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Suffix box Participle suffixes

Participle is a special morphological category in the Russian language. Some linguistic schools consider it a full-fledged independent part of speech, others - a special form of the verb. But one thing is certain: this is a very large group of words with a certain set of spellings and nuances of spelling and use. Difficulties are usually caused by the spelling of participle suffixes. What should you pay attention to to avoid mistakes?

What is a communion?

The participle denotes the attribute of a particular object by the action performed by it or in relation to it: flying bird(which one, what does it do?), broken chair(which one, what did they do with it?). Depending on their meaning, participles are divided into two categories.

  • Active participles name a sign based on the action performed directly by the object itself. Reading student - a student who herself is reading. Such words are formed with the help of special, unique suffixes -USH/-YUSH, -ASH/-YASH, -VSH, -SH. Thinking, taking, screaming, looking, writing, carrying.
  • Passive participles mean a sign of an action that the object does not produce itself, but experiences its influence on itself. For example, read encyclopedia is an encyclopedia that somebody read it. To form such participles, the suffixes -OM/-EM, -IM, -ENN and -T are used. Led, read, vulnerable, doubled, broken.

From the verb, the participle acquired the ability to change tenses; it has a present and past tense form. The form of each tense is formed using certain suffixes characteristic of active or passive participles.

Suffixes of active participles in the present tense

Correct spelling of active participles is not the most difficult science, especially for those who are well versed in verb conjugations. Everything is simple: from verbs of the 1st conjugation, participles are formed using the morphemes -УШ-/-УШЧ-, and from the 2nd conjugation - -АШ-/-ЯШ-. In other words, checking the spelling of the unstressed suffix of the active participle in the present tense comes down to determining the conjugation of the original verb from which the word was formed.

DYE- we write YASH because it is formed from a verb paint second conjugation. piercing object- you need to write YUSH, because the original verb prick refers to the first conjugation.

Suffixes of active participles in the past tense form

These are the suffixes ВШ and Ш. Writing them does not cause any difficulties, because the suffixes of the past participles in this case are clearly audible in any word. Difficulties arise with the vowel sound before these morphemes if it is in a weak position. Knowledge of grammar suggests that before such participle suffixes you need to write the same letter that appears before the morpheme Т in the indefinite form of the original verb. Barking Dog- we write I, because it is formed from the verb bark; glued master - accordingly, from the word glue.

Suffixes of present passive participles

The suffixes EM and OM (quite rare) are written in words formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, and the suffix IM - from verbs of the 2nd conjugation. USED- from the verb use 1 conjugation, hated- from the verb hate 2nd conjugation. In other words, the spelling of present participle suffixes also depends on the type of conjugation of the original part of speech.

It's worth remembering the spelling of the word movable. It is formed not from the word “move”, but from the Old Russian verb “dvizhiti”, and therefore is formed using the suffix IM.

Suffixes of passive past participles

Perhaps the most difficult rule in the topic “Communion”, because it requires logical comprehension. These participles are formed with the help of suffixes such as НН (from verbs ending in АТ or ЯТ) and ENN/ENN (from infinitives ending in IT). Heard- from the word hear, FIRE- from the verb fry.

In other words, the suffix НН in participles can be distinguished only in the case when the original verb ended in A-Ть or Я-Ть (the suffixes A and Z are preserved). If the verb ended in I-Т, then when the participle is formed, these two suffixes change to the morpheme ENN.

You need to remember that the suffix ONN does not exist for participles. In the suffixes of participles, after hissing sounds in the stressed position, you should write ЁНН (unlike adjectives, in which O is written in the suffixes under stress). BURNED, DEPRESSED, BAKED and so on.

How many Ns should I write in the participle suffix?

To answer this question, a little clarification is needed. In the Russian language there is another morphological category that names the attribute of an object according to its action - this is a verbal adjective. It can be very difficult to distinguish between these two parts of speech. " Boiled potatoes" and " welded potato" - the highlighted words belong to different morphological categories and, therefore, are also written differently. How to distinguish them? There are several ways.

