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The shortest and most interesting stories in the world (1 photo). The shortest stories Small but interesting stories from all authors

Touching stories rarely appear on the first pages, which is probably why it seems that nothing good and kind is happening in the world. But as these little love stories show, beautiful things happen every day.

They're all from a site called Makesmethink, a place where people share their thought-provoking stories, and we're sure you'll agree that these little funny stories are thought-provoking. Be careful though: some of them may lift your spirits, while others may move you to tears...

“Today I realized that my dad is the best dad I could ever dream of! He is my mom’s loving husband (always makes her laugh), he comes to all my football matches since I was 5 years old (I’m 17 now) ) and is a real stronghold for our family.

This morning, while looking for pliers in my dad's toolbox, I found a dirty folded piece of paper at the bottom. It was an old diary entry in my father's handwriting, dated exactly one month before my birthday. It read: “I'm 18 years old, an alcoholic, a college dropout, a victim of child abuse, a man with a criminal record for car theft. And next month I'll be adding 'teen dad' to the list. But I swear that "From now on, I will do everything right for my little girl. I will be the father I never had." And I don't know how he did it, but he did it."

"Today I told my 18-year-old grandson that when I was in high school, no one asked me to his prom. That same evening, he showed up at my house in a tuxedo and took me to his prom as his date."

"My 88-year-old grandmother and her 17-year-old cat are both blind. Usually my grandmother is led around the house by her guide dog. But lately the dog has also been leading her cat around the house. When the cat meows, the dog comes up to her and rubs her about her, after which she follows him to her food, to her “toilet,” to the other end of the house to sleep, and so on.”

“Today, approaching the door of my office at 7 am (I’m a florist), I saw a soldier in uniform standing waiting. He stopped by on the way to the airport - he was leaving for one year in Afghanistan. He said: “Usually every Friday I I'm bringing home a bouquet of flowers for my wife and I don't want to disappoint her while I'm gone." He then placed an order for delivery of 52 bouquets of flowers, each of which should be delivered to his wife's office every Friday afternoon. I gave him a 50% cut "discount".

"Today I walked my daughter down the aisle. Ten years ago, I carried a 14-year-old boy from his mother's fire-engulfed SUV after a serious accident. Doctors initially said he would never walk. My daughter visited him in the hospital with me several times." ". Then I began to come to him myself. Today I watch how, contrary to all the doctors’ predictions, he stands at the altar on his own two legs and smiles, putting a ring on my daughter’s finger."

"Today, by mistake, I accidentally sent my father a message saying 'I love you' that I wanted to send to my husband. A few minutes later I received a response: 'I love you too.' Dad." It was like that! We so rarely say words of love to each other."

"Today, when she came out of an 11-month coma, she kissed me and said, 'Thank you for being here and telling me these beautiful stories without losing faith in me... And yes, I will come out marry you".

“Today is our 10th wedding anniversary, but since my husband and I have recently been unemployed, we agreed not to give each other any gifts this time. When I woke up in the morning, my husband had already gotten up. I went downstairs and saw the beautiful fields "There were flowers all over the house. There were about 400 flowers in total, and he didn't spend a single coin on them."

“Today my blind friend explained to me in vivid colors how wonderful his new girlfriend is.”

"My daughter came home from school and asked where she could learn sign language. I asked why she needed it, and she replied that they had a new girl at school, that she was deaf, only understood sign language, and she couldn’t someone to talk to."

“Today, two days after my husband’s funeral, I received a bouquet of flowers that he ordered for me a week ago. The note said: “Even if cancer wins, I want you to know that you are the girl of my dreams.”

“Today I re-read the suicide letter that I wrote on September 2, 1996 - 2 minutes before my girlfriend appeared at the door and said: “I’m pregnant.” I suddenly felt that I had a reason to live. Now she is my wife "We have been happily married for 14 years. And my daughter, who is almost 15, has two little brothers. I re-read my suicide letter from time to time to feel gratitude again - gratitude for having a second chance at life and love." .

