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Topic on the topic of the environment. Environmental Problems

A short essay about environmental problems and its protection.

Environment is our home, that needs to be treated well or we risk loosing it.

What do we mean when we talk about environment?

First of all we pay attention to its problems.

Main environmental problems are air pollution, global warming, energy crisis, deforestation, endangered species etc.

Any of them concerns each of us because we live on the one planet.

Air pollution is a problem of big cities. It causes by increasing number of cars and waste of industrial plants and factories.

As result it turns into destroying the ozone layer and global warming, having a bad effect on the climate of Earth.

Another big environmental problem is the growth of Earth’s population. It causes energy crisis and lack of food and mineral recourses. In the future the problem will grow worse if people do not find ways to use the alternative power like solar, for example, or learn how to stop Third World hunger.

One more of the actual problems are deforestation and illegal hunting. Both mean to leave our planet without its main recourses – flora and fauna.

These problems are global but we can help to save the planet by taking care of our local environment.

Translation of an essay on the environment

The environment is our home, which must be taken care of, otherwise we risk losing it.

What do we mean when we talk about the environment?

First of all, we paid attention to her problems.

The major environmental issues are air pollution, global warming, energy crisis, deforestation, endangered species, etc.

Any of them concerns each of us, because we live on the same planet.

Air pollution is a problem in big cities. Caused by an increase in the number of cars and waste from industrial plants and factories.

As a result, the ozone layer is destroyed and global warming occurs, which has a negative impact on the Earth's climate.

Another big environmental problem is the growth of the world's population. This causes an energy crisis, food and mineral shortages. This problem will get worse in the future unless people find ways to use alternative energy sources, such as the sun, for example, or learn how to stop hunger in third world countries.

Two more pressing problems are deforestation and poaching. These factors threaten to leave our planet without its main resources - flora and fauna.

These problems are global, but we can help save the planet by taking care of the environment.

Key Words:
pollution, environment, the ozone layer, global warming, acid rain, car exhaust fumes, dumping industrial waste in seas and rivers, aerosol can, CFCs, to recycle, natural resources, human resources.

Important definitions of the key words:
People are more worried about the environment(the air, water, and land around us) as a result of the harmful (dangerous/damaging) effects of human activity. Some of these activities cause pollution(dirty air, land and water) and some are destroying the environment (damaging it so badly that soon parts will not exist).
The Greens is a short name of the organization called Green Peace. It "s an international organization whose members work actively to protect the environment from damage caused by industrial processes or military activities. It is known especially for using its own boats to try to prevent governments from testing nuclear weapons, to prevent companies from pouring poisonous chemicals into the sea, and to try to save whales and other sea animals from being killed.

Here are some of the problems:

  • the ozone layer: a layer of gases. It stops harmful radiation from the sun reaching the earth; recent research shows that there is now a hole in parts of the ozone layer;
  • global warming: an increase in world temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide;
  • acid rain: rain that contains dangerous chemicals; this is caused by smoke from factories;
  • smoke from factories;
  • car exhaust fumes;
  • dumping(throwing away) industrial waste(unwanted material) in seas and rivers;
  • aerosol cans(usually called sprays); some of these contain CFCs(a chemical) which can damage the ozone layer;
  • cutting down tropical rainforests(e.g. The Amazon); this increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

How can we help?

  • Don"t throw away bottles, newspapers, etc. Take them to a bottle bank or newspaper bank, and then they can be recycled(used again).
  • Plant more trees.
  • Don't waste (use badly) resources, e.g. water, gas. Try to save them.
  • Note: a resource is a possession valuable. There are natural resources, e.g. water or gold; and human resources, e.g. knowledge and skills. The word is usually plural.

The given text is a sample text and we recommend you to use it while getting ready with your own stories on the topic.

Environmental Protection.

