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Human superpowers: telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience. Types of clairvoyance Clairaudience when the next hearing is from the word of God

A few months ago, a woman asked me to write about clairaudience and how to develop it. I promised and honestly tried five times to keep my promise, but in vain. Something always kept me from doing it. I’m already thinking, maybe she didn’t need this information at that time, although she persistently looked for it?
Fulfilling the request of my namesake (yes, such an interesting coincidence), I am writing about this.

I have already talked about what clairvoyance is and how it manifests itself in me. But clairaudience is an interesting thing, and strictly speaking, I am more clairaudient than clairvoyant. How does this manifest itself? I "hear" information through my right ear. I have an interesting shape, pointed upward a little, although the left one is normal and they are the same size.

When talking on the phone, I always hold the receiver to my left ear, no matter how much I try to hold it to my right ear, I just go deaf, I don’t hear anything) Also, when I let my hair down, I flip it so that my right ear remains at least a little open, otherwise I feel feeling “deaf” and generally physically uncomfortable. That. My left ear is for the material world, and my right ear is for the astral world.

The most important area where I use clairaudience is directly working with people. How does this happen? I do a lot of consulting remotely - in chat, by phone, and make forecasts by email. Since I don't see the person, I find out his name and date of birth. I concentrate on the question. I do a Tarot reading (in most cases). Often, even in the process of shuffling the cards, I already hear information about this person. That. the cards only confirm it. Or I make a layout, and again a voice from the outside helps me interpret it. At the same time, I feel as if on the right side a little behind me (about a meter) there is a huge man three meters tall and telling me what needs to be said. Although I know this is not a person (entity). The voice of this entity, however, murmuring and calm, does not cause concern. It is not possible to look back while reading information. I tried it, the channel closes immediately. So I live with the entity behind my back; we have become friends a long time ago.

Sometimes my essence produces statements that seem completely crazy at first glance, but the more crazy, the more truthful it turns out to be, as practice shows. Often people who ask for help try to “put pressure” on me in a conversation in order to hear what they want, and not what actually is. But the fact is that my essence does not recognize logic. She expresses what she considers necessary.

It happens that sometimes she is silent. Then my clairvoyance “turns on”, information comes on like a commercial - pictures quickly replace each other. Such a moment is typical. I use clairvoyance more often for men among my clients, and clairaudience for women) Perhaps this is due to the fact that men are more visual than women?

How to develop clairaudience? To a large extent the same methods as . In addition, you need to develop your listening skills. First people, then nature, and then the essence will be attracted to you)
But seriously, I think, for clairaudience you need to have a certain character, otherwise nothing will come of it. Silence, self-sufficiency, and love of solitude contribute to the development of this gift. If you are an extremely active person who loves to be the life of the party, you cannot live a day without noise. big city, it is unlikely that clairaudience will become your companion.

I can spend a whole day, or even several, in complete silence and I will feel great. I won’t have any feeling of abandonment or abandonment, and besides, I’ll find a lot of things to do. The village is paradise for me - the silence here is sometimes ringing. In addition, I am a homebody by nature, which also contributes to the accumulation of energy.

People often ask me, aren’t you scared of all this? Entities, voices, pictures....No. I will say more, at a young age I was extremely surprised when I discovered that this is not the case with most people. How much they don’t see and don’t know! I appreciate the benefits of the material world, but this is just a small piece of our existence!

Well, it's time to talk about Clairaudience. What is Clairaudience anyway? You know it's quite simple. It is enough to open the console and it will be simple - listening. Listening to something and somewhere. That's all. But what you hear and where, this is a question that requires a long study.
It probably seems to you that Clairaudience is quite simple, just relax and you will hear something in a dream, meditation, in the form of strange thoughts. If you want to hear this mess and not understand what you hear, then perhaps you are right.
However, you don’t need to have clairaudience to do this; just go outside and listen to what they say there. Or better yet, walk slowly around the city and listen to snippets of conversations. This is exactly what you will hear.
And will you be happy with it? If not, then read on. And throw away your old concepts about Clairaudience. You have come to listen to my thoughts. Otherwise, don’t read this nonsense that I wrote and am writing here. This is not for you, you already know everything! If No, well then listen.
When I started listening to conversations within myself many years ago, what did I hear there?
Yes everything:
-- How to buy clothes
- Where can I eat something?
- All sorts of nonsense about sex
- And strange sounds