"Today, my 12-year-old son, Sean, and I visited a nursing home together for the first time in months. I usually come alone to visit my mother, who has Alzheimer's disease. As we walked into the lobby, the nurse saw my son and said, " Hi, Sean!" "How does she know your name?" I asked him. "Oh, I just popped in here on the way home from school to say hi to my grandma," Sean replied. I didn't even know that."

“Today, a woman who is having to have her larynx removed due to cancer signed up for my sign language class. Her husband, four children, two sisters, brother, mother, father and twelve close friends also signed up with her for the same class. to be able to talk to her after she loses the ability to speak out loud."

“I recently went into a second-hand bookstore and bought a copy of a book that was stolen from me when I was a child. I was so surprised when I opened it and realized that it was the same stolen book! My name was on the first page and the words written by my grandfather: “I really hope that many years later this book will be in your hands again and you will read it again.”

“Today I was sitting on a park bench eating my sandwich when I saw an elderly couple stop their car at a nearby oak tree. They rolled down the windows and turned on jazz music. Then the man got out of the car, walked around it, opened the front door where the woman was sitting ", extended his hand and helped her get out. After that, they walked a few meters away from the car, and the next half slowly danced under the oak tree."

“Today my 75-year-old grandfather, who has been blind due to cataracts for almost 15 years, said to me: “Your grandmother is the most beautiful, isn’t she?” I paused and said: “Yes. I bet you miss those times when you could see her beauty every day." "Honey," Grandpa said, "I still see her beauty every day. In fact, I see her more clearly now than I did when we were young."

“Today I was horrified to see through the kitchen window as my 2-year-old daughter slipped and fell headfirst into the pool. But before I could reach her, our Labrador Retriever Rex jumped after her, grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pulled her towards the steps. shallow water where she could stand on her feet."

“Today on the plane I met the most beautiful woman. Assuming that I was unlikely to see her again after the flight, I complimented her on this occasion. She smiled at me with the most sincere smile and said: “No one has said such words to me in the last 10 years.” It turned out "We were both born in the mid-1930s, both single and childless and living almost 5 miles apart. We agreed to go out on a date next Saturday after we got home."

“Today, after learning that my mother was home from work early because she had the flu, I stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home from school to buy her a can of soup. There I ran into my father, who was already at the checkout. "He paid for 5 cans of soup, a box of cold medicine, disposable wipes, tampons, 4 DVDs of romantic comedies and a bouquet of flowers. My dad made me smile."

“Today I was waiting on a table for an elderly couple. The way they looked at each other... it was clear that they loved each other. When the man mentioned that they were celebrating their anniversary, I smiled and said, “Let me guess.” You two have been together for a very, very long time." They laughed and the lady said, "Actually, no. Today is our 5th anniversary. We both outlived our spouses, but fate gave us another chance to experience love."

“Today my grandparents, who were just over 90 years old and who had been married for 72 years, died within an hour of each other.”

"I'm 17 years old, I've been dating my boyfriend Jake for 3 years, and last night was our first time together. We've never done 'this' before, and there wasn't 'this' last night either. Instead, we baked cookies, watched two comedy, laughed, played Xbox and fell asleep in each other's arms. Despite my parents' warnings, he acted like nothing less than a gentleman and a best friend!"

“Today is exactly 20 years since I risked my life to save a woman who was drowning in the fast flow of the Colorado River. And that’s how I met my wife, the love of my life.”

Short stories are a genre in literature that requires special skill and talent of the author. Sometimes 55 words are enough to convey the meaning and idea. This is incredibly small, but it is enough to think about what sometimes seems insignificant and unimportant to us. A short story is the story of one life, one tragedy, one fate.

One day, New Time magazine held an event in which participants were asked to write a story no more than 55 words long. The action caused an incredible response among readers.

The result of this action was a collection called “The World’s Shortest Stories.” The genre of short stories captivated not only the readers of New Time magazine, but also the best representatives of the literary community. So, for example, Hemingway once won an argument by writing a story that could touch anyone and consisted of only 4 words:

“Children's shoes for sale. Unworn."

