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Russian-language portal for guests of the German capital. Checkpoint Charlie (Berlin): a symbol of confrontation during the Cold War Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie- border checkpoint "Charlie" on Friedrichstrasse in Berlin.

Currently, Checkpoint Charlie operates as a tourist attraction.

Checkpoint Charlie was created in 1961 after the division of Berlin into West and East and became Berlin's most famous checkpoint. Dramatic events related to attempts to escape from the GDR to West Berlin unfolded at this checkpoint.

Charlie was not only a checkpoint, there were also exchanges of spies and officials detained in the territories of the Allies and the USSR. The famous tank confrontation took place here during the Berlin crisis of 1961.

Currently, Checkpoint Charlie is a copy of that checkpoint: a small one with flags of the USSR and the USA of different sides and a border guard inside. There are sandbags near the booth and 2 large shields installed. The first one reads in 4 languages: “You are leaving West Berlin.” On the second: on one side there is a photo of a Soviet soldier, and on the other, an American one.

Where is Checkpoint Charlie?

Checkpoint Charlie is located in Berlin on Friedichstrasse.

Good afternoon, readers of our blog. Today we will return to the times of the Cold War and the confrontation of political systems. Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin is an iconic place for the modern history of all of Germany. More recently (by the standards of world history) it was divided into parts: the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. The border also cut Berlin. The Western one, surrounded by a ring of walls and the territory of the GDR, and the Eastern one.

To visit relatives living in another (hostile) part of Berlin or even to get to the cemetery, city residents had to cross the border and go through a special gate in the wall - a Checkpoint or simply a checkpoint.

The wall was installed in 1 day along the entire perimeter. Then it strengthened and grew in width and height, crushing the lives and destinies of people, breaking and increasingly dividing Germany.

During the Cold War, the Berlin Wall became a symbol of the confrontation between two ideologies. And the small checkpoint on Friedrichstrasse is the site of a conflict that could lead to a new World War.

Superpowers were fighting for influence and world order, and at the center of events was border checkpoint Charlie. It still stands in its place today. But as a reminder of the days of confrontation between two ideologies - capitalist and communist.

It was in front of him that the tanks of Kennedy and Khrushchev met in silent confrontation.

Exciting spy detective stories were written about him and filmed. What is its role in history? Let's figure it out together, and at the same time take a walk around the center of Berlin.

Of course, there were several such checkpoints. I don’t know if the others have survived (I heard that they have survived, but have not seen them).

Checkpoint Charlie today

This is a small booth. On one side is the red flag of the Soviets with a hammer and sickle, and on the other is the stars and stripes of the United States.

These days, Check Point Charlie is a popular tourist spot. Enterprising Berliners practically turned it into a showground. You can feel the historical significance only if you really stretch your imagination.

There is a location next to the checkpoint. This is where you should definitely go. We also recommend visiting the museum of graffiti from the Berlin Wall and Bernauerstrasse.

You can enter the strip through the symbolic wall on Bernauerstrasse

But we, tourists, are designed in such a way that we want to check everything and see it with our own eyes. I think you will probably go to the check point. Therefore, today we will tell his story, and you will remember it at the moment when the “border guard” puts a stamp in your passport about crossing the border.

We found this similar picture right at the Brandenburg Gate:

The “border guards”, frozen in the January cold, are waiting for clients.

I wonder what stamps he has.

Galya receives a document stating that she can go further to West Berlin.

Confrontation of ideologies

The Second World War is over. The Soviet Union won a victory over fascism. Nazi Germany is no more, but tensions between world powers are still acute.

The Cold War begins and a long dispute begins:

  • Is the new Germany the successor to the old Germany and what part of it is controlled by the USSR or the Allied forces (USA, France, Great Britain).
  • Is it possible for a united Germany to exist and on whose terms?
  • Can there be two Germanys?
  • What is the status of Berlin - is it a separate (not Germany - then what?) city or is it the capital of Germany. Then which one?

The question of Berlin before 1961 remains the hottest point in world politics of that time.

In the USSR, the name of a part of Germany appears - the Federal Republic of Germany (capital Bonn). The other part is called the GDR (capital Berlin) and not all powers recognize it as an independent state.

