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An adaptation of the poem by S. Mikhalkov “What do you have? Creative task

Anna Serova

Someone went to jail
Someone has been sleeping at the bottom for a long time
Everything is empty, here we are
There is Nikita, this is great

Someone will say that it’s insanity,
Someone will utter sarcasm
Well, we are delighted
This genius of the country

Who wants a bribe for songs?
It is he
Who will feed you at home?
It is he.
Who loved Boris yesterday
And today not at all
Because it's obvious
Is he the best president now?
Only him.

Someone will go to jail
Some are in an orphanage, some are in shit
But for the joy of you and me
There is Nikita on earth.

Sergey Shamov

Who was on a yacht?
Who flew on a Siberian Crane,
Dima was sleeping, Volodya was lying,
Nikitos scolded the museum.
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
The toad sat on the pipe
Lesha stole the Vyatka forest,
Here Vova told the guys
And our Donbass is burning
This time
The Turk stuck a knife in the back
This is two
And fourthly, the cruiser "Kuzya"
The plane crashed again
It's good that the pilot is alive.

Deputy feeds her husband
This is very good
The minister baptizes the school
It is also good

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.

Suren Grigoryan
On Sunday with my sister
We left the yard.
- I'll take you to the museum! —
My sister told me.
Wake up! - when I heard it, I screamed -
Cross yourself, re-star,
Sing the Anthem and the International,
And later, at night, pray!
I don’t go to this museum,
Let me be clearer: I’m not a walker.
After all, I am a follower of spirituality,
Or simply put, a saucer.
What did you say? "Not a walker"?
Let it be so, not the word - the essence is important!
Yes, I'm a spiritual platter,
There's not a damn thing in the museum!
Russia is misunderstood
Young people are taught there.
There should be a restaurant there!
(There is already a list of dishes.)

Anton Barry Inkeroinen Borisenko …
It was in the evening
There was nothing to drink...

Christmas tree covered with tinsel
The lights in the living room are dim.
On Nikita's TV
The rut is annoying.

Wow, he brands evil enemies!
Be healthy!

Wow, how everything calls for scrapes
he is the people!

And everything is stricter about the Yeltsin Center
teaches like blind kittens:
Like, there’s a little history there
they want to redo it for us.

I wish I could roll them in the eye!
This time!
Turn their museum into a temple!
That's two!

To be from their window
Only Vorkuta is visible.
Well, if from the window -
Magadan just a little bit.

"Besogon", infection, long!
I have no strength to listen anymore
-SSer-imperial nonsense.

What a movie it was!
But a long time ago!
And the actor was good,
that's not a lie.
But then the roof blew off
And took flight
Knows what the authorities want to hear
And that’s what he sings about.

It was in the evening
It's a pity that there is nothing to drink...

Sergey Voronov
For a sick person
We need a doctor, we need a pharmacy.
S. Mikhalkov “Wonderful pill”

The public and the press are watching
With undying interest
Watching someone chase a demon,
And every time, and every time
Doesn't understand what's wrong
Is there Mikhalkov in his outpourings?
After all, whatever he blurts out is an information feed.
What do you have? So what do you have?

Sergey Bulavsky
Our house is full of life -
Yeltsin Center indictment
Besogon presents:
In the notorious broadcast,
In his letters he sets the task:
Yeltsin Center out immediately!

He will kill self-awareness
He is a threat to the universe
And the history of the country!
He injects poison into children!
We don’t need Yeltsin Center -
We must close it!

All in response to him:
“Excuse me!
Please come to your senses!
Explain - how is this possible?
For a moment, by chance,
The head of the council is there - Vaino! E
then, really, it’s not a trifle!
And you yourself weren’t -
Time for miracles
Let's see what's going on!
Were there film crews?
Did they tell you what kind of fruit it is?
Did you explain what’s wrong?”
Besogon slows down;
“I wasn’t there - I really confess!
I am not an enemy of Yeltsin either!
I am for the souls of a generation
and for our population,
I understand - I’m not a fool!”
That's all the earthquake is -
Get over the shock
Besogon quieted down a little,
But where does this dregs come from?..

Alexander Mikhailov
A bumblebee sat on a leaf,
The cat was looking at the street
Stasik sang, Boris was silent,
Alexey was right.

It happened in Russia
Where you can’t cook porridge.

The Siberian Cranes fell by the cardon,
Everyone's attics were blown away,
The devils have been blamed on the merchants,
Besogna suffered:
- I lost a nail somewhere,
This time!
But he gets in my way,
That's two!
I'm not tough, I'm not a nut to crack,
That's three!
Kolya answers him:
- Be patient.
This nail was found
Look back a little, darling,
It's time for you to go to the Yeltsin Center on your day off.

Alexander Tolstov
I really want to drive
And turn your heads around!
Pressure with popularity
All hands up!

It’s really not the right time!
Popularity too.
No one is sitting anymore
In the presidential box!

How to increase popularity?
Going to war is risky.
Well then let's kick
Weak, sick!

This is how everyone lives!
Life is like that!
The caravan, it's still on its way,
And the dog, barking!

Who was sitting on the bench?
Who looked at the street
Tolya sang,
Boris was silent
Nikolai shook his leg.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Then Borya told the guys
- And I have a nail in my pocket!
And you?
- And we have a guest today!
And you?
- And we have a cat today
I gave birth to kittens yesterday.
The kittens have grown a little
But they don’t want to eat from a saucer!

- And we have gas in our apartment!
And you?

- And we have running water!

