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Creative potential of labor resources as a factor of competitiveness. Basic Research

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Khlopova Tatyana Vladimirovna. Development of labor potential and increasing the competitiveness of enterprise personnel: dissertation... Doctor of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. - Irkutsk, 2004. - 367 p. : ill. RSL OD,

Introduction 4


1.1. Comparative analysis of theoretical approaches to determining labor potential 20

1.2. The enterprise as a determining structural level in the development of labor potential 37

1.3. The structure of labor potential from the standpoint of opportunities and motivation of workers to increase their competitiveness 49

1.4. The role and importance of workers’ competitiveness in the system of labor potential development 71


2.1. Socio-economic content of the concept of “competitiveness” 88

2.2. Employee competitiveness as a socio-economic phenomenon 100

2.3. Features of the relationship between the competitiveness of an employee and the competitiveness of enterprise personnel 115


3.1. Scientific and technical component of the development of labor potential 129

3.2 Organizational and economic environment for the development of labor potential 140

3.3. Demographic and socio-economic determinants of labor potential development 155

3.4. Development of labor potential in the context of transformation of the value system of society 171

3.5. Interrelation of factors determining the dynamics of competitiveness and development of labor potential 186


4.1. Methodology and empirical basis of the study 200

4.2. Expert assessment of the labor potential of enterprise employees 213

4.3 Analysis of the influence of labor potential characteristics on employees’ self-assessment of the level of their own competitiveness 225

4.4. The system of training and advanced training of personnel is a condition for increasing the competitiveness of enterprise employees.. 238


5.1. Conceptual approaches to the formation of competitive personnel of enterprises 254

5.2. Monitoring the level of development of labor potential as a comprehensive system for monitoring and managing personnel competitiveness 269

5.3. Methodology for rapid assessment of compliance of the level of development of the enterprise’s labor potential with the requirements of the competitive environment... 282

Conclusion 294

Bibliography 303


Introduction to the work

The economy of society is a complex system, one of the sensitive points of which is labor potential. It is no coincidence that in the context of the transformation of the Russian economy, the reorganization of the entire economic system, it is labor problems and, in particular, the problems of developing labor potential that become particularly acute and relevant. The degree and direction of impact on the labor potential of workers largely determines the vector of economic development of both an individual enterprise, industry, and the country as a whole.

Modern conditions for the stabilization and revival of industrial production are characterized by increased competition in the market for goods and services, which necessitates the need for manufacturing enterprises to increase their competitiveness. At the same time, the analysis of the problem of competitiveness of Russian enterprises mainly affects two areas: technology and methods of organizing production.

Indeed, today it is already quite obvious that achieving the competitiveness of an enterprise and its products, both on the Russian and world markets, is inconceivable without technical and technological renewal of production, without the use of progressive, highly efficient methods of organizing production processes. In addition, in recent years, the problems of ensuring production safety and environmental friendliness have sharply worsened. The compliance of the technologies used with the increased requirements according to these criteria has largely begun to determine the level of competitiveness of domestic enterprises.

At the same time, the effect of any changes in the enterprise, be it the introduction of new technologies or progressive organizational and economic transformations, can only be achieved with appropriate reinforcement by human resources. That is, the implementation of the concept of economic development is possible only if there is an adequate increase in material, technical and labor potential. People represent the competitive wealth of an enterprise, which must be developed together with other resources in order to achieve strategic goals. Today, all over the world, the competitiveness of an enterprise, along with technologies and methods of organizing production, is determined by the provision of qualified labor, the degree of motivation of personnel, organizational structures and forms of work that allow achieving a high level of competitiveness of employees and more effectively using their labor potential. Thus, only at the intersection of three components (competitive technologies, competitive methods of organizing production and labor, competitive personnel) is it possible to achieve the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole, which, in turn, is the key to its effective operation.

The problem of developing labor potential is no less relevant at the level of an individual employee. Changes occurring in the economy and politics at different levels of management, on the one hand, create great opportunities for personal development, on the other hand, they pose serious threats to the sustainability of human existence and introduce a significant degree of uncertainty into his life. The market, while creating a flexible system of motivational mechanisms for intensive and highly productive work, at the same time does not guarantee the right to work, income, education, social protection, health, etc. Today, state guarantees of employment and social protection are almost completely absent, support has been significantly weakened state in terms of improving professional skills, promoting health, and solving everyday problems. In such conditions, the degree of social sustainability of individual workers, as well as social and professional groups working in the reformed labor market (within the enterprise and outside it), determined primarily by the level of their competitiveness, largely depends on the development of certain qualitative characteristics of labor potential among workers.

A high level of employee competitiveness, on the one hand, is one of the conditions for the effective operation of an enterprise. On the other hand, it provides its owners with a certain level of personal economic security and social stability. Efficiently operating, competitive enterprises are the key to an economically efficient state, which, in turn, is the fundamental basis for the country’s economic security.

Thus, the task of developing labor potential is not only in the area of ​​labor relations, but directly relates to the problem of national security.

The economic aspects of national security are currently receiving special attention, since they are directly related to both the protection of national interests and the success of economic policy as a whole. Without ensuring economic security at all levels (individual, enterprise, society), it is almost impossible to solve any of the problems facing the country, both at the domestic and international levels. Labor potential is a subjective factor in ensuring the economic component of the country's national security. This component (as well as any other: environmental, military, technological, domestic and foreign policy) is based on two points:

Objective, related to financial, technical capabilities;

Subjective, associated with the human factor, with the level of development and the degree of use of the labor potential of people working in the relevant field.

A low level of development of labor potential, underutilization or irrational use of it at any level poses no less a serious threat to economic interests and national security in general than natural disasters, threats of a global and transnational nature.

The problem of developing labor potential is not only very relevant, but also very complex both in theoretical, methodological and methodological terms. The work of academic economists and sociologists has been devoted to the study of this problem at different levels for several decades.

At the level of society, the works of SV are devoted to the study of the patterns of formation, development and use. Andreeva, E. G. Antosenkova, B. Breeva, N.A. Volgina, A.Z. Gilmanova, V.D. Egorova, Yu.M. Zabrodina, R.P. Kolosova, V.G. Kostakova, I.S. Maslova, N.I. Rimashevskaya, V.K. Samatova, M.I. Skarzhinsky, A.I. Tyazhov and others.

Research by V.V. Voronina, V.A. Dyatlova, N.V. Krotova, D.L. Mikhailina, M.V. Moskaleva, D.V. Chudinov contain a sectoral approach to the problem of developing labor potential.

The territorial approach to the study of this problem dominates in the works of E.V. Bykova, M.A. Vinokurova, O.E. Ezhova, O.A. Kozlova, A.B. Kurbaniyazova, M.M. Magomedova, Z.S. Pashaeva, S.N. Rubtsova, E.N. Sagindikova, N.M. Tokarskaya, B.L. Tokarsky, L.D. Tyulicheva, S.Yu. Yurpalova, L.E. Yufereva. Some studies of the labor potential of territories are devoted to the study of its development within the framework of territorial production complexes (T.V. Blinova, A.M. Kabushko, A.S. Pankratova).

No less important is the study of the processes of development of labor potential at the enterprise level, which is reflected in the scientific research of P.V. Zhuravleva, I.A. Nikitina, Yu.G. Odegova, V.K. Potemkina, SV. Ra-chek, M. Huchek and others.

Various aspects of the problem of developing professional qualifications, motivational and other characteristics of workers are considered within the framework of the concept of human capital in the works of G. Becker, T. Schultz, P. Saviotti, S. Goldin, O. Nordhaug and others.

During the period of economic reforms in Russia, the need for theoretical research and practical development of the problem of worker competitiveness has increased. Various aspects of this problem are addressed in the works of A.B. Alexandrova, M. Bakumenko, V. Golodnenko, L. Ivanovskaya, E.N. Ilyashenko, A. Krotova, S.V. Kuznetsova, L.G. Milyaeva, V.A. Perepelkina, T.P. Smirnova, I. Soboleva, N. Suslova, V.V. Tomilova, D.F. Frolov, T. Chetverina, N. Shabapina and others.

At the same time, despite the variety of approaches to the study of labor potential, the relationship between the level of development of the components of workers’ labor potential and their competitiveness has been practically not studied.

It seems necessary to consider a complex of factors that determine the nature and development trends of the components of labor potential, their influence on the level of competitiveness of workers of various categories and socio-professional groups. The use of a systematic approach made it possible to identify the organic relationship between the level of competitiveness of employees and the direction of development of the labor potential of the enterprise personnel.

The purpose of the dissertation research is the development of theoretical ideas about the essence of labor potential and the competitiveness of workers, the development of theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation and development of competitive personnel based on identifying the relationship between the competitiveness of workers and the level of development of their labor potential.

Achieving this goal determined the formulation and solution of the following research tasks:

Conduct a comparative analysis of scientific approaches to defining categories that reflect the possibilities of human participation in work, to clarify and define the concepts of “employee labor potential”, “enterprise labor potential”, “employee competitiveness”, “competitiveness of enterprise personnel”.

Formulate a theoretical idea of ​​the structure of labor potential, the structure of the components of competitiveness of enterprise personnel and individual employees, their characteristics and relationships.

To identify the general principles of the labor potential development system, to substantiate the motivational significance of workers’ competitiveness based on an analysis of the objective and subjective elements of the system.

Identify the system of factors that determine the development of labor potential and the features of their action during the period of the administrative-command economy and modern Russia.

Determine the nature of the dynamics of the components of labor potential under the influence of a complex of factors.

Develop and test a methodology for assessing the labor potential of enterprise employees.

Conduct a study of the level of development of workers' labor potential (using the example of petrochemical enterprises) and the factors determining this process.

To analyze the competitiveness of employees of various social and professional groups and the nature of the influence of the level of development of the components of labor potential on employees’ self-assessment of their competitiveness.

Develop methodological approaches to the formation of competitive personnel of enterprises.

The object of the dissertation research is the labor potential of workers, as well as the system of factors that determine the development of the labor potential of enterprise employees.

The subject of the study is the process of development of the labor potential of an enterprise and individual employees under the influence of a system of factors, the influence of the components of labor potential on the competitiveness of workers.

The most significant results of the dissertation research. In accordance with the specific goals and objectives of the dissertation work, based on the study of scientific approaches to the study of the process of development of labor potential at different levels, competitiveness as an integral characteristic of a worker’s labor potential, trends and problems in the development of labor potential under the influence of a combination of factors, as well as the author’s own research the following results were obtained:

1. Modern theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of labor potential have been supplemented based on clarification of the structure of labor potential, the content of its main components, and the theoretical justification of the system for the development of labor potential. The reasons for the need to transition to the concept of development of labor potential in the direction of increasing the level of competitiveness at all structural levels are substantiated. The goals of developing labor potential at different levels are differentiated. The dual nature of the development of labor potential at various levels and the determining influence of the production level (enterprise level) on the development of the labor potential of workers in accordance with the requirements of the competitive environment have been proven.

2. Theoretical approaches to determining competitiveness have been systematized. The importance of workers' competitiveness in shaping the competitiveness of economic entities at different levels is substantiated. The structure of competitive advantages (objective and subjective) that determine the level of competitiveness of enterprise personnel is determined. The importance of the internal organizational environment for maintaining its competitiveness is substantiated.

3. The influence of scientific, technical, organizational, economic, socio-economic and cultural factors on the development of labor potential in a competitive environment has been identified and structured according to the level of impact. The nature of the action of various groups of factors on psychophysiological, professional qualification, motivational and corporate components of labor potential is revealed.

4. The level of development of the labor potential of workers of various categories of personnel and the degree of its compliance with the requirements of the competitive environment were determined based on adaptation of existing methods and conducting a comprehensive study using the example of large petrochemical enterprises located in the Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and Moscow regions. The predominant influence of institutional factors on the level of development of the labor potential of individual workers and the competitiveness of enterprise personnel has been proven.

5. Features of the competitiveness of workers of various categories and social and professional groups have been identified. Four groups of workers have been identified with different levels of internal and external competitiveness (“high-high”, “high-low”, “low-high”, “low-low”). The dependence of the internal and external competitiveness of employees on the status of the enterprise in the region is determined.

6. The positive and negative influence of scientific, technical, organizational, economic, socio-economic and cultural factors on the components of the labor potential of workers has been systematized. Features of the impact on the components of labor potential of organizational and economic factors of a structural and transformational nature (related to the reorganization of the country's economy) and infrastructural nature (related to providing conditions for the development of labor potential in accordance with the requirements) have been identified.

7. The nature of the impact of the vocational education system on the process of developing the labor potential of enterprise employees in modern conditions has been revealed. A rating of forms and methods of professional training, retraining and advanced training of various categories of workers has been determined in terms of compliance with production requirements in a competitive environment.

