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Important and interesting information. Interesting facts about everything in the world (38 photos)

A selection of interesting facts from different areas that will be very interesting and educational for many of us.

In 1988, Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to star in the sequel to the film Commando. The script was reworked for a new main character and called “Die Hard.” Thus began the rise of Bruce Willis's career.

The world's population has almost stopped growing. The female fertility rate is currently 2.36. And for simple population reproduction, a female fertility rate of 2.33 is required.

When he was young, George Clooney lived with a lazy roommate who had a cat. Once he had to wash the cat's litter box for four days in a row. On the fifth day, Clooney got tired of it and shit in the tray himself. The neighbor was afraid that the cat was suffering from constipation and dragged the animal to the veterinarian.

In 1600, after a volcanic eruption in Peru, about two million people died... in Russia. The fact is that the accumulation of ash in the Earth’s atmosphere caused a “small glacial period“, which became the reason for the terrible harvest failure, and then the “Great Famine” that occurred during the reign of Boris Godunov.

France is the only one European country able to provide itself with basic food products.

If you see a cloud from an atomic explosion, extend your hand towards it and bend it thumb so that it obscures the “mushroom”. If the cloud is larger than your finger, then you are in the radiation zone and you need to evacuate urgently.

In the American city of Anthem (Arizona) there is a monument that functions only once a year, on Veterans Day - November 11. On this day, the sun's rays hit the monument at such an angle that they pass through all the rings in the five concrete structures, symbolizing the five branches of the US military, and illuminate the mosaic in the form of the Great Seal.

One man tried to commit suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco), but survived. He later admitted that this “flight” completely changed his entire understanding of life. “I suddenly realized that there was absolutely nothing in my life that couldn’t be fixed. Except for one thing - this very jump that I just decided to take.”

The first visitor to Disneyland was a college student named Dave McPherson. But that time he didn’t have time to ride a single ride, because he was in a hurry to get to class. But later he had a chance to more than make up for lost time - he was awarded a lifetime pass to all Disneylands on the planet.

Japan imports rice from the US - but only to meet World Trade Organization requirements. The Japanese almost never eat this rice. Most are sent to North Korea as humanitarian aid, the rest is fed to pigs or rots in warehouses.

The ancestors of the first whales were medium-sized land-dwelling mammals.

Before Hitler came to Paris during World War II, the French cut all the cables of the Eiffel Tower. If the Fuhrer wanted to look at the city from above, he would have to climb the steps to the top, which he did not do. Therefore, Parisians proudly say that although Hitler captured France, the Eiffel Tower was too much for him.

In 2006, Claudia Mejia, a resident of the American city of Orlando, went to give birth at a local hospital. When she woke up after giving birth, it turned out that she had neither arms nor legs. To all attempts to find out why the woman had all her limbs amputated, the hospital responds that they cannot state the reason, since in this way the rights of other patients would be violated. Allegedly, she contracted some kind of disease already in the hospital from other patients and the hospital has no right to disclose this information. As a result, Claudia was never able to find out why she was left without arms and legs.

In Vilnius (Lithuania) there is a small district of Užupis, which declared itself an independent republic. This republic has its own flag, its own currency, president, cabinet of ministers and even an army of 11 people

Once the Indian Maharaja Jai ​​Singh visited the Rolls-Royce pavilion in London. One of the workers, not understanding who was in front of him, allowed himself a caustic remark that, “You obviously can’t afford our product.” Singh bought ten cars, brought them to India and ordered them to be used for transporting garbage.

In 1998, during the Australian Open, sisters Serena and Venus Williams recklessly declared that they could easily beat any man ranked below 200 in the tennis rankings. German tennis player Karsten Braasch, the 203rd racket in the world, responded to the challenge. He showed up for the match, refueled with beer and, without much effort, beat first Serena and then Venus with a score of 6:1 and 6:2, respectively.

Due to confusion with similar names, representatives of the Slovak and Slovenian embassies have to meet regularly (once a month) to exchange mail delivered by mistake.

The very first version of Cinderella was written in China.

