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Vocational training for persons with disabilities. Organization of vocational training for persons with disabilities


(as amended as of December 14, 2016)

On the education of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow


On the education of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow

Document with changes made:
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 07/07/2014);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 12/26/2016).

This Law regulates relations related to the implementation of the right of persons with disabilities to education at any level and focus in accordance with their abilities and capabilities, for the purpose of social integration of these persons, including their acquisition of self-service skills, preparation for work, including professional, activities and family life.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Scope of this Law

This Law applies to:

1) disabled children, other persons not recognized in the established order as disabled children, but having temporary or permanent health limitations and needing the creation of special learning (upbringing) conditions, as well as disabled people and other persons with disabilities over the age of 18 years old, studying in basic professional educational programs of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education;

2) parents (legal representatives) of the persons specified in paragraph 1 of this article;

3) teaching and other workers involved in the education and training of persons with disabilities, as well as teaching workers from among persons with disabilities;

4) executive authorities of the city of Moscow, state educational institutions of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as state educational institutions) and non-state educational organizations, relevant officials and managers, as well as associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of education.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Law, the following basic concepts are applied:

1) limitation of health capabilities - any loss of a mental, physiological or anatomical structure or function or deviation from them, entailing a complete or partial limitation of the ability or ability to carry out household, social, professional or other activities in a manner and to an extent that are considered normal for a person, otherwise equal age, social and other factors. Depending on the degree of possibility of compensation or restoration, the limitation of health capabilities may be temporary or permanent;

2) special conditions of education (upbringing) - special educational programs and teaching methods, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic and visual materials, technical teaching aids for collective and individual use (including special ones), means of communication and communication, sign language translation in the implementation of educational programs, adaptation educational institutions and adjacent territories for free access of all categories of persons with disabilities, as well as pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, medical, social and other services that provide an adaptive educational environment and a barrier-free living environment, without which the development of educational programs by persons with disabilities health capabilities is impossible (difficult);

3) inclusive education - joint education (upbringing), including the organization of joint training sessions, leisure, various types of additional education, people with disabilities and people who do not have such restrictions;

4) early help - family-oriented comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to children of infancy and early childhood who have been identified with disturbances in the development of various functions or deviations from them, as well as the risks of their occurrence at an older age, and who are in crisis situations for families raising such children.

Article 3. Ensuring state guarantees of the right of persons with disabilities to receive education

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for persons with disabilities to receive education at any level in state educational institutions in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow by:
Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

1) conducting a free examination by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

2) implementation of free qualified psychological, medical and pedagogical correction of health limitations (hereinafter referred to as correction of health limitations) from the moment they are identified, regardless of the degree of severity in accordance with the medical report and (or) the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

3) creation in state educational institutions of special conditions of training (upbringing) for persons with disabilities in accordance with psychological, pedagogical and medical indications (contraindications), medical report and (or) conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

4) creating conditions for the rehabilitation and habilitation of persons with disabilities using methods of physical culture and sports in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow based on the recommendations of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program or a medical report;
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 14, 2016 N 47.

5) providing the opportunity, taking into account medical recommendations and (or) recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, to receive education in state educational institutions of any type and type in the forms provided for by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow;

6) providing disabled people, including disabled children, with computer equipment, communications equipment and software when receiving education at home using distance educational technologies;

7) providing disabled people, including disabled children, in accordance with medical and social indications with transport services for the period of receiving education to visit state educational institutions;

8) providing the opportunity to use the services of sign language interpreters, assistants based on the recommendations of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program or a medical report;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

9) providing the opportunity to study in additional educational programs and receive additional educational correctional services;

10) providing the opportunity to master basic and additional professional educational programs, taking into account individual psychophysical characteristics and capabilities based on the choice of work profile;

11) ensuring employment upon completion of training in accordance with the education and (or) professional training received in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow;

12) ensuring other rights and guarantees in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

2. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow ensure the organization of information and educational work with citizens in order to form positive ideas about persons with disabilities and prevent discrimination against them in all spheres of life.
Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

3. Executive authorities of the city of Moscow implement joint programs and activities aimed at protecting the health of citizens, preventing disability, improving the education and training of persons with disabilities, their social adaptation on the basis of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program or a medical report, ensuring unhindered access for persons with disabilities to the objects of social, transport and engineering infrastructures of the city of Moscow. Interdepartmental commissions may be created to coordinate these activities and exchange information and experience.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Moscow City Law of June 25, 2014 N 37, by the Moscow City Law of December 14, 2016 N 47.

4. The organizational basis of the policy of the city of Moscow to ensure state guarantees of the right of persons with disabilities to receive education are state programs of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 4. Participation of parents (legal representatives) in the upbringing and training of persons with disabilities

The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions that provide the opportunity for parents (legal representatives) of persons with disabilities:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

1) choose an educational institution (taking into account the medical report and (or) the conclusion (recommendations) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

2) choose forms of education (taking into account the medical report and (or) the conclusion (recommendations) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

3) be present when the child is examined by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, discuss the results of the examination, get acquainted with the conclusion and challenge it in the central (city) psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and in court;

4) participate in the development and implementation of an individual curriculum, individual educational and training programs;

5) attend, in agreement with the administration of the educational institution, classes at the relevant educational institution in order to participate in the process of education and training of a person with disabilities;

6) receive consultations on issues of raising and educating a child with disabilities at the place where he received his education, as well as in psychological, medical, pedagogical commissions and institutions providing psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance;

7) participate in the management of an educational institution;

8) receive compensation for the costs of educating a child in a family in amounts determined by the standards of financial costs per student in a state educational institution of the appropriate type and type;

9) enjoy other rights and guarantees in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Chapter 2. Organization of education and training of persons with disabilities

Article 5. Forms of organizing the educational process for persons with disabilities studying in basic and additional general education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions in state educational institutions for inclusive education of persons with disabilities.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. For persons with disabilities who do not have the opportunity to receive an inclusive education, compensatory education classes (groups) and special (correctional) classes (groups) are opened in state educational institutions.

3. For persons with disabilities who do not have the opportunity to study full-time, conditions are created for receiving education in other forms, including using distance educational technologies.

4. Organization of activities of classes (groups) for persons with disabilities for the implementation of educational programs, including the determination of admission rules, maximum occupancy of classes (groups), requirements for the content of education and organization of the educational process, provision of rights, social guarantees and social support measures for students and employees, is carried out in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

5. In order to overcome health limitations by students, such limitations are corrected.

6. Correction of health limitations is carried out directly by the state educational institution, if the number of persons with disabilities studying full-time is more than six people. If the number of such students is less than six people, correction of health limitations is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the state educational institution in which persons with disabilities study, with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, or special (correctional) educational institution. The approximate form of the agreement is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 6. Preschool educational institutions providing correction of health limitations, and special (correctional) educational institutions

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create preschool educational institutions for persons with disabilities that provide correction for disabilities, as well as special (correctional) educational institutions.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. Preschool educational institutions that provide correction of health limitations are created for persons with:

1) hearing impairment - deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened;

2) visual impairments - blind, partially sighted and late-blind people, with strabismus and amblyopia;

3) speech disorders - general underdevelopment of speech of various etiologies, underdevelopment of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech, stuttering and other speech disorders;

4) disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

5) mental retardation of various origins;

6) mental retardation, including severe mental retardation;

7) complex defects, including deaf-blindness;

8) disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior;

9) other developmental disorders.

3. Special (correctional) educational institutions are created for deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened, blind, visually impaired and late-blind children, children with severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, mental retardation, for mentally retarded children and children with other health limitations .

4. Preschool educational institutions that provide correction for health limitations, as well as special (correctional) educational institutions can be created for joint education of persons with various health disabilities, if such training does not interfere with the successful development of educational programs and there are no corresponding medical contraindications.