8. Methodological approaches to the development of labor potential in the direction of increasing the competitiveness of personnel have been developed. The importance of various periods (pre-production, adaptation, active development of production processes, achieving a high level of competence) and stages (training, use, assessment) in the development of the labor potential of an enterprise is differentiated. The special role of a comprehensive tripartite assessment of labor potential (statistical, expert, subjective) for maintaining the level of competitiveness of enterprise personnel has been identified.

9. The methodological approaches available in domestic practice to organizing monitoring of labor potential for monitoring and managing the competitiveness of enterprise personnel have been supplemented. The concept of monitoring labor potential, its directions and general principles of organization are clarified. A multidimensional classification of indicators for monitoring the labor potential of enterprise employees is proposed (by the nature of the reflection of the object of study, by the source of receipt, by socio-economic content). An algorithm has been developed for step-by-step monitoring of the state of labor potential, the degree of its use and the factors that determined deviations in the development of the characteristics of labor potential from the requirements of the competitive environment.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in the formulation and solution of the problem of the relationship between the processes of developing the labor potential of enterprise employees and their achievement of a high level of competitiveness, in the theoretical and methodological development of a holistic concept for the development of labor potential in the direction of achieving a high level of competitiveness of enterprise personnel. The main elements of scientific novelty include:

1. The socio-economic content of the basic concepts of the study “labor potential of the employee” and “labor potential of the enterprise” has been clarified, the structure of the components of labor potential has been determined, including not only components that reflect the capabilities of the employee, but also components that determine his motivation to increase his competitiveness and the most full use of your labor potential.

2. The content of the labor potential development system and its main elements are revealed. The necessity of taking into account the subjective factor - the motivation of the enterprise's employees - for the development of the labor potential of the enterprise in the direction of increasing the competitiveness of personnel is substantiated. The motivational significance of employees' self-assessment of their competitiveness as the main element of the labor potential development system is revealed.

3. The concepts of “employee competitiveness” and “competitiveness of enterprise personnel” are clarified, their common (specificity, integrity, exposure to the influence of external and internal factors) and specific (relativity, productivity, need for adequate realization of labor potential) features are identified.

4. Features of the relationship between the competitiveness of enterprise personnel and the competitiveness of an individual employee have been identified, consisting in the inconsistency of the goals and means of subjects of market relations, the ambiguity of the nature of their behavior, the possibility of reducing the level of external competitiveness while maintaining (increasing) the level of internal competitiveness, the possibility of degradation of labor potential with a high level of competitiveness employee.

5. The structure of the employee’s competitive advantages is determined and justified. The features of various types of competitive advantages are revealed. The relationship between objective and subjective characteristics of labor potential and types of employee competitive advantages has been identified. The dominant influence of innovative competitive advantages on the level of competitiveness of employees of various social and professional groups has been proven.

6. A multidimensional classification of the types of competitiveness of workers is proposed on six grounds (depending on the number of characteristics being assessed, the object being analyzed, the level, place of application of labor, the type of dominant competitive advantages, influencing reasons), which complements the approaches to classifying the competitiveness of workers available in the scientific literature.

7. The mutual influence of factors determining the level of development of the components of labor potential has been proven. The characteristic features of the relationship between these factors (complexity, integrity, inconsistency, dual nature of influence) are highlighted. Positive and negative influences have been identified, as well as the results of the manifestation of factors in the development of labor potential during the period of the administrative-command economy and in the conditions of modern Russia.

8. The nature of the influence of objective and subjective characteristics of labor potential on the self-assessment of the level of internal and external competitiveness by employees of production enterprises in the petrochemical industry is determined.

9. The concept of labor potential development has been clarified. A concept has been developed for the development of labor potential in the direction of increasing the level of competitiveness of enterprise personnel based on the following principles: direction, conditionality, continuity and advanced development, organic unity of development and assessment, combination of interests of the enterprise and individual employees.

10. A methodology and tools have been developed for conducting a rapid assessment of the labor potential of an enterprise, intended for express analysis of the state of the labor potential of an enterprise (division) in conditions of time shortage and a large contingent of workers and making it possible to carry out prompt differentiated corrective measures to increase the level of competitiveness of personnel.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the works of domestic and foreign economists, sociologists, specialists in the field of labor management and personnel management, devoted to the problems of the modern economy, problems of reproduction, development of human resources and their management, problems of vocational education and competitiveness.

The dissertation uses general scientific research methods: systems approach, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, statistical methods of information processing, comparative analysis methods. The method of selective sociological survey in the form of questionnaires and interviews, as well as the method of expert assessments, is widely used.

The information base of the study is presented by statistical data on the socio-economic development of Russia, the Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions, as well as the results of sociological and statistical research conducted by the author and with the participation of the author in the field of development of the labor potential of workers in manufacturing enterprises. This is a study of the professional and qualification structure of workers at a manufacturing enterprise in Angarsk and the problems of personnel training in 1992-1994. under the guidance of Doctor of Economics, Prof. N.M. Tokarskaya; research into the problems of developing labor potential and competitiveness of workers at manufacturing enterprises. Angarsk, Irkutsk region, Ketovo, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novokuibyshevsk, Togliatti, Samara region, Uzlovaya, Moscow region in 2001-2003. (as part of research work commissioned by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Theoretical study of the transformation of the economy of the constituent entities of the Federation (aspects of labor processes and interbudgetary relations”)); a study of the psychophysiological, motivational, professional and qualification characteristics of the labor potential of employees of a manufacturing enterprise in the city of Angarsk, Irkutsk region in 2001-2002, as well as a study of the labor potential and the nature of projective behavior of student youth in the world of work in 2001 (under the leadership of V.S. Rukavishnikov under support of the grant "Medico-economic forecast for the development of labor resources in industrial centers of the Irkutsk region" - Contract between the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology of the East Siberian Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Administration of the Irkutsk Region No. 151 dated 08/17/2001).

The practical significance of the study is as follows:

The theoretical provisions and conclusions of the dissertation research can be used by federal and regional labor management authorities to develop forecasts and make decisions in the field of human resource development;

The results and conclusions of the dissertation research were used at the regional level in the development of the Program for the socio-economic development of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (in terms of labor potential development);

The developed methodology for studying the state of labor potential of employees can be used to organize monitoring of the development of labor potential and control the level of competitiveness of employees both at the level of the enterprise and its structural divisions, and on the scale of the industry and region for comparative studies;

The developed concept for the development of labor potential and the algorithm for monitoring the state of labor potential, the degree of its use and the factors determining its dynamics, were used at the enterprises of Tolyattikauchuk LLC, Novokuybyshevsk Petrochemical Company OJSC, Uralorgsintez OJSC in the formation of personnel policies and the development of development programs labor potential of various social and professional groups of workers;

Theoretical conclusions and results of empirical research are used in the educational process of BSUEP within the framework of the training courses “Labor Economics”, “Human Resource Management”, “Organizational and Personnel Audit”, as well as in coursework and diploma projects in the training of labor economists.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and results of the dissertation research were presented at annual scientific conferences of the teaching staff of BSUEP in 1999-2004, international scientific conferences (“Strengthening capacity in the field of training in business and management in the Lake Baikal region” - Irkutsk, 1999. , “Prospects for higher education in small towns” - Vladivostok, 2002, “Problems of improving the management mechanism” - Penza, 2002, “Prospects for the development of higher economic and legal education” - Irkutsk, 2002, “Modern problems of theory and personnel management practices" - St. Petersburg, 2003, "Problems of multi-level education" - N. Novgorod, 2003, "Development of scientific concepts and technologies for managing economic systems in modern society" - Kirov, 2003, "Russian sociologists about Russian society" - Murcia (Spain), 2003, international seminar "European Code of Social Security

niya" - Irkutsk, 2003), All-Russian scientific conferences ("Improving the management of scientific and technological progress in modern conditions" - Penza, 2002, "Russia: Society. Economy. Place in the modern world" - Moscow, 2002, "Russian labor market. Innovations, problems, development prospects" - Penza, 2002, "Renaissance of Russia: society, management, education, youth, culture" - Yekaterinburg, 2003, "Youth and future Russia" - Moscow, 2003 g., “Integration of scientific and methodological work and the system of advanced training of personnel” - Chelyabinsk, 2003, “Personality and being: personality and social reality” - Krasnodar, 2003, “Modernization of the vocational education system based on regulated evolution” - Chelyabinsk, 2003, All-Russian Sociological Congress “Russian Society and Sociology in the 21st Century: Social Challenges and Alternatives” - Moscow, 2003)

The results of the study are reflected in the scientific reports and publications of the author. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and appendices.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the problem, its broad and complex nature. The purpose and objectives of the dissertation research are formulated, the theoretical and empirical basis of the research is characterized.

In the first chapter, “Theoretical and methodological foundations for studying the relationship between labor potential and the competitiveness of workers,” consisting of four paragraphs, approaches to the study and definition of the essence of the concepts “labor potential of an employee” and “labor potential of an enterprise” are consistently analyzed. The reasons for the need to transition to the concept of development of labor potential in the direction of increasing the level of competitiveness at all structural levels are substantiated. The goals of developing labor potential at different levels are differentiated. The determining influence of production level on the development of labor potential in a competitive environment has been proven. The structure of the components of labor potential has been determined, from the point of view of the enterprise’s ability to influence their development, as well as reflecting the “opportunities” and “motivation” of enterprise employees to increase the level of competitiveness and the fullest use of their labor potential. The purpose, principles and content of the labor potential development system are revealed. The motivational significance of employees' self-assessment of their own competitiveness as the main element of the labor potential development system is substantiated.

In the second chapter, “Competitiveness as an integral characteristic of the degree of development of labor potential,” consisting of three paragraphs, the concepts of “employee competitiveness” and “competitiveness of enterprise personnel” are defined. The importance of workers' competitiveness in shaping the competitiveness of subjects at different levels is substantiated. The structure of competitive advantages (subjective and objective) that determine the level of competitiveness of enterprise personnel is determined. The importance of the internal organizational environment for maintaining its competitiveness is substantiated. The structure of the employee's competitive advantages is revealed. The general and distinctive features inherent in the competitiveness of an individual employee (group of employees) and the competitiveness of enterprise personnel, as well as the features of their relationship, have been identified. A classification of types of employee competitiveness based on six bases is proposed.

The third chapter, “Factors in the development of labor potential and their impact on the competitiveness of workers,” consisting of five paragraphs, systematizes by level of impact the influence of scientific, technical, organizational, economic, socio-economic and cultural factors on the development of labor potential in a competitive environment. Positive and negative influences have been identified, as well as the results of the manifestation of labor development factors. great potential during the period of administrative command economy and in the conditions of modern Russia. The nature of the influence of various groups of factors on the main components of labor potential is revealed. The mutual influence of factors determining the level of development of the components of labor potential has been proven. The characteristic features of the relationship between these factors (complexity, integrity, inconsistency, dual nature of influence) are highlighted.

The fourth chapter, “Comprehensive assessment of the development of labor potential and the level of competitiveness of workers,” consisting of four paragraphs, presents the results of the author’s research to determine the level of development of the labor potential of workers of various categories, social and professional groups and the level of their competitiveness (using the example of the largest petrochemical enterprises in Russia ). The features of the development of labor potential and the dynamics of the level of competitiveness of various groups of workers are revealed. Hypotheses were confirmed about the nature of the influence of labor potential characteristics on employees’ self-assessment of competitiveness, about the influence of various forms of training and advanced training on the development of the labor potential of enterprises.

The fifth chapter, “Main directions for the formation of competitive personnel of enterprises,” consisting of three paragraphs, proposes approaches to the formation of competitive personnel of an enterprise. A concept has been developed for the development of labor potential in the direction of increasing the level of competitiveness of enterprise personnel. The basic principles of labor potential development are formulated. The significance of various periods and stages in its development is differentiated. The special role of a comprehensive tripartite assessment of labor potential for maintaining the competitiveness of enterprise personnel has been identified. An algorithm has been developed for phased monitoring as a system for monitoring and managing the competitiveness of enterprise personnel. A system of objective and subjective monitoring indicators is substantiated. A methodology has been developed for conducting a rapid assessment of the labor potential of an enterprise. The results of the author's research on testing this technique are presented.

In conclusion, the main conclusions of the dissertation research are briefly formulated.

1. Theoretical foundations of workforce quality management

1.1. Theoretical foundations and prerequisites for the formation of labor potential.

1.2. Labor force and human capital as components of labor potential.

1.3. Prerequisites for the formation of a labor force quality management system.

2. Features of the labor quality management system - modern aspect

2.1. Modern trends in the development of a labor force quality management system.

2.2. Conditions for the formation of an effective workforce quality management system.

2.3. Analysis of competitiveness factors of consumer cooperation enterprises in the Krasnodar region.

3. Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises throughout the national economy as a result of the functioning of the labor force quality management system.

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Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Formation of an effective labor force quality management system as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise”

Relevance of the research topic. The country's development strategy is aimed at "ensuring high rates of economic growth, increasing the standard of living of the population, reducing social inequality. Achieving these goals involves a significant increase in the competitiveness of the domestic economy, growth in production and entrepreneurship, development of labor potential, and improvement of the human factor.

