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Download the presentation on the topic of the language of flowers. Presentation for scientific and practical conferences on the topic "language of flowers"

Rastrepina Ksenia

Project Manager:

Kazantseva Elena Ivanovna


MKOU "Secondary School No. 11" Nalchik

In the presented student's research project primary school"Language of Flowers" The symbolism of flowers and ways of combining them when creating complex floral arrangements are considered. Also, as part of the work, the author learns to compose interesting compositions using various techniques.

In the process of working on research project on technology in primary school "Language of Flowers" A 4th grade student set a goal to study the symbolism of flowers, get acquainted with various methods of composing flower arrangements and find out what the language of flowers is.

The research work on technology (primary school) “The Language of Flowers” ​​presents theoretical information about the “language” of flowers, their symbolism and the rules of combinations in floral compositions.

In the proposed project on the symbolism of flowers, “The Language of Flowers,” the author studied and analyzed theoretical information on the topic under study, and also studied various composition techniques.

Conducted by a 4th grade elementary school student research on technology on the topic "Language of Flowers" can be used as information and visual material on extracurricular activities and technology lessons.

1. The language of flowers as an important tool in composing compositions.
2. Acquiring skills in artistic floristry.


No one seems to doubt that flowers are the most perfect and pleasant gift for any occasion. However, in our time, not everyone knows how to give flowers correctly. And indeed it is. Flowers accompanied humanity throughout its historical path, becoming symbols of love, beauty, glory, life and death, withering and rebirth.

World poetry is filled with the symbolism of flowers. Perhaps this is why women so often name flowers among the most desired and memorable gifts. Has the hypothesis that flowers decorate our lives been confirmed? Really " the world would be boring and gray if there were no colors in it».

Of course, in order to choose flowers for a gift, it is not at all necessary to know them " language", which modern civilization has almost forgotten. Moreover, different nations The symbolism of flowers is so different that it is simply impossible to reconcile all the variants of meaning. But still, it seems to us that a bouquet or arrangement will win in the eyes of the person to whom you give it if it is not only beautiful, but also filled with meaning.

Relevance of the problem: flowers have their own language, but we don’t know it, and there are situations in people that cannot be expressed. This project is dedicated to mysterious plants and their extraordinary language!

Purpose This work was to study the symbolism of flowers, get acquainted with various methods of composing flower arrangements and find out what the language of flowers is.

Tasks that we had to solve: selection of information on the topic and its analysis. Find out what our friends know about the language of flowers. Learn to compose compositions using various techniques.

Practical significance of the work: using the collected material in extracurricular activities and technology lessons. The opportunity to apply acquired practical skills in the design of school exhibitions or other events.

Language of flowers

Flowers ennoble our lives, caress the eye, giving people joy, softening morals, bringing peace and pleasure. And giving flowers means expressing feelings of love, respect, affection or respect. There is no doubt that when presenting a bouquet, you want to be sure that you have made the right choice. And if you have composed a bouquet, taking into account the meaning of the flowers, it will turn into a very valuable gift...

At the beginning of the 18th century, King Charles II of Sweden introduced new language, having visited Persia and learned the eastern “language of flowers”. Floral dictionaries were published throughout the 18th century, telling the secrets of lilies and lilacs, and individual chapters were devoted to arranging bouquets. The language of flowers was very popular in both France and England during the time of Queen Victoria.

The more popular a flower is, the more meanings it has. The greatest burden falls, of course, on the roses. This flower is undoubtedly the most famous symbol of beauty and love. Everyone knows that red roses mean "I love you." Less is known about the meaning of the colors and types of roses. Red and white in one bouquet mean unity, pink means grace and elegance, and yellow means pleasure or the joy of communication. Orange or coral roses will indicate your desire. Dark red or burgundy will tell your beloved that she is incredibly beautiful. Pink roses mean “beloved - beloved, dear - dear, dear - dear”, so they are good to say this to both a man and a woman. A single rose signifies modesty and is a good gift when you are short on money. If you are old enough and your intentions are serious, do not give a bouquet of roses and rosebuds: the former mean that you are in the heaven of love, and the latter - that you are too young for love.

