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Articles and tests about travel. Psychological Test “Travel”

This association test is so true and popular that many psychologists use it as a diagnostic method, and many leaders in the company use it as an entertaining game. You can also conduct this test as a fairy tale - a trip with your children. And also to play together and with the whole family at the same time.

Younger children will simply enjoy playing pretend games.
Adults and older children (who are 12 years old and older), having learned the decoding of each association, receive food for thought about themselves and the world, and you will receive a fairly clear cut of their emotional state, both conscious and unconscious.

First, take this test yourself, and then, one evening, sit next to your child and offer him a “trip.” Have him close his eyes and imagine that he is walking through the forest. Ask questions gently and carefully, do not interrupt, but make sure that your questions do not contain “hints” and do not impose behavior on the child (for example, the word “go” has less emotional connotation than the word “overcome”; “turn out” has less , what to “achieve”, etc.)

Carrying out the test

So... You are walking through the forest. What kind of forest is this? What season? Is it sunny, is there a breeze? Are you alone or with someone? What are you doing?

You go out into a clearing and see a spring. Will you approach him? Will you drink water?
Suddenly an animal jumps out to the edge of the forest. What is it like? What does it do? What are you doing?
You move on, there is a river ahead. Which? How will you get to the other side?
You find yourself on the other side - and you see the house. What house is this? Do you want to go there?

You walk up to the house, straight to the door. Describe the door. There's a sign on the door, what does it look like? Your name is written on it - read the “inscription”.

You go into the house. Look around and describe what you see. Which room will you go to first? Describer her. What other rooms are in the house?

Are you going to the basement? Describe the basement. What lies there or who lives there? Describe the attic. Who or what is there? What are you doing over there? One of the rooms in the house is completely white. There are no windows, no recesses on the walls. When you got there, the door closed. What will you do? What do you feel?

You leave the house on the other side and walk along the path. Ahead of you is a fence. How will you get to the other side? There is a hole near the road you are walking along. How will you behave?

Finally the path leads you to the sea. Seagulls fly over the sea. Are they far or close? How do they behave?

You see a ship in the sea. What is he like? How far is it from the coast? Are you going to get there? That's it, your journey is happily over. You return home rested, refreshed and joyful. Slowly open your eyes. Tell me, did you like it?

Interpretation and description of representations

The test gives key symbols that the subconscious of most people operates with. Perhaps you or your child personally perceive something differently from everyone else, but that is why the test contains “duplicate” situations and images, so that the picture is clearer.

So, the forest and a walk through the forest symbolize the way a person perceives life itself and his movement through it. Agree, it makes a big difference whether the child went out for a walk or got lost in the forest.

Pay attention to the forest itself - how comfortable, light, and interesting it is for the child. In the same way, it is important to look at how the child sees the house from afar. Light or dark, pretty or repulsive. Perhaps this is how he sees his life in his family.

If a person particularly highlights some detail of the house - a roof with holes, an open or locked (even blocked with pieces of wood) front door.

Spring- this is the perception of everything new that life brings you. If he sees a cluttered spring filled with cigarette butts, then most likely he is not used to expecting favors from life.

So is the animal.- this is how your child sees other people. Pay attention, is it a scary bear or a fluffy squirrel, who is the first to make contact - he himself or the baby is waiting for them to approach him? Or is he even disguising himself so as not to be seen? Also quite revealing.

River and wall- These are symbols of obstacles. Just as a person overcomes them in a test, the same way he sees obstacles in life.

There are people who are generally afraid to enter the water, there are those who destroy the wall, there are also those for whom a boat with a rower and a ladder with support are already ready. Pay attention to this point if extremes have appeared in it - “I’ll blow the hell up” or “I’ll turn around and leave.”

What a person pays attention to in the house are significant things for him. Some people go straight to the kitchen; for them it is the meaning and center of the home. Someone immediately notices the nursery.

It is worth paying attention if, during the description, a certain room does not appear at all, this means that the child unconsciously ignores some area of ​​life or some person. For example, a brother’s room or a hall where the whole family usually gathers.

Maybe there is something wrong here - for example, during this period of life a child needs to be alone and think, and not “hang out” with everyone. By the way, pay attention to the general description of the house - cramped, spacious, dark, smells of something tasty, or vice versa. Particular attention should be paid to the attic and basement.

Attic- this is all the knowledge, skills and abilities that we acquire in the process of studying at school or at university, it doesn’t matter. It’s good when it seems neat, when everything is laid out on the shelves. Or funny cats or kind birds live there. But for many people it is cluttered or dusty. Or maybe your child has become so overtrained that he doesn’t want to go there at all.