5. In preschool educational institutions that carry out the correction of health limitations, as well as in special (correctional) educational institutions, targeted work is carried out to correct the health limitations of students, pupils and their social integration in the implementation of basic and additional general education programs, additional educational programs and programs pre-professional training.

6. In preschool educational institutions that carry out the correction of health limitations, as well as in special (correctional) educational institutions, short-stay groups may be opened or special educational units may be created to carry out the correction of health limitations and social integration of persons with disabilities according to the profile of the institution, students studying in other educational institutions, in a medical organization providing medical care in an inpatient setting, at home, as well as receiving education in other forms (except full-time).
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 14, 2016 N 47.

7. Specialists from preschool educational institutions that provide correction for disabilities and special (correctional) educational institutions provide consulting assistance to teaching staff of other educational institutions and parents (legal representatives) of persons with disabilities on issues of their upbringing and education. The procedure for providing such assistance is determined by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 7. Homeschooling

1. For persons who, due to health reasons, temporarily or permanently do not attend educational institutions, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), the executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for studying at home.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. Home education is carried out by educational institutions on the basis of a medical report. The list of diseases, the presence of which gives the right to study at home, is determined in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. Studying at home is organized on the basis of an agreement between the executive authorities of the city of Moscow that carry out management in the field of education, the educational institution, the student and (or) his parents (legal representatives). The approximate form of an agreement on home education is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

4. Persons studying at home using distance learning technologies are provided with computer equipment, communications equipment and software at the expense of the Moscow city budget for the period of receiving education.

5. Correction of health limitations of persons studying at home is carried out on the basis of an agreement with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, or a special (correctional) educational institution. The approximate form of the agreement is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 8. Training and education in a medical organization providing medical care in inpatient settings

(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for training and education for persons with disabilities who are undergoing long-term (more than 21 days) treatment in medical organizations providing medical care in a hospital setting in accordance with educational programs of the appropriate level.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

2. Organizational issues of training and education provided for in this article are regulated by an agreement between a medical organization providing medical care in a hospital setting and a state educational institution that implements educational programs at the appropriate level and is located, as a rule, in close proximity to this medical organization.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

3. An approximate form of an agreement on the organization of training and education in a medical organization providing medical care in inpatient conditions is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

4. Correction of health limitations of persons studying in a medical organization providing medical care in inpatient settings is carried out on the basis of an agreement with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, or a special (correctional) educational institution .
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

5. An approximate form of an agreement with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, or a special (correctional) educational institution is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 9. Training of persons with disabilities living in inpatient social service organizations

(The title as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

1. In order to implement comprehensive medical, social and professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities living in inpatient social service organizations, structural divisions and (or) special classes (groups) are created within their structure by decision of the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government. , implementing educational programs of the appropriate level, and labor training workshops in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

2. The organization of inpatient social services carries out the correction of health limitations of persons living there, provides consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to their parents (legal representatives) on medical, social, legal and other issues, develops individually differentiated training programs, implemented by it independently or with the involvement of state educational institutions that implement educational programs at the appropriate level.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

3. The approximate form of an agreement on the organization of training in the context of the organization of inpatient social services is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

4. Taking into account the needs of persons with disabilities, permanent, five-day and full-time forms of stay are organized in inpatient social service organizations.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

Article 10. Vocational education and employment of persons with disabilities

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for persons with disabilities to receive primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, additional vocational education, and vocational training in state educational institutions in accordance with the level of their general educational or professional training through the formation of state assignments to train personnel and provide the educational process with adequate material, technical, didactic and methodological teaching aids, taking into account the specific limitations of the health capabilities of these individuals and medical indications for training and work.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. State educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education carry out psychological, medical and pedagogical correction of students’ health limitations, aimed at restoring or compensating for impaired functions.

3. When mastering basic and additional professional educational programs using distance educational technologies, disabled people, including disabled children studying in basic professional educational programs of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education, are provided with computer equipment and communications equipment for the period of receiving education and software at the expense of the Moscow city budget.

4. Executive authorities of the city of Moscow take measures for the employment of persons with disabilities upon completion of training in accordance with the education and (or) professional training received in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, by providing services for vocational guidance and adaptation, creation of additional jobs for people with disabilities and specialized organizations that employ disabled people, reservation and quotas of jobs for disabled people, taking into account options for the labor forecast of people with disabilities, providing subsidies to enterprises and organizations that employ disabled people.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 11. Psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions

1. In order to identify children with disabilities and (or) behavioral deviations, conduct a comprehensive examination of them and prepare recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organize their upbringing and training, a central executive authority authorized by the Moscow Government is created (city) and territorial (district) psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. The procedure for organizing and the main areas of activity of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions are determined in accordance with federal legislation.

3. Recommendations for the creation (change) of special conditions of education (upbringing), contained in the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, are mandatory for implementation by state educational institutions and non-state educational organizations in which persons with disabilities study.

Article 12. Comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance

State educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, special (correctional) educational institutions and pre-school educational institutions that correct disabilities provide persons with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives) with comprehensive psychological and pedagogical and medical-social assistance aimed at:

1) identification, psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis and correction of health limitations;

2) development of individual training programs and organization of individual and (or) group classes aimed at developing self-care skills, communication, and basic work skills in persons with complex and (or) severe disabilities;

3) providing psychological and pedagogical support to persons with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives);

4) advisory, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of persons with disabilities on medical, social, legal and other issues;

5) information and methodological support for teaching and other employees of educational institutions where persons with disabilities study;

6) implementation of a comprehensive system of measures for social adaptation and vocational guidance of persons with disabilities.

Article 13. Early assistance service

1. In order to provide comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to persons with disabilities in infancy and early childhood from the moment they are diagnosed with developmental disorders of various functions or the risk of their occurrence at an older age in state educational institutions in which necessary conditions, an early assistance service can be created.

2. The main activities of the early assistance service are:

1) conducting a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children in infancy and early childhood;

2) provision of comprehensive correctional and developmental assistance to children of infancy and early childhood;

3) providing advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) on issues of raising and educating children and organizing psychological and pedagogical support for the family of a child with disabilities in infancy and early childhood.

3. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government inform the population about early assistance services and the services they provide.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 14. Features of admission of persons with disabilities to state educational institutions

1. Admission of persons with disabilities to state educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the general procedure established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow for the admission of citizens to state educational institutions, taking into account the specifics established by this Law.

2. A state educational institution does not have the right to refuse admission to persons with disabilities due to the presence of such restrictions, except in cases established by federal legislation and the laws of the city of Moscow.

3. A refusal to admit a person with disabilities to a state educational institution may be appealed in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 15. Procedure for transferring and changing the form of education for persons with disabilities

1. A person with disabilities is transferred to another educational institution or to another form of education on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of a minor child if he has not mastered the educational program in the chosen educational institution and in the chosen form. The issue of transfer is considered, as a rule, after the end of the academic year, if an earlier date does not correspond to the interests of the student or pupil.

2. Joint education and training of persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations should not negatively affect the educational results of the latter. If the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission determines the impossibility of joint education of persons with disabilities who are successfully mastering educational programs, and persons who do not have such restrictions, based on a decision of the self-government body of the educational institution, the executive body of the city of Moscow that carries out management in the field of education, in agreement with the parents (legal representatives) of minor children and taking into account the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, takes measures to ensure that persons with disabilities continue their studies in another educational institution or in another form of education.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 16. Final certification of persons with disabilities

1. The final certification of persons with disabilities is carried out in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow in an environment that excludes the influence of negative factors on the health status of such persons, and is organized taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities.