One of the main priorities of the country's socio-economic development and improvement of human potential at present is the reform of the vocational education system, the primary goal of which is to provide all sectors of the developing economy with highly qualified personnel in full accordance with the current and future needs of the labor market.

The main attention is given to the most complex and least developed problems from both theoretical and practical positions of the development of labor potential and the formation of highly qualified personnel potential at domestic enterprises. Improving the management of labor potential in the domestic economy presupposes the continuous development and accumulation of human capital, the full and effective use of labor at all levels of management. The human factor of production and Russia's labor potential are of key importance in modern market conditions for the rise of the country's economy and its entry into the world economy. The program of socio-economic transformations of industry for the medium term proclaims the most important principles for the preservation and development of human potential, defines the main goals of the new personnel policy, providing for increased government influence on the structure of the workforce, increasing the competitiveness and level of professional training of workers, engineers and technical workers and all managers . ",

Over the years of market reforms in the domestic economy, certain experience has been accumulated in the rational use of labor potential, the application of: modern methods, vocational guidance, forms of training and improving the quality of the workforce, mechanisms for adapting young workers and specialists to work in new economic conditions that promote continuous professional growth personnel potential. However, many unresolved problems remain in providing enterprises with qualified workers of various categories; According to many economists, state; HR policy does not yet: have a clear conceptual basis, the functions of the main objects have not been defined; and subjects of personnel policy, their rights and responsibilities in the field of personnel training; The country's transition to market relations and structural changes in the economy were not complemented by the necessary institutional changes. The implementation of effective measures in the field of education and training of personnel, from school to post-graduate structures, has been too delayed. Having allowed the destruction of the previous system: formation, personnel potential of the country, the state allowed this process to take its course, which ultimately led to the dismantling many useful elements: in the Russian personnel training system, in particular, the almost complete destruction of the existing system of vocational training of workers. There has been a sharp reduction in government investment in the development of education, training and retraining of personnel, and an increase in paid training for specialists. The extraordinary activity of various kinds of foreign funds contributes to the outflow of the best representatives of educated Russian youth abroad. In the current conditions, a new personnel policy, joint scientific and practical activities of higher education and many commercial organizations are needed, aimed at further developing the labor potential of all enterprises with various forms of ownership, achieving professional and qualification balance and improving the quality of labor resources , the formation and rational use of human abilities, especially through improving professional training and increasing the competitiveness of young workers and specialists. Therefore, at present there is an urgent need to move from individual measures to improve the professional competence of personnel to the formation of a labor force quality management system at enterprises. In other words, what is now required is the development and application of a system for managing the level of development of labor potential at each enterprise, and primarily in all structures of the machine-building complex, ensuring the rapid development of various sectors of domestic industry.

The degree of development of the problem. Many leading Russian and foreign researchers and specialists made a great contribution to the scientific and practical solution of this very complex problem. Among domestic scientists are the authors of famous textbooks on personnel management - V.V. Adamchuk, V.A. Balaban, M.I. Bukhalkov, B.M. Genkin, N.A. Gorelov, A.P. Egorshin, P.V. Zhuravlev, A.Ya. Kibanov, Yu.G. Odegov A.I. Rofe, G.E. Slesinger and many others. The creators of the theory of human capital are foreign authors - G. Becker, G. Desseler, A. Marshall, etc.

The relevance of the problem of improving the labor force quality management system, the lack of scientific development and the undoubted practical significance in the conditions of modern Russia determined the choice of topic, purpose and objectives of the dissertation research.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of this dissertation is to comprehensively study the labor force quality management system and develop mechanisms for the formation and management of this system.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the dissertation: research of the theoretical foundations and prerequisites for the formation of the employee’s labor potential; determining the role of labor and human capital in the formation of labor potential; identifying the prerequisites for the formation of a labor quality management system at enterprises;

Development and systematization of labor force quality indicators and factors of competitiveness of a modern worker;

Development of tools for the formation of a labor force quality management system; determination of effective mechanisms for managing the employee quality system;

The object of the study is the workforce and employers at consumer cooperation enterprises, the organization of a labor force quality management system in the field of labor economics and social and labor relations.

The subject of the study is the economic relations that arise at the level of economic entities regarding the formation and functioning of the labor force quality management system between employers and employees.

The methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists in the field of microeconomics, theory of the firm, labor economics, statistics, quality management and other areas of economic science.

The research methodology is based on a systematic approach to the analysis of the labor force quality management system in the practice of Russian enterprises. The work uses a set of methods that allow us to study the effectiveness of the labor quality management system, such as: systemic, sociological, expert assessment method, statistical and economic-mathematical.

The legal basis was made up of regulatory documents and instructional materials, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation regulating the certification of quality systems. The statistical base of the study was formed by real data from individual enterprises and organizations of the Russian Federation as a whole and in its individual subjects.

The empirical basis of the study was data from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and territorial statistical bodies, research results of domestic and foreign authors, reporting data from the enterprises under study, the results of sociological research, as well as selected data from analytical studies of enterprises obtained by the author of the work.

Provisions of the dissertation submitted for defense:

1. Particular attention in matters of improving the quality of the workforce, in order to meet the requirements of international markets, comes down mainly to bringing the national system of professional standards in line with the requirements of the international labor market. Such measures will improve the quality of the workforce, its competitiveness, as well as the free access of products of Russian enterprises to the world market. However, studying this issue at the micro level has shown that these measures are not enough to develop and implement labor force quality management systems at specific enterprises.

Enterprise managers lack an algorithm for developing a multi-criteria labor quality management system that takes into account external and internal market factors, while simultaneously serving as a scientific basis for its design, development and implementation. x 2. In achieving high labor productivity, the human factor is of utmost importance, the efficiency of labor return from which is determined by the level of development of the abilities of each employee, the amount of accumulated human capital, and the degree of use of labor potential.

The labor potential of an individual worker is characterized by the aggregate capabilities of workers for effective economic activity. There is a direct relationship between a worker’s labor potential, his abilities and results of work, income and standard of living, since the growth of some factors causes corresponding changes in all others. The main feature of labor potential is its inseparability from the personality of the carrier. That is why the labor potential of an individual employee has its own limits, determined by the person’s mental and physical abilities, moral and other personal characteristics that determine the individual’s inclinations and capabilities for professional growth and creative development.

For the most effective use of an employee’s labor potential, it is necessary to take into account important aspects associated with all stages of its formation. It is the labor force quality management system that can combine all stages of creating an employee (from choosing a profession to professional activity).

3. Companies all over the world have to operate in a competitive, volatile business environment and uncertainty, sometimes leading to dramatic changes. That is why management priorities should be set taking into account the importance of the human factor in the economic life of enterprises and companies. Human resources are exhaustible, and therefore require careful treatment and the use of a management system that, on the one hand, will provide the necessary conditions for the growth of labor potential, and on the other hand, will allow for its effective use in the work process.

Each company* has a unique set of needs and conditions, so it is impossible to develop any universal recommendations for managing a workforce quality system for all enterprises at the same time. However, modeling the proposed tools will allow each company to develop its own workforce quality management system.

4. The use of a labor quality management system will allow achieving a number of significant results:

The workforce quality management system helps to increase the attractiveness of the enterprise for potential employees and other interested parties;

Employees who do not meet modern requirements or are on the verge of dismissal, with the help of labor quality management system programs, get a chance to increase their labor potential and keep their jobs; Large companies are most effective in applying workforce quality management systems, but small firms can also implement certain workforce quality management system programs, using less formal approaches as necessary.

5. The quality of the workforce is of paramount importance for the employer, since it determines the quality of the work performed by these workers. At the highest value of the integral indicator of labor quality, the highest beneficial effect obtained for each ruble of costs is ensured, i.e. maximum efficiency for the company. Manpower quality management means achieving a certain (necessary) level of labor quality by organizing training programs, exchanging experience at enterprises, as well as creating the conditions necessary to maintain this quality level:

To build an effective workforce quality management system, first of all, it is necessary; determine indicators of quality, labor: strengths and factors of competitiveness of a modern employee: Characterizing the factors of competitiveness of an employee, we can highlight: the qualities that a person brings to his work: intelligence, energy, positivity, reliability and devotion; a person’s ability to learn: talent, imagination, creative personality, ingenuity; motivation: a person to share* information and knowledge: team spirit and goal orientation.

6. The most important tool for increasing the competitiveness of modern enterprises should be a work quality management system? strength. Work quality management; strength is the term we use to describe an integrated and holistic, conscious and proactive approach to improvement; work-related knowledge and behavior using a wide range of training methods and strategies: These strategies and methods are designed to help: employees, groups and companies realize their full potential by unlocking individual capabilities and improving performance in specific contexts. Main: goal/system, workforce quality management; - continuous improvement, development of employee labor potential, improving the quality of workforce. In its broadest sense, workforce quality management can be interpreted as “the ability to integrate learning into the work process.”

In the field of workforce quality management, the following main areas are distinguished: individual development; development taking into account the needs of the current job or situation; development in relation to new work conditions or in new work conditions, activities aimed at rethinking personal or organizational goals; development aimed at improving and giving meaning to the activities of individuals and companies.

The scientific novelty of the research results as a whole lies in a comprehensive study of the labor force quality management system, the development of mechanisms for improving and managing this system. Elements of novelty contain the following main results of the dissertation research:

An algorithm has been proposed for the formation of a labor quality management system, characterized by the ability to take into account not only internal, but also external market factors, allowing to reduce the costs of its use in modern enterprises, and is at the same time a scientific basis for the design and development of multi-criteria labor quality management systems based on the relationship between the development of a worker’s labor potential and the quality of work performed by him in the process of organizing labor and production activities.

The definition of workforce quality has been clarified as a comprehensive assessment of the personal characteristics of a worker (the qualities that a person brings to his work; a person’s ability to learn; a person’s motivation to share information and knowledge) used in the process of work, which allows increasing the efficiency of the use of labor in the enterprise.

The author's definition of the concept of “manpower quality management” is given, which is understood as a constant, systematic, purposeful process of influencing at all levels the factors and conditions that ensure the creation of an employee (design of a workplace and employee competency card, selection of educational programs, selection of a suitable candidate and his adaptation to the workplace), who knows how to use their labor potential as efficiently as possible, resulting in the creation of products of optimal quality that guarantee their full use;

Factors for increasing the competitiveness of the workforce have been identified, which include: vocational education and internship, continuous training and development, investment in the development of the employee’s labor potential, the use of a system of mentoring and supervision, the search for common benefits for employees and the company, concern for the health of the company’s personnel, the impact of the quality of work performed on the employee’s salary;

The expediency of using a procedure for systemic diagnostics of the quality of the workforce is substantiated (diagnosis and analysis of the external environment of the organization; study of the goals and strategies of the organization and management system; study of the effectiveness of the quality management system: classification of problems in the functioning of the quality management system of the workforce; assessment of the strategy for managing the quality of the workforce from the point of view goals of the organization, analysis of the strengths (weaknesses) of the labor quality management system, analysis of the functions of the quality management system) within the framework of the labor quality management system at modern enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness.

A concept has been developed for the creation of regional information centers for vocational guidance for youth, providing access to complete and reliable information necessary for choosing a profession, as well as providing assistance in choosing a future profession, which will increase the efficiency of the educational process and increase job security.

Practical significance of the work. The practical recommendations developed in the dissertation make it possible to increase the efficiency of management mechanisms for the labor quality system in modern enterprises. The proposed tools and specific methods for developing and creating Regional Vocational Guidance Centers are universal in nature and applicable to the conditions of any enterprises and sectors of the national economy. The proposed recommendations will contribute to the vocational guidance of young people, which will improve the efficiency of the training system and labor distribution. The provisions of the dissertation can be used in the process of teaching courses “Labor Economics”, “Human Resource Management”, “Management of Human Resource Development”.

Testing and implementation of research results. Recommendations and proposals arising from the dissertation research can be used by large industrial enterprises, consumer cooperative enterprises, as well as small and medium-sized businesses.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography including 112 titles.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, Ilyina, Tatyana Vladimirovna


As a result of the scientific research, the following fundamental conclusions were made:

In any socio-economic system operating at different levels of management, the determining factors for the high efficiency of human activity are the available labor potential, available labor resources or, in a word, organized labor.

Labor potential is characterized by the total capabilities of workers for effective economic activity. There is a direct relationship between a person’s labor potential, his abilities and the results of labor, income and standard of living: the growth of some factors causes corresponding changes in all others. The main feature of labor potential is its inseparability from the personality of the carrier. Therefore, the labor potential of an individual employee has its own limits, determined by a person’s mental and physical abilities, moral and intellectual qualities and other personal characteristics that express the individual’s inclinations and capabilities for professional growth and creative development. The concept of “labor potential” is used to characterize both an individual person and a group of workers and the entire workforce of an enterprise.

