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Pike is a predatory fish. Topic: Writing the capital letter Ш Lesson on writing the capital letter Ш

Checking readiness for the lesson.

The long-awaited call was given,
The lesson begins!
There are ideas and tasks here,
Games, jokes, everything for you!
We wish everyone good luck,
Good luck to work!

Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers:

This finger is small - the little finger is remote.
The nameless one wears the ring and will never give it up.
This finger is the longest, it stands in the middle.
This one is the index finger, it’s a wonderful one.
This finger is called the big one.
We'll shake our palms
Let's stretch each finger.
One two three four five
We'll start writing again.
To write beautifully
I need to stretch my fingers
One two three four five
We'll get five for the letter!

Questions for the class: What new knowledge did you gain in your last writing lesson?

What else can we tell about the letter Ш using the alphabet? Who wants to show off their ability to write the lowercase letter Ш?

So, when writing a letter, we (must observe: height, slope, distance between elements).

Guess my riddles:

I can bark loudly
And also wag your tail,
I'm chasing cats
And I like to growl at them.
My house is made of planks,
And I chew bones.

Two young sisters

We went out to worship the sun,

And under the golden sun

They became embarrassed, blushed,

They put on scarlet dresses.(Cheeks)

Bone back,
Stiff bristles
Goes well with mint paste
And serves diligently

Guys, what do these words have in common?

What other words do you know with the letter “Ш”? Name them.

Don't forget that it can be in the middle of a word or even at the end of a word.

Having guessed the riddles, what do you think we will learn today? Try to formulate the topic of our lesson yourself?

So, today we continue to talk about the letter “Ш”, only this time about the capital one.

Now open the copybook on p. 29 and consider what we need to learn today. So, today we must learn:


Letter of elements,

Writing a letter

The letter of syllables,

Writing words and sentences.


One - get up, pull yourself up,
Two - bend over, straighten up,
Three - three claps of your hands,
Three nods of the head.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your arms,
Six - sit down on the chair again

Let's move on to point 1 of the lesson plan.

Consider the letter ь, what elements does the letter ь consist of?

What letters does it look like? Consider how the letter u is written?

Let's try to write the letter Ш in the air

Check the inclination of the notebook, your fit and circle the elements of the letter in the copybook, bringing the pattern to the end of the line.

Now complete the task in the first line, put a dot under the most beautiful letter.

Look, have you completed the first point of the plan?

Read the syllables. What is the connection in the syllables shcha and shche? What is the connection in the syllable shu?

How are the syllables sha and shu written? - did you cope with this point of the plan?

Read: I clean my puppy with a brush.

What did I read? Let's write this sentence just as beautifully and neatly.

Next task. Dunno is in trouble and asks for our help, guys, can we help Dunno?

So, with all your attention on the slide, you need to form a word from these letters.

What word did we get?

Let's complete the following task; in the copybooks, instead of dots, let's insert the resulting missing word and write it down.

Read what we got? The puppy squeaked with joy.

What did I read?

How many words are there in this sentence?

Let's remember the rule for writing a sentence. Write this sentence.

In words where vowels occur, put dots under them.

Work in pairs: checking for correctness and assessing.Exchange notebooks and verbally evaluate this type of work with each other

She is the most dangerous in the river,
Cunning, gluttonous, strong,
Besides, she’s so mean!
Of course this is...

What do you know about pike?

Guys, pay attention to the picture where a pike is depicted, there are words, these words are scattered, let's try to make a beautiful sentence.

What proposal did we come up with?

A pike lives in the river. Let's write down the sentence we made.

Let's read the chain, what words did we get?

What new knowledge have we discovered today? Why did we study it? Will this knowledge be useful to us?

I learned …

I remembered …

I need to work...

Lesson type: Lesson - game Purpose: learn to write the letters Ш, Ш. Objectives: 1. Educational: - To develop the ability to write the letters Ш, Ш in accordance with the model; - To develop the ability to copy words and sentences from printed and written fonts without errors; - Develop the ability to compose words from syllables, explain the meaning of the resulting words, write the resulting words without errors; - Learn to write syllables, combinations and words with the letters Ш, Ш; - Learn to correctly write words with combinations shcha, shchu; - Reinforce the correct spelling of combinations cha, chu in words; - Reinforce the writing of the studied letters; - Strengthen the ability to correctly indicate the boundaries of a sentence. 2. Developmental: - Develop skills of self-control and self-esteem; - Develop spelling vigilance; - Develop calligraphic handwriting skills, attention, speech skills, the ability to analyze and generalize. 3. Educators: - Cultivate interest in learning, love for native language; - Cultivate positive motivation for the learning process. Lesson type: Discovery of new knowledge The lesson uses elements of modern pedagogical technologies: - gaming (the lesson is built in the form of a game - travel) - personality-oriented (individual work at the board and writing) - problem-based learning (partially search-based) - health-saving (change of types activities, physical minutes) In this lesson we trace interdisciplinary connections With literary reading and the surrounding world. Technical features of the lesson: the lesson includes a computer presentation.