If you want to deviate a little from tradition, or "I love you" is not what comes to mind when you think of your lover, perhaps you need something other than a rose. Several flowers play the same role as the rose: red chrysanthemums, tulips or carnations also say “I love you”. Daisies will compliment the beauty of your beloved, and elegant lily flowers mean that this beauty is simply irresistible. But lilac can only be given once, because it is believed that it belongs to first love. Gardenia is for the timid and timid, as it expresses hidden love, which is not mentioned. Violets express affection.

For expression negative emotions dogs are irreplaceable. Daffodils, the flowers of self-love, will help you make fun of vanity. Give them with petunia, which expresses irritation and indignation. Large flowers of marigolds (marigolds) will indicate your jealousy, while small ones will indicate your support for your loved one so that he does not despair.

Nowadays, it cannot be said that many people use the language of flowers to explain themselves. Most people don’t even know what a gifted bouquet can tell. And yet, if you want to be original, be creative when choosing a bouquet. And along with the flowers, give your beloved a “translator” of the language of flowers." Let her then, at her leisure, figure out what you wanted to tell her!

The meaning of color, shape, quantity in colors

A bouquet is not only beautifully decorated flowers, but also a way to express a person’s feelings or thoughts. The language of flowers is no less expressive than any other. Color, shape, quantity, design of flowers can carry a huge meaning...

Each flower and its color has its own meaning. Likewise, the number of flowers in a bouquet speaks volumes. Give one, three or five, just not two or four. An odd number of flowers gives the bouquet positive vital energy and harmony. In the language of flowers and numbers, there is a secret meaning. So be careful!

1 flower- You are all I have!
3 flowers- I want to go with you to the ends of the world.
5 flowers- I love you!
7 flowers- traditionally given on the day of engagement.
9 flowers- I respect you as a friend.
10 flowers- I want to do something for you.
11 flowers- You are my friend.
12 flowers- It’s difficult for us, but I think everything will be fine.
13 flowers- I hate and despise you!
14 flowers- You are all I have!
15 flowers-You deserve my gratitude and respect.

Language of color

It has been known for a long time that we humans react specifically to colors. In 1885, Van Gogh discovered with admiration: “Color itself expresses something!” The symbolism of each color is rooted in the origins of the history of human existence on Earth...

Different flowers of a certain color - yellow, blue, pink - have their own meanings. And a bouquet of yellow tulips can be much more eloquent than you yourself!

General color of the entire bouquet
White flower means innocence
yellow- gives shoots to love,
pink- means love,
bright red- passionate love,
blue- devotion,
lilac or violet- peace and trust,
black color- desire for death.

clover- Think about me!
chrysanthemum- I'm unhappy!
lily- Purity, tenderness.
carnation- Innocence.
daisy- Be faithful to me!
rose- You and I are equal!
lilac- The innocence of youth.
tulip- I do not love you anymore!

chrysanthemum- I offer you my hand and heart!
violet- You are my earthly happiness.
rose- Disappearing love, jealousy, infidelity
tulip- I love you!

carnation- I wish you!

chrysanthemum- I love you!
carnation- Pure love.
rose- I thirst for you most of all!
tulip- I see you in my dreams!
poppy- You are my loss...

iris- I respect you!
violet- I'm faithful to you..
Purple lilac- I want your affection so much!
Black Tulip- I want to die with you!

Number of colors value

Each flower and its color has its own meaning. Likewise, the number of flowers in a bouquet speaks volumes. Give one, three or five, just not two or four. An odd number of flowers gives the bouquet positive vital energy and harmony. In the language of flowers and numbers, there is a secret meaning. So be careful...

What do the flowers mean?

Did you know that in ancient times lovers knew how to communicate using flowers? This art has not lost its relevance even today. And so remember: if a guy hands you snowdrops, it means you have awakened his first love. Acacia is a symbol of tenderness and hope for new meeting. Bells are a direct question: “What time will we see each other?” If you are not sure how a boy treats you, and suddenly you receive a bouquet of cornflowers from him as a gift, you can be sure: he has been in love with you for a long time, he is simply afraid to admit it out of excessive modesty...