Economists have long thought of the environment as an unlimited source of resources. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with the environment but with the industrial revolution our negative influence on Nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of steaming, polluting plants and factories can be found nowadays all over the world. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the fields where our crops are grown.
There are many consequences of damaging the environment. One of them is "acid rain". Cars with their engines and factories have become the main source of air pollution in industrial areas. When factories send gases and chemicals into the air, they mix and the mixture is carried for hundreds of miles by the wind and finally, it falls back to earth. This "acid rain" kills fish and trees and slowly it kills everything.
Another consequence is destroying the ozone layer of the Earth.
The third problem is damage to wildlife. Vast forests are cut down in Africa, South America and Asia for the needs of industries in Europe and in the USA. As a result, some species of animals, birds, fish and plants have disappeared and keep disappearing.
Another problem is damage to water and soils. Dumping wastes into lakes, rivers, seas and oceans causes water pollution. Harmful wastes may also get into the soil or drain off fields that have been sprayed with pesticides.
There is another aspect of the environmental problem, the importance and urgency of which is steadily growing. How the country disposes of its waste may have a major effect on its future and the future of the world, too. Recycling waste and rubbish receives ever-greater care in Europe. Cans, paper and empty bottles and other things we call rubbish are accumulated in every home. Recycling process has double effect, the other part of it being - saving energy, which would have been necessary for producing new things.
In Russia and the former Soviet republics there are some areas where the environment is in a poor state. Some of them are the Aral Sea, Lake Baikal, the Kuzbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl. Cotton growing in the region of the Aral Sea has used huge quantities of water, and the level of the sea has fallen by 14 yards. For decades nuclear weapons were tested near Semipalatinsk, and the ground is contaminated with radiation there. More than twenty years ago a pulp-and-paper factory was built on the shore of Lake Baikal. As a result of the pollution, more than 50 per cent of the world's purest water has been ruined. The whole ecological system of the lake has changed greatly. After the disaster in Chernobyl the inhabitants of the nearby towns and villages had to be evacuated. Some of them died and some became invalid.
Problems of environment are no longer problems of one particular country or one particular region of a country.
One of the most serious environmental problems in large cities in Britain is sick fog, which the British so often have in autumn and in winter. In London the fog is sometimes so thick that cars run into one another. For many centuries, during the cold time of the year, the English people used coal in their fireplaces in private houses, though smoke from factories contributed a great deal to the trouble too. This kind of fog the English people used to call smog. Unusually thick smog in London in 1962 caused the death of some 4000 people. A Clean Air Act was passed in 1956, which prohibited the use of open coal fires at homes and in the city area.
Today, many scientists and ordinary people realize that the Earth is in danger. Either we stop killing the Earth or we kill ourselves. The protection of the environment is a universal concern. Active measures should be taken to create an international system of environmental security. Some progress has been made in this direction. Many people belong to Green organizations in countries all over the world. Groups like "Green Peace" have already helped to stop some animals hunting but there are so many things to be done on our planet and our life on the Earth depends only on ourselves.

Tasks and tests on the topic "Topic 12. "Pollution and the Environment"."

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    In brackets you will find explanations for some words and expressions; they are given in English so that you get used to using the English-English (explanatory) dictionary. This will help you increase your vocabulary and develop understanding.

    Key words and expressions need to be written down in a notebook and learned. It is also useful to learn by heart entire sentences in which grammatical structures or idiomatic expressions are new to you.

    The text "Environmental Protection" will help you understand the current environmental situation and the state of affairs in the field of environmental protection and it will be easier for you to complete tasks.

    Tasks for topic 12 include exercises both on knowledge of key words and expressions, and on the development of conversational skills and the ability to express one’s opinion on this issue.

I think that Russia is one of the dirtiest countries in the world. In Russia almost every family has a car. And fumes of cars are very dangerous. Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted.

I believe that one day someone will invent energy that hasn’t fumes. Or people will use renewable energy, for example solar energy, wind energy or hydro-electric dams. I know that these energies aren't so powerful, but we can use it sometimes, for example for cookers.

I think that right now we need new energy, because oil and coal are disappearing. All countries will be in the economic crisis, if we don’t find new energy!

I know that the world is getting hotter because of us! When the sun shines, everything gets hot and the dirt stops the hot air from going up to the sky. Because the hot air has nowhere to go, everything gets hotter.

Our world is warmer than it was one hundred years ago. Hot countries may become drier and the people who live there won’t be able to grow enough food. Ice in cold areas is changing to water because of higher temperatures. When this happens, the sea levels become bigger. Some towns near the sea may have a problem soon.

We can help if we stop making the air dirty but we must do something fast!

In addition, not many people understand that they are polluting environment. They are dropping litter on the streets. In my opinion drop litter or rubbish in the dustbin isn’t hard it’s easy.

I think that there must be a group of people who will follow the people whodrop litter in the streets. Finally there must be more bins in the streets. And, of course, don’t cut down trees!!! Grow trees, they clean the air!

I’m sure everything is in the hands of people. I call up: Protect environment, save nature!

I always drop litter in bins and call up my friends to do the same. Maybe when I grow up somebody will have already invented clean and powerful energy.



I think that Russia is one of the most polluted countries in the world. In Russia, most families have a car. The average family often has two or more cars. And the exhaust from cars is very dangerous. Our factories, cars, trains and planes make the air dirty, so the atmosphere is polluted.