Basement- these are all the subconscious or poorly realized aspirations, knowledge, desires and skills that a person has. If a person willingly goes into the basement and enjoys being there, then most likely his subconscious fears do not bother him much. If he is afraid to go into the basement and sees it cluttered, dirty, dangerous, then most likely the child is worried about some vague fears.

By the way, the same goes for the hole

If a child easily passes by or climbs into a hole to “scream” and see who will come out, then most likely he has few hidden fears.

A white room, devoid of any protrusions, is a metaphor for death. They did not expect? But the subconscious thinks like this. Look how the person behaves there. Hysterical? Resigned? Crying? Looking for help? Rarely does anyone feel good in such a room, but here it is worth paying attention to the degree of intensity of the experience. The more emotional the reaction, the more painful this topic is for the child now.

Seagulls by the sea- these, oddly enough, are relatives. Test yourself, see how obsessive the behavior of the birds is. Assess the “noise level” they create. Does this seem true?

And finally, the ship is a cherished dream

See how clearly the child sees the details of the ship, this will show how clearly the child understands what he wants. If it's a pirate ship, that's okay too, romance. But if this is the broken hulk of a ship, look at the disappointments now oppressing the young man.

Another criterion is whether he can reach the ship.

It doesn’t matter if he still can’t, and even sees “The Ship with Scarlet Sails.” He still has many years to understand himself and the world around him. It’s bad if he talks about the ship with sadness or immediately describes obstacles - there is no boat to get there, there is no desire.

This often happens to teenagers, but don’t be alarmed, this is an age-related “vision of the world”; it goes away when a grown-up person begins to understand himself better.

Let us remind you once again that the answers that bothered you are not a reason to classify yourself or your child as “disadvantaged”; they are just a snapshot of the current state of consciousness and subconscious. But some controversial issues are worth paying attention to and taking them into account in the future.

The method of free association is actively used in psychoanalysis. The essence of the method is that a person unconsciously makes an associative connection to a stimulus word with words that describe his problem.

This test, like all association tests, is used to identify a person’s personality traits. Your answers to the test questions determine your values ​​and ideals, your attitude towards yourself, towards others and towards life in general.

This test will help you better understand yourself, identify your internal conflicts and the causes of life's difficulties. It can be called humorous, but it is still largely true, especially if you answer the questions honestly and do not overthink it.

To take the test you will need a pen, pencil and a piece of paper. Your task is to answer the questions without looking at the lines below, otherwise you will not get the desired result. Answer the questions in detail, express your thoughts in as much detail as possible. You can supplement your answers with a drawing.

You should not give yourself much time to think: the first association is the most correct. Write down the very first thing that comes to mind, and then decipher the meaning of what you wrote down and find out what is hidden in your subconscious.

  1. Are you by the sea, looking into it? What do you see? What is it like? What are your feelings?
  2. Are you walking through the forest and looking at your feet? What's under your feet? What do you feel? What are you doing? Are you alone or with someone?
  3. Do you see seagulls flying? How are you feeling now? What do you see? What are they doing?
  4. Now do you see a herd of horses? Describe what you see? What kind of horses are these? What are they doing? What do you feel?
  5. You find yourself in the desert, there is a wall with a small hole, behind which there is an oasis? Your actions?
  6. Having dealt with the wall, you walk along the road and see a jug of water? Your actions?
  7. Evening has come, you are lost, you see a house. What house is this? Is there light in the windows? What are you going to do?
  8. Have you left the house and found yourself in the fog? How will you behave? What do you feel?
  1. The sea - attitude to life, emotions, sensations.
  2. Forest - well-being in one’s own family.
  3. Seagulls - attitude towards women.
  4. Horses - attitude towards men.
  5. The wall and overcoming it is your main life strategy, a way to solve problems.
  6. A jug of water - your sexual selectivity. Choosing a partner.
  7. Home - readiness for marriage.
  8. Fog is an attitude towards death.

Think about the test results. Are you satisfied with everything? Maybe something should be changed? Let your subconscious mind itself offer solutions, do not interfere with this process with your mental reflections.

Not all interpretations are unambiguous, so you should focus on the ones that catch you the most and consider the test results only as food for thought, as starting points that you should pay attention to when choosing a further strategy. An Online Psychologist will help you use test results correctly, help you navigate the structure of accents and correct your psychological state.

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