- And from our window
Red Square is visible!
And from your window
Just a little bit of the street.

— We walked along Neglinnaya,
We went to the boulevard
They bought us blue-blue
Pre-green red ball!

- And our fire went out -
This time!
The truck brought firewood -
That's two!
And fourthly - our mother
Takes flight
Because our mother
It's called a pilot!

Vova answered from the stairs:
— Mom is a pilot?
What's wrong?
Here at Kolya, for example,
Mom is a policeman!
And Tolya and Vera
Both mothers are engineers!
And Leva’s mother is a cook!
Mom is a pilot?
What's wrong!

“Most important of all,” said Nata, “
Mom is a carriage driver,
Because up to the hooks
Mom drives two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:
- Is it bad to be a dressmaker?
Who sews panties for the boys?
Well, of course not a pilot!

A pilot flies airplanes -
This is very good!

The cook makes compotes -
It is also good.

The doctor is treating us for measles,
There is a teacher at school.

We need different mothers
Different mothers are important.

It was in the evening
There was no point in arguing.

Lanna Cherkashina
An adaptation of the poem by S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

Ved. : It was in the spring, for children. garden yard

Someone was rolling a dump truck (Leva leaves with the car)

Someone was playing with dolls (girls Vika and Ulyana come out with dolls)

Gosha ate (a boy comes out with a bag of chips, Aldar was reading (comes with a book) Dima danced great (comes out and dances,

Somewhere a cell phone rang (Alina comes out with a cell phone)

The cat climbed into the attic...

Then our Gosha told his friends just like that (show):

Gosha: And I have “chips” in the bag. And you?

Ulyana: (with stroller) And look, I have clips. And you?

Aldar: And we have gas in our apartment! This is great!

Alina: And we have a microwave, clever?

Leva: And I didn’t sleep the whole quiet hour, that’s it! I ate 4 pies - that's two! And fourthly, my mother opens her own salon. He can turn all women into princesses very quickly.

Dima: Lucky, of course, Leva! Mom-Business-Woman - cool! And our Vera’s mother is a teacher at school.

Ulyana: And my concern in the morning is that I need to rush to work.

After all, the railway requires a lot of attention.

Alina: And mom has dolls, balls, pins on the counter,

Shoes are on the right, fabrics are on the left, cups are on display.

Mom is like a queen in our store!

Who is your mother?

Vika: Neither a doctor nor a writer, my mother is a teacher.

Children come to see mom in the garden from the very morning!

Children (in unison): The teacher is awesome!

Vika: But with children, sometimes it’s terrible!

Ved. : The chef makes eclairs, they are very good

A designer decorates the walls - that's good too

The manager manages everything, and the accountant calculates everything...

And at the end of our poems we will say, like Mikhalkov:

Children: All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!

Ved. : And let the times be different, the mothers the same, all the family!

All: The most beautiful, kind and cool!

Publications on the topic:

Open lesson in the preparatory group. GOAL: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the works of S. Mikhalkov, to expand and expand their vocabulary.

OOD abstract. Perception of fiction. Reading the fable by S. V. Mikhalkov “Error” Program objectives: To develop the ability to emotionally perceive the content of a fable, understand its moral meaning, and bring it to awareness.

Mnemonics - the art of memorization - a system of special techniques that serve to facilitate memorization, preservation and reproduction.

Mnemonics - the art of memorization - a system of special techniques that serve to facilitate the memorization, preservation and reproduction of information.

Children's plasticine cartoon "Glasses" based on a poem by Y. Tuvim Video In a group with children from the preparatory group, they read the poem “Glasses” by Yu. Tuvim. The children really liked the work and suggested filming it.

Cartoon “Vegetables” based on a poem by Y. Tuvim Video Cartoon “Vegetables” based on the poem by Y. Tuvim (stop-motion technology) In the fall, the children and I prepared a project on the topic “Vegetables”.

The song is a remake. Dear colleagues, once again I congratulate you on your holiday. I just finished writing the lyrics to the tune of “Nature Has No Bad Weather.” Will do.

Who was sitting on the bench?
Who looked at the street
Tolya sang, Boris was silent,
Nikolai shook his leg.
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Then Borya told the guys
- And I have a nail in my pocket.
And you?
- And we have a guest today.
And you?

And today we have a cat
I gave birth to kittens yesterday.
The kittens have grown a little
But they don’t want to eat from a saucer.
- And we have gas in the kitchen.
And you?
- And we have running water.
- And from our window
Red Square is visible.
And from your window
Just a little bit of the street.

We walked along Neglinnaya,
We went to the boulevard
They bought us a blue one,
Pre-green red ball.
- And our fire went out
This time.
The truck brought firewood
That's two.
And fourthly, our mother
Takes flight
Because our mother
It's called a pilot.

Vova answered from the stairs:
- Mom is a pilot?
What's wrong!
Here at Kolya, for example,
Mom is a policeman.
And Tolya and Vera
Both mothers are engineers.
And Lyova’s mother is a cook.
Mom is a pilot?
What's wrong!

“More important than everyone else,” said Nata,
Mom is a carriage driver,
Because up to the hooks
Mom drives two trailers.
And Nina asked quietly:
- Is it bad to be a dressmaker?
Who sews panties for the boys?
Well, of course, not a pilot.

A pilot flies airplanes
This is very good.
The cook makes compotes
It is also good.
The doctor is treating us for measles,
There is a teacher at school.
We need different mothers.
All kinds of mothers are important.

It was in the evening
There was no point in arguing.