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The role of organic chemistry in human life is organic. The importance of organic chemistry The use of organic substances in life

Sections: Chemistry

Chemistry, as an academic subject, is designed to give students an idea of ​​scientifically based rules and regulations for the use of substances and materials, as well as to form the basis of a healthy lifestyle and competent behavior of people in everyday life and in nature.

The study of chemistry should not only provide knowledge of the surrounding reality, but also equip students with the knowledge necessary for practical activities and a successful, healthy life in our world.

I see my main task as a teacher in helping the student to develop as an individual capable of adapting to modern conditions, able to independently pose and solve problems, and apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in practical activities. The values ​​of socializing a child and preparing him for practical activities are revealed in practice-oriented educational technologies.

The use of practical lessons transforms the material being studied from complex and boring into one of the most interesting and practically significant components of education. In this case, the main goal is to teach students to independently study the world of substances and reactions among which they live and act. If a student understands the substances that he encounters in everyday life, then he can build his relationship with nature on a completely different, civilized level, expanding his ideological positions.

Today, the role of chemistry as an academic subject is increasing in expanding students’ understanding of scientifically based rules and norms for the use of substances used in everyday life, forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and competent behavior in various life situations.

Lesson objectives:


Summarize students' knowledge about the main classes of organic compounds. Test students' ability to identify organic substances using qualitative reactions and write reaction equations characterizing their chemical properties. Improve students' practical skills and compliance with safety precautions when working with reagents and chemical equipment.


Improve the ability to analyze, determine, compare the properties of chemical substances, establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to determine the composition of a product and apply theoretical knowledge to explain and predict the properties of organic substances based on knowledge acquired in lessons. Organize independent work for students with chemicals and equipment on this topic.


Expand and deepen students’ worldview knowledge. Bring them to conclusions of a general natural science level concerning chemical substances and the relationship between them. Introduce students to qualitative analysis. Bring knowledge of the subject closer to real life and the ability to use this knowledge.

Lesson type– a practical lesson with which you can generalize and consolidate practical and theoretical knowledge on the topic:
"Organics in everyday life, food research"


1. Reagents
copper(II) sulfate solution, spirit lamp with alcohol, matches, universal indicator, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide solution, iodine solution, phenol solution, iron (III) chloride solution, hydrogen peroxide.
2. Chemical glassware, gowns, gloves.
3. Cards with tasks for each group.
4. Final table.

Lesson methodology

To conduct the lesson, the class is divided into five groups. Each group receives an individual card with research tasks and, a week before the lesson, receives the task to prepare and bring to the lesson a certain amount of freshly squeezed juices and raw foods (juice - 30 ml, solid foods - 30 g), each group has its own set of products, total The study involves up to forty different products.

During the lesson, each team of 4-5 students conducts their research and shares their results with other groups at the end of the lesson. All work is documented in a specially prepared table in which the reactions and conclusions are recorded. Each student can be assessed on the quality of the experiment and for correctly drawn and formatted conclusions, so you can give two marks for a lesson. The work can be completed in a notebook, or in specially prepared tables. For example: each student receives a ready-made table to fill out and a methodological development on the progress of the work.

Date:_________201__ Work completed by ____________________ student 10A/B (11A/B) class

Practical work on the topic: “Determination of organic substances in food products.”

No. Starting materials. Reaction conditions. Signs of a reaction. Conclusions and chemical equations.

Safety precautions_________________________________________________________________

Food Research



Record your reaction.
2. Definition of the environment.

3. Determination of vitamin C.

2. Test for carbonates.

Black bread 1. Qualitative reaction to starch (see above)
2. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)
Dill 1. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)

3. Test for vegetable dye.

Pear 1. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)
2. Definition of the environment. (see above)
3. Test for ester.
Pear juice has a characteristic smell.
Cottage cheese