Capital letter "Ш"

in 1st "A" class.

Lesson type: Lesson - game

Target : learn to write letters Shch, shch.


1. Educational:

Develop the ability to write letters sch, sch according to the sample;

To develop the ability to copy words and sentences from printed and written fonts without errors;

Develop the ability to compose words from syllables, explain the meaning of the resulting words, write the resulting words without errors;

Learn to write syllables, combinations and words with letters Shch, shch;

Learn to write words with combinations correctly shcha, shcha;

Reinforce the correct spelling of word combinations cha, chu;

Reinforce the spelling of learned letters;

Strengthen the ability to correctly indicate the boundaries of a sentence.

2. Developmental:

Develop self-control and self-esteem skills;

Develop spelling vigilance;

Develop calligraphic handwriting skills, attention, speech skills, the ability to analyze and generalize.

3. Educators:

Cultivate interest in learning, love for the native language;

Cultivate positive motivation for the learning process.

Lesson type: Discovery of new knowledge

Elements used in the lessonmodern pedagogical technologies:

Game (the lesson is built in the form of a game - travel)

Personality-oriented (individual work at the board and writing)

Problem-based learning (partially search-based)

Health-saving (change of activities, physical minutes)

This lesson traces interdisciplinary connections with literary reading and the world around us.

Technical features of the lesson: lesson includes computer presentation.

Planned results

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher;

Maintain the goal of an activity until its result is obtained;

Plan a solution to a learning task;

Carry out the sequence of necessary operations;

Analyze the spelling of a letter in accordance with the standard;

Find common elements in letters;

Construct letters from elements;

Reproduce the shape of the letter being studied and its connection with another letter according to the algorithm;

Analyze your own work, find errors, fix them


Cognitive UUD:

To navigate your knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known;

Focus on the notebook page;

Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using your

life experience and information received in the lesson;

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result

collaboration of the whole class.

Communication UUD:

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Construct statements, formulate your thoughts verbally or


Agree on rules for working in pairs and follow them;

Personal UUD:

Follow hygienic rules of writing, exercise self-monitoring and self-assessment of their implementation;

Show interest in learning new things;

Show interest in finding a way to act in given conditions.


  1. Organizing time:
  • Before we start our lesson, we will check your readiness for it to begin. I will list the necessary items, and you check whether everything is on your desk and, if necessary, take out what you forgot to put. Pen, pencil, copybook, workbook

We came here to study
Don't be lazy, but work.
We work diligently
Let's listen carefully!

  • And today’s lesson is not quite ordinary. Do you love fairy tales? This is good, because today we will take a short trip to the Land of Fairy Tales. We will go there on a magic carpet.


  • But for him to take off, you must answer my questions.

2. Repetition:

  • What letters can we already write? (All) right side of the board.
  • What groups can these letters be divided into? (vowels and consonants) (Stressed - unstressed) (hard - soft, deaf - voiced).
  • Let's do an aerial dictation (the guys guess the letters from the description).

Often in fairy tales, heroes face various trials. They are waiting for us too. Here's the first test:

  • What font are the letters on the left side of the board written in? (Printed).
  • Now match the block letters to capital letters.
  • Which letter is left without a pair? (SCH).
  • What letter do you think we will learn to write? (letter Ш).

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson:

Introducing the letter Shch.