  1. If a word does not have a prefix, it is an adjective; if it has any prefix, it is a participle. Knitted- verbal adjective, connected- participle. But it should be borne in mind that the specific prefix NOT does not affect the part-speech affiliation of words and is not taken into account.
  2. Verbal adjectives cannot have dependent words, while participles do. Grilled meat- adjective, fried meat in a frying pan- participle.
  3. Participles are formed from words of the perfect form (answering the question “what to do?”), and adjectives are formed from words of the imperfect form (“what to do?”). Steamed- from soar(what to do?), steamed- from steam(what to do?).
  4. If a word has the suffix -OVA, -EVA or -IROVA, then it is a participle. Adjectives do not have such suffixes. RISKY, CHEWED, FIXED.

Once we have identified the part of speech, checking the spelling of N or NN is no longer difficult. In participles we write NN, in verbal adjectives - N.

So, the spelling of participle suffixes with one or two N, although it seems complicated, is explained by a simple algorithm.

Only two N can be written in participles, and a word is a participle if:

  • has a prefix (except NOT);
  • has a dependent word;
  • perfect form;
  • has the suffix -OVA, -EVA or -IROVA.

It's really simple!

A rule, as we know, is not a rule without exception. You should remember a few verbal adjectives in which NN is still written: unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard, given and some other rarely used words.

Short and full participles

The endings and suffixes of participles, or more precisely, their spelling, are closely related when we are talking about the short form of this part of speech. Let us remind you (and for those who did not know, we will tell you) that the forms of words that have several sounds in the ending are considered complete, and short are those that have one or zero sounds in this morpheme. Persecuted- this is the full form, we're chasing, we're chasing- short.

According to the rule, only one N can be written in short passive participles; double N cannot be written in such forms.

Let's sum it up

The spelling of participle suffixes can be divided into two categories.

  • Suffixes, the spelling of which is determined by the conjugation of the original verb (-УШ/-УШЧ, -АШ/-ЯШ, -ОМ/-ЭМ, -ИМ).
  • Suffixes, when writing which you need to determine the method of word formation and distinguish the participle from the verbal adjective (-ENN and -NN).

The participle is a very interesting part of speech (or verb form, as some textbooks call it). The use of such words is characteristic only of written speech, which means that it is simply necessary to be able to write them correctly. The participle has a lot of spellings: this is a double N, and spelling with the particle/prefix NOT, and the correct choice of ending, and the correct agreement with the word being defined. But these are topics for other articles!

Participle endings

Participles have the same case endings as adjectives. That's why,In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of the endings of participles, they should be consistent with the nouns to which they relate.

For example: Hawks soared over the swaying steppe. Over the steppe like Ouch? - swaying to her Xia. There was something menacing in the flashing lightning. In splendor as ohm? - sparkling eat. This sound is called hissing. Sound like them? - hissing them.

Participle suffixes

1. The following suffixes are written in the present participles:

· -ush- (-yush-), if participles are formed from verbs of the first conjugation: boron yushch yaysya (fight), bubbling ushch y (bubble), quiver ushch yaysya (sway), chalk yushch y (melut), flooryushch y (polyt), steleyushch iyasya (creep), that yushch y (melt).

· -ash- (-box-) breathe asch y (breathe), stingbox y (sting), stuckbox y (depend), clebox th (glue), they saybox y (pray), praisebox y (praise).

Exceptions: Verbs disdain And rest on have participles fastidious And building. From verbs torment And measure two forms are formed: tormenting, measuring(neutral) and tormenting, measuring(colloquial).

Note! In a word willushch th(by origin – participle) suffix -yush- added to base will-, so you shouldn’t write an extra vowel before the suffix Yu (!).

2. In passive participles of the present tense (they are formed only from transitive verbs of the imperfect form) suffixes are written:

· -eat-(less often -om-), if participles are formed from verbs of the first conjugation: I will organize eat th (organize), hesitate eat y (hesitate), checking eat y (check), ved ohm y (lead), attractedohm y (draw), carriedohm y (carry);

· -them-, if participles are formed from verbs of the second conjugation: view them y (see), stuckthem y (depend), clethem y (glue), hearthem y (hear).

Note. Participle movable derived from an obsolete verb move.

3. B active past participles before the suffix -vsh- the same vowel that comes before the suffix is ​​written -l- in the past tense (or before the suffix -th in an indefinite form): glue And glued (glued) And l, glue And t), lele I fallen (lele I l, lele I t), hope I hope I I hoped I to be).

