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Theory of everything. Nikiforovsky District Court of the Tambov Region Baranovskaya Tatyana Ivanovna

Simultaneously with the creation of the Nikiforovsky district, the People's Court of the Nikiforovsky district was formed in July 1928. In December 1960, the reorganized Yurlovsky People's Court merged into the Nikiforovsky People's Court. The functions of the Yurlovsky People's Court began to be performed by the Nikiforovsky District People's Court.

All archival documents From 1941 to 1960, the Yurlovsky People's Court was transferred to the Nikiforovsky District People's Court, where they are currently located.

On December 26, 1962, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted the Decree “On the reorganization of regional, regional and district Councils of Working People’s Deputies according to the production principle.” On the basis of this Decree, the Nikiforovsky district was liquidated and merged with the Michurinsky district of the Tambov region. Accordingly, the functions of the Nikiforovsky District People's Court began to be performed by the Michurinsky District People's Court.

However, the reorganization of the Soviets into industrial and rural ones turned out to be insufficiently thought out and justified. On November 16, 1964, the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee adopted the Resolution “On the unification of industrial and rural regional organizations.” And then, on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated January 12, 1965 “On changes in the administrative-territorial division of the Tambov region”, by the decision of the Tambov Regional Executive Committee dated January 13, 1965, the districts were disaggregated. Among the restored areas are the Nikiforovsky district (center - the village of Dmitrievka), as well as the Nikiforovsky district people's court.

During its existence, the People's Court of the Nikiforovsky District repeatedly changed its subordination: from July 1928 to July 20, 1936 it was subordinate to the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR, from July 21, 1936 to March 1946 - to the People's Commissariat of Justice of the USSR, from March 1946 to June 1956 - to the Ministry of Justice of the USSR, from January 12, 1965 to September 24, 1970 - to the Supreme Court of the RSFSR, from September 25, 1970 - to the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR and the justice department of the Tambov Regional Executive Committee.

According to Federal law“On the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court Russian Federation» dated 01/08/1998 - management and control over the activities of the courts was entrusted to the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with this, in July 1998, the Office of the Judicial Department was formed in the Tambov region, to which the Nikiforovsky District Court is currently subordinate.

Place in the judicial system

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of December 31, 1996 No. 1-FKZ "On the Judicial System of the Russian Federation", district courts belong to the courts of the system of federal courts of general jurisdiction, being courts of the lowest level.

As a court of first instance, the district court hears all civil and criminal cases, with the exception of cases within the jurisdiction of higher courts and magistrates, as well as administrative cases within the jurisdiction of district courts, and cases of reinstatement. District courts, in particular, have jurisdiction over administrative cases of offenses entailing administrative punishment, which only a judge has the right to impose, proceedings for which are carried out in the form of an administrative investigation; cases entailing administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation; cases brought to court by the authorities and officials to whom the case was received.

In accordance with Article 21 1-FKZ, the district court is the directly superior court in relation to magistrates operating in the territory of the corresponding judicial district; it considers appeals against decisions of magistrates that have not entered into legal force.

Includes Administrative center Date of formation Head of the district

Danilkin Mikhail Nikolaevich

Chairman of the Council of Deputies

Shishkin Valery Nikolaevich

Population () Density Square Timezone Telephone code Auto code numbers

Nikiforovsky district- a municipal district in the west of the central part of the Tambov region of Russia.


The territory of the district occupies 1,191.4 km², including more than 90,000 hectares of agricultural land, of which about 65,000 hectares are arable land. The Polnoy Voronezh River flows through the region.

Evgeniy Podolsky worked in the Nikiforovsky district in 1990-1991. 1st Secretary of the Regional Committee of the CPSU, who published the book “How We Lived, How We Worked” in Tambov in 2000.

The writer and poet A. Ostroukhov, who graduated from the screenwriting department of VGIK and starred in the film, worked at the regional newspaper.