2. In order to realize the right of persons with disabilities to receive secondary vocational and higher vocational education, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government provide students with disabilities, upon their written application, the opportunity to participate in the unified state exam, conducted in the manner established by the federal legislation, and create organizational and technological conditions for them, taking into account their psychophysiological characteristics and recommendations of the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

3. Persons with disabilities who studied according to individual curricula and have not mastered the educational program of general education or educational programs for students, pupils with disabilities, including educational programs of special (correctional) educational institutions, are issued a certificate of completion of the educational institution, in which indicates academic subjects by year of study, the programs of which have been mastered. The categories of students and pupils who are issued a certificate of completion of an educational institution, and the procedure for issuing the certificate are determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Article 17. Interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, state educational institutions, non-state educational organizations, other organizations, associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations in creating conditions for the education and training of persons with disabilities

(The name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

The interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow with organizations in the field of education of persons with disabilities is carried out on the basis of the principles:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

1) ensuring the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in education, social development and employment in accordance with their abilities and capabilities;

2) involving public organizations of disabled people and organizations employing disabled people in decision-making in the field of education and training of persons with disabilities, development of program documentation, use of enhancing and alternative methods, methods and formats of communication, educational methods and materials to provide support to persons with disabilities in the quality development of educational material;

3) creation of an effective system of education and professional training of teaching staff involved in the education (education) of persons with disabilities, in the field of correctional pedagogy, special psychology, characteristics of the psychophysical development of persons with disabilities, methods and technologies for organizing the educational and rehabilitation process for such persons;

4) stimulating the participation of organizations, associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations in providing material and technical conditions for the educational process of persons with disabilities, producing for them specialized educational, rehabilitation, medical equipment, technical training aids, creating jobs and targeted employment of persons with disabilities.

Chapter 3. Financial and logistical support for the education of persons with disabilities

Article 18. Financing the education of persons with disabilities

1. Financing of state educational institutions in which people with disabilities study is carried out from the budget of the city of Moscow on the basis of an individual staffing table in accordance with financial cost standards approved by the Moscow Government for the next financial year. The financial cost standards include the costs of creating special conditions for the education (education) of persons with disabilities.

2. Expenses for providing disabled people, including disabled children, with transport services during the period of receiving education to attend state educational institutions are reimbursed in the manner determined by the Moscow Government.

3. Compensation for costs to parents (legal representatives) for independent education of a child with disabilities at home in accordance with an individual education program is carried out in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, in the amount of costs for training (raising) a child in a state educational institution at corresponding level of education.

4. Compensation for costs to parents (legal representatives) for training a person with disabilities in a non-state educational institution (organization) is carried out in the amount of costs for his training in a state educational institution in the manner determined by regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 19. Logistics and technical support for special conditions of training (upbringing)

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create in state educational institutions that provide education for persons with disabilities, conditions that provide the opportunity for unhindered access of such persons to the buildings and premises of the educational institution, organization of their stay and training in this institution: visual, sound and tactile media, handrails, ramps, special elevators, specially equipped training places, specialized educational, rehabilitation, medical equipment, as well as equipment and technical means of training for individual and collective use, including for organizing correctional and rehabilitation rooms, organizing training using distance educational technologies, organization of sports and public events, nutrition, provision of medical care, health and treatment and preventive measures, household and sanitary services, performance of other functions necessary for the full training (education) of persons with disabilities and implementation correction of health limitations.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. The publication of textbooks and teaching aids, including digital educational resources, didactic and visual materials necessary for the education (education) of persons with disabilities, is carried out at the expense of the Moscow city budget, regardless of the circulation.

Article 20. Social support measures for teaching and other workers involved in the training (education) of persons with disabilities

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for special training of pedagogical and other workers involved in the training (education) of persons with disabilities, in the field of correctional pedagogy, special psychology, characteristics of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities, methods and technologies of organization educational and rehabilitation process for such children.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. Additional payments are established for pedagogical and other employees of state educational institutions involved in the training (education) of persons with disabilities in the manner determined by the Moscow Government.

3. Teaching staff teaching people with disabilities using distance learning technologies are provided with computer equipment, communications and software.

4. A teaching worker with disabilities, if there is an appropriate conclusion from a medical and social examination institution, has the right to have an assistant.

5. The creation of the necessary conditions for the teaching activities of a teacher with disabilities is carried out in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Chapter 4. Final and transitional provisions

Article 21. Liability for violation of the requirements of this Law

Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this Law are liable in accordance with the legislation of the city of Moscow.

Article 22. Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law comes into force 10 days after its official publication, with the exception of Part 3 of Article 10, Parts 2-4 of Article 18, Part 3 of Article 20 of this Law.

2. Part 3 of Article 20 of this Law comes into force 10 days after its official publication in relation to teaching staff teaching persons with disabilities using distance learning technologies in basic and additional general education programs, and from January 1, 2011 - in in relation to teaching staff teaching people with disabilities using distance learning technologies in basic and additional professional educational programs.

3. Part 3 of Article 10 and parts 2-4 of Article 18 of this Law come into force on January 1, 2011.

Article 23. Transitional provisions

1. Before the creation in state educational institutions of the conditions provided for in Part 1 of Article 19 of this Law, for the purpose of organizing an inclusive education system, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow that manage the field of education, in accordance with the needs of the population in providing appropriate educational services, determine a state educational institution (institutions) on the territory of the administrative district (district) of the city of Moscow, the conditions for the implementation of the educational and rehabilitation process in which are closest to those defined by this Law.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. When implementing inclusive education, before the creation in a state educational institution of the conditions provided for in Part 1 of Article 19 of this Law, in order to ensure a balance of interests of students with disabilities and students who do not have such restrictions, as well as conditions for the successful work of teaching staff by decision of the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow, taking into account the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, a smaller occupancy rate in the class (group) may be established, and the ratio in the class (group) of persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations, students for full-time education, is determined in such a way that joint training does not interfere with their successful development of educational programs.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

3. The provision of subsidies provided for in Part 4 of Article 10 of this Law is carried out in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period.

4. Before the entry into force of Part 2 of Article 18 of this Law, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for transport services for disabled people, including disabled children, for the period of education in order to ensure the possibility of their delivery to state educational institutions before the start of classes and to place of residence upon completion of studies.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

5. Providing students and teaching staff with disabilities with the services of assistants and sign language interpreters is carried out in accordance with the individual staffing schedules of state educational institutions within the limits of funds for supporting core activities.

Mayor of Moscow

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

E. M. Starobina

Specifics of vocational education of persons with disabilities

The article reveals the features of vocational education of people with disabilities, which consists of an interdisciplinary approach, rehabilitation and educational essence, taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, in particular limitations in the ability to learn and subsequently work.

The article describes the specific of vocational education for people with disabilities, which is an interdisciplinary approach, rehabilitation and educational essence, taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, particularly educational and employment opportunities.

Key words: vocational education of persons with disabilities, rehabilitation and educational environment, rehabilitation and educational technologies, accompanying services.

Key words: vocational education of persons with disabilities, rehabilitation and educational environment, rehabilitation and educational technology, accompanying services.

Adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes the valuable current and potential contributions of persons with disabilities to the general well-being. Promoting the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities will enable them to make significant strides in the human, social and economic development of society. It is necessary to recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education and work on an equal basis with others; Persons with disabilities must have access to vocational guidance, general and vocational education, and adult education throughout their lives without discrimination and on an equal basis with others.

The Convention stipulates that states must recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education. In order to realize this right, inclusive education at all levels and lifelong learning must be ensured on the basis of equality of opportunity, while seeking to:

Towards the full development of human potential, fundamental freedoms and human diversity;

To develop the personality, talents and creativity of people with disabilities, as well as their mental and physical abilities to the fullest extent;

© Starobina E.M., 2014

Towards empowering people with disabilities to participate effectively in society.

According to the provisions of Article 19 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” our state ensures that disabled people receive basic general, secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled.

In accordance with the provisions of Part. Part. 5, 6 tbsp. 19 of the same law, special vocational institutions of various types and types or corresponding conditions in general vocational educational institutions are created for disabled people who need special conditions for receiving vocational education.