Some believe that any story should contain three traditional components: beginning, climax and denouement. Master of the story O. Henry won the competition by writing his short story, taking into account these requirements:

“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see how much gasoline was left. The deceased was twenty-three years old.”

American science fiction writer and master of the detective genre Frederick Brown managed to write the shortest of scary stories:

“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door..."

But you don't have to be a recognized literary genius to write short stories. For example, an elderly French woman won a competition by writing the shortest autobiography:

“I used to have a smooth face and a wrinkled skirt, but now it’s the other way around.”


"What the Devil Wants"

The two boys stood and watched Satan slowly walk away. The sparkle of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.

Listen, what did he want from you?

My soul. And from you?

A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.

Do you want us to go eat?

I want to, but now I have no money at all.

It's OK. I have plenty.

Brian Newell.

"Higher education"

In college, we just wiped our pants down,” Jennings said, washing his dirty hands.

After all these budget cuts they don't teach you much, they just made estimates and things went on as usual.

So how did you study?

But we didn’t study. However, you can watch me work.

The nurse opened the door.

Dr. Jennings, you're needed in the operating room.

Ron Bast.


The wool blanket he'd recently been given from a charity felt comfortable around his shoulders, and the boots he'd found in the trash today didn't sting at all. The street lights warmed his soul so pleasantly after all this chilling darkness... The curve of the park bench seemed so familiar to his tired old back. “Thank you, Lord,” he thought, “life is simply amazing!”

Andrew E. Hunt.


The phone rang.

Hello,” she whispered.

Victoria, it's me. Let's meet at the pier at midnight.

OK, darling.

And please don’t forget to take a bottle of champagne with you,” he said.

I won't forget, dear. I want to be with you tonight.

Hurry up, I have no time to wait! - he said and hung up.

She sighed, then smiled.

I wonder who it is,” she said.

Nicole Weddle.

"Bed Story"

Watch out baby, it's loaded,” he said as he walked back into the bedroom.

Her back rested on the headboard of the bed.

Is this for your wife?

No. It would be risky. I'll hire a hitman.

What if the killer is me?

He grinned.

Who is smart enough to hire a woman to kill a man?

She licked her lips and aimed her sights at him.

Your wife's.

Geoffrey Whitmore.


They say evil has no face. Indeed, no feelings were reflected on his face. There was not a glimmer of sympathy on him, but the pain was simply unbearable. Can't he see the horror in my eyes and the panic on my face? He calmly, one might say, carried out his dirty work professionally, and at the end he politely said: “Rinse your mouth, please.”

Dan Andrews.

"The Decisive Moment"

She could almost hear the doors of her prison slamming shut. Freedom is gone forever, now her fate is in someone else’s hands, and she will never see freedom. Crazy thoughts flashed through her head about how nice it would be to fly far, far away. But she knew that it was impossible to hide. She turned to the groom with a smile and repeated: “Yes, I agree.”

Tina Milburn.


She was angry with him. In their idyllic life, they had almost everything, but she longed for one thing - something they never had. Only his cowardice was a hindrance. Then it will be necessary to get rid of it, but it’s too early. It's better to be calm and cunning. Beautiful in her nakedness, she grabbed the fruit. “Adam,” she called quietly.

Enrique Cavalitto.

"In the hospital"

She drove the car at breakneck speed. Lord, if only I could make it on time.

But from the expression on the face of the doctor from the intensive care unit, she understood everything. She began to sob.

Is he conscious? “Mrs. Allerton,” the doctor said softly, “you should be happy.”

His last words were: "I love you, Mary." She looked at the doctor and turned away.

“Thank you,” Judith said coldly.

Barnaby Conrades.

"Hide and Seek"

Ninety-nine, one hundred! Ready or not, here I come! I hate driving, but for me it's much easier than hiding. Entering a dark room, I whisper to those who are hiding inside: “They hit and hit!” They follow me along the long corridor with their eyes, and in the mirrors hanging on the walls my figure in a black cassock and with a scythe in his hands is reflected.