  • Is the sound a vowel or a consonant? What is it like? (soft).
  • (Guys look at the letters, answer the teacher’s questions)
  • And now, we will again go to the country of “Letterlandia”, where we will learn to write a new letter, but first, let’s prepare our fingers for work, hedgehogs came to visit us(warm-up with massage balls)

4. Work on the topic.

  • We open the notebooks in the cell and remember the landing rules.
  • Write down the number.
  • Analysis of the letter “Ш”, highlighting familiar elements. In unison, recite the detailed algorithm for writing this letter:In average 1/3 additionalon the bottom line we write out a hook with a turn of the handle, go down along an inclined line, perform a “rocking chair”, rise along the hook 1-2 mm above the top ruler of the working line, write “secret”, according to the “secret” - an inclined line down, “rocking chair”, we rise along the hook 1-2 mm above the top ruler of the working line, write “secret”, according to the “secret” - an inclined line down, “rocking chair”, the hook to 1/3 from the bottom, without turning the handle we lower along the inclined line to 1/3 in an additional line, loop(based on the principle of the letter loop d) , overlap on the bottom line of the working line, hook to the middle.”
  • Work in notebooks in a cell.
  • Evaluate yourself.

5. Visual gymnastics:

6. Work on the topic:

Work in copybooks

  • Next, children practice writing letters on their own. SCH.
  • The rule about writing words with a capital letter is repeated. Words are read Shchukin, Shchepkin, Their meaning is established, the words are written next to the patterns.
  • Sound-letter analysis of the word: Shchukin.

Work in pairs

The teacher gives the task:

  • Listen to the riddle and guess the name of the fairy-tale hero who has prepared the following test for you:

What kind of strange boy is this?

wooden man,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere.

Who is this?.. (Slide)

Tell me what helps you pass all the tests (friendship). Now you will help each other, you will work in pairs (rules for working in pairs).

  • The tongue twister is read, a spelling analysis of the words is carried out, then some students write it down on the dotted line, others write it down independently, the letter is underlined SCH. They look for spelling spells together.
  • The next fairy-tale character came to us from the depths of the forest. Who is he?

The teacher asks a riddle:

He wears it instead of a hat

Fun cap.

And he's only tall

With a child's shoe.

With a flashlight and a song

Walking in the forest at night.

You can't go wrong if

You'll say:

This is...(Gnome) (Slide)

  • Students are asked to read another tongue twister and, after spelling preparation, write it down on blank lines:

Thickets are more common in our Pushcha.

In our forest the thicket is thicker.

The teacher asks a question:

  • Who knows the meaning of the word Pushcha?
  • The forest is dense and dark. Pushcha.(Slide)
  • Who knows the meaning of the word thicket?
  • The forest is dense and dark. Thicket.(Slide)
  • What conclusion can we draw? (words with different spellings mean the same thing - synonyms).
  • Together with the teacher, children put emphasis on words, find unstressed vowels, mark them with dots, and the teacher pronounces test words.

7. Physical education minute

Along the path, along the path

Along the path, along the path

We jump on the right leg. (Jump on your right foot.)

And along the same path

We jump on our left leg. (Jump on your left leg.)

Let's run along the path,

On the lawn, on the lawn

We'll jump like bunnies. (Jumping in place on both legs.)

Stop. Let's rest a little.

And we'll walk home. (Walk in place.)

  • It is necessary to restore pure speech.

8. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson (variable part).

  • It is necessary to write down the sentences, correcting the mistakes.
  • Working with a ribbon of letters: students read the letters in unison, underline the fourth, fifth and seventh ones, and indicate similar elements in them.

9. Summing up. Reflection.

The teacher addresses the children:

  • Our journey to the Land of Fairy Tales ends. We met heroes of various fairy tales and withstood many trials.
  • Was the lesson interesting?
  • Which tasks did you find most difficult?
  • Which one of you didn’t have any difficulties and completed all the tasks easily?
  • The teacher addresses the children: Slide captions:

    Capital letter "Ш". The presentation was prepared by: Teacher 1 “A” class Yuditskaya T.V.

    Pushcha is a large and dense impenetrable forest.

    Thicket is a dark dense forest.

    Letter of capital letter Ш

    Goals: learn to write the capital letter Ш


    Write the capital letter Ш according to the example

    Write syllables and words with learned letters from dictation

    Write words with mergers ШЧА, ШУ

    Complete the sentence according to its meaning

    Create a proposal outline.

    Restore a deformed sentence

    Rewrite a printed sentence in written letters

    Learn to see spelling patterns in written words

    During the classes

    1. Look at page 29 in the copybook. Guess what we will do.

    Consider the elements that make up the capital letter Ш.

    How many?


    Where should I start writing all the elements?

    In what letters were these elements found?

    1. Finger gymnastics. Landing control

    We outline the elements of the letter in a wide line, a pattern.