In the long term, all other things being equal, the dynamics of labor productivity directly depends on the efficiency of use of human capital, and more specifically, on the quality of the workforce. It also includes such characteristics of the employee as his general and professional knowledge, personal characteristics - responsibility, enterprise, adaptability to new conditions, a sense of the new, etc. Physical data are also important - health, temperament, etc.

In business terms, human capital can be described as a combination of the following factors.

The qualities that a person brings to his work: intelligence, energy, positivity, reliability, dedication.

A person’s ability to learn: talent, imagination, creative personality, ingenuity (“how to do things”).

Human motivations for sharing information and knowledge: team spirit and goal orientation.

The development of human labor potential is the highest goal of economic science and practical activity of people. In any sphere of the economy, a person is both the main goal of production and its main factor. Therefore, improving human potential, increasing the size of the economically active population, strengthening its health and strength, increasing its knowledge and abilities, enriching the properties of its character are the most important areas of scientific research in the domestic economy.

Organizational workforce quality management systems built at enterprises can, to varying degrees, cover horizontal management, including process management, and vertical management from the bottom up. But it is very important to immediately understand the need to take into account these areas of management.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate the conditions for the effective functioning of the labor force quality management system: a) the use of motivational means for the quality work of personnel; b) training of personnel, both on professional issues and on quality management issues; c) building favorable relationships between employees; d) building constructive relationships with the employer.

The quality of the workforce is determined by the ability to perform the necessary work to create a product or service. It is the quality management system for goods and services that dictates the conditions for the development of a labor force quality management system.

Quality-manpower management means constant; a systematic, purposeful process of influencing factors at all levels; and conditions that ensure the creation of an employee who can make the most effective use of his labor potential, resulting in the creation of products of optimal quality; guaranteeing its full use. . .

1. Standard of work, expressed in the wording “zero errors”.

2. Participation of the company's employees, both collective and individual.

3. Focus; improving people management processes.,. . . . 1

4. The belief that employees will become like-minded people; if they understand your tasks.

5. Recognition of employee merits:

Best results: in creation;: and release: competitive; products are sought; enterprises that have comprehensive information about the state and capabilities of production processes; and also timely generation of control actions? for their improvement. State system; personnel training is regulated; laws" of supply and demand: for labor, in accordance with which: financing of educational and professional programs is carried out. In the latest; years; V; In Russia, the state's contribution to the financing of these programs has decreased significantly, and most entrepreneurs do not have strong ties with state educational institutions. Under these conditions, many domestic enterprises cannot meet their demand for highly qualified personnel. forced to develop their own systems - production or cooperative - professional training of workers of various categories.

In our opinion, the creation of Regional Centers for Vocational Guidance will help solve these problems. The purpose of the activities of such centers should be reduced to the redistribution of labor resources according to professional interests between various sectors of the economy.

The Regional Centers for Vocational Guidance we offer will allow us to qualitatively influence the formation of the labor potential of workers. However, not all problems can be solved this way. We must not forget about the role of enterprises themselves in improving the quality of the workforce. Lost traditions of transferring experience from the older generation of workers to the younger generation play a very important role.

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In the conditions of market relations, the development of the labor potential of enterprise employees becomes an indispensable condition for gaining stable and, especially, leading positions in the market. The effectiveness of managing an organization's labor potential directly affects its competitive capabilities and is one of the most important areas for creating competitive advantages.

In the new economic conditions, the problem of meeting the achieved level of the enterprise’s labor potential with the requirements driven by the enterprise in a fiercely competitive environment becomes especially relevant, therefore one of the main tasks of the personnel management system is the development and implementation of management tools that contribute to the sustainable formation, development and rational use of labor potential of enterprise employees.

The term “potential” was introduced into scientific circulation 10-15 years ago. The interpretation of this term means the presence of someone (an individual, a primary work collective, society as a whole) with hidden, not yet manifested capabilities or abilities in the relevant spheres of their life. When defining this economic category, it should be borne in mind that potential (economic, production, labor) is a generalized, collective characteristic of resources, tied to place and time.

The capabilities of people to carry out a wide range of functions (production, organizational and managerial, socio-political, etc.) in the process of socially useful activities are determined by such human qualities as:

  • - specific (labor) resource and the basis of production (the qualities of the individual as part of the population);
  • - the main productive force and the subject of production relations (the qualities of the individual as a worker - a bearer of the ability to work, a creator of material and spiritual benefits);
  • - a member of society (the quality of an individual as a socially formed personality, a member of a workers’ association, a participant in the management of public affairs).

In-depth scientific research into the potential of a person (team), as a factor in the efficiency of an enterprise, began in Russia relatively recently. The problem of assessing and using labor potential was developed in the works of domestic scientists: Andreeva S.V., Galaeva E.V., Voronin V.N., Ivanovsky L.V., Kosaev A.G., Kolosova R.P., Matirko V. .I., Odegova Yu.A., Chudinova D.V., Tsaregorodtseva Yu.I., Tyazhova A.I. Genkina B.M. It should be noted that each of these scientists and figures gives their own definition of the concept of “labor potential” (Table 1).

A group of researchers led by A.Ya. Kibanova believe that the main components of potential are: experience, work skills, marital status. SOUTH. Odegov, V.B. Bychin, S.G. Andreeva, considering labor potential as a complex multi-structural socio-economic formation interconnected with the environment, distinguishes its three main components: social-personal, personnel and organizational. The undoubted advantage of this approach is a clear horizontal and vertical systematization of its categories and features, however, it is obvious disadvantage: when identifying organizational potential as an independent structural component, there is no clear idea of ​​the characteristics determined by human nature and characteristics determined by the connection with the environment.

Table 1


Kibanov A.Ya.

Believes that the components of potential are: experience, work skills, marital status.

Odegov Yu.G., Bychkin V.B., Andreeva S.G., P.E. Shlendera, Yu.P. Kokina

Labor potential is a complex multi-structural socio-economic formation interconnected with the environment. Three main components: social-personal, personnel and organizational.

Vatutina O.O.

Labor potential and labor productivity are identical concepts within the framework of the problem of assessing investment attractiveness.

Kanygin Yu.M.

Important aspects in the formation and development of labor potential are: the presence of prospects for the professional and qualification development of workers, increasing the prestige of certain types of work activity, a well-thought-out system of material and moral incentives.

Avdeenko V.N., Kotlov V.A.

The cost of labor potential, in addition to the monetary expression of labor costs, also includes costs associated with personnel training, retraining and advanced training.

Kolosova R.P.

Labor potential can be measured by the cost of living labor.

Genkin B.M.

In his works, he identifies eight components of labor potential: health, morality and the ability to work in a team, activity, creativity, organization, education, professionalism, working time resources.

Vatutina O.O. believes that in a modern market economy, the competitiveness and economic well-being of each sector of the economy depend on its investment attractiveness.

Investment attractiveness is a set of objective signs, means, opportunities and limitations that influence the investor’s preferences in choosing a particular investment object. Investment attractiveness depends on the investment potential of the investment object and the risk of investing in this object. In turn, the investment potential of an enterprise is assessed by a group of private potentials: stock, labor, innovation, financial. One of the most important indicators for assessing the potential of an enterprise in order to analyze its investment attractiveness is labor potential.

The labor potential of an enterprise for analyzing its investment attractiveness is not only the amount of available labor resources, but to a greater extent the production efficiency of the enterprise's available labor, which depends not only on the maximum productivity of workers, but also on the productivity of existing equipment. Most of all, this definition corresponds to the indicator of labor productivity. Consequently, the concepts of “labor potential” and “labor productivity” can be considered identical.

Along with the quantitative provision of the enterprise with labor resources, the qualitative composition of workers is also studied, which is characterized by general educational and professional qualification levels. An analysis of the professional and qualification level of workers is carried out by comparing the available number by specialty and category with that required to perform each type of work in sections, teams, and the enterprise as a whole. At the same time, a surplus or shortage of workers in each profession is revealed. The ratio of the volume of each type of work to the planned working time of one worker, taking into account the fulfillment of production standards, determines the required number of workers.

The initial structure-forming unit of labor potential is the labor potential of the employee (person), which forms the basis for the formation of labor potentials at higher structural levels. In addition, two important circumstances should be taken into account. Firstly, until a person is engaged in work, one can only talk about his labor power conditionally as physical and spiritual ability to work in general, as a possible potential labor contribution. Secondly, the result of the use of individual labor is the real labor contribution of the employee, it is expressed in a specific product, as well as in a certain level of labor efficiency achieved by the employee.

The labor potential of an employee is a set of characteristics of an enterprise employee that determine the possibilities and boundaries of his participation in work activities, actually and prospectively implemented within the existing organizational environment.

The labor potential of an employee is not a constant value. It is characterized by a continuous process of change in which previously hidden capabilities or abilities are revealed. The abilities accumulated in the course of work increase as new knowledge and skills are acquired, health is improved, and working conditions are improved. They can also decrease as health, working conditions, etc. deteriorate. .

The employee’s labor potential includes:

  • - psychophysiological potential: a person’s abilities and inclinations, his state of health, performance, endurance, type of nervous system, etc.;
  • - qualification potential: volume, depth and versatility of general and specialized knowledge,
  • - labor skills and abilities that determine the employee’s ability to perform work of a certain content and complexity;
  • - personal potential: level of civic consciousness and social maturity, degree of assimilation;
  • - employee norms of attitude towards work, value orientations, interests, needs in the world of work.

The labor potential of an employee depends on the degree of mutual agreement in the development of psychophysiological, qualification and personal potentials.

In works devoted to the consideration of labor potential as one of the resources of an enterprise, along with personal, professional, qualification and psychophysiological potentials, “personnel potential” is considered.

The personnel potential of an organization is a cumulative assessment of the personal and professional capabilities of the organization’s personnel based on a study of the labor potential of employees and the organization as a whole. “Personnel potential” is used to characterize a team in terms of its structural and quantitative indicators: number, composition, structure (professional, qualification, position, gender, age, etc.). The human resources potential of a society has the following quantitative and qualitative characteristics: the number of working-age population, the amount of working time that the working-age population works, the degree of health, development and physical capacity of working-age members of society, educational and qualification level, the level of moral state of the working-age population. Thus, personnel potential acts as a measure of labor potential.

In relation to an enterprise, labor potential represents the maximum value of the possible participation of workers in production, taking into account their psychophysiological characteristics, level of professional knowledge, accumulated experience in the presence of the necessary organizational and technical conditions.

The labor potential of an enterprise is the possible quantity and quality of labor available to the workforce of the enterprise. The labor potential of an enterprise, being specifically a form of materialization of human activity, acts as a personalized workforce, taken in the totality of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics - as the personnel potential of an enterprise.

The labor potential of an enterprise as a system is always greater than the sum of its constituent parts - the individual labor potential of individual workers. The very unification of workers into a single and systematically organized labor process generates the effect of collective labor, which exceeds the sum of the forces of workers acting individually.

Thus, if the totality of a person’s physical and spiritual abilities is the basis of the individual’s labor potential, then the productive force that arises through the joint activities of various individuals forms the basis of the labor potential of the enterprise team. It is necessary to take into account that labor collectives have different potentials depending on the territorial location of the enterprise, industry affiliation, production size, gender and age structure, etc. In addition, each enterprise has its own characteristics of team formation, labor traditions, and relationships between employees.

So, based on the above material, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • 1. The concept of “labor potential” has an ambiguous interpretation by various authors. The lack of unity in defining the essence and content of the category “labor potential” is a consequence of the incomplete development of theoretical issues.
  • 2. Currently, out of the variety of approaches to defining the concept of “labor potential,” three main ones are usually distinguished: resource-based, resource-personal, and socio-productive.
  • 3. The labor potential of an enterprise can be defined as the potential capabilities of the enterprise’s employees, taking into account their qualitative characteristics for a given period of time, which can be used to realize the goals of the enterprise in combination with other available resources.
  • 4. Depending on the object of study, the labor potential of an employee, a work team, an enterprise, an industry, a region, or a country is distinguished. This paper examines the labor potential of an industrial enterprise.
  • 5. The labor potential of an enterprise is a complex and multi-structural socio-economic formation, which includes the following components: personnel, professional, qualification, organizational.
  • 6. Labor potential is an integral part of production potential, since the main purpose of production potential is the production of products, which is the result of the labor activity of workers.

Doctor of Economics sciences, professor
Novosibirsk State
University of Economics and Management

The development of innovation processes in Russia is associated with the realization that the competitiveness of human resources is the main factor in scientific and technical innovations, a decisive condition for the survival and growth of most enterprises. It should be recognized that the only stable factor in the effectiveness of a modern organization is the competitiveness of its personnel. Relying on the competitiveness of personnel is the path to organizational success.

