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Secrets and mysteries of lost civilizations. Secrets of the ancient world

Civilization can be called a certain stage of development of society, which is characterized by its own social classes, writing, crafts and other activities. Historians believe that ancient civilizations contain hidden secrets, many of which have not been revealed.

Ancient civilizations of the world

The first manifestations of civilization, according to research, arose several thousand years ago in Asia, Africa and Europe. Although the ancient civilizations of the earth were formed at different times, the processes of their formation and development have many common features. They became the basis for important discoveries that were the springboard for human progress and cultural development.

Sumerian civilization

Many historians are confident that the Sumerians were the first civilization on earth, which appeared in Mesopotamia more than 6 thousand years ago. Historians have been able to determine the following facts:

  1. The Sumerians were the first civilization on earth to use the ternary system and know Fibonacci numbers.
  2. The legends of this people contain the first descriptions concerning the structure and development of the solar system.
  3. Sumerian manuscripts indicate that modern humans were created through genetic engineering methods approximately 3 thousand years ago.
  4. They had developed statehood, had a court and various governing bodies that were elected by the people
  5. The Sumerians existed for 2 thousand years.

Ancient Mayan civilization

One of the most mysterious peoples, which reminds of itself even in the modern world, for example, the famous Mayan calendar, which predicts. The secret knowledge of ancient civilizations continues to be studied by scientists, and they were able to determine the following facts:

  1. The Mayans were engaged in the construction of stone cities and huge pyramids, which served as a tomb for the nobility. They grew pumpkins, cotton, various fruits, beans, and so on. These people were engaged in salt mining.
  2. For this people, religion was very important, and the worship of the gods was a cult. They sacrificed not only animals, but also people.
  3. Ancient civilizations had enormous knowledge in astronomy, for example, the Mayan calendars have survived to this day and their accuracy never ceases to amaze.
  4. The Mayans mysteriously left the earth, and what exactly happened has not yet been established.

Ancient Inca civilization

The largest empire in terms of area and population, which was located in South America. Thanks to historians, a lot of information about this people became known to the public:

  1. Scientists have not been able to find evidence that would tell about the appearance of the Incas, but they are considered the descendants of the early Andean civilization.
  2. The secrets of ancient civilizations indicate that the empire had a clear administrative division and a well-established economy.
  3. It is reliably known that in those days there was no corruption, crimes related to murders and thefts were almost completely absent.
  4. Few ancient civilizations had a postal service, but the Incas had approximately 5-7 thousand postal stations.
  5. This people had their own system of measuring quantities, calendar, architecture and musical culture. The Incan writing system is called the Khipu knot script.

Aztec civilization

The most numerous Indian people living in Mexico are the Aztecs. The history of ancient civilizations is known for the following facts:

  1. The Aztecs were fond of sports and creativity, for example, they are known for their sculptures and pottery.
  2. Education, which children received not only from their parents, but also in schools, was of great importance to these people.
  3. Historians believe that this ancient civilization disappeared not because of numerous wars, but because of smallpox, which claimed the lives of more than 20 million people.
  4. It is worth noting the presence of an advanced system for recording and storing data: tax, historical, religious and other documentation.
  5. The men of this people were allowed, and poor families sold their children into slavery, and this was not considered something unusual.

Ancient civilization Mesopotamia

Since Mesopotamia territorially occupied a flat area between two rivers: the Euphrates and the Tigris, it was also called Mesopotamia. Some scientists believe that the first inhabitants of the southern territory were the Sumerians, but in fact before that the land was inhabited by other tribes.

  1. Artifacts from ancient civilizations indicate that there were several large settlements on the territory of Mesopotamia.
  2. The local population developed complex religious beliefs and widely used magical rituals.
  3. At that time, Mesopotamia had all the signs of civilization, except writing, but this changed after the Sumerians settled the territory.

Ancient civilization Babylon

In those days, Babylon was the richest and most powerful city, which stood out for its masterpieces of human ingenuity. Not all the secrets of ancient civilizations have been shared, but scientists were able to learn a lot of interesting information:

  1. Trade was of great importance in Babylon, and the products created by these people were extremely popular. This city is considered a “trend setter”.
  2. If a doctor made the wrong diagnosis, his hands were cut off, and prostitution was considered a prestigious profession.
  3. The most famous attraction of that time was the Gardens of Babylon.
  4. The technologies of ancient civilizations made it possible to build incredible buildings, just like the legendary Tower of Babel, which was located in the center of the ancient city.

Mysterious ancient civilizations

There are many unique structures on earth that have a mystical origin, since there is no real way to explain their origin. The secrets of disappeared civilizations continue to baffle many scientists who are trying to get to the bottom of the truth. Psychics and other people who work with energies and have the ability to look into the past claim that ancient civilizations existed.

Hyperborea Civilization

This ancient civilization has another name - Arctida. It is believed that it disappeared, like Atlantis, known to many, due to the Great Flood. The death of ancient civilizations has no real evidence, but a lot of information is known from different peoples, which is largely speculative.