2-3 drops of phenol and a drop of iron (III) chloride solution are poured into the test tube. The product filtrate is added to the resulting solution of iron (III) phenolate until the color of the solution changes.
Zucchini 1. Test for reducing carbohydrate.
A precipitate of copper(II) hydroxide is obtained in a test tube by combining solutions of sodium hydroxide and copper(II) sulfate. To the resulting precipitate add 5 drops of the juice product and a drop of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution. The mixture is heated until a brick-red precipitate forms.
Record your reaction.
2. Definition of the environment.
Dip a strip of universal indicator into the juice.
3. Determination of vitamin C.
A juice solution is poured into two test tubes. A piece of cloth or paper moistened with iodine solution is lowered into the first one. The disappearance of iodine color is observed. The 2nd is boiled, then cooled and a cloth with an iodine stain is added, the color does not disappear.
Conclusion about vitamin C instability.
Honey 1. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)
2. Test for carbonates.
Pour 5 drops of honey solution into a test tube and add 2-3 drops of hydrochloric acid solution.
They conclude that carbonates are present.
3. Qualitative reaction to starch.
A honey solution is poured into a test tube and 1-2 drops of iodine solution are added. Determine the presence of starch in the solution.
Millet 1. Qualitative reaction to starch. (see above)
2. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)
Pasta 1. Qualitative reaction to starch (see above)
2. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)
Red cabbage 1. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)
2. Definition of the environment (see above)
3. Determination of vitamin C (see above)
4. Vegetable dye test.
5 drops of juice are poured into two test tubes. To the 1st add 5 drops of hydrochloric acid solution, to the 2nd 5 drops of sodium hydroxide solution.
Note the change in color of the solutions.
Plum 1. Test for reducing carbohydrate. (see above)
2. Definition of the environment. (see above)
Yogurt 1. Definition of the environment. (see above)
2. Detection of lactic acid.
2-3 drops of phenol and a drop of iron (III) chloride solution are poured into the test tube. The product filtrate is added to the resulting solution of iron(III) phenolate until the color of the solution changes.
Fish 1. Detection of catalase (enzyme).
5 drops of hydrogen peroxide are poured into two test tubes. Add a piece of raw meat to the 1st, and a piece of boiled meat to the 2nd. Note in which test tube the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide occurs.

More than five such tables can be compiled, i.e. for each group of students.

After completing the work, students talk about their observations to the whole class, and then draw a general conclusion about the experiments done and fill out the table.

Grades are given at the end of the lesson; it is possible to receive additional marks for independent and competent conclusions.

This work can be carried out on separate topics for grade 10, these are the topics: “Carbohydrates”, “Fats” and generalization, for grade 11 these are “Proteins”, “Dyes”, “Vitamins”, “Mineral complex of food products” and generalization. Such tables can be reduced in composition, or they can be increased, it all depends on what needs to be researched and what conclusions to draw.

Such a workshop is more useful in the study of organic chemistry than ordinary experiments with pure substances. This work helps bring chemistry closer to real life; children perceive the material more fully, understanding why it is being studied.

After practical work, each group shares its results with the class and writes down a general conclusion based on the results of the research done.


1. Aganin V.P. Honey and its research. – Saratov University, 1985.
2. Method of biochemical research of plants. – L.: Agropromizdat, 1987.
3. Agronomov A.E., Shabarov Yu.S. Laboratory work in organic workshop. – M., Chemistry, 1974.
4. Vasilyeva N.V., Kupletskaya N.B., Smolina T.A. Practical work in organic chemistry. – M., Education, 1978.
5. Zonis S.A., Mazurov S.M. Laboratory experiments in organic chemistry. – M.; Higher school, 1961.
6. Nekrasov V.V. Guide to small practical work in organic chemistry. – M.; Chemistry, 1975.
7. Andreeva M.P. Project lessons as a form of knowledge integration. – Chemistry at school. – 2002. – No. 7 – P. 51-56.
8. Khutorskoy A.V. Modern didactics: Textbook for universities. – St. Petersburg; Peter, 2001.
9. Krauser B., Freemantle M. Chemistry. Laboratory workshop. – M.; Chemistry, 1995.
10. Radetsky A.M. Practical work at extracurricular activities. Secondary school No. 23, Simferopol, Chemistry at school, No. 10, 2005, S. – 54-59.

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Organic substances Some organic substances have been known to man for many decades, others are at the stage of study, and others are still waiting in the wings. But one thing is certain: organic chemistry can never exhaust itself. Its diversity is hidden in its nature.

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I consider it important to convey the understanding that food, clothing, footwear, medicines, dyes, construction parts, electrical, radio and television equipment, synthetic fibers, plastics and rubber, productivity enhancing products, explosives - this is an incomplete list of what organic chemistry gives to man.

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The chemical and petrochemical industries are the most important industries, without which the functioning of the economy is impossible. Among the most important chemical products are acids, alkalis, salts, mineral fertilizers, solvents, oils, plastics, rubbers, synthetic fibers and much more. Currently, the chemical industry produces several tens of thousands of products.

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Competing with nature, organic chemists have created a large number of compounds that have properties necessary and beneficial for people. These are organic dyes, which are much superior to natural ones in variety and beauty; a huge arsenal of medicines that help people overcome various diseases; synthetic detergents that regular soap cannot compete with, and much more. All these substances have penetrated our lives so much that people can no longer imagine their existence without them.