However, in practice these declarations are implemented with great difficulty.

Currently, in studies related to the study of vocational education of various categories of people with disabilities, the problems of forming a system of continuous multi-level variable vocational education for this category of students, integrating the existing system of specialized and mass institutions into a single educational space and improving specialized vocational education institutions have been raised. based on the introduction of effective rehabilitation and educational technologies and uniform educational standards.

The theory of vocational education for people with disabilities (PWD) is currently just being formed at the intersection of several sciences: pedagogy, rehabilitation, psychology, sociology, medicine, etc. The specificity of the theory of vocational education for people with disabilities lies in its interdisciplinarity, rehabilitation and education essence. It is based on taking into account the characteristics of people with disabilities, in particular, various limitations in the ability to learn and subsequently work. At the same time, it is necessary to note the high social significance of this problem.

The problem of theoretical substantiation of the system of vocational education for people with disabilities arose relatively recently due to the need to ensure access for this category of students to high-quality vocational education. At the same time, we can state the lack of special educational conditions, special educational technologies, comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support for students with special needs, trained teaching staff to ensure the preservation of their health and

functional adaptation in the conditions of the existing system of vocational education.

The basic principles of the system of vocational education for persons with disabilities are the principles of accessibility at all stages and levels of vocational education, the optimal content and volume of special educational and rehabilitation services, the combination of a strict vertical hierarchy and broad (developed) horizontal (regional and interregional) connections of educational institutions , regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership.

The theory of vocational education of people with disabilities, being integrative in essence, in the rehabilitation aspect is characterized by specific concepts: “disabled person”, “person with disabilities”, “limitation of life activity”, “limitation of ability to work”, “limitation of ability to learn” ", "social protection", "rehabilitation of the disabled", "vocational rehabilitation".

From the point of view of rehabilitation, vocational education is one of its aspects, an element of vocational rehabilitation. Vocational training as a central link in professional rehabilitation is determined by the relationship with career guidance, choice of profession, pre-vocational training, on the one hand, and with employment and industrial adaptation as criteria for its effectiveness, on the other.

The most important categories of professional rehabilitation of disabled people are: labor potential, labor forecast, rational employment. Labor potential determines the possibility of training a disabled person in a specialty available to him and subsequent work in it, taking into account both individual and external factors and conditions. In the process of vocational education, the student is prepared for work in the conditions and forms of labor organization recommended to him. Regular and specially created production conditions are distinguished. It is mainly the disabled, people with disabilities and those with learning disabilities who need special working and training conditions in specialized educational institutions.

Vocational education is designed to solve the problems of not only mastering a profession, but also social adaptation, integration into educational and work teams, and society.

The composition of the rehabilitation component of the process of vocational education of disabled people is justified by an integrated approach to rehabilitation, the concept of psychological and pedagogical medical and social support of a person during the educational process (E.I. Kazakova), which defines a comprehensive method of support, including the unity of diagnosis, information search,

planning, consulting and assistance in implementing the support plan; the functions and areas of activity of the support service are generally defined.

The main elements of the rehabilitation component of the process of vocational education of disabled people include: an accessible rehabilitation and educational learning environment, special rehabilitation and educational technologies, accompanying services.

The rehabilitation and educational environment is an environment adapted to the special needs of a disabled person in an educational institution, which provides conditions for mastering professional programs, adapting the individual in an educational institution and in society, and solving problems associated with learning. This environment should compensate fully or partially for the disabilities of a disabled person and provide conditions for an optimal rehabilitation and educational process.

The rehabilitation and educational environment must be adapted not only to the educational needs of a disabled person, but also to his social, social, environmental, and sociocultural needs (moving around the building, communication, information, eating, performing basic hygiene procedures, etc.) . The environment should create conditions for rehabilitation during the educational process and subsequent fullest integration into society and the workforce. It is also necessary to take into account that not all disabled people can be competitive in the labor market and their employment requires specially created working conditions.

The following components of the rehabilitation and educational environment can be distinguished:

Special rehabilitation and educational technologies;

An unhindered environment for learning, communication and life activities of people with disabilities through architectural and planning solutions and technical support (individual and group technical means of training and rehabilitation);

Information support of the rehabilitation and educational process for people with disabilities in a form accessible to them, their relatives, teachers and other specialists;

Psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support of the educational process;

Favorable, friendly, psychologically comfortable atmosphere in a rehabilitation and educational institution.

It is necessary to clarify that in an educational institution during the vocational training of disabled people, the rehabilitation and educational environment ensures not only unhindered communication and life activities of disabled people to overcome the difficulties of social adaptation, but also

the main thing is optimal learning conditions in accordance with the special rehabilitation and educational needs of people with disabilities.

In socio-psychological terms, the formation of a rehabilitation and educational environment, for example, an institution of primary vocational education, is decisively determined by the action of subjective factors of socio-psychological adaptation of persons with disabilities among students who are not disabled.

The environment is the most important means of rehabilitation, being at the same time a healing, therapeutic means for people with disabilities. The concept of “environment” also includes the immediate environment, the social circle of a disabled person: this is the family, and those who surround him in a specialized institution, and those who are next to him at work, study, and during leisure hours. The nature of communication and relationships (relationships) of a disabled person with people around him depends not only on the characteristics of his personal properties, but also on the perception of him by others. They cannot be interpreted as a subjective reflection of human relations or take only material or organizational aspects as a basis; they must be considered as a psycho-social factor with a guided nature of relationships. At the same time, the “material environment” (interior, comfort, informal atmosphere in the institution, etc.) is also important.

Rehabilitation and educational technologies are a set of organizational forms, methods and means that provide vocational education. This is a pedagogical process and an aspect of professional rehabilitation at the optimal level, taking into account the specifics of the student population and the specific conditions of the educational institution, achieving specific educational and rehabilitation results in accordance with current educational and rehabilitation standards.

Rehabilitation and educational technologies should provide:

Organic connection and unity of educational and rehabilitation processes;

Optimal assimilation of educational material, both theoretical and practical;

Physical access to educational and production equipment,

Information accessibility;

Availability of interpersonal communication;

Psychological comfort of the rehabilitation and educational process;

Access to intensive, high technologies of training, communication and rehabilitation, when access to them is difficult due to specific

life restrictions;

More complete correction and compensation (and/or replacement) of impaired body functions is possible (for example, “artificial ear” processors, programmable and digital hearing aids, etc.).

The technological base should include special material, technical, educational and methodological bases that ensure accessibility and optimal efficiency of the rehabilitation and educational process for every disabled person, the creation of a special rehabilitation environment and educational space adapted to the needs of disabled people.

The organization of accompanying services is justified by the theory of integrated development support, which is transferred to the vocational education of people with disabilities, due to a number of reasons:

Recognition of the principles of humanistic pedagogy, which proclaims the human personality to be the greatest value, obliging us to create conditions for the maximum development of this personality;

Recognition of new approaches to the goals, content and effectiveness of education;

The presence of a clearly visible trend of annual increase in the number of disabled people wishing to receive vocational education, including in general educational institutions;

A significant increase in difficulties of an organizational, legal, technical, methodological, psychological, ethical nature that arise on the path of a disabled person during the period of vocational education and after its completion.

The main goals of accompanying people with disabilities in the process of vocational education are the following: organizing psychological, methodological, technical and educational support for this category of students. As forms of organization of support, both specialized departments (at general institutions or specialized ones for accompanying students of a given educational institution) and accompanying services are offered.

Accompanying services that provide an integrated approach to the rehabilitation of a disabled person during the learning process, his psychological, pedagogical and medical-social support, include methodological, psychological, social, medical, and technical services.

The methodological service provides adaptation of curricula and teaching methods, introduction of modern educational, including specialized, and rehabilitation technologies, methodological support, interaction of accompanying services, supply of adapted educational materials and manuals.

