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Russian fleet. Navy of the Russian Federation

The fleet has always been the pride of our state - and in times Russian Empire, both the USSR and in modern times. We know that our sea and ocean spaces and coastlines are reliably protected. We invite you to talk about what the Russian fleet is like in modern times. We learn about its tasks, structure, prospects, command.

Russian Navy

This is the name now, in the times of the Russian Federation, of the successor to the USSR Navy, the Navy of the Russian Empire, the naval forces of our country. Its modern history dates back to January 1992. The Navy is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The main headquarters of the Russian fleet is located in the Northern capital - St. Petersburg. The current admiral is Vladimir Korolev. In 2016, 148 thousand people served in the Navy.

Over its short history, the Russian fleet has managed to take part in a number of military operations:

  • The first and second Chechen wars.
  • Armed conflict of 2008 in South Ossetia.
  • Fight against Somali pirates.
  • Participation in the Syrian military operation.

Russian Fleet Day is the last Sunday in July. This is a professional holiday for those who guard the sea spaces and coastlines, and for everyone who has connected their lives with the preparation of ships, and family members of sailors, and workers, employees of naval enterprises, and dear Navy veterans.

Goals of the Russian Navy

In its activities, the Russian fleet pursues the following goals:

Associations of the Navy

The Russian fleet is represented by the following components - see the table.

We continue to disassemble the system of the Russian fleet.

Structure of the Russian Navy

The Russian Navy is a system of operational-strategic formations. Let's get to know them briefly.

Surface forces. This structure has the following objectives:

  • Protection of sea communications.
  • Counteracting mine danger (including laying minefields).
  • Covering and transporting troops.
  • Assistance to submarine forces: ensuring the exit and deployment of the latter, as well as their return to base.

Submarine forces. The main goals are reconnaissance activities, as well as launching surprise attacks on continental and maritime targets. Their basis is nuclear submarines, which are equipped with cruise and ballistic missiles.

Naval aviation. Represented by two groups - coastal and deck. The main tasks are as follows:

Naval coastal troops. Consists of two divisions - Marine Corps and coastal defense troops. They have two main tasks:

  • Participation in combat operations as part of air, sea, and airborne assault forces.
  • Defense of coastal facilities - ports, coastal facilities, basing systems.

Other divisions. The Russian navy also includes:

  • Units and rear units.
  • Special parts.
  • Hydrographic service. It belongs to the Main Directorate of Oceanography and Navigation of the Russian Ministry of Defense.


Let's get acquainted with the Navy command:

Modernity and prospects

The Russian Navy reached its peak of power in 1985. At that time it consisted of 1,561 ships. The fleet occupied an honorable second place in the world (after the USA). In the 2000s, its gradual weakening began. As a result, in 2010 the Russian fleet owned only 136 warships.

In 2011, former commander V.P. Komoyedov noted with bitterness that the superiority of the Turkish fleet alone over the domestic fleet was estimated at 4.7 times. And the combined NATO forces are 20 times stronger. The main tasks of the fleet have become only the protection of the coast and the fight against maritime terrorism.

But in our time, Russia has already resumed its naval presence in the world's oceans. In 2014, the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Federation was founded. The goals of its activities are the following:

In 2013, the Operational Command of the permanent Mediterranean unit of the Russian Navy (Mediterranean squadron) was created.

As for development prospects, it is planned to allocate about 4.5 trillion rubles for the Navy for these purposes under the State Armament Program until 2020. Active financing has already begun in 2015. One of the main tasks is to increase the number of warships in the Navy by 70%.

The fleet of the Russian Federation is still the pride of our Fatherland. Today it is going through difficult times - it is in the stage of revival, striving for its former power.