And what’s more, even now, just relaxing, I hear a variety of things, but to be honest, I never know who is talking and who needs all this talk.
In order to understand all this chaos of strange conversations, you need to understand that you are just a radio station, or rather your brain, body, spinal cord, which receives soap-forms coming from all over the world. Even from a brain-sick schizophrenic or a scientist working on the creation of his next invention. And keep in mind thoughts about sex, food, murder have a heightened emotional background, and indeed, like all fear. Later, when you learn to simply listen to the conversations of women on the street, and calmly inside yourself, you will understand that there is no difference between conversations, gossip and something similar both inside you and outside.
And if you, as a scientist, continue to try to understand all this, you will be disappointed and after many years you will come to the conclusion that you have wasted your precious time. Like this.
Well, okay, sorry for the digression. So let's continue. The most important thing with Clairaudience is not to lose your head while doing it. Despite everything. They tell you that you are the greatest - great. You heard that the world will perish in 3 days, and you are the only one who can save it - that’s also not bad. They promise you mountains of gold and jewelry - great. The only addition that I would like to advise you in such cases is TRUST BUT VERIFY.
How about you ask?
Is this really possible?
And you just fold the console clear. And try to remember how you check the information!
-- Ask others usually.
- you think about it, remember if something similar happened to you or someone you know.
- trust your intuition

There is another method that helps a lot in such cases.
Very simple, but very reliable. Her Majesty practice.
Try to find out about what you heard in textbooks, books, and so on. Try to hear an addition to what interests you.
And try to use this information in practice - if nothing works out. This information is worthless.

You are offended, how come you wanted everything to be brought to you on a plate - listen and know everything, alas, this is impossible in nature.
There is only one way - to plow! Comparing and improving your listening based on the experience of both our world and the world of clairaudience.
Like this. If, of course, you want this to always work for you, and not from time to time.
What do I do, you ask?
Yes, very simple. I learn by doing - I listen to people's conversations on the street, on trolleybuses, on buses and try to understand which of them is deceiving, telling lies or being mistaken.
I study by reading psychology and textbooks on it, this will give me the opportunity to understand from the conversation who I am actually talking to.
I am learning worldly wisdom. And much more, which is individual and harmonious. And of course, the most important thing is to think and reconsider what you actually heard.
Why you ask?
Yes, all because you are, in fact, an all-wave receiver - or simply a clairaudient person, but what you heard and whether you need it, and what you actually heard, can only be understood and appreciated by you!!!

You don’t believe everything they say on TV, radio and around you!
Of course not!
The truth is somewhere nearby, but it’s a pity that everyone has their own!