The fact that the GDR is not legally recognized by many world powers plays a huge role for the USSR and its allies - the general legality of the existence of such a state is called into question.

The western part begins to experience incredible economic growth. Up to 1,000 people are leaving eastern Berlin every day.

The presence of US, French and British forces outside the control of the GDR in the western part of Berlin creates political and economic instability. The issue needs to be resolved somehow.

The USSR uses pressure. In 1958 N.S. Khrushchev proposes to give Berlin free status. The occupying allied forces must leave the city, NATO countries must conclude a peace treaty with the two Germanys.

If this does not happen, then the USSR will conclude an agreement only with the GDR.

To understand the importance of such a statement, one only needs to look at the political map of that time.

Germany is divided between four powers so that Berlin is surrounded on all sides by the GDR. To reach the western part of the city, the United States, France and Great Britain will have to use the air corridor or transit along the roads of the GDR.

Those. West Berlin becomes completely cut off from Germany. This means that he cannot participate in government, cannot have representatives and voting rights in the Bundestag. It becomes an incomprehensible entity on the political map. A point of constant conflict.

German miracle

In the fifties, unprecedented economic growth began in western Germany.

  • Development of housing construction. From 1950 to 1962, 65 million marks were invested in this industry. Germany takes 1st place in the world.
  • No military expenses.
  • Development of scientific and technical potential. Introduction of the latest world (foreign) achievements and discoveries.
  • Subsidizing and development of our own science and technology.
  • Structural restructuring of the entire industrial sector.
  • Investments (mainly USA) in advanced sectors of the economy: mechanical engineering, chemical and electrical engineering.
  • The country is introducing the latest production lines to replace outdated equipment from the 20s and 30s (all of which ended up in the USSR).
  • Monetary reform has been carried out.
  • There is virtually no inflation.
  • Taxes are being cut.
  • Social packages and all kinds of insurance are being introduced.
  • Salaries are increasing.
  • Welfare is growing

The Berlin Wall is highlighted in black.

"Better a wall than war"

People still communicate, do their business, go on visits, and travel freely around Berlin on the metro and trams. But the difference in people's lives is becoming more and more noticeable.

The proximity of market and planned economies, lack of injections into the economy, constant political confrontation. As a result of this proximity, the GDR lost huge sums allocated to the city. The economy of the GDR began to burst at the seams.

Finally, in 1961, the GDR authorities turned to N.S. Khrushchev with a request to build a wall - the economy was on the verge of collapse. The problem needs to be solved.

The Warsaw Pact countries held a meeting - the economic collapse of the GDR posed a threat to the entire socialist system. The solution is to build the Berlin Wall, an extreme but necessary solution.

It must be said that the strong wire, ironically purchased in West Berlin, had been prepared long ago and was just waiting for the hour.

150 kilometers of the “Shameful Wall”

Few knew about the operation; the decision was made quickly. The evening of August 12, all the leaders involved in the execution process spent together behind closed doors and with their phones turned off. To avoid information leakage.

The operation began at 1 am on August 13th. Cars simultaneously moved towards the entire perimeter of the West Berlin border. People did not know where and why they were going.

In the morning, city residents saw the area cordoned off with wire, but according to eyewitnesses, they took it calmly.

The realization of what happened came later.

In each union territory, gates were created in the wall - checkpoints. The main task of which was not to let an ordinary person pass from one part of Berlin to another.

Leap to Freedom

This is the name of the photograph in which a young military man froze in a jump. I don’t know whether this was a real photo or staged (the propaganda worked powerfully), but this photograph became a symbol of the desire of the Germans of the GDR for freedom.

Konrad Schumann overcomes the barrier

On August 15, Konrad Schumann, a German soldier, jumped over the fence (then the height of the wall was 80 cm).

This photo "Leap to Freedom" is an image of the Cold War

The young man's jump was one of the first successful escapes, but it did not bring joy. Home, family, and friends remained on the territory of the GDR. After the fall of the wall, Conrad met with relatives and former friends. Many did not talk to him. The story ended tragically - Konrad Schumann committed suicide.

Many found themselves cut off from their home, family, and work.

Throughout the Cold War, people tried to escape East Berlin many times. In most cases, attempts ended in failure or death.

In Berlin, along the line where the wall was, you can see orange steles like this.