Participles from verbs like to become weak - to become weak differ in vowels in and before the suffix - Vsh -, compare: exhausted e gone(lost strength) and exhausted And gone(depriving someone of power).

IN participles before suffixes -v-, -vsh - the same is also maintained vowel , which comes before -l in the past tense - (or in indefinite form before : get well e in (recovered) e l, get well e t), hear A in (hear A l, hear A t), akimbo And leaning (akimbo) And leaning, akimbo And to be).

4. B passive past participles suffixes are written:

1) -nn-, if in the past tense before the suffix -l- there are vowels a, i, e : paintings A ny (paintings A l, colors A t), really I real (present) I l, infusion I t), fall out I nnny (fallout I l, fallout I t), exchange I nal (exchange I l, exchange I t), insult e offended (offended e l, insult e t);

2) -enn-, yonn-, if in the past tense (or indefinitely before) there is a vowel and: leaving enne th (departure And l), growing enne y (grow And l, grow And t), exit enne y (exit And l, exit And t), like enne th (like And l, napo And t); Also If participles are formed from verbs ending in -ch: bake enne y (bake), save enne th (save), carried away yonn y (to captivate). uttered yonn y (utter); the same suffixes are used to form participles from verbs that have an indefinite form before the suffix -ty stands consonant: brought yonn y (bring), brought yonn y (bring), sweep enne y (sweep).

The spelling of participles of prefixes differs from verbs weigh - hang, knead - stir, roll - roll and the like. From verbs to -it Participles are formed using the suffix - enn- , and from verbs to -at(-yat) - participles with suffix -nn- (at the same time verbal suffixes -and I- are saved), for example: hung, hung, hung and similar ones are formed from the corresponding verbs in -it : hang up“to cover with something hanging” ( The tightly curtained window did not let in any light); hang- “attach, put on something” ( hinged door); give short weight- “to deceive when buying, to underweight”; hang up- “divide by weight.”

hung, hung, hung, hung and similar formations from verbs in -at: hang up- “hang on the entire space in question” ( All the walls in the room were hung with bunches of herbs); hang- “hang in large quantities” ( Various posters were hung on the wall.); hang around– “place on all sides” ( Ships hung with colorful flags look festive); hang up- “hang in different places” ( In summer, well-hanged laundry dries quickly). Participles on - annay have the meaning “placed in large numbers throughout the space”; in other cases, participles end in –enny .

Kneaded, mixed, mixed, mixed knead- “knead, knead, stirring any semi-liquid mass” (knead the dough) - knead, mix, knead, mix.

Mixed up, mixed up, mixed up, mixed up and similar - participles from prefix formations of the verb interfere- “mix, stir with a spoon, stirrer; combine something homogeneous into one" ( stir tea with a spoon). Compare the meaning and use of such participles in the following examples: Well-mixed cement mortar has high strength. My friend was involved in this unpleasant story.

Deflated, deflated - participles from corresponding verbs roll out(from the bike shed) and deflate(from an oil tank);

Shot, shot, shot, shot, shot and similar - participles from the corresponding verbs in -it: shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot through; shot at, shot at, shot at, shot through, shot at (machine gun), shot- participles from the corresponding verbs in -yat: shoot, fire, shoot, shoot, shoot (target), shoot, For example: The landing party, suddenly fired upon by the enemy, somehow made it to the shore. The shell casings fired around indicated a heated battle. A gun that has been sighted does not misfire. But: The shot predator lay with its mouth bared.

5. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in participle suffixes.

6. In the suffixes of passive participles after sibilants, under stress insteadO is written her): armede nnny - armede n, onlye ny - tooe n, commite nnny (done) - perfect e n, streete ny - streete n, abbreviatede abbreviatede n.

From the verb burnand its derivatives are formed participles using the suffix-yonn- : LJ yonn oh, light it up yonn oh, nazhzh yonn oh, burn yonn oh, please yonn oh, set it on fire yonn oh, burn it yonn oh, kindle yonn oh, burnt yonn th(But: scorch enne th).

Spelling of gerunds. Suffixes of gerunds

1. Imperfect participles are formed from present tense imperfective verbs using suffixes -я or -A (after the hissing ones): advise - advise - advice I, stand - stand - one hundred I, knock - knock - knock A, fight - fight - boron I s.

