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How many white people are there on earth? The racial question: will white people disappear and who is the most bearded on Earth?

Based on data set out in UN world population projections

Around 8000 BC, the world population was approximately 5 million people. Over the 8000 year period before 1 AD. it grew to 200 million people (some estimates say 300 million or even 600 million), with a growth rate of 0.05% per year. A huge change in population occurred with the advent of the Industrial Revolution:

  • In 1800, the world population reached one billion.
  • The second billion in population was reached in just 130 years in 1930.
  • The third billion was reached in less than 30 years in 1959.
  • Over the next 15 years, the fourth billion was reached in 1974.
  • In just 13 years, in 1987 - the fifth billion.

During the 20th century alone, the world's population grew from 1.65 to 6 billion.

In 1970 the population was half what it is now. Due to declining population growth rates, it will take more than 200 years for the population to double from today's levels.

Table with population data by year and dynamics of population growth in the world by year until 2017

Pop% World population % increase compared to previous year Absolute annual increase number of people Average age of the population Population density: number of people per 1 sq. km. Urbanization ( urban population) as a percentage of the total number Urban population
2017 7 515 284 153 1,11% 82 620 878 29,9 58 54,7% 4 110 778 369
2016 7 432 663 275 1,13% 83 191 176 29,9 57 54,3% 4 034 193 153
2015 7 349 472 099 1,18% 83 949 411 30 57 53,8% 3 957 285 013
2010 6 929 725 043 1,23% 82 017 839 29 53 51,5% 3 571 272 167
2005 6 519 635 850 1,25% 78 602 746 27 50 49,1% 3 199 013 076
2000 6 126 622 121 1,33% 78 299 807 26 47 46,6% 2 856 131 072
1995 5 735 123 084 1,55% 85 091 077 25 44 44,8% 2 568 062 984
1990 5 309 667 699 1,82% 91 425 426 24 41 43% 2 285 030 904
1985 4 852 540 569 1,79% 82 581 621 23 37 41,3% 2 003 049 795
1980 4 439 632 465 1,8% 75 646 647 23 34 39,4% 1 749 539 272
1975 4 061 399 228 1,98% 75 782 307 22 31 37,8% 1 534 721 238
1970 3 682 487 691 2,08% 71 998 514 22 28 36,7% 1 350 280 789
1965 3 322 495 121 1,94% 60 830 259 23 21 No data No data
1960 3 018 343 828 1,82% 52 005 861 23 23 33,8% 1 019 494 911
1955 2 758 314 525 1,78% 46 633 043 23 21 No data No data

The world population is currently (2017) growing at a rate of about 1.11% per year (up from 1.13% in 2016).

Currently, the average annual population growth is estimated at approximately 80 million people. The annual growth rate peaked in the late 1960s, when it was 2% or higher. The population growth rate peaked at 2.19 percent per year in 1963.

Annual growth rates are currently declining and are projected to continue declining in the coming years. Population growth is projected to be less than 1% per year by 2020 and less than 0.5% per year by 2050. This means that the world population will continue to grow in the 21st century, but at a slower rate compared to the recent past.

The world population doubled (100% increase) in the 40 years from 1959 (3 billion) to 1999 (6 billion). The world's population is currently projected to increase by another 50% in 39 years, to 9 billion by 2038.

Forecast of the world population (all countries of the world) and demographic data for the period until 2050:

Date Population Number growth % in 1 year Absolute increase over 1 year in the number of people Average age of the world's population Population density: number of people per 1 sq. km. Urbanization percentage Total urban population
2020 7 758 156 792 1,09% 81 736 939 31 60 55,9% 4 338 014 924
2025 8 141 661 007 0,97% 76 700 843 32 63 57,8% 4 705 773 576
2030 8 500 766 052 0,87% 71 821 009 33 65 59,5% 5 058 158 460
2035 8 838 907 877 0,78% 67 628 365 34 68 61% 5 394 234 712
2040 9 157 233 976 0,71% 63 665 220 35 70 62,4% 5 715 413 029
2045 9 453 891 780 0,64% 59 331 561 35 73 63,8% 6 030 924 065
2050 9 725 147 994 0,57% 54 251 243 36 75 65,2% 6 338 611 492

Main stages of world population growth

10 billion (2056)

The United Nations projects a world population of 10 billion by 2056.

8 billion (2023)

The world population is expected to reach 8 billion in 2023 according to the United Nations (and in 2026 according to the US Census Bureau).