Clairaudience and telepathic problems

So we get to the problems with Clairaudience at a distance, or simply hearing. If you want to learn this, there’s nothing easier - listen. This will give you first some concepts, and then telepathy. Try constantly and you will succeed. This is the most best advice. Nothing can be achieved without work.
And now about the problems.
Of course, with telepathy, distance does not matter, time does not matter (past, present, future, intertime), even who is in contact with you does not matter. However, there are other problems that I had to face.
-- what we call Drugov's understanding plays a huge role.
I'll try to explain - you can listen for hours, but think only about your problems. And it will turn out like a crayfish, a swan and a pike. Everyone will pull in their own direction, but there will be no result.
- another problem arises - studying.
Each person grows up in approximately the same conditions of existence on Earth. Desires, continuation of joy, walking, the ability to use tools with hands, running on a surface.
However, when contacting entities that do not have hands, you will encounter an understanding that will immediately throw you off balance.
To move a stone, you need to squeeze and relax the body, turn out the contents of yourself and move it.
It’s no longer clear. And here you cannot understand unless you try to learn from him. How this is done, so that we can compare it later, and how we do it. But these are the thoughts of the consciousness of a creature very similar to our octopus.
- thought - image
It is not surprising, but for people, and for all creatures, they are different. So, in order to understand Drugov, you must not only understand the language of the person you are talking to, but also think approximately in the same category as him.
We humans are in the category of aliens - Leonreaf (I think that's how it sounds). Thinking beings are approximately the same, due to the properties of our body and environment.
There are other beings, but we will not understand them, because the difference between us is so huge that without an intermediary, contact is simply impossible!
I'll try to explain:
If you think about a large bass speaker, for example. Then the woman who caught your thoughts will understand it as a huge black plate. And you will be very surprised why you are thinking about it, and how it might sound.
But if the creatures are of a field nature, the crystals are in the field and move in space in the form of a ball. It will be almost impossible for them to understand you without an intermediary.
By the way, here on Earth, those who know the peculiarities of each country call such intermediaries advisors. Some from the Middle East, others from the Mumba Yumba tribes. And many others.
And we simply call advisers in the invisible world - God's messenger, guardian angel.
Simply put, the inner voice.
Fortunately, we do not climb very far into the expanses of space and do not know those advisers and their laws. But someday we will have to take their advice into account. Like me.
However, keep in mind that these are just advisors, but you will have to do and work yourself!


Do you hear ringing in your ears (squeaking) or vague whispers? It’s worth checking yourself for signs of clairaudience! It's very likely that you have a gift for this superpower!

From this article you will learn...

1. What will clairaudience give you if you have the ability?
2. How to test yourself for signs of clairaudience?
3. When might you show signs of clairaudience?
4. How can you be sure that this is clairaudience and not something else?

What will clairaudience give you if you have the ability?

I answer! More chances and opportunities, without straining at all!

Judge for yourself…

    • Instead of wasting precious time studying other people's experiences and gaining knowledge, you can simply tune in to extrasensory perception, and the necessary information will arrive in a few seconds.
    • Someone needs to work painstakingly for several years to create a brilliant masterpiece, while another creates hits one after another, successfully sells them, gains popularity and recognition...
    • Some businessmen do business at their own risk and often make mistakes, while others listen to their inner voice and always win.
    • Most people in ordinary life acts according to logic (and then often complains about failures and conflicts), and some (the chosen ones who develop their superpowers) receive subtle information and can lay down straws in advance so as not to fall painfully...
    • And, you see, it is always better to know more than others, to receive advice and tips from the subtle world, to read information and benefit in a timely manner, than to simply live like everyone else.

The gift of clairaudience is one of the most amazing superpowers, and here's why...

Special people with sensitive hearing have a predisposition to clairaudience¹ (while others have a greater predisposition to clairvoyance or claircognizance)

Below I will reveal to you some characteristic signs of clairaudience that will help you understand whether you have a gift for this amazing ability. So…

How to test yourself for signs of clairaudience?

The most striking signs of clairaudience are described below. Just evaluate whether you have them. The more coincidences you notice, the more pronounced your ability to clairaudience is, the easier it will be for you to develop it. But!

Even 1-2 matches indicate that you most likely have the gift of clairaudience!

So, let's test ourselves!

Sign No. 1.Tinnitus

Scientists still have not figured out exactly what causes tinnitus (squeaking in the ears) that disappears after a few seconds or minutes. There are different assumptions on this matter, but one thing I can say for sure. People who are able to hear it (and not everyone hears squeaking in their ears!) have a much higher chance of developing clairaudience than others.

In esoteric circles, it is believed that at the moment of ringing (squeaking) in the ears, the patron spirit is trying to attract attention to itself and convey important information.

Sign of clairaudience No. 2.Whisper, noise, voices

When the clairaudience channel is active, voices, words, or distinct phrases may appear in the head. If such phenomena cause discomfort, you can turn mentally or vocally to the spirits so that they convey their message, or ask them to be silent.

Sign of clairaudience No. 3. TalkWith myself

Internal dialogue with yourself (during which answers to questions appear, new ideas or solutions come - not mental chewing gum!) is a sign that clues from the subconscious or patron spirits are coming through the channel of clairaudience.