Verbs with the suffix –va-, which appears in the present tense, form a gerund from the indefinite form: admit - admit I, give - giving I.

Remember. 1) Many imperfective verbs do not have a gerund form, for example verbs ending in -ch ( guard, take care), verbs with suffixes –nu- ( wither, waste away) and some others ( write and so on.).

2) Some gerunds, having lost the sign of time (aspect), turned into adverbs: silently, lying, sitting, standing.

2. Perfect participles are formed from perfect past tense verbs using the suffixes -v, -louse (after a vowel) and -shi (after a consonant): take - took - taking V- taking lice; captivate - captivate - captivate shi; merge - merged - if lice s.

Note. Before suffixes the same vowel is written as before the suffix l in the past tense: grievances e l - insult e in, throw And l - throw And in, rasta I l - rasta I in, slow A hesitated - hesitated A having fallen.

Some perfective verbs form participles using suffixes -A or -I from future tense verbs: find - I will find - I will find I, go out - I'll go out - go out I, hear - hear - hear A.

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Slide captions:

Spelling of participle suffixes.

Classification of spellings of participle suffixes that present difficulties for writing Spelling of participle suffixes, depending on the conjugation of the verbs from which they are derived. Spelling before suffixes of past participles with a vowel, which depends on the suffix of the indefinite form of the verb. Spelling Н and НН in suffixes of passive past participles.

The choice of participle suffixes USH.YUSH.ASH.YUSH.EM.IM depends on the conjugation of the verb. Remember: the conjugation of verbs with an unstressed personal ending is determined by the infinitive form of the verb. 2 conjugation I..., AT, YAT 1 conjugation E..., UT, YUT All verbs in IT 4 verbs in AT 7 verbs in EAT SHAVE. STEP Plus all the other verbs Drive, hold, endure, offend, hear, see, hate, and depend, and twirl, and also breathe, look Bleat, winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, sow, hope, soar, to teat, to melt, to find fault

Rule suffix Write examples USH, YUSH, EM in participles formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation bor Yu yushchiy amulets Emy ASH, YASH, IM in participles formed from verbs 2 conjugations adhesive hearing A schie

Algorithm for spelling suffixes of participles, depending on the conjugation of the verb Step 1: I PUT THE STRESS bore….. the cle……my Step 2: I SELECT THE SUFFIX Step 3: I FORM THE INFINITIVE OF THE VERB AND DETERMINE THE CONJUGATION struggle 1 cle and 2 Step 3: I WRITE UST .YUSCH IN PARTICIPLES FORMED FROM VERBS 1 CONJUGATION, AND АШ, ЯШ – FROM VERBS 2 CONJUGATIONS bor yu adhesive adhesive

Algorithm for spelling a vowel before the suffix of past participles VSH Step 1: I PUT THE STRESS Stro... I WRITE A WORD WITH THE SAME VOWEL BEFORE VSH AS IN THE INFINITIVE I built and I

Spelling a vowel before the suffixes of the past participles VSH, Ш Suffix Write examples of the infinitive participle before the suffixes VSH, Ш the same vowel as in the infinitive of the verb heard A wich-hear A , ta I , ta I , view E s - view E is, builder - build A VSH SH I E I

Spelling a vowel before the suffix of the past participles НН Suffix Write examples of the infinitive participle before the suffixes НН and Н the same vowel as in the infinitive of the verb crowned A nnennyy - crown A , seen E nny - see Et, exchanged Y enny - exchanged A Y E NN N I ENN EN Only the vowel I changes to E filed E nny - filed I th

Algorithm for spelling the vowel before the suffix of the participles НН and Н Step 1: I highlight НН,Н Crowned... built Step 2: I FORM THE INFINITIVE OF THE VERB AND EMPHASIZE THE VOWEL FRONT crowned A t built Step 3: I WRITE A WORD WITH A VOWEL A, Z, E, AS IN THE INFINITIVE, BEFORE THE SUFFIX OF PARTICIPLES NN or N. The vowel I in the infinitive becomes the suffix EN or ENN in the participle crowned constructed

Key to 1.3. Swaying on the roof, an examined object, wounding with a word, a rumbling truck, floating in the sun, weakly breathing, swayed by the wind, hated and hated by everyone, completely resolved. dozing, sitting at a lecture, looking bad, lost, dependent on father, shaking with teeth, stinging painfully, meaning a lot, respected by everyone, burned by passion, district under construction, lazy foal.