7.5 billion (2017)

The current world population is 7.5 billion as of January 2017, according to United Nations estimates.

7 billion (2011)

According to the United Nations, the world's population reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011. The US Census Bureau has done more low rating- 7 billion was reached on March 12, 2012.

6 billion (1999)

According to the United Nations, on October 12, 1999, the world population was 6 billion. According to the US Census Bureau, this value was reached on July 22, 1999, at approximately 3:49 a.m. GMT.

The coming half century will be marked by Asia, which will become the next economic and cultural center of the world. Africa will also have time to have its say, but not so much in cultural terms as in population: three countries on this continent will be among the ten most populous by 2050.

The largest of them, Nigeria, will be just a million people behind the United States, while Congo and Ethiopia will displace Russia and Mexico from 9th and 10th places on the list. In total, almost 2.5 billion more people will live on Earth than in 2015. Analysts from the American Population Information Bureau (PRB) came to these conclusions.

The key to the puzzle is children. While developed countries they are fighting an aging population; there is a baby boom in Africa. The leaders are Niger, South Sudan, Congo, Somalia and Chad. The fact that in such countries the mortality rate is falling due to the development of healthcare also contributes to this, noted PRB Vice President Peter Goldstein. Analysts expect that in 35 years, children born today will be healthier and better off.

Castling also occurred in the first positions of the rating. If today China holds the palm, then by 2050 it will go to India. “Over the past few decades, the Chinese have focused on reducing the birth rate, but in India the increase is stable and not limited by the letter of the law,” Goldstein explains.

Similar figures were previously announced by the UN. They believe that by 2050 the world's population will increase to 9.7 billion people. A reverse movement can only be expected if the birth rate falls in sub-Saharan Africa.

The fair sex remains a key barometer of family well-being, so it is extremely important to respect and expand women's rights, PRB researchers write. "We've seen tremendous progress, but obstacles remain in areas that are critical for women. They need guarantees or, you could say, some kind of reward expressed in terms of equality with men," said Jeff Jordan, chief executive officer of the bureau.


But this does not mean that the more rights women have, the more they will give birth. Less developed countries today account for the lion's share of the world's population - more than 6 billion, while developed countries account for only 1.254 billion. In more than 40 countries, the vast majority of which are in Africa, the population will double in 35 years, and in 34 countries, on the contrary, it will decrease. For example, there will be 30 million fewer Japanese people, and Latvia will lose almost a third of its population.

Plays an important role in this average duration women's lives. PRB estimates that today they live 73 years, while men live 69 years. The richer the country and the higher the level of medicine, the higher these indicators. In more developed countries, women live on average 82 years, and in South Africa's Lesotho - 46 years.

In African countries, there are not only problems with medical care, but also with employment. There, only 30 percent of women do not work in the fields, while in Europe, the USA and Canada - almost half. Most high level employment in non-agricultural areas in Moldova is 55 percent.

What about us?

Today there are 144.3 million people living in Russia, but in 15 years its population will decrease by four million, and by 2050 by another six, to 134.2 million people.

While the number of children under 16 years of age in the country is 16 percent, those over 65 are 13 percent. These figures, for example, in Nigeria are completely different: 43 percent of children versus three percent of older people. But there is a much larger difference in West African Niger: 52 percent versus four, PRB calculated.

Are these conclusions so critical for Russia? Director of the Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economics National Research University Anatoly Vishnevsky believes that the bureau did not discover America: a potential trend of mortality exceeding the birth rate can be traced, but there is an explanation for this. “We will leave the top 10, that’s for sure, but not because everything is supposedly bad with us, but because other countries are growing faster,” he reasoned. “In Russia in the coming years there will be few women of fertile age, as the birth rate was low in the 1990s."

One resource that helps maintain growth is migration. But we cannot greet all foreigners with bread and salt, since we need to integrate newcomers into the legal and social environment without conflict. When the population on Earth becomes 80 percent Asian and African, the national composition of all countries, including Russia, will be greatly diluted, concludes Anatoly Vishnevsky.

An example is France, where more than 64 million people live. About five million are foreigners, half of whom are from Africa. The rest are residents of other European countries and Asians.