Sign of clairaudience No. 4.Knocking, steps, creaks

When a person hears such sounds in his head, and not in the surrounding space (when others do not hear anything), this indicates that he hears the presence of subtle entities nearby. Also, any sounds or words in the head (voices in the head) that cannot be explained logically are a sign of clairaudience.

Sign of clairaudience No. 5.Sudden insights

Typically, brilliant ideas come in a meditative state, when consciousness does not interfere with direct communication with the subconscious or the inhabitants of the astral world. But if a person suddenly, while, for example, driving or doing everyday things, hears a decision in his head or receives an exact plan of action, then he has an open extrasensory perception channel - clairaudience.

Sign of clairaudience No. 6. Wise advice

If during a conversation a person gives very wise and timely advice, but then cannot explain how he came up with this, this is a sign that the information was received from the outside, and a subtle essence spoke through his lips.

Sign of clairaudience No. 6. Private messages

Possessing the gift of clairaudience, a person can hear phrases addressed to him personally on the radio, television, or while being present at someone’s conversation. If such cases happen quite often, it means clairaudience is activated, and the entities of the subtle world are trying to make contact.

When might you show signs of clairaudience?

The gift of clairaudience can be revealed at any age. When the inner ear is activated, a person may begin to hear ringing in the ears, vague buzzing sounds, fragments of words, voices, or feel changes in pressure in the ear canal.

Now, pay attention!

Clairaudience may occur different ways, and it is important to distinguish between his mental deviations!

How can you be sure that it is clairaudience and not something else?

2. Messages from the subtle world cannot sound constantly, like a radio. They are concise and contain specific information.

4. Intuitive information can come through the voices of helping spirits; subtle entities may ask to convey a message to someone or warn about something, but they cannot order or control a person, forcing him to commit inappropriate actions.

Have you noticed signs of clairaudience in yourself and want to develop this superpower?

In a special section of the site you will find useful practical information and some general techniques for

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ In the field of parapsychology clairaudience is a form of extrasensory perception, the supposed ability of a person to receive audio information (people's voices, messages from spirits, etc.) through paranormal means. Often seen as a form of clairvoyance (

Clairaudience is not uncommon in our world. This is an innate ability. But for unknown reasons, it is one of the most understudied human characteristics.

IN last years There are more and more monumental works on clairvoyance or claircognizance - inexplicable from the standpoint of science human possibility perceive and anticipate certain events. Clairaudience remains, as it were, beyond study. Perhaps the science of psychiatry played an important role in the fate of this talent. After all, everyone knows that auditory hallucinations accompany a number of mental illness. And if a person says that “voices” are talking to him, those around him naturally suspect the worst...

Clairaudience has nothing to do with mental illness. This ability has existed and developed since ancient times. Tibetan Buddhists, for example, trained clairaudience by placing a sea shell to their ear during meditation. The Hungarian gypsies acted in the same way, communicating with the spirit of the air. Priests and shamans talked with gods and representatives of the subtle worlds. Among the Christian saints you can find many who heard voices.

Interesting sayings

“Every living thing is embraced by music, because music is the soul of heaven!” M. T. Cicero.

Moreover, modern science To this day, it is not known exactly what human hearing is. The mechanisms of this ability of ours have not yet been fully elucidated. Scientists suggest that through part of the ear - the cochlea - sound vibrations transmitted to the auditory system. What’s interesting is that the fundamentals of scientific ideas on this issue have undergone virtually no changes and were outlined back in the 19th century by G. Helmholtz, after! And if ordinary hearing is largely mysterious to science, what can we say about clairaudience?

Essentially, clairaudience is a form of extrasensory perception. This ability is associated with the activity of the throat chakra. Most often, spontaneous manifestations of clairaudience are observed in sleep or in an altered state of consciousness. This is when people hear a voice from outside or inside their head. Almost all

The history of our civilization is filled with similar examples. Many people who have made great progress in their spiritual development have claimed to have heard voices. It was these invisible “advisers” who showed the way, called for certain actions, and advised how to act. The famous Joan of Arc heard the voices of Saints Catherine and Michael, it was they who led the girl in her military achievements. The Old Testament Moses heard the voice of God, which is clearly stated in the Bible.

