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Are there past lives? Why see a reincarnation therapist? Do past lives exist? Past lives in.

I immediately want to ask: “Why do you need this?”

Why break the lock on the door to the past, which Nature carefully placed there during your incarnation in the current reality?

Out of curiosity or out of necessity?

In this article we will take a closer look at the question of how to remember your past life and we will explain why past life regression is a very unsafe activity for those who seek to look into Pandora's box simply out of curiosity.

Past life regression. Access passwords to past incarnations

First, let's understand a little about the physics of past incarnations and understand where information about a Person's past lives is recorded and stored, so that in the future we can better understand how to remember a past life, and in advance eliminate any doubts when answering the question whether there is life after death. So, pay attention to Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Past life regression.
Where is information about past incarnations stored?

As can be seen from Figure 1, a person is not just physical body, but a set of subtle material structures belonging to different planes of sustainable existence of matter.

As it spreads through outer space at the speed of light C, a person (like any other living object) is left with a so-called “memory body,” a mental body (also called the Soul in Esotericism and Religion), which stores all records of states shell structures of a person and his mental activity over time.

Rice. 2. How to remember your past life. Structure of the 4th Dimensional Memory Body - Human Souls

Using certain techniques, it is possible to take a detailed graphic description of a person’s memory body in the current incarnation from the point of birth to the present moment of life and identify the moments when subconscious control stresses are activated with an accuracy of up to 5 minutes. (More about this -)

Also from Figure 1 you can clearly and clearly understand what a past incarnation is, and where exactly information about a person’s past life is recorded.

Thus, when regressing into past lives with the help of a special setting, the center of a person’s consciousness from the present time moves into the memory body of one of the previous incarnations and begins to read from there, like a needle from a record, all the records made there by the brain and body of a physical object previously living in that incarnation (who, by the way, could not necessarily be a person; moreover, it is not necessary that this incarnation, into which the center of consciousness can fall, was on Earth). Therefore, the visual answer to the question, who was I in a past life, obtained during regression, can be quite unexpected, and sometimes downright frightening!

Rice. 4. The principle of the gramophone. Setting up the center of a person’s consciousness to read records of past incarnations, which occurs during the process of regression into past lives

How to remember your past life?! Safety precautions

Past life regression can happen in 2 ways:

  1. With the help of regressive hypnosis with a complete immersion of a person’s center of consciousness into the distant past into one of the previous reincarnations of the Spirit.
  2. Using Infosomatics techniques with partial recall (highlighting) of individual “faulty” areas from any of the past lives without losing touch with reality and the point “here and now”.

When using the 2nd type of past life regression, in front of a person’s mental screen, with a special setting, only those sections of the “film” of the past begin to flash in front of a person’s mental screen, where there are some unresolved problems that affect the person’s present. Thus, when working with past lives using the methods of Infosomatics, it becomes possible to “add up” and partially rewrite unresolved programs of the past with the help of broadcast corrective programs from the present.

In this sense, the 2nd type of regression, which allows you to remember and work through only selective “faulty” areas of your past life, often turns out to be more environmentally friendly, effective and safer for a person’s consciousness than the 1st type of regression, in which immersion and recollection of a past life is more reminiscent of viewing full-length movie!

It is not by chance that nature seals the door to this cinema of past incarnations at the birth of a person in the present, so that past experience does not have a DIRECT impact on the consciousness of a person in the current reality.

Rice. 5. Sealed door to past incarnations

But nevertheless, the consciousness of a newborn is not a blank sheet of paper! The experience of past lives, as well as problems/tasks unresolved in past lives, have an INDIRECT impact on the events that happen to a person in a new incarnation, on his choices, outlook on life, and the people he meets on his way.

Thus, through the events of the current incarnation, Nature helps a person carefully correct, complement and harmonize the experience he received in past lives.

The date, place and time of the Spirit’s incarnation into a new physical reality, the gender of the biological body, as well as the family (with its problems) into which this Spirit comes in the form of a newborn child are also not accidental and are predetermined in advance by the experiences of past lives and the tasks that the Spirit must work in the current incarnation.

Past life regression, of course, can shed light on all these cause-and-effect relationships of incarnations, making a person’s life in the current incarnation as conscious and “interesting” as possible with an additional understanding of what will happen after death. But at the same time, past life regression can invite into the present such monsters and skeletons from the closet that an unprepared human consciousness may simply not be able to cope with. It is no coincidence that Nature keeps this door to past lives locked! And once opened at least once, this door is very difficult to close!