Infographics: RG / Maria Pakhmutova / Ekaterina Dobrynina / Alexandra Vozdvizhenskaya

During studies of the blood of people of different nationalities, scientists E.O. Manoilov et al. found that when exposed to test reagents, the blood of the Slavs remains red, but among Jews, Arabs, Turks, Armenians, Hindus, Iranians - among aliens, the “blood” turns pale and becomes blue-green. This color of blood is characteristic only of mollusks, cephalopods, octopuses and cuttlefish. Today everyone can personally see this with their own eyes. The following reagents are required for this reaction:
1.) 1% alcohol solution of methylene blue;
2.) 1% alcohol solution of cresyl violet;
3.) 1.5% silver nitrate;
4.) 40% hydrochloric acid;
5.) 1% potassium permanganate solution
The reaction goes like this: to 3 cu. cm of unheated emulsion of red balls 3-5%, or you can add 3-4 times the volume of saline solution directly into the clot and stir with a glass rod to get a not very thick emulsion. Add 1 drop of the first reagent and shake; add 5 drops of the second reagent - shake again; then - 3 drops of the third reagent and shake too; then - 1 drop of the fourth and 3-8 drops of the fifth reagent.
You can check it yourself.

If we are united, we are invincible!

M.B.: And based on measurements of human skulls, you will fantasize that I am better and this one is worse.

S.D.: This is the only reliable data about humanity. The reaction of people in different places also varies greatly. If this big city, everyone is usually so stuck up, in a hurry to get somewhere, and they don’t want to, they have some kind of their own interests. And if this is some more or less remote place, not necessarily the edge of the earth, but not the very center, then people, on the contrary, go because they are pleased that someone paid attention to them at all. When our girls went to Sulawesi in Indonesia, people came to them, because they came to study us, it turns out that someone actually needs us.

M.B.: Even so. Someone once studied isolated peoples. This is, in general, one might say, a separate race.

S.D.: There are many of them.

M.B.: So I’m wondering, how do they understand this?

S.D.: In different ways, someone can poke a spear at all. But now, thank God, there are not many such tribes that can poke a spear. Nowadays there is civilization almost everywhere, but it takes a lot of effort to have wild ones with spears, somewhere in the Amazon and New Guinea in the central part. Let’s say the Australian Aborigines with spears have been gone for 50 years.

M.B.: But this is a separate race because they are isolated?

S.D.: There are plenty of them like that. We take any island in Oceania - and it will have its own race.

M.B.: What would happen if all people lived en masse?

S.D.: Most likely, if we just imagine that conditions are the same all over the planet, we will build such a hypercity, right?

M.B.: Yes.

S.D.: And transport options are not limited, I can go anywhere at any time, then, probably, yes, the racial characteristics will even out, maybe they will mix. But I can’t imagine how this could be purely technically possible.

M.B.: What color would our skin be then?

S.D.: Much like the Arabs and the Egyptians.

M.B.: By the way, a listener sent a question: “According to geneticists, over time there will be no blue-eyed blonds left, since blacks have dominant genes. Shouldn’t there be any white people left either?”

S.D.: If the mixing is unlimited. I don’t believe in this, to be honest, because there are still some barriers: social barriers, political barriers and many millions of different ones. If light skin color is adaptive to a climate with little sun, then it will be difficult for dark-skinned people to live there, and they will more often develop rickets. The selection is ongoing, and even now the selection continues.

If everyone mixes unlimitedly, then they will disappear, that’s a fact. But in fact, there are now more than a billion light-eyed and fair-haired people on the planet out of 8 billion. This is generally 1/8 of the planet's population. And therefore, in order to assimilate them all, to mix them up so that they disappear, you have to try hard. Moreover, everyone, of course, will say: “Well, the birth rate in Europe is practically zero, but somewhere in Africa it is gigantic.” Likewise, mortality in Europe and Africa is not the same. If there are 15 children in a family in Africa, how many of them will survive to adulthood? And in Europe, virtually everyone survives. And therefore the balance of blue-eyed and dark-eyed has not changed for a long time.

M.B.: Which race is considered to be the largest and most numerous in our country today?

S.D.: The most numerous, oddly enough, are the Mongoloids.

M.B.: Why is it strange? Are you being ironic? I didn’t even immediately perceive this irony.

S.D.: We have a billion Chinese, more than 100 million Japanese, a lot of Koreans too, plus Indonesia. I don't know how much, but many millions at least. In Siberia, frankly speaking, there are not many Mongoloids.

M.B.: Yes, we don’t have many people at all now.

S.D.: Yes, it is a huge territory, but the population there is, of course, tiny. The number of Caucasians is comparable, because in Europe there are close to a billion, with North America taken together. And some of the Middle East, Pakistan, India - these, in general, are also Caucasians. And there are also a billion of them. And here is another question: who are more numerous - Caucasians or Mongoloids? They are approximately comparable in numbers.