Interesting sayings

“The human nervous system as a whole may be regarded as an Aeolian harp... If these nervous vibrations become strong enough and respond in resonance to the astral element, the result is sound.” E. P. Blavatsky.

Clairaudience is a way of receiving information from the subtle world. Moreover, this information enters our consciousness not in the form of images or mysterious symbols, but verbally. We receive information from outside in the form of a clear thought. Moreover, we can not only hear the subtle world, but also communicate at a distance, perceive by ear what is happening far from us. One of the manifestations of clairaudience is the inner voice that each of us has encountered. Before you begin training clairaudience, you will have to learn to listen to yourself. After all, we can always turn to the subconscious for advice - and get it! Unfortunately, consciousness and intellect tend to critically evaluate everything that we do not find confirmation in objective reality.

Researchers distinguish two forms of clairaudience:

Spiritual - carried out without the help of the auditory organs, i.e. you receive information in the form of a thought appearing in your mind;

Direct - carried out with the help of the organs of hearing, i.e. you actually hear the spoken words, as if they sounded in reality.

Direct clairaudience, according to a number of studies, arises from the spiritual. The most important quality for mastering clairaudience is the ability to move into a passive state of consciousness. After all, the vibrations of the subtle

We are able to perceive the world when we are in an interesting state of “thoughtlessness,” inner silence. Solitude will help you achieve this state. Here, for example, is how you can prepare to perceive audio information.

Early in the morning or evening, retire, take a comfortable position, and blindfold your eyes. Thus, you will get rid of such external irritant as light. Close your ears and listen to yourself. Drop all thoughts and just listen. Gradually you will begin to perceive some noise in your ears, perhaps a ringing.

Interesting sayings

“The world sounds, it is a cosmos of spiritually active beings. Thus, dead matter is a living spirit." V. V. Kandinsky.

Sometimes we can confuse auditory hallucinations with clairaudience that arise in our minds from overwork or in connection with borderline mental states. Hallucinations are usually quite intrusive and aggressive, like orders and require you to do something. Clairaudience is a thought expressed verbally. The psychic thus perceives sounds through a special, finely developed hearing.

People with pronounced psychic abilities can hear the voices of the dead

people, learn about their deepest secrets. They do not always perceive the full conversation. Sometimes information comes in fragments: in separate remarks, random words.

So, here's what clairaudience can give us:

The ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead;

The opportunity to hear the advice of creatures of the subtle world, angels, spirits of things and guardians;

Telepathic perception of other people's thoughts;

You can even hear what was heard in one place or another centuries ago.

In addition, clairaudience is directly related to physical hearing. A subtle and highly developed hearing is a useful acquisition. First, by developing your hearing, you will avoid age-related deafness. Secondly, you will be able to hear a lot, avoid danger in time, etc.

Clairaudience has been known to people since ancient times. Medieval necromancers also sought to master clairaudience in order to be able to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

On a note!

In the Bible we can read about the voice of God speaking to the prophets. IN Ancient Greece people listened to the voices of higher spirit-advisers - daimons. And only with the development of the Christian church, daimons were renamed demons and were declared servants of the “enemy of man.” Shamans also perceive the voices of spirits by ear.

You can hear a variety of voices: your own, the voices of other people, the voices of guides, deceased relatives, gods, angels, totem animals. All this largely depends on the subtlety of your perception. Agree, hearing yourself or a close relative at a short distance is somewhat easier than the voice of the gods.

You can perceive voices both during sleep and while awake. Perhaps you will receive advice, or voices will tell you how to act, reassure you, support you. By developing clairaudience, you gain access to the so-called unified information network. At the same time, you will be able to communicate with the same “advanced” people, regardless of the distance. Perhaps you just hear music, songs. Please note: important information will soon be revealed to you, and the sound will act as an “alarm clock”.

Clairaudience as an ability is inextricably linked with the throat chakra, which is located in the jugular fossa, at the base of the neck. The throat chakra is one of the energy centers of our body.