Rice. 6. “Stream” memories of a past life

Rice. 7. Final shots of the previous incarnation

So, in search of an answer to the question of how to remember a past life, one should not forget about safety precautions and irresponsibly violate the access control regime at the border between the current and previous incarnation, which Nature has established here!

No matter how curious you may be about what is on the other side of the closed gate to the distant past, remember: this is not a tourist area and you need a special permit to enter it!

And the key factor to receive it is your true intention, your true goal, why are you really trying to remember your past life!

If you have some problems (psychological, personal, eventual) that greatly bother you, and you have not been able to find a solution (explanation) for them using standard methods for a long time, then in this case past life regression may be justified, since using this regression technology, you can identify the cause-and-effect relationships of any problem and, instead of working with the consequences of this problem in the present embodiment, try to eliminate the real reason in one of its previous incarnations, rewriting selected “problem” frames on film from the distant past.

And only such a motivation for access to past lives can be approved by the Heavenly Office! And in this case, the Higher Powers themselves will be the guarantor of your safety and support service behind these large doors to the distant past.

If you are trying to remember your past life out of simple curiosity or you believe that past life regression will make you stronger, more spiritual and powerful - then with such motivation it is better not to stir up your past!

Because not everyone will smell like an expensive French cologne!

Do you believe in the existence of past incarnations? Or do you think that these are idle inventions of exalted “schizoterics” and a waste of time?

There are several different answers to this question. It all depends on your picture of the world. And you can choose any one.

Past lives exist

A huge number of people on our planet believe in this. Mainly adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism, but not only. Eat research papers, confirming that people remember themselves as different personalities and know many details that cannot be accessible to outsiders.

By accepting this concept, we can use this tool to solve issues in our present life- remove fears and phobias, find the causes of current problems, remember the skills, talents and abilities that you had in past incarnations. The world is becoming much wider than usual and much more interesting.

The soul lives all lives at the same time

According to another version, there are no “past” lives. Everything happens at once. Since time is an aspect that exists only within the framework of our physical time, there is no time beyond it.

According to this version, the Lord, the Absolute, the Universal Mind - whatever it is called - lives many realities simultaneously in all multidimensional spaces of this Universe.

This hypothesis can be illustrated by the phenomenon Billy Milligan- one of the most famous people with a diagnosis of “multiple personality” in the history of psychiatry. Milligan's personality splits totaled 24 full-fledged personalities, of which 10 were primary. While performing these actions, Billy claimed that it was not him, but one of his “tenants.”

It turns out that when a person remembers himself as a different person, it is as if he is “spying” on what is happening somewhere at the same moment. And it doesn’t matter what historical period it is, past or future.

This version is consistent with the perception of the World, when “I am everything, and everything is I,” and everything that surrounds us is just a reflection of ourselves. But in this case we have to take responsibility for everything that happens to us. And in order to change something in your life, you need to change yourself.

Collective unconscious

Famous founder of analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung introduced such a concept as the collective unconscious - a kind of information-energy field where all the experiences experienced by all living things in our Universe are collected and stored. In the mystical tradition it is called Akashic Records.

When a person enters an altered state of consciousness, a “connection” to this field occurs and from there one can “download and unpack” absolutely any information about any creature, person or other forms of life or consciousness.

Stanislav Grof, a Czech psychiatrist, described his experiences under the influence of LSD. He quite clearly felt like a tree, felt all the internal processes occurring inside and outside, how the sun warmed him and resin flowed along the bark.

A similar effect can be achieved different ways— holotropic breathing, hypnosis, deep meditation, etc.

But there is such a moment that our consciousness can perceive such experiments as a danger and either deny it or try to explain, name, define what is happening, trying to fit it into the framework of the usual worldview. This may distort the information received.

Past lives are fantasies

Those who live in an exclusively atheistic-materialistic picture of the world argue that what is happening is only a figment of human imagination, fantasy.

This point of view also has a right to exist. But this does not mean that this practice is completely useless. It can be classified as emotional-imaginative therapy.

This is a direction of psychotherapy created and developed by a Russian psychotherapist Nikolai Dmitrievich Linde and allowing you to really solve, and not just understand the problem stated by a person. And if it really helps people, then does it matter whether it is true or fantasy?

So, you can choose any of the presented explanations of what “past lives” are. After all, we are all different, and this is what makes life so interesting. The main thing is that we have the opportunity to use such a wonderful tool for the benefit of ourselves and our loved ones, to make our lives and this world even better.