Lily of the valley - “For a long time and secretly I loved you.”

Forget-me-not – “Remember me!”

Mignonette - “It was not your beauty, but your kindness that captivated my heart.”

Rosehip - “Can I trust you?”

Hyacinth - “The number of buds will tell you the day of the meeting.”

Geranium - “I need to talk to you secretly.”

Astra - “Can you love constantly”

Cornflower - “Be simple like him.”

Field carnation - “You are beautiful!”

Potato flower - “You outshine everyone!”

Hawthorn - “I’m delighted when you sing!”

Daisies - “I wish you all the best.”

Peony - “How slow-witted you are!”

Mac - “You're making me sleepy!”

Rose branch - “Yes”

And the rose leaf is “No.”

Bird cherry - “How you made me happy!”

Pansies - my thoughts are busy with you.
White Astra - I love you more than you love me.
Begonia - I offer you my heartfelt friendship.
Cornflower - I don’t dare express my feelings to you.
Any clove - I love you dearly.
Red carnation - admiration, my heart is full of you.
Pink carnation - I will never forget you.
Purple carnation - inconstancy, capriciousness.
Striped carnation - no, refusal, unfortunately, I can’t be with you, although I want it.
White carnation - innocence, pure love, a gift of female luck.
Yellow carnation - you disappointed me.
Dahlia - glad to see you.
Hyacinth in general - games, sports, swiftness.
White hyacinth - I am happy because I love you.
Purple hyacinth - be kind to me.
Hyacinth blue - constancy.
Hyacinth purple - I'm sorry, forgive me, sadness.
Yellow hyacinth - jealousy.
Gladiolus - give me the opportunity, I am sincere, the flower of gladiators.
Polka dots - I don’t believe in your feelings.
Jasmine - will you ever love me?
Iris - your friendship means a lot to me, faith, hope, wisdom and fearlessness.
Cactus - constancy.
Kalina - if you leave me, my heart will break.
Camellia - nobility.
Camellia red - you are the flame in my heart.
Camellia pink - I passionately wish for you.
Camellia white - you are amazing.
Clover - I would like to know...
Bell - why are you torturing me with your whims?
Yellow crocus - are your feelings true?
Purple crocus - do you regret loving me?
Lily of the valley - freshness, tears of the Virgin Mary, return to happiness, humility, you decorate my life.
Lavender - my love is submissive.
Levkoy - constancy of feelings.
White lily - innocence, purity, greatness, delightful to be with you.
Yellow lily - I walk on air, false and dissolute.
Lily is beauty.
Snapdragon - come quickly!
Buttercup - you are ungrateful!
Magnolia - nobility.
Poppy in general is eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination.
Red poppy is a pleasure.
White poppy is a consolation.
Yellow poppy - wealth, success.
Daisy - innocence, true love, purity, I will never say.
Mimosa - shyness.
Narcissus - love me, reciprocal love, desire, sympathy, desire for reciprocal love.
Nasturtium - I'm burning with love.
Forget-me-not - true love, memories.
Marigolds - cruelty, grief, jealousy.
Dandelion - loyalty, happiness.
Orchid - love, beauty, sophistication, Chinese symbol of large families.
Peony - wish happy life, happy marriage.
Dark crimson rose - mourning.
A pink rose is perfect happiness, please believe me.
Red rose - love, I love you.
Tea rose - I will always remember.
White rose - innocence and purity, I am worthy of you, you are amazing, mystery and silence.
Yellow rose - decrease in love, jealousy, betrayal.
Lilac is the first declaration of love.
White lilac - let's love each other.
Purple lilac - my heart belongs to you.
Plum color - keep your promises.
Red tulip - believe me, declaration of love.
Multi-colored tulip - beautiful eyes.
Yellow tulip - your smile is sunlight.
Violet - modesty, no one knows about our love.
Blue violet - vigilance, I will always be faithful.
White violet - let's take a risk.
Phlox - let's burn our letters!
Hops - let's wait for favorable circumstances.
Chrysanthemum in general - you are a wonderful friend, cheerfulness, peace.
White chrysanthemum - old love does not rust.
Yellow chrysanthemum - believed in you.
Apple blossom - to you - my special respect.

