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Forecast for the lunar day. Second lunar day: advice from an astrologer on the day of Abundance Dreams on the 2nd lunar day

The 2nd lunar day is characterized as a favorable day. On this day, all your plans and hopes can finally be realized. Be it a long-awaited romance, or a promotion. In this case, you need not to miss your chance and, as they say, “take the bull by the horns.” Moreover, it does not matter what sign this day is in. Your intuition will try its best not to let you down. But at the same time, you need to remember that excessive assertiveness can negatively affect any manifestations. Therefore, it will be better to ensure that the implementation of your plans does not develop into something catastrophic.

Characteristics of 2 lunar days

As already mentioned, the characteristics of the 2nd lunar day ideal to start realizing your plans. And you should not hesitate. After all, if you miss your, so to speak, “tit” of luck, then getting it back will not be easy. At the same time, fate will indulge you in every possible way and guide you on the right path. You will only need to gratefully accept the gifts of fate and try to distribute these offerings wisely. Astrologers also advise clearly distributing everything that the stars brought you on this day. Otherwise, the unreasonable distribution of both the features and properties of the 2nd lunar day of all luck may turn against you.

And the most important thing is not to forget that if on this day you sit all day and wait for all the gifts of fate to fall on your head, then this day will simply be wasted. The description and characteristics of the second lunar day say that you need to follow luck, catch it “by the tail” and, most importantly, never mess around. Sponsors will not come to your home and pay for your project. Just like the fact that the object of your desire will not take the first step. You will need to take the situation into your own hands, and fate itself will put everything in order.

Lunar relationships

Despite the fact that the second lunar day is favorable for starting new relationships, you should be wary of casual connections. After all, the object who will share your bed on this day may hide hidden motives. Therefore, astrologers believe that you should choose your partners with caution. But for dating, this day is suitable no matter how you get better. Especially if your relationship has already reached a new stage. Therefore, you should make this day something unforgettable. And there is even a good opportunity to confess your feelings.

And as a continuation of the relationship, sex on this day will be an unforgettable experience. It is sexual relationships that should diversify your life. Couples who have just met will find something new and unusual for themselves on this day. And for those who are in long-term relationships, astrologers recommend diversifying their sex life. Try new poses role-playing games BDSM. Everyone can choose something for themselves. If you have long wanted your other half to become a cat girl, go ahead, take up cosplay, or buy her “ears.” But if you want something extraordinary, don’t stop and feel free to make your dreams come true.

Conceiving a child

Conception on the 2nd lunar day will be favorable for the child. This will be a successful and talented child who will be able to climb the career ladder very high and become a successful businessman. Also, this day can become very joyful for your unborn child.

It’s no wonder that a child genius can be conceived on this day. But astrologers recommend that future parents not be heavily indoctrinated in various sciences and physics. preparation. After all, his talent can manifest itself at any moment. It should be remembered that Einstein was a poor student as a child, and John Lennon was generally from a military family, who was one of the worst students. This also needs to be taken into account.

Such children often have very high self-esteem. This is worth paying attention to, since excessive self-confidence can be detrimental for him. Praise your child, but in moderation, do not indulge your weaknesses. If a child is guilty, he needs to be punished. If a child behaves well, he should be encouraged. Try it in early age find something for your child to strive for. If he prefers to disassemble and assemble construction sets, this means that his brain works in the direction of technology. But if he really likes to draw, sing, or dance, this is an acting or artistic type of thinking.

Work on this lunar day

The 2nd lunar day is best suited for career growth. But you shouldn’t look for it in the same place where you work. On this day, astrologers recommend that you avoid your bosses and seek outside support. This could be generous sponsorship of your project, or new job. But at the same time, astrologers believe that one should not hesitate. Otherwise, all the goodies will go to someone else. If you've finished writing your novel, don't hesitate to send it to the editor. And even if it fails, they will point out mistakes that you can later correct.