  1. There is a hypothesis that the ancient Hyperboreans were magicians and 20 thousand years ago there was a great battle with the inhabitants of Atlantis, as a result of which the Urals were formed.
  2. The people were gifted, and they showed themselves creatively in every possible way.
  3. In the encyclopedia, the Hyperboreans are called the fabulous people who lived in a paradise country. People were always forever young, never got sick and enjoyed a happy life.

Civilization Lemuria

If we rely on information from secret sources, then the first ancient civilization was located on a huge continent called Lemuria. Another name is known - Mu. The following is known about this civilization:

  1. It existed for 52 thousand years.
  2. The ancient Lemurians reached 18 m in height and possessed.
  3. The reason for the disappearance is a huge earthquake that occurred due to the displacement of the earth's belt.
  4. The legacy of ancient civilizations lies in the science of construction, thanks to which people erected stone buildings.

Hittida Civilization

According to existing legends, in the Indian and Pacific Oceans there was a huge continent - Hittis. It is believed that it was inhabited by the ancestors of modern humanity. Historians have found tablets, the deciphering of which helped to reveal some mysteries of ancient civilizations:

  1. The climate on this land was ideal for human, animal and plant life.
  2. The continent was inhabited by people with yellow, brown, black and white skin. They had supernatural powers and could fly and teleport.
  3. It was important for the people to unite with nature, which gave them strength.
  4. Many ancient civilizations perished due to cataclysms, so Hittis disappeared after the collision of the earth with an asteroid.
  5. According to one version, the continent was inhabited by souls who lived in subtle bodies.

Ancient civilization Pacifida

Some scientists believe that the Pacific Ocean hides many secrets; there is a version that the Pacific continent perished in it. Its existence is spoken of not only by esotericists, but also by researchers who discover traces of ancient civilizations.

  1. It is believed that the earth was inhabited by real giants, whose height reached five meters, or even higher. It is currently impossible to confirm or refute this information.
  2. The giant stone statues of the Moai, which are located on Easter Island, are considered confirmation of the existence of Pacifida. Scientists have not been able to determine what inventions of ancient civilizations made it possible to make such huge statues.
  3. There are several versions explaining the reason for the disappearance of the continent, and according to the most reliable of them, it’s all about the movement of continental plates, which led to the fact that the Pacific Ocean cracked and sank to the bottom of the ocean. It is believed that Easter Island is a part left over from an ancient civilization.

Ancient Civilizations – Atlantis

Since the times of Ancient Greece, the mystery of Atlantis has worried humanity and a huge number of scientists have been trying for 2.5 thousand years to determine its location and history of existence. The first person to write about Atlantis was the philosopher Plato, on whose writings modern researchers rely.

  1. The philosopher points out that the cities of ancient civilization were rich, and he considered the Atlanteans themselves to be the descendants of Poseidon.
  2. The ancient civilizations that disappeared were rich, so the temple of the main deity Poseidon was lined with gold, silver and other metals. On the territory of Atlantis there were many statues of the lord of the sea and his wife, made of gold.
  3. Residents of the mainland had fun with horse racing. The Atlanteans loved to take thermal baths, since there was a source of cold and hot water on the territory.
  4. Atlantis was destroyed due to a huge earthquake and flood.
  5. Many studies were carried out that made it possible to discover temple domes, various buildings and other objects. Crystals were raised from the bottom, which are capable of increasing the energy that is passed through them.

It's no secret that before modern civilization there were several other highly developed people who had extensive knowledge in various fields of science, including medicine, who created incredible machines and amazing objects, the purpose of which no one can still determine. Who these people were is unknown. Some scientists adhere to the theory of the extraterrestrial origin of these unusual creatures, while others believe that civilizations arose spontaneously and, in the process of long evolutionary development, reached a certain level of knowledge and skills. The secrets of the ancient world are of interest to archaeologists, historians and geologists.

Numerous groups of scientists go in search of cities and objects that can help in understanding who our ancestors were. Who left ancient artifacts and mysteries as reminders of themselves? In this article we will try to talk about those secrets that have haunted the minds of researchers for several thousand years in a row.

Stone Age paintings

How does a modern person imagine rock art? Most likely, as the simplest form of art of primitive people, which reflected their belief in spirits and scenes from everyday life. This is exactly what it says in school textbooks. However, in reality, everything is not so simple - a rock painting (or petroglyph) can present scientists with many surprises.

Most often, rock paintings depict hunting scenes or ritual ceremonies. Moreover, the ancient painters conveyed with amazing accuracy the anatomical features of various animals and the intricate attire of the priests. Typically, three colors were used in stone paintings - white, ocher and bluish-gray. Scientists claim that the paint was made from special stones ground into powder. Later, various plant pigments began to be added to them to diversify the palette. For the most part, petroglyphs are of interest to historians and anthropologists who study the development and migration of ancient peoples. But there is one category of drawings that official science cannot explain in any way.