No one knows the name of the inventor of the fire hydrant because the patent for this invention was burned in a fire.

The inventor of Vaseline, Robert Chesbrough, ate a spoonful of his invention a day and assured that he felt enormous benefits from it for his body. He lived to be 96 years old.

President John F. Kennedy's daughter received a puppy from the first dog in space. The gift was made in order to improve relations between Kennedy and Khrushchev. This puppy managed to bite the entire Kennedy family.

There is no such thing as pink. The fact that we see it is a great scientific mystery. This color is a combination of red and violet - two opposite spectrums of the rainbow, and such a mixture is impossible in nature. In fact, certain wavelengths, when reflected, are converted into pink in our brain.

Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Tito and Freud all lived in Vienna, Austria at the same time in 1913.

While a person eats a pineapple, the pineapple eats a person in return. This is the only plant that contains bromelain, an enzyme that effectively breaks down protein. And since the human body is made of protein, the pineapple tries to “digest” it. This is what explains the ulcers on the tongue of those who overdo it with eating these fruits.

During the 9/11 rescue mission, dogs were so rarely able to locate survivors that they experienced extreme stress as they felt guilty and unable to cope. Therefore, rescuers had to regularly hide in the ruins themselves to allow the dogs to detect them and, thereby, maintain their “fighting spirit.”

Billionaire cocaine smuggler Sal Magluta won the US National Speedboat Race three times and appeared frequently on television despite being a fugitive. Nobody noticed anything for 6 years.

The chemical name of titin consists of 189,819 characters. It will take at least three hours to pronounce it completely.

It turns out that it's even better to store eggs dirty because they have a protective layer that washes off with water. In many countries, eggs are washed before sale to give them a more “marketable appearance”, and thereby open pores in the shell through which they can penetrate during storage. harmful bacteria.

16% of Lithuanians are immune against HIV.

There is a legend that Orson Welles's radio play The War of the Worlds, broadcast on CBS on October 30, 1938, was taken at face value, causing more than a million residents of the northeastern United States to allegedly believe in a Martian attack and panic. It was said that entire families barricaded themselves with weapons in the basements of their houses, or hastily packed their things to leave the country. In reality, the effect was not that strong, it was just that the CBS station's competitors were trying to discredit it as a news source.

In China, there is an organization called the “Mistresses Association”, which unites women who live at the expense of married wealthy men. On their website, these women not only share their impressions and experiences, but also help each other collect dirt on their patrons in case they decide to “cut off funding.”

In 2004, humanity produced more transistors than grains of rice, and by 2010, 125 thousand transistors could already be bought for the price of a grain of rice. An electronic device with 16 GB of memory contains more transistors than neurons in the human head.

Biotechnology company Pembient has learned to 3D print “rhino horns” that are genetically identical to natural ones. The company plans to release this product on the Chinese market at a price 8 times cheaper than real horns, hoping to thus combat poaching.

In 2009, an expert on anti-kidnapping in Mexico was kidnapped in Mexico just after finishing a lecture entitled “How to Avoid Getting Kidnapped in Mexico.”

Abstract algebraic principles are typically only taught in college. Meanwhile, mathematicians have proven that even a five-year-old child - that is, almost any member of society - is quite capable of comprehending them.

75% of the world's food comes from just 12 plant species and 5 animal species.

Jerky movements like tapping your fingers on a table or beating a rhythm with your feet can burn up to 350 calories a day. It is easy to notice that such habits are characteristic mainly of slender people.

One day, a 2.5-year-old girl named Michelle Funk fell into the river and was under water for 66 minutes. When rescuers brought her to the surface, the baby had neither a pulse nor breathing. After more than 3 hours, her blood suddenly became warmer. When the temperature reached 25 degrees Celsius, the girl returned to life and lives to this day.

Almost all peoples, nations and countries have historical facts. Today we want to tell you about various interesting facts that happened in the world, which many people know, but it will be interesting to read again. The world is not ideal, just like people, and the facts about which we will tell will be bad. It will be interesting to you, since every reader will learn something educational within the framework of their interests.