If you are looking hard but cannot get a job, then this is also your day. After all, fortune smiles on those who are not afraid to overcome difficulties and break barriers in their path. If you doubt your choice, this could be a fatal mistake. After all, in any case, you should try yourself in any field of activity. And who knows, maybe this is what suits you best. Therefore, you have an excellent reason to quit your job.

Astrologers advise that if you are not satisfied with your job, this is the best day to would be better suited to change jobs. In this case, you need to be firm, even if your superiors try to dissuade you from staying. If you decide to do this, then it is better not to hesitate.

Health on a lunar day

Start everything from scratch and turn your “spring” to a new turn. The second lunar day is perfect for this. Astrologers recommend enrolling in a fitness center, or doing it at home. In any case, to achieve what you want, you will need a lot of strength. Sport is the best way to replenish lost energy. Also, if you have a sedentary job, then physical and gymnastic exercises are what will suit you best. And for this, the horoscope recommends that men take up sports such as basketball, volleyball, and football. And for women, yoga, qigong, fitness centers and volleyball are suitable. Exercise machines are suitable for both sexes. But to do this, you need to consult with a trainer about which exercise equipment and what load is suitable for your body type.

Today, health on the lunar day promises to be elevated, but the stars predict that it is best not to overdo it and increase the load as you gain experience. That is, start with small loads and gradually increase the rhythm.

Remember - your body has its own boundaries. And if these boundaries are violated, then you may simply get injured.


The 2nd lunar day for hair cutting is perfect, as on this day you can safely experiment. But if you decide to change your hair color, use natural dyes. This will attract more money. But at the same time, do not engage in philosophical questions. This day is best devoted to solving material issues.

Cutting your hair on the 2nd lunar day helps accelerate hair growth. And this can lead to good things appearance. As you know, the external reflection of our “I” is completely interconnected with the inner world and, depending on how you look, this will all affect the health of your internal organs.

Don't wear too much cosmetics and perfumes. Let your style be bold, but not too provocative. This can attract the attention of the “evil eye”, as well as a variety of ill-wishers.

Hair cutting on a lunar day will become prosperous and financially profitable if you adhere to several rules:

  • when you wash in the shower, you need to tie your hair in a ponytail or wear a special shower cap;
  • when going to the hairdresser, mentally imagine the image that you want to be looked at from the mirror next time;
  • think positively, otherwise gloomy thoughts can overwhelm your energy during a trip to the hairdresser.

Love today

The second lunar day in personal relationships can manifest itself both well and not so well. Today is an internal mood to receive compliments, increased attention, and gifts. There may be conflicts out of nowhere. This is a good time for dating, but the Moon today advises you to show care and generosity to your loved one, try to do something nice, and you will be rewarded with a good day, where there will be a first-class mood and joy. Believe in the best, believe in the bright and you will be surrounded only by everything positive.

Characteristics of people born on the 2nd lunar day

People born on the 2nd lunar day try to take everything from life. That is why the first lunar days are so active and full of energy, and starting from the 16th day, their strength fades away. This is a complex and restless character. It is very difficult to get along with them, but at the same time their life is full of colors and eventful events. More often than not, those born on this day are successful and rich people, whose will is unshakable, like a piece of concrete driven into the ground. They strive for financial freedom, and sometimes this may not end very well. But at the same time, they grasp everything on the fly, they don’t need to be explained several times.

The characteristics of the day for such people should correspond to their nature. It should be remembered that they light up very quickly, but just as quickly this idea burns out. Therefore, it is necessary to seize the moment before those who were born on the 2nd lunar day change their minds.

Dreams on the 2nd lunar day

Dreams on the 2nd lunar day come for a reason. This means that the planets want to tell you something. And to do this, you will have to think a little about your dreams yourself, see what zodiac sign this day is in. And also think about what you have to do in the near future and then the stars themselves will sort everything out.

What do dreams on the 2nd lunar day mean? This question can be answered in different ways. Since it is believed that on this day dreams are just dreams. But, as mentioned above, this is not so. Higher powers are guiding us on this day so that we can put everything together and come to a common result.