Select: "Russian Association of Sea and River Bunkering Industry" "PFK ETM" "Industrial Cargo" "Prommashtrade" "Prometheus, Engineering and Technology Center" "PROMA North-West" "ProLine, Design Bureau" "PRODUCTION PLANT" "Applied Hydronautics » "Port Turaevo" "Radio Complex" "Radio Navigator" "Rosmorport" "ROAR" "Rittal" "RiM Marine" "Riverside" "RZD-Partner, Magazine" "RechDieselService" "Radio navigation systems" "Radio communication equipment and radio communications » "Polar Marine Geological Exploration Expedition" "Poltraf CIS" "OVMS" "Obukhovskoe" "Project "Standard" "NORTA MIT" "Nordweg" "Nord West Service" "Novik Service" "Neptune 21 Century" "Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant" "Oka Shipyard" "Onega Shipyard" "Stropa" "Polar SPb" "Pneumo-Alliance" "Petroship" "Petrosoft" "Petrobalt PKB" "Petersburg Ropes" "Palmali" "Parok" "Neva-Metal Trade" "Russian Shipyards" modular systems" "FURUNO EURUS" "Technoros" "Technomarine" "TerriKon" "TENSOR" "Shipbuilding plant "Zaliv" "Shipbuilding and ship repair, Magazine" "Shipmodeling center Albatros" "Shipmechanism" "Hotcha Shipyard" "Technotherm-S" " Technoflot, PA "Uraltermosvar" "Tyumensudokomplekt" "TurboBalt" "Torola" "Bearings SPb" "Trading House LEZ" "TK Remdizel" "TK Neva" "Techservice" "Nizhny Novgorod Pipeline Elements Plant" "Slipway" "North Sea" " Welding and ventilation equipment" "SAIT" "Rybinskkabel" "RUMO" "Rossudoservice" "RossNor Marine" "Russian River Register" "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping" "North-Western Shipping Company" "Sevkabel-Holding" "Union of Russian Shipowners" "Sorius" -sudoservis" "Sovcomflot" "System Sat" "Simbia" "SIZOD" "Sederwall and Rhythm" "SMM" "Sevmorgeo, scientific and production enterprise" "Russian Hydrometeorological University" "Navis" "Kvazar TM Company" "Inter-Trade Electronics » "INMOR" "Engineering Center for Shipbuilding" "InVent" "Ilyichevsk Sea Trade Port" "Ilada" "Plant "Equator" "Plant of Precision Mechanics" "Plant of Diesel Equipment" "InTechSnab" "ISTA" "BREEZ-Marine" "Commercial Center , transport and forest" "Kokum Sonics AB", (Sweden), Russian branch "Klintsovsky piston ring plant" "Kvadrat SG" "Kakhovsky electric welding equipment plant" "CASCADE" "Kanat" "Cummins" "Hydraulic mechanization plant" "Eurotrade" " Giprorybflot-Service "Georg Fischer Piping Systems", representative office "Geomatics" "Gedore Werkzeuge" "Garant, NPK" "VELDTEK" KB "Vympel" "Vyborg Shipyard" "Volga Shipping Company" "GlavMorSnab" " Marine Academy named after Admiral S.O. Makarova" "Euroblast" "Dukon, Industrial Group" "Drakkar" "Dialog-Technika" "Delo" "DVK - Electro" "Danfoss" "GT Morstroy" "Cargo Equipment" "Volzhsky Diesel named after Maminykh" "Technopol Company" "Mulhan Morflot" "Mixtmarine" "Midel, shipbuilding and ship repair plant" "Mobius Center Information technologies » "Metalcenter" "Melkom set" "MediaCompass" "GEA Mashimpex" "Mareko" "MAGNIT plus" "Morintech" "Maritime Exchange, information and analytical magazine" "MTK" "MRS Electronics" "Morskoy Vestnik, Magazine" "Marine Engineering" Bureau - SPb" "Marine Rescue Equipment" "Marine Propulsion Systems" "Marine Software Systems and Technologies" "Marine News of Russia" "Marine Equipment" "Lomonosov Ship Equipment Plant" "LIST SPb" "KORTEM-GORELTEX" "Correct Marine Enterprise" "Concern Energotekhnika" "KONSAR" "Compressor" "Composite" "Compass - R" "Era-Service Company" "Energoremont Company" "Red Anchor" "Ferrum" "Lenmorniiproekt" "Leningrad Shipyard "Pella" "Ladoga Transport Plant" "Ladoga-Service" "Kurganstalmost" "Cruise" "Kronstadt Maritime Order of Lenin Plant" "Kron SPb" "Krogius Engineering" "TOP MARIN Company" Instrument Design Bureau named after. Academician A.G. Shipunov CJSC Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering ABS ZEiM Automation JSC Reut CJSC NPP of underwater technologies Okeanos LLC ABS Hydro CJSC PKK Milandr FSUE VNIIFTRI LLC Research Institute of Energy Technologies GC Technoros NPP Energy systems" LLC "Technos-M" JSC EOKB "Signal" named after A.I. Glukharev Concern Morinformsystem-AGAT Spetssudoproekt TVEL JSC "NP firm "Dolomant" JSC "Teplopribor" JSC "Sarapul Electric Generating Plant" JSC "Saransk Instrument-Making Plant" JSC "NPK "Atri" Scientific and Technical Center "Gamma" OJSC "Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Corporation" Institute of Network Technologies BaltKomplekt LLC "Yamya-Engineering" PT Electronics CJSC "Admiral" LLC "" LLC "Rode and SCHWARTZ RUS" LLC "Olsam" LLC "Arsenal-Broker" OJSC "NPO "Gidromash" JSC "NPK "Tehmash" NPO Avtomatiki LLC "Imotech" CJSC "PO "Diesel-Energo" LLC "Ural Diesel Motor Plant" LLC "NIMI" GC Electroninvest LLC "Nord-pulse" OOGIS OJSC Scientific Research Institute Elektromera Holding Cable Alliance OJSC "GNINGI" Group of companies "MSS" Shipbuilding and ship repair plant CJSC "RIF" GC "Bi Pitron" EVO Logics CJSC "NPF "Mikran" ASO Designintertechnika NIIF Southern Federal University ZDT "Recom" JSC "Foreign Economics" enterprise "Sudoexport" "Kingisepp Machine-Building Plant" "Publishing House Art Volkhonka" NEOSTIL GROUP SPB Marine "Spetsmedtekhnika" JSC "Armalit" Hydrokom-Motors LLC "Uralshina" LLC "Primesoft" Art Foundry Workshop of Podorozhny B.A. LLC "Stroymontazh" KB "Cybershelf" OJSC "TD "RTI" OJSC "Manatom" LLC "Transit" Finservice CJSC "Uralelektromash" CJSC "RTSoft" LLC "Abris" China Marine Equipment Association CJSC "Turborus" LLC "ITSK" LLC "Zavod" instrument bearings" NPO "Radiovolna" OJSC "KB "Display" LLC "Laser-Graffiti" OJSC "VNII Kholodmag - Holding" PJSC "Eletsgidroagregat" OJSC "PTS" LLC "Marine Energy" MSTU named after N. E. Bauman Samara State Technical University OJSC "Teplokontrol" LLC "MOVEN" LLC "Speed ​​boats "Mobile Group" "Geyser-Telecom" "Izhevsk Motor Plant "Aksion-Holding" "NPA "Corporate Communication Systems" "LOTES TM" "Electrontech" "Scientific and Technical Training Simulator Center" "Morsvyazservice" "ITC "Kontur" "Yaroslavl Radio Plant" "Moskabelkomplekt" "Radio Engineering Institute named after Academician A.L. Mints" "MTU Far Communications" "GVARDIA-PLUS" "SOYUZSPETSSVYAZMONTAZH" "Montazhno- technological management "Ikar" "TELROS" "Central Research Institute "Volna" "SULAK" "NPP "Supertel" "Corporation - Novosibirsk Plant Elektrosignal" "NPP "Istok" "MVP Talisman" "Zvukotekhnika" "ESAB" "Marimeter" "Electrode Plant" "Ecoshelf-Baltika" "Ship-Master" "Chart Pilot" "Cyclone" "Central Research Institute and Design Institute of the Marine Fleet" "Center of Water Technologies" "Yurmash-Group" "Anchor" "REMDIZELMASH" "Primpostachservice" "Kvart" " Naval Academy named after N.G. Kuznetsov" "St. Petersburg Naval Institute" "Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after. A.S. Popova" "Technogroup" "Marine Technical Center" "Marco Ltd." "Kherson Shipyard" "Radio Plant named after. Popova - "RELERO" GC "Rostov Port" (ZAO RIF) LLC "TERMAID" LLC "Marineq" LLC "Aquamarine" LLC "Protection and Security" LLC "TERMO" "NTC "RINT" Moscow Design Bureau "Compass" JSC "Plant" "Krasnoe Sormovo" Magazine "Defense Order" OJSC "Control Systems and Instruments" LLC "GirAks" OJSC "NPP "Radar MMS" GC "Dieselzipservice" "NPP "SpetsTek" "KEP - Integrated Electrical Projects" NICKELOR Company Tepmo "Marine Industrial Complex » IFS Russia&CIS FLIR Systems "Evolventa" "Okhtinskaya shipyard" "NPO "Karat" LLC TPF "Kupol" " Marine Technologies » Far Eastern Plant "Zvezda" "Rospodshipnik" "Laser Center" "Yurmash-Universal" "Soyuzspetsmontazhstroy" "Sobolevsky Plant" "Mera" LLC "PKF "SpetsNefteProdukt" "PAK "PAMIR" "Chita Machine-Building Plant" "Vertumn" "Rotan" ""Research Institute of Rubber Coatings and... "VitaReaktiv" "Odessa Plant of Rubber Products" "Ship Service and Welding Technologies" "Aviatekhmas" "Radiocomp" "Volgodieselapparat" "RIP Impulse" "Ural Plant of Electrical Connectors "Iset" " Omsk Production Association "Irtysh" "INFOSOFT" "InfoMir" "INTERMECH" "Information Telecommunication Technologies" "Integral SPb" "Scientific and Technical Publishing House "Shipbuilding" "Publishing House "Machine Building" "NIAI "Source" "Kazan Electrotechnical Plant" "Central Scientific -Research Institute "Kometa" "Kolomensky Plant" "Kovrov Electromechanical Plant" "St. Petersburg Club of Submariners" "Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman" "Design Bureau of Navigation Systems" CJSC "Katav-Ivanovo Instrument-Making Plant" "KAMPO" "National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering" "NPKG "ZORYA-MASHPROEKT" "Zlatoust Arms Company" "Baltic Shipbuilding Plant "Yantar" "NPP "Plant" Equator" "Fiolent Plant" "Topaz Plant" "Saturn Lighting Plant" "Ladoga Plant" "Dagdizel Plant" "Burevestnik Plant" "EMT R" "Plant named after. A.A. Kulakov" "Plant named after. Kozitsky" "ZIKSTO" "Publishing house "Zerkalo Peterburga" "Zelenodolsk design bureau" "Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky" "Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center" "Zvezda" "Elekon Plant" "Transistor Plant" "Plant named after. V.A. Degtyarev" "Dolgoprudny Research and Production Enterprise" "NPP "Kompensator" "Scientific Research Institute of Systems Engineering" "Sea Tests" "Morsvyazsputnik" "Morkniga" "PKF "Mnev and K" "Mobile Computer