I believe that someone will invent energy that has no emissions. Or people would use renewable energy, such as solar power, wind power, or hydroelectric power. I know that these energies are not so powerful, but we can use them for groups of things, for example for stoves, solar energy has been used, etc.

I think we need new energy right now because oil and coal are disappearing. All countries will be in economic crisis if we don't find new energy!

I know the world is getting hotter because of us! When the sun shines, everything becomes hot, and dirt prevents the hot air from reaching the sky. Since the hot air has nowhere to go, everything gets hotter.

Our world is already becoming warmer than it was a hundred years ago. Hot countries may become drier, and those living in them will not be able to grow enough food. Ice in cold places will change to water, the reason is high temperatures. When this happens, sea levels will rise. Some cities near the sea may have a problem soon.

We can help if we stop polluting the air, but we have to do something fast!

In addition, few people realize that they are polluting the environment. They throw garbage on the streets. In my opinion, throwing garbage into the trash can is not difficult - it's simple.

I think there must have been a group of people who observed people throwing garbage on the streets. Finally, let's put more trash cans on the streets. And, of course, do not cut down trees!!! Grow trees, they clean the air!

I am sure that everything is in the hands of man. I urge: Protect the environment, save nature!

I always throw trash in trash cans and encourage my friends to do the same. Perhaps, when I grow up, someone will already invent clean and powerful energy.


Slepchenko Anzhelika

The topic “Environmental protection” in English will introduce you to good phrases and expressions that will subsequently allow you to speak out on this topic.

Our planet is in danger. It becomes more and more polluted every year. In addition, the ozone layer becomes thinner and this may lead to many phenomena, like acid rains, that may destroy our planet and our lives.

And we all know that the main reason why the Earth suffers is us. We pollute the air, the water; cause the extinction of animals and plants. However, we are still capable of saving our planet and species we share it with.

There are several measures we may implement. First of all, we should not throw any garbage and all countries must work the system of recycling garbage out. If we all get used to sorting it, we will simplify the process of recycling.

In addition, we may use modern technologies to invent a new kind of petrol to substitute oil with it. We can also try to use cars less and walk or ride a bicycle to move around the city.

In order to save animals, we must protect them better from poachers: build national parks, organize special groups and funds which will take care of animals and find investors to supply our wild neighbors with food. We should also breed animals not to let any species disappear.

Moreover, more trees, bushes, flowers must be planted. They clean the air and serve as a home for many animals, birds, and insects.

Summing up, we have the power to make the Earth a better place to live and we must use this power to prevent the damage we inflict by our modern activities.


Our planet is in danger. Every year it becomes more and more polluted. Moreover, the ozone layer is depleting, which can lead to many phenomena such as acid rain that can destroy our planet and our lives.

And we all know that we are the main reason why the Earth is suffering. We pollute the air, water, and provoke the extinction of animals and plants. However, we can still save our planet and the species we share it with.

There are a number of measures we could take. First of all, we should not throw garbage and all countries should develop a recycling system. If we all get used to sorting garbage, we will simplify the recycling process.

Moreover, we could use modern technology to create a fuel that would replace gasoline. We can also try to drive less, walk more, or bike around the city.

In order to save animals, we must protect them more thoroughly from poachers: build nature reserves, organize special groups and funds that would care for animals and find investors to provide our wild “neighbors” with food. In addition, we should breed animals so that no species can become extinct.

More trees, bushes and flowers should also be planted. They purify the air and serve as a home for many animals, birds and insects.

In summary, we have the power to transform the Earth into a better place to live, and we must use this power to prevent the harm we are causing through modern activities.

Useful phrases and words:

Acid rain - acid rain

To suffer - to suffer

Extinction - extinction

Species – species, individual

To implement measures - take measures

To work out - to work out

Petrol - fuel

Poacher - poacher

To inflict damage - cause harm/damage

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will help you! Good luck!

Topic: Types of pollution

Topic: Types of pollution

Nowadays nature of the Earth is strongly influenced by people. Of course, it is a fact, that human beings inhabit only the one tenth part of the land of our planet and there are places with extremely severe conditions for a comfortable life. But even there, in Amazonia, or in the Siberian wilderness the harmful impact of human life is detected by scientists. It seems rather strange, but huge metropolises, enormous plants, different goods of civilization; people began to be committed to life in pure nature. Developed countries move harmful productions to the third world countries, residents of big cities try to purchase cottages far from . Anyway, the mankind has finally realized that pollution must be stopped or reduced, or sooner or later we will have to search for another planet to live on.