After 1703, Poganye Prudy in Moscow began to be called... Chistye Prudy.

During the time of Genghis Khan in Mongolia, anyone who dared to urinate in any body of water was executed. Because water in the desert was more valuable than gold.

On December 9, 1968, the computer mouse was introduced at an interactive devices show in California. Douglas Engelbart received a patent for this gadget in 1970.

In England in 1665-1666, the plague devastated entire villages. It was then that medicine recognized smoking as beneficial, which supposedly destroyed the deadly infection. Children and teenagers were punished if they refused to smoke.

Only 26 years after the founding of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, its agents received the right to bear arms.

In the Middle Ages, sailors deliberately inserted at least one gold tooth, even sacrificing a healthy one. For what? It turns out that it was for a rainy day, so that in case of death he could be buried with honor far from home.

First in the world mobile phone This is a Motorola DynaTAC 8000x (1983).

14 years before the sinking of the Titanic (April 15, 1912), a story by Morgan Robertson was published that foreshadowed the tragedy. It is interesting that according to the book, the Titan ship collided with an iceberg and sank, exactly as it actually happened.

DEAN - The leader over the soldiers in the tents in which the Roman army lived, 10 people each, was called the dean.

The most expensive bathtub in the world is carved from a very rare stone called Caijou. They say that it has healing properties, and the places of its extraction are kept secret to this day! Its owner was a billionaire from the United Arab Emirates, who wished to remain anonymous. Le Gran Queen price is $1,700,000.

The English admiral Nelson, who lived from 1758 to 1805, slept in his cabin in a coffin that was cut out of the mast of an enemy French ship.

The list of gifts for Stalin in honor of his 70th birthday was published in advance in newspapers more than three years before the event.

How many types of cheese are produced in France? The famous cheese maker Andre Simon mentioned 839 varieties in his book “On the Cheese Business.” The most famous are Camembert and Roquefort, and the first appeared relatively recently, only 300 years ago. This type of cheese is made from milk with the addition of cream. After only 4-5 days of ripening, a crust of mold appears on the surface of the cheese, which is a special fungal culture

Famous inventor sewing machine Isaac Singer was simultaneously married to five women. In total, he had 15 children from all the women. He called all his daughters Mary.

27 million people died in the Great Patriotic War.

One of the unusual records for traveling by car belongs to two Americans - James Hargis and Charles Creighton. In 1930, they traveled over 11 thousand kilometers in reverse, traveling from New York to Los Angeles and then back.

Even two hundred years ago, not only men, but also women participated in the famous Spanish bullfights. This took place in Madrid, and on January 27, 1839, a very significant bullfight took place, because only representatives of the fairer sex took part in it. The Spaniard Pajuelera received the greatest fame as a matador. Women were banned from bullfighting in the early 20th century, when Spain was ruled by fascists. Women were able to defend their right to enter the arena only in 1974.

The first computer to include a mouse was the Xerox 8010 Star Information System minicomputer, introduced in 1981. The Xerox mouse had three buttons and cost $400, which corresponds to almost $1,000 in 2012 prices adjusted for inflation. In 1983, Apple released its own one-button mouse for the Lisa computer, the cost of which was reduced to $25. The mouse became widely known thanks to its use in Apple Macintosh computers and later in the Windows OS for IBM PC compatible computers.

Jules Verne wrote 66 novels, including unfinished ones, as well as more than 20 novellas and short stories, 30 plays, several documentaries and scientific works.

When Napoleon and his army headed for Egypt in 1798, he captured Malta along the way.

During the six days that Napoleon spent on the island, he:

Abolished the power of the knights Order of Malta
-Carried out an administration reform with the creation of municipalities and financial management
-Abolished slavery and all feudal privileges
-Appointed 12 judges
-Layed the foundations of family law
-Introduced initial and general public education

65-year-old David Baird ran his own marathon to raise money for research into prostate and breast cancer. In 112 days, David traveled 4,115 kilometers, while pushing a car in front of him. And so he crossed the Australian continent. At the same time, he was on the move every day for 10-12 hours, and during the entire time he ran with a wheelbarrow, he covered a distance equal to 100 traditional marathons. This courageous man, having visited 70 cities, collected donations from Australian residents in the amount of about 20 thousand local dollars.