An analysis of literary sources on the problem of human resource management showed that the use of the term “competitiveness” in relation to a person as a subject of economic life is quite common. However, those authors who dwell on the analysis of the concept of competitiveness in the labor market are far from unambiguous in their formulations. Often, the terms “employee competitiveness”, “staff competitiveness”, “competitive labor potential”, “labor competitiveness”, “labor competitiveness”, “competitive potential of managerial workers and personnel” are used as a synonym for the concept of “human competitiveness as a subject of economic life”. ", as well as "competitiveness of workers, specialists and managers." Thus, the authors interpret the object of competitiveness in the labor market differently (Table 1).

An analysis of the interpretations of human competitiveness as a subject of economic life used in the domestic literature allows us to identify two conceptual schemes that reflect different points of view on the object of competitiveness in the labor market and the forms of its organization.

Representatives of the first conceptual scheme labor force, labor potential, managerial potential, and human capital are considered as the substance of competitive advantages in the labor market. They consider competitiveness in the labor market as a specific type of commodity competitiveness, which is determined by the use value of the product being sold and its qualitative certainty.

Thus, representatives of the first conceptual scheme identify the competitiveness of personnel with the quality of the workforce (qualification, training profile, age, gender, etc.) and to determine the measure of competitive advantages in the labor market, they compare some integral characteristics for different competing workforces.

Firstly, the level of development of the qualitative characteristics of the workforce, which allows one to “compete”, “compete”, claim “quality”, “prestigious”, “good”, etc. jobs is not competitiveness, but one of the indicators characterizing the functional quality of the workforce.

Table 1

Basic concepts of the concept of “competitiveness in the labor market”

Characteristics of the concept

1st concept diagram

2nd conceptual diagram

Labor Competitiveness

Competitiveness of potential (labor, managerial)

Classification sign

The substance of the competitive advantages of the consumed product (labor),

Organizational and economic form and its qualitative certainty

Work force

Potential (labor, management)


Personnel (total employee)

Labor resources

Qualitative characteristics of the workforce

The mechanism for bringing the competitive advantages of ability to work into a functioning state

Estimated indicators

- Work experience in the profession
- Age
- Education
- Physiological characteristics
- Social and living characteristics

- Competence
- Personal qualities
- Innovation potential
- Motivational potential

Qualitative characteristics of the workforce
- Terms of employment
- Quality of work
- Beneficial effect
- Total costs

Qualitative characteristics
- Quantitative characteristics
- Terms of employment - Quality of work
- Beneficial effect
- Total costs

Economically active population
- Economically inactive population
- Structure indicators
- Beneficial effect
- Total costs


Bakhmatova T.G.,
Bogdanova E.L.,
Markelov O.I.,
Milyaeva L.G.,
Podolnaya N.P.,
Semerkova L.N., dr.

Ivanovskaya L.V.,
Mishin A.K.,
Suslova N., etc.

Nemtseva Yu.V.,
Okhotsky E.V.,
Rachek S.V.,
Semerkova L.N.,
Sotnikova S.I.,
Tomilov V.V.,
Fatkhutdinov R.A., etc.

Nemtseva Yu.V.,
Sarukhanov E.R.,
Sotnikova S.I., dr.

Problems of increasing the competitiveness of labor resources: Materials of the Interregional Scientific and Industrial Complex. - Biysk, 2002

Secondly, the qualitative characteristics of the labor force are largely determined by the needs and requirements of its carrier, and are not formed to the extent necessary for the functioning of the enterprise and the economy as a whole. In this regard, it is more legitimate to talk about the quality of work, i.e. on the degree of compliance of the characteristics of workers’ work activities with the requirements for the quality of work performance.

Thirdly, competitiveness in the labor market is determined not only by the qualitative characteristics of the workforce, but also by hiring and working conditions. The factors that determine the position of the commodity “labor” in the labor market include: forms and types of employment; conditions of employment and work; quality of work; employee image; labor discipline; possession of corporate installations; work behavior; preparation costs; transaction costs, etc.

As a fundamental principle that determines the specifics and specific content of competitiveness in the labor market, representatives of the second conceptual schemes consider the mechanism for bringing the competitive advantages of the workforce (ability to work) into a functioning state.

Representatives of the second scheme believe that competitiveness in the labor market is due to:


productive abilities of a person, which most fully correspond to the requirements for the quality of labor in a particular workplace;

socio-economic and production and technical conditions under which the most effective use of the employee’s abilities for this work occurs;

dynamic coordination of the needs of the employee and the employer, which does not occur to the detriment of the body and interests of the employee’s personality, or organizational goals;

minimizing total costs during the period of the employee’s labor activity.

Thus, competitiveness in the labor market is strictly related to:

Due to the above, the substance of competitiveness in the labor market by representatives of the second conceptual scheme is specified by the organizational and economic form of the consumed (used) product “labor force”, its qualitative certainty, due to which the competitiveness in question receives its specific name: “competitiveness of labor resources”, “competitiveness of personnel” ", "employee competitiveness".

Employee competitiveness - this is the ability for individual achievements in work, representing a contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. The competitiveness of an employee is determined by the quality of the labor force, which corresponds to the market need for the functional quality of labor. The competitiveness of an employee is considered as an indicator of the “selection” of employees according to the level of their potential and actual labor efficiency and ability for professional development. The most capable workers are selected from the point of view of matching their human capital with the quality of work.

The system of employee competitiveness indicators includes (Fig. 1):


basic indicators that determine potential and actual labor efficiency, i.e. indicators related to socio-demographic, psychophysiological and motivational characteristics of the workforce, as well as determining the level and content of knowledge, skills, abilities, and powers of the employee;

private indicators reflecting the desires and preferences of employers in the workforce and quality of labor, i.e. indicators characterized by a measure of market demand for a qualitatively defined ability to work, as well as due to the possibilities of ensuring the profitability of labor, the perception of new information, the increase in professional knowledge, self-investment in human capital, and the potential of communication connections in a certain type of activity.

Rice. 1. System of employee competitiveness indicators

Personnel competitiveness is determined by the competitiveness of individual workers and their groups and largely depends on the mechanism of functioning of human resources in the production and commercial process. In the process of forming and developing the competitiveness of personnel, the unity of economic and social processes is manifested: the employer is focused on achieving its goals (increasing the competitiveness of the organization, making a profit) through the fullest use of the competitive advantages of employees. And employees, in turn, are interested in increasing organizational competitiveness to the extent that they find in it an opportunity to increase their individual competitiveness.

The competitiveness of personnel characterizes the relationship between three groups of labor market variables:


variables related to the environment of the enterprise’s internal market and staff perception of stability of its existence, i.e. variables characterizing the characteristics and structure of the enterprise, types of activities, characteristics of the products produced, as well as instability, pressure and hostility of the commercial and technological environment of the enterprise;

human resource related variables, which make the internal labor market more or less vulnerable to external unforeseen changes (reduction or increase in the need for labor, changes in the structure of workers, flexibility in the competence of personnel, flexibility in the structure of positions and jobs, the degree of speed of personnel response to external disturbances, motivation and openness of personnel to the external environment, a decrease/increase in labor efficiency, the need for significant investments in personnel and other resources, etc.), and also determine the competitive advantages of personnel in the market;

work-related variables, which are characterized by factors that do not depend on the personnel, but influence the strategy and tactics of its activities. These variables change evolutionarily under the influence of a number of reasons that develop gradually, and can change abruptly during crises and under targeted regulatory influence. They can be favorable for all types of work activity, they can be selective or partially favorable.

Competitiveness of labor resources - a set of characteristics of the working population that determine the success of its participation in the socio-economic activities of a particular territory. The competitiveness of labor resources is characterized by favorable differences in the total labor force in terms of the degree and cost of satisfying the market demand for labor of a territory (region, country).

So, competitiveness in the labor market characterizes the property of human capital that determines the extent to which the market need for labor is satisfied.

In this understanding of competitiveness in the labor market, four conceptual points are important that characterize its essence:


the need for labor in the most general form is determined by the need of employers for labor, the need satisfying market needs for goods and services;

category "human capital" expresses relationships to activate the economic resource “labor” in order to generate income and profit. The concept of “human capital” is more voluminous and versatile than the terms “labor potential” and “labor force”. Since its basis is the term “capital” - the values ​​used to increase them. Human capital, like physical capital, provides its owner with a more complex profession, position, income, i.e. higher quality of work;

the correspondence of the volume and structure of the employee’s human capital to the quantity and quality of the work he performs is established in the exchange and use of labor;

investments in human capital have long-term impact on the production and commercial process, and their returns are distributed while the employee is busy performing purposeful activities.

Competitiveness in the labor market is a relative concept, since the labor market is heterogeneous and can be structured into segments that differ in the degree of market need for the functional quality of labor, the level of uniqueness of the quality of labor, as well as the characteristics of consumer demand for labor.

Differences in the market need for a particular quality of labor determine the corresponding types of competitiveness of personnel (employees): sustainable competitiveness, temporary (semi-sustainable), unstable.

Depending on the level of uniqueness of the use value of the product “labor” in the labor market (its functional quality), the competitiveness of personnel (employees) can be of three types: exclusive, diversification, selective.

Differences in the nature of consumer demand for labor determine four types of competitiveness: explicit, latent, irrational, and promising.

Depending on the characteristics of the personnel strategy and personnel policy, competitiveness can be distinguished:

Depending on the nature of labor mobility, one can distinguish intra-organizational and external competitiveness of personnel (employees), which, depending on the subject of competitiveness, can be of three types: intra-professional, inter-professional and physical.

The perception of personnel competitiveness as a philosophy for managing the internal labor market means that the employer needs to periodically review its target strategic and tactical settings, developing appropriate concepts for maintaining the competitive advantages of the human resource at its disposal.

Concept of maintaining competitiveness personnel is the philosophy, ideology, strategy and policy of the employer, focused on the fullest realization of the benefits of personnel as a subject of economic life. This is a system of theoretical and methodological views on understanding and defining the essence, content, goals, objectives, criteria, principles and methods, as well as organizational and practical approaches to the formation of a mechanism for managing the competitiveness of hired personnel in the specific conditions of the organization.

In the practice of domestic enterprises, four main stages can be distinguished in the development of the concept of maintaining the competitiveness of personnel according to the dominance criteria of “social goal - economic goal”, “personnel as a resource - personnel as a society” (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Classification of the concept of maintaining personnel competitiveness

The essence of the consumer concept, or the concept of improving the process of human capital accumulation is to ensure the most complete staffing of workplaces. The number of hired personnel changes in full accordance with changes in the volume of production of goods or services. In this regard, the employer is interested in such a product as “labor power,” which is widely available and offered at low prices. The concept of maintaining personnel competitiveness is based on multidisciplinary training of employees with a focus on multivalent qualifications, i.e. a complex of knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform work related to different professions.

Competency concept, or the concept of improving the quality of human capital argues that owners of capital will favor labor that offers the highest quality. According to this concept, labor consumers focus on a product that most closely corresponds to the highest level in technical, operational and quality terms and thereby provides the greatest benefit to the organization. The employer directs efforts to create and develop a highly qualified workforce and its continuous improvement. “When people become more competent, more productive, more innovative, more focused on what matters2, more people work in areas that are critical to the organization's success.”

According to the competency-based concept of maintaining competitiveness, the employer is focused on: 1) changing and bringing the qualifications of its employees in accordance with the requirements of the changed workload; 2) maintaining and promoting the use of various flexible employment, remuneration and reward strategies. In particular, the organization aggressively offers its price of labor to attract and retain employees, because “when workers leave the organization - for a day or forever - competence leaves with them.”

Career concept, or the concept of stimulating the use of increasing human capital is based on the belief that if staff are given the right to independently decide on the accumulation of their human capital and the development of their competence, then the offer of consumer choice may remain unchanged or even worsen. Employers focused on this concept of maintaining the competitiveness of personnel are intensifying their efforts to stimulate the supply of labor, and such a supply that best satisfies the market needs for material, spiritual goods and services, and makes it possible to produce them at the lowest economic, environmental and social costs. .

Traditional marketing concept, or the concept of effectiveness in satisfying the desires and preferences of the employer relies on the fact that the criterion for optimizing the labor consumption strategy is the profit (loss) from the process of combining the ability to work with capital and natural resources. It is profit (losses) that allows you to choose the best methods of conducting production, abandon less effective ones, stimulate the processes of moving resources towards their most efficient use, and ruin enterprises that carry out such transformations in the wrong direction. This concept of maintaining the competitiveness of personnel allows you to quickly respond to changes in production requirements for the professional and qualification structure of the total workforce, and ensure that human capital matches the increase in the functional quality of labor.

Modern concept of maintaining personnel competitiveness means subordinating all aspects of activities to achieve competitive advantages in the labor market to satisfy market needs for goods and services in the best possible way. High efficiency of the activities of professionals in the organization is achieved by creating rational management of their capabilities. The modern concept is systemic in nature and is based on the basic principles of human resource development in the global economy, taking into account the factors and problems that hinder the increase in the competitiveness of this resource. Factors that make it possible to achieve maximum effect in the labor market in order to most fully satisfy market needs for goods and services are the volume and structure of corporate competence, the duration of the life cycle, the measure of total labor costs, the level and dynamics of personnel efficiency (Fig. 3) .