Ritual of the 2nd lunar day

In order to carry out the lunar day ritual, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and draw a circle on it. In the center of the circle you will need to place your photo, and under it write everything you want to attract. After that, between the two circles write: “The desires and realization of my desires will always be surrounded by positive energy.” Thus, today you protected all your desires and dreams with a ritual.

What should you write on this day? The 2nd lunar day is associated with gifts of fate, so it would be best to write about attracting financial help, or career. But writing and bringing to life are two different things. Therefore, you will need to try your best to attract positive energy. And for this you need to think in this direction, read books dedicated to your problem, and watch films that are aimed at this goal.

But, besides this, astrologers recommend making a gift on this day. At the same time, it doesn’t matter who you give the gift to: a loved one, a child, a work colleague, a simple homeless person. The main thing is that it is from a pure heart and with good intentions. But, under no circumstances give gifts to fulfill your duty. Then the universe will pay for it threefold.


The second lunar day in itself is a very busy day to decide the most various problems. Astrologers on this day recommend starting vigorous activity, so that later you can slow down the pace and rest a little. At this time, the most daring creative ideas are realized, wealth is attracted, and life changes radically. But astrologers also warn that the stars always give us a certain supply of energy, which must be distributed wisely. And therefore you should not overdo it. On this day, you can safely confess your love, find something new for yourself in your sex life, and also pick up a partner for one night. But you also shouldn’t neglect the return. Give your family and friends some gift. Let it be something simple, but from the heart.

In this article:

1st lunar day is one of the most powerful. At this time, it is recommended to lay down information that will later bear considerable fruit. Enormous power is concentrated on this day, and if everything is done correctly, then everything desired and planned will come true in a very short time and with the least effort.

Its strongest energy provides the opportunity to realize your wildest dreams and plans. Therefore, on the 1st day of the Moon, experts recommend carrying out serious rituals, as well as mentally building a model of the desired future.

Useful breathing meditation on the 1st lunar day

You need to lie down and try to relax. Breathing should be calm and even: you need to feel how the air enters the nose, then passes through the larynx, fills the lungs, while expanding the chest, and then exits the same way.

In other words, you should fully concentrate on a process that usually no one pays attention to. After inhaling the air, you can lie down for a while, holding your breath for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale again. While doing the exercise, you need to listen to your feelings. You need to repeat the meditation no more than 3 times.

A person thinks only during uniform breathing, and if it is interrupted, then the train of thought is lost. That is why this exercise is very effective for those who want to forget about existing problems and matters at least for a certain period of time and focus on what they want.

Condition for successful visualization

The main condition for successful visualization is complete relaxation. You need to visualize only in a state of relaxation. This is necessary so that the presented pictures can be imprinted in the deep layers of the psyche.

If a person does not have enough free time for relaxation, he can immediately begin to visualize, but at the same time he needs to get rid of excess tension and move away from extraneous thoughts, and for this he can do one of the following 2 methods of quick relaxation.

  • Sit in a comfortable position, straighten your back, place your hands on your legs, close your eyes and calm your breathing. As you inhale, you need to imagine that vital forces begin to flow from external environment, and as you exhale, all the accumulated tension leaves the body in the form of black smoke. You should also try to drive away extraneous thoughts and focus on breathing. Perform up to 7 repetitions.
  • Take a comfortable position and imagine that your body seems to be sculpted from concrete or completely filled with lead; it has become very heavy that you don’t even have the strength to lift your arm or leg. It is advisable to have something blue in your field of vision - it promotes relaxation.

Visualization of dreams in great detail

Having made yourself comfortable, you need to mentally draw a picture right in front of you; it is in this place that the energy center, called the “third eye,” is located. The desire must be imagined as if it had already come true a long time ago. There is no need to completely build the process of realizing your dream in your head. In this situation, doubts may arise about its implementation and then nothing will work out. The desire has already come true and the task is to clearly draw the end result, that is, yourself, your rich family, or surrounded by objects and things that you would like to have, etc.

During visualization, a person must necessarily include himself in the picture being presented, in this way he will connect with his dream. Visualized pictures should be clear, bright and, most importantly, alive.