One of the places where a man tried to overcome the wall

These are the places where people died while escaping. The names and history of the victims are written on the steles.

The wall also went underground. All metro tunnels and all communication passages underground were also blocked and walled up. The stations where the wall grew became the final ones. The trains ran on the same track. First to the terminus, and then the same train went back.

The Shameful Wall is how politician and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Willy Brandt called the Berlin Wall. It was rebuilt and improved several times.

Border checkpoints on the American part of Berlin:

  • Checkpoint A (Alpha) served for the transition from West Germany to East Germany;
  • Checkpoint B (Bravo) - transition from West Berlin to the GDR and back;
  • Checkpoint S (Charlie) Friedrichstrasse, there was a checkpoint between West and East Berlin.

All checkpoints in Berlin. Charlie - 4

Check point "C"

Why are we interested in Charlie's checkpoint in this whole story? This place is iconic. The United States did not recognize the GDR as an independent state. They stood on the fact that Germany should be united and join NATO.

The USSR also advocated for a united Germany, but on its own terms.

Kennedy referred to the text of the Warsaw Peace Treaty that the USSR did not have the right to create any borders on German territory.

On October 26, 1961, jeeps arrived at Checkpoint Charlie. Behind them are 10 US tanks. The tanks were followed by excavators and bulldozers. The US authorities decided to destroy the barriers erected by the USSR. In response, Soviet troops sent their tank company to Checkpoint Charlie.

The tank opposite the tank stood all night from October 26 to 27 with the engines running. Germany, Berlin, the whole world then froze in anticipation. This event was called the “Checkpoint Charlie Incident” or “Tank Confrontation.”

One extra movement, a sudden shout or shot could lead to the start of another World War.

Through Checkpoint they managed to convey a secret message from Kennedy to Khrushchev. This in itself was a dangerous undertaking. Fortunately, Nikita Sergeevich then had enough intelligence, tact and determination to be the first to withdraw the tanks. Then the US tanks left.

Checkpoint in cinema and literature

Today the check point houses the Berlin Wall Museum. Among the exhibits are real devices with which people tried to escape “behind the wall” and escaped. And also photographs, historical documents, equipment.

This place has attracted many creative people who decided to include Charlie in their books, movies, stories and even computer games:

  • Detective stories about spies, for example, “The Spy Who Came in from the Cold.”
  • One of the Bond movies: Octopussy. Bond crosses the border through Charlie.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops, the popular game map Berlin Wall, where you have to fight for a checkpoint.
  • The film “Bridge of Spies” is about how the Soviet Rudolf Abel was exchanged for the American military pilot F. Powers.

A huge number of feature films about love separated by a wall; documentary about what tragedies the construction of the wall brought, about how people fled.

How to get there

  • by metro. Kochstrasse metro station or Checkpoint Charlie station. The best way to travel around a busy city is by metro. This way you don't risk getting stuck in traffic.

Address: Friedrichstrasse 43-45, 10117

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Checkpoint Charlie (Berlin): a symbol of confrontation during the Cold War

Category: Berlin

Checkpoint Charlie is a unique place in Berlin. It is often called a cult. Of course: after all, it is a symbol of the Cold War and the almost half-century division of Germany! Tragic events took place here for decades, and hundreds and thousands of Germans met their deaths in this historic place.

So what is Checkpoint Charlie? The site of armed clashes? Or maybe a prison for political prisoners? Neither one nor the other. This is a former checkpoint on the border between West Berlin and the GDR. This is where it was located - the ominous, unthinkable and intolerant Berlin Wall.

Checkpoint Charlie is the most famous of the three checkpoints under American control. It was installed on Friedrichstrasse after the division of the city by the 155-kilometer Berlin Wall. Officially, only high-ranking persons (for example, officials of the GDR and employees of the permanent mission of the Federal Republic of Germany in East Germany), as well as foreigners, could cross through it. Attempts by ordinary East Germans to illegally enter West Berlin were not only brutally suppressed, they were brutally suppressed. Armed soldiers of the GDR army serving at this checkpoint without warning shot anyone who tried to escape from the “socialist paradise” into “decaying capitalism.”