Systems" "Marine Complexes and Systems" " Minibot-Techflot "NPF "Meridian" "NPP "MERA" "Marine navigation systems" "Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering" "Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after. V.V. Tikhomirov" "Research Institute of Long-Range Radio Communications" "Research Institute of Hydrocommunication "Shtil" "Research Institute of Automated Systems and Communication Complexes "NEPTUNE" "Nevskoye Design Bureau" "Scientific and Technical Enterprise "Navi-Dals" "Myonk Publishing Group" "Muromsky" Radio Plant" "Murom Instrument-Making Plant" "Machine-Building Plant named after. CM. Kirov" "NPO "Mars" "Scientific and technical complex "Cryogenic technology" "Plant "CRIZO" "Krasnogorsk plant named after. S.A. Zverev" "Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation" "Concern "Sistemprom" "Concern "Radio Engineering and Information Systems» "Continent-Service" "Consistent Softwea Distribution" "Connector" "Concern for Medium- and Low-Tonnage Shipbuilding" "Central Research Institute "Kurs" "Manotom" "MAN Diesel and Turbo Rus" "St. Petersburg Maritime Bureau of Mechanical Engineering "Malachite" "Leningrad Optical -mechanical association "LIT-FONON" "JSC for the production of bladed hydraulic machines" "Central Design Bureau "Lazurit" "Laguk-Media-Lux" "Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute" "Component-ASU" "Design Bureau "Display" JSC "Armalit" Shipbuilding company "Almaz" "Marine engineering company "Aqua-service" "Research and production center "Aquamarine" "Central design bureau "Iceberg" "Azov optical-mechanical plant" "Azov cable" JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" " AGS Plus Concern Research and Production Association Aurora MNIRE Altair Altair - Scientific and Technical Production Center Arktika-M Northern Production Association Arktika Aris Research and Production Enterprise Aviation and Marine Electronics Amur Cable Plant "NPO "Automation of Machines and Technologies" "Design Bureau "Amethyst" "Scientific and Technical Center "Alfa-M" "ALFA-BANK" "Avro-MKS" "PRIBOR" experimental design bureau "AVIAAVTOMATIKA" "CRM S.p.A." "Magazine "CAD/CAM/CAE Observer" "AVEVA Group" "AUTODESK" "51 TsKTIS" Russian Ministry of Defense PJSC "Shipbuilding Plant "Severnaya Verf" " Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation" "First Central Scientific Research Institute" "All-Russian Fleet Support Movement" "CSoft - Bureau ESG" "DEFENCE 21 PUBLISHING GROUP" "Zeiss Optronik" "Central Naval Portal" "UGS" "Thales" " SolidWorks R." Raytheon Anschütz GmbH "Branch of the National Instruments Russia Corporation" "MTU Friedrichshafen" "GOM" "Expert Scientific and Technical Council" NPF "Central Design Bureau of Valve Engineering" "Ural Design Bureau "Detail" "VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation" "Shipbuilding" "Volga" plant "Military Parade" "Military diplomat" "Newspaper "Military-Industrial Courier" "Magazine "Naval Forces" "Vodtranspribor-Pusk" "Vodtranspribor" "All-Russian Research Institute "Signal" "Shipbuilding plant "Vympel" » "Corporation "Galaktika" "Plant "Engine" "Divetechnoservice" Concern "Granit-Electron" "Head center for service and repair of the concern... "Gorodetsky Shipyard" "Horizon" "Engineering Center Depth" "Marine underwater weapons - Gidropribor" "GETNET Consulting" "ViTek" "Research and Production Center "Vigstar" "Baltic Plant" Shipbuilding company "Aerokhod" "Aeropribor-Voskhod" "Industrial complex "Akhtuba" "Arctic trade and transport company" "Research Institute "Atoll" "Askold" "ARTSOK" "Machine-building plant "Arsenal" Baranchinsky Electromechanical Plant "BSTU "Voenmekh" named after. Ustinova" Instrument-Making Plant "Vibrator" "Bulletin of Aviation and Cosmonautics" "TD Vepr North-West" "Research Institute "Vector" "VALCOM" "Research Institute "Breeze" "Bius" "PO "Binom" "Bi Pitron Electric" "Arsenal Design Bureau" named after M.V. Frunze" Scientific and Technical Institute "Radio Communications" "Concern "Central Research Institute "Electropribor" "Group of Companies "Electroninvest" "Research and Production Center "ELVEES" "Experimental Plant" "EVS" "Eureka" "Navigation Instruments" "Chkalov Shipyard" " ChipEXPO "Electronic company "Elkus" "Electrotechnical production company "Elprocom" "Perm Powder Plant" "Research and Production Center "Polyus" "Amur Shipbuilding Plant" "Agat Design Bureau" "Yaroslavl Shipbuilding Plant" "Southern Research and Production Association for Marine Geological Exploration" » Research and Production Company "Etalon" "ElectroRadioAutomatika" "ENICS" "Center" Submarine Warfare