These paintings depict unusual people dressed in some kind of spacesuit. The creatures are extremely tall and often hold strange objects in their hands. There are pipes coming from their suit, and part of their face shows through their helmet. Scientists are struck by the elongated shape of the skull and huge eye sockets. Also, quite often, next to these creatures, ancient masters depicted strange disk-shaped flying machines. Some of them resembled airplanes and were applied to the stone in section, which allows one to see the complex interweaving of parts and tubes of the mechanism.

Surprisingly, these drawings are scattered all over the world. Everywhere the creatures look exactly the same, which suggests that contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations had different petroglyphs with similar creatures dating back to 47 thousand years ago and located in China. Images of tall figures in protective suits, painted on stone ten thousand years ago, have been found in India and Italy. Moreover, all creatures emit bright light and have long limbs.

Russia, Algeria, Libya, Australia, Uzbekistan - unusual drawings were found everywhere. Scientists have been studying them for more than two hundred years, but have not been able to come to a consensus about their origin. After all, if the images of creatures can be explained by the ritual vestments of shamans, then the exact depiction of mechanisms that ancient man could not have known anything about suggests extraterrestrial contact that constantly occurred between primitive people and alien civilizations. But scientists cannot accept this version unconditionally, so the secrets reflected on the rocks remained unsolved.

or reality?

The world learned about the lost Atlantis from Plato's dialogues. In them, he spoke about an ancient and powerful civilization that lived on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The land of the Atlanteans was rich, and the people themselves actively traded with all countries without exception. Atlantis was a huge city, surrounded in diameter by two ditches and earthen ramparts. This was a kind of system that protected the city from floods. Plato said that the Atlanteans were skilled engineers and craftsmen. They created aircraft, high-speed sea vessels and even rockets. The entire valley consisted of extremely fertile lands, which, combined with the climate, made it possible to harvest crops up to four times a year. Hot springs bubbled out of the ground everywhere, feeding numerous luxurious gardens. The Atlanteans worshiped Poseidon, whose huge statues adorned the temples and the entrance to the harbor.

Over time, the inhabitants of Atlantis became arrogant and considered themselves equal to gods. They stopped worshiping higher powers and became mired in debauchery and idleness. In response, the gods sent them an earthquake and a destructive tsunami wave. According to Plato, Atlantis sank in one day. The author claimed that the majestic city is covered with a thick layer of silt and sand, so it is not possible to find it. A beautiful legend, isn't it? We can say that all the secrets of the ancient world are difficult to compare in importance with the opportunity to find a mysterious continent. Many would like to reveal to the world the truth about the mighty Atlanteans.

So did Atlantis really exist? Is it myth or reality that forms the basis of Plato's story? Let's try to figure it out. It is worth noting that in history there is not a single other mention of the Atlanteans, except for the descriptions of Plato. Moreover, he himself simply retold this legend, taking it from Solon’s diaries. He, in turn, read this tragic story on the columns of the ancient Egyptian temple in Sais. Do you think the Egyptians witnessed this story? Not at all. They also heard it from someone and captured it as a warning to subsequent generations. So no one on earth personally saw the Atlanteans and observed the death of their civilization. But any legend must have a real basis, which is why tireless seekers of ancient civilizations are constantly looking for Atlantis, relying on Plato’s description.

If we refer to the text of the ancient Greek author, we can assume that Atlantis sank approximately twelve thousand years ago, and it was located in the Strait of Gibraltar area. It is from here that the search for the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans starts, but in Plato’s text there are a lot of inconsistencies that prevent us from reducing the secrets of ancient civilizations by at least one. Now scientists have put forward about two thousand versions of the location of the mysterious Atlantis, but none of them, unfortunately, can be either confirmed or refuted.

The most common are two versions about the location of the island’s flooding, which researchers are working on. Some scientists refer to the fact that such a powerful civilization could only exist in the Mediterranean Sea, and the story of its death is an interpreted version of the terrible tragedy that unfolded after the explosion of a volcano on the island of Santorini. The explosion was equal to two hundred thousand atomic bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima. As a result, most of the island was flooded, and a tsunami with waves of more than two hundred meters almost completely destroyed the Minoan civilization. Recently, underwater near Santorini, the ruins of a fortress wall with a moat were found, reminiscent of Plato's descriptions. True, this catastrophe occurred much later than described by the ancient Greek author.

According to the second version, the wreckage of an ancient civilization is still located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. After recently conducting studies of soil from the seabed in the Azores region, scientists are convinced that this part of the Atlantic was once dry land and only sank under water as a result of natural disasters. By the way, it is the Azores Islands that are the top of a mountain range surrounding a flat plateau, on which scientists were able to see the ruins of some buildings. Expeditions to this area are being prepared in the near future, which may lead to sensational results.

The most ancient secret of the planet: the mystery of Antarctica

In parallel with the search for Atlantis, researchers are trying to unravel the mystery of Antarctica, which can tell the history of the world in a completely different way than we are used to. The secrets of the ancient world would be incomplete without legends about a once great people who lived in the center of the world on a very fertile land. These people cultivated the land and raised livestock, and their technology would be the envy of modern countries. One day, as a result of a natural disaster, a mysterious civilization had to leave its land and disperse throughout the world. Subsequently, the once flourishing country was covered in ice, and it hid its secrets for a long time.