1. 1. Form participles from these verbs, graphically indicate the spelling. Some verbs can be used to form different participles.

Using suffixes-ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-box)

Using suffixes-eat-, -im-

1. 2. Fill in the missing letters. Explain spelling graphically.

Basking in the sun, often, audible...rustling, pouring...from the ceiling, the wind, enduring pain, from society, stele ..walking on the ground, a busy housewife, a pincer pencil, praising a performance, begging for mercy, fighting a blizzard, whispering in the ear , a crying baby, a event, famous...for deeds, a cutting tool, a petting pack,

1. 3. Fill in the missing letters.

Swaying...on the roof, being object, hurting...with words, rumbling...trucks, the sun, weakly...breathing, hesitating... blown by the wind, hated by everyone, completely solvable. driven by desire, dozing...during lectures, poorly...visible, dependent...on father, rubbing teeth, painfully stinging...meaningful... , respected by everyone, burning... with passion, a district under construction, grooming a foal.

Test yourself. Count the number of correct answers.

18-20 points is a good result.

17 or less - do the following exercise.

1. 4. Fill in the missing letters. Explain spelling graphically.

Future in the morning, neatly shaved, dyed hair, advised by everyone, boards, edited by me, splashing kids, re... standing banners, on the lists, my friend, whitening the walls, weeding the beds, sowing in the spring, sharpening the scythe, spread...on the floor , unforgettable... my event, chopping wood... and digging a ditch, barely noticing... mine, in distress.

2.1. Insert the missing letters. Graphically explain spelling where necessary using an internal margin. See 1.2.

Having offended friends, hoping for a miracle, gluing wallpaper, fully recovered, stinging painfully, hearing poorly, exhausted... from hunger, sore. ..had suspicion, seen...a film, started a quarrel, a bag, repented...of evil, aged...early, hated...lies, dissipated.. .having doubts, not wanting to see, daring...over the roof, nurturing a child, a pale...lamb, disgusted

2.2. Insert the missing letters. Who scored the puck, noticed the danger, looked out attentively, increased his fame, depended on the weather, faded away in silence, cut down bushes, fulfilled his promise, drank kvass, REPLENISHED supplies,

Having built a house, with grass, suffered...with teeth, remembered...the house, built up the area. hung out in bags. collapsed on the village. PERFORMED on the piano. exchanged the brand. steamed in the bathhouse.

3.1. Form participles from these verbs using the suffix НН, indicate the spelling.


past participle with suffix НН

Measure, hear, sow, clean out, save, drag in, assign, make, pick, tear

3.2. Insert the missing letters. Graphically explain spelling where necessary using the internal margin. See 1.2. an ongoing argument, an offended child, a horseshoe horse, a very narrow... broken lock, a set-in sleeve, a baked pie, a watched... film, a saved ruble, surrounded by... trees , cleaned to a shine, a smoky saucepan, a tailored suit, covered in glory,

3.3. Insert the missing letters., delayed on the way, having visited the good...arrowed sparrow, cut...material, mixed sugar, having seen the light, pumped out water, undeservedly offended, poorly, hoping for success, despairing, a young man who had overcome boredom,

heard...lice whispers, artfully, a friend, offended...a neighbor, kneaded...dough, covered...with a curtain, deflated ...a barrel, accidentally shot..., glued...tight, scattered by fire,

Count the points (each word - 1 point). If you typed:

23-25 ​​points - the topic has been mastered well, you can safely move on to the next one;

19-22 points - repeat the spelling of words in which you made mistakes, practice them in the inner margins;

less than 19 points - start working on this topic With from the very beginning, taking into account its gaps. Pay more attention to graphics and work on internal fields.

Active present participles written with the following suffixes:

1) -ush- (-yush-). These suffixes have participles that were formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation: melting (melting), laughing (laughing), painting (grinding), swaying (swaying), bubbling (bubbling).