Kurt Homan.


There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in too tangled a knot of anger and bliss to solve everything any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever. The coin was tossed. She tinkled, spun and stopped. Eagle. We stared at her in bewilderment. Then, with one voice, we said, “Maybe one more time?”

Jay Rip.

"Evening Surprise"

Shiny tights hugged her beautiful hips tightly and seductively - a wonderful addition to a light evening dress. From the very tips of the diamond earrings to the toes of the elegant shoes with thin stiletto heels, everything was simply chic. Eyes with freshly applied shadows examined the reflection in the mirror, and lips painted with bright red lipstick stretched with pleasure. Suddenly a child’s voice was heard from behind: “Dad?!”

Hillary Clay.


Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window. No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains. He doesn't care who brings the food, who pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room. His life is passing athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita. Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined chambers have no windows.

Jane Orvey.

"It was a year ago"

Flowed by a light breeze, Doug stood and looked at Joey.

Hey Joey! - said Doug.

There was silence all around.

I'm sorry, Joey. I did not want. Honestly. Happy New Year, Joey!

Doug placed a rose on Joey's grave and slowly walked away.

Will you ever forgive me for driving drunk that night? - he asked.

Grace Kagimbaga.

"In the garden"

She was standing in the garden when she saw him running towards her.

Tina! My little flower! Love of my life!

He finally said it.

Tina, my flower!

Oh Tom, I love you too!

Tom approached her, knelt down and quickly pushed her aside.

My flower! You stepped on my favorite rose!

Hope Hey Torres.

"In Search of Truth"

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search ended. Truth sat in a dilapidated hut by the fire. He had never seen an older, uglier woman.

Are you - Really?

The old, wizened hag nodded solemnly.

Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?

The old woman spat into the fire and answered:

Tell them I'm young and beautiful!

Robert Tompkins.

"Bad luck"

I woke up with severe pain throughout my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.

Mr. Fujima, she said, you were lucky to survive the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.

A little alive from weakness, I asked:

“To Nagasaki,” she answered.

Alan E. Mayer.


She hated them! All of them! Their masks did not hide their joy as their lustful hands pressed her down so that he could have his way with her. The pain was unbearable. But he did not stop, he continued to perform this monstrous ritual over her. Her screams only encouraged him. She knew that if she did not give in, death would be inevitable. Finally, satisfied, he said, “Boy.”

Tom McGrane.


As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. She turned on the TV. At that moment the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone. I saw her face wrinkle. She cried bitterly.

Charles Enright.


Starlight Night. It's the right time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laughter. We've been together for two years. Wonderful time! True love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let!

Beautiful diamond ring. Blush on the cheeks, charming smile. How, no?!

Larisa Kirkland.

Katerina Goltsman

Sometimes literary works impress primarily with the number of pages written and long plot twists and turns. But this does not apply to the stories collected in our review. Each of them contains only a few sentences that tell about an entire life. Surprisingly short and very poignant.

1. Jane Orvis. "Window"

Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window.
No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains.
He doesn't care who brings the food, who pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room.
His life is passing athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined chambers have no windows.

2. Alan E. Mayer. "Bad luck"

I woke up with severe pain throughout my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you are lucky, you managed to survive the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago.” But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive from weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
“To Nagasaki,” she answered.

3. Charles Enright. "Ghost"

As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. She turned on the TV.
At that moment the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone.
I saw her face wrinkle. She cried bitterly.

4. Larisa Kirkland. "Offer"

Starlight Night. It's the right time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laughter. We've been together for two years. Wonderful time! True love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! Beautiful diamond ring. Blush on the cheeks, charming smile.

5. Andrew E. Hunt. "Gratitude"

The wool blanket he'd recently been given from a charity felt comfortable around his shoulders, and the boots he'd found in the trash today didn't sting at all.
The street lights warmed the soul so pleasantly after all this chilling darkness...
The curve of the park bench seemed so familiar to his weary old back.
“Thank you, Lord,” he thought, “life is simply amazing!”