Do you find some similarities with the story of Atlantis? So one researcher, Rand Flem-Ath, drew certain parallels that were previously considered inconsistencies in Plato’s texts and came to a sensational conclusion - Atlantis is nothing more than the ancient civilization of Antarctica. Do not rush to dismiss this theory; it has a lot of evidence.

For example, Flem-Ath started from Plato’s words that Atlantis was surrounded by a true ocean, and called the Mediterranean Sea just a bay. In addition, he argued that the Atlanteans could get through their continent to other continents, which is quite easy to imagine when looking at Antarctica from above. In the second half of the seventeenth century, a copy of an ancient map of Atlantis was released, which strikingly resembles the outlines of the ice-bound continent. The characteristics of the continent also speak in favor of this version, because Plato pointed out that the Atlanteans lived in mountainous areas high above sea level. Antarctica, according to the latest data, is located two thousand meters above sea level and has a rather uneven topography.

You may argue that Antarctica has been covered in ice for about fifty million years, so it could not possibly be the home of a mysterious civilization. But this statement is fundamentally incorrect. Scientists taking ice samples found the remains of a forest that dates back three million years. That is, during this period Antarctica was a prosperous land, as confirmed by maps of the continent created by a Turkish admiral in the mid-sixteenth century. Mountains, hills and rivers are depicted on them, and most of the points are almost perfectly aligned. This is amazing, because modern scientists can achieve such accuracy only with the help of high-tech instruments.

It is known that one of the Japanese emperors who lived in the six hundred and eighty-first year of our era ordered all the myths and legends of his people to be collected in one book. And there is a mention of a land located not far from the pole, where a powerful civilization that owned fire lived.

Now scientists claim that the ice in Antarctica is rapidly melting, so perhaps soon the secrets of ancient civilizations will be partially revealed. And we will learn at least a little about the mysterious people who lived on these lands several thousand years ago.

Strange skulls: amazing finds of archaeologists

Many archaeological finds baffle scientists. Unusually shaped skulls have become one of those mysteries that have no logical or scientific explanation. Nowadays, various museums and collections contain more than ninety skulls that only vaguely resemble human ones. Some of these finds are carefully hidden from the public eye, because if we recognize the existence of such unusual creatures on the planet in ancient times, then evolution and history will look new. Scientists cannot yet confirm the presence of alien guests among ancient civilizations, but it is also quite difficult for them to refute this fact.

For example, the scientific community does not explain in any way how the mysterious cone-shaped skull from Peru appeared. If we clarify this information, we can say that several similar skulls were found in Peru, and almost all of them are of the same shape. Initially, the find was perceived as an artificial deformation adopted by some peoples of the world. But literally after the first studies, it became clear that the skull was not artificially elongated with the help of special devices. It originally had this shape, and the isolated DNA generally created a sensation among scientists. The fact is that part of the DNA is not human and has no analogues among earthly creatures.

This information became the basis for the theory that some alien creatures lived among people and were directly involved in evolution. For example, a mysterious skull without a mouth is kept in the Vatican, and skulls with three eye sockets and horns have been found in different parts of the world. All this is difficult to explain, and often ends up on the farthest shelves of museums. But some scientists argue that it was aliens who initiated some selection of the human species, which led to today's homo sapiens. And the traditions of deforming your skull and drawing a third eye on your forehead were just memories of powerful gods who once lived freely and openly among people.

in Peru: objects that can change history

The Black Stones of Ica became one of the largest. These stones are round boulders of volcanic rock, on which are engraved various scenes from the life of some ancient civilization. The weight of the stones varies from several tens of grams to five hundred kilograms. And the largest specimen reached one and a half meters. What's strange about these findings? Yes, almost everything, but what is most striking is the drawings on these stones. They depict things that, according to scientists, simply could not happen. Many of the scenes on the Ica stones are dedicated to medical operations, with most of them described in stages. Among the operations, organ transplantation and brain transplantation are depicted in detail, which is still a fantastic procedure. Moreover, even postoperative rehabilitation of patients is described. Another group of stones depicts various dinosaurs interacting with humans. Modern scientists cannot even classify most animals; this raises a lot of questions. A special group includes stones with designs of unknown continents, space objects and aircraft. How could ancient people create such masterpieces? After all, they must have had incredible knowledge that our civilization still does not have.

Professor Javier Cabrera tried to answer this question. He collected about eleven thousand stones, and believed that there were at least fifty thousand of them in Peru. Cabrera's collection is the most extensive; he devoted his entire life to studying it and came to sensational conclusions. The Ica Stones are a library that tells about the life of an ancient civilization that freely explored space and knew about life on other planets. These people knew about the impending catastrophe in the form of a meteorite flying towards the Earth and left the planet, having previously created a group of stones that were supposed to become a source of information for descendants who survived the terrible events.

Many consider the stones to be fake, but Cabrera repeatedly sent them for research to various laboratories and managed to prove their authenticity. But scientists are still not working to study these incredible finds. Why? Who knows, but perhaps they are afraid to reveal the fact that human history has developed according to different laws and somewhere in the Universe we have our own blood brothers? Who knows?