In addition, it is important that they are imbued with joyful feelings and sensations that what was planned has already come true.

2nd day of the moon

On the 2nd lunar day it is necessary to absorb all the monetary information through clean water. On this day, a person’s task is to absorb information about money in the form of energy to the maximum. How to do it? It’s very simple to imbue yourself with the energy of money: to do this, you can think, dream, watch, read articles about methods of making money. In addition, you can perform rituals to attract wealth.

The 2nd lunar day is also associated with giving and generosity. This means that if a person shows sincere generosity on this day, for example, gives someone a gift, gives away unnecessary things or lends money, then everything will be returned to him in 3 times the amount. Also on this day you cannot regret the loss; it is believed that if something was lost on the 2nd day of the Moon, then it was unnecessary.

Ritual of charging water with a money dream

On this day, you need to charge water with money, from which you can subsequently prepare various drinks. During the ritual, you need to concentrate and think only about your financial desire, and throw other extraneous thoughts aside. If a person begins to be distracted from thoughts about money, he will thereby cause interference that can distort the structure of the charged liquid. The water will become charged with foreign elements and will no longer be usable.

Water for the ritual must be used that is energetically pure, that is, it does not store any information. This property is endowed with melt water that has been frozen and defrosted. It is preferable to take natural melt water from snow and ice, but if this is not possible, then purified tap liquid can also be used.

Water coding ritual - mini-meditation

To charge (encode) water you will need the largest banknote you have at home. You need to place a container with melt water in front of you at a distance of no more than 1 meter, pick up a bill and look at it carefully for 2-4 minutes, paying attention to all the details and even the smallest ones, for example, inscriptions, patterns, color etc.

Holding the money in your hands, you should whisper 3 times:

“This bill multiplies on its own. I have a lot of these in my wallet and even more are coming.”

After these words, one must imagine that the banknote suddenly increased in denomination, for example, if it is 50 rubles, then they turned into 500, 100 into 1000, etc. At the same time, you should say the words to yourself:

“I have a lot of money. I can easily increase this amount at any time I need. As soon as I wish, I will acquire everything I need.”

You need to concentrate your thought into an imaginary white or green ball in the center of your head: Then take a deep breath, exhale and imagine how the energy circle, together with your breath, slowly moves onto the water, transferring thoughts about money onto it.

7th day of the moon

On this day, spoken words have great power. Experts say that what will be said today can enter a person’s life for a long time and firmly, regardless of whether he wants it or not. Therefore, on the 7th lunar day, as well as on the 4th, 6th and 12th, it is important to monitor all your words. It is better to voice only positive and positive thoughts.

You can attract money and a streak of luck on this day by using special spells and prayers.

Spell words for water and the moon

The conspiracy must be pronounced at night or in the evening, after the Moon rises. Next, you need to try to position yourself in such a way that the night light is visible, and its light illuminates the previously prepared container with water. If this is impossible, then it is better to perform the rituals on the next 7 lunar day. Then lean over the container and say 3 times:

“Water, pure water, fill yourself with moonlight, fill yourself with heavenly power and wonderful grace. Mother Moon, spring water, I call to you with all my soul. Help me, attract money to me. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea and ocean, let the same amount of money flow into my wallet. Our mother moon shines on the water with its light. Give me wealth. Amen".

After the words, you need to raise the container in front of you and, looking through it at the Moon, say:

“My cup may be full, and I, God’s servant (my name), should forget about poverty. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, you need to drink the charmed water and go to bed.

Ritual for increasing money

You should light a church candle, place clean water in front of you and say the spell:

“Our Lord, Almighty and All-Knowing. Come to me, God's servant (your name), to help. Endow the living water with your grace. Give this life-giving, great power that works miracles. May Your light sanctify pure water with miraculous radiance, heal my body and soul from poverty, poverty, and bad luck, strengthen and increase my well-being. Amen".

The consecrated liquid must be drunk and the candle allowed to burn out.