M.B.: Is it clear where the Negroid race comes from?

S.D.: This is not obvious, by the way.

M.B.: Wait, how so, on top if? Where do these mini-races come from? Where do the biggest races come from?

S.D.: In fact, it is worth saying here that it would be more correct to say “numerous race.” That is, these are simply those who are many.

M.B.: Okay, numerous race.

S.D.: And in terms of their characteristics, they are no more than any Andamanese aborigines, of whom there are several thousand people living on two islands. But these numerous, large races, the so-called Caucasoids, Mongoloids, Negroids, are to a large extent a product of this founder effect. That is, in those places where agriculture appeared, people quickly multiplied and produced gigantic numbers from a very limited initial number of people. And so the signs that were typical of those who first came to agriculture became signs of large races.

M.B.: And we still carry them with us?

S.D.: And we - that's what they are, yes. You and I are Caucasians. That is, somewhere in the Middle East, agriculture arose 7 thousand years ago, approximately 5 thousand years ago, it developed and these people settled in all directions with enormous force. They included all sorts of local aborigines who lived in other places, and some specific variants arose. And it turned out to be a large Caucasian race. In the middle reaches of the Yellow River, agriculture also appeared, and it was the Mongoloids who appeared. Somewhere in Central America - there are Americanoids. Well, plus there were hunters and gatherers. Gatherers here and there. They either merged into these large races, or they still exist in corners. In Africa, by the way, it’s the same.

M.B.: We often talk about things that we understand. You say: “You and I are representatives of the Caucasian race.” But there is such a thing as “Slavic appearance”.

S.D.: There really is no such concept.

M.B.: Is there no such concept in racial studies?

S.D.: There is absolutely no such thing. If we compare Bulgarians, for example, and northern Russians, these are two different races. That is, of course, they are both Caucasoids, but on the scale of Caucasians they differ diametrically in every way possible. And they are Slavs. And our language with Bulgarian is, in general, very close.

M.B.: No, I just wanted to know the phenomenon that you can distinguish one from the other.

S.D.: No, you can't. By external signs we can understand race, in general, great. We can no longer talk about a small race, because they overlap very much in characteristics. That is, race is actually a statistic, a kind of variability. But for a specific person we cannot see any variability. Race is a kind of demography, a statistic. And we cannot understand nationality at all. Because nationality is self-determination. What nationality do I belong to? My father is Belarusian, my mother is Russian. That's who I want to be with, that's where I belong. And if I get sad, I’ll say that I’m German. And let them prove that I am not German.

M.B.: I understand, yes. Did race change faster or slower across groups? From an anthropologist's point of view, which is better, if the correct question is asked: change is fast or change is slow?

S.D.: The ones that exist are better. Changes don't just happen. If they are adaptive, then they are simply adaptations to environmental conditions, and if they are random, then they are random.

M.B.: Why is change faster in a smaller group? Because fewer people and the sign is fixed faster, right?

S.D.: Certainly. If there is a person with some characteristics, then, most likely, all children in the next generation will have these characteristics. If he's the only one there.

M.B.: Why is polymorphism our strength?

S.D.: This is my favorite expression.

M.B.: I know.

S.D.: This is not really my expression.

M.B.: I'm just wondering why she's in it.

S.D.: Because there are many different conditions on the planet, and when there is an apocalypse, not in the biblical sense, but in any other sense, then someone must be adapted to these unexpected conditions. And the more options there are now, the greater the possibility that someone will remain alive. And if we are all the same, then the very first cataclysm will destroy us all.

M.B.: There will be a domino effect. Can I ask you now to try, to try to somehow classify races, for example, by original characteristics or by some other markers?

S.D.: I mean, name what they look like?

M.B.: For us, Europeans, what would be original, at least, untraditional for you and me? You have already mentioned that pygmies have short stature.

S.D.: No, in fact, there are quite a lot of exotic races on the planet, the same Andamanese aborigines, which I really love.

M.B.: What's in them?

S.D.: They are also very small, but they are unique in that no one knows where they came from. Because the Andaman Islands are not the middle Indian Ocean, but it’s quite far from land there.

M.B.: Is this proof that people knew how to swim?

S.D.: Yes, it turns out that they obviously got there a very long time ago, no one knows absolutely when, because archeology in the Andaman Islands does not exist at all as a natural phenomenon.

M.B.: Like race in the States.