Megaliths: who built these structures?

Megalithic buildings are scattered all over the world; these structures made of huge stone blocks (megaliths) have different shapes and architecture, but they all have some common characteristics that make us think that the construction technology was the same in all cases.

First of all, scientists are struck by the fact that there are no quarries anywhere near the massive structures that could serve as a source of material. This is especially noticeable in South America in the area of ​​Lake Titicaca, where scientists have found the Solar Temple and a whole group of megalithic structures. The weight of some blocks exceeds one hundred and twenty tons, and the thickness of the wall is more than three meters.

In addition, what is unusual is the fact that all the blocks have no traces of processing. They seem to have been carved with a tool from soft rock, which subsequently hardened. Each block was fitted closely to the other in a way that modern builders could not do. Everywhere in South America, archaeologists found incredible structures that each time presented scientists with a new set of mysteries. For example, on complex-shaped blocks found in the already mentioned Solar Temple, a calendar is depicted. But the month, according to his information, lasted a little more than twenty-four days, and the year was two hundred and ninety days. Incredibly, this calendar was compiled based on star observations, so scientists were able to establish that this structure dates back more than seventeen thousand years ago.

Other megalithic structures date back to other years, but science still cannot explain how these blocks were cut out of the rocks and transported to the construction site. These technologies remain unknown, as does the civilization that has such incredible capabilities.

Easter Island statues

The stone idols of the island also belong to megalithic structures. Their purpose raises only questions among archaeologists and historians. There are currently 887 moai known, as these figures are also called. They are located facing the water and looking somewhere into the distance. Why did the locals make these idols? The only plausible version is the ritual purpose of the figures, but their enormous size and number are out of the context of history. After all, usually two or three statues were installed for ritual purposes, but not several hundred.

Surprisingly, most of the idols are located on the slope of the volcano. The largest surviving figure stands here, weighing about two hundred tons and twenty-one meters high. What are these figures waiting for and why are absolutely all of them looking outside the island? Scientists cannot give any decent answer to this question.

Sunken pyramids: remnants of an underwater civilization or ruins of ancient cities?

Explorers of the deep sea have found underwater pyramids in different parts of the world. A group of similar structures was found in the USA on Rock Lake, at the bottom of the famous Bermuda Triangle, and recently the pyramids off Yonaguni Island in Japan have been actively discussed in the media.

This object was first discovered in the late eighties of the last century at a depth of thirty meters. The size of the pyramids simply amazed the imagination of scuba divers - one of the tallest buildings had a width of more than one hundred and eighty meters at the base. It's hard to believe that this was the work of human hands. Therefore, for many years, Japanese scientists have been arguing about the origin of these underwater pyramids.

Masaki Kimura, a famous researcher, adheres to the version that the pyramid was formed as a result of human activity. This version is confirmed by the following facts:

  • variety of shapes of stone blocks;
  • a nearby human head carved from stone;
  • traces of processing are visible on many blocks;
  • On some faces of the pyramid, ancient masters applied hieroglyphs unknown to modern science.

Now the approximate age of the pyramids dates from five thousand to ten thousand years. If the last figure is confirmed, then the Japanese pyramids will be much older than the famous Egyptian pyramid of Cheops.

Mysterious disk from Nebra

At the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, an extraordinary find fell into the hands of scientists - a stellar disk from Mittelberg. This seemingly simple subject turned out to be just a stepping stone on the path to understanding ancient civilizations.

The bronze disk was dug out of the ground by treasure hunters along with two swords and bracelets that were about eighteen thousand years old. Initially, they tried to sell the disk found near the city of Nebra, but ultimately it fell into the hands of the police and was handed over to scientists.

They began to study the find, and it revealed many incredible facts to archaeologists and historians. The disk itself is made of bronze, with gold plates depicting the sun, moon and stars on it. The seven stars clearly correspond to the Pleiades, which were important in determining the time of cultivation of the earth. Almost all peoples involved in agriculture were guided by them. The authenticity of the disk was immediately proven, but after some time scientists discovered its supposed purpose. A few kilometers from Nebra, an ancient observatory was found, the age of which exceeds all similar structures on the planet. The star disk, according to scientists, was used in many rituals at this observatory. Archaeologists theorize that it aided in observing the stars, was a drum for a shaman, and had a direct link to a similar observatory in Greece, pointing directly to its location.

Of course, scientists have just begun to study the mysterious subject and are in no hurry to draw final conclusions. But what they have already been able to learn suggests that ancient people had quite a deep knowledge of the world around them.


In this article we have not listed all the secrets of the ancient world. There are many more of them, and even more versions that reveal them. If you are interested in the mysteries of long-gone civilizations, then the book “Secrets of the Ancient World” written will be very interesting to you. The author tried to tell about the alternative history of mankind as it appears before the eyes of everyone who was able to accept the facts of the presence of unusual archaeological finds and buildings.