    1. We determine the place of the letter on the working line.

    We circle the gray letter, write another one, compare it with the sample, write to the end of the line,evaluate (circle with a green pen the letter you wrote that is most similar to the sample).

    1. We read the syllables on the next working line. How are they written? (capitalized)

    Read the mergers that contain familiar spellings (ShchA, Shch). Let's remember the rule.

    We write down these syllables, write the third.We evaluate (circle with a green pen the syllable you wrote that is most similar to the sample).

    Physical education minute

    1. We read the sentence “I clean the puppy with a brush.”

    Find words with the letter Ш.

    Let's play detective. And now it's all grown-up. We will train our puppy so that he grows into a real search dog. And he will look for the most dangerous places in words called……. (we look for spellings, circle them).

    We draw up a proposal diagram next to it.

    How do you think the puppy feels? (he's ticklish)

    Words on the board I TICKLE HIS SIDE (all words are printed in lowercase letters).

    Try to continue the phrase from these words so that it rhymes (commonly). Children rearrange cards with words to make a continuation of the tongue twister “I clean the puppy with a brush. I’ll tickle his sides.”

    We consider the received proposal, check how our puppy has learned to look for spellings (we look for spellings, correct the mistake (capital letter))

    We write the received proposal under dictation.

    We circle the spellings. We check with our desk neighbor,We evaluate according to the criteria CAREFULLY, CORRECTLY. (green plus sign in the margin)

    Exercise for the eyes

    1. Suggest what can be done in the next task? (insert the missing word, circle the gray word, rewrite the sentence, find and label spellings, make a diagram of it).
    1. We read the words of the last task and suggest what we will do. (make a sentence out of words, write it in written letters).

    We make up sentence options from the words on the board and settle on the option “The pike lives in the river.”

    We are looking for spellings,we write from dictation.

    We check with our desk neighbor, evaluate according to the criteria CAREFULLY, CORRECTLY.


    What did you do in class today?

    Continue the phrases:

    Today in class:

    I found out how...

    I learned….

    I remembered…

    I like it…

    It was difficult for me...


    • Educational:
      introduce the writing of the lowercase letter ь;
      develop calligraphic vigilance.
    • Developmental:
      develop the ability to recognize letter elements.
    • Educating:
      form competent speech,
      instill a love for the Russian language.

    Lesson type: learning new material.

    Lesson objectives:

    • To develop students' skills in writing the lowercase letter sh.
    • Strengthen skills in writing syllables, words, sentences.

    Upon completion of the lesson, students should:

    • Know: the correct spelling of the elements of the letter sh.
    • Be able to: write the letter u and compounds with the letter u.

    Methods of organization educational activities, used by the teacher in the classroom: a differentiated approach.

    Forms of organizing educational activities used by the teacher in the classroom: individual, group.



    Lesson steps (indicating time for each stage):

    1. Creating a learning situation. (Psychological attitude) – 1 min.
    2. Updating knowledge – 1 min.
    3. Work on new topic- 15 minutes.
    4. Repetition – 12 min.
    5. Physical education minute – 2 min.
    6. Independent individual work. (Cards with individual multi-level tasks) – 11 min.
    7. Lesson summary – 1 min.
    8. Reflection – 2 min.

    During the classes

    1. Creating a learning situation.

    The long-awaited call is given
    The lesson begins.
    Well, check it out, my friend,
    Are you ready to start the lesson?
    Is everything in place?
    Is everything alright?
    Pen, book and notebook?
    Is everyone sitting correctly?
    Is everyone watching carefully?
    Everyone wants to get
    Just a five rating.

    2. Updating knowledge.

    Guys, today in class we will get acquainted with writing new letter, let's learn to write syllables and words with a given letter.
    You will tell yourself which letter we are talking about when you open the envelope with letter elements and collect this letter. (The envelope contains the letter š, cut into elements.)
    - What letter did you get? (sch) ( Application)

    3. Work on a new topic.

    What is a letter? (This is what we can write and see.) What does it give? (Sound.) What is sound? (This is what we can pronounce and hear.) Sound (u) - what? Give the characteristics: consonant, unpaired voiceless, soft. Writing the letter u in a notebook with a comment.
    In the program “Good Night Kids,” the presenter Oksana invited Khryusha and Stepasha to play a game in which vowels come to visit consonants, what happens? (Syllables.) (Formation, reading and writing of syllables shcha, shch.) ( Application).
    Composing words from letters (pike, thicket, cloak, brush) - writing them down in a notebook. I am doing vocabulary work on these words.
    I'll see you off sound analysis words cloak (the letter p gives the sound p - it is a paired consonant, unvoiced, hard; the letter l gives the sound l - it is an unpaired consonant, voiced, hard; the letter a gives the sound a - it is vowel, stressed; the letter sh gives the sound sh - it is unpaired consonant, voiceless, soft).
    What new letter did we learn about writing today?