US Navy" "Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics" "Ural Plant "Zenit" "Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant named after. E.S. Yalamova" "Successful Expedition" "Turborus" "Joint Stock Company "Tulamashzavod" "Technical Systems and Technologies" (TST) "Triumph" "TREATMENT" "Transtech" "Verkhneufaleysky Plant "Uralelement" "Feodorovsky Plant AB" "Technology Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair" » "Central Research Institute of Ship Engineering" FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center" "Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after. R.E. Alekseev" "Research Institute "Tsentrprogramsistem" "Central Naval Museum" "Center for Speech Technologies" "Henkel Russia. Division Loktite - Terozon "RUSHENK" "VP Finsudprom" "Transmashholding" "SVD Embedded Systems" "Vint" "Aerogeodesy" "Astrakhan Shipbuilding Production Association" "Association of Shipbuilders of Ukraine "Ukrsudprom" "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute" "ANTARSAT" "Alliance Electro » "Alliance of Welders of St. Petersburg and the North-Western Region" "Alfa Ship" "Alfa Laval Potok" "Baltic Maritime Agency" "Baltia SV" "Vineta, machine-building enterprise" "Winjammer" "Veles" "Boom Techno" "Bosch" Rexroth" "Bogorodsky Machine-Building Plant" "Beloyarsk Factory of Asbestos Cardboard Products" "Barnaultransmash, HC" "Baltkran" "Agni-Progress" "Agatis" "Plant named after. Gadzhiev" "Egorshinsky Radio Plant" "Bryansk Machine-Building Plant" "Association of Ship Repair Companies" "ARS Plus" CJSC "Aquamarine" "AIT Plant" "Electric Rectifier - Special Converters Plant" "Research and Production Association "Electromashina" "Plant for the Production of Programmed Control Systems » "KANAT" "Automation, research and production complex" "Metallurgy of Special Alloys" "Express Diesel Shipservice Co." “Erne Sale & Purchase” “Dredging International N.V.”, representative office in Russia “Morskaya Gazeta” “Kiev Automation Plant named after. G.I. Petrovsky" "Shipbuilding Plant KAMA" "KAMAK" "Directorate of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" "Transas" "Rostov Plant "Pribor" "Research and Production Enterprise "PROMPRIBOR" "Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometheus" "Proletarsky Plant" "Gusevsky Lighting Plant fittings "Projector" "PRIMA audit" "Taganrog plant "Priboi" "Polar convoy" "Research Institute "Poisk" "Company POINT" "Research and Production Concern "Promelektronika" "Company "PROSOFT" "Research and production enterprise "Respirator" "Reom" » "NPP "Region" "Rational Enterprise Management" "RATEP" "Ramensky Instrument-Making Plant" "GMP "Raduga" named after. AND I. Bereznyak" "Industrial Enterprise "Ravenstvo" Group Kronstadt "NPO Fire Automation Service" "Perm Instrument-Making Company" "Nordimpex" "NEW TECHNOLOGIES" "Experimental Design Bureau "Novator" "Scientific Engineering Enterprise - Informatics" "Scientific Research Machine-Building Institute" "Nicole" "Research Institute of Energy SRSTU" "NIIHIT-2" "Research Institute of Television" "NPO "Pribor" "United Industrial Corporation" "Design and Design Bureau "RIO" "Holding Company "Pigment" "PetroInTrade" "Osatek" "Omsk Research Institute of Instrument Engineering" "OMZ-Spetsstal" "Concern "Okeanpribor" "Experimental Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering named after I.I. A... "Special Design Bureau of the Cable Industry" "Research Institute of Automation Systems" "Rosoboronexport" "NPP "Topaz" "Research and Production Enterprise "Start" "Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Corporation" "Splav" "NPP "Spetskabel" NPO "SOKLA" "Connector" "Insurance Group "SOGAZ" "Sovtest ATE" "Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard" "STATUS" "Research Institute "Submicron" "TIMOS" "Techpribor" "Tethys Pro" "Concern "Termal" "Trading House" Union" "TANTK named after G.M. Beriev" "Tantal" "TANGRAM" "Kaluga Instrument-Making Plant "Typhoon" "Sewing Factory "Slavyanskaya" "Holding Spetskomplektresurs" "Sberbank of Russia" "Research and Production Association "Saturn" "Scientific manufacturing enterprise "Salyut" "SignArt" "CDB MT "Rubin" "RTSoft" "RTD-Universal Electronics" "Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time" " Russian Institute Powerful Radio Engineering" "Svirskaya Shipyard" "Sever Trade Plus" "FIG "Speed ​​Fleet" "Special Design Bureau of Boiler Engineering" NPP "Sistema" "JV "Sverdlovsk Tool Plant - Pumori" "Sea Project" OJSC "PO Sevmash" "Northern Raid" » "Northern Press" Northern design bureau " Russian society specialized weapons"