Lollipops appeared in Europe in the 17th century. At first, they were actively used by healers.

The group “Aria” has a song called “Will and Reason”, few people know that this is the motto of the Nazis in fascist Italy.

A Frenchman from the town of Landes, Sylvain Dornon, traveled from Paris to Moscow, walking on stilts. Setting off on March 12, 1891, covering 60 kilometers every day, the brave Frenchman reached Moscow in less than 2 months.

The capital of Japan, Tokyo, on this moment- most Big city in the world with a population of 37.5 million people.

Rokossovsky is a marshal of both the USSR and Poland.

Despite the popular belief that the transfer of Alaska to the United States of America was carried out by Catherine II, Russian empress has nothing to do with this historical deal.

One of the main reasons of this event considered a military weakness Russian Empire, which became obvious during the Crimean War.

The decision to sell Alaska was made during a special meeting that took place in St. Petersburg on December 16, 1866. It was attended by the entire top leadership of the country.

The decision was made unanimously.

Some time later, the Russian envoy in the US capital, Baron Eduard Andreevich Stekl, proposed to the American government to buy Alaska from the Republic of Ingushetia. The proposal was approved.

And in 1867, for 7.2 million gold, Alaska came under the jurisdiction of the United States of America.

In 1502–1506 Leonardo da Vinci painted his most significant work - a portrait of Mona Lisa, the wife of Messer Francesco del Giocondo. Many years later, the painting received a simpler name - “La Gioconda”.

Girls in Ancient Greece got married at the age of 15. For men, the average age for marriage was a more respectable period - 30 - 35 years. The father of the bride himself chose a husband for his daughter and gave money or things as a dowry.

The most interesting historical facts about different things updated: September 4, 2018 by: website

Incredible facts

No matter how much knowledge you have, there is always something interesting in the world that you could learn about today.

6. The biggest wave we rode was height with 10-story building.

7. Hearing - the fastest of feelings person.

8. Since the rotation of the Earth’s axis has slowed down, dayduring the time when dinosaurs lived,lasted approximately 23 hours.

9. On Earth more plastic flamingos than real ones.

10. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, its temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

11. 54 million people alive today they will die in a year.

12. Charlie Chaplin once participated in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and took 3rd place there.

13. Most entries off-screen laughter in comedy shows was recorded in the 1950s. So many of that audience are no longer alive.

14. Antarctica – the only continent where corn is not grown.

15. Lighters were invented before matches..

16. Napoleon was not short. His height is 170 cm, which was considered average height for the French in those days.

17. Best time For nap between 1 and 2:30 p.m., since at this time the body temperature drops.

18. Children do not feel salty taste until 4 months.

19. Male pandas perform handstand, when they urinate to mark a tree.

20. If only The earth would be the size of a grain of sand, The sun would be the size of an orange.

21. The Dead Sea is not completely dead. Microbes halophiles live in its salty water.

22. The first horses were the size of Siamese cats. These were the smallest horses that ever lived.

23. Only about 100 people in the world can speak Latin fluently.

This article presents an assortment of products that you probably didn’t know about before.

However, there may be facts here that are familiar to you. But, as you know, “repetition is the mother of learning.” So enjoy reading!

Here are the most interesting facts about everything.