Currently, the nature of the Earth is highly dependent on people. Of course, it is a fact that human beings live on only one tenth of the land area of ​​our planet and there are places with extremely difficult conditions for a comfortable life. But even there, in the Amazon, or in the Siberian wilderness, the harmful effects of human life have been discovered by scientists. It seems quite strange, but having created huge megacities, huge factories, various benefits of civilization, people began to strive for life in pure nature. Developed countries are moving hazardous industries to third world countries, residents of big cities are trying to buy cottages away from noisy cities. Either way, humanity has finally realized that pollution must be stopped or reduced, or sooner or later we will have to find another planet to live on.

Let’s study what kinds of pollution exist and to help the Earth. four types of pollution: air, water, soil. All of them are harmful enough to cause different diseases and to destroy ecological systems. These types are strongly connected to each other, and it is likely to observe the territory where all the variety is represented. But, anyway, let’s talk about each of them separately.

Let's figure out what types of pollution exist and what we can do to help the Earth. It is believed that there are four types of environmental pollution: air, water, soil and noise pollution. All of them are harmful enough to cause various diseases and destroy ecological systems. These types are closely related to each other, and it is quite common to observe an area where all the diversity is represented. But, one way or another, let's talk about each of them separately.

The first one is air pollution. Air is a substance we can’t live without. Our atmosphere consists of oxygen, ozone and carbon dioxide in a certain proportion. This proportion is ideal for healthy and comfortable breath and it shouldn’t be changed. Various contaminants in air violate the percentage of gases and add poisonous impurities. One of the most widely known drawbacks of air pollution is stratospheric ozone depletion, due to which the climate of our planet changes and terrible natural disasters happen more frequently. The major sources of pollution in big cities are. Sulfur oxides may cause acid rains and many other bad things. Various plants and power stations exhaust harmful gases; excrete toxic metals, radioactive pollutants and ammonia. Accidents on manufactories and plants increase the pollution a million times. There is a solution for these problems: people should ecologically friendly fuels, on factory chimneys accidents.

The first is air pollution. Air is a substance without which we cannot live. Our atmosphere consists of oxygen, ozone and carbon dioxide in a certain proportion. This proportion is ideal for healthy and comfortable breathing and should not be changed. Various air pollutants disrupt the percentage of gases and add toxic impurities. One of the most widely known disadvantages of air pollution is the depletion of the ozone layer, which causes our planet's climate to change and cause terrible natural disasters. The main source of pollution in big cities is automobile gases. Sulfur oxides can cause acid rain and a variety of other bad things. Various factories and power plants emit harmful gases, toxic metals, radioactive pollutants and ammonia. Accidents in factories and factories increase pollution a million times. There is a solution to these problems: people should start using environmentally friendly fuels, install filter systems on factory pipes and prevent accidents.

Water pollution is an important problem to solve too. Life is impossible without clean water. Stocks of pure water on the Earth decrease very fast. Water pollution is also dangerous because it ruins not only the water bodies, and living creatures around it. Firstly, in rivers, lakes and oceans, like plastic bottles, paper and other things. Ship wrecks add trash to water areas. Secondly, products of oil refinement may cause a disastrous effect to water. In the place of an oil spill there is a thin membrane that doesn’t allow water to breathe and kills birds and other animals. A great number of plants and sewerage systems drain waste directly into the water bodies. According to the rules, all these organizations must build cleaning facilities, and people must utilize their wastes.

Water pollution is an important issue to solve. Life is impossible without clean water. The supply of clean water on Earth is decreasing very quickly. Water pollution is also dangerous because it destroys not only water bodies, but also all the vegetation and living creatures around it. Firstly, there is a lot of garbage in rivers, lakes and oceans, like plastic bottles, paper and others. Ship wrecks add debris to the waters. Secondly, petroleum products can cause catastrophic consequences for the surface of the water. At the site of an oil spill, there is a thin membrane that does not allow the water to “breathe” and kills birds and other animals. A large number of plants and sewer systems discharge waste directly into water bodies. According to the rules, all these organizations must build sewage treatment plants and people must dispose of their waste.

Soil pollution is represented by buried nuclear wastes, chemical pollution and agricultural impacts. and for people’s health after contact with such soil or after eating products that were cultivated on the polluted territory. There is also a problem of uncontrolled dumpsites that stretch over several kilometers near almost every city of the world. Scientists have invented a lot of methods to clean polluted soil. Phytoremediation, aeration and dredging are among them.

Soil pollution is represented by nuclear waste disposal, chemical pollution and agricultural impacts. As a result, Badlands appear and there is a risk to public health after contact with such soil or after eating food that is grown in a contaminated area. There is also the problem of uncontrolled landfills, which stretch for several kilometers near almost every city in the world. Scientists have invented many ways to clean up contaminated soils. Phytoremediation, aeration and work to remove contaminated soil layers are among them.