North-Western Shipping Company is one of the oldest shipping companies in Russia, currently representing a holding-type association. The main area of ​​its activity is the transportation of goods between Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

The structure of the company

In addition to the management company OJSC SZP, the North-Western Shipping Company holding includes 8 subsidiaries, including:

    Shipping company "North-Western Fleet".

    "Belozersky Port".

    "Passenger Port".

    Enterprise "Voznesensk Fleet Repair Base".

    Nevsky Shipyard Company.

    Subservice company.

  • "Astrakhan Shipping Company"
  • Fleet management company "Volga-Neva".

    "Volga-Baltic Logistics Company".

Towing operations

Currently, the company carries out all types of such work. North-Western Shipping Company tugs move floating cranes, construction platforms, and, if necessary, other vessels. Often the company's crews have to participate in various rescue operations or environmental protection activities.

To receive towing services, the client must enter into a standard agreement with the shipping company. Also, such operations are carried out by the company as part of the implementation of work to fulfill other orders of business partners. For example, towing may be needed when performing salvage agreements, pilotage, etc.

The company provides the following types of towing:

    Emergency. Shipping company specialists will deliver a lost or damaged vessel to the port.

    Planned towing of ships and objects.

    Intra-port towage in roadsteads and harbors.

At OJSC North-Western Shipping Company you can order towing using the main method (on a short rope), pushing method, log, etc. Operations are carried out either by one vessel or by several. The company’s specialists carry out all the preparatory measures necessary for towing: they calculate the strength of equipment parts, the stability of ships, determine possible ports of refuge, and, if necessary, reinforce superstructures, hulls, decks, deckhouses, etc.

Crew selection

OJSC North-Western Shipping Company pays special attention to working with personnel. Over the years of the company's existence, entire naval dynasties have formed, whose members devoted themselves entirely to work on river vessels and in ports. Examples include the Rudovs, Bibiksarovs, Rogovs, and Pozdnyakovs.

As of 2015, the company has more than 1,500 employees, most of whom are highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the shipping company has the opportunity to provide recruiting services for both domestic and foreign dry cargo ships. The ship's crew usually consists of a captain, ratings, mechanics, radio specialists, foremen, doctors, and engineers. All these specialists can be hired by the company if necessary. The shipping company's employees are sufficiently qualified to ensure safe navigation, adhere to high conscious discipline and comply with the requirements of the Charter.

Purchase/sale of ships

Selling dry cargo ships is also what the North-Western Shipping Company does. St. Petersburg is the city in which, as already mentioned, the head office of the company is located. By contacting the holding's managers, you can purchase ships or order their construction. The company offers its customers single-screw and double-screw dry cargo ships (up to 7000 tons), oil tankers, and non-self-propelled vessels.