If the chakra is open, you can perceive information that others cannot hear.

Very often, ordinary people hear voices or sounds of unknown origin. This phenomenon is called clairaudience. People who have this gift are able to hear: radio waves, conversations of subtle beings - spirits and angels living in ethereal space...

Clairaudience is one of the manifestations of paranormal abilities. Very often it is carried out without specific efforts on the part of a person. Throughout history there have been testimonies of people with this gift. In particular, shamans, prophets, priests and psychics testified that they heard mysterious voices that called them to certain actions.

For example, Joan of Arc heard the voices of St. Michael and St. Catherine, who told her what actions were best to take during military campaigns. Moses heard the voice of God on the mountain... The famous American prophet of the twentieth century, Edgar Cayce, said that a certain voice helped him make fateful predictions.

Such phenomena can be divided into random, occurring spontaneously, and conscious, when the question is asked mentally. The second option is designated as “professional”. Psychics, shamans, and representatives of other occult practices consciously come into contact with the other world. Some of them claim that they communicate with spirits, angels, aliens, etc., while others believe that the “voices” are given out by their subconscious.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally what is really happening. The only thing that can be stated is that such a phenomenon exists. Correctly interpreted information received by a person with the gift of clairaudience can be very useful.

How to develop the gift of clairaudience

In order to hear spatial waves, concentrate deeply, trying not to think about anything, achieving complete inactivity of the mind. This way you will achieve one of several types of hearing:

  1. The sound of words in the mind, not in the ears, similar to talking to oneself;
  2. When hearing through the biofield at the temples, the ability to hear at a more “subtle” level is manifested, receiving information about the future, recognizing past events, receiving various knowledge from subtle entities;
  3. Clairaudience through the physical organ of hearing - the human ear acts like a radio receiver, sensing frequencies;
  4. Perception of sounds through the skin. Many people are familiar with the feeling of “goosebumps” when listening to beautiful music. This happens because the body is able to subtly perceive sounds and respond to them.

We usually believe that people who have the gift of clairaudience are endowed with supernatural powers. In reality, there is nothing unusual about this: every person, if desired, can develop this gift - there are special exercises for this. If you do them regularly, you will certainly get the following results:

Exercise 1

You will need a regular mechanical watch. Relax, close your eyes and take any comfortable position. Listening to the ticking of the clock, focus all your attention on it. This exercise should be repeated daily for 7 to 10 minutes.

Gradually, every day, move the clock further away from you. After a certain time, you will hear the ticking of a clock and even conversations in the next room.

Exercise 2

Cover your ears with your palms so that your ear is in the center of your palm and your fingers point up. Press your ears sharply and just as suddenly release them. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

Exercise 3

This exercise should be done in complete darkness. Close your eyes, sit comfortably or lie down without a pillow so that your back is straight. Covering your ears carefully, listen carefully to the inner sounds. At first you will notice a subtle hum. Continue to concentrate on this hum, and then you will hear: the beat of drums, the buzzing of insects, the sounds of various musical instruments, and at the end - a flute playing.

Repeat the exercise for 15 minutes every day before going to bed. Gradually you will learn:

  • Track increasingly subtle vibrations;
  • Hear cosmic sounds;
  • Hear the sounds of the chakras - your energy centers.

Exercise 4

Turn on the radio or TV. Gradually reduce the volume of the sound, trying to catch all the sound vibrations. Gradually, with the sound almost turned off, you will be able to clearly hear what is being broadcast on television.

Exercise 5

Having learned to distinguish sounds inaccessible to people, try to come into contact with the inhabitants of the other world who are able to convey some information to you.

At night, create complete silence in the room: close windows and doors, turn off electrical appliances. Closing your eyes, take a comfortable position, completely relaxing. Breathe deeply and freely, focusing on the subtlest sounds.

Formulate in your mind the question you want answered. Repeat the question to yourself several times, and then ask it out loud and shut up. You might ask, “Who’s there?”

If you have actually already acquired the gift of clairaudience, then the entity that is in your room will definitely respond.