Rice. 3. Modern concept of maintaining personnel competitiveness

Conceptual element "maximum corporate competence" . Corporate competence represents the competence of personnel at the level necessary for the organization to achieve its main goals: economic, scientific, technical, production, commercial and social (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Development of corporate competence

The development of corporate competence can occur in two aspects - autonomous and organizational (corporate).

In the autonomous aspect, the development of corporate competence involves the satisfaction of private interests by an individual employee in the formation and enhancement of their competitive advantages in the labor market by increasing knowledge, skills, abilities, and powers. This process largely proceeds independently of the private interests of other participants in labor activity.

In the organizational (corporate) aspect, the development of personnel competence is predetermined by:

In the organizational aspect, the development of corporate competence implies that all personnel of the organization are continuously developing, learning and thereby surpassing competitors. In order to be effective and not reduce the achieved level, personnel must develop corporate competence at least at the same pace as environmental conditions change. And to anticipate the future, staff must improve their competencies even faster. Such development of corporate competence helps to transform the organization into a self-developing system, using its departments as laboratories of excellence and involving all personnel in the process of developing competence. This situation generates many new ideas and helps less experienced workers reach the highest levels of work quality.

The characteristics of the development of corporate competence in the organizational aspect are: its subordination to the requirements of the development of the organization (region); priority of measures ensuring socio-political stability in the organization (society); creating economic conditions for each employee to maintain their competitive advantages in the labor market, taking into account the volume and structure of human capital; elimination (minimization) of inequality in the formation of competitive advantages among individual employees that arises for various objective reasons; etc.

There are two approaches to competence development - traditional and innovative.

Traditional approach involves the development of personnel competence in conditions of a clear division of the labor process into separate operations, functions or tasks. This approach denies individual initiative and experimentation at the position level and implies standardization of tasks, procedures, and competencies. Of course, this has its advantages: the performance of a narrow range of tasks by one worker presupposes the stability of limited competence over a long period of time, which can easily be acquired through repeated repetition of labor operations in the workplace. This approach to competency development is appropriate for organizations with a small number of employees, using simple management structures and not requiring highly qualified personnel. However, difficulties for an enterprise arise when it is necessary to make a rapid transition to new products and technologies, to ensure the development of a new required level of satisfying the needs of consumers of the products produced (or services provided).

Innovative approach to the development of personnel competence is due to the influence of unforeseen circumstances on modern production, which require a certain freedom of action for personnel to make decisions in an emerging non-standard situation. The implementation of such an approach to competence development is aimed, firstly, at achieving compliance between the content of the work and the developing abilities of the employee; secondly, to organize work in such a way that would interest the employee to increase the efficiency of his work; thirdly, to introduce greater diversity into the work, strengthening its creative aspects; fourthly, on the constant accumulation of professional competence of employees. The development of personnel competence within the framework of an innovative approach contributes, firstly, to minimizing the efforts of individual employees resulting from competition in the desire to improve their formal status; secondly, the disappearance of the traditional division of labor between employees (they perform a wide range of management and executive functions and are responsible for the product, technology, market niche); thirdly, increasing the flexibility of the organization’s production and commercial activities in rapidly changing market conditions.

Conceptual element “maximum total cost savings” . Qualitative parameters of personnel competitiveness (such as competence, its life cycle), despite their importance, do not completely exhaust the concept of “personnel competitiveness.” An important indicator of competitiveness, like any product, is the price characteristics of labor, which within the internal labor market take the form of total labor costs.

The employer's total costs consist of two parts: the price of labor and the price of its consumption.

In the economic domestic and foreign literature there are various economic theories of the formation of labor prices.

According to Marxist theory, a hired worker, entering into purchase and sale relations on the labor market, receives a wage for his special kind of goods equal to the price of only necessary labor. Modern economic theory defines wages as the price of labor, including total income, interest and profit. The marginal productivity theory of distribution states that the employee is rewarded according to his marginal productivity. According to the “transaction” theory, the price of labor, being the result of an agreement between the seller and the buyer of labor, presupposes the profitability of the purchase and sale transaction for them.

Labor costs form the price of labor consumption. These costs are associated with training and retraining of workers, intra-company investments in human capital, various taxes and deductions, insurance, etc.

Price parameters of personnel competitiveness allow the employer to:


reduce the costs of training newly hired employees by promoting employees of the enterprise who have acquired some skills in the process of work (if the enterprise fills jobs with the help of the external labor market, it will have to finance the training of newly hired employees);

reduce labor selection costs and reduce the risk of errors when filling vacancies, since the enterprise has extensive information about its own employees and limited data about the quality of external market workers;

stimulate employees in terms of maintaining discipline, increasing labor productivity and improving skills.

The employer's policy regarding total personnel costs represents a set of activities and strategies of a labor market entity aimed at managing prices and pricing in order, firstly, to capture a certain market share and secure it for itself; secondly, to obtain the target profit; thirdly, adapt to the actions of competitors; fourthly, create conditions for the implementation of each function of the price of labor (reproductive, accounting, stimulating, regulating).

Conceptual element “maximum labor efficiency”. Labor efficiency should be understood as a complex component of production efficiency, which is directly related to the costs of living, embodied and total labor, which make it possible to satisfy the market need for goods and services. Thus, an increase in labor efficiency means an upward development of the economy. A decrease in the ratio of useful results to labor costs means not only an economic, but also a social decline.

Conceptual element “maximizing the life cycle of competence”. Since the acquisition of competence is not a frozen or completed process, it requires constant updating of existing knowledge and skills and the acquisition of new ones. In the economic literature, the phenomenon of changes in product sales volumes over time is called the product life cycle.

In relation to personnel competence, we can also talk about its life cycle. The competency life cycle is superficially similar to the geometry of the product life cycle. The main parameters of competence change over time, at regular and measurable intervals: formation (acquisition) of competence, active use, extinction (obsolescence).

The life cycle of personnel competence is influenced by factors such as:

Depending on the factors influencing the life cycle of competence, we distinguish three of its models (product, organizational, physical) and three submodels (employee, specialist, manager).

Product life cycle model of corporate competence provides for the dependence of the dynamics of the competitive advantages of personnel on the life cycle of the goods they produce (or services provided) on the market. The phases of the product life cycle (PLC) are usually divided into: I - introduction (introduction) of the product; II - growth; III - maturity; IV - saturation; V - decline. Accordingly, the life cycles of corporate competence are distinguished: acquisition, distribution, growth, maturity, stabilization and extinction of competence.

Organizational life cycle model of corporate competence provides for the dependence of the dynamics of the competitive advantages of personnel on the stages of the organization’s life cycle (I - formation, II - functional growth, III - controlled growth, IV - bankruptcy), as well as the organizational development strategy (I - entrepreneurial, II - dynamic growth, III - profitability, IV - liquidation, circulation). Accordingly, the life cycles of corporate competence are distinguished: acquisition, distribution, growth, maturity, stabilization and extinction of competence.

Physical model of the competency life cycle determines the 2nd time range of labor activity, which distinguishes:


the maximum duration of the upcoming working life (as the difference in the number of years between the upper and lower limits of working age);

expected duration (as the difference in the number of years between the upper and lower limits of working age, taking into account sex and age levels of economic activity);

potential duration (as the difference in the number of years between the upper and lower limits of working age, taking into account the level of age-related mortality of the population of a given region or country);

real duration (as the difference between the upper and lower limits of the working period, taking into account sex-age levels of economic activity and age-specific mortality rates of the population of a given region or country).

In the conditions of the innovation process, there is a tendency to shorten the life cycle of the product “labor” in terms of the rate of obsolescence of workers’ professional knowledge, skills and abilities. It has been scientifically established that after graduating from a higher educational institution, an average of 20% of knowledge is lost annually. There is evidence of obsolescence of knowledge in various branches of science, for example, in metallurgy - 3.9 years, mechanical engineering - 5.2, etc. . Similar processes are occurring in this area in developed Western countries and in the United States. Thus, research by American scientists on the cost-effectiveness of personnel training has shown that the payback period for personnel training costs is reduced, sometimes amounting to only 2-4 years. In addition, the duration of the period of labor activity of the working population is reduced.

Thus, the life cycle of competence is initially and objectively “shortened”, directly dependent on the external environment. The influence of the external environmental factor on the activities of the personnel of an individual enterprise is so great that it cannot exist independently longer than the existence of the system in which it operates. In other words, personnel cannot exist outside the enterprise, outside the system, which means they must develop together with the enterprise, region, and society as a whole.

Practice shows that new techniques in developing personnel competitiveness do not appear as a revelation of individual organizations. Innovations are born as a result of creative study, systematization, generalization and assessment of the functioning of various subjects of the labor market. Taking other market actors as a starting point for its own approaches, the organization develops and implements new productive strategies for behavior in the internal labor market. Attracting other people's experience allows you to accelerate your own progress, strengthening the capabilities of the enterprise and organization to achieve a synergistic effect in the process of managing the competitiveness of hired personnel.


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Also on this topic.


Department of Management and Marketing

The topic of the course project is “Increasing the competitiveness of personnel by improving the use of human resources potential”

Course project in the discipline “Human Resources Management”


student gr. No.

Scientific adviser:

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Naberezhnye Chelny – 2010



      Personnel potential: essence, main characteristics 6

      Purpose of personnel policy and stages of its implementation 8

      Personnel control as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of personnel 12

    ANALYSIS OF HR POLICY AND HR PLANNING using the example of M.Video Management LLC 13

    1. Brief characteristics of the organization 14

      Key personnel planning indicators 19

      Controlling personnel planning in M.Video 22

    Proposals for improving personnel planning at M.Video - Management LLC 23

    1. Directions for improving personnel planning 23

      The optimal option for modifying personnel planning 24




Currently, a certain level of stability has appeared in our country, associated with meeting a greater volume of needs of the population and determining the ultimate owners of large enterprises and businesses. In this situation, a necessary condition for growth dynamics, consolidation in the market or increasing the profitability of the enterprise, when we are no longer talking about excess profits, is to increase the level of competitiveness of the organization, one of the foundations of which is a well-selected workforce and measures to improve the personnel management system. The main task of the Personnel Management System is to ensure that staff accurately fulfill the tasks and functions set and defined in accordance with the goals of the organization. To ensure the full implementation of assigned tasks by personnel, the organization must formulate a personnel policy that defines the strategy of personnel work, establishes exactly all goals and objectives, and determines the principles of selection, placement and development of personnel. Personnel and labor resources at an enterprise are an object of constant concern from the management of the enterprise. The role of labor resources increases significantly during the period of market relations. The investment nature of production and the priority of product quality issues have changed the requirements for employees and increased the importance of a creative attitude to work and high professionalism. This led to significant changes in the principles, methods and socio-psychological issues of personnel management in the enterprise. A well-chosen workforce is one of the main tasks of an entrepreneur. This should be a team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand, accept and implement the plans of the enterprise management. Only it serves as the key to the success of entrepreneurial activity, expression and prosperity of the enterprise.

The goal of the course project is to develop proposals for improving personnel policies in order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise (using the example of Management LLC).

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve several problems:

1. Consider the theoretical aspects of personnel management and human resources development.

2. Conduct an analysis of the state of human resources and characterize Management LLC.

The object of study of this project is Management LLC (Naberezhnye Chelny). The subject of the study is the human resources potential of the organization as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the organization.

This work uses methods of collecting information, such as studying documentation, observation, and interviews. Information analysis methods such as statistical, deductive, structural, functional and systemic-strategic are also used.

The course project consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and several appendices.

The first section of the course project examines the theoretical aspects of personnel management and human resources development. The essence of human resources potential is considered. The basics of effective human resource management of an organization are described. Methods for increasing the efficiency of using human resources are considered.

The second section of the course work is devoted to the analysis of the activities of Management LLC. Here is a general description of the enterprise. An analysis of the financial activities of the enterprise under study is carried out. The process of human resources management in the conditions of Management LLC is considered.

In the third section of the course project, recommendations are developed to improve the use of the personnel potential of Management LLC using a package of documents.

An important role in achieving the research objectives was played by the use of textbooks by T.V. Zaitseva, A.T. Zub “Personnel Management”, as well as R. Daft “Management”. Some ideas for employee interaction are borrowed from the works of R. Kiyosaki, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” as well as R. Farson and R. Keyes, “The one who makes the most mistakes wins.”

This topic is relevant in our country, because it is effective personnel planning that allows you to be a successful and competitive organization. This topic is also relevant for the M.Video Management company, since increasing the competitiveness of personnel by improving the use of human resources will increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.


1.1. Personnel potential: essence, main characteristics

The term “potential” in its etymological meaning comes from the Latin word potentia, which means hidden possibility, power, strength. Personnel potential can be defined as the totality of the abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems.
Considering the various components of the concept of “personnel potential” as a source of qualitative changes in economic development, we come to the conclusion that the evolution of the category reflects profound changes in the content of the entire system of economic concepts, in the center of which the worker is located as the main productive force.