The question of how to remember a past life interests people who are passionate about mysticism. You can find out who a person was in a past life. Let's consider methods of varying degrees of complexity.

In the article:

Remember your past life through meditation

If you are interested in how to remember a past life, a special one will help meditation. The experience of meditation is useful. The temperature in the room should be comfortable; cold and stuffiness will be distracting. Turn off the TV, radio, mobile and home phones, and doorbell so that there are no distractions. It is even advisable to choose the time so that as little noise as possible comes from the street.

Care must be taken that the person is not distracted by hunger, thirst or a feeling of a full stomach. It is advisable to reduce the illumination of the room to a minimum. After preparation, make yourself comfortable so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you - you can lie or sit in any position.

Close your eyes and imagine a white light that envelops your body. The shell is impenetrable to any energetic dirt, ill-wishers and entities living in the subtle world.

A white shining cocoon is needed for protection - a person faces a difficult journey, during which a cocoon of any (not necessarily white) color is mentally held.

They imagine that a person is standing in a large hall. At the end of the room you should see a door. The hall is examined in as much detail as possible, assessing the interior, lighting, ceiling height, etc. The room should be remembered in the smallest detail: the hall is always imagined when working with past lives.

Slowly they approach the door. Every step is taken with a sense of purpose. They listen, trying to hear the sound of footsteps, and remember the characteristics of the floor.

Behind the door is information about a past life. Do not rush to open the door: you should feel the texture of the handle, feel how it turns in the door, what sounds the parts of the lock make. The door is carefully examined, because it is an obstacle to understanding how to remember a past life on your own.

You must believe that what you see behind the door is related to a past life. Perhaps, with experience in meditation, it will turn out that some of the information is false, but doubts will negate all efforts.

Open the door and accept information about your past incarnation. It’s rare to get a lot of information the first time. For example, an unfamiliar face is shown, which is preserved in the memory of a past incarnation, or only a color. Repeating the exercise, it becomes clear that this is the color of a favorite carpet or dress, and the abstract wall was the wall of the house or place of work.

If images stop appearing or images do not arise, there is not enough strength. To return to the present, they mentally enter the hall and close the door to their past life. As soon as a person reaches the place where he started, he will open his eyes and remember what he was able to see.

It is impossible to remember a past life through a one-time meditation experience. Regular meditation will eventually provide all the information about the past incarnation with sufficient persistence. A person has more than one past incarnation: information from different lives mixed up, but with experience will come the skills of how to distinguish between images, and an understanding of how many lives a person has lived.

How to remember past lives yourself at home - the magic of dreams

Is it possible to remember a past life in a dream? Dreams- doors to other worlds. If you often dream about events that did not happen in real life, these are references to past incarnations. To remember your past life through dream analysis, you first need to learn how to remember your dreams.

They keep a dream diary, where every morning they write down what they saw during their night's rest. Having a diary is also important for those who want to learn.

Having learned to remember dreams, before going to bed they give a clear instruction to see a past life in a dream. It may not work out the first time, and with experience, instead of past lives, sometimes they contemplate events from everyday everyday life. Every person dreams of a past life from time to time: only system analysis of all dreams will help to discover information about the past incarnation.

It is easier to remember past incarnations for people who have mastered lucid dreams, or other variants of the state called phase.

Find out who you were in a previous life - fortune telling using mirrors, water and a magic ball

Fortune telling with a magic ball is difficult. The ball can be replaced with a mirror or regular container with water.

Any container size is suitable, but no smaller than a glass. There should be no patterns or bulges on the dishes. Fill the container with clean water and observe the surface. The phone and doorbell are turned off to avoid distractions. They only think about how to see the past incarnation. After some time, images will appear in the water related to the past incarnation.

Fortune telling on mirrors is known to almost everyone. If you have experience, you can see anything in reflection. Learning to see the past and future in the mirror is a whole science.

Darken the room: a night light or candles are great. The mirror is installed so that it reflects a plain wall or a blank sheet of paper. Reflections should not be visible. In the past, the person looked different, perhaps of the opposite sex.

The contemplator must relax and try to decipher what is reflected in the mirror. They think about the desire to see what happened in a past life. After some time, a foggy area will appear in the center of the mirror, and when the fog clears, images will appear that will answer questions about past lives and reincarnation.

Past lives - how to remember by date of birth

Numerological calculations will help you find out who a person was in a past life. Numerology- a precise section of esotericism, with the help of which one learns numbers related to a person. Numerologists are sure that the date of birth hides valuable information about talents and inclinations, the amount of vital energy, character and even the fate of a person.