Of course, each person determines for himself what to believe and how to perceive information. But you must agree that the official history of mankind has too many blind spots to be the only correct one.

The mysteries of ancient civilizations have always worried humanity. And just now there are reports that warm objects have been discovered in all the Egyptian pyramids. Particularly impressive are the three stones at the base.

Egyptian pyramids

They are called mysteries because their occurrence cannot be explained from a scientific point of view. There are so many mysteries and unsolved secrets that we can only dwell on a few of them. For example, the same Egyptian pyramids, which seem to have been explored down to the centimeter, still raise a lot of questions.

The most important of them are who, for what purpose, and, most importantly, how they erected these structures, perfect from an engineering point of view, representing a complex and harmoniously built 48-story building. During the construction, technologies and tools were used that humanity does not possess even now.

Science develops - new mysteries appear

The mysteries are not explained by official science; moreover, it is hostile to any interference in its dogma. And humanity loves riddles and secrets, especially since they are found at every step. And the further science advances, the more questions arise. For example, with the advent of genetic engineering, it was proven that the DNA of dogs suggests that they were all artificially bred from wolves, which were skillfully converted into a human friend, and this happened no later than 40 thousand years BC.

Belief in Aliens

The main argument that the earth was never visited by aliens was the assertion that in this case they would have left the earthlings some significant evidence of their presence or even an appeal to the aborigines. However, people continue to look for evidence.

Mysterious city

In a word, the mysteries of ancient civilizations that official science cannot explain are not advertised. So in Pakistan, in the Indus Valley, Mohenjo-Daro stands a city with an amazing, almost modern layout and amenities. There was running water, public toilets, baths, food storage facilities, comfortable houses and a reasonable street layout. It was built simultaneously according to a pre-conceived design, and this all happened 2600 BC.

Mysteries of the Sumerians

It existed on earth, covered in secrets and consisting of continuous riddles. How did this miracle arise in wild, unsuitable places for life? Their writing has not yet been deciphered; what language they spoke is unknown. But what is known is that the Sumerians were familiar with metallurgy and were seriously involved in mathematics.

Humanity owes them the invention of the hour, minutes and seconds. They calculated that there are exactly 360 degrees in a circle. The Sumerians built buildings from baked bricks, erected aqueducts, and were familiar with astronomy. Are these not the mysteries of ancient civilizations? The rest of humanity on earth at that time was in its infancy.

Teotihuacan and Titicaca

There are also amazing and incomprehensible cities, for example, Teotihuacan, located 50 km from Mexico City. The exact date of its origin, the builders of this oldest city in the Western Hemisphere, their origin and language - nothing is known. What is known is that on the top there are quite large sheets of mica, which was used there not as decoration, but as protection from electromagnetic and radio waves.

Not a single list entitled “Riddles and secrets of ancient civilizations” is complete without mentioning Lake Titicaca, located in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. Located at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level, it is famous for the high technologies that were used here in the Stone Age. Highly productive agricultural zones were created using canals, dams and dams. In the construction of reclamation facilities, bronze was used, which could not have existed here at all.

Easter Island

And there are plenty of such inexplicable mysteries on the surface of the earth. But no less interesting and numerous are the mysteries of the dungeons of ancient civilizations. There are amazing mysterious dungeons in many places on the planet - many cities are full of them. But there are also very ancient ones, for example, the dungeons of Easter Island or the mysterious Maltese labyrinths. The multi-level and many-kilometer-long artificial caves of Easter Island were discovered quite recently. They stretch under the entire island, and no one knows what is at the very bottom. The researchers, among other things, only descended to a depth of 100 meters. Traces were found in 45 caves and the whole Easter Island with its strange sculptures that came from nowhere, looking into the sky, is one continuous puzzle of antiquity.

Underground territories

The mysteries of the dungeons of ancient civilizations are gradually being understood. Recently, scientists have comprehensively examined some objects, as a result of which underground cities were discovered in Altai, the Urals, Tien Shan, the Sahara and South America. Many of them were erected in ways completely unfamiliar to mankind. And this gives the right to claim that unknown civilizations existed underground. Examples include the underground city of Asgard in Peru, Kaymakli and Tatlarin in Turkey. One of the most famous is the 20-story Derinkuyu City, located in Turkey.

Under Ecuador and Peru there are also systems of tunnels and caves in which scientists have encountered the mysteries of ancient civilizations. The artifacts discovered here were two libraries: one of metal books, the second of crystal tables. And above, at the time to which these books belong, wild tribes lived without any written language!

Mayan civilization - a mystery of times and peoples

And, of course, the whole world is concerned about the mysteries of the ancient Mayan civilizations. There are only 50 basic unanswered questions. There are even statements that the Mayan mysteries should not be solved, because the consequences can be unpredictable. The Skull of Fate artifact, kept in the New York Museum, is, according to many, the most beautiful mystery of ancient history.

It was made by an unknown craftsman from a single piece of incredibly hard material, rock crystal, and is an absolute copy of a human skull. When a light source is directed into the nasal cavity, the entire skull begins to glow, and if the sun's rays are focused in the eye sockets, flames burst out from the open jaws. There is a legend that Hitler, an ardent admirer of everything mystical, believed that the owner of all 13 skulls would become the ruler of the world.