6. Brian Newell. "What the Devil Wants"

The two boys stood and watched Satan slowly walk away. The sparkle of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want to go and eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have plenty.

7. Robert Tompkins. "In Search of Truth"

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search ended. Truth sat in a dilapidated hut by the fire.
He had never seen an older, uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, wizened hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them that I am young and beautiful!

8. Jay Rip. "Fate"

There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in too tangled a knot of anger and bliss to solve everything any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was tossed. She tinkled, spun and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, “Maybe one more time?”

9. August Salemi. "Modern Medicine"

Blinding headlights, a deafening grinding sound, piercing pain, absolute pain, then a warm, inviting, pure blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards the radiant radiance.
The pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, with difficulty, opened his swollen eyes. Bandages, some tubes, plaster. Both legs were gone. Tearful wife.
- You were saved, dear!

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One day, the editor of New Time magazine, Steve Moss, decided to hold a competition in which participants were asked to write a story 55 words long, but at the same time the text would maintain a coherent plot, well-developed characters and an unusual denouement. It received a response of such magnitude that, as a result of the competition, it was possible to put together an entire collection called “The World’s Shortest Stories.”

website shares a few succinct stories from this book.

Bad luck

I woke up with severe pain throughout my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you were lucky to survive the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago.” But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive from weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
“To Nagasaki,” she answered.

Alan E. Mayer

What the devil wants

The two boys stood and watched Satan slowly walk away. The sparkle of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want to go and eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have plenty.

Brian Newell


There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in too tangled a knot of anger and bliss to solve everything any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was tossed. She tinkled, spun and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, “Maybe one more time?”

Evening surprise

Shiny tights hugged her beautiful hips tightly and seductively - a wonderful addition to a light evening dress. From the very tips of the diamond earrings to the toes of the elegant shoes with thin stiletto heels, everything was simply chic. Eyes with freshly applied shadows examined the reflection in the mirror, and lips painted with bright red lipstick stretched with pleasure. Suddenly a child's voice was heard from behind:

Hillary Clay

Blood oath

Can you keep a secret, Em?
- Certainly.
- Will you swear on blood?
- Listen, Tai...
- Oh, sorry, doctor, I forgot. Since you graduated from university, you consider yourself much cooler than all of us combined.
Emmett sighed and extended his hand. The knife turned red. They pressed their thumbs together.
- So what's the secret?
Blood dripped onto the floor.
- I have AIDS, brother.

Joe Hubble

sober mind

I watched some fool crawl out of a bar and get into a car. When he started moving, I immediately stopped him and asked him to breathe into the tube. The device showed absolutely nothing.
- Come on, boy, what's the trick here?
- I'm just a great driver.
- Is it true? And why are you a great driver?
- Police by the nose. My guys have already left.

Sage Romano


You know, I almost burst out laughing!
- And what happened?
- Some student. Well, you know - there is wind in your head, a baseball cap on your head, and only shorts on your body.
- I see, I’ve seen these.
- So, this idiot invited me to sleep with him! Can you believe it?!
- Get to work! These idiots always judge people by their appearance.

Carney Loughren


The wool blanket he'd recently been given from a charity felt comfortable around his shoulders, and the boots he'd found in the trash today didn't sting at all.
The street lights warmed the soul so pleasantly after all this chilling darkness...
The curve of the park bench seemed so familiar to his weary old back.
“Thank you, Lord,” he thought, “life is simply amazing!”

Andrew E. Hunt

Modern medicine

Blinding headlights, a deafening grinding sound, piercing pain, absolute pain, then a warm, inviting, pure blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards the radiant radiance.
The pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, with difficulty, opened his swollen eyes. Bandages, some tubes, plaster. Both legs were gone. Tearful wife.
- You were saved, dear!

August Salemi

Beauty saloon

You know,” the woman in the chair continued, “his wife is too trusting. Bill always says he's going bowling, and she believes him!
The hairdresser smiled.
- My husband William loves skittles. I never went, but now I spend all my time there...
She stopped and frowned.
Then a bitter smile appeared on her face.
- Let's start curling. You will look unforgettable.