In addition to the fact that Checkpoint Charlie was the site of desperate attempts to escape to the West, which often ended in death, a direct clash between the USSR and the USA almost happened here. In 1958–1962, the Berlin Crisis erupted, becoming one of the most tense moments in the confrontation between the two world superpowers, the peak of which occurred in June–November 1961. And then in October an event took place here that went down in history as the “tank confrontation.” Soviet and American tanks stood opposite each other at the minimum possible distance - firing range. They were ready for a battle, which, fortunately, never began: it is unknown what tragedy this clash would have turned into. But from that moment on, the seemingly ordinary checkpoint became widely known.

The checkpoint performed its direct functions until 1990, that is, until the unification of Germany. But only in the part that concerned the registration of troops of two states - Germany and the GDR - and control over their movement. Nowadays, it's not just Checkpoint Charlie itself that is a tourist attraction. At the former military checkpoint there is the Berlin Wall Museum, which is equally interesting for tourists to visit. It reflects the tragic history of the Cold War. The exhibits also reflect the totalitarian regime that existed in the former GDR. A lot of evidence has been collected about the attempts of East Germans to flee to the more prosperous West Germany.

What exhibits can be seen in the museum? Among them are various equipment and devices designed to help fugitives cross the border - armored vehicles, parachutes, paragliders and even scuba gear, small submarines and... balloons. A lot of photographs have been collected showing watchtowers, bunkers, and technical means of warning – that is, everything that the Berlin Wall was “famous for.”

It is impossible to pass by the famous exhibitions. One is with an image of Soviet and American soldiers looking at each other (portraits of soldiers are in light boxes), the author of the work is artist Frank Thiel. The second exhibition is dedicated to man’s struggle for his rights through peaceful means, without bloodshed. And the third is located in the open air, it tells about the history of the checkpoint. Comments on photographic materials are not only in German, but also in Russian.

Checkpoint Charlie was more than a checkpoint. Here, in the best detective traditions, an exchange was carried out of spies and military department employees detained on both sides of the border - that is, the Berlin Wall, which, by the way, was erected in just one night. Its length directly on the territory of Berlin was 43 km with a height of 3 meters. The museum will show you a documentary film about the destruction of this incredibly fortified border, as well as archival materials with photographs. They depict the stages of the destruction of the wall. The exhibition “From Gandhi to Walesa” is no less interesting. Its theme is the struggle for human rights around the world.

Address: Friedrichstraße 43-45, 10117 Berlin, Germany

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Checkpoint Charlie is not only a cult place and a must-see on Berlin excursion routes. It contains the history of the confrontation between two powerful powers - the USA and the USSR. It is also a legacy of the division of Germany and Berlin into two parts. It was here that the Berlin Wall, striking in its absurdity and intolerance, was located. It became a symbol of intransigence not only ideologically, but also a place where thousands of ordinary citizens met the end of their lives in attempts to get to the opposite side of the wall.

Historical value of the object

In modern times, Checkpoint Charlie is the site of more than fifty years of history and human suffering. The checkpoint was built to organize the movement of troops. At the same time, the eastern part of Berlin was occupied by Soviet troops, and the western part by allied troops (USA, UK and France). Construction of the complex began immediately after the end of World War II. At the same time, the Berlin Wall was erected. The function of this structure was to suppress attempts by people from the eastern to the western part of Berlin and vice versa. The checkpoint was manned by armed soldiers who shot without warning anyone who tried to cross the Berlin Wall.

It was at this checkpoint that the famous tank confrontation took place in 1961. Until 1990, the point fulfilled its functional duties in terms of registration and control of the movement of troops of the two powers.

Location of the complex

Checkpoint Charlie is located on Friedrichstrasse, and there is also a museum here that preserves the history of those times until 1990, the moment of the collapse of the USSR. The museum was created during the existence of the Berlin Wall, when it fulfilled its direct function. Among the museum's exhibits you can see equipment that was designed to help fugitives cross the border of a divided country. Among them are such aircraft as paragliders, parachutes and hot air balloons. Armored vehicles, scuba gear, and even small submarines also provided opportunities to overcome the Berlin Wall. They can also be seen among the museum exhibits. The museum's exhibition also presents photographs from the time the Berlin Wall existed, depicting bunkers, watchtowers and technical means of warning when the perimeter is violated.
The famous exhibition of the artist Frank Thiel is located here. It depicts Soviet and American soldiers overlooking each other's territory.