The knowledge of the Mayans is amazing; the tools they used to build houses and create a comfortable life are baffling. There is no need to talk about the Mayan calendar - it is a riddle of riddles. Anthropologists have no idea who they are. And naturally there is no answer to the main question: “Where did this civilization disappear, instantly by historical standards?”

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As you can see, the mysteries of the history of ancient civilizations will remain without intelligible answers for a long time. But the interest they generate is so great that it forces scientists to take a more systematic approach to solving these issues.

Archeology is a science that, due to its specificity, is designed to discover the unknown or long-forgotten. But there is forbidden archeology, the results of which are not disclosed. This is explained by the unpreparedness of the inhabitants of the planet to comprehend and accept them. Many scientific news contradict generally accepted concepts, and therefore remain for the public as “mysteries of history and archeology.” Ancient civilizations, under the pressure of scientists, and primarily archaeologists, are creakingly revealing their secrets. So the huge skeletons found in Ecuador in 2013 (six units with a height of 213 to 243 cm) were sent to Germany for thorough analysis.

Orthodox science offers us too flat a theory of how human civilization developed. They say that scientific and technological progress has been progressive - from stone tools to modern genetic engineering and digital developments. But what if our distant ancestors explored space long before Gagarin’s flight? After all, this is indicated by indirect evidence. In this article we will describe some of the most impressive secrets and mysteries of ancient civilizations. Sometimes these artifacts are hidden underground or under a layer of volcanic ash. But it also happens that traces of ancient civilizations are before our eyes, but we still cannot figure out their purpose and meaning. A striking example is Stonehenge. What guided our ancestors when they erected huge blocks of stone, several tons each, in a certain order? Was there a race of giants on the planet? And how did humanity come about? You will learn unconventional answers from our article.

Classification of mysteries of ancient civilizations

It was as if ancient people deliberately did everything so that their distant descendants would have something to puzzle over. Then they lived where living conditions were almost impossible - for example, in Antarctica. Then they erected gigantic structures, the meaning and purpose of which still remain a mystery. How ancient people could deliver stone blocks is also shrouded in mystery. Only in recent years has the secret of producing Roman concrete been revealed, which is stronger than modern building material. Often our ancestors left encrypted messages. Some of them were solved, others were not. It also remains a mystery why some cities remained abandoned for no apparent reason. And the countries of Lemuria and Atlantis disappeared from the face of the earth, but remained in historical documents. Did they ever exist, or are they still waiting in the wings under a layer of earth or in the depths of the sea, like the legendary Troy? Scientists are also haunted by some of the results of archaeological excavations that do not fit into the modern scientific paradigm. for example, the skeletons of giant people.

Series of books “Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations”

People are constantly attracted to unsolved mysteries. What can you do, it’s human nature. Therefore, the mysteries of history and archeology are of interest not only to scientists of this narrow profession, but also to a wide range of people. These unsolved mysteries have long gone beyond the scientific world. To satisfy the interest of the public, a series of books were published that summarized all the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Some of these opuses are more related to science fiction or esotericism. But among them there are also invaluable works.

I would like to draw the attention of the Russian-speaking reader to the book “Riddles of Ancient Civilizations”, published in two volumes by the Eksmo publishing house. Also interesting is the series of the same name from “Veche”. The books of this publishing house, among other things, also touch on the secrets of Ancient Rus'.

Secrets of history and archeology in cinema

Of course, in our century, the mysteries of the sudden disappearance of civilizations, strange artifacts found and inexplicable buildings of antiquity are actively played out in films. Many exciting films have been made on this topic. And some of them, alas, have nothing to do with the real story. But there are also quite solid documentaries. We can recommend watching the series filmed in the USA with Brit Eaton. This documentary is called “Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations.” He is trying to answer questions about many mysterious events of the distant past.

The documentary Ancient Alients, presented by the History Channel, examines the possibility of paleocontact from different angles and comprehensively. After all, it is somehow necessary to explain the gigantic structures of the ancients, the furrows in the fields that look like intricate drawings or runways, figurines of people in spacesuits, rock paintings that depict aerodynamic devices in detail, and much more.

What is "forbidden archaeology"

Over the last hundred years, many artifacts have been raised to the surface of the earth that cause, at the very least, bewilderment. And some of them, such as the imprint of a human hand in limestone that is 110 million years old, or iron nails falling out of a lump of coal, refute the teaching of orthodox science about the date of the origin of the species Homo sapiens. Such finds are hushed up, at least until scientists are able to give them a clear explanation. Some artifacts relate to the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Forbidden archeology hides from the public strange metal spheres with an engraving in the form of three parallel grooves encircling the entire ball. These small artifacts, which were found by South African miners in the Precambrian strata, are 2.8 billion years old! Strange stone balls of different diameters - from giant spheres to the size of a tennis ball - were found in the 30s of the last century in Costa Rica. A piece of metal pipe, made, according to rough estimates, 65 million years ago, does not fit into the scientific picture of the world.