The psychological service solves the following problems: development of individual programs for psychological support of students in an educational institution; participation in professional selection and professional selection; psychological diagnostics; psychological patronage, psychological assistance in the form of psychotherapy, psychocorrection, consultations and trainings in group and individual form; teaching students self-knowledge, methods of social and business communication, psychological self-regulation and self-realization; psychological assistance to teaching staff; psychological assistance to the family.

The social service solves the following tasks: coordination and control of the work of all accompanying services, maintaining individual rehabilitation diaries; development of individual programs for social support of students in an educational institution; participation in professional selection, professional selection and enrollment, conducting social diagnostics and organizing work on registering applicants and completing groups; social diagnostics; implementation of social patronage; identifying the “at-risk” group from a social point of view, carrying out social rehabilitation measures; intermediary function between students and the institution, as well as institutions of the state rehabilitation service in the implementation of personal and professional plans; consulting people with disabilities on issues of social protection, benefits and guarantees, promoting the implementation of their rights; social training (social, everyday and social-environmental skills), organization of cultural and sports activities; promoting the rational employment of graduates in accordance with the acquired specialty and qualifications, cooperating with the employment service and employers; tracking the results of employment and professional activities of graduates, identifying the difficulties and problems they encounter in professional rehabilitation.

The medical service participates in professional selection and selection by assessing the health status of applicants, clarifying indications and contraindications for a specific specialty; develops individual programs for medical support for students in an educational institution; coordinates and coordinates its activities with medical institutions; sends students to medical institutions to receive highly specialized medical care, for sanatorium treatment, prosthetics and orthotics; trains students and their parents to implement medical rehabilitation measures at home, transfers medical knowledge, skills, carries out medical advisory and preventive work, sanitary, hygienic and medical education; monitors the health status

supervision of students, medical patronage, establishment of permissible educational and work loads and training regimen; identifying “at-risk” and “high-risk” groups from a medical point of view; making decisions when emergency medical care is needed; control of the sanitary condition of the institution, quality control and recommendations for catering, including dietary; carries out medical and recreational activities.

The technical service provides auxiliary technical training aids (for example, specialized work tables, supports for sitting and changing body positions, etc.), accessibility of premises (bridges, ramps, descents, audio-speech environment, visual environment, etc.), labor safety and adaptation of educational and work places during industrial training, equipment of educational, recreational and living environments for various categories of disabled people; individual consultation on equipping students’ workplaces and homes.

Such provision of a rehabilitation component in the process of vocational education of disabled people will ensure high efficiency in mastering the profession of systemic, multidisciplinary support, its continuous nature, reliance on the positive internal potential of the child’s development, interaction instead of influence, as well as the priority of the interests of the person being accompanied, the independence and autonomy of support service specialists (always on the side child).

Long-term practice of the activities of specialized vocational education institutions of the social protection system has shown that such an organization of the rehabilitation component of the learning process, based on the principles of continuous systemic, multidisciplinary support of the learning process based on the positive internal development potential of the individual, ensures high efficiency in mastering the profession of disabled people.

Currently, more and more general vocational education institutions are creating specialized departments and groups for the professional training of students with disabilities, and an integrated approach to training is gradually beginning to be implemented. However, this activity is not supported either normatively, methodologically, technically, or personnel, which does not contribute to ensuring the preservation of the health of this category of students, their functional adaptation in the conditions of the existing system of vocational education.

The problem of effective integrated vocational education of people with disabilities in accordance with international standards should be solved in line with the directions outlined above at both the federal and regional levels.


1. Kantor V.Z., Murashko V.V. University in the system of continuous education of disabled people: socio-psychological aspects of the rehabilitation and educational space. // Lifelong education: problems of formation and development of lifelong education. - St. Petersburg: Leningrad State University named after. A.S. Pushkina, 2002. - P. 183-191.

2. Nikulina G.V. Modern approaches to professional training of visually impaired people // Social partnership in adult education, vocational training and retraining of the population: materials of Ros. scientific-practical conf. - St. Petersburg: RNPC, 2002. - pp. 72-73.

3. Ptushkin G.S. Organization of vocational training in a special state educational institution // Dokl. All-Russian scientific-practical Conf., 11-13 Oct. 2000 - M.: VNPK, 2000. - P. 3-10.

4. Stanevsky A.G. Model of innovative education for people with disabilities, integrated with social policy // Integrated professional education for people with hearing disabilities at MSTU. N.E. Bauman. - M.: MSTU, 2000. - P. 19-27.

5. Starobina E.M. Vocational education of disabled people. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2003. - 192 p.

6. Khrapylina L.P. On the issue of special educational technologies for disabled people // Medical and social examination and rehabilitation. - M.: ITU, 1998. -S. 30-31.

Training for persons with disabilities and disabilities, work experience

teacher E.R. Yastrebova

FCPOU "NTTI" Ministry of Labor of Russia

“Today it is necessary to continue working on the full integration of people with disabilities into the life of society, to promote their rehabilitation and social adaptation, to help them gain confidence in their abilities, get an education, find an interesting job, and realize their abilities in creativity and sports,” said Dmitry Medvedev at the V Congress of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

The methodological activity of the teacher is determined by the improvement of teaching methods, the availability of the necessary educational literature, educational and methodological documentation, educational and methodological support for taught disciplines and professional modules, implementation of OPOP, provision of extracurricular creative work.

In this regard, in order to increase the level of teaching skills and implement the principles of cooperation pedagogy, she studied current regulatory and methodological documents in education, analyzed publications in the journals “Specialist”, “Secondary Vocational Education”, “Bulletin of Education”, “Standards and Monitoring”, “Educational Policy”, etc., program and methodological materials. Attended classes with colleagues, exchanged experience with teachers in rehabilitation and educational mode and analyzed the results of their activities.

In order to expand and deepen professional knowledge, I visited shoe factories, studied materials on the competency-based approach to vocational training, as well as special literature in the specialty, the magazine “Leather and Footwear Industry”, Internet sources, etc.

For the purpose of self-improvement and accumulation of pedagogical experience, she took part in methodological work reviews and competitions, in city and regional seminars, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, and Territorial methodological associations in economics.

In order to form and develop the general and professional competencies of students, develop interest in their future profession, improve the quality of their preparation for practical independent activity in the disciplines and interdisciplinary courses I teach:

1) used educational and rehabilitation technologies of training and education: personality-oriented education, multimedia technologies, individualization, and a rating system for assessing knowledge. She developed students’ professional and creative interest in their chosen specialty, and used elements of intensive pedagogical technologies (basic notes, individualization of learning, problem-based learning, self-development learning). In order to implement health-saving technologies, I combined frontal, individual and group forms of work, which makes it possible to differentiate and individualize the load on the student, to make fuller and more efficient use of study time. To maintain high performance and avoid reducing overwork, students carried out dynamic breaks, alternating types of activities, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on both the body and learning ability in general.

The development of effective health promotion measures is of exceptional importance when training persons with disabilities. Establishing a harmonious connection between learning and health provides a qualitative shift towards increasing the efficiency of the educational process.

2) In order to increase the motivation of students’ cognitive activity, train memory, intelligence, develop interest in the subject being studied and enhance mental and cognitive activity, In the classroom, she gave priority to the practical activities of students. The ideal means for solving this problem is the project method: preparation for individual questions in the disciplines being studied, making presentations, mini-projects, completing coursework and diploma projects . Also, I used a teaching method based on real situations in my work. The advantage of this is the ability to optimally combine theory and practice, which seems quite important when training future specialists. The introduction of this form of training makes it possible to put into practice a competency-based approach, which enriches the content of the discipline and professional module.