Find out your character by the bouquet

Violets are a symbol of romantic sadness. A violet lover is most often an introvert. He does not necessarily look melancholic or a complete pessimist, but he is probably withdrawn and deep down he experiences unaccountable anxiety. The violet connoisseur usually hides in the shadows, but is always ready to step into the sun and take what is due to him. The choice of violets can also be dictated by a nostalgic mood, longing for a lost or unattainable ideal. In any case, violets prefer subtle, sublime natures, often sentimental, dreamy and prone to idealizing the past.
Lilacs and wildflowers are preferred by people who are restrained in their expressions of feelings and who are alien to any pretentiousness and exaltation. However, this external severity can also be the other side of sick pride. In unfavorable circumstances, they can withdraw into themselves, isolate themselves from life, are often disappointed and seek perfection in wildlife. In some ways, lilac lovers are similar to violet lovers: they are refined natures, with a rich inner world and deep anxiety, which they are hardly aware of. They often lack energy and drive in achieving their goals. Diligent. A lilac lover enjoys helping others.
Tulip. This elegant glass on a thin stem is a flower of amazingly flexible and plastic natures. They do not bend under the pressure of life's difficulties; they have strong energy potential. “Tulip” is easy to talk to, but no one knows his true plans and intentions - for all his apparent simplicity, he is a man of mystery. One thing is obvious: in the depths of the soul of each of the tulips there lives hope for better life. And this unquenchable faith gives them the strength to steadfastly endure the hardships of life and, for the time being, be content with little. A woman who loves this flower is energetic. Big conceit. It takes a lot of effort to get her recognition. Such women, as a rule, have unhappy husbands.
It is no coincidence that lilies became an element of royal heraldry. Among people, “lily” also feels like a queen. In any case, these flowers are loved by people with a bright feeling self-esteem, confident in themselves and their own abilities. They are energetic, proud, sometimes even arrogant and arrogant. There is some subtle charm about it. Refinement of nature. Among negative qualities Lilies can be noted for their disregard for the opinions of others - lilies lack self-criticism, but have an abundance of self-confidence. By the way, such people should be prone to masquerade, deception, and flirting.

Roses are close to the hearts of active, confident and self-sufficient people. They know how to love themselves and give love, since this flower is the most famous symbol of beauty and love. With its entire appearance, the rose expresses harmony and tranquility. These are the fans of roses - people with a stable psyche and a generally stable life. They stand firmly on their feet, do not chase the impossible and exist in the real world, where they value comfort and the established order of things. Among rose lovers there are many ambitious, assertive and somewhat aggressive people. In any case, the rose will always be able to stand up for itself and will not miss its goal. But these are, of course, people with bright manifestations, extraordinary, strong-willed and passionate. Rose causes understandable envy among others. Intrigues are being woven against Rosa, they want to survive her from her rightful place and deprive her of her bonus. Rose is unapproachable.
Cloves are very ambiguous. On the one hand, this is a protocol, official flower. It is often preferred by masters of diplomacy and formal communication, who carefully hide their essence. On the other hand, there is something seductive in the appearance of the carnation, with its dense thin stem and flirtatious carved inflorescence. So among lovers of these flowers there are often clever manipulators who know how to extract maximum benefits from communication. A person with a character as direct as Carnation’s is worth looking for. Others do not like this property at all. But alas, Carnation stands her ground, even if the power is not on her side. Carnation can also be dear to the hearts of down-to-earth people who do not burden themselves with abstract speculation.

In our conditions we see an orchid torn out of its natural environment: it is often even devoid of a stem and hidden in a plastic box. This exoticism attracts natures that are certainly complex and original, with oddities and whims. They do not know how to get pleasure through simple, accessible means and look for sophistication in everything. Perhaps this is a consequence of deep dissatisfaction with life.