Was there paleocontact?

Numerous “gadgets”, such as a battery from Baghdad, made two thousand years ago, or a spark plug from the mountains of California, 500 centuries old, as well as objects from the Tibetan village of Bayan-Kara-Ula, reminiscent of vinyl records with an encrypted message, suggest that the culprits of some of the mysteries of history are aliens. And ancient civilizations would not amaze us today with large-scale buildings and highly technical artifacts, if not for paleocontact with aliens. Do we see the imprint of a human palm in the layers of the Cambrian period? The burials of giant people more than two meters tall baffle archaeological scientists. By the way, not far from the Tibetan village where stone disks with encrypted messages were found, a cemetery was also discovered. The tallest skeleton in it is only 130 centimeters tall. The disproportionately large heads of the dead of this necropolis suggest that they belong to some other race.

Disappeared megacities

Not only small objects and bones present mysteries of history and archaeology. Ancient civilizations left behind a much more monumental mark. For example, abandoned cities. And the age of some of them dates back to the period when, according to scientists, people were supposed to wear skins and get their food by hunting and gathering. A prime example is Cahokia. According to Europeans, Indians lived in North America at the tribal stage of development. But the pre-Columbian metropolis of Cahokia shatters this claim. The city had a population of forty thousand people. This is more than the European capitals of that time. There were temples in the city, and objects found in excavations suggest that the inhabitants actively traded with tribes and peoples across the continent. But around the thirteenth century the city was suddenly abandoned. What caused this? Nobody knows this.

Search cities

The chronicles have left us riddles about ancient civilizations. Historical documents mention countries such as Atlantis and Lemuria, the cities of Troy and Acre. But where are they? Guided by indirect data and their own intuition, scientists managed to find the legendary Troy, sung by Homer, as well as Machu Picchu, lost in the mountains of Peru. And recently Acre was discovered. For the past fifty years, the foundations of this fortified city have rested peacefully under... a Jerusalem parking lot. It is known that Antiochus Epiphanes, who ruled in the second century BC, ordered the construction of Acre. This Syrian king forcibly Hellenized the population. He ordered the Jerusalem temple to be turned into a sanctuary of Zeus, which caused a riot among the Jews.

The Mystery of Atlantis

What cities are there! Entire disappeared countries are today mysteries of ancient civilizations for historians. Despite the discovery of a detailed map of the island country compiled by contemporaries, and Plato’s description of the capital of Atlantis, they are still looking for it. The chronicles indicate that it was located behind the “Pillars of Hercules”. What does this phrase mean? Is this geographical feature the Strait of Gibraltar, separating the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean? Where to look for a mysterious country? Some scientists are inclined to believe that Atlantis was one of the islands of the Canary archipelago. Others believe that the island went under water as a result of a natural disaster (volcanic eruption and associated tsunami) in the Mediterranean Sea. But the fact is that Atlantis was a country with a high level of development of culture and science.

Encrypted letters

Modern science imposes the opinion that ancient people first encoded information in drawings, then stylized them in the form of hieroglyphs. The alphabet is supposedly the highest development of writing. But the artifacts found refute this claim. Some inscriptions still remain mysteries of ancient civilizations. They can be decoded only if they are duplicated in other languages ​​understandable to scientists. A prime example is the Rosetta Stone.

On the basalt slab, the order of the Memphis priests was engraved in hieroglyphs, demotic and ancient Greek writing. Thanks to the last language known to linguists, the language of the Egyptians was deciphered. The secret of Jötunvöllur, the Scandinavian code, was recently revealed. It turns out that the Vikings knew writing, actively exchanged messages on tablets and made maps.


The mysteries of ancient civilizations also include the question of how they arose. Orthodox science speaks of the progressive development of technology. But the Hittite civilization completely contradicts this. It seemed to come out of nowhere - along with the ternary counting system, writing, arithmetic, a complex lunisolar calendar, brewing and other signs of a developed culture. At a time when in other parts of the earth human tribes were still hunting with stone-tipped spears, the Hittites erected the city-states of Ur, Eridu, Ushma, Kisi, Uruk, Lagash.

Six thousand years BC, this mysterious people knew the wheel, bronze, and fired brick. Moreover, deeper cultural layers do not indicate the progressive development of this culture. The Hittites came from somewhere and disappeared somewhere - and this is another mystery of the history of ancient civilizations.

Megalithic structures

Apparently, ancient people liked to carry heavy blocks over long distances. There is numerous evidence of this, scattered throughout the world - from Japan to Western Europe. The clearest evidence of megalithic civilization is Stonehenge, which is located on Salisbury Plain in Great Britain. More recently, it became clear that the stone blocks located around in a certain order are not the only monument of that era. Stonehenge is a visible part of a whole complex of similar structures. What was it: a pagan temple or an ancient astronomical observatory?

Scientists have yet to figure this out. The origin of the stone idols of Easter Island remains unclear. What about dolmens in different parts of the world? What about megaliths in Siberia? How many mysteries did the ancients leave us? And which of them can be solved?