Among other things, SZP company specialists carry out such operations as synchronizing cargo transportation by sea and river, as well as land transport between remote ports and regions. By ordering such a service, the company’s clients have the opportunity to significantly save money by reducing cargo delivery time, reducing fuel costs, etc.

Holding newspaper

Among other things, the North-West maritime shipping company"(although it would be more correct to call it river) is one of the founders of the newspaper Volgo-Nevsky Prospekt, whose publishing house is located in Nizhny Novgorod. It was formed in November 1934 on the basis of the large circulation "Leningrad Vodnik". They called it the “North-Western Vodnik”. In 1947 alone, 126 issues of this publication were published with a circulation of 2000 copies. Its pages reflected the work of the courts, etc. The editors did a tremendous amount of work with letters from readers, answering their questions. In 1973, this printed publication was renamed “Leningrad Riverman”; in 1990, its old name was returned to it. In 1994, due to the difficult financial situation of the company, the newspaper was closed.

Its editorial office began operating again 2 years later, in 1996. However, the newspaper began publishing its previous circulation only in 2001. Its publication was finally discontinued in 2005 in connection with the establishment of a larger publication, Volgo-Nevsky Prospekt, distributed in the North-Western, Central and Volga Federal Districts.

Statistical data

In 2014, the total revenue of SZP OJSC amounted to 6.1 billion rubles (21% more than in the previous year). At the same time, about 75% of the income was received from the transportation of timber and grain, as well as products of ferrous metallurgy enterprises and mineral fertilizers. The growth of the company's economic indicators, according to its management, was achieved mainly due to the renewal of the fleet - the sale of 14 old ships and the concentration of transportation on dry cargo ships built over the past 12 years.

"North-Western Shipping Company": reviews

Clients have a good opinion about SZP OJSC. The company fulfills its obligations exactly in accordance with the concluded agreements. But, unfortunately, due to the current situation in the country Lately Due to the not very favorable economic situation, the holding's employees themselves sometimes speak unflatteringly about it. It's all about the small salary and not very good, bureaucratic attitude towards personnel. And not everyone likes the fact that the management decided to sell the old ships. People want to work and receive decent remuneration for it. However, in their opinion, management is in no hurry to replace old dry cargo ships with new ones. But we will assume that these difficulties in the company are temporary, and soon all these problems will be resolved.

In general, the work of the oldest Russian enterprise, North-Western Shipping Company OJSC (company address: St. Petersburg, B. Morskaya St., 37) can be called quite effective. Of course, the company is profitable, and its activities greatly contribute to the development of the economy not only of the Leningrad region, but of all of Russia as a whole.

Founded back in 1703 by Tsar Peter the Great, the Baltic Fleet is to this day an impressive argument in politics international relations Russian Federation.

The Baltic Fleet is part of the Western Military District. The fleet headquarters is located in the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. In addition, there is a base for ships in the city of Kronstadt, Leningrad Region.

The Baltic Fleet includes:

The twelfth division of surface ships with a base in Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region), which includes:
- 128 brigade of surface ships, which has included the destroyers “Nastoichivy” and “Bespokoiny” since 1991-91.
"Persistent", called "Moskovsky Komsomolets" until February 15, 1992, is the flagship of the Baltic Fleet, is the sixteenth destroyer of Project 956-A "Sarych" or according to NATO classification - Sovremenny class destroyer. Left the slipway on January 19, 1991. Entered the fleet on December 30, 1992. He has repeatedly taken and continues to take part in exercises and maneuvers, both Russian and international.

"Restless", like its sister ship "Nastoychivy", is a Project 956 destroyer. The ship's total displacement is about 8 thousand tons, maximum length 156.5 meters, width 17.2 meters, draft 8.2 meters. The power of the power plant is 100 thousand horsepower, combined with two five-bladed propellers, providing the ship with a maximum speed of 33.4 knots. The range at maximum fuel fill in economy mode is four and a half thousand miles. The crew size is 300 people. Standard armament consists of two twin AK-130/54 artillery mounts with 2000 rounds of ammunition, two anti-ship missile launchers of the P-270 "Moskit" system, two RBU-1000 (Smerch-2) rocket launchers, two anti-aircraft missile launchers Uragan complexes, two torpedo tubes with 4 SET-65 torpedoes, as well as detection, guidance, jamming and tracking systems. There is also a deck-based Ka-27 helicopter designed to detect, track and destroy enemy submarines.