S.D.: There are practically no close populations near the Andaman Islands. There are Semangs in Malacca, which are relatively close, but they are quite different. It is not clear who their relatives are, they got there unknown when, they live there, and we know very little about them.

M.B.: They are exotic because they are so strangely isolated from others. It is not clear who the neighbors are and who should be designated as neighbors.

S.D.: Yes.

M.B.: A external signs? That is, small growth.

S.D.: They are small, dark-skinned, and they have one of the darkest skin tones on the planet. They have such a round head without any relief at all, there is no eyebrow at all, the nose is wide, but often with a convex back, which is typical. That is, not quite so Negroid. They hardly grow a beard or mustache; they have steatopygia, which is very common among women. And they have very curly hair.

Let's say the Ainu in Hokkaido. The Ainu are very bearded, for example. These are the most bearded people on the planet.

M.B.: What does “the most bearded” mean? For example, you are the most bearded for me.

S.D.: Beardiness is not measured by the length of the beard.

M.B.: Density?

S.D.: The proximity of the beard to the eye. And now they have a beard growing almost from their eyes.

M.B.: What is the hairiest nation on the planet?

S.D.: Well, the most bearded ones are the Ainu. But now they are heavily mixed with the Japanese, so it’s not a fact. Or maybe in second place, or maybe already in first place, is the Balkan-Caucasian race, the inhabitants of the Caucasus are now the most bearded. Not necessarily the Caucasus, the Middle East too, Syria too.

M.B.: That is, when hair is not only on a man’s chest, but also on his back, and women suffer. “Is it true or not that mestizos or mulattoes cannot have transplants? internal organs? They experience rejection,” asks the listener.

S.D.: No. But rejection can happen even between relatives. Naturally, what more people differ genetically, the more difficult it will be to survive.

M.B.: I was so surprised about the genetic differences! I read on Wikipedia: “As a result of genetic research at the end of the 20th century - beginning of the XXI century, many geneticists have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to distinguish races at the genetic level."

S.D.: Yes.

M.B.: I almost fell out of my chair. Wait, they didn’t know before that interracial marriages could produce offspring? It turns out that this was unknown to them until the 20th century.

S.D.: No, this is actually what I was talking about, that political correctness took over and it was necessary to somehow justify that there are no races, and they brought genetics into it. When geneticists analyze genes, they often analyze, as I said, genes that are not associated with racial characteristics. And we really won’t have any differences between them. That is, if we evaluate any blood proteins, they are the same for all races. The cleanliness there will be slightly different, but the proteins will be the same, we have the same blood for all people on the planet. We will not find races based on these characteristics. Geneticists do not know how to analyze racial characteristics, and therefore they do not find races in genes. When they learn to analyze these signs, then they will suddenly and unexpectedly discover that races do exist. And when geneticists look for such signs, they find them. I mentioned the Balanovskys - they perfectly see race in genes, because they know what to look for and how to operate with data.

M.B.: Are there any genetic differences?

S.D.: Of course there is.

M.B.: How interesting. But if we return to the listeners’ question about transplantation, then it turns out that interracial transplantation is impossible?

S.D.: It is possible, but it will be more difficult to find a donor.

M.B.: And the chance of rejection is much higher.

S.D.: Yes. Well, I'm not talking about race so much, it's just population differences.

M.B.: That is, we can conclude that in no case should genes and races be mixed.

S.D.: No, in fact, races are the result of the work of genes. Another thing is such genes about which we know almost nothing.

M.B.: Is there some kind of pre-revolutionary anatomical dictionary where all the anthropomorphological characteristics of the Slavs are described?

S.D.: The Slavs are a linguistic group, strictly speaking, or in some sense cultural, but linguistic. By definition, there are no biological signs of the Slavs, so miraculously there are pre-revolutionary works where they tried to do this. But this classic of racism is so exemplary, where there was a Slavic race, a Germanic, Nordic, Teutonic race makes me happy. But this is nonsense.

M.B.: That is, it turns out that these Nazi hobbies had no scientific basis?

S.D.: Certainly.

M.B.: They decided to invent their own science, right?

S.D.: Well, it's not science. Pseudoscience to justify their political goals.

M.B.: It's clear. They say hello to you and thank you for giving lectures in the first year of the Faculty of Philosophy, people recognize your voice, and people send their photographs. What can we say? They love you, right?

S.D.: Yes, every day they send me several of these, I even made a small picture telling me not to do this, and I send this picture to everyone.

M.B.: What do people seriously want to know?

S.D.: Based on individual traits, you can roughly estimate a large race, but a person can do this himself - look in the mirror. But a small race, some details cannot be recognized from a specific person.