To enhance learning, I used the following techniques:

formulating the purpose of the student’s activity, indicating his personal interest (even if it is an interest in a grade; or, designating this practical activity as a stage in solving more important problems that simply needs to be overcome);

adding a gaming, competitive element to practical activity (especially if it is routine), then it will acquire at least temporary significance (for example, instead of banal solving problems in economics, organizing competitions with a stimulating rating is very effective, students try to solve the problem faster than others and, get a point accordingly);

creating an unusual atmosphere during the activity, making the training session non-standard (for example, asking the group to solve the problem of the training session together or in groups, allowing discussion, distributing roles, assigning responsibility, etc.);

problematic presentation of the material, which allows students to activate their logical and creative thinking, which in turn teaches them to discuss, express and defend their point of view, gives everyone the opportunity to express their vision of the situation, solution to the problem, etc.;

creating a situation of success - due to the friendly attitude of the teacher, creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in the classroom, implementing an individual approach, differentiated selection of tasks, which allows each student to believe in themselves.

I believe that a lesson can be structured in such a way that, while organizing the targeted transfer of new material to students, at the same time ensure their individual development, independent learning activities, or structure the lesson in such a way that students independently find answers to the questions posed. A very important task is to develop in them the desire to independently expand their knowledge, work with additional literature, the ability to highlight the main thing, systematize the material, the ability to explain and prove. To do this, I use various tasks in class, for example: having the text of a textbook, find answers to the questions posed. This is a simple task, but a more complicated one - using the text of the textbook, create a supporting summary. Or I give a basic summary of a new topic and lead an explanation based on it, the guys see the integrity of the material, the interaction of issues and immediately point out the interdisciplinary connections - where it will be used, for what, at what stage. This ensures long-term retention by students of the material being studied, because Each student achieves his own result in mastering the topic, which is recorded by the teacher during an individual check of the assignment.

3) When working with students in the classroom, I used the recommendations of the psychological service on the structure of psychological competence; features of mental and personal development of disabled people of early adolescence; methods and forms of development of cognitive activity in the process of theoretical learning, etc.

Guided by the system-role model of personality formation, as part of the study of the disciplines and professional modules I taught, I regularly carried out targeted educational work in the classroom.

4) Throughout the year, using rating technology for assessing students’ educational achievements, she carried out monthly monitoring of educational activities according to main indicators (attendance, academic performance, quality of knowledge, SOC), monitored each student by topic, in each discipline and professional module, using incentive points for success in studies and creative activities and sanctions for poor studies. This method of summing up allows us to make an analysis and certain conclusions, and therefore, we adjusted the educational work in accordance with the intellectual, psychological and physical capabilities of the students.

5) Conducted self-examination in groups in all disciplines and professional modules taught by me. Control sections were carried out in order to identify and objectively assess the quality of students’ assimilation of the content of a specific discipline and professional module. As a research method, I used test tasks that I developed. The tasks meet the requirements for the minimum content of education and are aimed at identifying the basic competencies provided for by the requirements for training students of a secondary vocational educational institution.

Using the recommendations of the psychological service and the results of the rating, she identified knowledge gaps specific to each student, their causes, and conducted additional classes taking into account the individual characteristics and difficulties of the students in accordance with the planned rehabilitation routes.

The main task of extracurricular educational and rehabilitation work is to form general cultural and professional competencies, the creative personality of a future specialist capable of self-development, self-education, and innovative activity. This is the planned educational, educational and research work of students, carried out during extracurricular time according to the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher.

The main principle of organizing extracurricular educational and rehabilitation work is an integrated approach aimed at developing the skills of reproductive and creative activity of the student in the classroom, with extracurricular contacts with the teacher, and with home preparation.

This involves focusing on active methods of acquiring knowledge, developing the creative abilities of students, the transition to individualized learning, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual, in order to develop the ability to learn, form abilities for self-development, creative application of acquired knowledge, and methods of adaptation to professional activities.

In this regard, she carried out extracurricular educational and rehabilitation work: additional classes to fill gaps in knowledge, for students doing extracurricular independent work, to increase rating scores; for students studying under individual educational programs; consultations for the formation of the professional part of the portfolio.

Used the following types of extracurricular independent work:

Independent study of the topic;

Preparation of reports and abstracts;

Preparing a presentation on the topic;

Searching for additional information (working with additional literature, the Internet);

Preparation of questions on the topic, crossword puzzles, tasks;

Drawing up supporting notes on the topic;

Individual independent tasks to solve professional problems, compiling tests and selecting answers to them in different versions;

Tasks for working with reference literature and regulatory documentation;

Independent work with reference literature to complete coursework on PM.04 Management of a structural unit of an organization;

Independent work with GOSTs, regulatory documents when performing practical work, graduation project, etc.

Independent work introduces students to scientific creativity, search and solution of pressing modern problems.

Sufficiently stable results in the education of persons with disabilities and disabilities are achieved due to the fact that the educational and rehabilitation process was carried out on the basis of system software and educational and methodological support, taking into account interdisciplinary connections, the national-regional component, the achievements of science, technology, technology in the field of implemented educational programs .


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Cheshko Svetlana Leonidovna

applicant, Ekaterinburg Cheshko Svetlana Leonidovna

Applicant for a Degree Yekaterinburg

Vocational training for persons with disabilities


Professional Training of the Disabled People

The article discusses the relevance of vocational education for persons with disabilities, as one of the conditions for their successful socialization, the experience of implementing educational programs for the vocational training of persons with intellectual disabilities in an educational institution of primary vocational education in conditions of integration, comprehensive support and interaction with special (correctional) schools, businesses.

This article discusses the urgency of professional education of disabled people as one of the conditions for the success of their socialization, the experience of mentally disabled people S professional training in educational institutions of primary professional education in the context of integration, complex support and cooperation with special schools and enterprises.

Key words: integration, vocational training,

comprehensive support, persons with disabilities.

Key words: integration, professional training, complex support, disabled people.

Receiving vocational education for persons with disabilities is one of the main and essential conditions for their successful socialization in society. However, success will also depend on the factor of the further life of this category of students. The opportunity to realize oneself through a profession, the effectiveness of self-realization will depend on the extent to which the readiness for work and adequate professional self-determination, skills of behavior in society and socio-professional adaptation are formed at all stages of education and upbringing, starting from school and ending with industrial practice in an enterprise.

The relevance of improving the conditions of vocational education is determined by the need to find and implement effective

solutions to the problems of living conditions for people with disabilities in the presence of a tendency to increase the share of this category of the population in the world and in Russia. According to the World Health Organization, there are about 500 million people with disabilities in the world. In Russia, this category of citizens represents a significant and, at the same time, ever-increasing part of the country’s population □ 13 million people. (almost 10% of the population).

As of January 1, 2011, 344,581 people with disabilities live in the Sverdlovsk region, which is 7.9% of the total population of the region. 32% of the total number of disabled people are disabled people of working age. The number of disabled children under the age of 18 is □ 17,340 people. Theoretically, about 66,900 disabled people need employment and vocational rehabilitation services. It is also necessary to take into account the situation that not all persons with disabilities (among students of type VIII special (correctional) schools) have the status of a disabled person. In 2002, 14.2 thousand people with disabilities studied in all forms of education in state higher educational institutions of the country; by 2009, their number increased by 75% and reached 24.9 thousand people.

In 2009, 14.8 thousand people with disabilities studied in secondary specialized educational institutions, which is 45% more than in 2002 (10.1 thousand people). In institutions of primary vocational education □ there are more than 26 thousand (this is 36% more than in 2002). In the Sverdlovsk region there are 61 state special (correctional) educational institutions for children with disabilities, 12

institutions of primary vocational education provide professional training for graduates of correctional schools.

The adopted targeted federal programs provide for measures to develop the education of persons with disabilities and people with disabilities: Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015, Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015, Federal Target Program “Children of Russia □ for 2011-2015, in a number Similar programs are also being implemented in regions. Between 2008 and 2010, a number of

scientific and practical conferences at which the problems of education of persons with disabilities were considered.