The portraits are enclosed in light boxes. They are also symbols of opposition. The complex includes an exhibition telling about the struggle for human rights without bloodshed. An open-air photo exhibition telling the history of Checkpoint Charlie is also part of the complex. Comments on the pictures can be read in both Russian and German.

Checkpoint Charlie was not only a checkpoint, it was also where the exchange of spies and military officials detained in the territories of the Allies and the USSR took place. The height of the Berlin Wall was 3 meters, its length was 155 km, and its length across Berlin was almost 43 km. The entire structure was erected in one night. It existed in its original form for 28 years. In the museum you can see a video film telling about the destruction of the Berlin Wall, as well as archival photographs with comments telling about the stages of destruction and the ideology of these events. You can also find answers to questions about what prompted the public to take these actions. There is also a moral assessment of those events by various political figures, both of that time and of our contemporaries. No less interesting will be a visit to the exhibition “From Gandhi to Walesa”, demonstrating the struggle for human rights in the world.

Address: Friedrichstrasse 43-45, 10117 Berlin

Team Timberland wins the RUNNERS CUP organized by the Kranzler Eck shopping center.

What was the reason for such a convincing victory, the Timberland SHOES or the trained runners?! In any case, the employees of the Outdoor-Lifestyle-Spezialisten Timberland store convincingly won the second race of the Kranzler Eck Runners Cup. For the employees of the Timberland store located within the walls of Kranzler Eck, this cup was an important victory. Even star chef Ralf Zacherl was rather rooting for his colleagues, but as a member of the jury, he was impressed by such a crushing victory, a victory with a difference of 400 meters!

The Lululemon brand team, defending the title of last year's winner, was forced to settle for second place and hand over the Challenge Cup to the winners. On July 2, Ulrike Dawartz, on behalf of the management of the Kranzler Eck shopping center, congratulated the radiant winners - the Timberland team, and wished the same victory in the next anniversary year 2020, when Kranzler Eck will celebrate its 20th anniversary!

Spanish restaurant "El Borriquito" El Borriquito

Spanish restaurant in Berlin "El Borriquito",
in Russian "Little Donkey"

El Borriquito has been in Berlin for almost fifty years, since 1972. Cozy atmosphere with many little details related to Spanish culture and cuisine. The menu always includes delicious fish and meat dishes. Paella, tortilla and tapas. Fresh lobsters and seafood. Wide range of Spanish wines. Spanish live music and a covered summer terrace will take you to hospitable Spain during dinner.

The restaurant is located next to the Savignyplatz metro station, on the corner of Kantstrasse and Wielandstrasse - Open daily from six in the evening to five in the morning.

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Since its inception, Borriquito has been a place for night owls, with dancers and showgirls. satisfied their hunger and found a continuation of their night after the discos.


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Ice cream Mr. Borella Mr. Borella

Ice cream mix Mr. Borella ® in the Kranzler Eck shopping center

A new stylish ice cream shop opened in March 2019 right at the entrance to the shopping center courtyard where the bird aviaries are located. An innovative self-service concept and fresh ice cream with an indescribable taste await you! Here, everyone decides for themselves what their ice cream will taste like.

The idea is that guests choose a cup size for a fixed price, then mix the freshest ice cream with different flavors to create a customized concoction. The resulting masterpiece can be topped with delicious sauces, fruits and other additives. As a result, you can enjoy the unique taste of homemade ice cream. The price depends on the size of the cup: from the smallest “Short Cut” for 3.50 euros to the giant “Pot Belly” for 6.50 euros.

Kranzler Eck Foto Norbert Meise

Shopping complex Kranzler Eck Berlin:
symbol of West Berlin

The shopping complex at the famous intersection of Kurfürstendamm and Joachimsthaler Strasse is considered a symbol of the modern western part of Berlin. It has become a real tradition to arrange a meeting at the Kranzler cafe to taste unforgettable vanilla or chocolate ice cream. A bird aviary loved by regular visitors, fashion labels and trendy cafes make Kranzler Eck Berlin a favorite meeting place in one of the best areas of Berlin. It is also an ideal starting point for a shopping excursion around Kurfürstendamm.

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