  1. Every day, 12 newborns fall into the hands of the wrong parents due to the fault of medical personnel.
  2. 99% of the total mass solar system is in .
  3. There are 32 muscles in a cat's ear, thanks to which the animal can move it in different directions.
  4. Surprisingly, without a head, a cockroach can live for another 2 weeks!
  5. In Taiwan, scientists have developed dishes made from wheat. Therefore, after eating the main course, you can safely eat the plate.
  6. In order for a tanker loaded with oil to come to a complete stop, it must brake for 20 minutes.
  7. With its half-meter tongue, it can clean its own ears.
  8. A giraffe can live without water longer than .
  9. A person busy with any activity loses about 4 liters of fluid per day.
  10. Interestingly, the weight of the smallest bird is less than a coin (see).
  11. 95% consist of . This is why they are so transparent.
  12. And this is a very interesting fact. A jet plane has to use 4000 liters of fuel to take off!
  13. The record holder is Charles Osborne, who suffered from this disease for about 6 years.
  14. An interesting fact is that a mole is able to dig a 9 m long tunnel in just one night.
  15. A funny incident happened in Indiana: authorities arrested him for smoking in a public place.
  16. According to scientific research, they can experience orgasm within 30 minutes.
  17. The law allows women to divorce their spouses if they refuse to give them money.
  18. An interesting fact is that sharks are the only animals that can blink with both eyes.
  19. so sensitive to the presence in water that they can detect one gram in 100 thousand liters.
  20. When a skunk senses danger to its life, it can spread a stinking odor within a radius of 10 m. Perhaps this is the most unpleasant-smelling animal.
  21. In 1845, a very interesting law was adopted. According to him, a person attempting to commit suicide would face hanging.
  22. An interesting fact is that 25% of Los Angeles is occupied by vehicles.
  23. slept on stone pillows. I just wonder why?
  24. It is believed that the average person laughs 15 times a day.
  25. Iguanas can swim underwater for half an hour.
  26. It's funny, but his eye is larger than his brain.
  27. Among animals, only armadillos suffer from leprosy.
  28. Armadillos always have only 4 children, and all of them are born of only one sex.
  29. Did you know that babies are born without kneecaps? They are formed only 2 years after birth.
  30. If a Barbie doll were 175 cm tall, then her proportions would be as follows: 39-23-33 cm; despite the fact that the generally accepted ideal is the ratio 90-60-90.
  31. When bats fly out of caves, they always turn left.
  32. In the tiny state of Nauru, the main export product is poultry manure.
  33. Chewing gum contains rubber.
  34. Camel milk does not sour or curdle.
  35. can make about 100 different sounds, and no more than 10.
  36. Every year, people buy food for dogs and cats totaling $7 billion. This is one of the most interesting facts.
  37. Did you know that people always sleep with one eye open?
  38. A duel is officially permitted, provided that both duelists are blood donors.
  39. The most famous scientist of the 20th century could not speak clearly until he was 9 years old.
  40. Before sitting down to compose his compositions, he dipped his head in ice water.
  41. Giraffes do not have vocal cords.
  42. Incredibly, hair grows before your eyes!
  43. According to the law, a student can end up in prison for cheating on exams.
  44. Half of Kentuckians who marry for the first time are teenagers.
  45. Due to the lack of gravity, astronauts are physically unable to cry. The most interesting thing is that the need for this still arises periodically even in .
  46. You can buy wigs for dogs.
  47. Once upon a time, the law prohibited citizens from keeping dogs.
  48. There was a time when residents were prohibited from slamming car doors.
  49. In Kansas, people are prohibited from fishing with their bare hands.
  50. It has been scientifically proven that a person cannot sneeze with his eyes open. Although many probably continue to check this statement.
  51. When Kotex began, it produced bandages, not personal care products.
  52. The Great One is the creator of scissors.
  53. Every second, 100 lightning strikes can be seen in the world. The most interesting thing is that they are not amenable to statistics, since their nature has not yet been studied.
  54. In fact, banknotes are not made of paper, as many people believe, but of cotton. That's why they don't spoil for so long. By the way, .
  55. An interesting fact is that more people die in donkey riding than in plane crashes. We have already talked about.
  56. Out of two billion people, only one manages to live to be 116 years old.
  57. U have.
  58. Scientists have long noticed that they produce much more milk when classical music is played.
  59. Did you know that most of the dust in homes comes from dead skin cells?
  60. Most lipsticks contain fish scales.
  61. Few people know that 25% of all human bones are in his legs. All the most interesting things about musculoskeletal system man we told.
  62. Only half of American citizens know that the sun is a star.
  63. have been the same size since birth. But the ears and nose grow until death.
  64. Dynamite contains peanut extract.
  65. Surprisingly, the clumsy ones can jump up to 2 m in height. By the way, read about and watch the most terrible footage of this ritual.
  66. If you give deer bananas, they will happily eat them.
  67. Scientists managed to prove an interesting fact. It turns out that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.
  68. Sigmund Freud was terrified of ferns.
  69. Slugs have four noses. This is probably someone who knows how to “breathe deeply”!
  70. Interestingly, a cat falling from the 20th floor is more likely to survive than if it fell from the 10th.
  71. It takes the average person 7 minutes to fall asleep.
  72. The author of the electric chair was a simple dentist. Still, there is something sadistic about them.
  73. Among all mammals, only elephants cannot jump. Pay attention - you will learn a lot of new things.
  74. Greens hear sounds thanks to holes located on their hind legs.
  75. One day, an employee of one enterprise, passing by the radar, noticed that the chocolate in his pocket had melted. Thanks to this ridiculous accident, the microwave oven was invented.
  76. Muhammad is the most common name on the planet.
  77. The Greek hymn consists of 158 verses, but it is very difficult to find those who know them by heart ().
  78. The penguin is the only bird that can swim, but cannot fly.
  79. The donkey's eyes are placed in such a way that all 4 legs are always in its field of vision.
  80. Among only the praying mantis can turn its head.
  81. The first bomb dropped during World War II killed only one elephant.
  82. The expression in chess “Checkmate” translated from Persian means “the king is dead.”
  83. There are approximately the same number of chickens on the planet as there are people.
  84. Tigers not only have striped fur, but also their skin itself.
  85. To free yourself from the jaws, you should “simply” press your fingers on his eyes. The most interesting thing is that you are unlikely to remember this fact if you fall into a crocodile’s mouth.
  86. They have this strange pathology where they are born with two heads. But the most interesting thing is that both heads of the mutant snake behave not like one animal, but like two: they fight for food, snatching prey from each other.
  87. All windmills rotate counterclockwise, and only in Ireland the opposite happens.
  88. A man's heart beats slower than a woman's.
  89. There are about 300 bones in a baby's body, but as they grow older, only 206 remain (more on that).
  90. The human heart beats about 100,000 times per day.
  91. Well, friends, this ends our list of the most interesting facts. Of course, much more could be written, but it is unlikely that anyone will even read these to the end.

