers, "Young Ecologist", "Young Explorer", "Young Traveler" clubs

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Environmental actions are socially significant events aimed at preserving natural objects:

“Plant a Tree” (for Earth Day), “Alumni Alley”; “Flower Day” (planting flower alleys); “Gift for loved ones” (growing tulips for March 8); “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions, dill, parsley for children’s food, herbs for animal feed) “May Bouquet” (growing flowers for May 9), “Beauty for everyone” (laying out new lawns, remodeling old ones); “Bird Canteen” (making feeders and feeding birds in winter), “Forest Pharmacy” (collecting medicinal herbs), “Knizhnik Hospital”, “Cleanliness will save the world” (clean-up work on the territory), “Herringbone - a green needle” (promoting the use of artificial Christmas trees to decorate homes), “Keeping Eye” (photos of beautiful places in our native land), “Save the anthill” and others

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Ecological commandments

the most important of them is “maintaining silence” (as defined by L.P. Simonova), patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time), attentiveness (children should be taught to find relationships in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people’s behavior), frugality (to take care of what is created by nature, “every insect is created by nature for something”)

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Conditions for organizing work with parents

developing the content of emotionally positive communication between children and parents in social and labor relations within the family, during a holiday; creating an ecological and developmental environment in order to ensure the competence of teachers and parents in this matter; methodological support, including work plans and notes on activities to introduce people to nature.

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One of the forms of environmental work with children and parents is projects.

Objectives: development of communication skills and coherent speech, development of research skills, ability to plan activities to obtain the final result, increasing personal confidence for each project participant, reflection (awareness of one’s activities, how the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, how the person felt

Olga Ivanovna Zhemkauskene
Ecosystem of preschool education

In the modern world, information technologies and resources are rapidly developing. Including those that are intended for use in the system education. Today there is a rethinking of the process of teaching and raising children in preschool education. New concepts are being developed education, new techniques and methods. New terms also appear, and one of them is the concept «» .

Costs understand the concept« ecosystem» . The term was first proposed by the English ecologist A. Tansley back in 1935. He defined the ecosystem, as a biological system (biogeocoenosis, consisting of a community of living organisms (biocenosis, their habitat (biotype, a system of connections that exchanges matter and energy between them. In addition the ecosystem is complex, a self-regulating, self-developing and self-organizing system.

Absolutely any ecosystem is characterized by that living organisms living in it interact with any other object in the same system, in a shared environment. Based on these provisions, we can draw a parallel to the concept « preschool education ecosystem» , where biogeocenosis is preschool education, biocenosis - subjects educationally-educational process, biotype – educational institutions, and metabolism and energy involve interaction with each other during the exchange of information.

Center ecosystem is a child. Teaching and raising a child in ecosystem happens not only in preschool educational institution, but also in organizations of additional education, in the library, music school, at home. So way, concept « preschool education ecosystem» includes a complex of pedagogical approaches, pedagogical technologies, reflected in the unity and suitability of use, aimed at the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality of the child, active, capable of acting independently.

To achieve results as effectively as possible, it is necessary to create new opportunities for development preschoolers. This requires the development of new practices, new methods that meet the needs of modern society, modern information technologies, subject to the mandatory cooperation of teachers with parents and the public interested in quality education and upbringing of the younger generation.

It should be assumed that the prerequisites for development « preschool education ecosystems» says the implementation of the federal state educational standard for preschool education. The developers of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education took into account the trends of modern society, which are reflected in the federal document. Based on this document and what ecosystem cannot function if at least one of its components is missing, we can conclude that it plays an important role in the development of children preschool age plays a role in the developing subject-spatial environment preschool. She is subject to special requirements: accessible, safe, content-rich, transformable, multifunctional. The content of the development environment must ensure conceptual integrity educational process and is equipped with environmentally friendly equipment.

Developmental subject-spatial environment, as part ecosystems, should not remain within just one group, but should concern the entire space of the kindergarten. If children are included in the creation of a developmental environment, this will ensure the formation and development of their independence, creative thinking, and activity. A component for the formation of environmental consciousness is the recycling of materials. At this point, children gain skills in using waste-free materials.

In order for environmental preschool education age has reached a new level, it is necessary on the territory and in the children’s educational institution to expand and deepen the developing subject-spatial environment. For example, in DOs, organize museums of books, exhibitions of stones and interesting finds; create an ecological trail, a summer theater, a clearing of fairy tales, and mini-gardens on the territory.

Education and upbringing of children under such conditions will be aimed at obtaining and forming elementary ecological ideas and knowledge, which will be the starting point of a correct, conscious attitude preschoolers to the surrounding nature, development of cognitive abilities.

In addition to scientific knowledge about the surrounding world, environmental education should be aesthetically colored, which will contribute to the formation of an aesthetic perception of nature and the surrounding world. The formation of ecological culture, its foundations, can take place in the form of various forms: targeted excursions, caring for plants, in specially organized situations, environmental holidays, observations, etc. The main goal is to develop in children the ability to perceive and appreciate beauty, understand the significance of the world around them, and treat the surrounding plants, animals, and people with care. A well-structured preschool education ecosystem.

Publications on the topic:

Many materials from my colleagues from all our regions are devoted to the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment for a preschool institution.

In the Belovsky district, on August 24 - 25, 2017, the August conference “Municipal quality assessment system” was held for educators.

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Ecosystem of preschool education“The preschool education standard is a standard for supporting the diversity of childhood, a standard for the development of a child’s personality. Preschool standard.

Lesson notes on the surrounding world “Forest ecosystem. Trees" Lesson summary on the surrounding world Lesson topic: “Forest ecosystem. Trees" Class: 3 Lesson type: explanation of new material Lesson purpose:.

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Presentation “Comparative analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education” Slide 1 Dear colleagues, today we will discuss the issue of continuity of preschool and primary general education. Slide 2 Speaking about age.

Problems of preschool education Problems of preschool education. Undoubtedly, the period of preschool education is an important stage in the development of a child. Precisely in preschool age.

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Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: musical development of preschool children The first thing that should be noted after getting acquainted with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is orientation.