Gerberas. This sculptural and simple flower, with its open and trusting cup, really expresses kindness, simplicity and openness to the world. The flip side of this childish openness is insecurity. At the same time, gerberas strive for perfection in everything, and coupled with their inability to adapt, this sometimes results in stubbornness. Love for the dense sculpting of a gerbera, for the peace expressed in its figure, can mean fear of life and the search for solid support.

Irises and gladioli represent energy, strength and loneliness. Iris lovers strive with all their might towards a goal or subordinate their lives to specific desires. But often their contact with others is disrupted, and their desires come into conflict with reality. Hence the misunderstanding of loved ones, which brings them pain. These proud people lack flexibility, but they do not humble themselves and continue their lonely path. Bulb connoisseurs are hardworking and diligent. At the same time, they can easily achieve the desired results and lead large firms and companies.

Peony is controversial. On the one hand, it is a symbol of vanity. On the other hand, timidity and bashfulness. Unsatisfied passion or suppressed sexuality is the lot of many peony lovers; others, on the contrary, are very loving. The latter are distinguished by insatiability in everything - from the love of wealth and fame to greed for life in general. Chrysanthemum. The craving for perfection makes it similar to the gerbera. But she is characterized by seriousness, cold detachment and a passion for self-examination.

Chrysanthemum isolates itself too much from life, withdraws into itself, so it can be difficult to understand and love, as always happens to people who do not know how to love themselves.

Flowers are the best intermediaries in communication between people. Flowers accompany us constantly throughout our lives, giving us joy, personifying love and attention. People often resorted to their tender, confidential, romantic language. As we know from history, the “language of flowers” ​​originated in Constantinople in the 17th century, and in Europe they learned about it in 1716 thanks to Lady Mary Wortley Montel, who visited Turkey. In 1930 Russian poet D.P. Oznobishin translated from Persian and published the book “Selam or the language of flowers” ​​in St. Petersburg. In the book, he described about 400 plants and each had a corresponding conventional meaning. Basically, the symbols and meanings of colors reflected generally accepted associations, but often they were far-fetched and fictitious.

Hawthorn - I love it when you sing.
Hyacinth - the number of buds will indicate the day of your meeting
Cornflower - be modest and simple
Lily of the Valley - I love you for a long time and secretly
Poppy flower - you induce sleep
Rosehip - can you be trusted?
Mignonette - your kindness, not your beauty, captivated me
Bird cherry - how you made me happy
Woodruff - be pleased with my friendship
Lush roses - declaration of love
Red roses- freshness
Blood red roses - pleasure and pain
Crimson roses - my heart is on fire
White roses - I appreciate you
White and red roses together - union
Yellow roses - jealousy, fading love
Roses without thorns - easy affection
Red tulips - declaration of love
Yellow chrysanthemums - repentance
Buttercups are childish
Large yellow daffodils - chivalry,
Yellow carnations - repentance
Pink carnations - a woman's love
Blue violets - fidelity
Dark lilac - the first manifestations of love
Forget-me-nots - forget me not, true love
Peach flowers - I'm your prisoner
Irises - I want to tell you something
Yellow irises - passion
White daisies - innocence
Dandelions - a prediction of love
Lotuses - rejected love
Jasmine - sensuality
Peonies - shame
Amaryllis is a stunning beauty
Pansies - thoughts
Marigolds - playful thoughts
Zinnias - thoughts about friends who are not around
Rosemary - your existence breathes life into me

Oznobishin's book was very popular among young people. Young people, knowing the meaning of flowers and plants, could talk about their feelings in their language. The tender, sensitive, poetic soul of the Russian people has always been clear and deeply in tune with inseparable spiritual values ​​- nature, beauty, art. Flowers, bouquets, and floral ornaments were cast in bronze, plaster, and glass were cut out of wood and marble. They were actively used by architects and interior decorators. They “bloomed” magnificently in other forms of art: still lifes with flowers by I. Khrutsky, bouquets by K. Korovin and Levitan, etc. appeared in painting. The theme of flowers sounded in music: “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​in P. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker”, enchanting symphonic picture of nature - dawn on the Moscow River by M. Mussorsky, etc. In nature and poetry, flowers have served as a rich source of comparisons.