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Medicine and chemistry Chemistry plays a major role in the development of the pharmaceutical industry: the bulk of all drugs are obtained synthetically. Thanks to chemistry, many revolutions in medicine have been accomplished. Without chemistry, we would not have painkillers, sleeping pills, antibiotics or vitamins. This undoubtedly does chemistry credit. Chemistry also helped to cope with unsanitary conditions, because back in the 18th century. Doctor I. Zimmelweis ordered the medical staff of the hospital to wash their hands in a solution of bleach. The mortality rate of patients has decreased sharply.

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Industry and chemistry The development of many industries is associated with chemistry: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, transport, building materials industry, electronics, light industry, food industry - this is an incomplete list of economic sectors that widely use chemical products and processes. Many industries use chemical methods, for example, catalysis (acceleration of processes), chemical processing of metals, protection of metals from corrosion, water purification.

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Organic chemistry allows a person to conquer long distances, providing his means of transportation (cars, ships and airplanes) with fuels and lubricants

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Chemistry and plastics In the automotive industry, the use of plastics for the manufacture of cabins, bodies and their large parts has especially great prospects, because The body accounts for about half the weight of the car and ~40% of its cost. Bodies made of plastic materials are more reliable and durable than metal ones, and their repair is cheaper and easier. However, plastic masses have not yet become widespread in the production of large-sized car parts, mainly due to insufficient rigidity and relatively low weather resistance. Plastics are most widely used for interior decoration of automobiles.

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Engine, transmission, and chassis parts are also made from plastics. The enormous importance that plastics play in electrical engineering is determined by the fact that they are the basis or essential component of all insulation elements of electrical machines, apparatus and cable products. Plastics are often used to protect insulation from mechanical stress and aggressive environments, and for the manufacture of structural materials.

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The trend towards an increasingly widespread use of plastics (especially film materials) is characteristic of all countries with developed agriculture. They are used in the construction of cultivation facilities, for mulching the soil, pelleting seeds, packaging and storing agricultural products. products, etc. In land reclamation and agriculture. In water supply, polymer films serve as screens that prevent the loss of water through filtration from irrigation canals and reservoirs; Pipes for various purposes are made from plastic materials and used in the construction of water management structures Drugs, carcinogens, chemical warfare agents, the filling of mines, grenades, bombs and shells are also organic substances. Therefore, we must not allow organic chemistry to work against us.

“The theory of the structure of organic compounds” - How the valency of the carbon atom is explained by the theory of structure of A.M. Butlerov? Prerequisites for the theory of structure. The phenomenon of isomerism is more widespread in organic chemistry than in inorganic chemistry. The English chemist E. Frankland introduced the concept of valency into science. Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds a. M. Butlerov.

“Theory of the structure of chemical compounds” - Ethyl alcohol. Prerequisites for the emergence of the theory. Spatial isomerism. Wehler Friedrich. Kekule (Kekule) Friedrich August. Berzelius Jens Jacob. Organic chemistry. Properties of substances. Frankland Edward. Properties of organic compounds. Basic principles of the theory of the structure of chemical compounds.

“Development of organic chemistry” - Topic No. 5. Structural theory. Get acquainted with the achievements, current state and prospects for the development of chemistry. Knowledge of organic substances among ancient people. Elective course in chemistry “History of organic chemistry” 9th grade. Topic No. 4. Research report. Course program. Business games. Figurovsky N.A. History of chemistry.

“Butlerov’s Theory” - The prerequisites for the creation of the theory were: The main provisions of the modern theory of the structure of compounds. The science of the spatial structure of molecules - stereochemistry. Theory of chemical structure by A. M. Butlerov. Basic provisions of the theory. The role of creating a theory of the chemical structure of substances. What is isomerism? Biography of A. M. Butlerov.

“Organic chemistry as a science” - Systematic study. Electronic structure of the carbon atom. Content. Basic provisions of the theory of chemical structure of A.M. Butlerov. Acquaintance with the history of the emergence of the science of organic chemistry. Formulas. A carbon atom is capable of forming four covalent bonds. The final collapse of "vitalism".

“Organic Chemistry” - Chemistry spreads its hands widely into human affairs. F. A. Kekule. A. M. Butlerov. Valence properties. Hybridization. Fuel. Normal butane. Main components. Synthetics. Protein. Polymers. Amino acids. Carbohydrates. Target. Subject of organic chemistry. Detergents. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of hydrocarbon compounds.

There are a total of 17 presentations in the topic

Chemistry finds application in various branches of human activity - medicine, agriculture, production of ceramics, varnishes, paints, automotive, textile, metallurgical and other industries. In everyday human life, chemistry is reflected primarily in various household chemicals (detergents and disinfectants, care products for furniture, glass and mirror surfaces, etc.), medicines, cosmetics, various plastic products, paints, adhesives, insect control agents, fertilizers, etc. This list can be continued almost endlessly; let’s look at just a few of its points.