M.B.: And probably the last question from the listener, which we have time for: “Are there really any finds of giant skeletons of ancient people?”

S.D.: No. This is nonsense.

M.B.: Well thank God. Science against myths! Hurray, friends! And thank you. Stanislav, thank you very much.

S.D.: Thank you.

Will whites be able to survive on planet Earth? This question is far from rhetorical. Formally, the Caucasian race includes not only Caucasians, but also Turks and Arabs. Therefore, within the framework of this article, by the term “white” we will understand people of Caucasian origin following the traditions of European culture, worldview and community life. Those whites who converted to Islam would inevitably be assimilated by the growing immigrant communities.

The problem of the decline in the world's white population is not new. It was in Europe that for the first time in human history a noticeable decline in the birth rate was recorded. This happened in the second half of the 19th century, and was associated with the spread of capitalism and the destruction of the patriarchal foundations of the family. However, this phenomenon reached alarming proportions only at the beginning of the 21st century. If in 1800 the birth rate in developed countries was 38 per 1000 people, then in 2000 this figure dropped to 11. Moreover, starting from the second half of the twentieth century, developed Western countries allowed a massive influx of immigrants from countries whose population professes Islam. So the above figure now includes, for the most part, births of non-white children.
At the same time, the birth rate in developing countries is 24, and this significantly changes the racial ratios on the planet as a whole. In the middle of the last century, Europeans made up 22% of the world's population, at the moment- only 12%, and again this includes non-whites permanently residing in Europe. The white population is rapidly aging. If current trends continue, by 2050 half of whites will be over 50 years old, and 10% will be over 80 years old. Jobs will become empty, and pension payments will increase; this will inevitably lead to the impossibility of ensuring the usual standard of living. The black UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, directly suggested that Europeans solve this problem with the help of mass immigration from developing countries.
However, this is just an example of lobbying for the interests of non-whites, and not a solution to the problem at all. Already, every eighth child in the UK is non-white, and a quarter of them are simply black. Moreover, arriving immigrants not only do not want to assimilate and observe the traditions and laws of the country that has sheltered them, but also do not fulfill their main function. They do not want to work and pay money to public funds, preferring to draw from these funds. Uncontrolled birth rates among immigrants only increase these costs. A similar trend can be seen in the United States, the “beacon” of Western-style democracy. In 2010, this country crossed an important barrier for the first time - the majority of children born that year were not white. So far this figure is 50.4%, but the gap will certainly increase rapidly. Today, the racial composition of the US population is characterized by the following figures: white - 63.4%; Hispanics - 16.7%; blacks – 12.3%; Asians – 4.8%. Moreover, these data are official; they do not take into account the huge number of illegal immigrants, among whom there are almost no whites. The famous American public figure Patrick Buchanan published a book in 2002 with the telling title “The Death of the West.” In it, Buchanan cites terrifying statistics and shares frightening conclusions. According to him, by 2050 the white population of the planet will lose 23 million Germans, 16 million Italians, 30 million Russians, plus a huge number of whites of other nationalities. The population of developing countries will increase by 3–4 billion people. There will be less than 10% of white people on the planet, while a third of them will exceed the age limit of 60 years.
The author predicts that soon after this, whites will practically disappear under the onslaught of Asians and blacks, and the United States will turn into a third-rate country. But do not rush to rejoice, because Russia, according to Buchanan, will be forced to cede Siberia and Far East to the Chinese. From the Caucasus and from Central Asia the Russians will be finally ousted by the Muslim peoples. In 25 years, the population of Iraq will be 42, and Iran - 94 million people. In terms of population, each of these countries will surpass any of the European countries except Russia, but in Russia itself the share of whites will rapidly fall. Whites are already a national minority in the American states of California and Texas. And these are the two largest US states by population.
Buchanan sees the reasons for the inevitable death of the white race in the influx of immigrants, the fall in the birth rate and the loss of faith. In his opinion, together these factors are “killing our culture and statehood.” I think we can still fight the “inevitability.” First of all, by sharply limiting, or better yet stopping, the influx of ethnically alien aliens into the country. However, it is impossible to argue with one of Buchanan’s thoughts, expressed in an interview with the German magazine Nation and Europe. “Europeans are committing ethnic suicide. What we are experiencing in Europe and often throughout the West is the decline of Christianity and the European tradition. A new lifestyle is emerging, based on materialism, hedonism, and the desire for the “sweet life.”