The category “personnel potential” considers the total worker not just as a participant in production, but as an integral and driving principle of all stages of the reproduction process; as a “carrier” of social needs, performs the function of goal-setting, objectively generates and subjectively sets strategic and tactical goals for economic development.
According to the domestic economist A. M. Omarov, “they are used to seeing a person primarily as a “labor resource,” but not as a complex and competitive personality...”

According to established statistical practice, the labor force consists of able-bodied citizens of working age and working in the country’s economy. The social aspect of labor resources is expressed in such a phenomenon as human potential, the economic manifestation of which is personnel potential.

Recently, the approach to the study of labor potential as an element of the human factor of production, i.e. socio-economic phenomenon. In the concept of “labor potential”, as an independent concept distinct from labor resources and human capital, the main meaning-forming word is still “potential”, i.e. the possibility of realizing something. This means we can talk about its accumulation, including in the form of human capital, about its value, as the degree of accumulation, about its implementation, including in the form of the use of labor resources.

The content of human resources and its main features can be formulated based on the following definition of personnel. Personnel are qualified, specially trained workers for a particular activity, when their appropriate use involves the maximum return on what a specialist can provide based on his education, personal qualities and acquired work experience. Each employee has labor potential - a set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activity, the ability to achieve certain results under given conditions, as well as improve in the labor process.

The term “potential” means the presence of someone (an individual, a primary work collective, society as a whole) with hidden, not yet manifested capabilities or abilities in the relevant spheres of their life.

The main components of an employee’s labor potential are:

Psychophysiological component: state of health, performance, endurance, abilities and inclinations of a person, type of nervous system, etc.;

Socio-demographic component: age, gender, marital status;
- qualification component: level of education, volume of special knowledge, work skills, ability to innovate, intelligence, creativity, professionalism;

Personal component: attitude to work, discipline, activity, value orientations, motivation, morality.

The labor potential of an employee is not a constant value; it is subject to changes, both upward and downward. The creative abilities of an employee accumulated in the course of work increase as new knowledge and skills are acquired, health is strengthened, and working conditions are improved, but they can decrease when the work regime becomes more stringent, health deteriorates, etc.

1.2 Purpose of personnel policy and stages of its implementation

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management and increasing its competitiveness is carried out through personnel policy. Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of behavior in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to combining the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

The main object of the enterprise's personnel policy is personnel (personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is the main (regular) composition of its employees. Personnel are the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. They create and set in motion the means of production and constantly improve them. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

Features of the current state of the market economy, the presence of elements of crisis phenomena, the dynamic development of market relations in the Russian economy make special demands on the personnel management policy at any enterprise. In these conditions, it is necessary to significantly increase the focus of personnel management, strengthen production, technological and labor discipline, ensure the introduction of modern methods of stimulating work motivation, monitoring the effectiveness and quality of work, and achieve closer interaction of this type of management with the management of the enterprise as a whole.

Personnel policy ensures high-quality and timely adaptation of the organization to various changes in the external environment, and also promotes high intra-collective efficiency, which has the best effect on achieving high-quality short-, medium-, and long-term goals of the organization. Personnel policy contains the key to meeting the needs of both clients, partners, and the staff themselves, as the greatest value of a modern organization.

Personnel policy is formed with the help of personnel planning, as a tool for attracting, training and maintaining the efficiency of the workforce that makes up the personnel.

The main long-term goal of any organization is the desire to survive in the competition. At the same time, employees are the main competitive advantage of any organization.

Typically, organizational effectiveness is described in terms of performance and assessed as a combination of such complex characteristics as: maximum use of the capabilities, abilities and skills of employees; achieving organizational goals and the ability to attract the most trained and highly motivated personnel. All this should affect the overall performance indicators of the organization; labor productivity, quality, level of customer service, profit growth, value increment.

In order to achieve effective performance, the organization must:

    formulate and communicate your mission and strategy to each employee;

    create an organizational structure consistent with the organization's goals;

    implement the most progressive (based on world practice) human resource management system.

The weakness and strength of an organization depends on human resources. The professional decisions made by employees at any workplace determine the effectiveness of production tasks and form the overall success and effectiveness of the organization. Therefore, it is important to control, encourage and help employees in order, on the one hand, to create all the conditions for the fullest realization of their professional knowledge, and on the other hand, to create a desire to work efficiently and productively.

Thus, the contribution of personnel policy and the activities of the personnel management service to the effectiveness of the organization is that it:

    helps the organization achieve its goals;

    increases the efficiency of using the capabilities, abilities and skills of human resources;

    supplies the organization with well-trained personnel;

    increases employee job satisfaction and stimulates their need for self-realization in the workplace;

    creates, develops and maintains an appropriate level of working conditions, which makes working in this organization desirable;

    Communicates personnel policies to all employees;

    maintains the required level of culture of behavior and discipline in the organization;

    plans and manages changes in the organization, taking into account the interests of individual employees, groups and the organization as a whole;

    helps reduce costs and increase competitiveness.

So, the main purpose of personnel policy is to form a team that will harmoniously, at the lowest cost, achieve production goals, ensuring high quality of the final product.

This creates a stable basis for a market economy and interpersonal relationships not only in the team, but throughout society. This determines the important social function of personnel policy.

The stages of personnel policy include the following elements of the personnel management algorithm:

    Development and implementation of personnel selection plans in accordance with the goals of the organization, organizational culture, state of the external environment, including in accordance with legislative standards for personnel activities;

    Development and implementation of plans for the use of personnel to achieve increasing efficiency of the organization, in accordance with intra-organizational sub-goals and sub-processes;

    Development and implementation of plans for the development and improvement of personnel, for the movement of personnel within the organization, as well as including the dismissal of some employees;

    Monitoring the application of personnel policy to timely prevent problems and modify plans, thereby ensuring positive feedback at all stages of the implementation of personnel policy.

There is a relationship between these stages of personnel policy and the functions of management, and in this specificity - personnel management:

    Planning, as the first stage of personnel policy, including primary research of the labor market, opportunities for attracting, developing, improving and retaining personnel, the result of which is a plan for the formation of the personnel potential of the team;

    Organization as an integral element of personnel management, including the distribution of resources, goal setting for each member and groups of employees, distribution of rights and responsibilities, in accordance with the overall organizational strategy;

    Leadership or motivation, which is ensured by caring for personnel, manifested in development, unlocking the potential of employees, competently stimulating their work, and strengthening cohesion and dedication;

    Control, as an integral part of management, is the “eyes” of management, providing a vision of the quality of implementation of personnel policy.

Like any type of activity, personnel planning may have problems, and their emergence is nothing more than a new stage in the development of the organization’s management to achieve new heights of quality work.

1.3. Personnel control as an integral process of increasing the competitiveness of personnel

Following personnel planning, a fundamentally important link in the implementation of an organization-wide strategy is regulation, operational management of the actions of personnel management - the so-called controlling. Its initial basis is information about the operationally achieved level of problem solving, its comparison with the level of the initial stage and with the planned level. Based on the correlation of this information, course correction occurs. Strategic personnel control manages the company's potential, ensuring its future. Significant discrepancies between the desired and actually achieved level of performance can lead to a change in strategy and even a revision of the overall goals of the company.

Controlling is primarily aimed at studying the state of personnel policy, and is a “feedback” of the stage of implementation of decisions with the stage of planning, organization and motivation.

Controlling can be carried out by a separate service within the organization, or by an external audit company. In this case, controlling can be carried out constantly at a certain interval, or situationally, due to the current need.

Controlling helps to understand at which stages of personnel policy it is necessary to primarily focus attention in order to obtain a large increase in productivity, or rapid adaptation to new conditions.

In general, controlling is similar to HR management itself, only it works with the results of implementing the HR strategy.

In modern times, control is given a lot of attention due to the highly variable external environment and competition in the market. These are the “eyes” of HR management, and if there is a sufficient level of implementation of controlling, the organization receives great benefits. Of course, small organizations cannot attract outside consultants, so they have to rely only on the strength of their own HR department or HR manager.

In the practical section, we will consider the personnel policy and personnel planning of M.Video - Management LLC.

Thus, we can conclude that the implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management and increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise is carried out through personnel policy. Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. Strategic personnel control manages the company's potential, ensuring its future and helping to be a competitive and successful organization.

    Personnel policy and personnel planning using the example of M.Video - Management LLC

2.1 General information about the company and personnel policy

M.Video - Management LLC (briefly - “M.Video”) is one of the largest Russian networks for the sale of audio, video, computer, household and office equipment. This is one of four federal distribution networks for these products, occupying second place in the network sector in terms of sales - 10% of sales, after Eldorado - 28% of sales. “M.Video” is followed by “Tekhnosila” - 9% and “Mir” - 8%.

The issue of personnel policy and personnel planning at M.Video occupies a very high place. When forming an organization-wide strategy, external factors are taken into account, such as:

World trends in intercurrency development;

Customs policy of supplier states and the Russian Federation;

Political component;

Regulatory component, primarily in the Russian Federation;

Socio-demographic factors in the Russian Federation;

Financial stability and investment climate in the Russian Federation.

Internal organizational factors are also taken into account, such as:

Personnel potential, incl. and organizational leadership perspectives;

Financial situation, i.e. opportunity to develop and invest in new projects;

The effectiveness of the strategy as an indicator identified during control;

Efficiency of tactical and operational planning;

The position of the company's image before the public;

Quality of marketing policy, etc.

Personnel planning is directly carried out during corporate planning, and there is a subsection in the company’s strategy, which is called “Personnel Development Plan”.

The development of this plan begins at the highest level of management, starting with the Board of Directors. As a rule, third-party experts are brought in to collect information, and to analyze it they work in direct interaction with top management (line and functional managers).

The formation of the plan is carried out only by the management of “M.Video”. When forming plans, not only the development prospects of a given enterprise are taken into account, but also a significantly influencing factor - the development plans of competitors. These plans are usually closed, and managers develop speculative plans for the development of competitors in the field of personnel planning and organization-wide.

We can say that all the strongest competitors are willing to pay highly for high-quality personnel and stimulate them in other ways. Therefore, a broad organizational culture with its customs, events, heroes, values, beliefs, and norms is being introduced into M.Video.

Personnel policy is very deeply interconnected with organizational culture, because people in a modern organization are not cogs in the system that can easily be replaced, but valuable individuals who have a multifaceted view of the world, combining unique life and operational experience, possessing unique development abilities and their own values.

The organizational culture of M.Video is highly adaptable to the values ​​of each individual, without causing significant contradictions even in difficult situations.

An important place is occupied by the publication “Be in the know”, published and distributed within the staff of “M.Video”. In this magazine, everyone sees the values ​​of the organization and is qualitatively involved in the culture.

Among other things, “M.Video” has launched a “Postgraduate” program, carried out to train high-quality personnel with a high dedication to culture. As a rule, thanks to a high-quality investment development program and the opening of new M.Video stores, “graduate students” who have completed the training course are appointed to the posts of store directors or department managers (audio-video, household appliances, digital, receiving and issuing departments) .

During the course of the “Graduate Student” program, a company employee goes through all stages of the company’s activities in a business unit (working in a warehouse with a mentor, working in the HR department, working with line managers who also act as mentors). That is, rotation is carried out, and high-quality assimilation of the integrity of the company in all its diverse forms of activity is carried out.

M.Video pays great attention to and applies measures to attract, develop and retain personnel as a quality component of the organization. Personnel planning is carried out strategically, i.e. with the achievement of the main goal - the survival of the organization. Personnel planning is carried out starting from the corporate HR manager to store direction managers. The top HR manager handles global management, while individual store line managers handle operational tasks. These tasks include:

Selection of candidates for interview through the study of questionnaires;

Hiring the most motivated, prepared and capable of development employees;

Formation of a coherent team structure in areas or other services (for example, salespeople in the audio-video department, office workers);

Development of team members through trainings, operational meetings, etc., assigning temporary powers and tasks to the manager of promising employees to form new managers;

Formation of staffing, taking into account the optimal combination of convenience for staff and high quality of work (sales);

Planning vacation schedules together with the HR department;

Prompt response to unplanned absence of team members;

Control and application of administrative measures in case of poor quality or undisciplined performance of work;

Introduction and development of corporate culture at the interpersonal level throughout the entire staff, including the manager himself;

Rotation of team members within the department to improve the quality of awareness of the products sold, to increase team cohesion, for timely and high-quality adaptation of new employees;

Communicating management decisions to staff and providing feedback from team members to management according to the rules established in the organizational culture.

“M.Video” is an organization with a mixed divisional-matrix structure, which is presented in Figure 2.1. Divisionality is determined by the fact that this organization has many divisions with personnel of the same structure (director, area managers, human resources department, office, accounting, sales consultants are in all stores). Also, each business unit has approximately the same ratio of these structural parts of personnel.