Household chemicals

Among household chemicals, the first place in terms of scale of production and use is occupied by detergents, among which the most popular are various soaps, washing powders and liquid detergents (shampoos and gels).

Soaps are mixtures of salts (potassium or sodium) of unsaturated fatty acids (stearic, palmitic, etc.), with sodium salts forming solid soaps, and potassium salts forming liquid soaps.

Soaps are produced by the hydrolysis of fats in the presence of alkalis (saponification). Let's consider the production of soap using the example of saponification of tristearin (triglyceride of stearic acid):

where C 17 H 35 COONa is soap - the sodium salt of stearic acid (sodium stearate).

It is also possible to produce soap using alkyl sulfates (salts of esters of higher alcohols and sulfuric acid) as raw materials:

R-CH 2 -OH + H 2 SO 4 = R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –OH (sulfuric acid ester) + H 2 O

R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –OH + NaOH = R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –ONa (soap - sodium alkyl sulfate) + H 2 O

Depending on the scope of application, there are household, cosmetic (liquid and solid) soaps, as well as handmade soap. You can additionally add various flavors, dyes or fragrances to the soap.

Synthetic detergents (washing powders, gels, pastes, shampoos) are chemically complex mixtures of several components, the main component of which is surfactants. Among surfactants, ionic (anionic, cationic, amphoteric) and nonionic surfactants are distinguished. For the production of synthetic detergents, non-genous anionic surfactants are usually used, which are alkyl sulfates, amino sulfates, sulfosuccinates and other compounds that dissociate into ions in an aqueous solution.

Powdered detergents usually contain various additives to remove grease stains. Most often it is soda ash or baking soda, sodium phosphates.

To some powders, chemical bleaches are added - organic and inorganic compounds, the decomposition of which releases active oxygen or chlorine. Sometimes, enzymes are used as bleaching additives, which, due to the rapid process of protein breakdown, effectively remove contaminants of organic origin.

Polymer products

Polymers are high-molecular compounds, the macromolecules of which consist of “monomeric units” - molecules of inorganic or organic substances connected by chemical or coordination bonds.

Products made from polymers are widely used in the everyday life of mankind - these are all kinds of household accessories - kitchen utensils, bathroom items, household and household appliances, containers, storage, packaging materials, etc. Polymer fibers are used to make a variety of fabrics, knitwear, hosiery, artificial fur curtains, carpets, upholstery materials for furniture and cars. Synthetic rubber is used to produce rubber products (boots, galoshes, sneakers, rugs, shoe soles, etc.).

Among the many polymer materials, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, Teflon, polyacrylate and foam are widely used.

Among polyethylene products, the most popular in everyday life are polyethylene film, all kinds of containers (bottles, cans, boxes, canisters, etc.), pipes for sewerage, drainage, water and gas supply, armor, heat insulators, hot melt adhesive, etc. All these products are made from polyethylene, obtained in two ways - at high (1) and low pressure (2):


Polypropylene is a polymer obtained by polymerization of propylene in the presence of catalysts (for example, a mixture of TiCl 4 and AlR 3):

n CH 2 =CH(CH 3) → [-CH 2 -CH(CH 3)-] n

This material is widely used in the production of packaging materials, household items, non-woven materials, disposable syringes, and in construction for vibration and noise insulation of interfloor ceilings in floating floor systems.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a polymer obtained by suspension or emulsion polymerization of vinyl chloride, as well as bulk polymerization:

It is used for electrical insulation of wires and cables, production of sheets, pipes, films for suspended ceilings, artificial leather, linoleum, profiles for the manufacture of windows and doors.

Polyvinyl chloride is used as a sealant in household refrigerators, instead of relatively complex mechanical seals. PVC is also used to make condoms for people with latex allergies.

Cosmetical tools

The main products of cosmetic chemistry are all kinds of creams, lotions, masks for the face, hair and body, perfumes, eau de toilette, hair dyes, mascaras, hair and nail varnishes, etc. The composition of cosmetic products includes substances that are contained in the tissues for which these products are intended. Thus, cosmetic preparations for the care of nails, skin and hair include amino acids, peptides, fats, oils, carbohydrates and vitamins, i.e. substances necessary for the life of the cells that make up these tissues.

In addition to substances obtained from natural raw materials (for example, all kinds of plant extracts), synthetic types of raw materials, which are obtained by chemical (usually organic) synthesis, are widely used in the production of cosmetics. Substances obtained in this way are characterized by a high degree of purity.

The main types of raw materials for the production of cosmetics are natural and synthetic animal (chicken, mink, pork) and vegetable (cotton, flaxseed, castor oil) fats, oils and waxes, hydrocarbons, surfactants, vitamins and stabilizers.

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year; methodological recommendations; discussion program Integrated Lessons

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