The symbol is the mouth, mouth, cornucopia, according to the ancient Indian tradition - “grabbing mouth” (mythological parallels - Charybdis, Leviathan, Whale).
Symbolic correspondence: 13th - 24th degrees of Aries.
Anatomical compliance: mouth, jaws.
Action: consumption.
Titles: big fish, mouth, Bharati, cornucopia.
On the 2nd day of the moon, diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended that everyone, before the moon rises or in the morning, rinse their stomach, drink a liter of salted water with lemon, and for those who are used to it, do the Raven pose, sit quietly and slowly remember the foods you eat; If, when remembering something edible, you feel nausea or an unpleasant sensation, the product is harmful to the body. (You can check your friends in the same way: the one who makes you sick is not a friend).
Anger is completely contraindicated on the second day of the Moon; generosity, on the contrary, should be developed and cultivated in oneself in every possible way.
Social influence: bad for close contact (selectively), for marriage, for theft, lawsuits. It's better not to quarrel.
Household influence: Good for travel, creativity, trade, big business and apprenticeship.
Medical influence: The sick person will recover quickly. They suffer from periodontal disease and other dental diseases, lichen appears, the function of the digestive tract suffers, and psychosomatic diseases worsen.
Mystical influence: The main direction is physiology.
Dietetics: if nausea occurs, the product should be discarded, phyto-effects, cleansing procedures (without hunger). Any type of physical exercise is recommended, but without fatigue. On this day it is difficult to realize generosity and greed.
People born on this day strive to absorb everything into themselves. They strive for abundance, are sometimes greedy, attached to their environment and property. Diligent, smart, rarely make mistakes in their assessments. They never get fat.
In undeveloped people this manifests itself in the form of aggression and greed; never gaining weight, they eat everything indiscriminately. People of this day may develop greed, aggressive instincts, and attachment to things.
Effect on conception: quite good. Particularly successful for conceiving a girl and procreation. Those born will experience success, fulfillment of desires and necessarily someone’s intercession.
It is good to start a cycle of physical exercise or a large information cycle on this day. If this is not done, compaction may occur. physical body(salts, stones), teeth begin to hurt, periodontal disease, lichen are possible (with bad Saturn).
In medical terms, you should also pay attention to the mouth, teeth, and upper part of the palate.
Stones - jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.
Meditations: consumption process.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

The first half of this day is favorable, but plans and ideas that appear must be kept to yourself. Otherwise, the second half of the day may cross out new thoughts and trends for improvement, and vanity or unfulfilled obligations will seem to erase the emerging positive prospects. The first half of this L.d. favorable for contacts with superiors, for requests, for any public endeavors, but specific individual matters on this day will be difficult to resolve.

"Days from the Birth" of the Moon according to Albertus Magnus

Happy to set out on a journey by land and water and to conceive children, to build, to sow; those who steal on this day are soon caught. Illnesses are short-lived. Dreams don't mean anything. Babies grow quickly.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

Symbols - "Cornucopia" or "Maw". Begins with the first moonrise after the new moon and continues until the next moonrise. Lasts a little over a day.
On the 2nd day there is burning, cleansing and saturation of the dense body. Therefore, by the sensations that will be in our body, we can find out whether what we are thinking about is useful or not. You can imagine food, friends, and if they make you sick, it means they are harmful to us.
The process of the day is helped by a bath, dry fasting, and a mono-diet. The best results will be obtained from cereals cooked without salt and oil. Cereals are unique products that remove toxins and everything that bothers us.
You can do various cleansing practices, clean any organ that bothers you, but it is best to choose an organ that corresponds to the sign where the Moon will be at that time.
On this day it is necessary to show generosity, there is no need to regret what we are freeing ourselves from. On the 2nd lunar day, information cycles are also laid. And the information that comes on this day will be important for the whole month.
A special practice on the 2nd lunar day is learning what you need and what you don’t need. Anger and irritation are contraindicated - this will interfere with the cleansing of the dense body. The energy center that is associated with the 2nd lunar day is non-classical. It is located under the nose, you need to concentrate on this point.
The mouth, lips, teeth and upper part of the palate are associated with the 2nd lunar day. On this day it is good to treat your teeth. Unused energy of the 2nd lunar day leads to periodontal disease and tartar. If Saturn is bad, a person may become covered with lichen.
People born on the 2nd lunar day, as a rule, have a plurality system. Whatever they don't do, they do a lot. Since the day is called “Cornucopia” or “Fall”, people on this day eat a lot, but are never full, since they are constantly undergoing a cleansing process.
You can and should do and eat:
- Dry fasting
- Diet
- Ablution, visit to the bathhouse
You cannot do or you must abstain, do not eat:
- Quarrel, swear