How to remember past lives by date of birth? The date of birth contains information about the past incarnation. Each person is born at a time strictly determined by the universe.

To pass, they find out the date, month and year of birth. More precise information, such as hours and minutes, is taken into account by professional astrologers. Calculations provide accurate information, but few know the secrets of numerology.

How to remember past lives - methods of coinciding events

If you want to remember past lives, simple methods that do not require skills such as the ability to meditate or tell fortunes in mirrors will help.

The clock method was used in the recent past during hypnosis. You need a clock that ticks (mechanical). The person should relax and listen to the ticking, keeping his eyes closed. They remember an episode from life associated with the ticking of a clock.

The selected event is scrolled through the memory, moving on to the next memory associated with the ticking of the clock. They try to remember an episode from a past incarnation in which ticking was heard. Observe the images and sensations that appear before the mind's eye. The essence of the method is that a person in any case heard the ticking of a clock - everyday sound will be the start for restoring the memory of a past incarnation.

If none of the methods helps, try to think logically. Any talents or preferences are most likely connected with what happened in a past life. Why does a person like his favorite scent? What is the smell associated with, what associations does it evoke? Answers to questions will lead to information about a past life. Often people who had talents in a past incarnation also have inclinations in their current life.

Is it possible to remember a previous life under hypnosis?

If attempts to find the answer to the question of how to remember a past life on your own at home have not been successful, you can try hypnotherapist.

Self-hypnosis often turns out to be too difficult a task, so hopes are placed on a professional.

Under hypnosis they tell any information. The state allows you to extract anything from memory, for example, information about past incarnations. Usually the information is hidden, because it was originally intended that people should not know who they were before.

The services of a professional hypnotherapist are not cheap. Instead of seeing a real specialist, you may end up visiting a scammer. Often, under hypnosis, a person tells scammers where he keeps his money and valuables, and gives the keys to the safe. Of course, not all hypnotherapists are scammers. It is recommended to contact only trusted specialists with an ideal reputation.

Anyone can learn about past incarnations. Information is closed to the majority of those who wish to do so: in order to extract memories, considerable perseverance, desire, and free time are required to carry out the appropriate techniques. The end often justifies the means, because past lives influence the present.

In contact with

Since childhood, I have been interested in questions about whether there is life after death and who I was in a past life.

There are a huge number of different dogmas and guesses: what actually happens to our soul after leaving for the “other world”, but no one denies that the soul exists!

So, as I remember now, I was walking with my friends, I was still 6 years old, and I imagined that in a past life I was a horse. I imagined that I ran just as fast, jumped deftly, I clearly saw how beautiful I was, how shiny my mane was. Eh, childhood. Although, maybe it was not a performance, but a memory?

Especially considering the fact that at that time I had not yet seen horses live, but only on TV. But sensations cannot deceive! How I remember them now! In general, as a child I was 100% sure that in a past life I was a horse!

Over time, my faith, not even faith, but confidence that there is life after death, did not fade away. It has not faded to this day. Especially due to the fact that throughout my life something regularly convinced me of this.

At the age of 17, I began to engage in spiritual practices. Even despite such a young age. And what to do? The era of development!

Some time ago, by chance, I found out about the Internet show “Reincarnation Research” and then I was drawn in...

First, I watched each episode from beginning to end, even though each video lasts an average of 3 hours. Then I met the Institute of Reincarnation.

My acquaintance began with free Preparatory video course from Māris Dreshmanis “How to remember everything.” Then I began to follow the monthly “Reincarnation Day” on the 22nd, “got hooked” on the “Reincarnation” magazine, and now I am finishing the 1st course – “Reincarnation Practitioner”.

This course allowed me to get to know myself even better, to discover myself from a different perspective. I remembered about 25 past lives. It turns out that my soul was incarnated not only in different eras, but also in different worlds. And also just recently I was looking at how my soul creates a planet! This is simply incredible!

So what are “past lives”?

It depends on which side you look at it from. The soul is an eternal substance, so for it it is simply like experience, experience in another body, experience of experiences with other people and under completely different circumstances.

Moreover, this “past life” could have been lived not only on planet Earth, but also in a completely different space.

Intrigued? Then join our team of wizards at the Institute of Reincarnation and find out everything for yourself!

Specially for the magazine “Reincarnation”
prepared by Anastasia Shevchenko

The life we ​​are now living in our bodies is far from the only one in the series of our incarnations, and there is a large trail of previous incarnations behind it. And many people, convinced that reincarnation exists, would like to remember who they were in their past life.