    If you have read all 90 facts, write in the comments which one you found most interesting.

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We have selected very interesting short facts that you didn't know about:

— The first barcoded product was Wrigley's chewing gum.

— American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by reducing the number of olives in first class salads by one.

- To fall asleep, to a normal person it takes on average 7 minutes.

— A moth has no stomach.

— The easiest way to distinguish a vegetarian animal from a predator: predators have eyes located on the front of the muzzle to see the prey. Vegetarians have them on both sides of their heads to see the enemy.

— Chimpanzees are the only animals that can recognize themselves in the mirror.

— The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

— The city of Rome is on every continent.

— By 2080, the world's population will be about 15 billion people.

— There are no transparent windows in casinos. Decorative only.

— Dentists recommend keeping your toothbrush at a distance of at least two meters from the toilet.

— Michael Jordan makes money more money from advertising Nike sneakers than all the employees of this company in Malaysia.

— The violin consists of about 70 different wooden parts.

— There are 1,792 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

— Men's shirts have buttons on the right, women's shirts have buttons on the left.

— Dolphins and whales can swim and even cover considerable distances in their sleep. This is due to the fact that their brain hemispheres sleep in turns, and not simultaneously, like in humans.

— The Bible is the best-selling book in the world.

— Peter the Great’s height was approximately 213 cm.

- Only one person out of two billion can live to be 116 years old or older.

— Money is not made of paper, it is made of cotton.

— An ostrich's eye is larger than its brain.

— Mosquito repellents do not scare anyone away, they simply hide you from the mosquito senses.