Symbols - cornucopia, mouth, mouth, big fish, Bharati, according to ancient Indian tradition - “grabbing mouth” (mythological parallels - Charybdis, Leviathan, Whale). Symbolic correspondence: 13th - 24th degrees of Aries. Anatomical correspondence: mouth, jaws. Action: consumption. Stones- jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate. Meditations: consumption process.

This involves burning, purifying and saturating the dense body. Therefore, by the sensations that will be in our body, we can find out whether what we are thinking about is useful or not. You can imagine food, friends, and if they make you sick, it means they are harmful to us.

On this day it is necessary to show generosity, there is no need to regret what we are freeing ourselves from. Information cycles are also built into it. And the information that comes on this day will be important for the whole month. A special practice in learning what you need and what you don't need.

Anger and irritation are contraindicated - this will interfere with the cleansing of the dense body. On this day, everything becomes denser, takes on visible outlines, some people have a densification of the astral body, some see ghosts on the material level, on a more high level materialization of astral souls occurs.

Social influence: bad for close contact (selectively), for marriage, for litigation. It's better not to quarrel.

Household influence: Good for travel, creativity, trade, big business and apprenticeship.

Mystical influence: The main direction is physiology. If nausea occurs, the product should be discarded, phyto-effects, cleansing procedures (without hunger). Any type of physical exercise is recommended, but without fatigue. On this day it is difficult to realize generosity and greed.

On this day, of course, it will not be entirely correct to indulge in gluttony and indulge any of your desires. Lack of measures can lead to the fact that the excess, perceived from the world around you, will remain with you, but in the form of ballast: fat deposits, salts, stones, ingrained habits, unconscious reactions, which will then be very difficult to abandon. If you eat plenty of food, then within a month you will notice how your overall appetite will increase.

Many people try unsuccessfully year after year to maintain a normal weight with the help of diets and fasting. If you use knowledge and correctly engage in the energy of the solar-lunar cycle, then there should be no problems with excess weight. On the 29th, 30th and 1st lunar day, it is enough to eat mainly spiritual food (maybe even completely abandoning material food), but in moderation. This will ensure a more balanced functioning of your internal mechanism.

Also on this day, it is undesirable to distribute everything indiscriminately to everyone, especially to strangers. But if one of your relatives or friends asks you for something, this may be a sign that you are in debt, and in this case you should not refuse.

Health effects

The process of the day is helped by a bath, dry fasting, and a mono-diet. The best results will be obtained from cereals cooked without salt and oil. Cereals are unique products that remove toxins and everything that bothers us. You can do various cleansing practices, clean any organ that bothers you.

Co 2nd lunar day the mouth, lips, teeth and upper part of the palate are connected. On this day it is good to treat your teeth. Unused Energy 2nd lunar day leads to periodontal disease and tartar. In case of bad Saturn a person may become covered with lichen.

If you feel physically ill on this day, try first of all to remember and analyze what you took internally. The situation can be provoked by some product that is not acceptable to your body. Excluding it from the diet is as easy as shelling pears; it is much more difficult to understand why the body resists it. If this is successful, then understanding will allow you to get closer to the reasons for the imbalance in your perception in a broader sense. In any case, if you feel unwell on this day, food restrictions and fasting are helpful.