The organization of integrated training and education is considered as a priority direction for the development of the education system for people with disabilities.

The development of integrated forms of education for people with disabilities should be carried out gradually, based on the planning and implementation of a set of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements for the organization of this activity (including the availability of appropriate material resources, special educational programs, training of teaching staff, carrying out explanatory work with students and their parents), □ notes A. A. Levitskaya.

Integrated forms of education make it possible to solve the problems of full participation of this category of people in the life of society, the effectiveness of self-realization, the success of independent

living arrangements. In a number of regions of the Russian Federation, integrated forms of vocational education for persons with disabilities are being successfully implemented. However, a number of problems remain unresolved, which are also drawn attention to by conference participants at meetings of the boards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The development of integrated forms of education for people with disabilities in the regions is not always planned, consistent, and is often not accompanied by the creation of the necessary conditions. Most vocational education institutions are not ready to accept and train people with disabilities, both in terms of the availability of material and technical conditions for training and psychological, medical and pedagogical support for such students, and in terms of staffing for this activity. There are also no normatively fixed sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizing the activities of vocational education institutions in terms of creating

conditions for obtaining education by people with disabilities, the existing models of organizing the educational process for people with disabilities require improvement, ensuring that all persons in this category receive a quality education. In particular, the issue of the possibility of increasing the time required for such citizens to complete vocational training programs requires additional regulation.

It is necessary to create an effective employment system for people with disabilities who have received vocational education, to coordinate the activities in this direction of educational institutions, employment services, and employers' associations.

The solution to these problems lies not only in the area of ​​organizing the process of vocational education in conditions of integration, but also in in-depth research, scientific substantiation of the content, process and result of vocational training of persons with intellectual disabilities in educational institutions together with normally developing peers.

The problems of integration in pedagogy are considered in different aspects in the works of many researchers. In special (correctional) pedagogy, the approach to integration is deeply unique. In the work of N.M. Nazarov's term integration means the process, result and state in which disabled people and other members of society with limited health capabilities are not socially isolated or isolated, participating in all types and forms of social life along with others. In the education system, at all its levels, integration means a real, and not a declared, possibility of a minimally restrictive alternative for children, adolescents, and youth with developmental problems □ education either in a special educational institution, or, with equal opportunities, in a general educational institution. N.M. Nazarova notes that the term integration has multiple meanings and variable interpretations. An integral part of the integration of children with developmental disabilities into society is their integration into general educational institutions, where they receive

the opportunity to study together with normally developing peers.

A similar definition is given in the work of M.I. Nikitina, who understands the process of integration of persons with developmental disabilities in correctional pedagogy as the process of including these persons in all spheres of society’s life as equal members of society, their mastery of the achievements of science, culture, economics, and education. In the works of N.N. Malofeeva and N.D. Shmatko considers the integration process as the integration of children with special educational needs into regular educational institutions. The term integrated learning is used in the works of leading scientists in the field of special education: L.S. Volkova, A.A. Dmitrieva, N.N. Malofeeva, N.M. Nazarova, M.I. Nikitina, L.P. Ufimtseva, N.D. Shmatko et al. Along with this term, the following concepts are used: integrated training and education, integrated

education. However, aspects of integrated training in vocational education institutions of the NVE system have not been sufficiently studied. “There is no systematic approach to consistency and continuity in educational programs of general and vocational education, distance learning opportunities are poorly used, employment infrastructure is not being developed” □ noted by the participants of the interregional scientific and practical conference in Krasnoyarsk.

An integrated approach, which involves the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in educational structures, in various types of activities, joint with healthy peers, contributes to the successful solution of didactic and educational tasks at the level of both general and vocational education (Yu.N. Bausov, V.A. Malysheva, I.A. Panshina, M.I. Nikitina, B.P. Puzanov, V.I. Seliverstov, A.G. Stanevsky, etc.). However, the studies conducted are mainly devoted to certain aspects of the implementation of an integrated approach in social rehabilitation and vocational training of children and adolescents with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities.

N.N. Malofeev and N.D. Shmatko consider integrated (together with normally developing peers) education as a child with developmental disabilities mastering the general educational standard in the same (or similar) time frame as healthy children. Analyzing the available research, they believe that integrated education can be effective only for a part of children with developmental disabilities, whose level of psychophysical development corresponds to the age norm or is close to it. In their opinion, it turns out to be inappropriate for children with intellectual disabilities. In relation to these children, we should first of all talk about staying together in an institution, about spending leisure time together and various extracurricular activities. In their work “Domestic models of integrated education for children with developmental disabilities and the danger of mechanical transfer of Western models of integration,” they identify four models of integration: full, combined,

partial and temporary, while clarifying the different levels of effectiveness.

Full and combined models of integration, according to the authors, can be effective only for some children with a high level of psychophysical and speech development; partial and especially temporary forms of integration are appropriate for the majority of disabled children and children with developmental disabilities, including children with intellectual disability. Integration of children with developmental disabilities promotes socialization, and for normally developing children creates an environment in which they understand the world as a single community of people, including people with problems. Highlighting domestic models of integration, N.N. Malofeev and N.D. Shmatko reveals them using the example of preschool and school education, without touching on the stages of pre-professional and vocational training of persons with disabilities. The issue of an integrated approach in vocational education becomes even more relevant, since there is no network of special institutions for obtaining a profession by persons with disabilities in intellectual development. Integration processes occur spontaneously, with formal inclusion

groups of people with disabilities to professional educational institutions, which is associated with the social demand of society for their further education.

Since 2000, the Social and Professional Lyceum Stroitel □ in Ekaterinburg has been providing vocational training for people with disabilities. The share of special education graduates

(correctional) schools of the VIII type has grown over ten years from 13 to 43% of the total number of students in NGO professions on the basis of basic general and secondary (complete) general education. Persons with disabilities in intellectual development study in an institution for normally developing peers in a single extracurricular educational environment, actively participating in the social life of the lyceum. Traditionally, students were offered the professions “Construction painter” “Plaster” “Construction joiner” “Carpenter □

A systematic analysis of the qualitative composition of S(K)OU graduates, a survey of parents, and conversations with students revealed the need for disabled children to obtain a profession who had not previously continued their studies after school for health reasons.

The teaching staff analyzed the list of professions and specialties recommended for professional training and employment of persons with mental retardation, which disabled people can master. Marketing research of the labor market was also carried out, which showed the demand for the professions "Vegetable grower □" Florist □ In 2008, licensing conditions were prepared for the implementation of a new program and recruitment for these professions was carried out □

The qualitative composition of S(K)OU graduates who entered to acquire a profession has changed □ from 1% of disabled children in 2005 to 36% of disabled children, disabled people of groups I-III in 2010 from the number of students □ graduates of special (correctional) schools VIII species, in groups under the EP “Vegetable grower, florist”, disabled people make up 74%. The range of offered professions is expanding, the conditions for the implementation of educational programs for professional training of graduates are being improved.

special (correctional) schools of the VIII type: in 2009, recruitment was carried out for the professions “Tile maker □ “Tile maker with synthetic

materials □

EAT. Starobina notes a favorable labor prognosis for persons with mild mental retardation and with the main type of mental defect. “They are distinguished by emotional stability, balance and the absence of concomitant diseases. They exhibit high perception capabilities, high concentration, and good performance. They easily develop socially valuable needs and interests, skills of adequate behavior and attitudes towards life circumstances.”

Obtaining a profession for students in this category is impossible without technologically thoughtful, comprehensive support during the learning process. In 2007, the project “Center for psychological, pedagogical, social, legal and medical support for children who find themselves in difficult life situations” was developed and implemented. □ The center is a structural unit of the lyceum, includes a staff to implement the goals of its activities: educational psychologists, social

teachers, medical workers, methodologists. The center has created psychological, methodological, socio-legal services that provide comprehensive support for children who find themselves in difficult life situations, including persons with intellectual disabilities. The creation of this Center is the result of the activities of the lyceum’s teaching staff to develop the educational process.