    4. Repetition. Work on the sentence “I am cleaning my raincoat with a brush.”

    What is written on the next working line?
    Prove that this is a proposal. What is an offer? (This is a complete thought.) What does it consist of? (From words.)
    Read it, count how many words it contains.
    Name the first word, second, third, fourth.
    Write down the sentence in your notebook and make a diagram using signs. (The signs are in envelopes. If you have difficulty, you can work in pairs.)

    5. Physical education minute:

    Waves splash in the ocean. (Children wave their hands, imitating waves.)
    What is there in the fog? (Children stretch their arms forward.)
    These are ship masts. (Children stretch their arms up.)
    Let them sail here quickly! (Children wave their hands in greeting.)
    We're walking along the shore,
    We are waiting for sailors (walking in place),
    We are looking for shells in the sand (tilts)
    And clench your fist (children clench their fists).
    To collect more of them,
    I need to squat more often (squats).
    Let's sit together on the sand.
    The lesson started again. (The children sit at their desks.)

    6. Independent individual work.

    (Each student receives individual card. I give cards of different levels.)
    – Write sentences in capital letters, underline vowels and syllables that need to be remembered.

    7. Lesson summary.

    – What new things did you learn?
    -What did they repeat?

    8. Reflection. How did you feel in class today?

    • Fine
    • There were difficulties
    • Difficult

    Class: 1 "A"

    Lesson topic: « Letter of the letter Ш, Ш».

    Lesson type : learning new knowledge

    The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to the algorithm for writing the capital and lowercase letter Ш.

    Lesson objectives.


      Create conditions for the formation of the concept of “letter of capital and lowercase letters ш”.

      Improve your writing technique.

      Practice the skill of writing words with learned letters, enrich lexicon students.


      Develop phonemic awareness, attention, memory, speech, skills to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.

      Develop cognitive interest by attracting entertaining material, creating problematic situations.


      Cultivate interest and love for the Russian language based on educational successactivities.

      Foster a desire to learn and make discoveries.

      Develop the ability to listen to others.

    Formed UUD.

    Personal UUD :

      Foster love for your native language, native land onbasis for educational successactivities.

      To interest students in acquiring, expanding knowledge and ways of acting.

    Regulatory UUD:

      Volitional self-regulation.

      Development of the ability to self-esteem and self-control.

      Conducting self-assessment and self-control by students

    Cognitive UUD:

      Solving a grammatical and spelling problem; mastery of logical actions of analysis and comparison.

      Ability to structure knowledge.

    Communication UUD:

      The ability to express your thoughts.

    Used textbooks and teaching aids: Copybook 1st grade (4), author of the copybook N.S. Kuzmenko, N.M. Betenkova, demonstration card: writing the letters “Shch, sch”

    1.Org. moment

    The bell has rung for us.
    Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
    Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
    We greeted each other politely.
    They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.
    I see: your class is anywhere,
    We will start the writing lesson.

    - Hello, my name is Inna Sergeevna. Today I will teach you a writing lesson.

    Getting ready for the lesson.

    Regulatory UUD: volitional self-regulation.

    Personal UUD: development of motives for educational activities and formation personal meaning teachings.

    2. Updating basic knowledge.

    Game "Divide into groups"

    y G Y M I Rk g U m RH in K x Shch

    What groups can these letters be divided into?

    How to find out a vowel?

    How to recognize a consonant?

    What other groups are all letters divided into?

    Which one block letter Is there a couple of written ones here?

    The letter Ш, we don’t know how to write it yet.

    Lesson topic:

    - Letter of lowercase and capital letter Shch

    Today we must learn to write the lowercase and uppercase letters Ш.

    Uppercase - lowercase, vowels - consonants

    Written - printed

    Communicative UUD : the ability to participate in educational dialogue, consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement.

    Cognitive UUD : ability to structure knowledge.

    Regulatory UUD: development of the ability to self-esteem and self-control.)

    3. Skill building

    New material.

    Finger warm-up.

    Guess the riddle.