Having studied specialized literature (encyclopedias, Internet sites), I came to the conclusion that when composing a bouquet you need to know the rules of flower etiquette, only then will it turn into a real gift. Everything in a bouquet is important: the number of flowers, color, proximity to other flowers... Important and present it correctly.

From books I learned that the Language of Flowers was born in the East, it was created by women Dmitry Petrovich Oznobishin Russian poet, writer, local historian, translator The associations that once arose gradually turned into persistent symbols, thanks to which it was possible to carry on a conversation. A flower could mean a whole phrase, contain an answer, a question, a wish. Floral dictionaries were published throughout the 18th century. The language of flowers was very popular in France and England. A contemporary introduced Russia to the language of flowers Pushkin and Lermontov Dmitry Oznobishin, poet and translator. He translated from Persian and published in 1830 in St. Petersburg the book “The Language of Flowers,” which described about 400 meanings of plants. The book was very popular among young people.

We learned about the language of flowers at a master class on making flower arrangements. My flower arrangement. We learned that a bouquet composed in yellow and orange tones is a symbol of joy, in pink – tenderness, a bouquet of white roses is a symbol of purity. For men, bouquets of blue, dark blue and fio are more suitable summer new colors. Each of us, under the guidance of a professional florist, created our own composition.

International exhibitions at the All-Russian Exhibition Center You can get a closer look at the art of floristry and see the most unusual compositions at international exhibitions. With great pleasure, I visited several such exhibitions at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, where I saw stunning flower compositions, for example, an anniversary cake, a dress made of various shades of roses, a dessert made of white roses, and various animals made of flowers.

Exhibits International exhibitions at the All-Russian Exhibition Center "Flowers-2009/2010"

Crossword “World of Flowers” ​​used as a task puzzles, poems, photo questions. The crossword puzzle included the names of indoor, wild, forest, and garden flowers; flowers growing in ponds and on trees. It contains the secret name of a flower growing high in the mountains.

Flower Horoscope 3 "G" class During the work on the project, I learned that there is a flower horoscope. It turns out that each person, depending on his date of birth, corresponds to a certain flower. Using materials books“Stars and Fates”, I compiled a Flower Horoscope for our class in Power point format. It turned out that in 3 "G" there is a bell, a camellia, an orchid, a chamomile, a belladonna and two rose hips... I not only mastered a new computer program, but also began to understand my classmates better.

The world of flowers is diverse. To get to know the world of flowers better, I take care of my orchid at home, creating all the conditions for its flowering. At my grandmother's dacha in the past summer I planted the flowers myself and took care of them; together with my grandmother, we cross-stitched her favorite tulips. During classes at the Grace Fashion Theater studio, I learned how to make flowers from fabric and wool by felting. These colors can be used to decorate clothes and interior items.

An experiment on growing a tulip I am currently conducting an experiment on growing a tulip at home during the off-season.

The flower photo archive we created during the project allows you to receive positive emotions at any time of the year!

Conclusions Having studied the literature on the topic of the project, observing flowers in nature, in parks, and studying with florists the basics of flower etiquette, we made the following Main conclusions Each flower performs a specific informative function. The number of flowers in a bouquet and their color can tell about the mood, feelings, and attitude of the giver. When composing a bouquet or flower arrangement, it is necessary to take into account a number of features, namely: gender, age, degree of relationship, occasion, nationality of the person to whom the flower gift is intended.

Conclusions (continued) Currently, when composing bouquets and flower arrangements, what is taken into account to a greater extent is not the meaning of the flowers themselves, but the color scheme.

Conclusions (continued) by tearing off the petals of a flower, you do not gain its beauty. The following flowers are included in the Red Book of the Moscow Region: BATHING LILY SARANKA IRIS YELLOW LILY OF THE LILY WATER LILY