In addition, the 128th Brigade includes patrol ships“Neustrashimy” project 11540, in service since 1993, “Indomitable” project 1135M, in service since 1977 and “Ardent” project 11352, in service since 1978.

Project 11540 ships have a total displacement of 4,350 tons; a power plant of two propulsion and two afterburning gas turbine units with a total power of 57 thousand horsepower provides a maximum speed of 30 knots. The ship's armament is represented by an AK-100 artillery mount, 4x2 X-35 anti-ship missile launchers. 2x3 533-mm torpedo tubes, 1st RBU-6000 active jamming installation, 2 Vodopad-NK missile and torpedo systems. Anti-aircraft missile weapons include 4x8 Kinzhal anti-aircraft missile systems and 2 Kortik anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems. To combat submarines there is a Ka-27 deck helicopter.

Project 1135 ships have a total displacement of 3,190 tons, a power plant of two propulsion and two afterburning gas turbine units with a total power of 63.4 thousand horsepower provides a maximum speed of 32 knots. The armament includes the Angara-A air and surface target detection radar (MR-310A), a twin 100-mm AK-100 gun (400 rounds of ammunition), 1x4 Rastrub-B anti-submarine missile systems, 2x2 automated ship-based anti-aircraft missile systems "Osa-M", 2x4 533-mm torpedo tubes PTA-53-1135 (8 torpedoes 53-65K or SET-65).

“Pylky” was modernized according to project 1135.2: the Fregat radar system was installed, the RBU-6000 was replaced with the Uran anti-ship missile system.

71st brigade of landing ships, which includes 3 large landing ships of Project 775: BDK-43 “Minsk” (in service since 1983); BDK-58 "Kaliningrad" (in service since 1984); BDK-100 "Alexander Shabalin" (in service since 1986) and 1 large landing ship of Project 775M "Korolev" (in service since 1992).

Landing ships of Project 775 have a total displacement of 4080 tons, a diesel power plant with a total capacity of 21 thousand horsepower, which allows the ship to move at a maximum speed of 17.8 knots. The armament consists of 2 universal twin naval artillery mounts of 57 mm caliber, 2 2-barreled A-215 Grad-M ship-mounted mounts, 4 Igla man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems and 90 anti-ship mines.

The 36th missile boat brigade, consisting of the 1st Guards missile boat division and the 106th small missile ship division.

The 106th division includes small missile boats “Volna”, “Raduga”, “Molniya”, “Grad”, “Shkval” (project 1234).
Project 1234 boats have the following performance characteristics:
Displacement - 700 tons;
Length/width/draft – 59.3/11.8/3.02 meters;
Power plant - diesel 3xM-507A with 10 thousand horsepower;
Maximum speed – 35 knots;
Power reserve – 4000 miles;
Armament: twin 57-mm AK-725 artillery mount, 6 P-120 Malachite anti-ship missile launchers, 1 Osa-M anti-aircraft missile system.

The 64th brigade of water area security ships, which includes the 264th division of anti-submarine ships and the 323rd minesweeper division.
- 123rd Submarine Brigade, which includes three diesel submarines. Submarine B-227, project 877, in service since 1983, B-806, project 877 EKM, in service since 1986 and B-585 "St. Petersburg", project 677, in service since 2010.

Project 877 boats have the following performance characteristics:
Displacement underwater/surface – 3040/2300 tons;
Speed, underwater/surface – 19/10 knots;
The maximum permissible diving depth is 350 meters;
Autonomy – 45 days;
Power plant – diesel generators 2x1500 kilowatts;
Armament - 6x533 mm bow torpedo tubes, 18 torpedoes or 24 mines, the Biryuza ZM-54E1 missile launcher for combating ships and submarines, and the Strela-ZM or Igla-1 anti-aircraft missile system.

Also included in the Baltic Fleet are:
- 105th brigade of water area security ships. The brigade includes the 109th division of small anti-submarine ships and the 22nd minesweeper division.
- 336th Separate Guards Marine Brigade;
- 79th separate guards motorized rifle brigade, which includes: 319th separate guards motorized rifle battalion, 377th separate motorized rifle battalion, 386th separate motorized rifle battalion, 102nd separate tank battalion, 45th separate howitzer self-propelled artillery battalion and 483th separate anti-aircraft missile and artillery battalion division.
- 152nd Guards Missile Brigade;
- 244th artillery brigade;
- 25th Coastal Missile Brigade;
- 7th separate motorized rifle regiment;
- 22nd anti-aircraft missile regiment;
- 841st separate electronic warfare center;
- 302nd Electronic Warfare Regiment;
- 9th Fleet crew;
- 17th Fleet Crew;
- 127th separate naval engineering battalion;
- 522nd communication center.