Some out of idle curiosity, and others understanding the depth and importance of gaining this experience.
So how do you remember past lives?

1. Sleep

In order to remember your past life in a dream, some preliminary preparation is necessary. Namely, you need to learn to remember your dreams well. Otherwise, you may see your past life in a dream, but what is the use of this if in the morning you cannot remember anything?
Each of us sees dreams, several times a night, but usually all the information about our dreams quickly disappears, and by lunchtime there is no trace left of them. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep a Dream Diary.
Before you go to bed, you need to give yourself a clear instruction that when you wake up, you will remember your dream. You can repeat this phrase several times, or to be sure, you can also write it on paper several times so that it is firmly embedded in your memory.
And when you wake up in the morning, lie in bed for some time without moving, trying to scroll through your memory everything that you just dreamed about and immediately write down the dream in your Dream Diary.
You will need two weeks of such training and then you can try to dream about your past incarnations. In the same way, before going to bed, set yourself the mindset that today you will see a dream about your past life and go to bed.
The next morning, do not try to analyze it, it is important to simply write down the message of your dream down to the smallest detail. You may even need a few nights to regain the overall picture of who you were in your past life.

2. Lucid dreaming

This method is suitable for those who practice out-of-body experiences or lucid dreams (we can call them by the general term - Phase). There are many ways to enter the Phase state. You can use the method that is most familiar and easy for you.
After you find yourself in the Phase, you can imagine a door in front of you (as a normal way of moving yourself in space), behind which is your past life. And then just go into it.
The main thing is to simply accept that what you see behind this door will be an episode of your life. It can be anything. Some obvious things (for example, a sword fight at a knight's tournament), and something incomprehensible, abstract (for example, a white spot).
However, if you look closely, you can see that this white spot has some outlines. As you delve deeper into this memory, you will realize that this white spot, for example, is a horse. And suddenly remember that this is your favorite horse, and at the same time you yourself are an English nobleman late XIX century. There is no need to try to analyze and doubt. Just look at the images that come to you. When you have examined this episode enough, you can move to another and explore this life further.

3. Crystal ball

However, if you don’t have a crystal ball lying around, an ordinary glass of water will do just fine for your purposes. The only difference here is that there will not be that aura of mystery and mysticism that when working with a ball. So, take a glass (it should be a simple round one, without a pattern) and fill it with water.
Then place it somewhere 70 cm from you, sit comfortably and start looking at the glass. The task here is to relax your body, if possible, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the desire to see your past life.
After a few minutes, you will notice that the water in the glass will become cloudy, and a little later it will acquire a pale blue color. Continue to fix your attention on the glass and your desire. The main thing is that your mind remains calm and relaxed.
After some time, pictures of the past will begin to appear before your inner gaze and some realizations will come.

4. Mirror

This method is very similar to the previous one, where a glass of water was used. Here you need to take a mirror and position it relative to yourself so that you cannot see your reflection, but only the reflection of the wall. It is advisable to darken the room a little.
Sit comfortably, take a few breaths, relax your body and mind, and begin to peer at the mirror surface. Very soon you will see a light cloud of fog in the central part. Keep watching him and soon the memories will begin to come.
You can see your past life directly in the mirror, or in front of your inner screen, just be aware of it. We are all different and memories come to us in different ways.

5. Clock

You need to lie down and relax to the sound of a clock ticking next to you. For this purpose, you can simply watch your breathing a little. When you have relaxed your body enough, direct your attention to the events of your past, where you also heard the ticking of a clock.
After observing this episode for a while, then move your attention to another event where the clock was also present and consider it. After looking through several episodes of your life, wish to see your past life, where you heard the ticking of a clock. And just watch the sensations and images that come to you.

6. Abilities and talents

Remember all the abilities and talents that you possess. And choose one among them that you will now look for in your past life. Once you have decided, sit back, close your eyes and begin to remember.
Remember what this ability is, how exactly it manifests itself in you, remember all the times when you were praised for this talent and you felt proud. Observe the episodes that pop up in your memory. And when you carefully examine one of them, you can try to remember an even earlier episode associated with your talent, and an even earlier one...
You will be surprised what different and perhaps even forgotten memories will come to you, and upon careful examination they will acquire more and more details. And when you look at the earliest events, try to remember how this talent of yours manifested itself in your past life.
Take your time, just while in meditation let these memories come. You may not succeed the first time, but remember that having seen your past life once, you can easily remember your other past incarnations!
I hope that the methods presented here will help you remember your past lives and find a new you. Good luck to you on your Path!