Born on the 2nd lunar day

In people, born on the 2nd lunar day, as a rule, the set system works. Whatever they don't do, they do a lot.

In less balanced versions, to a person, born on the 2nd lunar day, what is missing is just the measure of desires, the measure of acceptance. Some are insatiable eaters. Others strive to absorb not only food, but also to capture everything they want in general. True, at times, feeling overwhelmed, they may seem outwardly generous, but their generosity is based on the principle: “on you, God, what is worthless to us.” Often the quantitative principle dominates their worldview and worldview, and their emotional state is closely related to material and energy consumption (analogy with the 2nd house of the natal chart).

As the other extreme, these are “altruists” who exhaust themselves both emotionally and physically, demonstrating their independence from the world, but in essence they simply do not know how to attract anything, because they have nothing to share, and they do not want to sacrifice anything. Both extreme positions often lead to “recoil”: reflection of the same from the world and, as a consequence, to big problems for a person.

In more balanced cases, these are Mera people who accept the world as it is and understand (not only with their minds) that “you have to pay for everything in life.” They do not need anything, not because they have everything, but because they always have what they need at a particular time. These are people free from attachments and obsessive desires. They are generous and do not regret anything. What is most important to them is inner harmony, creating a balanced external flow of life, “a green street on Route 60.”

Often these people do not strive to be noticeable. No matter what they do, they are on the sidelines, but their contribution to any common affairs, if you look at it and look deeper, is invaluable.

2nd lunar day for business

Second lunar day are designed to find sources of funding - be it finding sponsors or withdrawing money from accounts. During this period, it is good to conclude deals, sign contracts, agreements, that is, take those actions that will help in the future to correctly implement your business plans.

On the path to realizing what you want, you need to take a confident step forward, but without pressure and unnecessary aggression. After the first step, you need to take a short pause.

This is the best time to begin implementing a new company policy and carry out internal organizational measures that will make work more efficient.

Second lunar day is successful for hiring new employees, because in this case they have every chance of harmoniously joining the already established team, and the bosses, as they say, will “come to the court.” A person who is hired for a job second lunar day, as a rule, brings “fresh air” to the team and takes work to a new level.

For those who are professionally engaged in business, this lunar period It is extremely useful to provide any charitable act, act as a philanthropist or sponsor, for example, creative evening or an art exhibition. The point is that during second lunar day The law is especially effective: “The more you give, the more you receive.”

Haircut on the 2nd lunar day

Which favorable days for haircuts this month, you can look at our page

Symbol: cornucopia

Stones: jadeite, chalcedony, agate

2nd lunar day is the time to receive information. Be attentive to everything you receive on this day, even when it seems to you that this information you won't need it. Perhaps a little time will pass and you will appreciate what you received.

Also this one, as in the famous joke: “Doctor, give me pills for greed, more, more.”

Therefore, in order to live this day correctly, remember what Petrarch said: “If you are stingy, then wealth owns you, and not you own wealth.” Do not give in to stingy thoughts, greed, and vice versa, if you manage to give something to someone, it will be returned to you in full.

Give away your unwanted items to those who need them, and you will soon notice how the universe generously gifts you. If suddenly on the second lunar day you have a loss, don’t worry too much, you don’t really need the lost thing.

In general, the 2nd lunar day is ideal for laying down material wealth (but this is only if getting rich is not the goal of your life). The second lunar day is a more suitable time for active actions. Use his special power.

Today you have been given everything to turn your dreams and ideas into reality. When making plans for today, take into account that they will only be implemented if you do not talk about them.

If you talk about what ideas came to you, then in the afternoon all your efforts will come to naught. You may have a lot of urgent small things to do, vanity will swallow up your dreams and plans, and you will not even physically be able to do anything of your plans.

When you take action, always remember how important the first step is. Especially today, on the day of beginnings. Stay calm, confident in the correctness of your actions and radiate love and joy to the whole world, and it will reciprocate you.

There is a special sign for the second lunar day. Everything that fate sends today will be useful to you in the future, even if this moment it seems to you that you are faced with something meaningless or not entirely pleasant. In fact, you need it: after all, today we are creating a foundation for the future. Never forget that there are no failures, only unused opportunities.