Elizabeth Yula

Death at noon

Come out from behind the tree, Louis, and I'll smear your brains on the ground.
- Coward, you don't even have the courage to pull the trigger.
- You can rest assured that I have enough courage, but now you won’t have any brains left.
- You never had them.
- ... Once again!
- Louis! Tony! Dinner time!
- Let's go, mom!

Priscilla Mintling

Harry's love

He looked at her lying there, fascinated by her sensual curves, by the golden glow of her aura. But most of all he was touched by her voice, sometimes soft and exciting, sometimes passionate to the point of madness. Whatever his mood, she was good. He lovingly brought it to his lips. Tonight they're going to have a concert like this... Harry and his trumpet.

Bill Horton


Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window. No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains. He doesn't care who brings the food, who pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room. His life is passing athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined chambers have no windows.

Jane Orvey


Starlight Night. It's the right time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laughter. We've been together for two years. Wonderful time! True love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! Beautiful diamond ring. Blush on the cheeks, charming smile.

How, no?!

Larisa Kirkland

In Search of Truth

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search ended. Truth sat in a dilapidated hut by the fire.
He had never seen an older, uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, wizened hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them I'm young and beautiful

Some writers manage to convey a lot in a few words.

1. Hemingway once bet that he would write a short story, consisting of just a few words, that could touch any reader.

He won the argument:

“Children's shoes for sale. Unworn"

2. Frederick Brown penned the shortest scary story ever written:

“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door...”

3. O. Henry won the competition for the shortest story, which has all the components of a traditional story - beginning, climax and denouement:

“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see how much gasoline was left. The deceased was twenty-three years old.”

4. The British also organized a competition for the shortest story. But according to the terms of the competition, the queen, God, sex, and mystery must be mentioned in it.
First place was awarded to the author of the following story:

“Oh, God,” exclaimed the queen, “I am pregnant and I don’t know from whom!”

5. An elderly French woman won the competition for the shortest autobiography and wrote:

“I used to have a smooth face and a wrinkled skirt, but now it’s the opposite.”

Here are some more of the world's shortest stories, under 55 words. Read for your health.

Jane Orvis


Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window.
No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains.
He doesn't care who brings the food, who pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room.
His life is passing athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined chambers have no windows.

Larisa Kirkland


Starlight Night. It's the right time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Luxurious hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laughter. We've been together for two years. Wonderful time! True love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! Beautiful diamond ring. Blush on the cheeks, charming smile.
How, no?!

Charles Enright


As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. She turned on the TV.
At that moment the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone.
I saw her face wrinkle. She cried bitterly.

Andrew E. Hunt


The wool blanket he'd recently been given from a charity felt comfortable around his shoulders, and the boots he'd found in the trash today didn't sting at all.
The street lights warmed the soul so pleasantly after all this chilling darkness...
The curve of the park bench seemed so familiar to his weary old back.
“Thank you, Lord,” he thought, “life is simply amazing!”

Brian Newell

What the devil wants

The two boys stood and watched Satan slowly walk away. The sparkle of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want to go and eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have plenty.

Alan E. Mayer

Bad luck

I woke up with severe pain throughout my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you were lucky to survive the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago.” But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive from weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
“To Nagasaki,” she answered.

Jay Rip


There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in too tangled a knot of anger and bliss to solve everything any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was tossed. She tinkled, spun and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, “Maybe one more time?”

Robert Tompkins

In Search of Truth

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search ended. Truth sat in a dilapidated hut by the fire.
He had never seen an older, uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, wizened hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them that I am young and beautiful!

August Salemi

Modern medicine

Blinding headlights, a deafening grinding sound, piercing pain, absolute pain, then a warm, inviting, pure blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards the radiant radiance.
The pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, with difficulty, opened his swollen eyes. Bandages, some tubes, plaster. Both legs were gone. Tearful wife.
- You were saved, dear!