2) -ash- (-box-). These suffixes are written in participles, which were formed from verbs of the 2nd conjugation: pleading (pray), stinging (sting), dependent (depend), etc.

Exceptions are participles building And squeamish which are formed from verbs rest on And disdain. And in communion future suffix -yush- is added to the stem, but is simplified, so the letter Yu falls out.

Active past participles in suffixes -vsh- have the same vowel as the verb in the past tense (or in the infinitive - before the suffix -th), from which the participle is formed: iron - ironed - ironed, hope - hoped - hoped, glued - glued - glued.

Note. Sometimes the meaning of a word depends on one vowel in a suffix: exhausted(to become weak - to lose strength) and exhausted(to weaken - to deprive of strength).

Suffixes of passive participles.

IN passive past participles the following suffixes are written:

1) Suffix -nn-, if the verb from which the participle is derived has a past tense form before the suffix -l vowels a, e, i: exchanged - exchanged, drew - drawn, offended - offended.

2) Suffix -enn-, -yonn- are written in participles in cases where the verb from which the participle is formed is in the past tense singular. m.r. has a vowel -And- before the suffix -l: stroked - ironed, groomed - groomed, traveled - groomed.

Participle endings

Participles have the same case endings as adjectives. That's why,In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of the endings of participles, they should be consistent with the nouns to which they relate.

For example: Hawks soared over the swaying steppe. Over the steppe like Ouch? - swaying to her Xia. There was something menacing in the flashing lightning. In splendor as ohm? - sparkling eat. This sound is called hissing. Sound like them? - hissing them.

Participle suffixes

1. The following suffixes are written in the present participles:

· -ush- (-yush-), if participles are formed from verbs of the first conjugation: boron yushch yaysya (fight), bubbling ushch y (bubble), quiver ushch yaysya (sway), chalk yushch y (melut), flooryushch y (polyt), steleyushch iyasya (creep), that yushch y (melt).

· -ash- (-box-) breathe asch y (breathe), stingbox y (sting), stuckbox y (depend), clebox th (glue), they saybox y (pray), praisebox y (praise).

Exceptions: Verbs disdain And rest on have participles fastidious And building. From verbs torment And measure two forms are formed: tormenting, measuring(neutral) and tormenting, measuring(colloquial).

Note! In a word willushch th(by origin – participle) suffix -yush- added to base will-, so you shouldn’t write an extra vowel before the suffix Yu (!).

2. In passive participles of the present tense (they are formed only from transitive verbs of the imperfect form) suffixes are written:

· -eat-(less often -om-), if participles are formed from verbs of the first conjugation: I will organize eat th (organize), hesitate eat y (hesitate), checking eat y (check), ved ohm y (lead), attractedohm y (draw), carriedohm y (carry);

· -them-, if participles are formed from verbs of the second conjugation: view them y (see), stuckthem y (depend), clethem y (glue), hearthem y (hear).

Note. Participle movable derived from an obsolete verb move.

3. B active past participles before the suffix -vsh- the same vowel that comes before the suffix is ​​written -l- in the past tense (or before the suffix -th in an indefinite form): glue And glued (glued) And l, glue And t), lele I fallen (lele I l, lele I t), hope I hope I I hoped I to be).

Participles from verbs like to become weak - to become weak differ in vowels in and before the suffix - Vsh -, compare: exhausted e gone(lost strength) and exhausted And gone(depriving someone of power).

IN participles before suffixes -v-, -vsh - the same is also maintained vowel , which comes before -l in the past tense - (or in indefinite form before : get well e in (recovered) e l, get well e t), hear A in (hear A l, hear A t), akimbo And leaning (akimbo) And leaning, akimbo And to be).

4. B passive past participles suffixes are written:

1) -nn-, if in the past tense before the suffix -l- there are vowels a, i, e : paintings A ny (paintings A l, colors A t), really I real (present) I l, infusion I t), fall out I nnny (fallout I l, fallout I t), exchange I nal (exchange I l, exchange I t), insult e offended (offended e l, insult e t);

2) -enn-, yonn-, if in the past tense (or indefinitely before) there is a vowel and: leaving enne th (departure And l), growing enne y (grow And l, grow And t), exit enne y (exit And l, exit And t), like enne th (like And l, napo And t); Also If participles are formed from verbs ending in -ch: bake enne y (bake), save enne th (save), carried away yonn y (to captivate). uttered yonn y (utter); the same suffixes are used to form participles from verbs that have an indefinite form before the suffix -ty stands consonant: brought yonn y (bring), brought yonn y (bring), sweep enne y (sweep).