The 2nd lunar day is often called the day of the first step. But your determination is of utmost importance. If you are determined to do something, then once you start, do not doubt your success.

You had time to overcome your doubts; now you shouldn’t think about them at all. Otherwise, like poison, they will poison your every action, and you will not be able to do anything.

Everything you have planned on the 1st lunar day begins to come true. You should not take active actions, but all the information that comes to you must be remembered and analyzed; it can be very useful to you during this lunar month.

The 2nd lunar day is good for finding sources of financing, concluding deals, and taking office.

In esoteric teachings it is believed that on the second lunar day you can learn about your friends, about sincerity and honesty. Intuition comes to everyone's aid in this matter. You need to relax and imagine someone you know.

If at the same time you have unpleasant sensations, then this is a sign that your acquaintance with you is dishonest, insincere or envious. In any case, you need to be careful when communicating with him and not trust him with important matters.

The 2nd lunar day is favorable for scientific research, for reflection and discovery.

Let us dwell in more detail on the influence of the second lunar day on our lives.


On the 2nd lunar day, things can be either very good or very bad in your personal life. The fact is that today each of us is determined to receive gifts, compliments and increased attention.

If this is the case, then everything is fine, if not, then problems and grievances can arise out of nowhere.

In general, the second lunar day is quite a good time for dating, but show generosity and care towards your partner, do something nice, and you will be rewarded with a good mood, joy, and love.

After all, in the end, giving gifts is much more pleasant than receiving them.

The 2nd lunar day is ideal for marriages.


On the second lunar day, any household chores work out very well.

In addition, since ancient times this day was considered favorable for the start of construction.


On the second lunar day, special attention should be paid to nutrition. Your intuition can be an excellent assistant in this matter. To do this, imagine some product and listen to your body.

If you experience unpleasant sensations, then you should not eat this food, and vice versa, if you experience pleasant sensations, then you should afford it, regardless of the price. There is no need to save on your health.

The 2nd lunar day is the ideal time for those who have been planning to establish healthy image life. Feel free to start doing exercises to improve your figure, burn excess fat and improve the overall health of your body. It’s great to create a diet for yourself on the 2nd lunar day for the entire lunar month.

Cleanse your body of toxins. If you suddenly get sick, it is advisable to fast, especially if the illness is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It is worth noting that illnesses of this day are short-lived and almost always pass without any consequences.

On this day, the most vulnerable organs of the oral cavity, the upper jaw, and teeth. Therefore, you should not visit the dentist on this day or have surgery to remove your tonsils.

On the 2nd lunar day, visiting a bathhouse, especially a Russian steam room, will be beneficial for both the health and beauty of the skin.

It is very useful to start health practices today, especially those related to physical education and sports. It is not necessary to go to the gym three times a week, but you need to give yourself at least basic physical activity, which you can do at home yourself.

It is worth noting that running around the shops does not count as useful exercise: it only tires us, and exercise should, on the contrary, relieve fatigue and increase strength. Devote at least five minutes a day to them, and within a week you will notice the difference, and by the end of the month it will become obvious to others.

In addition, if you give up any stress today, the risk of salt deposits and stone formation will increase.

On the second lunar day, simple food of plant origin is very useful. Alcohol and meat should not be consumed.

Business and money

The 2nd lunar day is favorable for work, both individual and collective. You can start any business, start any issues, anything that is important to you.

It has been noticed that projects related to education are especially successful on this day: you can start studying a subject, sign up for courses, etc.

In addition, in general, this is a rather positive day for solving material problems. Business trips scheduled for the second lunar day often bring great benefits. You can also go on a trip or hike.

An enterprise registered on the second lunar day can quickly bring profit and quarrel between co-owners in the process of dividing it.

Contracts concluded on this day can be profitable, but in practice they are very difficult to sign, since both parties will try to “pull the blanket over themselves” and the signing of the contract will be postponed to another day.