Currently, we can talk about an established system of organizational and pedagogical conditions that make it possible to meet the needs of children with intellectual disabilities and their parents. The goal of the project: to ensure such an organization and such content of the process in which each student, in accordance with his level of education, level of intellectual and physical development, state of somatic and mental health, social status and level of integration in society, has access to high-quality individual

oriented educational services, high-quality psychological and pedagogical, socio-legal, and medical assistance. Expected result: through a system of comprehensive support, every student from admission to the lyceum to successful integration into society has access and receives the necessary help in all aspects of his life, is oriented and adequately assesses his health, his capabilities, and makes real plans for his future life.

Practical value of the project:

Professional timely assistance to all subjects of the educational process;

Adaptation of educational programs to the individual characteristics of students;

Mastering by teachers new competencies in activity technologies;

Introduction into the educational process of new technologies for comprehensive support of students (health conservation, rehabilitation and correction);

Development of research and experimental activities with subsequent presentation of significant results to the external teaching community.

Creating conditions for the successful integration of persons with intellectual disabilities into society is the most important task of educational institutions and begins at the stage of training in special (correctional) schools.

While still studying in the 8th and 9th grades of the school, students and their parents get acquainted with the lyceum and the professions they can obtain. Vocational guidance takes place in various forms. First, this is a correspondence acquaintance with the lyceum through presentations and conversations at school with the invitation of the teacher-organizer, industrial training masters to class hours, parent meetings. Then □ excursions to the lyceum for an open day, a profession day, an educational and practical conference, and a lyceum student’s day. Active forms of student participation are also used in vocational guidance

S(K)OU in professional skills competitions, master classes held at the lyceum. These days, children meet graduates of their school and get acquainted with their professional and personal achievements. Preliminary acquaintance with the institution where the student will receive a profession reduces the level of anxiety, on the one hand, and allows you to make a choice of a future profession.

Vocational training at the lyceum begins in specially created classrooms for theoretical training and practical training in production workshops in the first year and includes practical training at the enterprise in the second year. Theoretical training is 1138 hours, practical training is 1554 hours. Groups are made up of 12-15 students and are divided into subgroups for practical training. The educational process is carried out using pedagogical technologies, taking into account the individual characteristics of students based on the recommendations of educational psychologists and medical workers. The implementation of the educational program of professional training is designed for two years in accordance with the curriculum and the requirements of state educational standards. Upon completion of the lyceum, graduates receive a certificate of qualification level 2-3 categories based on the results of the state final certification.

To obtain a qualification of the appropriate level, it is necessary to develop a system for developing professional competencies of students, ensuring the ability to constructively

professional activity and social adaptation.

The main methods used in the process of professional training of persons with mental retardation are visual and practical, including repeated repetition and practical reinforcement of the same material from different angles using different methods and techniques.

The educational program of professional training is modular in its structure, which allows, in our opinion, to take into account the specifics of training students □ graduates of S(K)OU. Limiting the academic load of this category of students does not allow expanding the time frame for mastering the content of the academic discipline, and a module introduced along with the main content will save time and update the content, and will clearly determine the place of this material in relation to a particular specialization. For better mastery of professional subjects, a general educational course “Mathematics in the Profession” has been developed and is being implemented with a specialized focus in accordance with the main professional program.

In order to develop communication skills, independence in professional activities, mastering technologies of self-control and self-development by students, the curriculum includes such academic disciplines as “Effective behavior in the labor market (speech workshop)”, elective classes “Personal growth training” for first-year students and “Fundamentals of conflict management” □ General competencies developed in the process of mastering the programs of these disciplines contribute to more successful social adaptation and integration of graduates into society.

The organization of practical training in production conditions also has its own characteristics. Well-established cooperation with all structures of enterprises □ social partners □ allows for the full implementation of the educational program, taking into account the educational and professional capabilities of students □ graduates of special (correctional) schools of the VIII type. At the stage of selecting enterprises from the existing data bank and concluding a cooperation agreement, approaches are determined and positions of interaction at various levels of management and implementation of the industrial practice program are agreed upon.

“The most optimal for students is a group form of labor organization in production (unit, team) with the participation of healthy

workers. In these cases, the working group has a positive influence, creating conditions for mutual understanding, developing adequate work skills, and stimulating interest in work,” which is necessarily taken into account when organizing practice. HR department specialists help select such places for internship when choosing an object and on site □ foreman when selecting the initial workforce.

Thus, the pedagogical and psychological support provided within the walls of the lyceum continues in production. The forms are changing, as the circle of subjects of interaction among students is expanding (HR specialists, foreman, mentor, personnel workers). The industrial training master, together with the student, develops a route for the student’s entry into professional society, an algorithm for getting to know the enterprise, and interaction with HR specialists and a mentor (foreman) at the site. In the future, the support of the industrial training master occurs not only directly, but also indirectly, through a mentor at the enterprise, in order not to limit, but to develop the independence of students.

During the period of practical training, along with the master of industrial training, the student’s self-assessment, an external assessment is carried out by representatives of the employer.

At the first (adaptation) stage, the degree of readiness for work in production conditions is assessed, and the level of mastery of general competencies is assessed.

At the second stage, the level of mastery of professional competencies is assessed.

At the third stage, □ assessment of the level of students’ involvement in the labor process as part of the practical training program.

Constant contact between teaching staff and local mentors allows them to see the problem in a timely manner and jointly find ways to resolve it.

During the implementation of educational professional programs at the lyceum, a tradition of collective summing up the results of students’ practical training has developed. Understanding the importance of developing such general competencies as communication skills, the ability to solve problems, self-development, the manifestation of independence by students in professional activities and their mastery of self-learning technologies and self-control allowed us to reach a higher level of quality in assessing the results of practical training.

The emerging pedagogical experience in supporting students in the educational process in production conditions determined in 2007 a model for the public presentation of students’ professional achievements.

Along with the external assessment, which is formed during visits to students during practical training at the site, meetings and conversations between the industrial training master and the mentor at the production site, conditions have been created for the formation of self-assessment of the level of development of students' competencies. In this situation, the student becomes an active subject of the educational process through self-control and self-assessment, which are requested both during the practice period and at the state final certification in the procedure of self-presentation of one’s own achievements.

The use of various forms of support for students at all stages of mastering the educational program promotes interaction between the teaching staff of the lyceum and the employer to solve the problem of improving the quality of professional training of graduates, taking into account the requirements of modern production and their further employment.

Over the course of ten years, 689 people received a profession at the lyceum, the average employment rate by profession is 56%, 10% of graduates work outside their profession. “Dropout” of students for various reasons, including health status and poor academic performance, in the period from 2000 to 2006

amounted to 19%, in the period from 2007 to 2010 this figure decreased to 7%, which is a positive trend not only for the safety of the contingent, but also for the successful socialization of students with intellectual disabilities.

However, despite the existing positive experience, problems of employment and adaptation in the workforce remain, which require improvement of professional training taking into account the demands of modern production, inclusion in the process of various services that facilitate the employment and retention of people with disabilities in the workplace. Activity analysis

teaching staff shows the need:

Development and implementation of software and methodological support for the processes of professional training of students based on federal state standards of the new generation;

Development and implementation of software and methodological support for pre-profile training processes in special (correctional) schools;

Development and implementation of a program for further employment of graduates together with enterprises, employment services, and social services;

Development of integration processes based on scientifically based approaches.

The goal of maximally satisfying the needs for high-quality vocational education and further work as the basis for the successful socialization of persons with disabilities can be achieved on a modern methodological basis at a new level of interaction between specialists at all stages of the development of a professional from school to enterprise.


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