In the head division, the structure is almost the same, only dealing with global management at the level of the entire organization. There is a Board of Directors, i.e. top managers and major shareholders involved in the formation of the overall organizational strategy. Among them are the President of the company, HR manager, finance manager, strategic development manager, merchandising manager (product purchases, assortment replenishment), sales manager, logistics manager, commerce manager (pricing manager), and information technology manager.

Rice. 2.1. M.Video campaign structure

The regional divisions (4 of them – South, East, North, West) have the same personnel structure. Each M.Video store has the same matrix management structure. (Fig. 2.2)

Rice. 2.2 Structure of the M.Video store

The matrix structure of the M.Video company is determined by the design of achieving many strategic goals. There is a project to form a personnel reserve, within which there are managers who have broad powers within certain limits. Such project managers collaborate directly with functional managers of lower departments (if the project is carried out within the entire organization), or with department specialists (if the project belongs to one department). An example of such a project is a store opening project, when the manager of this project is present at important stages of the store opening and further adjusts this process. When the store opens, the project ends and the manager is transferred to another location.

Personnel planning at this enterprise is carried out at a decent level, meeting the requirements of the time and high competition in this area.

2.2 Main indicators of personnel planning

M.Video has the best performance indicator in Russia in this field of activity: the largest sales per m2 of retail space (approx. $11,500 per year).

Thanks to a flexible remuneration system and a high corporate culture, M.Video has a low staff turnover rate of 0.32. Salaries in the industry are at a decent level.

Thanks to its high-quality personnel policy and personnel planning, M.Video is in 52nd place in the ranking of the most attractive companies in the Russian Federation for employment.

The need for personnel renewal is little expressed, and at the same time, the company has launched a project to form a personnel reserve, thereby ensuring a sufficient supply of well-trained personnel capable of working in any department, in any position.

A significant negative trend is the demographic decline in the Russian Federation, but this factor will also become significant in 5 years, when a large quality reserve will be formed.

The level of technology in the sales and service process allows us to say that the company will not be able to significantly reduce the required number of personnel. Therefore, we can say that in the next 5 years there will be no changes in the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel.

The company has clear instructions regarding the responsibilities of each employee, summarized in the provisions of the personnel policy. More than 90% of sellers have confirmed their qualifications or improved them, while the rest were hired recently and have not yet sufficiently adapted to the work process.

The company's strategy takes into account market development trends in Russia and the company's goals, as well as the operating conditions of business units. Thanks to this, the M.Video company is able to attract the required number of employees to carry out the necessary tasks. This is facilitated by the location of the stores: cities with a population of more than 200 thousand people, with an average salary lower than in the company. Every year the M.Video company opens new stores. In 2010, the company operated 200 stores, and in 2011 it is planned to open another 40. (Fig. 2.3)

Rice. 2.3. Projected growth of the M.Video company by number of stores

From the foregoing, it can be seen that the gross personnel requirement will not differ significantly from the likely projected availability of personnel in most regions.

Accordingly, with the standard quality of personnel, companies until 2011 it will be necessary to increase the staff by 2.5 times. That is why the project of forming a personnel reserve is so important.

2.3 Controlling personnel planning in M.Video

This company pays great attention to control.

Every year, an external audit company checks the quality of human resources management based on diverse data obtained by studying documentation, observation, questioning, etc. The results of the audit are presented to the Board of Directors so that top managers can modify the company's development strategy taking into account existing conditions and projected changes.

Among other things, every month a special external service “Mystery Shopper” or “Mystery Shopper” checks 3 sellers in each store of the retail chain. No seller can guess who the real Mystery Shopper is. First of all, the qualitative characteristics of sellers are checked, such as compliance with corporate culture, level of preparedness in their activities, compliance with social values ​​and ethics, ability to attract customers to their next purchases, etc.

Thanks to the results of the Mystery Shopper, Regional Branch Directors have the opportunity to influence outstanding stores with administrative and even material measures, primarily through Store Directors.

Thanks to this, the company maintains a positive attitude, an atmosphere of competition combined with cooperation, which has a very positive effect on the company’s performance.

The results of the “Mystery Shopper” are transmitted in the form of reports to top managers and the auditing firm, and they show the trend of changes in the quality of personnel policies both throughout the company and in individual divisions.

Now let's move on to the chapter of forming proposals for improving the personnel policy at M.Video-Management LLC.

(1. The paragraph cannot be less than 3 pages! And this is all about control in the organization?

2. General conclusions for section 2???)

3 Proposals for improving personnel planning at M.Video - Management LLC

In Chapter 2, we looked at the strengths and weaknesses of the personnel policy at M.Video-Management LLC.

In view of synergy, increasing the quality of personnel motivation to 4 points out of 5 will allow us to talk about the overall quality of personnel policy at the level of 0.8, which will significantly affect the company’s performance in the direction of increased efficiency. (You didn’t analyze these indicators and these factors in section 2!)

Sales and profits will also increase.

So, the main directions of modification of personnel policy can be:

Changing the wage system;

Changing the non-material incentive system;

Changing the information system;

Changes in the quality of management personnel;

Changing the structure, tasks, resources and responsibilities of subordinates.

You can start implementing all of these areas, but it will be expensive. It is important for us to determine the optimal option for implementing changes so that, at the lowest cost, a significant and greater positive result for the company’s activities is ensured.

First of all, let’s discard the change in the wage system. Such measures are currently ineffective; No matter how innovative they look, they will not significantly improve productivity. (-)

The system of non-material incentives, due to the variety of forms of implementation, has great potential for optimizing the process of personnel motivation. Relatively inexpensive measures can bring big results.(+)

The information system can be improved, but its results will be significantly noticeable at the organizational level, bypassing the motivation from operational management.(-)

Changing the quality of management personnel is costly, although it can significantly affect the results of the motivation stage. In addition, there is a tendency to increase the lack of high-quality management personnel convenient for M.Video. (-)

Changing the structure, tasks, resources and responsibilities of subordinates can be made as a result of in-depth and expensive research. In addition, such measures will affect the largest part of the staff - sales workers, distribution workers, and service personnel. It is also very expensive, and the results are less likely to be worth it. (-)

So, of all the indicated areas for improving the personnel policy at M.Video, the most optimal is changing the system of non-material incentives. Among other things, competitors also arrived at these results using the induction method. Therefore, this area should be most qualitatively researched to find such opportunities and hidden resources that can bring this organization to a new level of quality of services provided.

      The optimal option for modifying personnel planning

As we assume through the method of induction, competitors have goals to improve their personnel policies in order to:

Attract the necessary personnel, including from your competitors;

Develop your staff to achieve increased productivity;

Retain the staff so that outside forces and competitors cannot attract it to themselves.

Based on the assumption about the specification of regions, let’s draw an analogy with the specification of companies engaged in trading:

Each company has unique features, unique resources and capabilities, and the quality of their use determines its position in competition.

In the M.Video company, the emphasis is on service and a great positive image before the public, because this meets the requirements of the modern market “to retain customers and increase their loyalty.” Those. this positions the company as a leader in marketing activities among such networks.

From this mission follow the goals of achieving certain results, on the basis of which a personnel development strategy is formed. Personnel policy should be modified in the field of non-material motivation of personnel, taking into account the above provisions.

In the area of ​​motivation problems, the following have been identified: (On what basis have you determined - has any research been conducted? What is your conclusion based on?)

    Insufficient level of interpersonal interaction in the team. Motivation of employees to cooperate, find new ways to solve problems, and exchange experience is insufficient and is a significant drawback of the personnel motivation stage in the company;

    Low level of commitment to culture among new employees. The inability to qualitatively involve an employee in the labor process, both on the part of management and on the part of colleagues, delays the moment of becoming a full-fledged, quality specialist;

    Low level of feedback from superiors, and low promotion of employee initiative. On the part of superiors, there is a greater reluctance to “hear” subordinates, which is the result of low motivation;

    A tendency for the quality of management personnel to decline due to the large growth of the company. First of all, this problem concerns store managers, i.e. managers who are more involved in motivating than planning and organizing.

From these 5 points, we will identify specific areas of solutions:

    The area of ​​interpersonal interaction in teams subordinate to line managers (salespeople, inspection and delivery workers);

    The area of ​​bureaucratic power relations, defined through the performance of assigned duties;

    The area of ​​quality of management personnel, the ability of managers for practical leadership and high motivation of subordinates.

These three areas contain many hidden opportunities and pitfalls. We will offer applied measures to improve personnel policy at the stage of personnel motivation:

Conduct joint entertainment and competitive events with a cultural program;

Conduct periodic competitions of modular groups, the composition of which would change and include workers from different directions (for example, 4 module groups in each of which 3 sellers from the AV department, from the BT department, from the Digital department, from the issuance and verification department) , encourage them at a general meeting with a separate word;

Conduct periodic courses on knowledge of organizational culture and the structure of power relations;

Come up with mottos, slogans and other attributes of organizational culture that would be repeated at employee meetings and strengthen openness and unity in achieving the company’s goals; create a cultural development service that would create a sustainable image of the best company in the minds of every employee;

Create corners of honor for the company’s heroes, the most important place among which will be occupied by managers. For example, in this corner there will be an opportunity to relax while simultaneously studying the achievements of the company, made by such and such with such and such excellent results. It is desirable that the staff can be involved in this collectively in order to affirm the unity and integrity of the company’s culture and the desire of every employee to do everything possible to achieve “our” goals.

These proposals are not expensive to implement, and can significantly increase the productivity of personnel, which will contribute to the transition to a higher quality level of service provision in the company M.Video-Management LLC.

Thanks to low costs (presumably less than 5% of the budget), the increase in the quality of personnel policy in the provision of services will be about 18.7% (1-(0.65/0.8)). Given the average elasticity of buyers' attitudes to the quality of staffing activities, real projected profits will increase by 9.4% after a period of repeat purchases (depending on the region and the activities of competitors).

The implementation of offers will pay off during the repeat purchase cycle, i.e. statistically within 1 year. In subsequent years, the company will be able to direct additional profits to the development of all internal processes, as well as foreign economic, charitable, and other activities.


Currently, a certain level of stability has appeared in our country, associated with meeting a greater volume of needs of the population and determining the ultimate owners of large enterprises and businesses. In this situation, a necessary condition for growth dynamics, consolidation in the market or increasing the profitability of the enterprise, when we are no longer talking about excess profits, is to increase the level of competitiveness of the organization, one of the foundations of which is a well-selected workforce and measures to improve the personnel management system. The main task of the Personnel Management System is to ensure that staff accurately fulfill the tasks and functions set and defined in accordance with the goals of the organization. To ensure the full implementation of assigned tasks by personnel, the organization must formulate a personnel policy that defines the strategy of personnel work, establishes exactly all goals and objectives, and determines the principles of selection, placement and development of personnel. Personnel and labor resources at an enterprise are an object of constant concern from the management of the enterprise.

There are many ways to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise. One of these ways is to improve the use of human resources. The relevance of the topic studied in the work is dictated by the fact that more and more business managers are turning their attention to their personnel, realizing their value. Many managers come to understand that by improving the use of the enterprise’s human resources potential, they can get ahead of their rivals in the competition.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management and increasing its competitiveness is carried out through personnel policy. Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel service of the enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of behavior in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to combining the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees. The main object of the enterprise's personnel policy is personnel (personnel).

So, in this course project, increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise by improving personnel planning in the theoretical aspect and in the aspect of applied activities was studied using the example of M.Video-Management LLC.

Controlling occupies a unique place among the stages of personnel management, and is a stage in the modification of personnel policies, which is also written about in the course project.

In addition to all of the above, this work devotes a lot of space to considering a real-life organization from the angle of personnel planning. Moreover, this company - M.Video-Management LLC - is an example for many companies operating in the field of selling electronic equipment, and, considering it in the course project, we revealed some important points (strengths) and problems that exist , perhaps, for everyone.

Thanks to the theoretical basis disclosed in Chapter One, as well as our own experience in the formation and implementation of solutions, this work describes specific steps that will help, at relatively low costs for their implementation and maintenance, to ensure increased competitiveness of the M.Video campaign.

A significant identified shortcoming at the enterprise: the low level of the motivation stage of personnel planning, which is like a “bottleneck” that does not allow other positive features of the company to manifest themselves in full force.

The overall efficiency of the company before the adoption of the proposals was assessed at the level of 0.65, while after the adoption of the proposed measures the effectiveness of the personnel policy was predicted to be at the level of 0.8.

The payback of the project for implementing these proposals lies within 1 year, which is an attractive solution for M.Video in improving personnel management at this enterprise. The level of net risk is small and is within the standard framework of decisions made.

Such steps will have a better impact on the company’s activities, will help to implement its ambitious plans in a shorter time and move to even greater heights.

The relevance of the topic is fully disclosed and is of great importance for any manager, because the competitiveness of an enterprise directly depends on the personnel potential of the campaign.


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