    He plays, barks loudly,

    He doesn't know boredom at all.

    On the way it knocks you off your feet,

    Smart, small......(puppy)

    Let's pronounce together the first sound in this word. (Ш)

    What does the letter "Ш" mean?

    Open the copybook on page 16 and designate the sound icon in the upper left corner.

    What should we learn in class today?

    + Open the copybook, look at the letter that we have to learn to write today. And in order for us to get a letter like in the copybook, we need to learn how to write it correctly.

    +But to write beautifully, first we need to stretch our fingers.

    This finger is small

    (bend your little finger)

    This finger is weak

    (bend your ring finger)

    This finger is long

    (bend middle finger)

    This finger is strong

    (bend your index finger)

    Well, this is a fat guy,

    (fold over thumb)

    And all together - a fist!

    (twist your fist)

    To start writing the lowercase letter "ш", we must

      work on the elements , which make up the lowercase letter “ш”.

      Name these elements .()

      Letter of elements of the letter Ш (line 1)

    What letters does the letter “sha” resemble?

    + Conversation based on the picture. How do children feel about their puppy? How did you figure this out?

    Writing the letters Ш and Ш according to samples.

    The letter Ш will consist of the elements Ш and Ц

    Writing the lowercase letter sh.

    - I start writing a letter from the top line of the working line, draw a straight line down, round it, rise to the top line, again draw a straight line to the bottom line, rise again, draw down again and the most difficult element - write a loop)

    Look how I write on the count. We write on the count 1- and 2- and 3- and a loop.

    Now you're in the air for the count.

    +After we have practiced writing letters in the air, we will move on to writing in a notebook.

    Find the first working line.

    Trace 3 letters, write 3 letters on the dotted lines and 2 on your own.

    On the second working line, write 5 lowercase letters “ш”.

    Underline the most correctly written letter with a pencil.

    Working on connections .

    Read the syllables written on line 4. Page 16

    What connections are used? Let's add the letters: the upper connection will add the letter y and the letter a.


    The letter Ш stands for a consonant, soft, deaf.

    Learn to write lowercase and capital letters Шшч

    Do the exercise with the teacher

    (w, c)



    Top and bottom

    Cognitive UUD: mastery of logical actions of analysis and comparison.

    Communication UUD:

    the ability to express one's thoughts.

    the ability to participate in educational dialogue, consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement.

    4. Phys. Just a minute.

    Here is a tall pine tree, it reaches towards the sun!

    (Stretching, arms up.)

    Over the clearing, an ancient oak tree spread its branches to the sides.

    (Stretching, arms to the sides.)

    It's good to walk through the forest!

    But learning is more interesting!(Children sit at their desks.)

    Do the exercises.

    5. Formation of skills.

    A game. Compose words from syllables: cards on the board

    Puppy , sorrel, pike, peck .

    We write down what happened on the last working line. p.16

    - Put emphasis on words.

      Paperwork page 17.

      Capital letter Ш (in what cases do we need this letter?)

      Writing the syllables Shcha Shcha Shchu Shche (rules for connecting letters).

    Look at the picture of fish.

    What fish did Emelya catch in the fairy tale?

    Which letter ran away?

    And what kind of fish loves the letter u?

    Guess what sentence is written on the board and what letters are missing. Why is pike called a predatory fish?

    the fen...saw...ate...a pike.

    This is a fucking fish.

    Working on a proposal. Copybook No. 4, page 17

    Copy the sentence from printed text. Mark dangerous places.

    Pike catches bream and perch.

    Puppy , sorrel, pike, ticks .



    Cognitive UUD: solving a grammatical and spelling problem; mastery of logical actions of analysis and comparison.

    Communication UUD:

    the ability to express one's thoughts.

    the ability to participate in educational dialogue, consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement.

    6. Consolidation.

    What elements does the letter u consist of?

    What sound does it represent?

    Straight slanted line curved to the right, loop.

    Cognitive UUD: ability to structure knowledge.

    7. Lesson summary. Reflection.

    What letter were you working on writing?

    If you worked at the lesson with desire, were confident in yourself, you were interested in cleanliness and order in your copybooks, then draw a cheerful smile for the little man in the corner of the page. Well, if you were bored, then sad.

    I was glad to work with you. The lesson is over.

    Capital and lowercase letter Ш.

    Communicative UUD : the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

    Cognitive UUD: reflection;

    Personal UUD: meaning making.