The spelling of participles of prefixes differs from verbs weigh - hang, knead - stir, roll - roll and the like. From verbs to -it Participles are formed using the suffix - enn- , and from verbs to -at(-yat) - participles with suffix -nn- (at the same time verbal suffixes -and I- are saved), for example: hung, hung, hung and similar ones are formed from the corresponding verbs in -it : hang up“to cover with something hanging” ( The tightly curtained window did not let in any light); hang- “attach, put on something” ( hinged door); give short weight- “to deceive when buying, to underweight”; hang up- “divide by weight.”

hung, hung, hung, hung and similar formations from verbs in -at: hang up- “hang on the entire space in question” ( All the walls in the room were hung with bunches of herbs); hang- “hang in large quantities” ( Various posters were hung on the wall.); hang around– “place on all sides” ( Ships hung with colorful flags look festive); hang up- “hang in different places” ( In summer, well-hanged laundry dries quickly). Participles on - annay have the meaning “placed in large numbers throughout the space”; in other cases, participles end in –enny .

Kneaded, mixed, mixed, mixed knead- “knead, knead, stirring any semi-liquid mass” (knead the dough) - knead, mix, knead, mix.

Mixed up, mixed up, mixed up, mixed up and similar - participles from prefix formations of the verb interfere- “mix, stir with a spoon, stirrer; combine something homogeneous into one" ( stir tea with a spoon). Compare the meaning and use of such participles in the following examples: Well-mixed cement mortar has high strength. My friend was involved in this unpleasant story.

Deflated, deflated - participles from corresponding verbs roll out(from the bike shed) and deflate(from an oil tank);

Shot, shot, shot, shot, shot and similar - participles from the corresponding verbs in -it: shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot through; shot at, shot at, shot at, shot through, shot at (machine gun), shot- participles from the corresponding verbs in -yat: shoot, fire, shoot, shoot, shoot (target), shoot, For example: The landing party, suddenly fired upon by the enemy, somehow made it to the shore. The shell casings fired around indicated a heated battle. A gun that has been sighted does not misfire. But: The shot predator lay with its mouth bared.

5. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in participle suffixes.

6. In the suffixes of passive participles after sibilants, under stress insteadO is written her): armede nnny - armede n, onlye ny - tooe n, commite nnny (done) - perfect e n, streete ny - streete n, abbreviatede abbreviatede n.

From the verb burnand its derivatives are formed participles using the suffix-yonn- : LJ yonn oh, light it up yonn oh, nazhzh yonn oh, burn yonn oh, please yonn oh, set it on fire yonn oh, burn it yonn oh, kindle yonn oh, burnt yonn th(But: scorch enne th).

Spelling of gerunds. Suffixes of gerunds

1. Imperfect participles are formed from present tense imperfective verbs using suffixes -я or -A (after the hissing ones): advise - advise - advice I, stand - stand - one hundred I, knock - knock - knock A, fight - fight - boron I s.

Verbs with the suffix –va-, which appears in the present tense, form a gerund from the indefinite form: admit - admit I, give - giving I.

Remember. 1) Many imperfective verbs do not have a gerund form, for example verbs ending in -ch ( guard, take care), verbs with suffixes –nu- ( wither, waste away) and some others ( write and so on.).

2) Some gerunds, having lost the sign of time (aspect), turned into adverbs: silently, lying, sitting, standing.

2. Perfect participles are formed from perfect past tense verbs using the suffixes -v, -louse (after a vowel) and -shi (after a consonant): take - took - taking V- taking lice; captivate - captivate - captivate shi; merge - merged - if lice s.

Note. Before suffixes the same vowel is written as before the suffix l in the past tense: grievances e l - insult e in, throw And l - throw And in, rasta I l - rasta I in, slow A hesitated - hesitated A having fallen.

Some perfective verbs form participles using suffixes -A or -I from future tense verbs: find - I will find - I will find I, go out - I'll go out - go out I, hear - hear - hear A.