  1. Dmitrievskoe urban settlement
  2. Ekaterininskoye rural settlement
  3. Ozerskoe rural settlement
  4. Saburo-Pokrovskoye rural settlement
  5. Yurlovskoe rural settlement
  6. Yaroslavl rural settlement


The main directions of the economy are agricultural production and food industry. One of the largest sugar factories in the country is located in the region. Its capacity currently allows it to process about 7 thousand tons of sugar beets per day. Also in the regional center - the village of Dmitrievka - there are three elevators and a dairy shop. On July 7, 2009, a grain warehouse with a capacity of 240 thousand tons was launched in the region - the largest in Russia. It is planned to build a deep grain processing plant, an oilseed processing plant, and in the surrounding villages - another pig farm and a cattle fattening complex. In the village of Saburo-Pokrovskoye there is a bakery plant equipped with modern equipment. The soils in the region are thick chernozems. The main agricultural crops grown in the region are sugar beets, sunflowers, grains, fodder crops, horticulture and livestock farming are developed. The agricultural industry is represented by several large farms: Golitsyno OJSC for field cropping and dairy production, Tsentralnoye LLC, which operates a newly built pig farm and a powerful feed mill launched in July 2012, field farming enterprises Agrotechnologii LLC, Agro Vista Tambov LLC. , Brakhrosagro LLC, as well as a number of smaller agricultural production companies and a large number of farms, in addition to field farming, engaged in breeding sheep and dairy cattle. In 2012, the largest grain storage and processing elevator in the European part of Russia, and in the country as a whole, was opened in the regional center.


The South-Eastern Railway runs through the territory of the Nikiforovsky district, traffic along which was opened back in 1869. The largest stations are Nikiforovka and Saburovo, the distance between which is about 20 km.


In the village of Ekaterinino there is a large experimental agricultural station operating under the auspices of Academician N.I. Vavilov. Elite grain seeds are grown here, scientific work, collecting seeds of plants from the region is carried out. In the village of Ekaterinino there is a unique and beautiful living monument of nature - a dendrological park with an area of ​​about 40 hectares, founded in the 19th century by landowner A. Ushakov. It is declared a natural monument of national importance. There are more than 230 species of trees and shrubs in Catherine Park.

The historical monuments of the region include the so-called Tatar Wall, which at one time served as protection against raids by nomadic tribes and Tatar-Mongol cavalry. He was integral part a complex serif line stretching from Belgorod to Simbirsk, and is currently recognized as a unique monument of archeology, ancient fortification, history and nature. Now this monument is under state protection.

In the area, a park of regional significance in the village of Saburo-Pokrovskoye is known and protected by the state.

On the territory of the region there is a reserve "Polnovsky", created to restore the numbers of the brown hare (Lepus europaeus), gray partridge (Perdix perdix) and Russian muskrat (Desmana moschata).

In the regional center, work has begun on the construction of a new church to replace the existing Church of St. John the Evangelist, which is small and cramped.

Heroism of Nikiforovites

There are many heroic pages in the history of the region. Perhaps one of the most tragic is associated with the Great Patriotic War. More than 14 thousand Nikiforovites were drafted into the Red Army during the war. 6436 names of soldiers who did not return home are listed in the regional Book of Memory. They, like those who came home victoriously, fulfilled their duty as defenders of the Fatherland with honor. The whole country learned about the exploits of many of them. Five became Heroes of the Soviet Union - A. T. Makarov, I. I. Grishaev, A. N. Mikhin, N. Ya. Medvedev, E. V. Shkurdalov. Full holders of the Order of Glory are E. N. Koltyukov, I. M. Rastyapin, I. P. Ledenev. Over 6 thousand Nikiforovites were awarded orders and medals.

But victory was forged not only on the fronts. In the rear, people also performed feats, working with unprecedented effort. Almost 2.5 thousand Nikiforovites were awarded the medal “For valiant labor during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.”

Residents of the area provided all possible assistance to the hero-warriors with their hard work, their material assistance and care. Nikiforov residents unanimously supported the initiative of the workers of the Izberdeevsky district to raise funds for the construction of the “Tambov Collective Farmer” tank column. They collected 559 thousand rubles. Residents of the area donated 125,600 rubles for the construction of the squadron and armored trains.

Young people were not left out either. In 1943, Komsomol members of the region collected 98 thousand rubles for the construction of the Nikiforovsky Komsomolets torpedo boat. The sailors proudly carried the Soviet naval flag in the waters of the Baltic. They accounted for several sunk enemy ships and transports.

In the first years of the war, the First Guards and Third Long-Range Aviation Regiments were based at the airfield in Nikiforovka. Residents of the area provided all possible assistance to the pilots and did everything for the normal functioning of the airfield. One of the pilots of the 1st air regiment, A.N., writes about this in his memoirs. Bodnar.


  • Evgeny Podolsky. How we lived, how we worked. - Tambov, 2000.
  • Vladimir Bashkankov. Memorable and historical places in the village of Saburo-Pokrovskoye. - Tambov, 2005.
  • Alexander Bodnar. About time and about myself. - Tambov, 2004.